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Friday, July 28, 2023

LISTEN UP Ukraine/Russia: Tulsi Gabbard's Wisdom is Relevant NOW! Why?

 After listening to this podcast, I was motivated to write a MISSIVE on the urgency of this message of Tulsi Gabbard and her experts. We are headed for a Nuclear War because we have weak and corrupt leaders who ignore the message of history. War can NEVER create progress in a world with Nuclear weapons. Destruction can not give us construction! Leaders must now seek compromise!

Today, I watched the movie Oppenheimer. It was a powerful message of what war does to the psyche of people. It wasn't until AFTER the bomb was dropped with hundreds of thousands killed that the moral message of this bomb was internalized. Today, the consequences of this BOMB over Japan has grown to a level where all 8 billion people on planet Earth are at RISK.

Today, we live some 78 years after these bombs were dropped on Japan. We now have a much more serious situation developing as Nuclear weapons have proliferated to some 20 nations on planet Earth. As I write the United States of America is funding Ukraine with billions of dollars and with a continuing supply of military hardware. The message of our leaders is to PUSH Putin to the point of dropping a Nuclear bomb.

The mindset of our leaders is INSANE as the tit for tat action (push) will lead to a Nuclear War. Russia can not allow its SECURITY to be challenged by NATO without a response. The message is clear to me. Action will lead to REACTION and then the entire planet is in danger of destruction. The mindset of our leaders is MIGHT makes RIGHT and this mindset can not lead to PEACE. It's pure INSANITY!

We need to challenge ALL our leaders with the message that NEGOTIATION is the only option. This needs to happen NOW and leaders who do not comprehend this message must be REJECTED. Biden must be rejected. Johnson and the British leaders need to be rejected. All leaders who desire to WIN a war by military means must be REJECTED. We the people must PUSH for PEACE by rejecting WAR.

Listen to the above video and think about the message. Is it now time to start NEGOTIATIONS on the issues of the Ukraine/Russian conflict? Is it time to REJECT the philosophy of Might makes Right? The issue is survival for the human race. We need to promote LEADERS who can discern the PROBLEM. Tulsi Gabbard has WISDOM. Those who desire NEGOTIATION have wisdom.

Reality is NOW. Think on this issue of NEGOTIATION and STOPPING the War over in the Ukraine. Let's promote LEADERS with wisdom and understanding. Pass this missive on to those who comprehend the need for NEGOTIATION. Reality is NOW! Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

If you haven't watched this movie, I ask that you take the time to watch. The message is relevant for today! The genie of destruction was released when America bombed Japan in 1945!


Saturday, July 22, 2023

A Scan of my BRAIN does not reveal my MOOD or VIEWPOINT! Why?

A scan of my brain or a map of my neuronal activity does NOT reveal what is contained 'within' my Consciousness. Neuronal activity does not reveal my mood (sadness/happiness/depression/elation). It also does not reveal my viewpoint on our economy, politics, religion, or philosophy. Scanning my brain activity merely reveals the brain correlates which are produced (within my brain) from prior conscious activity. Correlates can not appear when 'consciousness' is missing (a dead brain)!

It is useless to assume that my inner thinking and my subsequent behavior emerges from neuronal activity (my brain). The issue that our neuroscientist's need to comprehend is that it is my CONSCIOUSNESS which produces my neuronal activity and which is the SOURCE of my mood, my thinking, and my viewpoint. Without an understanding of consciousness the recommendations of neuroscientist's are meaningless.

Today's Wall Street Journal had a great article on these issues. It was entitled 'What a Brain Scan Misses'. The information was derived from a book by Erik Hoel, The World Behind the World.

The message is essentially that all the materialistic philosophy which science espouses about my BRAIN does not get to the crux of the issue. We need to comprehend this idea called 'consciousness'. It is my 'consciousness' which produces this missive. It is my 'consciousness' which produces the ideas which I express. It is my 'consciousness' which gives me a positive or negative emotion on issues of reality.

A BRAIN scan can not reveal any of the above. It merely reveals the brain correlates which produce brain activity (from my 'consciousness'). It is amazing that our neuroscientist's do not evaluate their own (personal) inner life. All they are doing (with a scan) is analyzing EXTRINSIC material derived from another person (say the personal brain correlates). Reality is based upon this idea which we call 'consciousness'. Isn't it time to THINK on this idea?

Consciousness is actually NOT within the human skin. Think on this! Consciousness is actually OUTSIDE my skin. It's 'separate' from my body/flesh/skin. We can envision 'consciousness' as a Halo above my head (brain). This Halo is non-physical and non-material. It has no 'substance' (matter). It is part of a GREATER consciousness which is 'spiritual' in nature. In reality, I am a 'spiritual' being (so are YOU)!

The above image reveals the 'nature' of my consciousness. It's separate from my body/brain. It acts to 'activate' my body/brain. My brain correlates show where activity resides within my brain but these correlates do not show details about my mood, viewpoint, or perspective on issues of reality. This image reveals that I live within TWO realms of reality (the material and the spiritual). I assume that you are similar to me.

My brain has no ability to create my mood or my viewpoint on issues of reality. In fact, my brain can not doing anything without being connected to my 'consciousness'. A mere (dead) brain is impotent without consciousness. The reality is that we live in TWO realms of reality. This can be called DUALISM. The Mind/Body problem is central to all reality. I live in TWO realms (continually/universally).  I assume you are similar to me. The general idea of DUALISM is that my 'consciousness' is fundamental to that which my body experiences.

Dualism reveals my mood and my viewpoint as located within a distinct/separate realm. Visualize the Halo image above. Those who hold a monistic view of reality assume that my body/brain is WHO I AM (as a person). In reality, I am much MORE than my body/brain. I am a thinking/aware/conscious human being...created by a Higher Power (the Potter). Jesus/Yeshua revealed these ideas during his brief life on our planet.

Yeshua revealed his consciousness as he prayed and related to his SOURCE (God the Father). This is an example of DUALISM. Dualism is reality to me in real-time (and I assume also to YOU). Whenever I visualize or think with virtual images, I am using a Dualistic Philosophy. My brain is totally impotent when it comes to a relationship with the spiritual world. I must elevate my 'consciousness' to create these images which then produce meaning!

Is it time for our neuroscientist's to start internalizing that which happens within themselves (the INTRINSIC self). We are now in the LAST DAYS of human history under this philosophy called Materialism. Materialism is DEAD. We actually LIVE within TWO realms of reality (not ONE). Matter is one realm and Mind is another realm. The MIND/BODY Problem is solved when we accept these TWO realms! Think for yourself on all these issues. Have a great DAY!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

BIG PICTURE: Technology derives from IDEAS, IDEAS derive from our Creator! So WHO rules this planet?

It seems obvious, to me, that IDEAS are key to our progress. But where do our IDEAS derive from? My view is that my BRAIN is not the origin. What is the origin? My sense is that it is our 'invisible' Creator God who provides key IDEAS to human beings (their consciousness). History shows that we all experience reality within our inner self. This inner self is actually part of the GREATER self (which encompasses our CREATOR). Amazing!

So history is a measure of what our Creator provides (when and where) as it is our IDEAS which determine our progress. Today, we have amazing technologies which seem to give us continuing progress. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is key to our Smart Phone which is now ubiquitous on this planet. I use my Smart Phone for my buying and selling, reading, podcasts, education. I use it for research and intelligence. I use it daily (24/7). It's an amazing technology.

But where did the IDEA for this new technology originate (derive from)? My sense is that it was a 'super/natural' idea which arrived in select MINDS (directly from our Creator). An IDEA then develops over time into this AMAZING technology which is changing our world system. We now live on a planet with some 8 billion people. Most use their Smart Phone for all their key daily experiences. A world wide internet has emerged in these last days. What an amazing technology this has been.

Did man get all this change from his BRAIN (a collection of chemicals/atoms/electrons)? My sense is that this is not reality. My BRAIN can not give me ONE 'idea'. Yes, it functions as my 'ideas' permeate my thinking (within my higher consciousness). Brain cells and neurons function and produce my five senses. But where does this sixth sense come from (ideas/words)? I can not experience anything without an IDEA or a WORD. My brain is useless if it is not 'activated' by my Higher Consciousness. So what is my Consciousness (in reality)?

I would suggest that my Consciousness is key to my life experiences and my behavior. I live WITHIN this 'invisible' space called my Consciousness. I suggest that you do likewise. An IDEA and/or a WORD derives from this SOURCE. All is 'invisible' to me/you but CENTRAL to our actions/behavior/thinking. I can not function (move) without an IDEA. The real SOURCE of our 'ideas' is our GREATER consciousness (our Greater MIND). Think on this! Where do new IDEAS derive from (ultimately)?

Technology drives our economy and our world political system. Without computers, electromagnetic signals, the internet, and our Smart Phone, where would we be as a world society? We need all these 'invisible' signals to send WORDS and IDEAS from me to you. But is there an ultimate SOURCE for these 'ideas' and 'words'? Is this SOURCE 'invisible' and beyond the material realm? My sense is absolutely! IDEAS and WORDS are key to all life experiences. The SOURCE is 'transcendental'! It's our CREATOR GOD! Who comprehends? Few to none!

We live in a confused/deceptive world where select leaders assume that THEY are God. Playing God is what I observe as I watch our political leaders attempt to create their realities on planet Earth. Playing God fools the masses who have not discerned their INNER self (consciousness). Playing God is possible as MOST humans do not discern their REAL inner realities within themselves. These inner realities are spiritual/invisible/foundational to all life experiences. But FEW comprehend! FEW discern! FEW understand! Where do our IDEAS derive from? It's a major question for those with THINKING ability!

Socrates (a great historical philosopher) said that we start life with a question and we end life with a question. This means that we do not KNOW anything absolutely/with certainty. God has designed reality so that we humans must live life with QUESTIONS (indefinitely/continually). Where do my/your IDEAS derive from is a core QUESTION to ponder. Where do WORDS derive from is another core QUESTION to ponder. I, as a philosopher, like these types of questions. I learn from thinking about them and by ASKING new questions!

My conclusion is that the Higher REALMS (all invisible) are key to our survival as human beings. These Higher REALMS live within my/your CONSCIOUSNESS (our spiritual mind). My/your BRAIN is totally impotent when it comes to these realities. A brain can function ONLY if 'activated'. But what 'activates' my brain/your brain? Think on this question. My sense is that Consciousness is KEY to a brain's activation. And Consciousness lives within a GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS called the 'spiritual' REALM! It's all amazing and beyond full comprehension!

Anyway, that is my viewpoint! Think for yourself to discern these questions! Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Does my brain originate my invisible ideas and words? What must happen for my brain to function? What activates my brain/your brain? Can we discern this question and get a possible answer?

Is it possible that my/your 'consciousness' activates my brain/your brain? What and where is 'consciousness'? We sense that consciousness is 'invisible' but what is it (in reality)?

Is our consciousness part of a GREATER consciousness? Could this be why many people seek a Higher Power as their SOURCE? A question to ponder!


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

House Oversight Testimony Reveals that all is Subjective (politically)! Is this our Reality?


The report of the whistle blowers to the House Oversight Committee revealed that there is clear evidence of serious corruption by Hunter Biden and Joe Biden on many issues of reality. Truth is obviously subjective and those who dislike the report of the two whistle blowers will spin the testimony so as the corruption is dismissed (for them).

Our government is obviously in serious decline and our leaders are totally polarized (politically). This will not change going forward as the corruption involves ALL the departments of government. Our Justice Department is biased (politically). This goes for our Central Intelligence Agency and our Federal Bureau of Investigations. All our justice departments are biased and political. Truth is not possible given our current situation.

The best we can expect going forward is a continuing decline in the effectiveness of our political institutions. I would suggest that America is now an Empire in serious Decline...which will continue going forward. All this means that our system is beyond salvation given our situation. When our economy crashes (coming) the American people will get serious about our situation. Until this happens the problems will be ignored by the majority.

People do not SEEK real truth as truth is mostly negative (for human beings). Few thinkers seek a negative outcome (truth). We all desire positive outcomes even as corruption is obvious to all of us (in real-time). Furthermore, truth can not be established with certainty as human beings are ‘subjective’ and our thinking is less than certain. I have a point-of-view on any given issues. I assume you also have a point-of-view. These viewpoints are subjective and less than absolute. We differ as we each see reality differently!

The crimes of the Biden family will never be fully agreed upon by those who seek their own subjective truth. Since ‘truth’ is subjective we must live with disagreement and uncertainty on all issues of morality, religion, science, and politics. ALL is subjective at the core of our being. The best I can do is to EXPRESS my own personal viewpoint. I submit that you must do likewise. We need to live with polarization, disagreement, and subjectivity going forward.

When our system collapses from all this subjectivity and corruption we can develop a NEW MODEL which is based upon realities which accept subjectivity, relativity, and uncertainty. The Kingdom Model is based upon the idea that reality is subjective. TRUTH is less than absolute (for human beings). Only GOD knows truth fully/absolutely. We humans are living with less than FULL truth. This means we all need to accept a contrarian point-of-view on all issues of reality. We need to accept disagreement on many issues of reality!

All I can do is to express MY own personal point-of-view on a given issue. Those who reject my view have a RIGHT to a contrary point-of-view. This is reality as we experience it in REAL-TIME. Human beings are subjective (in their thinking) and each person is LESS than fully certain on all issues of reality. We live with relativity and uncertainty (as a given). My listening to the above video supports my view than TRUTH is subjective, relative, and uncertain.

The above image reveals a human ‘truth’! We all see reality from a point-of-view! Our viewpoints are different! The testimony on issues of experience reveal the reality of different points-of-view!

This image reveals a truth which is obvious. We see reality uniquely and subjectively! We interpret reality from a subjective point-of-view!

Listen to the above video and ask yourself what is true and what is opinion. Who can discern absolute truth on any issue of experience. What I witness in real-time is subjectivity and uncertainty when comparing experiences of people. My personal family does not agree on many issues of science, religion, politics, or law. I find this as a reality with all my experiences with people. People spin their viewpoints to support their personal ideas on reality. Afterall, I must live with myself...you must live with yourself!

What we need is a SYSTEM where each person can express their viewpoint and still be accepted by another. This can only happen when the Kingdom Age arrives. God becomes our ABSOLUTE. God becomes our reference point for TRUTH. God is recognized as ‘transcendent’ and beyond the reach of any single person. This means that ‘truth’ is DISCOVERED as we live life… but never realized as an ABSOLUTE (in the NOW). Life continues as we discover realities and rediscover realities. Certainty and absolute truth are never experienced on planet Earth. That seems to be our situation.

Think for yourself as you discern what is real, certain, and absolute. I must do likewise. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, https://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

My HOPE: is to live with energy for 7 more years! 2030 is my GOAL! Why?

Antonio Gutteras of the U.N. will lead the coming Summit which then evolves into to our One World Governmental System! Biden has given his support!

The goal is a One World Governmental System!

A deceived President thinks that all this change will lead to freedom and liberty for the common man! In reality, this all leads to enslavement and world chaos! It's all totally contrary to the original principles upon which America was founded!

Biden and King Charles III are on the same page. Climate change is crucial to mankind's destiny on planet Earth! It's all total deception to me!

'Might makes Right' is the mindset of Joseph Robinette Biden! This mindset leads to the FINAL war for planet Earth!

It appears that God's timeline for the end-times will culminate around the year 2030. My hope is that I can live through this period in our history. I find that history is very meaningful even as events get more dire for our planet. My sense is that the Prophetic Calendar will culminate (mostly) in the year 2030. Why is this a key date for me? Let's review a few items which I find crucial:

1. Agenda 2030 is the goal of our United Nations as they attempt to create their ONE world governmental system for the planet. This September 18, will be another key date for the U.N., as they confirm their goal to create this ONE world system for the planet. A key meeting will  be held on September 18 to confirm the Agenda 2030 development goals for the planet. The timeline is meant to show that our elites (who rule over us) can accomplish their goal of a ONE world system for planet Earth. Their goal is 2030!

2. The other key event which is now emerging is this CBDC (central bank digital currency situation). This event brings us the MARK of the BEAST financial system (according to prophecy). This system is prophesied in Revelation 13 and I sense that it will happen this year and next. I would hope to be part of this change as I have written about this event for years. As an Economist/Philosopher, I sense that we are now NEAR the establishment of this BEAST financial system. 

3. The coming events on August 22, 2023, also are crucial to creating this end-time BEAST financial system. The American dollar could collapse (soon after this event is finalized) and FORCE the creation of the BEAST financial currency. This currency will be virtual/digital and it is KEY to creating this BEAST financial system and also the ONE world governmental system. The U.N. is also scheduling a final SUMMIT in September 2024 to confirm the progress towards this ONE world governmental system for our planet. The initial summit will be this September, 2023.

4. Prior to any major change in these world events our global economy must CRASH to some degree. Economics is key to change and to our survival as a species. People (generally) will follow the lead of those who CONTROL financial/economic decision making. We are living in a time period where CENTRALIZATION of decision making is occurring. This centralization is key to bringing on this CONTROL financial system for the planet. All this is happening NOW! Amazing!

5. The war situation over in the Ukraine area is also KEY to creating this coming ONE world governmental system. As I write, this war is far from any solution as both Russia and Ukraine desire to continue the killing and chaos. NATO wants a win for Ukraine and Russia needs a win to survive. The end point can not lead to any form of PEACE given the MINDSET of our decision makers. This, apparently, is part of the Prophetic picture (however) as WAR is what our history has been all about. MIGHT makes RIGHT is the mindset of our political leaders. We now have nearly 6,000 years of WAR and MIGHT as the ruling paradigm.

6. Events MUST get much more dire for real change to happen. Human nature can not change (collectively) given the status quo situation. Events must get so dire that survival is the core ISSUE (for everyone). This is precisely what is prophesied to happen and what I think will happen going forward. Events will get so DIRE that no human being could/will survive if the conditions continue (as is). Killing and military MIGHT will play itself out to the nth degree during these coming/final years of man's rule. War will grow in intensity and degree until mankind (collectively) says 'enough is enough'. This is when HUMAN nature changes!

7. We could see millions/billions killed in these final years of man's rule. The mindset of our leaders is this idea that MIGHT makes RIGHT (a false/deceptive mindset). Mankind has been a WARRIOR society since the days of Cain. Nearly 6,000 years of killing to gain POWER and CONTROL for the elites who rule over us. Look at history for the EVIDENCE. The various EMPIRES of history all reveal the mindset of our political leaders. It's MIGHT makes RIGHT (and this NEVER works). Action (might) creates Reaction (counter might). This continues until Human Nature changes (at the end of man's rule). Then the Kingdom Age commences!

The next seven years should be interesting and meaningful. My HOPE is that God will allow me to LIVE for the next seven years. I am now 80 years of age and this would mean my living to 87 years of age. Can I survive another seven years? Only God knows! Life is lived in the NOW and the NOW can change with the stroke of a computer key. Computers rule over this planet (financially) and computers will likely determine the final END to our financial/political system. AI (artificial intelligence) will give our computers more CONTROL over human decision making issues.

The next seven years are what I HOPE will end man's rule on this planet. The real problem for mankind is MAN'S rule over Man. It's been nearly 6,000 years of futility. We need our CREATOR to rule this planet...not Biden, Putin, Xi, Zelenskyy, or any other human person. Man's rule is always based upon MIGHT makes RIGHT. This mindset can not WIN. It's pure FOLLY and INSANITY. Think for yourself on all these issues of reality. The coming BRICS event on August 22 is key IMO. It could set in motion the coming Cashless world and then the MARK of the BEAST.  The Anti-Christ would then follow! Amazing history is about to unfold!

Virtual money and our Smart Phone can produce this coming MARK of the BEAST financial system. FedNow is only part of the issue. Removing all cash (paper money) from circulation is key to bringing us this CASHLESS world of digits and computer control mechanisms over mankind!

A cashless world allows a Centralized control system to monitor and manage the entire world economy. A few central bankers will rule over mankind!

Central Bankers will get their final opportunity to rule planet Earth! Money is their 'mantra'! Power is their mindset! Control is their worldview!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Monday, July 10, 2023

Financial Apocalypse is likely within WEEKS! Why?

Some 41 nations are now wanting a new global currency for trade purposes. This event is scheduled to happen at the coming BRICS conference  in South Africa, August 22. Russia and China are behind this new change and the many indebted nations with dollar debt support this global change. It is likely that the nations which become members of this new BRICS currency will be encouraged to DEFAULT on their dollar debt.

This new digital currency (let's say it is the Yuan) will be backed by gold (in some fashion). The current idea is to define the new currency in grains of gold (much like the prior exchange rate under the Bretton Woods system). Under this system $35 in dollars could command 1 ounce of gold (in exchange). This may not be allowed for the first year or so but the idea is to define the new currency unit in terms of gold.

Russian economists are behind the details for this new currency. The rouble is currently backed with gold (in some fashion) but the key to a real gold standard is to define the monetary unit and then allow convertibility into gold when a nation is dissatisfied with the management of the system. The prior Bretton Woods system collapsed because the USA mismanaged its economy (inflation) and France and Britain chose to exit their dollars held (as reserves) in exchange for gold. 

A new gold standard must be administered by a creditable institution which provides transparency on all issues of trade. My sense is that this New BRICS bank will be creditable. We are heading for a major Apocalypse in our financial system by the end of 2023. The August 22 date is crucial as we will get final information on what is being planned (and when the system will commence). Watch what happens as the dollar system will suffer greatly when confidence wanes (for the $) and this new currency emerges.

The big news in the USA is the FEDNOW system which starts later this month. This new settlement system will work for a time (maybe a couple of years). Some 57 banks are already part of the system. In time the FED will own every bank deposit system (in the nation) as the FED will act as the monitor and authority for all USA financial transactions. We could all be customers of the FED within a year or so. But can a FED coin (a CBDC) work in a world where BRICS nations use gold as backing?

Keep in mind that a CBDC is a virtual coin (monetary unit) which is created out of nothing and which has zero intrinsic value. It is essentially an 'imaginary' coin which gets created and distributed via our computer systems. It will most likely be REJECTED for international trade if the BRICS currency is actually backed and convertible into physical GOLD. Gold is NOT imaginary! A CBDC is imaginary (if unbacked)! Will the FED wake-up and make their CBDC convertible into silver or gold? As of today, they manipulate the $ with their master computers and their trading.

A Financial Apocalypse is on the horizon as the BRICS will force our American $$$$$$$ to implode (at some point). When will this implosion happen? It could be later this year or early next. I am watching the events with this BRICS currency as there are now some 41 nations which desire to be part of this new system. A nation like Argentina will likely DEFAULT on their dollar debts as they transition to this new BRICS currency. Many other small nations will do likewise!

All nations with unpayable dollar debts will be encouraged to default IMO. They can then join the BRICS system with a clean slate. The IMF and the FED will be impotent to stop this default situation. Russia hates the dollar as this gives the USA the ability to sanction their nation and also freeze $ deposits which the Russians hold in their $ accounts. Billions of Russian dollar deposits are  frozen by America. Biden and his cabal can do this as the dollar is digital/virtual. The current system is in the control of America and Swift. This will change with the new BRICS system.

We are obviously heading for a huge financial APOCALYPSE in the near future. The dollar is likely to IMPLODE at some point down the road. America is trying to manipulate the dollar with their computer control system but this will not WORK when the new BRICS system is installed. The dollar is heading for implosion at some point. My sense is prior to the end of 2023. Now is the time to get into some physical gold and/or silver (if you want protection with your savings). Buy now as the prices are SUPPRESSED (artificially). This will change once the new BRICS system is viable!

America is deeply in DEBT and we have been living on borrowed funds for decades. We have borrowed from the entire planet and our trade deficit shows the numbers. As I write our trade deficit is OVER $1 trillion (annually). America has borrowed and spent with borrowed $$$$$$ since we left the Bretton Woods system in 1971. Nixon closed the gold window and America borrowed additional trillions to buy commerce from the World. To date we have paid back ZERO. Borrow and Spend has been our MANTRA! Shame on America is my view!


Get psychologically aware of the situation and you will survive in the coming financial APOCALYPSE. We need a NEW SYSTEM for the planet...but this can not happen until people wake-up to our prior history. Change will eventually happen is my view.  We need to END all money from this planet. Smart Phone Apps can replace money. We need to think big and recognize that the END of an AGE is here. The Kingdom Age is what we need going forward. This can happen AFTER the coming APOCALYPSE!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Sunday, July 9, 2023

1st Person Consciousness supports Dualism! Materialism is dead if Consciousness is real!

This missive will be rather heavy and deep as I will cover some issues that are not mentioned by most thinkers or educators. Today, however, our worldview of 'materialism' is collapsing within both science and philosophy. This worldview, which advanced with the scientific revolution under Einstein's philosophy, is now being rejected by many thinkers within physics and within philosophy. Materialism does not explain this issue of 'consciousness'. My sense is that 'consciousness' is fundamental to all reality!

There are two core philosophies which I will explain in this missive:

1. Materialism

2. Dualism

Materialism assumes that our space/time universe is governed by signals (the electro-magnetic signals within our cosmos). When I communicate with another person on this planet it is the 'signals' which transfer my words to another person. I communicate using signals (as I am doing now) which travel at the speed of light (186,000 mps) to you the receiver. Time is a key concept within 'materialism' as it takes time to send my words around our planet (and/or to another receiver within our cosmos). Time and signals are key to materialism. This view of reality is changing!

Our thinkers in science and philosophy are now recognizing that communication can also be sent in a 'nonlocal' manner. Nonlocal realism is the term we use to represent a holistic and integrated worldview that displays the reality (hence realism) of a singular integrated, interconnected universal field of relationships.

What scientists and philosophers are discovering is that communication can be other than LOCAL (within the space/time paradigm). There is another realm which many thinkers are now discovering which is called ONENESS and/or CONSCIOUSNESS. Is 'consciousness' part of MATERIALISM or is it SEPARATE? The view of most is that 'consciousness' is NOT part of materialism. Consciousness has no MATTER or material substance to it!

Consciousness operates in a NONLOCAL environment (which is separate and distinct from space/time). This nonlocal environment operates without any SIGNALS (electromagnetic waves). This means that the speed of light is not relevant within this environment. Communication is 'instantaneous'! There is no limit or separation from sender to receiver (irrespective of distance). All happens 'instantaneously'. Time is irrelevant. Signals are irrelevant. Communication is instantaneous! 

1st person consciousness is viewed as part of a GREATER consciousness. This greater consciousness connects everyone to everyone. This produces a ONENESS mentality within us. The observer and the recipient are both interconnected within a ONENESS or whole. All this is separate and distinct from the realm of 'materialism' which operates totally within space/time (and with signals). The world of Einstein and Newton is now changing!

Dualism is a philosophy which fits with my/your 'consciousness'. Dualism proposes that I/You operate within TWO realms simultaneously. We recognize the 'material' realm and simultaneously the 'spiritual' realm. We operate in the LOCAL realm and the NONLOCAL realm. Within the NONLOCAL (spiritual) realm we can communicate with our CREATOR GOD.

Better yet, our God can operate within us (our consciousness) in real-time. A 'word' from this Creator (or an agent of the Creator) can arrive 'instantaneously' within our consciousness. Superdeterminism is the result of this reality. Freewill is eliminated. We become 'agents' of our SOURCE who operates with his 'WORD'. This produces a life which operates 'at effect'!

One WORD from our Creator can change events on this planet (as we all are interconnected to this Creator's consciousness). We are ALL part of the greater 'consciousness' of our SOURCE. All is 'interconnected' within this realm called 'consciousness'. Dual realities are revealed as we live our lives within these TWO realms (materialism and consciousness). One 'word' (from our Source) can change events on this planet suddenly. 

God's intervention can happen instantaneously and suddenly as his WORD can arrive in our NONLOCAL realm (our 1st person consciousness) suddenly (no time/distance hinders the result). An event like the collapse of our virtual financial system can be SUDDEN and without warning. We live with VIRTUAL currencies today for value transactions. Virtual currencies are inner currencies (part of our consciousness). They are NOT material or part of the LOCAL realm (called the space/time realm). Amazing!

I have been expecting an 'intervention' from this NONLOCAL source for some time. I now believe that this 'intervention' will arrive suddenly and without any prior WARNING soon. A 'word' from our greater SOURCE can arrive within our consciousness suddenly and immediately. There is no TIME within this nonlocal realm. There are NO signals within this nonlocal realm. All happens via the speed of 'spirit' (which is instantaneously).

If my perceptions are valid, then we could witness this spiritual intervention within our financial sector at some point soon. We live with VIRTUAL money units which are really non-material and non-physical. Consciousness is the SPACE where these virtual units reside. This allows our Creator God to intervene in our financial world suddenly and instantaneously. I sense that this intervention could happen prior to the END of 2023.

We live in TWO realms and most do not KNOW this reality. Most think that the Space/time realm (which uses signals) is absolute. I say this is not valid thinking. In reality there are TWO realms of reality. We can call them the LOCAL realm and the NONLOCAL realm. The local operates with signals and the nonlocal operates via the spirit. Amazing that so few comprehend these realities. Reality is DUAL. CONSCIOUSNESS IS FUNDAMENTAL to this concept of reality!

Prepare for some SUDDEN events in the near future. One WORD from our greater SOURCE could change our reality on this planet suddenly. We need to rethink this worldview called 'materialism' and recognize that 'dualism' is our REAL reality. Materialism has been the foundation of Western science for some 150 years. I say that it is NOW a dead science. DUALISM is what I perceive and recognize! Think for yourself on all these issues of reality!

Consciousness is what creates this nonlocal environment where communication can be instant. Time and distance is no hindrance within this nonlocal environment! Spirit is the essence. Matter is not relevant!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Let's Differentiate: The Historical Yeshua vs. The Glorified Yeshua!

In this missive I would like to differentiate the Historical (flesh/blood) Yeshua/Jesus with the Glorified Yeshua/Jesus (after his ascension). Few thinkers do this differentiation and this leads to much confusion and misunderstanding IMO. We need to think of this Jew as a real person who lived (historically) from around 4 B.C. to 33 A.D. (as a Torah believing Jew with a gospel message) and then also about his later role as a Glorified spirit person (who the Father glorified) and who many view as being alive in the spirit world today (right NOW). Many view this glorified person as residing at the right-hand side of his Father (per Revelation 5).

Let me give us some context on this issue with the following assumptions.

1. The assumptions derived during his flesh/blood days as he lived on our planet say from 4 B.C. to 33 A.D. I call this Yeshua's earthly ministry.

2. The assumptions we generally derive about this glorified person (being) after his physical death (at Golgotha) and his ascension to the realm of the Father (say in the 3rd heaven above).

Let's start with the historical person (Jew) who lived and walked on planet earth for some 37 years:

The precise image of Yeshua is unknown to us as we do not have any real photos of this Jew during his lifetime. No camera's were available at this time in our history. We must assume that he looked much like any other Aramaic Jew that lived during this time period (4 B.C. to 33 A.D.). Today, pictures (images) of a blue eyed Caucasian is what I was shown during much of my church history in Minnesota. Later, I was given a more scientific image which science had devised based on a typical Jewish person from this time period. Above are two images which you can envision. 

This Jew was obviously born to real parents (let's assume Mary and Joseph) and he then was given his Aramaic name (Yeshua) at his circumcision ceremony when he was 8 days old (at the Temple facility in Jerusalem). Much later his name became Jesus (when scholars wrote about this person in the English language). His name evolved from an Aramaic name to a Greek name to a Latin name and then to our English name. Today, many have forgotten that his real name at birth was in the Aramaic language (i.e., Yeshua). Yeshua was the 'name' given to him on day 8 after his birth.

This flesh/blood Jew grew up mostly in a small village called Nazareth (some 100 miles north of Jerusalem). This small village was mostly a farming community (say 1,500 people) at the time of Yeshua. Today, this village is a city of some 78,000 people. Yeshua was born a Jew from the tribe of Judah and his parents dedicated him to the God of Israel during his childhood (some 40 days after his birth). This dedication was done at the Temple facility in Jerusalem. The God of Israel was the Torah God of Moses (also called Yahweh or the I AM God). In English we call this God by the name Father (some say Jehovah and some say Yahweh). This God is given some details when I read the words in Revelation 4.

Yeshua's God was the vocal point of Yeshua's belief system (so I assume). He learned about this Torah God at the Temple in Jerusalem from his peers. He studied about this God as he grew up in Nazareth. At the age of 12 he was likely given his bar mitzvah (this event was given to recognize a Jew who was now viewed as an adult in his mentality). Yeshua's history is sparse but we can assume that this Jew did get baptised (by his cousin, John) some time around 29 A.D. After this baptism event we can assume that Yeshua was part of John's ministry until John was beheaded by Herod Antipas (say in 29 or 30 A.D.).

After the death of his cousin, John, I assume that Yeshua started his own ministry. According to Mark this ministry centered on preaching the Kingdom of his God (Yahweh). This gospel or message was the cornerstone of Yeshua's ministry. He assumed that the Kingdom of Yahweh was arriving for planet Earth during his lifetime. He gathered some 70 disciples to help him with this ministry of promoting the coming Kingdom of God (Yahweh). All went according to his plan until he went to Jerusalem around 33 A.D. to confront his Jewish peers at the Sanhedrin. His peers were mostly the Scribes, Sadducees, and teachers of the Law who held particular authority over the teachings of Judaism.

When Yeshua confronted these authorities (in Jerusalem) his gospel/message was distorted and confused (so it seems) as these authorities thought Yeshua wanted to play God (Yahweh) and this idea was viewed as Blasphemy to these authorities. Yeshua tried to explain his ministry as a messenger of Yahweh (also called Messiah of God)...but this concept was interpreted (so it seems) as Yeshua wanting to call himself God (the God of Israel and the God of Moses). This was obviously NOT his real intent as he never claimed to be God while he ministered to his followers. He claimed to be SENT by God to give his message of the Kingdom of his God. God, to Yeshua, was the God of Israel!

Confusion, however, emerged among many of the elites and regular Jews...and the High Priest, apparently, thought that Yeshua was claiming to be God (the Jewish God who they viewed as their transcendent God). In reality, however, Yeshua was claiming to be Messiah of their God. Messiah means the 'anointed' one of God (not God). Confusion, however, was the scene at his trial.

This confusion over his beliefs led to him being turned over to the Romans for sedition (wanting to be the new KING of Israel in the flesh). This was anathema to the Romans (who did not want any new King/Authority) and this led to his Roman trial and eventual crucifixion at Golgotha. The END of Yeshua's ministry happened quickly when he went to Jerusalem to explain his beliefs to the Jewish authorities. But was this the END of his ministry and life experiences? What happened at the point of his physical death at Golgotha? This is what eventually created a new religion!

The second life of Yeshua (as a glorified person) who ascended to his God (Yahweh) in the heavens after his physical death at Golgotha is crucial to comprehend:

The story of Yeshua did not end with his physical death at Golgotha. What apparently happened is that this Jew was 'glorified' (made into a virtual being) at the point of his death at Golgotha. His God (the Father) chose to 'glorify' this Messiah (Christ) person. This virtual Yeshua then could 'appear' to select believers (mentally) and this led to the idea that this Jew was still ALIVE after his physical death experience. Select believers SAW (in their consciousness) some type of image of this dead (virtual) person. This led to believers thinking that this Jew was divine in some form and that he was given a new role next to his God (Yahweh/Father) in the third heaven. A virtual space which we can experience within our consciousness.

The select few who had visions and inner virtual images of this prior flesh/blood Jew grew (in number) over time into a Church community of new believers. The big change occurred when this Jew, called Saul of Tarsus, had his vision experience (some 2-3 years after the death of the flesh/blood Yeshua). This vision experience (seeing) of Saul (he changed his name to Paul later) created a new group of believers (mostly Gentiles) who then grew into a huge Church community by the time of Constantine (say 325 A.D.). Constantine (a Roman Emperor) desired to convert to Christianity (this new belief system started by Paul) as he was given his own mental images that led to his various military accomplishments. Amazing that these virtual (mental) experiences were so powerful!

Constantine then held a conference called the Nicene Council in 325 A.D. which led to Yeshua (now glorified in a virtual heaven) as being part of a Divine Godhead. Yeshua (now glorified in heaven) was exalted to God Almighty...an equal with Yahweh (the God of Israel). This later was concocted into a doctrine called the Trinity (three god persons). By 451 A.D. this Jew from Nazareth (now living in a virtual heaven) was given the reality of being both God and Man (simultaneously...while living on Earth) under the concept called the Hypostatic Union (two natures). Yeshua was assumed to have two natures while living on Earth in the flesh. This doctrine was developed retroactively. 

Today, we live with a Church Age that has existed for nearly 2,000 years and which is now in apostate status. The glorified Yeshua/Jesus (after Golgotha) has resulted in the creation of some 3,000 (or more) denominations (belief systems) within this religion called Christianity. Today, many think that this Church Age of Christianity is scheduled to end with a BANG. A coming tribulation period is prophesied to happen (soon) as this Church Age ends on planet Earth. Many assume that this 'glorified' Jew (now in heaven) will return to planet Earth (in a physical form) and then set up his Kingdom on planet Earth. His assistants will be those who get raptured and then return at Armageddon to administer governance over planet Earth.

Believers (in the millions) are now expecting (first) a bodily rapture into the clouds above and then a return to Earth (some seven years later) with this 'glorified' Yeshua/Jesus so they can RULE this planet under the auspices of their Lord/God (namely Jesus of Nazareth). All those who do not get this rapture experience will be killed and/or will suffer greatly during the coming Great Tribulation (also called Jacobs Trouble). The end of the Church Age happens simultaneously with this rapture event. Is any of this valid philosophy?

The coming CBDC (digital currency) will create this 'mark of the beast' economy (so say many) and this will eventually create more war and destruction on this planet. A world leader will eventually arise who will attempt to solve all these political and economic problems. This will fail (eventually) and then the end will arrive with the return of this 'glorified' King (Jesus) who will land on planet Earth (near Mount Zion) and set up his Millennial rule (with his prior raptured saints assisting him with governing the planet). He is expected to arrive in the EAST via the clouds of heaven and with the Trump of God Almighty!

The second coming is what prophesy experts are touting. The glorified Yeshua will arrive on planet Earth (use your imagination) and then set up a new Kingdom Age for his believers. That seems to be the scenario that many are presenting on today's internet. Is any of this reality or is it fantasy? Think for yourself! Prophesy preachers are convinced that this scenario (or similar) is valid and real!

A new Kingdom Age will arrive on planet Earth and a new Messiah will announce that 'all swords will be hammered into plow shares and all spears will be hammered into pruning hooks...and mankind will learn war no more. Permanent peace will arrive for a period of 1,000 years (called the Millennium). The mindset of thinkers (scholars) is not consistent on all these coming events. We have many 'interpretations' and preaching scenarios on all these speculations. But some type of change is coming (so it seems) and it may be wise for everyone to start thinking about what type of change is coming. Are we at the END of an AGE? What is coming after the BIG change (now emerging)?

My sense is that some BIG change will happen eventually. Details are unknown. All I can do is speculate and watch as events happen. Having a narrative does help with my thinking. I can alter this scenario as I watch events happen in real-time. Have a great day! Times are interesting!

Think on this as you do your own research. I must do likewise. I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com.
