Understanding Economics and Money

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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Gorbachev, Reagan, Putin, Biden, then the Kingdom!


The death of Mikhail Gorbachev can give us some understanding about World Conditions and where events are going. Mikhail was loved by many Americans as he promoted Glasnost (free thought). His core philosophy (a new democracy for Russia) was not realized due to lack of consensus but I find his thinking very meaningful. What did Mikhail do for our World System:

1. Mikhail brought down the Empire called the Soviet Union. He changed his people (some) to think openly about alternatives to the Communist Governmental System. His policy of 'perestroika' and 'glasnost' was meaningful for those who desired change.

2. His policies led to the collapse of his Empire (the prior Soviet Union) and it also led to the USA becoming the sole Super-Power for the planet. All this happened after his resignation from power in 1991. Mikhail was a great thinker and I read many of his articles during the Reagan/Gorbachev era.

3. Our World Situation today has not improved because the mindset of Reagan and Gorbachev was much to limited and it lacked a real spiritual understanding of our universe. Some say Mikhail was an atheist who gradually changed to a God believer after 1991. I think this might be valid even as Mikhail never made his beliefs CLEAR to the public. He was probably an atheist until after 2008...when he expressed belief in God.

4. Mikhail wanted to end NATO and expand the European arena to include all of Europe (including Russia). Unfortunately, the West did not agree with Mikhail and this led to NATO expansion (contrary to the wishes of Gorbachev) with new pressures on Russia to conform to the Agenda of NATO and the WEST. This mindset is now called a philosophy where the West becomes dominate and the EAST becomes accommodating to this new UNI-POLAR world of the WEST. In 2015 this led to the Agenda 2030 program with the United Nations. Agenda 2030 became official world policy on January 1, 2016. 

5. Mikhail Gorbachev wanted a new democracy for his people, Russia, and all this crumbled when he resigned from office in 1991. Today, we have Vladimir Putin in charge of Russia and this leader has a new mindset different from that of Mikhail Gorbachev. Putin wants a Multi-Polar world system with Russia, China, India, and others operating as independent entities along with those of the WEST (America, Western Europe, etc.). His foreign policy philosopher is Alexander Dugin (whose daughter was recently assassinated)...some say by the Ukrainians, and Dugin's mindset hates the philosophy of the WEST. Alexander and Vladimir now want a NEW RUSSIA. It's called Eurasianism (a multi-polar world concept).

6. Ronald Reagan had a philosophy that Government was THE PROBLEM. I agreed with this mindset of Ronald Reagan. I think Mikhail and Ronald were on the same page with regard to the danger of dictatorial governments. Both wanted democracy for the world but they did not fully understand the consequences of democracy. In reality, democracy does not bring us Glasnost (free thought). Democracy brings us MOB RULE. Today, we have MOBS ruling the planet and America is an example of all this polarization.

7. What Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan missed in the 1980's and 1990's was the idea of the KINGDOM of our CREATOR God. Both were believers (to a degree) in a Creator God but they did not fully internalize the core spiritual concepts. They recognized that RELIGION was a problem for the planet but they did not expand their thinking to the concept of the KINGDOM of GOD. The Kingdom of God excludes RELIGION. God, our CREATOR, becomes the RULER over our universe/planet.

8. The missing link in the thinking of Reagan and Gorbachev was the KINGDOM principles. Yes, we have a CREATOR that produced this planet, our universe, and all the people. This Creator is our POTTER and SOVEREIGN. We are the CLAY. To bring the world freedom and justice we need to focus on the PRINCIPLES of our CREATOR. What are these core principles:

1. Principle #1 is that we need to DEED the planet back to its rightful Ruler/King. If this is done then all the people will recognize that our CREATOR is the real KING over this universe/planet Earth. Man will become an AGENT or SERVANT and then PEOPLE can become the focus of a NEW PHILOSOPHY.

2. Principle #2 is that PEOPLE must be central to a new philosophy for the planet. Today, MONEY is central. Our 'invented' money dominates and controls the decision-making of all governments. This item of the MIND (money) overrules the common sense of PEOPLE. People are made subservient to the INTERESTS of money, power, and the rulership of man. Freedom can not emerge given the NATURE of our current SYSTEM.

3. Principle #3 is that FREEDOM (for every individual) must be FIRST. By DEEDING the planet back to our CREATOR and making our CREATOR the KING over planet Earth, the PEOPLE become the new focus. As we eliminate MONEY from the system, we expand the idea that PEOPLE are central to our System. PEOPLE must replace money. The interests of each individual must be PRIMARY (not money).

4. As we DEED the planet back to our CREATOR, all resources become common for the world society. Our CREATOR actually owns all the resources now (gold, silver, oil, gas, coal, wheat, water, bread, milk, etc.). The goal under KINGDOM economics is to distribute all the resources fairly so that EVERYONE has prosperity and security. All this can happen under KINGDOM economics. The core concept will be DECENTRALIZATION. Thousands of decentralized villages, cities, will emerge. Each will administer their own territory (under a free system of decision-making). God will be KING!

5. The new technologies of automated production, robots, drones, and smart phones will be utilized to help with administration of all commerce. Buying and exchange will be via the Smart Phone Apps. All will be free of a MONEY system as the APP will serve as the TOOL to distribute all wealth (goods/services). Yes, the Smart Phone APP can work as the new money for the KINGDOM AGE. There will be no Central Banks to counterfeit, manipulate, and corrupt the economic system.

6. The Kingdom Age is what I sense as emerging (after our current system collapses from exhaustion). This collapse is now in process and it will continue until the PEOPLE recognize that we need a NEW MODEL for the planet. Education is KEY to understanding any NEW MODEL. What we lack today is WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING, KNOWLEDGE, and COMMON SENSE.

7. The KINGDOM AGE is emerging but we must experience the COLLAPSE of our current corrupt system FIRST. This is now in progress. Watch the markets as the collapse of our digital stock market is coming. This will SET the table for NEW THINKING. We need NEW thinking and this can not occur UNTIL the current system is destroyed. God will bring this to our reality. It's already STARTED IMO.

Have a great day and prepare for the KINGDOM AGE. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Amazing! The human MIND is Source of all Finance today! Why is this a Problem!

Few seem to notice the reality of virtual/digital money! For over 5,000 years mankind has had physical money (with substance/matter). Today, we have mostly (95%) virtual money which resides within the human MIND. What a change from prior history. Virtual money lives within my/your inner self (called the human MIND). Were you aware of this?

Look all around yourself (NOW). Where is a digital dollar, a digital euro, a digital krona, or a digital 'whatever'? Where is this unit of currency located? Can you discover the location within our observable universe? I can't! Amazing! All this digital finance (now ubiquitous) is located within my/your MIND. What is the human MIND? Where is the 'mind' located? Does the 'mind' have any substance/matter to it?

The human MIND is not understood IMO by most pundits. The reality is that the human MIND lives within the non-physical world of spirit. There is no substance/matter to my/your 'consciousness' (which is the Source of all our thinking). My MIND and your MIND is part of our 'consciousness'. What is our 'consciousness'? I would suggest that it is the non-physical/non-material part of us. The INNER self!

Our INNER self is actually where all our digital currencies RESIDE (today). We call this space by the name, 'Cyberspace'. But what is 'Cyberspace' in reality? It's actually part of our extended 'consciousness'. Look at your Smart Phone screen and ask yourself...where is 'Cyberspace'? Is it within my observable universe? Is it out in observable SPACE? Where is this space which we call 'Cyberspace'?

One definition of 'cyberspace' is: Cyberspace is the virtual computer world which operates over a notional environment of computer networks. 

Cyberspace is the space in which virtual information resides, the cable network through which that information is transmitted, plus the software which enables transmission. A synonym for 'Cyberspace' is Virtual Reality. What is a good definition of 'virtual'?

Virtual is a word which means: not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so. Software creates a 'virtual' environment' which we assume is equivalent to observable reality. But this is really a deception. A 'virtual' environment of 'dollars', 'euros', 'krona', 'pounds', etc. allows a human MIND to create these units (out-of-nothing). A Central Banker, like Jerome Powell, of our FED can merely THINK up cyber digits (call these units 'dollars') and then punch a computer key to create these units (of nothing) for the marketplace.

A Central Banker today can create 'trillions' of currency units by merely 'typing' NUMBERS (digits) into a computer ACCOUNT. Our FED's computer account is called the SOMA (System Open Market Account). As of today, some $8.8 trillion of cyber digits (called dollars) resides in this cyber space. How did these units get into this computer account? Jerome Powell and other Central Bankers create these VIRTUAL units from their MIND (their thinking). Is this legal or Constitutional? Do the citizens understand the nature of this counterfeiting operation within our FED? 

This so-called DIGITAL money which our Central Banks create should not be called MONEY. These units should be called 'units created from the human MIND'. The 'units' are really NOTHING! There is 'no' substance (matter) within these units (called dollars, yen, pounds, krona, euros, lira, pesos, etc.). The units are derived from the INNER self of a Central Banker who has control over a Central Computer System. Is this diabolic or what?

A current example of money (digits) created from the computer can be called QE (quantitative easing). See the videos at the end of this missive for what happens when QE is created. Is QE created by the actions of a few insiders at the Central Bank? Is this legal tender according to our Constitution? Has our court system adjudicated the 'nature' of these digital units which our Central Bank creates?

Give this missive some attention as we could witness the CRASH of a lifetime when traders discover the REAL 'nature' of these currencies. As of today, FEW seem to understand what is happening in real-time within our economic markets. Finance is not understood. Money is not understood. Virtual reality is not understood. My sense is that most will reject all these financial gimmicks when they understand what is happening. That is my viewpoint. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Videos to watch:

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Dollar STRENGTH is crushing world markets (including the U.S. market)! Why?

The U.S. Dollar is now much stronger than all other currencies on the market. The GAP is widening and emerging markets (like Turkey, Argentina, Vietnam) are getting crushed. The Fed policies of trying to curb INFLATION are causing emerging markets to collapse (as they must pay higher interest rates to survive). What the FED does affects all markets!

As I write the Nikkei index is down some 830 points and soon the Dow index will crash further. The Dow index crashed over 1,000 points on Friday. My sense is that this crash will continue as long as our FED chooses to elevate our interest rates. Will inflation eventually come down? Yes, but along with a lower inflation will come a crash in all world markets. The start is here NOW.

Housing is crashing as NEW construction is adding homes to the market but sales have mostly stopped. This means that the inventory of homes for sale will INCREASE and eventually this will produce DECLINING prices. All this will happen soon...with 2023 being DIRE for our Real Estate Markets. As our Real Estate Markets crash and burn so will our GENERAL economy. All is 'tied' together!

The Baltic Dry Index is now crashing and this means that our Supply Chain problem is not getting resolved. More supply of goods will create sales and gradually these lower prices will produce bankruptcies in many of our markets. Some supply situations could cause more INFLATION (say food and agriculture) but the general goods sectors could produce DEFLATION. We live with diabolic markets which make no sense.

The bubbles will stop when consumer SENTIMENT crashes. This is starting now in the housing sectors. At some point investors will abandon the risky assets (such as tech stocks) and choose SAFE HAVENS for their savings. This is likely to happen AFTER the housing crash...probably later this year. Housing will set off the FUSE for all markets as people understand housing better than other investments.

I have followed the real estate markets for over 50 years. A WEAK dollar helps to PUMP UP these markets. Today, our FED has chosen to give us a STRONG dollar. All this has emerged since our FED started to INCREASE interest rates. Higher interest rates affect all markets but especially the HOUSING sector. Today, the biggest issue is AFFORDABILITY. This affordability situation will cause the coming housing CRASH.

World markets are now interesting to watch. The policies of our FED (to spike up interest rates) is causing a widening GAP in all currencies (when compared to the dollar). The WEAK currencies will fail in 2022-2023. Currencies like the Argentine peso will continue to weaken and this will PRODUCE much higher INFLATION. Political problems will follow. Argentina could experience over 100% inflation in 2023.

The same could happen in Turkey. The Turkey lira has crashed and currently the inflation rate in Turkey is over 80%. It will get much worse IMO. Emerging market currencies will WEAKEN as the dollar gains strength from these HIGHER interest rates. All this change will produce a HUGE market crash for the global markets by the end of this year. It's all happening quickly as our markets are now interdependent. 

We live with DIGITAL money today (really FAKE money of one's imagination). FAKE money changes with the whims of CENTRAL BANK policy. Algorithms create our prices and algorithms create most trade. All this is possible as our currencies are now DIGITAL. What is a 'digital' currency? It's a FAKE currency within my MIND (and your MIND). It's 'nothing' physical and these currencies are VOLATILE (emotional).

Computers trade our markets and all our prices derive from computer trading. All this is UNSTABLE and eventually all will CRASH and BURN. It may be WISE to buy some silver coins and gold coins for the coming barter economy which is emerging. Silver (in coin form) is NOT digital. Gold (in coin form) is NOT digital. These items have SUBSTANCE and this makes them money when the other markets CRASH.

Think on these items to discern what is happening in real-time. Watch these digital markets change from moment to moment as our AUTHORITIES manipulate their algorithms to trade these markets. Who has all the FAKE money today? Think! Who has control over our computer monetary SYSTEM? We live with computer money and CONTROL is within our 'hidden' Central Banks. Amazing corruption! Have a great day.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Listen UP: How to End the Ukraine War!

 After six months of war in the Ukraine, I can discern that Russia must win this battle of Geo-politics. First of all, Russia's Security Interests are absolute. Russia can not allow political actors in the Ukraine to challenge their SECURITY as a Nation. This is not realistic. Ukraine politics must COMPROMISE and allow Russia's security interests to be met. This is a given if this WAR is to END!

Also, Ukraine needs to get realistic about their citizens and their future. The people of Ukraine are totally compatible with the Russian people (ethnically, socially, and historically). The cultures are inter-mixed and they have proven that they can survive as compatible citizens of ONE Federation. The Russian Federation should be their goal and they should abandon NATO and the U.S. Deep State philosophy of the USA.

NATO and the U.S. can exist without Ukraine. It is much more logical for Ukraine to join the Russian Federation and participate (with this entity) to make this association viable for their people. Some 30-40% of Ukrainians speak Russian. The Ukrainian language is similar to the Belarusian and this makes joining the Russian Federation logical and culturally reasonable. Belarus is next to Ukraine and the border is some 675 miles. As I write Belarus has joined with Putin to challenge the interests of Ukraine.

Ukraine borders Russia and this also makes it logical for Ukraine to join the Russian Federation of Nations. The border is some 1250 miles. The idea that Ukraine and Russia are not compatible is absurd. Zelensky is the problem as it is his mindset which is prohibiting a peace deal with Putin (as of today). Zelensky's idea that he and his Deep State military will win this war is absurd and it borders on insanity IMO.

Russia has a philosophy of desiring a Multi-polar world. This mindset is much more logical than that of Biden and his NATO group of thinkers. These group-think politicians desire a Uni-polar world with Russia disappearing from the scene (not reasonable). This is insanity and absurd thinking IMO. We need a Multi-polar world as citizens on this planet think differently and live differently. Biden and the West are trying to FORCE Russia, China, India, and others to join their group-think Uni-polar world so that the West can RULE the planet under the auspices of a Uni-polar (Centralized) System.

The Ukrainian people need to start thinking about their future as a people (living with Russia). It makes much more sense that Ukraine agree to join the Russian Federation of Nations and participate to make this Federation more democratic and oriented towards individual freedom. Yes, freedom is important for all people on this planet. But a war of destruction over these ideas can not move forward under a WAR mentality. Compromise and accommodation to issues of reality must come FIRST!

Russia is much to powerful to lose a war with Ukraine and it makes much more sense (to me) that COMPROMISE should start on the core issues of reality. Ukraine needs to stop its mantra of wanting to be part of Europe, NATO, and the USA. The U.S. and NATO do not NEED Ukraine for their security interests. NATO has some 34 nations to secure their needs and Ukraine is not needed for their survival. The USA certainly does not need Ukraine for their survival. This is absurd thinking!

What I witness is real-time is a WAR in Ukraine over issues which could be resolved peacefully if logic and common sense were applied to the issues. Ukraine can not win militarily over Russia and her agents (China, Belarus, Iran, etc.). It would be wise to accept the principle of neutrality for Ukraine (as a Nation) and/or joining the Russian Federation for their future security interests. Russia and Ukraine could work together for a more democratic Federation so that peace could be normal for all their people.

As I write, Ukraine seems like a PROXY nation for U.S., Europe, and NATO interests. Ukraine has lost some 25,000 fighters, some 6,000 civilians, and some 8,000 have been injured to date. This could multiply to 100,000 or more (tomorrow) if this war continues. Ukraine CAN not WIN this war (IMO). Russia has the means and the purpose to overcome any challenge that Ukraine initiates. This means that thousands of innocent Ukrainians will DIE if this war continues. Russian casualties are also growing and this is shameful behavior to continue this WAR as the end result could be Nuclear.

I say that NEW leadership is needed within Ukraine politics. Zelensky needs to go. His ideas are impossible to realize and his desire to WIN all the land back is ludicrous. Russia has control of the South and the East and the idea of Russia giving up Crimea is not going to happen. Zelensky is pursuing a strategy which can only END in bloodshed and death for the Ukrainian people. STOP the war now and adopt a NEW strategy where Ukraine joins with RUSSIA to promote a relationship of PEACE and PROSPERITY for the people.

Ukraine and Russia are compatible nations who must work together and change together. More freedom and individual prosperity could emerge if COMPROMISE where adopted by the Ukrainian leaders. The stumbling block today is Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky. His group think mindset borders on INSANITY IMO. Compromise could start if Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky choose a policy of abandoning USA, NATO, Europe politics (where Ukraine acts as a PROXY). What is needed is for Ukraine and Russia to work together as a TEAM (for the people of Russia and Ukraine). It's the PEOPLE who are losing under current POLICIES.

End the WAR with a compromise and then work for change so that the PEOPLE of Russia and Ukraine WIN. The leaders are currently the problem. Zelensky has a mindset which can NOT lead to a resolution. Putin has his Security needs which can not be compromised (given the state of our world as of today). Zelensky must adopt to this reality and request a compromise (similar to what I propose above). That is my input on this issue. Think for yourself on all these difficult issues.

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

DEBT Jubilee Coming by end of 2022! Biden's Student Jubilee SIGN!


Our SYSTEM is heading for a Debt Jubilee. The USA may be first then the entire planet. America could lead the way as Joseph Biden has unilaterally acted to cancel some $500 billion (half a trillion) of Student Debt. This unilateral decision of our Dictator, Mr. Biden, reveals our dire situation (politically). What are the DEBTS which challenge our system as of today:

1. Student Debt of some $1.7 trillion (can not be repaid). Biden has now chosen to cancel this Debt. Congress was not consulted and this reveals the nature of our System (we have a Mob Rule Dictatorship). 

2. Mortgage Debt is now $19 trillion and this debt will become the issue by the end of 2022. Real estate is in the biggest BUBBLE of all history and this bubble will start to  burst by the end of 2022. This will expose borrowers who are unable to pay their mortgages. The higher interest rates have set the fuse.

3. Commercial loan Debt is next as the Office Market is now revealing vacancies of 20%. As our Fed continues with higher interest rates to challenge INFLATION, this debt gets exposed as mostly unpayable for many owners who can not rent their space at the necessary rates to break-even.

4. Valuations will plummet as Higher Cap rates will reduce VALUES and force liquidations and bankruptcies in the commercial sector of our economy. All growth in commercial real estate is governed by Cap Rates. Higher Interest Rates cause Higher Cap rates and this LOWERS VALUE. Refinance becomes impossible and new construction slows to a crawl. 

5. Credit Card Debt is also in a bubble. The average holder owes over $7000. Soon this debt will grow beyond reason as people discover that their life style of spending can not continue at the current rate. Credit card debt will increase and defaults will grow. Again, the higher interest rates are part of the issue.

6. Government deficits will increase (Biden claims the opposite). As less revenue comes into the government accounts, spending will continue and deficits will grow. The current deficit is $1.5 trillion. We could witness double this number in 2023. With higher deficits, the National Debt grows simultaneously. We are now $30.7 trillion and counting. None of this DEBT can be repaid. It's impossible as spending is needed to survive. Our Fed can create these DIGITS (called dollars) with the click of a computer key. This allows government spending to continue even as foreign lenders (China, et al) will desire this to STOP.

7. The BUBBLE in our stock markets can be manipulated UP and UP even as the general production economy goes DOWN and DOWN. This diabolic situation allows our Fed (and the government policy makers) to cover-up some of their corrupt spending policies. We have a corrupt currency system which currently favors the U.S. and penalizes foreign nations (who must borrow in dollars to survive). All this is coming to an END in 2023 (IMO). A new Reserve Currency is now in the early stages and it is meant to replace the DOLLAR. It's called the BRICS currency system (Russia/China/India/Brazil, and South Africa).

Conclusion: Our economic system is scheduled for collapse sometime in 2022 or early 2023. The real estate situation and higher interest rates are the primary driver for this collapse. China is suffering as their growth continues to decline. Their real estate sector is also in DIRE straits. Japan is operating on counterfeit yen from their Central Bank (this will implode eventually). Europe is now suffering from inflation and stagnation. Russia is in a war with Ukraine and supply issues grow exponentially from this WAR!

Our World Economy  is heading for a DEBT JUBILEE at some point (it has already started with the Student Loan cancellations). Next will come the real estate collapse and then the personal debt bankruptcies and collapse. Government debt and their collapse will END the game of Keynesian Economics which started in the 1930's. Keynesian Economics is what started this DEBT bubble and John Maynard Keynes (who died in 1946) felt that this DEBT situation could continue indefinitely (debt allows governments to survive until it all ends with a JUBILEE when the collapse arrives). 

Get ready for the BIGGEST debt collapse in all history. It has STARTED with Biden's unilateral Student DEBT cancellation. Will he initiate a Mortgage Debt cancellation next? We live with Central Planning at the Highest Levels. Our FED and our President seem to RUN all our commerce (in the USA). It's totally DIABOLIC IMO. Central Banks are running all global commerce. None of this can last long-term. Think for yourself on all these issues. Pass this missive on to your friends.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Monday, August 22, 2022

The Assassination of Darya in Moscow was likely caused by Ukraine's Deep State! Consequences could follow!

My sense is that the killing of Darya Dugina (via a car bomb) was planned as she voiced the views of her father, Alexander Dugin. Darya voiced, on official Russian media, that the war within Ukraine was necessary so as to protect the Russian Federation from extinction. Darya was the 29 year old daughter of this Philosopher, Alexander Dugin, who has advocated that Russia must control Ukraine for their security needs.

Alexander Dugin is a political philosopher who has the support of Vladimir Putin IMO. Putin and Dugin both have a historical viewpoint which ties Ukraine to Russia. Without Ukraine being under Russian control the future of Russia would be compromised. Darya has been voicing her views of the official Russian media platforms expressing her view and support for the Ukraine war.

My sense is that some source within Ukraine has planted this car bomb which killed Darya. It is certainly possible that the bomb was meant for her father, Alexander, but it also could have been meant for either. Both were strong voices which support Vladimir's policies of war with Ukraine. What is the core doctrine which is behind all this killing over in Ukraine/Russia?

The core doctrine of Alexander is that Biden's and Obama's Deep State goal is for a UNI-POLAR world system...which Alexander thinks can not work. This concept of a UNI-POLAR world is what Putin, Dugin, and Darya think is anathema to the interests of Russia. Dugin has written a book on the issues of where Russia must go if it is to remain viable as a Nation. His view is that there must be a MULTI-POLAR world system. Putin also has voiced this viewpoint. 

The core ISSUE of the Ukraine War is over political philosophy. Russia wants a multi-polar world and the West wants a uni-polar world. Our United Nations also is promoting a uni-polar world system with their Agenda 2030 program. This Agenda was approved in 2015 (with the Pope's blessing) and it promotes a centralized (uni-polar) world system. Every Nation is suppose to accept this AGENDA and follow the rules promoted by this AGENDA. 

My sense is that the Ukraine War will be escalated in the next few days or weeks as Russia discovers the SOURCE of the car bomb which killed Darya Dugina. If the Deep State within Ukraine is this SOURCE, then we could witness a serious RESPONSE from the Russian military in the near future. I would not be surprised if a tactical nuclear bomb were dropped. The war situation over in the Ukraine seems to be escalating as I write. There is no sense of compromise emerging (so it seems)!

Personally, I sense that the war situation over in the Ukraine area is at logger heads (politically). Putin and Zelensky both desire to win this war...and this is not possible. This leads to escalation (a tit for tat) war which gets more DIRE for the world system (you and I). The mindset of our leaders will produce this escalation IMO. Biden wants more military aid for Ukraine. Putin must respond with more of his military might. Soon we could witness China entering the mix. Where is all this LEADING?

I can not see how these political conflicts can get resolved given the mindset of these leaders. I see no real compromise coming. Is WAR the only answer? History points to WAR as the FINAL response when leaders can not AGREE. It appears that this is our SITUATION today. Biden and his Deep State will continue with their mantra of a UNI-POLAR world. Putin and his Deep State will continue with their idea for a MULTI-POLAR world system. 

Compromise is not POSSIBLE given these opposing viewpoints. All this leads to more suffering, conflict, war, and destruction. I hope that a HIGHER SOURCE eventually intervenes. That is our only SOLUTION IMO. Think for yourself as you watch events happen in real-time. I will continue to update the issues as I follow these issues daily. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

America's REAL Purpose, Goal, Destiny: Bring FREEDOM to the World System!

 Let's rethink the REAL purpose, goal, destiny of America.
My sense is that the REAL God-given purpose for forming America was to BRING FREEDOM to the World System. This was our purpose/goal from the outset. Our Declaration of Independence outlined this goal with the words "all men/women are created equal". We are endowed by our Creator with these rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America had a goal/purpose from its founding (God given) to BRING the World FREEDOM. Is it time to reflect on this issue? America could still change its thinking so that this RESULT happens for the planet!

George Carlin brings us a view of reality which counters the official line on what is real. Personally, I think it is important to listen to counter viewpoints so as to discern what is real and meaningful. I listen to George so that I get counter thinking on this issue of FREEDOM. George uses language to challenge a person's viewpoint (not always proper). Those who desire truth, however, must listen to voices which oppose the official line of thinking. Listen and think on the words expressed by George!

My study of history leads me to the conclusion that America is deceived on its real mission...bringing the World System FREEDOM. American's think that this political philosophy called Democracy is what will bring the World FREEDOM. I say this is invalid thinking when we witness what really happens in REAL-TIME under political Democracy. In real-time, political Democracy brings us MOB RULE. Even Thomas Jefferson held this viewpoint. Some 50.1% rule and 49.9% oppose the rule.

What is MOB RULE? It's what we witness in America today. TWO polarized political parties with official AGENDA'S which oppose each other (on the core issues). The party in CONTROL imposes their polarized set of policies (on everyone). The opposite party tries to get this party OUT of CONTROL via the voting system. When the voters elect a new set of rulers, the opposite usually develops. One MOB runs the System until the next MOB can get in CONTROL (via corrupt voting policies). Is this reality in 2022?

I have witnessed this Charade for my entire life. I voted for Lyndon Johnson so that the war in Vietnam would not happen. When Johnson got elected he did the exact opposite of what he campaigned on. I ended up in this fruitless war called the Vietnam War. I then voted for Nixon in 1968, hoping that he would bring us some real freedom. Nixon, however, got  us into Watergate and then into a currency debacle with his closing of the Gold Window in August of 1971. All this voting was fruitless and led to more government slavery for me. Real Freedom never emerged!

George Carlin has some good points in his clash with the establishment on the above videos. His thinking reveals that MUCH of what we think on FREEDOM is really an ILLUSION (within our thinking). We live with ILLUSIONS as this temporarily helps us deal with our political issues. Today (2022) America is at war over in the Ukraine with Russia. War is now developing for the entire planet. Will American policies bring us FREEDOM and real Democracy in my lifetime? My sense is absolutely NO.

Real FREEDOM can not arrive with political decisions from men/women in POWER. All we get is more MOB RULE and more dependency on those in CONTROL of the System. This is on-going and will never change until we ALL start to THINK differently on the issues. Freedom can not come from man's political actions. Real Freedom must come from our CREATOR who works behind the scenes. Our CREATOR actually RULES this planet and when we TURN to this SOURCE then real FREEDOM comes.

As I write we have some 8 billion people on this planet. Some 30% view Christianity as reality (with Jesus as their God) and some 70% view reality differently (Jesus is NOT God). God can give us REAL Freedom but we need to start thinking about WHO is this God that rules this Planet. Is Jesus God? or Is the Father God? Who is the singularity who sits on the Throne and RULES this universe? Islam says that Jesus is NOT God. Judaism says similar. Both view God (not Jesus) as our Creator and Jesus as a prophet/prior human being. Let's ask another question!

Who did Jesus think he was when he lived on our planet? Did he report to a HIGHER SOURCE called the FATHER? Did he view his God as the historical God of Israel (HaShem, Yahweh, Father)? We all need to start thinking about WHO is GOD and WHO is our real CREATOR. Only this SOURCE can bring us real Freedom. Biden, Putin, Xi can not bring us FREEDOM. America, Russia, China can not bring us Freedom. Mob Rule (under political Democracy) can not bring us real Freedom.

America was founded upon the DREAM of FREEDOM for everyone on our planet. Our destiny was to bring the WORLD Freedom. This is not happening as I write. America is collapsing within and without. Our SYSTEM is now so corrupt that nothing can bring us back to a VISION of real Freedom. We need to CHANGE our thinking and REPENT (we need God the FATHER back on the Throne). Idolatry, as practiced within today's Christianity, will not bring us FREEDOM. We need our CREATOR.

Let's recognize our problems and start NEW thinking on issues of FREEDOM (for each and every person). George Carlin makes some relevant points in the videos above. Listen and then think for yourself to discern what is valid and what is invalid. America could still bring the WORLD its freedom. But our THINKING must change if this is to happen. That is my sense of our situation. Think for yourself on all these issues!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com and donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Are there Eventual Consequences for Bad Behavior?

 America has survived for some 247 years with no collapse as an Empire! Yes, America has experienced 'consequences' for its prior bad behavior (the Civil War is my example). But as a Nation which has lasted for some 247 years under ONE Constitutional System, this is exceptional. All that America has accomplished has been viewed as mostly positive with a few exceptions. I say this with the proviso of 'SO FAR'!

Today, however, I sense that America is in serious trouble as an Empire. Our bad behavior (politically/economically) is catching up with us. America has the Reserve Currency for the planet and this has allowed America to spend (with an open check book) to advance their interests. America has spent and spent and piled up Debt which can never be paid back. The consequences of this bad behavior has not been realized as of today. Our politicians have not internalized an end-point to their economic house of cards.

But is everything 'alright' as the song above suggests. Will all turn out roses in time? My sense is that this is not a sound view of reality. Bad behavior (politically/economically) will EVENTUALLY catch up with the perpetrators (is my assumption). The DAY OF RECKONING will arrive at some point. When I look at our economic situation today, I sense that this DAY is near. You can derive your own viewpoint by doing your own research.

A good website to start is: www.usdebtclock.org (type this website into Google to get the details).

A general historical time period for an EMPIRE is some 250 years (usually less). America is now at 247 years and counting. Many historians are sensing that our EMPIRE is collapsing in many areas. I sense the economic collapse as I follow these numbers religiously. Our EMPIRE can not continue with the mindset which I witness in Washington D.C. I sense that a DAY of reckoning must arrive at some point!

The mindset (of our politicians) is mostly the idea of KICKING the CAN DOWN the ROAD (that is our debt and deficits).  Biden has a NEW theory of money which he thinks is valid. It is called MMT (Modern Monetary Theory). The core doctrine is that a Nation with a Reserve Currency can not default or go bankrupt. Why? Because a Nation with a Reserve Currency can CREATE new digits into infinity (money today is a 'digit' in the computer). Digits can be 'typed' into the computer account with NO COST to the Reserve Currency Nation is the Mantra of MMT.

All this (to me) is fallacious thinking IMO. The idea of FUNNY MONEY (mere digits in the computer) as a System for exchanging VALUE has never been tested in all history. Can America merely buy products from other Nations indefinitely with 'digits' created out-of-nothing (the mind of a Central Banker creates these 'digits')? All this seems diabolical to me. 

Will our trading counterparties ACCEPT this mindset (of the Biden economic team...called MMT)? Can America merely buy and spend forever with mere 'digits' typed into a central computer account? Unlimited DEBT is the consequence! This is what is now happening in Washington D.C. See the numbers here: www.usdebtclock.org. Could this mindset lead to serious CONSEQUENCES (at some point)?

Listen to the song above and think about this idea that BAD behavior eventually does have CONSEQUENCES. My sense is that these 'consequences' are starting NOW. Is it time to THINK differently about economics and politics? I think so! A DAY of RECKONING will eventually ARRIVE for America. That is my PREMISE. Think for yourself on all these issues!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com and donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Friday, August 19, 2022

American's CONSUME much more than they PRODUCE! Is there a Solution?

Since America dropped gold as a discipline for regulating our economy, American's have consumed much more than they have produced. Our current TRADE DEFICIT is $1.211 trillion (the highest in all our history). What is happening is that America continues to import/consume and purchase excess goods with our favorite Reserve Currency (which never gets paid back to the lenders). 

We spend and spend and pay with DEBT which never gets paid back to the lenders (mostly China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Vietnam). We are favored because we control the Reserve Currency for the planet. This allows American's to CONSUME more than they PRODUCE. It's diabolical and destructive for our children and for those who must suffer poverty when total production is less than consumption (globally).

You can witness the diabolic situation here: www.usdebtclock.org.

Not only do Americans consume more than they produce but they spend much more than they earn. The current National Deficit is over $1.5 trillion. This number was in surplus under the Clinton administration but it is now at a record deficit under the Biden administration. America's National Debt gets increased as these deficits continue. Our National Debt is now over $30 trillion. Can it be paid back? I say Never!

Our planet is suffering from a LACK of leadership and a LACK of character as America sets a POOR example for the world society on issues of commerce. You can witness this lack of character here: www.usdebtclock.org. Nothing will improve until our LEADERS change their THINKING on issues of commerce. We need to NOTIFY the International Community that our situation is dire and that we need to CHANGE our thinking. But first we need to get informed on our SITUATION!

Problems do not disappear when we KICK the can down the road continually. Our money problems merely GROW over time and our global character gets revealed as DIABOLIC. America can not LEAD given our current SITUATION IMO. We need to REPENT (change our thinking) so that a NEW direction can emerge. The situation is now so DIRE that nothing will change if we continue to KICK the can down the road! Do your own research and discover what is our problem!

I have been writing about our situation for over a DECADE (since 2008). Those who understand our situation want NEW leaders with a NEW vision for our country. But so far, nothing has changed. Voting in new faces who do not CHANGE the situation will not work going forward. We need to CHANGE our thinking and focus on the NOW situation. Reality is a NOW situation and America needs to get into the NOW on issues of leadership and governance.

Take the time to witness what is happening in the NOW by understanding this website: www.usdebtclock.org. This website reveals the TRUTH on issues of commerce and economics. Our problem is LEADERSHIP and CHARACTER. That is my perspective for today! Have a great day and pass this missive on to those who desire CHANGE!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

A Single Concept which changed my VIEW of Reality!


ONE Concept…which changed my LIFE/Thinking!

AUGUST 18, 2022

Back in the 70’s I was searching for reality and also desiring responsibility for my decisions. My thinking, prior to my Out-of-body experience (1977), was that reality was a Past/Future situation. The model for my thinking was focused on the Past as a reality and the Future as a reality. I was ignoring the ‘present moment’ called the NOW. Why? probably because the NOW mindset was giving me ‘pain’ (mentally)!

I was living in the NOW but thinking with a Past/Future mindset. My education was in a public arena where the idea of a PAST was promoted as real and the idea of a FUTURE was promoted as real. So my thinking was centered upon this idea of PAST/FUTURE. I could imagine a ‘past’ and also a ‘future’. This was the model that I learned in school and it worked to a degree.

But in 1977 I had an Out-of-body experience which changed my thinking. I also read a book on psychology called ‘Playing the Game the New Way”, by Carl Frederick, which changed my thinking. Both my Out-of-body experience and this new psychology book helped me to THINK differently. The key concept which I was missing was the NOW…and the importance of thinking in the NOW!

After accepting the NOW as reality and dismissing the idea of a PAST/FUTURE, my thinking changed dramatically. I realized that the PAST is really a deception of the mind. There is actually NO PAST that I experience. All my experiences are experiences within the NOW. This helped me to ACCEPT the NOW as reality and dismiss this thinking called the PAST/FUTURE.

Gradually, I came to realize that reality is ALWAYS a NOW experience. My idea of a PAST is really nothing more than a NOW memory. I always live in the NOW so my memories a really NOW experiences. There is NO past that I experience. This also applies to the FUTURE. There is no FUTURE which I experience. All my experiences are NOW experiences. It is actually IMPOSSIBLE to escape the NOW.

My thinking was my problem as I had learned in school and with friends that reality was experienced with a past/future mentality. The past gives me a type of reality and then helps me change for the future. But all this thinking is really deceptive and illusionary (when understood). In reality, all my life experiences are happening in the NOW…and successive moments of NOW. There is NO past and NO future which I experience.

Many of you may also be avoiding this mentality called the NOW (as you focus on events from your past). This is understandable as our education has mostly promoted a past/future model. We look to a PAST as real and then we assume that a FUTURE is emerging. This mindset ignores what is really happening in the NOW. What helped me is to recognize that the NOW is what I experience. Give this missive some reflection at your leisure. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Three Concepts which could Revolutionize the World!

For this missive you will need to put on your THINKING CAP. I am asking that you THINK about the words which I write and try to interpret what I mean by these WORDS. My sense is that there are THREE key concepts which could revolutionize the World for the better if interpreted correctly. These three concepts  are the following:

1. Time

2. Value

3. Money

Our educators and most of my friends at the club house (well educated American's) do not seem to comprehend the meaning of the above three concepts. For example, my friend (Karl) thinks that the PAST is a reality and this leads him to believe that man (you and I) evolved from monkeys. Yes, the theory of Macro Evolution (the idea of most of our educators) is that you and I are a species which transitioned from a prior species (say the monkey) to a human being (over vast periods of TIME). All this happened as I (we) think of TIME as a Past/Future reality. 

Thinking of TIME with a mindset of PAST/FUTURE (which most people have been educated to accept) is KEY to this theory of Macro Evolution (also called Darwin's theory of Evolution). For example: I think of a monkey as a species which can transition to a human being (over time). I do this in my 'imagination'. Can you think (in your 'imagination') that a monkey can transition...over time...into yourself (a human being)? I can provide you with pictures to help you THINK in these terms.

Yes, most people have been educated to think of TIME as a reality (a 'thing') which flows from PAST to the FUTURE. TIME, to many, is a 'thing' which exists. But is this VALID when I (we) think of reality in the NOW? When I think of TIME I think of a NOW experience. Personally, I experience TIME in the NOW and all my so-called PAST and FUTURE images are really a NOW experience. There is really NO PAST for me when I live my life. I live my life as a NOW experience. I live in the NOW always. My memories are NOW experiences within my 'imagination'.

If the NOW is reality (for me/you) then this idea of a PAST (or a FUTURE) is NOT a reality. My PAST is really nothing more than a NOW memory. My FUTURE is a NOW imagination. In reality, there is NO real PAST and/or FUTURE (which I experience). Life, for me, is lived continually in the NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW! I never experience a PAST and/or a FUTURE (accept as a NOW memory/imagination). This idea of Macro Evolution (which many have bought into) is really based upon the idea that I live within a PAST/FUTURE paradyme.  But do I? I say NEVER. I always live in the NOW! NOW is always my reality!

When I think in the NOW, I never experience any Macro Evolution. I see you as a person in the NOW, Me as a person in the NOW. We live as person's continually and I see no MONKEYS transitioning into humans in the NOW. Monkey's are always monkey's. Human's are always human's. We do not transition from a lower level form to a higher level form. This is a non-reality for those of us who live in the NOW. This idea of Macro Evolution is INVALID when I think in the NOW. For me, the NOW is reality (always)!

Now let's think of this concept called 'VALUE'. Our commerce is based on the idea that items/products have 'VALUE'. An apple has 'value'. A banana has 'value. A car has 'value'. A house has 'value. Everything that we exchange is 'assumed' to have VALUE. Value is assumed to be real and tangible for each person as they shop at the store. Prices are applied to products on the assumption that VALUE is real. But is it?

What is VALUE (in reality)? Our educators have taught us that VALUE is real and that PRICES are a reflection of VALUE. We shop and exchange with the idea that VALUE is real. But is it? What is VALUE (in reality). I would suggest that VALUE is part of my 'imagination'. It's part of my inner self (consciousness). Value is a concept of my 'imagination'. This concept has no outer existence. Look all around for this concept. I can not find it. I don't think you can either. Why? Could it be that this concept is imaginary?

The idea that VALUE is real is actually a myth within our THINKING. Our economic teachers have given us the idea that VALUE is real and tangible. Economics has taught that VALUE is part of our reality. I say this is nonsense! In reality, VALUE is 'imaginary' and 'subjective'. It has NO outer existence. We apply this concept within our MIND as if it exists in reality. But, in reality, this concept is 'imaginary' (a fantasy of the human mind). There is no such 'thing' as VALUE in our daily reality (which is real/tangible). 

We all live in the NOW and in the NOW we imagine VALUE when we shop and exchange products. We imagine VALUE when we buy a car, a house, or a boat. It's all a part of our 'imaginary' THINKING.. We could eliminate this concept with a mere rejection of its validity. We could change all commerce if we eliminated this concept from our economic THINKING. Nothing (no products) has any intrinsic VALUE. In reality, VALUE was 'invented' due to 'scarcity' which is now a non-reality within our automated (robotic) production markets. There is no need for 'scarcity' in commerce (going forward).

The third concept which we need to understand is called MONEY. What is money (in reality)? Is this an 'invented' concept of our imagination? I think so! Money does not exist as a 'thing' within NATURE. There is no MONEY within our greater planet or our greater universe. Money is merely an IDEA (which we invented) for commerce. It evolved from the marketplace as people viewed it as relevant for exchange of products. Politicians, then adopted this concept to grow their RULE and AUTHORITY over the marketplace.

Money was a TOOL which we 'invented' from our imagination. Look all around yourself to discover that MONEY is nowhere and it has no existence (accept as a TOOL within our imaginary MIND). Man invented this concept (idea) and then we all accepted it as real and tangible. We looked at a paper note (or a coin) and viewed it as MONEY. Our educators and our politicians taught us to accept this concept as REAL. In reality, MONEY is nothing but a 'name', 'number', and a 'symbol' within our IMAGINATION. Money has NO existence in real-time!

Today's MONEY is digital. This means that it is virtual. This means that it is INNER. There is no outer reality to this concept. Look all around yourself. Where is your digital/virtual dollar? Can you find it? It's discovered as a 'unit' of the human MIND. It is actually 'invented' and therefore it is IMAGINARY. We could eliminate this diabolic concept with a mere political decision. We could then advance our commerce with a BETTER idea (the Smart Phone App).

Yes, today we could distribute all our our products via APPS. APPS could be used to buy and sell (any/all products). We could allocate and distribute our automated robotic products to consumers with the means of a Smart Phone App. In reality, all resources could be controlled by a collective authority who would allow distribution via Smart Phone Apps. Under KINGDOM ECONOMICS, this could happen and everyone would be happy, prosperous, and content.  A NEW society could be developed so that EVERYONE is wealthy and prosperous. All could happen IF we understood the above three concepts!

Yes, we could have a NEW World of commerce if we understood reality as described above. In reality, TIME is a Now experience. VALUE is an invented imagination (no longer needed). And MONEY is also an invented concept (no longer needed). A new world of commerce could EMERGE if we were educated on these THREE concepts. THINK on these ideas as our WORLD could advance to a new level if we all understood the REAL meaning of these concepts. 

Have a great day! We need to THINK differently if we desire meaningful CHANGE going forward! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Is REALITY the result of a SIMULATION? I say YES!


Many within Science are now saying that 'reality' is the result of a simulation. I have known this for years but I call this 'living at effect'. I live my life with the software which was given to me at birth. I suggest that you do similar. We all are living a 'simulation' but calling it 'freewill'.

In reality, there is NO freewill as our Creator has ultimate FREEWILL. You and I have secondary freewill which means that we can not create our OWN reality. We are living 'at effect' and most of us do not know this. Living 'at effect' is the same as living a 'simulation'.

A Higher Authority is in charge of my life, your life, and each person's life. Actually, all events are determined by a 'program' which creates the event(s). Today, we understand the concept of 'software'. Software is the result of a PROGRAMMER who creates and then controls the 'software'. I am a servant of this PROGRAMMER who controls my 'software'. Are you?

Both Science and Religion are now recognizing that mankind is living within a SIMULATION. We are not in CONTROL of our destiny and we never have been in control. Our so-called FREEWILL is really 'secondary' freewill which BOWS to the ultimate SIMULATOR (Higher Power).

Could we all be living the results of a SUPER COMPUTER in the heavens which controls all events on this planet? I think so! God, our Creator, has a much more powerful COMPUTER than we have. His COMPUTER runs the entire UNIVERSE. Is God 'intelligent' or what?

I say that our Creator is MUCH more 'intelligent' than you/I/science/religion or anyone else. Our Creator gives us a preview of what is actually RULING this universe. We now have our own computers which create much of our virtual reality on this planet. Our MONEY is now a 'simulation'. Our smart phones run via a 'simulation' (a prior program). Virtual reality is the result of a 'simulation'.

Yes, we all live 'at effect' and do not KNOW this (with a few exceptions). Few THINK on issues of ultimate REALITY. Personally, I SEEK ultimate REALITY daily. I desire to understand REALITY in the NOW. My perspective is now based upon the idea that our CREATOR rules this universe and our planet. Nothing happens which is not 'ordained' to happen. This seems axiomatic to me!

We are heading for Armageddon (this end point to the mystery of life). It is all happening without our input. Biden is a robot of this 'simulation'. Putin is a robot of this 'simulation'. Xi is a robot of this 'simulation'. I am a robot of this 'simulation'. You are a robot of this 'simulation'. But we deny this reality as it is not accepted by our 'official' educators. They promote FREEWILL to deceive and confuse us!

In reality, we have NO freewill (no 'ultimate' freewill). We have 'secondary' freewill which gives me/you the perspective that we rule over our destiny. All is a mirage when fully understood. We have NO ultimate freewill and we live within a 'simulation' (unknowingly). Psalms 139 describes our situation. All is determined from BIRTH to DEATH. This is our reality IMO.

We live as 'servants' and/or 'agents' of a Higher Authority. Our Declaration of Independence recognized this reality. Our Creator has given us all our reality. This means that our Creator will 'determine' what happens GOING FORWARD. Are we heading for an END POINT (called Armageddon)? My sense is absolutely! 

The END POINT is arriving on schedule. I can not change this outcome. You can not change this outcome. Science can not change this outcome. Religion can not change this outcome. We are living within a SIMULATION and many are now recognizing this reality. Think for yourself to discern!

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

What Happens at Point of Death? It's called Glorification!

When I die and my spirit passes from this body of flesh/blood, where do I go? My sense is that I live on but in a 'glorified' state. The word 'glorification' means that my spirit body continues to live. We call this 'passing' from death to life. I call this my 'glorification'.

Death is really a non-issue (for me) as my 'spirit' does not die. The part of me which I call my 'spirit' is eternal and it can not die. Today, the big issue within science is this idea called 'consciousness'. What is 'consciousness? Is it a physical chemical soup or some item of 'matter'? I would suggest, Neither.

My 'consciousness' is my inner spirit self which operates my body/brain in real-time. I call this 'activation' of my body/brain via my 'invisible' spirit self. I have always known that I am an eternal being. This is self-evident as I reflect upon my inner self (via a dream). I find the idea of 'matter' (the material realm) as less than convincing when it comes to reality. Yes, my body/brain is 'matter'. But my inner self is 'consciousness' (spirit).

Today, I witness thousands of American's dying from various causes daily. Bill Russell, my favorite Celtic basketball player, died recently. He was 88. Did Bill go into a grave to live with the insects? I don't think so! Bill's eternal 'spirit' was 'glorified' and this produced a New Spiritual Body for this person. He lives on in the spirit realm. The same situation will happen when I die (also when you die).

God, our Creator, is no respecter of person's. His actions do not favor one person over another. All of us are Clay from the viewpoint of our Creator. Our Creator is the Potter. His goal is to create a people who grow over time (time is eternal). Each of us will grow into a God Person over time. God is actually reproducing himself. All this takes time and for God 'time' is eternal. 

The plan of our Creator is to reproduce himself. Look at the huge universe which our Creator has created. Billions of galaxies are out in the universe for some purpose. Could one be for me (for you)? Could each of us be destined for a Creator role in this growing universe of ours? There must be a purpose for all these galaxies. The latest number is in the trillions!

Yes, the real purpose for me/you is much beyond our ken. I would suggest that each person was designed for a reason. Both good and evil are part of the bigger picture. We must experience both to grow into a Creator person. We have eternity to think on these things. The word for today is 'glorification'.

I get to be 'glorified' in a few years (I am now 80). You may discover your 'glorification' prior to me. All is meaningful as we are spiritual beings (at the core). What happens on this planet is temporal. Soon we get to be 'glorified' and then a New Role emerges for me (and you). It's all amazing stuff when we think deeply about reality. Life in the NOW is temporal and fleeting. Real life emerges upon our 'glorification'!

Enjoy your life in the NOW (for now). Soon we will meet again in our 'glorified' bodies. It all could happen suddenly as 'time' is not important when we leave this planet. Eternity is a reality for each and every person. God is no respecter of person's. All events have a purpose! That is my sense of reality. Think for yourself!

P.S. The above video should not be viewed as final theology. None of us KNOWS precisely how 'glorification' happens. My sense is that our Creator will 'glorify' each person at the point of death. Since our Creator is no respecter of person's, we could be surprised who enters this 'glorified' status. Religion likes to assert finality for a select group of believers. I would assert that ONLY our Creator really knows who/when a person is 'glorified'. My view is that everyone is a candidates for 'glorification'. Why? God is Potter and we are Clay. I did not choose my birth or my life on this planet. As we learned earlier, ALL IS DETERMINED!

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com


Monday, August 1, 2022

From Birth to Death ALL is Determined! What does this MEAN?

What does this reality MEAN for each of us? Should I REJOICE?

I have known that my birth was a miracle as I did not choose this event. I was born to parents which I did not choose. I was born in a venue that I did not choose. I was given ideas, talents, and looks which I did not choose. It appears that my destiny on this World Stage was pre-ordained (from day one). If this is TRUE for me, then it is also likely TRUE for you. What does all this mean?

Our Creator sets all events in motion with his decisions on the Throne. See Revelation 4. We humans live out the events which were predestined for each of us. We have no choice (to change this reality) as all that happens is beyond my/your control. As it says in Psalms 139, 'all my days were ordained for me before I lived even one day'! I am now nearly 80 years of age. My journey on this planet is soon over. But what does it all mean?

I would suggest that I have lived my life 'at effect' for these 80 years (mostly unknowingly). I started at birth with a set of inner programs which determined my behavior, talents, and culture. My parents did not choose me and neither did nature. God, our Creator, chose me to be the person I became. All was determined by my inner program (we could say the inner algorithm) which operates 'invisibly' within my being.

Yes, I have lived my life 'at effect' and it all ends in a few days/months/years. The 'sand' in my hour glass is running down and when it drops its last pebble, my journey on this World Stage ends. So what does all this MEAN for me and for you? I would suggest that we REJOICE as our Creator has determined every event (from birth to death). The POTTER created the Clay (me/you) and we act out our destiny during our lifetime. We act and then discover what it means!

When this life on planet earth ends, a new life begins (for me/you/everyone). The reality is that we are 'eternal' beings and ending life on planet Earth does not end life for a person. Life continues with a new program and a new destiny. Since our Creator is no 'respecter' of person's, this means that my new life creates a new beginning for my continuing journey. I would suggest that your situation is identical. We are both CLAY and our POTTER designed the program within each of us. A new program arrives when this present journey is over!

Life is meant to be a SOAP OPERA which none of us can completely figure out. We act as if we have 'freewill' but events prove that we have NO FREEWILL. I did not choose to be BORN and neither did you. I did not choose my 'ideas', talents, parents, culture...and neither did you. Yet this INNER program (this inner algorithm) determines all that happens in real-time. Amazing! We are living a SOAP OPERA and few discern this reality.

From birth to death all is determined! I live 'at effect'! You live 'at effect'. A new life begins when the present journey ends! Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!

Is it time to quit worrying about events on this planet? I think so! I can do nothing to change events. You can do nothing to change events. We live 'at effect' and this Soap Opera continues in real-time until our 'hour glass' drops its last pebble. That is the message of Albert Einstein and also King David (many others). I have adopted this message as MY REALITY. It all makes sense to me! Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.