Since America dropped gold as a discipline for regulating our economy, American's have consumed much more than they have produced. Our current TRADE DEFICIT is $1.211 trillion (the highest in all our history). What is happening is that America continues to import/consume and purchase excess goods with our favorite Reserve Currency (which never gets paid back to the lenders).
We spend and spend and pay with DEBT which never gets paid back to the lenders (mostly China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Vietnam). We are favored because we control the Reserve Currency for the planet. This allows American's to CONSUME more than they PRODUCE. It's diabolical and destructive for our children and for those who must suffer poverty when total production is less than consumption (globally).
You can witness the diabolic situation here:
Not only do Americans consume more than they produce but they spend much more than they earn. The current National Deficit is over $1.5 trillion. This number was in surplus under the Clinton administration but it is now at a record deficit under the Biden administration. America's National Debt gets increased as these deficits continue. Our National Debt is now over $30 trillion. Can it be paid back? I say Never!
Our planet is suffering from a LACK of leadership and a LACK of character as America sets a POOR example for the world society on issues of commerce. You can witness this lack of character here: Nothing will improve until our LEADERS change their THINKING on issues of commerce. We need to NOTIFY the International Community that our situation is dire and that we need to CHANGE our thinking. But first we need to get informed on our SITUATION!
Problems do not disappear when we KICK the can down the road continually. Our money problems merely GROW over time and our global character gets revealed as DIABOLIC. America can not LEAD given our current SITUATION IMO. We need to REPENT (change our thinking) so that a NEW direction can emerge. The situation is now so DIRE that nothing will change if we continue to KICK the can down the road! Do your own research and discover what is our problem!
I have been writing about our situation for over a DECADE (since 2008). Those who understand our situation want NEW leaders with a NEW vision for our country. But so far, nothing has changed. Voting in new faces who do not CHANGE the situation will not work going forward. We need to CHANGE our thinking and focus on the NOW situation. Reality is a NOW situation and America needs to get into the NOW on issues of leadership and governance.
Take the time to witness what is happening in the NOW by understanding this website: This website reveals the TRUTH on issues of commerce and economics. Our problem is LEADERSHIP and CHARACTER. That is my perspective for today! Have a great day and pass this missive on to those who desire CHANGE!
I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, Also,
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