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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Let's Talk 'Kingdom of God'! What is it? Who is KING?

Let's think back to the days of Yeshua around 33 A.D. This Jew received an 'anointing' at his baptism from the Creator of our universe. This 'anointing' resulted in a cosmic vision within the spirit of Yeshua that led him to his ministry. His ministry (after his trial with Satan) resulted in his desire to promote the 'Kingdom of his God'. The Gospel of Mark spells this out clearly as his desire and calling. Mark 1: 14.

"Now after John was arrested, Yeshua came into Galilee preaching the gospel of Yahweh (God), saying, the time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in this gospel."

The ministry of Yeshua centered on this idea called the 'Kingdom of God'. God rules this universe and all the events within this universe is the clear message. As Creator, it makes sense that God should rule over his creation and that the created (people) should submit to this Sovereign King (ruler).

What has happened, however, is that 'man' has ignored their Sovereign King and tried to rule this universe/planet independently of our Creator God. This has created contention/division/corruption and injustice. The message of King Yahweh is that he should rule over us and we should submit to this rule. If this is done, then peace, happiness, justice, and progress ensues. 

What is needed today is for 'man' (politicians) to step down from their rule and allow our Sovereign King to assume his role as RULER. What happens when 'man' rules over 'man'? Think on this! When Biden rules over America he must impose HIS limited will (and ideas) over the entire nation. This produces injustice, contention, corruption, and destruction.

We can witness these events in all the 'man' ruled venues on this planet. Can Putin rule Russia so that everyone has justice, growth, and progress? Can Xi rule China? Can Meloni rule Italy? Can Kristersson rule Sweden? Can Sunak rule Great Britain? What happens under a 'man' ruled system of government? We end up with mandated rules, laws, and regulations which fit the few and ignore the many.

Division and contention develops as people can not agree with the 'limited' mindset of a human politician. The entire planet gets divided as select dictators (man) tries to impose their 'limited' perspective on the many. Freedom is impossible under this type of 'man' ruled system. The 'individual' can not grow to his/her potential. Justice is selected/imposed by those who desire to mandate change via force.

Over time war and destruction develops as each government system fights over the resources and territory of the planet. MIGHT makes RIGHT becomes the philosophy of the 'rulers'. All this leads to continuing wars and rumors of wars. Gradually, the entire world society gets enslaved and controlled by a system which demands conformity to a limited vision of reality. The 'individual' suffers and freedom for everyone (each person) is impossible.

The ONLY system which gives the individual a role to play that is equal with every other individual is the Kingdom of God system. God rules over everyone (fairly) and his spirit allows for everyone to be treated as an equal with the other. Our POTTER understands the Clay and this produces positive benefits for the WHOLE. Our Creator should rule this planet and each created person should submit to this Sovereign.

Religion tries to bring us the Kingdom of God but this does not work as select individuals end up PLAYING GOD. Playing God is what I witness in today's 'man' driven system. Biden plays God for America. Putin plays God for Russia. Xi plays God for China. Each politician tries to rule but nothing works under a 'man' driven system. The answer is the KINGDOM of GOD! See Isaiah 2.

"Come, let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh God, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he (God) may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths. He (God) shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they (the nations) shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not life up sword against nation, neither shall they (the nations) learn war any more." 

Message: the Kingdom of God is our answer and this is the government which should be ruling over us. Biden should step down. Putin should step down. Xi should step down. Etc. Every ruler who is PLAYING GOD should step down. We have some 251 countries and territories on this planet. Each has a ruler who tries to govern over subjects. The result is mostly chaos and corruption in every venue.

What does our Creator God say: Ezekiel 37: 27. "My (Yahweh's) dwelling place shall be with the people and I (Yahweh) will be their God, and they (the people) shall be my people." Isaiah 12: 3. "Give thanks to Yahweh, call upon his name; make known his deeds among the nations, proclaim that his name is exalted." Isaiah 45: 12. "I (Yahweh) made the earth, and created man upon it; it was my (Yahweh's) hands that stretched out the heavens, and I (Yahweh) commanded all their host." Isaiah 45: 19. "I the LORD speak the truth, I (Yahweh) declare what is right. And there is no other God besides me, a righteous God and Savior; there is none besides me (Yahweh God)."

Conclusion: It appears to me that we have only ONE good option when it comes to government. We need our Creator to rule and man needs to act as 'servant'. The coming Kingdom of God is what this planet needs. Those with wisdom can discern this reality. Watch the coming elections over in the USA for evidence of what happens under a 'man' ruled system. In five days we can witness a new group of leaders who will desire to PLAY GOD for the nation. Will this bring us peace and happiness? Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

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