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Friday, December 30, 2022

Ukraine War is Ideological, Metaphysical, Spiritual! Why?

Two articles in today's Wall Street Journal gave me some history on the war situation over in the Ukraine. This war is mostly over political values and morality (says the WSJ) with territorial goals being secondary. Russia hates the values of the WEST and the Russian Orthodox Church is totally behind this war as they view it as a play on their morality and their spiritual heritage.

The Orthodox Church in Ukraine has the opposite point of view on this war situation. This shows the reality of a spiritual, metaphysical, ideological war at the core of this war. If I am right on this idea, then there is NO SOLUTION to this war without a new political model for both Nations. This model must address these spiritual/ideological issues at the core. The current ideological polarization between the WEST and the EAST is at the core of this war situation. We need to new leaders who can discern the core problem!

Russia has a set of political and moral values that they desire for their people. Ukraine has similar (but different). Russia views the expansion of NATO to their borders as a serious 'security' issue'. Ukraine views their nation as desiring democracy for the whole territory. Moral values are ignored as this war situation continues to grow. At some point Russia must try to win this war with more troops and destruction. Ukraine must do the opposite and try to win with destruction of Russia's political system.

The core moral values or each nation are temporarily being ignored and this means there is NO solution to this war as of now. We need NEW leaders who can discern the core problem. The problem is 'ideological', 'metaphysical', 'spiritual'. This type of problem must be addressed if any solution is to emerge down the road. This is unlikely to happen with Biden and Putin at loggerheads over their military issues. We need NEW leaders who understand the core PROBLEM.

My sense is that Russia will add to their mobilization and try to win the war on the ground. Ukraine will do the opposite as they try to counter this mobilization from Russia. This mindset leads to HUGE killing of innocent citizens and total destruction of the infrastructure within Ukraine (and also possibly within Russia). The mindset of Biden/Putin can not produce any real solution to this war situation. We need NEW leaders who THINK differently!

Biden and the WEST desire a Uni-polar world with ONE hierarchy in control of the planet. Putin and Xi and the EAST think differently. The EAST wants a Multi-polar world system. Neither of these options can work as the PROBLEM is ideological, metaphysical, spiritual. We need the KINGDOM of GOD as the final solution. Our Creator is behind both the Russian value system and the Ukraine value system. New thinking is needed so that a WIN/WIN outcome emerges. The current model is WIN/LOSE!

There is really only ONE solution to this Ukraine War situation. We need a world which bows to our CREATOR as KING over all POWER centers. Biden, Putin, Xi, and the others must step down from their POWER centers. Might makes Right is the goal of our political leaders. This mindset can not work given the core moral problem at the foundation of this war. We need NEW leaders who can discern the problem and deal with the problem. We the people must try to educate these political leaders on the REAL issue!

Prepare for a bigger mobilization on the Russian side in 2023 (that seems evident). We might see a similar attempt on the Ukrainian side (with the USA sending more military weapons to challenge Russian weapons). Neither of these options will SOLVE the war situation. It can only lead to MORE destruction and death. Until the core of the PROBLEM is understood nothing meaningful can happen. My sense is that the existing crop of leaders can do nothing POSITIVE to end this conflict. 

Think for yourself! I am preparing for more destruction on both sides going forward. This is a SAD commentary! We need to educate our political leaders so they DISCERN the real issues behind this war situation. Biden and Putin are mere PUPPETS who promote a FAILED model of thinking. Their model is MIGHT makes RIGHT! Shame on them is my response! Think for yourself on all these issues!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Testament TIMELINE (Est)! Valuable Info!

My timeline is derived from my study and research. There are alternative timelines to consider, however! Do your own research and this will help establish your own beliefs!

It's interesting to see a timeline so one can visualize history with specific dates. My personal timeline started at my birth and will end at my physical death. What happens to me AFTER death is beyond my ability to enunciate today. I do not fear my physical death, however, as I am convinced that LIFE continues as a NOW experience after one 'passes' from this veil of tears. I hope my view is valid!

Let's give a tentative TIMELINE of events which likely happened during and after the New Testament period. These details help me discern events and also that which is valid history.

1. A.D. 30 - 33: Yeshua likely died (say age 37). My sense is that he was immediately 'glorified' by his God, Yahweh, as his 'spirit' passed from his body. He was not bodily 'resurrected' IMO as many think but he was 'glorified' immediately at his 'passing' (his spirit became a new entity/body) and this allowed him to pass through MATTER (doors and building walls). This new 'glorified' body is different from the common view that his body was 'resurrected' (physically). Jews and thinkers in the first century did not view the 'spirit' (within a person) as a separate entity. This lack of understanding IMO produced this idea that 'breath' was life and the person was his/her BODY. Death was sleep of the BODY until a 'resurrection' occurred. In reality, 'breath' is not the same as CONSCIOUSNESS. Today, we understand that my inner self is my CONSCIOUSNESS (not my 'breath'). This spiritual substance (called 'consciousness') does NOT die when the body dies. Conclusion: I am NOT by body. I do not need a 'resurrection'. In reality, I am the inner 'spirit' which LIVES within my CONSCIOUSNESS (also called MIND). My worldview is based on this idea that DUALISM is reality. There are TWO realms of reality (the physical and the non-physical). Do we need a new understanding of reality today? I think so! Keep this idea in mind as you read below!

2. A.D. 49 - 62: Paul of Tarsus wrote his various letters to select churches which he Evangelized. His letters emerged from the ORAL testimony of believers plus his own experiences which he lived out. Paul did not know the historical Yeshua who lived from around 6 B.C. to 33 A.D. Paul developed his theology AFTER the death of Yeshua and his theology gradually won out over most alternatives to serve as the foundation of this NEW COVENANT church called the Roman Catholic Christian Church. Paul's writings established the foundation for this REPLACEMENT theology (which emerged after the destruction of the Temple of Yahweh in 70 A.D.). It was Paul and his followers who became influential and it was his various writings which formed the core of orthodox Christian Catholic theology. Today's Christian religion is mostly a religion derived from Paul's teachings. Even the so-called Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John) seem like writings which incorporated much of Paul's teachings and thinking. My view is that Paul started this idea that the Christian religion was a REPLACEMENT for traditional Judaism (a false doctrine IMO). Even the God of Israel was REPLACED with this Trinity concept and later the idea that Yeshua was EQUAL with the historical God of Israel (Yahweh). Then the 'incarnation' doctrine cemented this idea that Yeshua/Jesus was God Almighty in the flesh (another false doctrine IMO).

3. A.D. 70 + or -: The Gospel (writing) of Mark emerged on the scene. This theological writing was probably written by a Greek theologian/believer NOT the Mark who knew Yeshua during his lifetime. This writing is viewed by Scholars as 'anonymous' and the real author is UNKNOWN. My view is that the writer was NOT an eye witness of Yeshua's words. Oral testimony produced this Gospel IMO. Some is valid and some is invalid (made up). Discernment is required when reading this Gospel and/or any of the writings within this scripture called the New Testament. What is valid and what is made up is any readers judgment. Some words are 'inspired' and some are mere 'interpolations' (ideas of the writer which fit the writers prior beliefs).

4. A.D. 80 + or -:  The Gospel (writing) of Matthew emerged on the scene. Like Mark this writing had an author who desired to remain 'anonymous' (unknown). The writer was not an eye witness to the words of Yeshua and this gospel creates a birth narrative which is seriously questionable. The writer probably copied much of what was written in the Mark's Gospel and then the writer added more filler for the reader to digest. Discernment is required as some words are 'inspired' and many words could be made up and based upon the writers personal beliefs. Beware as you read any of the Gospels as words can be valid and also invalid.

5. A.D. 85 + or -:  The Gospel (writing) of Luke emerged on the scene. Again, this writing has no known author. The author is 'anonymous'. The HEADING shows the word LUKE but the author was most likely a Greek theologian who desired to use the LABEL (Luke) for his writing. This is similar to the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, and John. The real author is UNKNOWN. This means that the writer was likely NOT an eye witness to the actual WORDS spoken by the historical Yeshua. Oral testimony (in the marketplace) created the writer's beliefs and then this writing within our New Testament. Discernment is required as you read any of these Gospels. Also, the many TRANSLATIONS today confuse the issue further!

6. A.D. 90 + or -:  The Gospel of John emerged on the scene. Who was this writer? We do not know. It was likely a Greek speaking believer who used the LABEL (John) for this writing (Gospel). This writing tries to convey the theology that Yeshua was DEITY (in the flesh, chapter 1) and later in the writing (Chapter 10 and after) the idea that Yeshua was NOT DEITY is asserted. The Father becomes GREATER than Yeshua and all events of Yeshua were actually empowered by the Father (meaning the God of Israel/Yahweh). Yeshua could not be both DEITY and NOT DEITY at the same time? Yet, this Gospel writing seems to imply that this is reality. Beware the words in this writing as you read it from chapter to chapter. Spiritual discernment is required IMO.

7. A.D. 95 + or -:  The Gospel of Revelation emerged on the scene. This writing became the l ast writing within this scripture called the New Testament. The author was likely the Apostle John who did KNOW the historical Yeshua. This makes this writing especially valid in my belief system (worldview). This author had a VISION on the Island of Patmos (the Aegean Sea off today's nation Turkey). His VISION was written down in some 22 chapters. My sense is that this VISION has credibility as it likely came directly from Yahweh (via the glorified Yeshua via an angel). The words may not be totally valid as we do not have the original manuscript. My sense is that MUCH of this vision, however, is VALID theology and I base my view of GOD on these writings (plus others). Chapter 4 and 5 are especially interesting as these chapters envision Yahweh as our Creator (on the Throne). The glorified Yeshua is envisoned (separately) as having a role to play as the Lion of Judah. Yeshua gets to OPEN the various SEALS of Revelation 6. His role derives directly from Yahweh who sits on the THRONE. The Coming events which many of us think are happening NOW derive from this writing. Discernment, however, is required with ALL these writings. There are countless 'interpretations' of these writings (words) which vary from believer to believer. Much uncertainty is evident! Listen to alternative viewpoints and then derived your OWN viewpoint!

Conclusion: The New Testament was written AFTER the death of this 'anointed one' called Yeshua the Messiah. The historical Yeshua did not READ any of these writings. In fact, Yeshua wrote NOTHING in words that we have today. All we have are writings from unknown authors who probably recorded words from ORAL testimony...which changed from writer to writer over time. Many even are unsure of when Yeshua was born and when he died. My dates are my best estimates. Timelines do help us visualize events over time.

My sense is that the Gospel of Mark (Chapter 1) is our BEST evidence of the philosophy of Yeshua while living on this planet. His mindset was to promote the KINGDOM OF HIS GOD. His God was the historical God of Israel whom many called Yahweh during the lifetime of Yeshua. The TEMPLE of YAHWEH was still standing during his lifetime. He did prophecy, however, that this TEMPLE would be destroyed. Was he correct? The TEMPLE was eventually destroyed in 70 A.D. (via Titus and the Roman military). Later, Masada was also destroyed (73-74 A.D.). Then a REPLACEMENT theology emerged which became the Roman Christian Religion.

The writings of Paul of Tarsus (and his vision) became the CORE of this new 'replacement' religion. Today, many biblical scholars view all this with much skepticism. What happens over time is that people promote IDOLATRY over reality. Worshiping a human being (a created being) does smell like a form of IDOLATRY. Will the Christian Church and their theology crumble during these END TIMES? Many think so! The Church Age is destined to collapse as APOSTASY emerges. I sense this 'apostasy' today! What is your worldview? Think for yourself. The above is my viewpoint (as of today). Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

My Most Confident Economic PREDICTION for 2023! What is it?


My personal work background has been finance, economics, mortgage lending, and valuation of hard assets. I earned my MAI designation in 1974. This designation is difficult to earn and it signifies that I am an expert in finance, valuations, and real estate. 

Based on my 53 years of experience in finance and real estate, I can say with confidence that the coming REAL ESTATE CRASH will be historic. What I learned from prior real estate cycles is that when this cycle turns down, it signifies that the general economy will also turn down.

The two BIG downturns in real estate that were significant were the 1979-80 Savings and Loan Crash and then the 2009-2011 housing crash. These two events were major catastrophes for our general economy. As valuations go down, lending and growth also goes down. This happens quickly and it changes our economy quickly. We are now within the crash cycle again!

Some 30-35% of our economy is tied to mortgages, commercial real estate, and residential real estate. The key to valuations within this industry are: INTEREST RATES. Low interest rates produce HIGH valuations. High interest rates produce declines in valuations and potential crashes in the general economy.

Since early in 2022, the DEMAND for assets within real estate have turned DOWN. Cap Rates for commercial properties have increased (doubled). This change produces huge DECLINES in valuations. The Big issues in residential real estate is this concept called AFFORDABILITY. This concept is KEY to this industry. Affordability and interest rates are KEY to trends within this economic industry.

We are now at the point where I can PREDICT a huge coming crash in most areas of real estate in 2023. Commercial real estate is in trouble and residential real estate is also in trouble. Valuations are coming down quickly as the FED has increased our interest rates to nearly double +. This change produces valuation DECLINES over time. My sense is that the BIG declines are on the horizon.

Big cities like San Diego, Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Francisco, Chicago, Miami, etc. will soon become aware that PRICES have dropped significantly. I expect a 50% decline in most major areas by the summer of 2023 (say August). The ONLY salvation for this industry is a FED pivot to LOW interest rates (say 2% of lower). A panic pivot by the FED might delay this coming CRASH! Don't expect this, however!

I do not expect this to happen as INFLATION in other sectors of our economy continues unabated. Food inflation is continuing. Farm crop inflation is continuing. Energy inflation is continuing. Restaurant inflation is continuing. Overall, we could witness some DEFLATION in many sectors by mid-2023. Car prices will decline, House prices will decline. Lumber prices will decline. Many durable products (like furniture and appliances) will decline.

We should experience DEFLATION and INFLATION in 2023. The stronger trend will be deflation later in 2023. All this suggests that a huge economic CRASH is on the horizon. I have followed the real estate cycles for over 53 years. My best understanding is within this industry. But I do sense that the entire economic horizon is BLEAK. The war in the Ukraine is another issue of concern.

The war issues could produce more INFLATION and/or DEFLATION depending on what happens. I am hoping that some type of negotiation will happen soon. The war situation is producing a polarization within politics, economics, and philosophy. My sense is that a DUAL polar world is emerging. The WEST against the EAST. Russia, China, Iran, et al, against America, Europe, and the West.

All the distortions in our economy are now becoming transparent to discern. Our Central Planners are trying to prevent a big CRASH but my sense is that it is too LATE to stop this outcome. Digital markets produce quick changes in prices and valuations. Economics is based on this concept called VALUE. As valuations decline the entire economy declines (with a lag).

Prepare for a BIG CRASH in this real estate industry in 2023. The global economy should be somewhat stable until later in 2023 (say June/July/August). It takes time for valuations to affect the general markets. But the trend is now in motion for a HUGE decline later in 2023. That is my SINGLE most confident PREDICTION for 2023! Think for  yourself on all these issues!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Question for 2023: Is it time for a New Christmas Story! I think so! Why?

David Jeremiah (who's preaching is listened to by millions) is typical of Pastors within this Christian Evangelical Church system. He thinks Jesus (is he aware that his historical name was Yeshua) is God Almighty. God in the flesh (2nd person of a Trinity) is the mindset of most believers in Christendom. The Councils of Nicaea (325 A.D.) and Chalcedon (451 A.D.) produced this theology. Is it time for an UPDATE? Personally, I think so!

As a philosopher who desires REALITY ('now' reality) I must challenge DECEPTIONS of the mind which are less than valid IMO. The BIGGEST deception of these past 2,000 years IMO is this story in Luke which I have read every year during my brief lifetime. My mother started this reading (for my family) during my youth and my assumption was that she believed this historical story as REALITY. But was this story reality or a FAIRY TALE for spiritual consumption to mislead our thinking? Let's think on these ideas for this missive. Was the historical Christmas story valid history?

My sense, today, is that the historical story was developed by select theologians (mostly after 325 A.D.) and then this story became the MANTRA of a growing political CHURCH...which desired to Rule our planet (via their enslaved believers/followers). Today, this story seems totally UNREAL to those of us with some scientific understanding of reality. Today's science gives us some basis for rejecting this prior STORY. I now live in 2022 and look back at this historical story. Let's briefly REVIEW the story for your recollection:

1. Around 6 B.C. (give or take) this young female from Nazareth called Mary (supposedly) received a message from an Angel of God (Yahweh was the Jewish God at that time). This Angel (which angel is unknown) supposedly said the following: "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God (Yahweh). You shall conceive (in your womb) a child which you must name Jesus (should be Yeshua as Mary was Aramaic). This child (when born) will be called the son of God (Yahweh was God). And God (Yahweh) will give this son of yours the throne of King David. Then this son will reign over the house of David (all Israelites/Jews) forever. His Kingdom will have no end (Luke 1: 30-32)."

2. This supposed message from an Angel of Yahweh (possibly Gabriel) meant that the Jews (all the 12 tribes) would have a NEW Messiah person (an 'anointed' one of Yahweh) to Rule over them so that complete FREEDOM would result. God would be King! The Romans who had these tribes enslaved (via their political system) would be replaced with this NEW Kingdom of this Messiah person (called the son of God...and also the 2nd person of a TRINITY). This person would be some type of Deity (God) as this child was to be born via the Holy Spirit who would impregnate Mary. Where did this idea come from?

3. First century Jews (in 6 B.C. or after) would have viewed this story as pure fantasy (a Fairy Tale) as the idea of an 'invisible spirit' (called the Holy Spirit) impregnating a human female was absurd  (theologically)  thinking. Nothing within the Hebrew Torah or other scriptural writings would support this theological mindset in 6 B.C. The story was (obviously) concocted much later (say prior/after 325 A.D./Council of Nicaea) and then placed on the MOUTH of this woman called Mary. The actual behavior of Yeshua's mother (in 6 B.C.) reveals the fairy tale nature of this story. What was Mary's behavior (at the time)?

4. Immediately AFTER the birth of this child (Yeshua was his name/not Jesus), Mary had this child 'circumcised' on day 8 after birth. This happened at the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem (so it is reported). Then some 40 days after Yeshua's birth he was 'dedicated' to the God of Israel (this God was Yahweh). All this is documented in scripture and witnessed (supposedly) by many. This behavior (of Mary) was traditional and this proves (to me) that Mary did not view her child as SON of God (as reported by Christian theology). She may have viewed her child as a potential Messiah (an anointed one of God) as this person was prophesied to emerge from David's heritage. She would not, however, circumcise God or the Son of God. This mindset is not Jewish and there is ZERO evidence for this idea of circumcising GOD Almighty (or a 2nd GOD called the SON of God). Christians need to UPDATE their theology on this fairy tale story IMO.

5. Furthermore, when this child (now called Yeshua/he was Aramaic) was an adult (say 29 years old) he chose to get BAPTISED. His mentor, at the time, was his cousin, John. John desired the KINGDOM of Yahweh and he may have viewed Yeshua as the prophesied Messiah (the 'anointed' one of Yahweh). This baptism event also proves that Yeshua could not have been God of the 2nd person of a TRINITY as this event would not happen to God (Deity). This is ABSURD theological thinking by my many Christian zombie friends. The idea that GOD ALMIGHTY gets baptised (for what reason?) is not creditable thinking IMO. Yahweh was the God of Israel at the time and this God was a transcendent SPIRIT (not a flesh and blood human being). Jews prayed to this 'invisible' Spirit who was viewed to live in the HEAVENS!

6. This child of Mary/Joseph (now an adult) then starts his ministry in the Galilee. His message was the promotion of the KINGDOM OF HIS GOD (his God was Yahweh). This message was misunderstood (after his death) as another Apostle emerged (called Paul of Tarsus). Paul started a NEW theology (after his so-called VISION on the road to Damascus). This false theology of Paul of Tarsus is what eventually produced this huge CHURCH group called the Roman Catholic Church (later the Protestant Church). Yeshua (dead for centuries when all this was happening) became a 'glorified' Deity (in the Heavens) who became this 2nd person of a TRINITY GODHEAD. Eventually, three god persons emerged from this false teaching. Today, Christians, like Pastor Jeremiah above, think this is REALITY. Amazing deception!

7. Today, this Christmas Fairy Tale story continues and it produces zombie believers who recite the story and assume that the story is valid REALITY. Some 2.6 billion zombie believers are supposedly adhering to this historical STORY. An angel appeared to Mary and brought forth a son who became GOD (in the flesh). God then died at the Cross (an impossibility)...and he then became a new creation after three days in the tomb (another impossibility). Today, zombie believers are waiting for this 'glorified' spirit to rescue them from the WRATH of the real God of Israel (Yahweh the Almighty). It's called the RAPTURE of the Church. Millions of believers continue with this gross deception and fairy tale...as REALITY (in the Now). Reality is viewed as a 'past'/'future' event which actually happened in real-time.  Is it time for this Christmas Story to be updated? My sense is 'absolutely'!

Conclusion: It is my view that events during the coming 'tribulation' (starting in 2023) will cause masses of believers to abandon their prior fairy tale stories. Getting REAL is necessary as we all live in the NOW (not this 'past'/'future' mindset). The Christmas Story is based on a PAST/FUTURE mindset which is not reality (in the NOW). In reality, their is NO 'past' and NO 'future' (that we live or experience). I live totally in the NOW (always/forever). I think you do likewise! This means that fairy tales must be re-envisioned as events within the NOW. Can an invisible spirit (produce an impregnation of a women today)? I don't think so! It takes a 'sperm' and an 'egg' to produce a human being. Science is relevant on this issue!

Yeshua was produced (in like manner) to any human being on this planet (we have 6,000 years of evidence that invisible spirits do NOT produce flesh and blood human beings). We have 6,000 years of evidence that God is alive and well within our consciousness (not on this planet as a human being). Yes, Yeshua, was likely 'glorified' at his spirit's passing. This is a reality which I accept as valid. Yeshua's message is that he is alive and well in the heavens (next to his Father/Yahweh). You can read this vision of John in Revelation 4 and 5 as additional evidence. Yahweh is still on the throne (chapter 4) and his anointed one (Yeshua/Jesus) is occupying a position of authority (UNDER this God of Israel/Revelation 5).  Read the vision for yourself!

The Fairy Tale of historical Christianity needs to be UPDATED to a reality of NOW. We all live in the NOW and it is the NOW which produces valid thinking for our living. All experience is based on understanding the NOW (as Reality). This 'past'/'future' thinking of yesterday needs to be ABANDONED. It produces deceptions/lies/fairy tales. Try to avoid the NOW as you live your life? Is it possible? I don't think so! Reality is a NOW experience and this is why I desire an UPDATE to this historical story of some 2,000 years prior. It's a Fairy Tale to those of us living in the NOW. Think for  yourself, however.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Friday, December 23, 2022

The END of MONEY...it's coming! WHEN?


As a teacher on the history of money I can discern that this 'tool' of commerce has changed significantly since its origin. The original purpose of money was to allocate goods and services in a marketplace of 'scarcity'. Scarcity required money so that people would work to produce goods and services for the markets. After some 5,000 years of money history, however, we are coming to an END of money. Why? Let's understand the reasons!

Scarcity is turning into ABUNDANCE today. Our growing technology has produced robots and automated production lines where people are no longer needed (to labor). As robots and automated production grows we will experience HUGE abundance in goods/services for the marketplace. Money is now a detriment to real growth and this 'tool' (called money) has become archaic and dysfunctional. The END of this 'tool' is arriving! A world of 'abundance' is arriving for everyone!

When will this END happen? We have a few years left of dysfunctional behavior under our current money system. People are starting to discern that this dysfunction is producing a world where the FEW control the many. The 1% controls the 99%. Money has been funneled to the FEW (select elites) and this is producing a world of enslavement for the many. We now need to think in terms of ENDING this game called MONEY.

Money, in reality, does not EXIST within nature. Money is merely an 'IDEA' of our mind. Governments get control of this 'tool' and they then create all our dysfunction. Money gets funneled to a FEW so that these FEW can control the entire marketplace and gain their positions of POWER. It's totally diabolical. The purpose of money (and currencies) were to advance the supply of goods/services for the overall marketplace. This is not happening today. The FEW and controlling this 'tool' so as to enslave the MANY.

Monetary DEBT and money manipulations by our Central Authorities has created a world of elites who use money and power to enslave the many (you and I). This must eventually change...and given our new technologies, robots and automated production, this will change. We can produce ALL the ABUNDANCE that we desire. Scarcity is no longer a problem as Abundance grows without new labor. We now must think in terms of ENDING this 'imaginary' game of money. Yes, money is 'imaginary'. And it's a GAME!

A world of Abundance is here and we could eliminate ALL money symbols with the CLICK of a computer DELETE key. Today, money is 'digital' and the computer rules over all monetary transactions. Digital money can be DELETED with the punch of a computer key. All DEBT can be eliminated (instantaneously). All prices can be eliminated. Prices and Value are mere 'imaginary' concepts of our MIND. They can be ELIMINATED with the punch of a computer key!

Look all around yourself (right now). Where is a 'digital' currency unit? Where is this money unit which we all view as crucial to our survival? Is it anyplace in our natural world? Is it a 'thing' which exists in time and space? Where is this item we call MONEY? It's nowhere! It's imaginary! It's within our MIND (also called our consciousness). Money units are mere NUMBERS in a computer screen. They get punched into 'existence' by our banksters. We could eliminate ALL money units with the click of a computer key. Amazing!

Press DELETE and ALL money units could be eliminated. All debt could be eliminated. All our elites who control us could be eliminated from their POWER positions. We could produce goods and services WITHOUT this 'tool' called MONEY. Robots and automated production lines could produce ABUNDANCE for the entire planet. Computers and Artificial Intelligence could serve our needs so that ABUNDANCE emerges for everyone! It's all here NOW! We just need to THINK about ENDING this money game! It's a DIABOLIC relic of history!

The END of MONEY will arrive in a few years. But prior to ending, we could experience some enslavement to these POWER brokers who desire to create a Mark of the Beast financial system. Since these POWER brokers (less than 1% of the marketplace) have CONTROL over the creation and distribution of this 'tool' called MONEY, they will likely want this Mark of the BEAST financial system for their ego! Human nature wants POWER and CONTROL over others. It's totally diabolical!

Start to THINK about eliminating this concept called MONEY from our planet. It's a diabolical concept which produces misery for the many. Today, this idea is virtual and inner. Money is a mere 'name' and 'number'. Money numbers get funneled to a select FEW who use this tool for their foolish desires (controlling the marketplace and creating dysfunction for all commerce). Let's ELIMINATE this foolish concept and start to live with ABUNDANCE. Let our robots produce this abundance.

Nature has no money anywhere. This idea started in a world of scarcity (some 5,000 years prior). It was meant to help commerce. It did this for most of our history. Today, however, this idea is diabolical and corrupt to the core. The END of money is coming...God says this! The Kingdom Age is coming and money will not be needed. Abundance will happen as our new technologies assist to produce this Abundance. Have a great day and think about a NEW ECONOMIC MODEL for planet EARTH!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Biden/Zelenskyy News Conference reveals Escalatory Mindset of Both! Where does this LEAD?

Today's news conference in Washington D.C. just finished. President Biden and President Zelenskyy both revealed their mindset on the Ukraine war situation. It is now obvious, to me, that this mindset will lead to a HUGE escalation in this war situation. Their mindset provokes Vladimir Putin (Russia) so that Putin  acts to escalate the conflict. My sense is that this 'escalation' will bring DEATH to thousands (maybe millions) before this game of war is over. Many support this mindset! Not I!

The mindset of Biden and Zelenskyy seems to be centered on provoking Putin to either withdraw totally and/or escalate the conflict to a much HIGHER level (so as to win). My sense is that Putin can not withdraw as his (Russia's) security is involved. Putin does not agree with the WEST on their political philosophy (this idea of a Uni-polar World) and this philosophical disagreement is at the core of why Putin can not change his strategy on the war situation. Biden and Zelenskyy also can not change their viewpoints. They think that their philosophy is absolute for them. What does this mean going forward?

The U. S. is sending much more money and military weapons to Ukraine so they can provoke Russia into this coming ESCALATION. Patriot missiles, Himars, tanks, ammunition (thousands of rounds) can do nothing but cause Putin to ESCALATE or die. America has already sent some $67 billion to support Ukraine. More $$$$$$ are on the way and Biden says he will support Zelenskyy (totally) until he takes back all the territory. This mindset can do nothing but create WW III at some point IMO.

Prepare for a HUGE Russian move to bring Ukraine to a state of chaos in 2023. The attempt will start with conventional weapons but it is likely to END with tactical nukes. I see no alternative for Russia accept to escalate until they WIN/LOSE this war. We could witness a built-up in troop numbers to over a million before this war is over. I also, view Belarus (their military) as entering this war on the side of Russia in 2023. Killing in the thousands (possibly millions) will result eventually (given the mindset of Biden and Zelenskyy). It's our 'thinking' which produces consequences! Big consequences are emerging!

Putin is willing to stop the escalation IF Biden/Zelenskyy choose to negotiate. But the News Conference revealed that this OPTION is not going to happen for now. What is going to happen is more PROVOKING of Putin until he escalates to a much HIGHER level. Provoke, provoke, and provoke is the MINDSET of Biden and Zelenskyy. I can not view this mindset as leading to any type of peace or stalemate. This mindset leads directly to WW III. Is Prophecy correct on this issue?

My sense is that Prophecy does suggest that WW III is going to develop. Some call this the Gog/Magog war which eventually leads to Armageddon. Is this possible? Yes, this is valid thinking IMO. Man's attempt to bring us peace and happiness is totally FLAWED and corrupt. The philosophy of 'might makes right' can never work. But this is precisely what this Ukraine war demonstrates. Win/lose is the mindset of all these politicians. SHAME! What we actually need is a WIN/WIN mindset. 

I am sorry to report this DIRE news on the war situation. But the mindset at this News Conference left me with the conclusion that ESCALATION is coming in Ukraine (maybe all of Europe) in the near future. At some point, NUKES will be used. Any Win/Lose thinking must lead to escalation and eventually NUKES. You can listen to the words of these politicians yourself to discern their MINDSET.

The END of man's rule is coming. But until this END we need to prepare for DIRE events on the world scene. Insanity is happening as I write. The thinking of our leaders is our problem! Think for yourself to discern. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monetary Deception will continue until it ENDS! Let's Think!

I asked my 80 year old friends at the clubhouse to define a 'digital' dollar? What is this unit of currency called the 'digital' dollar? Is it a 'thing' which exists in space/time? Is it a 'physical' unit (identical with a 'paper' dollar)? Is it composed of this substance called 'matter'? Let's think and identify what this 'unit' is in reality! It's key to understanding why our financial markets are impossible to predict (yet totally corrupt)!

As a teacher on issues of money for over 50 years, I understand the real nature of money (my perception). Money has always been some item from nature (composed of matter). Thomas Jefferson originally chose America's first unit of currency (called the dollar). This happened around 1785. Thomas recognized that the 'symbol' $$$$$$ was not viable as money as it is a mental symbol (a unit of our Mind). So Thomas defined our 'dollar' in terms of matter. He used a silver PESO as his reference point for defining our original $. 

The original definition was: 371.25 grains of silver. Silver is an element of nature. The symbol is Ag. It is composed of 'matter'. So defining our 'dollar' in terms of silver produced a monetary psychology that worked for hundreds of years. People thought that our dollar was a 'physical' thing as we could argue that the 'nature' of money was physical. Silver was physical and later paper (the currency unit) was physical. Do you discern the mindset which originally established this currency called the 'dollar'?

All this changed, however, in 2008 (and after) as our 'digital' dollar emerged in our marketplace. Today, some 95% of all money transactions are 'digital' transactions. Is it time to understand the 'nature' of a 'digital' dollar? When I asked my 80 year old friends (some were bankers/accountants/money men during their careers), they say mostly that THEY do not KNOW what a 'digital' dollar is (in reality). They hesitate and seemed confused! Their eyes get glassy? Why?

If we are to understand our markets today, I propose that we need to understand the 'nature' of a 'digital' unit of money. All our global currencies are now (mostly) digital units. These units live in 'cyberspace' and they travel from computer screen to computer screen at the speed of light. Photons send these units (mere numbers/symbols) from a bank computer to my computer to your computer. All my money is now (mostly) digital symbols. Think of 'digital' symbols as $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (or 112233445566778899).

I would propose that most of our markets are NOW derivations which derive from money symbols living within 'cyberspace'. Our prices are cyber prices. Our values are cyber values. Our stock markets are expressed as cyber values/prices. We live with 'digital' finance which derives from our inner self (the human Mind). Are these cyber symbols REAL? Are they units which LAST? Are they representative of real valid valuations? What the heck are these units...and could they BE 'imaginary' (units of nothing)?

My sense as a teacher of monetary history is that today's MONEY is pure deception within the human MIND. The units are 'imaginary' and they can all DISAPPEAR in nano-seconds. Disappear means that they have no SUBSTANCE to them (no 'matter'). These units of nothing are created by the human MIND (by our banksters) and they circulate as 'invisible' photons of light from computer to computer. The units are really mere 'NUMBERS' of the human MIND. In reality they have NO tangible existence.

What does all this mean going forward? My sense is that this means that our 'digital' markets could CRASH to nothingness in a matter of seconds or minutes. As I write our American politicians are adding more spending to our markets (some 1.7 trillion). In the past decade multiple TRILLIONS (of mere 'numbers') have been added to our digital computer accounts. All these 'NUMBERS' are units of my/your 'imagination'. They are really NOTHING. This means they can CRASH to nothingness in a matter of seconds/minutes. Amazing deception is happening within our markets and FEW comprehend!

We are living in the END days of man's rule IMO. Finance will END the game of commerce as we move forward into 2023 (and beyond). A sudden event within our digital stock markets could produce this sudden event (CRASH) in  a matter of seconds/minutes. The CRASH of a lifetime will then happen (and it will be global). Mere mental money 'numbers/symbols' will CRASH to nothingness in a moments notice. All could happen in 2023 as the distortions within out markets are growing exponentially. Few seem to comprehend today's FINANCE. Few are prepared and few own a physical money substitute (silver/gold coins).

What is a 'digital' dollar? It's a unit of my 'imagination'. It's a unit in 'cyberspace' which disappears completely when the computer 'delete' key is punched. All these imaginary/cyber units will DISAPPEAR when this event happens. It is bound to happen at some point going forward. The precise time/date is impossible to predict. The event is preordained, however, to happen IMO. The NATURE of money is our problem. Can other teachers on issues of money discern these realities? FEW discern...is my perception. 

Money is a subject which produces 'glassy' eyes when discussed. What is a 'digital' dollar is unknown to my 80 year old friends at the clubhouse. Why not ask your friends to DEFINE this item for YOU? Ask them to define a digital/cyber unit of currency. Where is this 'unit' located (in reality)? Your currency is NOW digital also. The world financial system is going 'digital'. Imaginary money is ubiquitous today. Everyone uses these units and FEW to NONE understand the NATURE of these units. AMAZING ignorance IMO. Think for yourself to DISCERN!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Brewing NOW: Strategic Military Advance by RUSSIA has started! Will this End the War?


Vladimir Putin is now meeting with the leader of Belarus to plan a new military strategy for the Ukraine war. The plan may not get implemented until early 2023. The military forces are getting prepared and this could be the HUGE escalation which I have been expecting. Will this strategy lead to an END to this war? Only God knows! Watch and think for yourself as events happen!

Conclusion: This war in Ukraine may end up as the Gog/Magog war which is prophesied to happen in scripture. My reading of history is that we are now living in the LAST days of man's rule over this planet. If this is valid, then this GOG/MAGOG war could be on the horizon. Russia seems to fit the words within scripture. But all is uncertain, only the FATHER knows (this was also the mindset of the historical Yeshua/Jesus). God controls history and events will happen as God has ordained (my view)!

For those of you who wonder about my views on the historical Yeshua, let me present my viewpoint as follows:

1. Yeshua (for me) was a real person who lived from around 6 B.C. to 31 A.D.

2. He was born as a child of Joseph/Mary (normally) and grew up in Nazareth of the Galilee.

3. He became a Rabbi/Prophet/Teacher/Messiah over his 37 plus/minus years of life. 

4. He was baptised by his cousin, John, and then started his ministry (promoting the Kingdom of his God)!

5. God, for Yeshua, was the God of Israel (Yahweh). Yahweh was also the God of Abraham/Moses/David!

6. Yeshua's ministry created confusion within the Sanhedrin as these leaders viewed his preaching as blasphemy (an attempt to make himself God/Yahweh). This was a huge misunderstanding! Yeshua had no desire to be God or to play God. He was a servant/agent/messenger of his spiritual FATHER!

7. His death produced new misunderstandings and eventually a new theology (after this evangelist, Paul of Tarsus, came on the scene). Text and theology grew around the idea that Yehsua was Deity!

8. Eventually, in 325 A.D. theologians (bishops) who followed the history of Yeshua decided that he was much more than a man. They (followers) DEIFIED him (exalted him to Godhood). This became our Nicene Creed after 325 A.D. It was expanded via the 'Hypostatic Union' concept after Chalcedon, 451 A.D.

9. Gradually, over time, this dead Messiah person became the chief God of a new religion called Roman Christianity (later Protestant Christianity). Yeshua/Jesus became part of a TRINITY (a Godhead) which made him EQUAL with the historical God of Israel (Yahweh). Amazing! Christianity grew and prospered and became the religion of the WEST (mostly). Today, America and her allies rule the planet as representatives of this historical theology. But it is all falling apart in these LAST DAYS. Apostasy has set in and theological schizophrenia has emerged. An attempt (by select Evangelical leaders) is being made for ESCAPE into the clouds above! Amazing!

10. According to Evangelical PROPHECY the CHURCH AGE will end suddenly (during these Last Days). The 2.6 billion believers (give or take) will experience a period of tribulation (unless they are Raptured bodily from our planet). The mindset of most believers is that their God (now a 'glorified' Yeshua/Jesus in the heavens) will descend (with a shout/trumpet) into the CLOUDS above and 'rapture' (catch-up) all these 2.6 billion (+-) believers so they can ESCAPE this coming Last Days tribulation. Wow! Amazing theology has developed within this religion called Roman Christianity and also Protestant Christianity! Witness the event here:

Thousands of Christian leaders are espousing this rapture (escape) for their believers. John Hagee is one of many who looks forward to this escape. His followers are millions and the total flock of believers could be billions. Only God knows! Amazing events are happening on planet earth. Is any of this reality? You decide!

Conclusion: We are living in very interesting times. Politics is in chaos. Economics is in chaos. Science is in chaos. Religion is in chaos. Is it possible that all these events were 'pre-ordained', 'determined', 'pre-planned'? My sense is absolutely! God rules this planet and I/you/we are 'agents'. The Potter rules over the Clay. Man lives 'at effect' (most can not discern this reality). That is my point-of-view!

The positive ending, however, is also 'pre-ordained'. The KINGDOM AGE is coming. The 6,000 years of man's rule is ending. A 1,000 year rule of our Creator is arriving. All is uncertain, however. ONLY the FATHER knows what will happen. My viewpoint is my singular opinion. We each must THINK for ourselves! Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Church Age ENDS when followers discern that Yeshua (Jesus) WAS NOT GOD!

Yesterday I visited with a pastor/friend who has a special gift of rhetorical spin on issues of theology. His spin covers up his logic which I view as 'schizophrenia' (we could say theological schizophrenia). What is my definition of this disorder: Schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with real-time reality, including disorganized speech and/or behavior. The key word is NOW reality. NOW reality often reveals the illogic of many 'spin' artists.

My pastor friend uses this theological concept called the 'hypostatic union' to support his theology on this person we call the Historical Yeshua (Jesus). Yeshua (according to him) had TWO natures (Divine and Human) at the same time. This pastor seems to portray this same mentality with his theological rhetoric. He will 'spin' words so that God is Jesus (in one context) and also NOT Jesus (in another) to confuse the listener. Jesus is supposedly God and joined (hypostatically) with his Godhood even as he is also FULLY human (in real-time). Very schizophrenic IMO. It's actually impossible to be God and Human at the same moment in time!

Today, Sunday, I talked with another pastor of a local Christian church (called The Bridge Church) which had a similar theological mentality (as my prior friend who was mostly of a Baptist persuasion). This pastor viewed Jesus as God (and also the Father) simultaneously. There is only ONE God, said this pastor, and his God was Jesus and the Father (simultaneously). They are ONE spiritual entity even as this pastor uses TWO different 'words' to identify this singular God. Is this a sign of theological schizophrenia?

When I mentioned that I have a local female friend (down the block from me) who views herself as Christian (but a Jehovah's Witness) he immediately responded that JW's are NOT Christian. Again, this pastor wants to maintain his superiority (theologically) over anyone who challenges his logic on the issue of God. My view is that most PASTORS have a special GIFT of theological 'spin' on issues of theology. I have noticed this for decades.They must maintain their logic on this issue (of is Jesus God) as being absolute...even as they 'spin' words which many would view as confusing and illogical (to support their 'spin').

Personally, I view most of these PASTORS as gifted 'spin' artists who can FOOL their congregation with their select WORDS (spin). These pastors will use scripture (selectively) to support their theological 'spin' (which I view as a form of 'schizophrenia'). As a philosopher myself, I can also use 'spin' to support my viewpoint. The difference is that I present my viewpoint as a private individual (with no desire to gain followers). Our 'spin' pastors seem to DESIRE followers who bow to their charisma and illogic. Is any of this an example of spiritual humility? The pastors will deny that they are LESS than humble servants of God.

My sense (after visiting and listening to thousands of these 'spin' artists over many decades) is that human nature wants AGREEMENT on these important issues of reality. Reality, is basically a spiritual operation. Words are spiritual entities. Human nature (within politics, religion, education, and science) seems to desire followers. Most followers are very intelligent but not discerning of the real meaning when it comes to theological issues. This situation, allows pastors (with rhetorical spin abilities) to confuse/fool/ and deceive the masses. Amazing!

Take the time to read about the various ecumenical councils which established the Christian theology. Read the Nicene Creed which started all this JESUS is GOD theology in 325 A.D.. Then move forward to the BIG convention called the Chalcedon Council of 451 A.D. At this council the 'hypostatic' union concept emerged. This concept split many thinkers (bishops at that time) as they thought about the logical of this concept (that the historical Yeshua (Jesus) had TWO natures. Some thought he did and some said absolutely not!

My sense is that this theological concept of 451 A.D. is at the CORE of most theological schizophrenia today. Pastors (within all denominations of Christianity) want to maintain the viewpoint that JESUS is GOD. They then 'spin' their theology so that this outcome can prevail. Their thinking congregations are LEFT in total confusion to challenge their thinking. If fact, most denominations PROHIBIT any real challenge! Word 'spin' can be used to confuse and deceive almost EVERYONE. Amazing!

Soon this CHURCH AGE will end. My sense is that it will END when a body of thinkers (the public) recognize the deceptions within all these Christian denominations. Theological spin and theological schizophenia will then END. Pastors are deceived IMO but do not KNOW this. They are nice people who THINK they are doing the WILL of God Almighty. They gain followers in the millions as they grow in their theological 'spin' ( which I call theological schizophrenia). BEWARE these thinkers is my advice. LISTEN TO each thinker with DOUBT. 

Real truth emerges when the PEOPLE think for themselves. Human Nature is very deceptive. At the core could be this DARK force which operates 'invisibly'. Yes, Satan is real! We all must be AWARE of the words which we espouse. Words create behavior. Words create beliefs. Words create theological spin. Words create real-time deception, and words are key to growing in wisdom and understanding. My advice is THINK for yourself. Get yourself educated. Spin will stop as masses of people discern reality ON THEIR OWN. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Why is it UNWISE to be Anti-semitic? Anti-Jewish? Anti-anyone?

Yeshua (Jesus) was a Jew. His mindset was Jewish yet many Christians still do not accept his persona as fully Jewish! Yeshua wrote no books but select words of followers (words in the Gospels) may be at the 'root' of  religious Anti-semitism.

The key reason I am not anti-semitic is because I believe in the God of Israel. This God, also called Yahweh (Father), chose a unique ethic group for a purpose (a special reason). The purpose (reason) is KEY to our salvation as a human race IMO. Salvation (ultimately) comes to mankind from this special ethnic group called the Israelites. Keep in mind that the word Jew means a person (who can trace themselves) to the single tribe of Judah. The word 'Israelite' means one can trace their ancestry to one of the 12 tribes!

Many believers recognize that the word, Jew, means multiple things (to most thinkers). Let's clarify this word (for this missive). I use the word Jew to mean a person who has descended from the tribe of Judah (a son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham). A person should not be called a Jew if they derive their ancestry from another Israelite tribe. This is confusing and leads to a wrong conclusion on many issues of history. A Jew is from the tribe of Judah and an Israelite consists of all person's who derive their ancestry from the 12 tribes. A Jew is an Israelite who derives his ancestry from this one tribe called the tribe of Judah.

There were actually 12 tribes that evolved from this Israelite that we call Jacob. The tribe of Judah was one of the 12 tribes. Those who derive from this source can be called Jews. Those who derive from any other tribe (my original tribe was likely Joseph) should be called Israelites. So, I view myself as an Israelite but not a Jew. My heritage goes all the way back to this son of Jacob whom we call Joseph. That is my perception. I realize this is uncertain! I base my belief on my character. My character identifies with the Israelite clan which I call Joseph.

What we need to recognize is that a Jew or a real Israelite WILL NOT assimilate with the Gentile Nations. God does not want a real Israelite or a Jew to assimilate (become part of a group-think race which desires to promote MAN as god). Promoting MAN as god has been happening since the dawn of civilization. Nimrod was one person who started this thinking. Most thinkers desire IDOLS as their God! Images are IDOLS. Prior human beings are IDOLS. Statutes are IDOLS. Matter is an IDOL.

But the real history of man means that eventually God is going to bring salvation to this planet via a Messiah (a person who derives from one of the tribes of Israel). Yeshua, who lived from 6 B.C. to 31 A.D., was a Jew from the tribe of Judah. This Jew desired that his God (Yahweh) be KING over planet earth. His ministry was based on the idea that the Kingdom of God (his God) was near (here). His ministry was rejected by the elites at the Sanhedrin (during his trial) but this misunderstanding does not relinquish the final end point (man's salvation is via this Kingdom where God is KING over planet earth).

Those who comprehend reality recognizes that we all live 'at effect'. Living 'at effect' means that I/You are not (ultimately) in control of reality. We live as an 'agent' of a Higher Source. This means that this Higher Source is (ultimately) at CAUSE. Cause and Effect is how our world works IMO. The ultimate CAUSE determines what the EFFECT does. My philosophy is based on this idea that MAN (the Clay) operates 'at effect'. This means that my Higher Cause determines my destiny (and I believe your destiny).

Our world is in a huge MESS today because 'MAN' tries to RULE this planet. Biden wants his ideas to prevail over in the Ukraine (he wants to rule). Putin wants his ideas to prevail. And Xi wants his ideas to prevail. All political rulers want THEIR ideas to prevail so they can IMPOSE their vision upon the many. It's a diabolic system which never works for the WHOLE. The majority of citizens get enslaved to the RULING class of elites who RUN the system. Political correctness is mandated so that those in RULERSHIP can create a false 'unity' in the nation. This mindset can NEVER work!

Today, we have a multi-polar world system where select elites rule over this planet (under the 'invisible' principalities and powers in dark venues). These rulers desire to IMPOSE their vision/policies upon the many (you and I). We are victims of their polices, laws, and regulations. The system is diabolic but it continues UNTIL the KINGDOM AGE arrives. At some point, the KINGDOM AGE will arrive and replace MAN'S kingdoms of corruption. This is why I think it WISE not to be an Anti-Semite. It is this group whom God will allow to bring us the KINGDOM AGE.

This group will NOT assimilate into the unity that MAN (our current politicians) desire. Personally, I will not reject those who choose NOT to assimilate. I view these person's (if they promote the Kingdom) as servants of God Almighty. Personally, I am waiting for the 144,000 Israelites to emerge on this planet. It is this group which will bring us the KINGDOM AGE (under Father God as KING). If my perception is valid, we need to view all the tribes of Israel as potential agents of Yahweh God. 

The 144,000 will preach the message of the KINGDOM and this will change the THINKING of the many. I base this idea on the words in Revelation 7. We are heading for the Kingdom Age and this group of Israelites (the 144,000) will NOT assimilate into MAN'S system of rulership. The last mindset which I want is for Kingdom believers to ASSIMILATE. To assimilate is to promote MAN'S corrupt system of enslavement. I want the Kingdom of God (the Father) so that REAL freedom, justice, happiness comes to this planet. I hope you do also! A Messiah who advocates the Kingdom Age is my type of leader!

History of the 12 tribes! The 144,000 will mostly likely be descendants from all these tribes! The Kingdom of God idea goes back to the role of these original tribes of Jacob!

The original VISION of YESHUA (his lifetime ministry) was the KINGDOM OF HIS GOD. This vision was squashed after his DEATH. What emerged is this false theology of the CHURCH which was based mostly upon the theology of this evangelist, Paul of Tarsus! His theology was a NEW GOSPEL which did not provide for Yeshua's original Gospel (called the Kingdom of God)! Is it now time for the 'original' Gospel to reemerge? Let's think on this idea called the Kingdom Age!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Janet Yellen: Biden's Economy is BACK (strong). I say OPPOSITE!

Today's Wall Street Journal had an article by our Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen. Her message was that Biden's economy is back and strong. Does she know what she is talking about? I would suggest the complete OPPOSITE. Our American economy is on the VERGE of collapse and this is likely to happen in the next few months (maybe sooner). What are the issues:

1. Our real estate industry has slowed to a crawl. The doubling of interest rates (these past six months) has made housing 'unaffordable' for nearly everyone. House prices are coming down in many areas. This will continue into 2023. Some 30% of our economy is connected to real estate. As real estate goes so goes the economy. Yellen does not seem to comprehend the housing situation!

2. Commercial real estate 'values' are declining (now). Office buildings have excessive vacancy rates in most cities. This means 'values' are declining as Cap Rates increase. Operating expenses are going up and up and net operating income is going down. This trend will continue into 2023 and beyond. Deflation in the real estate industry will create overall deflation later in 2023. I've seen this game before!

3. Car prices are now declining. Demand is drying up as interest rates increase. This could start a trend where all car and truck prices start to decline. Defaults and delinquencies will then increase. Our Fed is causing this situation and I think the 'straw which broke the camel's back' happened yesterday. Mr. Powell increased interest rates further and this is now causing events to change rapidly.

4. Energy prices could be volatile going forward. The Keystone pipeline is shut down and the supply of oil is declining. If this trend continues we could witness much higher oil prices in 2023. But as demand for goods/services start to decline this also could allow oil prices to remain stable of even go down in 2023. The factors are uncertain as supply is currently going down and demand is also going down. Watch the price of crude as it could be hugely volatile going forward.

5. Food prices have been going up along with restaurant prices. Will this continue into 2023? This is possible. We could have deflation in housing and durables even while we have inflation within the food and energy markets. All this is leading to a crisis at some point. Our Fed and our politicians could be dealing with a collapsing economy in early 2023. Janet Yellen may need to rethink her positive prognosis. 

6. The war situation is also very unsettling for our markets. Will the Ukraine war end soon? This seems unlikely given all the money being given Ukraine by our politicians. Zelenskyy wants more money and more weapons (indefinitely). He thinks he can retake all the territory which Russia now controls. This mindset must lead to escalation at some point. Russia (under Putin) is unlikely to back off given their security needs. This war situation is detrimental to progress for our world as a whole. What we need now is NEGOTIATION.

7. The trends for 2023 are not positive IMO. Our economy is on needles and the trends are not positive going forward. We live with digital money and imaginary values. This situation must eventually lead to a total collapse. The volatility reveals the ephemeral nature of our economy. One word from Powell can plunge the stock market and/or cause it to explode upward. Nothing makes sense today. Logic does not help. All the digital markets are decoupling from reality IMO. When will the crash happen?

8. Our world system is heading for some type of calamity. War, digital money, lies and more lies by our politicians, prophecy, human nature, all play into this end game scenario. 2022 was a volatile year. I expect more in 2023. Wish I could give you positive strokes, but the markets do not allow this mentality. Our system is the problem and eventually we will need a NEW MODEL for our planet. That is my sense!

Conclusion: It is impossible to predict precisely when the BIG crash of a lifetime will happen. My sense is that it will be SOON (but I can not predict this with certainty). Economics is key to change in our political system. When people have money in their pockets they ignore reality. When their pockets are empty emotions change quickly. 

The LAST great economic downturn was some 90+ years ago. This Great Depression of 1929 was the last time that economic events crashed for the world system. Are we scheduled for another Great Depression? My sense is absolutely. It must happen as our DEBT is much beyond repayment. Debt has allowed us to continue to 'kick the can down the road'. This mindset must eventually END!

The end game, however, is arriving for our worldwide DEBT economy. You can witness the numbers here: www.usdebtclock.org. The numbers are up and up and the trend creates instability over time. I expect the end game to arrive in 2023. I might be wrong (as I have been previously) but I must continue to predict this END given the numbers. Central Bank manipulations have DELAYED the end game. Can this continue forever? Personally, I don't think so! Watch the above website for clues to this END GAME!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Historical CHURCH got it all wrong! 2,000 years of MIS-information!

Religious scholars (like James Tabor, Bart Erhman, Tovia Singer) are now debunking much of historical Christianity as dogma/misinformation which is wrong (inaccurate) when serious study is applied to the text. Today's biblical scholars have concluded that much text (which was assumed to be inspired) is now filled with contradictions and inaccuracies. All the new translations of scriptural text makes the issue much more obvious to thinkers. What does this imply for today's believers?

I was brought up in a Swedish Lutheran Church which promoted the idea that sacred scripture was infallible and the direct words of Almighty God. This idea is now debunked as scholars recognize the the text in the New Testament is layered with ideas and words which can not be supported within real-time reality. The historical CHURCH (mostly Catholic at the start) promoted theological ideas which are now recognized as totally invalid and misleading. Scholars are revealing many contradictions which I assumed were not there.

The BIG issue within theology today is the nature of this Rabbi person whom we call Yeshua (Jesus to those who speak English). This Rabbi from Nazareth is viewed as a historical person (fully human) who advocated a new theology while preaching to his generation (29 - 31 A.D.). His theology was that the 'Kingdom of his God' was near (or here) and that God (the God of Israel) was bringing the world a NEW COVENANT. But all this ended soon after the DEATH of this historical Rabbi.

What happened (over some 300+ years) after Yeshua's death is that a CHURCH emerged in Rome which started to promote the idea that this historical Rabbi was equal with the God of Israel (called the FATHER). This idea started at Nicaea in 325 A.D. (some 300 years after Rabbi Yeshua had died). The CHURCH then built a new theology on this idea that Yeshua (now glorified) was fully DEITY (GOD) and reigning in the heavens. Later this Church started promoting the idea that God was a TRINITY.

Over time, millions of believers were added to this group-think church (then called the Roman Catholic Church) and millions of followers started to worship this prior historical Rabbi (who was assumed to be alive in the heavens next to God the FATHER). Millions of congregations formed churches around this idea that Yeshua (Jesus to many in the Western world) was God Almighty (or equivalent to the God of Israel/Yahweh). This idea grew over time and today some 2.6 billion believers think that Yeshua is fully DEITY (GOD). These believers worship this person (now called Messiah and God).

Our Western civilization has flourished and grown over time as this so-called Christian religion grew and prospered. I was part of this growth for most of my lifetime. After the Catholic theology was seriously debunked (on some issues) during the time of the Reformation period (after 1500), then a new theology emerged within the Protestants (those who protested the many deceptions within the Catholic theology). My Lutheran Church which I assumed was honest in their theology was my basis for belief during my youth.

Today, I agree with much of the current scholarship which is DEBUNKING much of the history and text within this book called the New Testament. I had assumed (during my youth) that the writers of the Gospel texts were eye witnesses of what happened during the lifetime of Yeshua (this Rabbi from Nazareth). But this assumption is totally invalid (today). In reality, the four Gospels were not written by eye witnesses. They were written by anonymous writers (Greek speaking theologians) who merely wrote down words that were assumed to be historical (words of the Rabbi from Nazareth). Words which could never be fully verified.

I was also instructed (in my confirmation within this Lutheran Church of my youth) that the New Testament contained the INSPIRED words of God Almighty and were, therefore, infallible words from God. This idea has now been shown to be invalid and inaccurate. Scholars view the words in the New Testament as human creations with many obvious contradictions and inaccuracies. The assumptions of these writers are now being challenged as being partly the imaginations within the mind...with no hard evidence of being accurate or representative of reality in the time of Yeshua (6 B.C. to 31 A.D.).

For example: did Yeshua believe that he was God Almighty during his lifetime? Did he claim to be God (and/or equal with the God of Israel/Yahweh)? Did he portray himself as DEITY (in the flesh) who 'spontaneously' originated his many special gifts and talents? Did he assume he was Jehovah/Yahweh/God of Israel? Did he PRAY to himself (or to his God self)? Did he have TWO natures (this 'hypostatic union' concept)? Did he assume that the God of Israel was a TRINITY? Did he say the SHEMA daily? Did he attend the TEMPLE in Jerusalem for his worship of the God of Israel?

When Yeshua said that the FATHER was 'greater than himself' what did he mean? When Yeshua said that he could do nothing on his own, only that which he derived from the FATHER, what did he mean? When he told his disciple, Mary, that he was ascending to the FATHER, my God and your God, what did he mean? When he was presented with the idea that he was KING OF THE JEWS did he accept this title as valid? Did Yeshua desire to be GOD or a servant of the God of Israel? Was he messenger or PRINCIPLE?

Many biblical scholars (like James Tabor, Bart Erhman, and Tovia Singer) are DEBUNKING much of prior CHURCH theology. Most of our Islamic scholars are also doing similar. Islam does not believe that Yeshua was GOD or that he proclaimed himself to be GOD. Millions of deceived Christian believers are now zombies within their churches as they continue to accept all these deceptions. The MIS-information within this religion called Catholic/Protestant Christianity are many. Few are thinking, however.

Our world is now living after some 2,000 years since this historical Rabbi lived. Yeshua lived from around 6 B.C. to 31 A.D. He wrote NO books. He did not start this religion we call Christianity (even as he is viewed as its founder). He did not KNOW this apostle who we call Paul of Tarsus during his lifetime. Did Yeshua really 'appear' to this prior Pharisee on the road to Damascus? What was revealed? Was this a vision from heaven or from a dark source which deceived this writer? Biblical scholars are questioning this apostle's writings today. 

The current view among biblical scholars is that ONLY 7 of the 13 letters (in the New Testament) are actually the writings of Paul of Tarsus. Did Paul write 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus? The consensus is that these writings did not come from the pen or the thinking of Paul. Many also doubt that Paul wrote Hebrews (some think he did, however). The entire RAPTURE debate is mostly derived from the book of 2 Thessalonians. Could this be a HUGE deception within scripture?

Millions of Christians are HANGING on the words in 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-10 as reality. These believers think that they will be RAPTURED into the clouds above PRIOR to the 2nd Coming. Is any of this valid theology or MERELY myth and deception? My sense is that this is DECEPTION and MYTH. The God of Israel does NOT allow select believers to ESCAPE tribulation (just because of their views on theology). This mindset is PURE deception IMO (yet based on historical text in the New Testament).

So what does all this MEAN going forward? My sense is that believers need to do some soul searching (on their own) to discern what is valid text and what is 'interpolation'. Interpolation means text which has been inserted which is spurious and misleading. The TRINITY concept is based upon 'interpolation'. Scholars are discovering many other 'interpolations' which are spurious. I think it is time to RETHINK our set of beliefs which we derived from our CHURCH pastors (during our youth). Do they KNOW what they are teaching?

Personally, I am a strong believer in the God of Israel. For me, this God is Yahweh. This God is also called Jehovah. Some use the title FATHER. Within Islam this Source is called Allah. In the book of Daniel this Source is called the Ancient of Days. Moses, at Mount Sinai, called this God the 'I AM that I AM''. Many Jews over in Jerusalem today, use the word HaShem. I also like the titles MOST HIGH GOD and CREATOR GOD. Our historical Yeshua (being Aramaic) probably used the word ELI or Alaha or Abba. In the New Testament we use the title 'Father' (Abba in Aramaic). 

My reference point for valid text on this issue of who is God is Revelation chapter 4. Take the time to read this chapter and then read Chapter 5 to get the idea of the Lamb of God and/or the Lion of Judah. There is ONE GOD on the throne in Chapter 4. My theology says that this God should be viewed as Yahweh God. The God of Israel is Yahweh. Think on this as you do your own research. Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Big Question: Is there OBJECTIVE TRUTH on planet earth? Let's Think!

Many thinkers within science and religion will claim that they can enunciate 'objective' truth. I have followed many of these thinkers for years. Can anyone, however, actually enunciate 'objective' truth. Objective truth can also be viewed as 'moral' truth. Within scripture we read that 'the Truth shall set us free'. But this implies to many that MAN can enunciate this 'objective' truth. Let's think on this idea of 'truth' for this missive! Can 'man' enunciate any final 'objective' TRUTH?

I would say that no-one (that is no human being) can enunciate 'objective' truth for everyone. What happens in real-time is that we all enunciate 'subjective' truth (a point-of-view). But no-one can actually enunciate total 'objective' truth for the planet. This seems impossible as human beings are flawed (to some degree). We all TRY to do what is right and objective but we END up doing what is within our mindset (worldview). And my worldview (and yours) is LESS than totally 'objective'. That is my viewpoint!

What is final reality (TRUTH) for everyone? Who can enunciate final reality for everyone? Can you name one person who can do this? I can't. What I experience on this planet is 'subjective' truth from each and every person. We all operate with uncertain 'assumptions' and 'propositions'. None of us can enunciate 'objective' reality for the planet. If this is valid, then why does 'scripture' say that 'the TRUTH shall set us free'? Doesn't this imply that finding TRUTH is possible? My sense is that this is NOT what this means!

The TRUTH shall set us free means that GOD (who encompasses all TRUTH) will set us free (not MAN). You and I (the CLAY) can not set the planet free. All we can do is live our 'subjective' lives as best we can. We can pursue 'objective' truth (to a degree) but we can not encompass (find) this reality totally. Personally, I like to pursue 'objective' truth even while I recognize that this is impossible in real-time (I can not FIND objective truth). I seek 'truth' even as I recognize that my truth is LESS than totally OBJECTIVE.

I presume that you also SEEK truth. But have you FOUND truth for yourself and everyone? If so, please show the world that YOUR truth is final for everyone. I think you will discover that YOUR truth is also subjective and LESS than final. Science can not solve this issue. Religion can not solve this issue. Philosophy can not solve this issue. TRUTH can not be found (anywhere on this planet)...so that everyone agrees and submits. Religion tries to portray that THEY can discover 'objective' truth. So does Science!

Many within religion say: the BIBLE is objective truth. Let the BIBLE speak for itself. Others will say the TANAKH  (the Hebrew bible) gives us 'objective' truth. But if this were true then someone must PLAY the role of enunciating 'objective' truth (from scripture for everyone). What happens in real-time is that every presenter of scriptural text gives me/you their 'subjective' overview of what scriptural text implies. NONE, however, can actually KNOW the mind of God Almighty (assuming the words in scripture derive from this SOURCE). 

So, the idea that a scientific or a religious expositor can enunciate 'objective' TRUTH is a big myth. None can do so and all viewpoints being expressed (in real-time) are actually uncertain/subjective/viewpoints. Reading TEXT in scripture does not give me/you 'objective' truth. It merely gives us the expositors OPINION (on the issue). Everyone has an OPINION. None, however, have the FINAL word of Almighty God (Yahweh). This means that all presenters of scriptural (text) are merely giving us their 'subjective' VIEWPOINT.

There is NO objective TRUTH on this planet. This is WHY we need the SOURCE of TRUTH to rule this planet. Who is this SOURCE? It's our POTTER (God Almighty). Our Creator knows what is TRUTH and what is a LIE. You and I can not KNOW anything with CERTAINTY. It's all ABOVE our ken (vision). We humans NEED the SOURCE of TRUTH and we need to SEEK this SOURCE for our lives. But imposing 'objective' TRUTH on others is IMPOSSIBLE. There is NO 'objective' TRUTH on planet earth (from the human perspective)!

That is my viewpoint after much study and thinking. Science does not have final TRUTH. Religion does not have final TRUTH. Philosophy does not have final TRUTH. ONLY GOD has final TRUTH and GOD lives through us (as an 'invisible' spirit being). His TRUTH emerges from his WORDS in real-time. The WORD of GOD is final TRUTH. Think of MOSES at Sinai. Yahweh spoke to MOSES and revealed the 10 Commandments. His TRUTH was revealed in words. Yet man can not fully comprehend these WORDS.

The MORAL code (10 Commandments) gives us an overview of TRUTH. But full righteousness is still impossible. None is totally RIGHTEOUS. NONE is/are perfect. The wages of SIN is death. Every human being dies. Why? NONE is perfect. Even Yeshua on the TREE said: Father, Father, why have you forsaken me (your servant). Yeshua knew that his FATHER was final objective TRUTH (not himself). He prayed to his FATHER daily. His words were an example of one who GLORIFIED his FATHER (yet he died). A perfect person does NOT die!

Read some of his words in the Gospel of John for evidence of his mindset: He said: "Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in the FATHER, believe also in me. In my FATHER'S house are many mansions". Later he said: "I am IN the FATHER and the FATHER is IN me" (implying his relationship with his higher SOURCE). He then said: "If you love me, you will keep (abide) by my commandments and I will pray the FATHER, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you."

Later he said: "I (Yeshua) go away, and will come to you again because I go to the FATHER; for the FATHER is greater than I". "I (Yeshua) came from the FATHER and I am leaving the world and going to the FATHER". "I (Yeshua) am not praying for the world but for those which the FATHER has given me." "Holy FATHER keep them (those who were chosen) that scripture might be fulfilled." "I do not pray that you (the chosen ones) be taken out of the world system, but that thou (FATHER) shouldst keep them from the evil one (Satan). They are not of the world system, even as I am not of the world system."

The elites in the Sanhedrin assumed that Yeshua was making HIMSELF King of the Jews (GOD). This mindset was NOT that of Yeshua IMO. Yeshua's viewpoint was that the FATHER had sent him and worked 'through' him. His spiritual power was DERIVED from his SOURCE (namely Yahweh God/his FATHER). Yeshua's final words were: Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani? Yeshua was Aramaic. These words mean "Father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me". Yeshua's goal of promoting his FATHER'S kingdom was abandoned at the cross (tree). He recognized his failed mission (even as the FATHER desired this outcome)!

After Yeshua's death he appeared (in vision) to a female disciple (Mary). He said to her "Woman why are you weeping? Do not hold (touch me) for I have not yet ascended to my FATHER; but go to my brethren and tell them, I am ascending to my FATHER and your FATHER, to my GOD and your GOD. Mary then went and reported this experience to the brethren (likely in Jerusalem). Are these words CLEAR to you? They are to me! Yeshua was NOT God. He was a messenger/servant of God (who was empowered by God during his lifetime)!

The elites in the Sanhedrin were misled by the subjective 'words' of Yeshua at his trial (that is my perception). Jews today are still misled even as they seek another Messiah who will give them freedom, justice, and happiness. Messiah Yeshua did not accomplish the KINGDOM AGE during his lifetime. This result is YET to happen for planet earth. Will Yahweh (the LORD) bring us this KINGDOM in our age? Yes, this is my perception. The Kingdom of Yahweh God is coming to planet earth (gradually/relentlessly). If this does not happen I view humanity has totally LOST. The KINGDOM is the FINAL SOLUTION IMO!

This well known presenter (pastor) thinks he can enunciate objective TRUTH. But is his viewpoint final and totally 'objective'? Millions of others follow this leader with their respective viewpoints on TRUTH. I find all this instructive and interesting (but also deceptive). I listen to these presenters even as I reject their view of KNOWING what is final TRUTH. Scripture and Bible text must be INTERPRETED by a human being. John thinks he can INTERPRET words objectively? But is he deceived on this idea?

Think for yourself! Truth (for me) is 'subjective' and my 'subjective' truth is not FINAL (neither is yours). All I can do is present my 'subjective' VIEWPOINT (as clearly as I can). I assume that you must do likewise! Have a great day! My suggestion: SEEK the real invisible TRUTH (not man's deceptive truth)! I am hoping that THE TRUTH (Father God) will set us all FREE! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

A Politician's Mindset (one size fits all): Destroys Progress, Freedom, Justice! Why?

This video discusses the 'idea' called Democracy! What is it? Who has it? Does it work? Why is this 'idea' adopted by the WEST as their 'Uni-polar' concept? Why do many reject this 'idea'?

In today's Wall Street Journal there was an article on the progress of justice and growth in Chile. Many pundits from prior periods viewed Chile as becoming a first world nation with progress, freedom, and justice for all (soon). In reality, the OPPOSITE is happening as I write. Chile is descending into chaos as people protest for a new mindset and new leadership. But leadership can not improve IMO as long as politicians rule over us. It's impossible! Let's think about this 'idea' of politicians ruling over us!

As I look at situations around our planet, I witness chaos in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the middle America nations, the Middle East nations, much of Asia, Russia, Europe, and also my nation of America. Chaos is emerging as people get themselves educated on all the corruption and dysfunction within politics. Political leaders think wrongly (but they do not admit this). They desire a ONE SIZE FITS ALL for their nation/group/territory. This mindset is anathema to progress, individual freedom, justice, and happiness for the many. We have 6,000 years of history as evidence!

The realities of the marketplace reveal that people are UNIQUE and different. My 'size' is not your 'size'. I think differently from you and you think differently from me (on many issues of life). This is reality in real-time and it creates HUGE problems for political leaders who desire for us to CONFORM to their mindset. A political leader (say Biden or Putin) wants everyone to buy into his mindset on reality, progress, justice, and freedom. This is absurd thinking since we ALL (in reality) think differently and we all have different desires/motivations/talents/points-of-view!

The idea that Xi, Putin, or Biden can create a world of happiness (for everyone) is ABSURD. A political leader MUST impose HIS/HER worldview (viewpoint) on the masses in order to GOVERN. Conformity and unity of mindset is required if a political leader is to govern successfully. But this mindset ignores REALITY (we are all different/unique/special). We do not think (necessarily) as Biden, Putin, or Xi thinks. And this goes for ALL political leaders on our planet. The mindset of ONE SIZE FITS ALL is absurd and counterproductive. It can NEVER work for this planet!

Think of a bar environment to discern this message. When I was a bartender I could relate to each customer uniquely. I could accept each customer completely as I had no motivation to IMPOSE my will/ideas/goals upon them. Every customer was different/unique/special. Why would I want to IMPOSE my political/philosophical/religious views UPON them (the 'other')? I had no need for this behavior (even as I maintained my own personal viewpoint on all/any issue). Reality prevailed in this bar environment!

Politics, however, works to DESTROY the special uniqueness of the individual. It works to IMPOSE a 'one size fits all' mentality upon the group. It needs this mindset in order to govern. So, a politician must destroy our special differences/uniqueness when policy is made. Race must be viewed precisely as the politician thinks. Beliefs must be similar to the politician (in power) so progress (mandation of laws/rules) can be accomplished. Biden must IMPOSE his worldview upon the nation to govern successfully. He KNOWS this! He try's to accomplish his viewpoint for the WHOLE. This can never work!

Putin, also, must IMPOSE his views (upon the nation) to govern Russia. Zelenskyy must do similar to govern Ukraine. Xi must do similar to govern China. Even the leader of SWEDEN (supposedly an enlightened nation) must do similar to govern Sweden (my parents home country). It doesn't matter which country (on planet earth) is mentioned, all must act with a MINDSET of 'one size fits all' to govern successfully. And this mindset DESTROYS progress, freedom, justice, and individual happiness for the many. It's totally DIABOLICAL and CORRUPT to the core! But FEW comprehend!

Few comprehend what is happening on this planet (so it seems to me). We have some 8 billion unique individuals who live their lives on this planet. All are required to BOW to the mindset of their political leaders. In today's internet world this can not WORK for long. People want freedom, justice, and meaningful progress. Our politicians and their 'deep state' operatives want the opposite so they can IMPOSE their views on the many. This mindset leads to WAR, CHAOS, and CORRUPTION. It also leads to CONTROL, ENSLAVEMENT, and CRIMINAL behavior.

Is their an ALTERNATIVE to this situation? Can our world system be structured differently so that each person can grow within their own viewpoint (which is unique to them)? I say YES. This is possible and practical once ALL our politicians STEP DOWN from their ivory towers of control. This mindset of our politicians is our real problem on this planet. We need to RELATE as EQUALS. This can only happen if all our politicians STEP DOWN from power and control. Political POWER is the big kahuna that needs to be solved. 

One size could fit all if we allow our Higher POWER to rule over this planet. This HIGHER power has the mindset of allowing each person to govern themselves. SELF GOVERNMENT is the mindset of our Creator. Our POTTER (we are the clay) knows that we each are different and unique. HE created us to be INDIVIDUALS. But our political system (under the 'invisible' DARK forces) prevent this outcome. We need to abolish these 'invisible' DARK FORCES (tie them up) so that an ENLIGHTENED mindset might prevail for the planet.

Our Messiah of 31 A.D. desired this outcome IMO. He called this the KINGDOM OF GOD. GOD would rule this planet. GOD would own this planet (all territory and all resources). GOD would work (via his 'invisible' spirit) to bring PEACE and HAPPINESS to planet earth. This outcome would STOP all the chaos and corruption within our SYSTEM (over time). The KINGDOM would bring this planet FREEDOM and JUSTICE for the many (everyone). Think on this idea. The KINGDOM AGE is what this planet needs!

My sense is that our CURRENT situation can not improve for the MANY as long as politicians rule over us. Biden is corrupt, Putin is corrupt, Xi is corrupt. All politicians create their OWN corruption and dysfunction as they try to IMPOSE 'one size fits all' on their territory. It's a DIABOLIC mindset which can NEVER work for this planet. We need a NEW MINDSET. I could not govern you and you certainly can not govern me. We need a HIGHER POWER (this invisible source called GOD) to govern this planet. 

Nothing else will WORK. We have 6,000 years of history as our prove. Read history to discover the reality of politicians. They are HUMAN and flawed. We are all HUMAN and flawed (to some extent). We need a PERFECT source to govern this planet. Biden, Putin, Xi (as examples of every politician) can not GOVERN successfully. It's IMPOSSIBLE! Can 'one size fit all' work? I say NEVER. I am unique. You are unique. We were created to THINK differently! Our MINDS need to be FREE from the 'other'! Each of us needs to relate as EQUALS! This is impossible under our current corrupt political system.

Think of a BAR environment for the entire planet. Everyone relates as an EQUAL. Differences are respected. Freedom is allowed. Responsibility is required. Respect emerges over time as people CHANGE to a KINGDOM mentality. Behavior changes spontaneously. Our HIGHER POWER rules this planet. You and I serve each other. Decentralization of the planet happens. Small is beautiful in this type of environment. Amazing philosophy! It's all revealed in holy scripture for those with discernment. That is my point-of-view! Have a great day! Get yourself educated!

The first seven minutes of this video provides great insight into the idea called the Kingdom of God! Messiah Yeshua received this 'idea' from his Father (shortly after his baptism). He preached this 'idea' but it was changed and squashed after his physical death. Is it time to revive this 'idea'?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.