As a teacher on the history of money I can discern that this 'tool' of commerce has changed significantly since its origin. The original purpose of money was to allocate goods and services in a marketplace of 'scarcity'. Scarcity required money so that people would work to produce goods and services for the markets. After some 5,000 years of money history, however, we are coming to an END of money. Why? Let's understand the reasons!
Scarcity is turning into ABUNDANCE today. Our growing technology has produced robots and automated production lines where people are no longer needed (to labor). As robots and automated production grows we will experience HUGE abundance in goods/services for the marketplace. Money is now a detriment to real growth and this 'tool' (called money) has become archaic and dysfunctional. The END of this 'tool' is arriving! A world of 'abundance' is arriving for everyone!
When will this END happen? We have a few years left of dysfunctional behavior under our current money system. People are starting to discern that this dysfunction is producing a world where the FEW control the many. The 1% controls the 99%. Money has been funneled to the FEW (select elites) and this is producing a world of enslavement for the many. We now need to think in terms of ENDING this game called MONEY.
Money, in reality, does not EXIST within nature. Money is merely an 'IDEA' of our mind. Governments get control of this 'tool' and they then create all our dysfunction. Money gets funneled to a FEW so that these FEW can control the entire marketplace and gain their positions of POWER. It's totally diabolical. The purpose of money (and currencies) were to advance the supply of goods/services for the overall marketplace. This is not happening today. The FEW and controlling this 'tool' so as to enslave the MANY.
Monetary DEBT and money manipulations by our Central Authorities has created a world of elites who use money and power to enslave the many (you and I). This must eventually change...and given our new technologies, robots and automated production, this will change. We can produce ALL the ABUNDANCE that we desire. Scarcity is no longer a problem as Abundance grows without new labor. We now must think in terms of ENDING this 'imaginary' game of money. Yes, money is 'imaginary'. And it's a GAME!
A world of Abundance is here and we could eliminate ALL money symbols with the CLICK of a computer DELETE key. Today, money is 'digital' and the computer rules over all monetary transactions. Digital money can be DELETED with the punch of a computer key. All DEBT can be eliminated (instantaneously). All prices can be eliminated. Prices and Value are mere 'imaginary' concepts of our MIND. They can be ELIMINATED with the punch of a computer key!
Look all around yourself (right now). Where is a 'digital' currency unit? Where is this money unit which we all view as crucial to our survival? Is it anyplace in our natural world? Is it a 'thing' which exists in time and space? Where is this item we call MONEY? It's nowhere! It's imaginary! It's within our MIND (also called our consciousness). Money units are mere NUMBERS in a computer screen. They get punched into 'existence' by our banksters. We could eliminate ALL money units with the click of a computer key. Amazing!
Press DELETE and ALL money units could be eliminated. All debt could be eliminated. All our elites who control us could be eliminated from their POWER positions. We could produce goods and services WITHOUT this 'tool' called MONEY. Robots and automated production lines could produce ABUNDANCE for the entire planet. Computers and Artificial Intelligence could serve our needs so that ABUNDANCE emerges for everyone! It's all here NOW! We just need to THINK about ENDING this money game! It's a DIABOLIC relic of history!
The END of MONEY will arrive in a few years. But prior to ending, we could experience some enslavement to these POWER brokers who desire to create a Mark of the Beast financial system. Since these POWER brokers (less than 1% of the marketplace) have CONTROL over the creation and distribution of this 'tool' called MONEY, they will likely want this Mark of the BEAST financial system for their ego! Human nature wants POWER and CONTROL over others. It's totally diabolical!
Start to THINK about eliminating this concept called MONEY from our planet. It's a diabolical concept which produces misery for the many. Today, this idea is virtual and inner. Money is a mere 'name' and 'number'. Money numbers get funneled to a select FEW who use this tool for their foolish desires (controlling the marketplace and creating dysfunction for all commerce). Let's ELIMINATE this foolish concept and start to live with ABUNDANCE. Let our robots produce this abundance.
Nature has no money anywhere. This idea started in a world of scarcity (some 5,000 years prior). It was meant to help commerce. It did this for most of our history. Today, however, this idea is diabolical and corrupt to the core. The END of money is coming...God says this! The Kingdom Age is coming and money will not be needed. Abundance will happen as our new technologies assist to produce this Abundance. Have a great day and think about a NEW ECONOMIC MODEL for planet EARTH!
I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher,
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