Understanding Economics and Money

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Sunday, March 5, 2023

Two 'Assumptions' about REALITY which seem 'irrefutable'! Let's Review!

Personally, I view reality as relative (meaning that I can not discern absolutely that which I call reality). Reality continues to change over time. I can, however, discern that which appears to be solid and true based upon my own personal 'experiences'. There are TWO assumptions about reality which I would assert are solid and true. Let's talk about each of these assumptions to discern why I view them as solid and true.

The TWO ASSUMPTIONS at the core of reality:

1. All my reality is experienced as a NOW event. I experience no PAST and no FUTURE.

2. All my reality is derived from 'causes' which are beyond my freewill and being. In other words, I live my NOW reality AT EFFECT. The CAUSE is ultimately unknown and beyond my ken to totally discern.

Let's talk about these two assumptions to see if I have solid data to conclude that these assumptions are valid (for me and also for you). First of all, I view all my personal experiences as happening within a NOW moment (consecutively). I can not escape the NOW moment as I live my life. The NOW is part of my consciousness and my consciousness is continually a NOW situation. No escape from the NOW is possible. Try to escape the NOW? I don't think anyone can!

My so-called PAST is never experienced (as a reality). What happens is that I experience a MEMORY (in the NOW) and this memory is what I call my PAST. But this memory is ALWAYS experienced as a NOW event (within me). I can think about my life yesterday (or earlier) and recall some of the events which happened. But I do this THINKING in the NOW (always). I never actually experience a PAST (only NOW memories of my past). All this happens within my consciousness (not outside my consciousness).

This situation leaves me with the conclusion that I LIVE in the NOW (always). I dream in the NOW. I drive my car in the NOW. I eat and sleep in the NOW. I act daily and this experience (action) is always a NOW experience. I can not escape the NOW. What does this mean for this idea we call TIME? Is TIME always a NOW event? Does TIME evolve in (from) the NOW. Was TIME invented in the NOW (via some past experience of NOW)? Does this mean that TIME is mental/imaginary/virtual?

I would suggest that TIME is derived from human imagination (mental activity). TIME was invented by humans for a reason/purpose. TIME may have been invented to help us discern seasons and to produce order within the marketplace. TIME gets invented as astronomers watch MOVEMENT (within the heavens). The motion of our planet can produce this concept we call TIME. The motion of our planet around our SUN can give us this concept called a YEAR. Fractions of a year can then be derived mathematically from this prior MOTION.

Eventually, we can invent a CLOCK to follow the motions and this gives us 'clock time'. Clock time is derived from prior cosmic motion and human invention. Today, we have very sophisticated technology to measure clock time. But cosmic time is really a measure of our imaginations about prior motion. Once clock time is invented, we can produce new imaginations about TIME (and history) which may not be fully valid. In reality, TIME is a NOW event and this means TIME originated with a human person (an invention).

Time is much like MONEY (it's invented as a tool for a purpose). In reality, both TIME and MONEY do not EXIST (separate from the human mind). Both are mental inventions derived from mental experiences. All is meant to serve a PURPOSE for humans so life can be improved. But both of these concepts are technically IMAGINARY. We could eliminate both of these concepts. That which is 'invented' can be 'uninvented'. Amazing!

Now lets talk about this assumption called LIVING AT EFFECT. In reality, I was born on this planet without any personal input. I had no FREEWILL at the point of birth. The CAUSE of my birth was beyond my ken (vision). After my birth, I then started my mental (experiential) journey on this planet. All events which happened (after birth) were mostly derived from causes much beyond my personal knowledge and control. Did I choose my parents, culture, health, talents, skin color, appearance, gender, etc.? I don't think so! I originated from CAUSES beyond my freewill. What does this mean?

The idea that I have full freewill to create my own reality is really a MYTH. I did not create my birth (my beginning) so I must conclude that I live AT EFFECT (a reality of causes much beyond me).  I live and experience that which is within me even as the CAUSE is beyond me (unknown). This leads me to conclude that I live AT EFFECT. If this is true for me, maybe it is also true for you. We both live life in the NOW and experience reality without knowing the ultimate CAUSES. Amazing!

The TWO assumptions which seem solid and true are that I live continually within the NOW (this is how I experience life) and I also live AT EFFECT (not knowing the true causes which produce my life experiences). Are these assumptions true and solid for you also? Think on these assumptions and ask yourself questions. Questions produce answers as we ask and experience life. It was Socrates who stated that life starts with a 'question' and ends with a 'question'.  We really KNOW NOTHING! Amazing!

Have a great day as you contemplate reality. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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