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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

John Mearsheimer is right (Ukraine has lost the war)! Will the West accept reality?


John Mearsheimer is a geo-political expert who I have listened to for a couple of years. His perspective is sound and valid IMO. Ukraine has now lost the momentum and Russia will win this war of attrition from this point forward. Russian experts estimate that some 444,000 Ukrainians have died fighting this war (to date). Zelenskyy, however, claims that only 31,000 Ukrainians have been killed in the conflict. My sense (from other reporters) is that over 300,000 Ukrainians have died and another 200,000 have been injured. Russia has probably lost over 200,000.

Recent wins by Russia (in the Donbass) are now evident and this may mean that additional territory will be claimed (annexed) by Russia in the coming months. Some say the end result will be 40% of old Ukraine will be annexed to Russia. Others are saying that Ukraine has an opportunity to negotiate a settlement now which could settle the issue with Russia gaining only the 18% that it currently has annexed. My sense is that this is unlikely as the WEST and the official Western media still wants more killing to ensue. Their view is that Ukraine is winning (a pure delusion) IMO!

The failed policies of Biden and the West will not end until next year (after the next election period). If Trump wins in November, my sense is that the Ukraine war will come to an end. Russia will accept a rump Ukraine that is neutral and not part of NATO. The WEST will accept this outcome later in 2025. Between now and then some additional 200,000 Ukrainians will die and maybe a like number of Russians. It's all a shameful situation and the moral ground does not favor the WEST IMO.

I have said for the past two years that Russia will not lose this war to Ukraine. The destiny of Russia (as a Nation) is on the line and they have the clout to destroy all of Ukraine if they should choose this option. Ukraine can not win without the FULL support of the WEST (financially and militarily) and this is now waning rapidly. The America people want this war to end as America has many more serious problems to deal with (much greater than Ukraine). The coming election of 2024 will bring out all these dire problems to the voters. The official media needs to get current on what is happening in Ukraine and inform the American people. This is unlikely until AFTER November 5.

Listen to the interview with John Mearsheimer to discern what has happened (historically) and then what is happening on the ground NOW. John has great wisdom and his perspective is much in agreement with mine. Ukraine needs to elect new leaders and start over with a new model for their country. Zelenskyy must go and a new leader needs to emerge. The war situation is dire for Ukraine and they will lose thousands more in this conflict if they continue with their current policies. That is my perspective.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Monday, February 26, 2024

It appears that 'America' is God's target for the coming Solar Eclipse! Why?

God does warn his people on planet Earth prior to a major event like the beginning of a GREAT TRIBULATION. This coming total solar eclipse seems, to me, to be this type of event. America has existed for some 241 years (as of the 2017 eclipse) and if we assume that America started with the treaty of Paris in 1783, then this is another 241 years (as of 2024). 

America (philosophically/theologically) goes back in history to the 10 northern nations of Israel which broke off from the United Kingdom of Israel when King Solomon died. This northern Kingdom lasted precisely 241 years. It was then conquered by the Assyrians in the year 722 BCE. Empires have a limited lifespan and this northern Kingdom of Israel lasted precisely 241 years. Is America destined for this same time period? History does tend to repeat itself. We can witness what happens after this next solar eclipse. 

It seems obvious, to me, that our Creator God is targeting AMERICA for a reason.  America was founded on spiritual premises and this is evident to all students of history. A BIG 'X' will be formed by the path of these two solar eclipses (2017 and 2024). The 'X' is near a small community called Little Egypt (Carbondale), Illinois. Some one million people live in this general area. I presume Carbondale will have 'thousands' of visitors (maybe more) for this coming total solar eclipse.

What is special about this coming event...in the skies of America? The crossing path of two solar eclipses (2017 and 2024) has never happened in all our prior history. The 'X' marks a spot on planet Earth (from the skies) and identifies America as the subject of interest. America's destiny has been special and if this event marks the END of America, then this event will be especially historic. My sense is that God has a message for America which most will ignore. The message is that America's days of Empire are ENDING!

The days of Empire must end at some point (they end for all Empires). It now appears that America's financial situation is so dire that nothing short of total collapse can be avoided. I have been writing about America's dire financial situation for years. Is the day of infamy here? Could this total solar eclipse of 2024 be the SIGN from our Creator that America's days of Empire are over? If so, then a dire tribulation period would follow so that this ending could occur quickly. If this is valid logic, then we all need to pay attention to what happens these next few years.

No-one really knows what our Creator God has in store for America and the world. But if my reading the the SIGNS is valid, then some type of ENDING seems logical. I do not envision another decade of current events for this planet. Wars, polarization, financial crisis, and political schizophrenia are everywhere on this planet. How can this continue for another decade? It does not seem logical to me. We need all this to END and to end quickly. Will God start the process with this coming total solar eclipse? It's all very amazing and also interesting to contemplate!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

A Spiritual Event of Significance, April 8, 2024! A total Solar Eclipse! Details!


The coming total solar eclipse could be the beginning of God's Day of Judgement for America. This event must have spiritual significance and God is targeting America for this Day of Judgment. America was the target of the last total solar eclipse in 2017 and this coming one on April 8 is the ninth solar eclipse since the founding of America. The ninth means the FINAL eclipse.

We need to prepare for this event on April 8 (just 43 days from today). God is our Creator and when this type of event happens it means JUDGMENT. America will be judged and then all the NATIONS will be judged. All this is likely to start on April 8, 2024. Dire events may not happen immediately, but this does not mean that dire events can be avoided. America is a symbol of all our Nations and when America is Judged the entire planet is Judged.

The Day of the Lord is approaching for our world system. This seems to be the message that we will witness in the SKIES. The end of an AGE is coming to planet Earth and all the voting for select politicians will not prevent this event. Biden can not prevent this event. If Trump gets elected he can not prevent the events which will emerge. God rules this planet and he will determine what happens.

Personally, I plan to watch this total solar event as it happens in real-time. I presume that our internet will bring me the details. The official website of the solar eclipse is: www.niagarafallsusa.com. Another venue which is planning events for this solar eclipse is at Lack Placid. Go to: www.lakeplacid.com. The eclipse will enter the United States in Texas. So watching the event as it progresses will be interesting.

Few of our official media will give this event any serious meaning. A person must believe that a Creator God is bringing this event for a reason. Our official media and our political leaders will not be of much help for understanding this coming event. I have been waiting for a key event that could start the Tribulation Period. I now think that this event might be the one. The timing is right and this is why I think it is SIGNIFICANT.

Think for yourself on all these spiritual issues. We are living in amazing times and it is meaningful to witness what is happening on this planet. It all must be leading to SOME major culmination. All the prophecy pundits may not know what is meaningful and what is not. Real events are what I follow. April 8, 2024, might be hugely significant for America and the world. It's only some 43 days from today!


We are living in a historically significant time! Solar eclipses warn of substantial events concerning Gentile nations and can function as a worldwide eschatological clock.

Acts 2:20 and Joel 2:31 speak of total solar eclipses.
Genesis 1:14 says that God uses the stars, sun, and moon for signs and seasons.

The tetrad of Blood Moons occurred in 2014-2015.
In 2024, the United States of America will be experiencing an interesting celestial formation created by two solar eclipses spaced seven years apart.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Muhammad and John (of Revelation) had some similar theology! Let's explore!

The last prophet to the Nations (according to Islam) was Prophet Muhammad.
This Prophet received revelations directly from the Angel Gabriel (with the assumption that the words were actually from God on the Throne). Muhammad ended up reciting the words of Gabriel to many of his followers and this resulted in a book called the Koran (with this information). All this happened with a vision/appearance of an Angel.

But what was the core message of Muhammad that confirms much of the vision of John (within Revelation)? One core theological concept was the 'nature' of God on the Throne. Mohammad and John both view God (on the Throne) as a Singularity (One God). There is no TRINITY in the thinking of either John or Mohammad. You can read Revelation 4 for the vision which John received (likely from this same Angel, Gabriel). God works with his chosen Angels to convey select messages to us here on the planet.

The words in Revelation say that Jesus received his words from God and then conveyed these words to John on Patmos via an Angel. The Angel said to John, "blessed are those who hear, and keep what is written herein; for the time is near." Apparently, John's vision was from this Angel (Gabriel) and this is the same Angel which appeared to Muhammad. If this is valid theology in Revelation then it should agree with the words received by Muhammad some 515 years later.

The core message of both John (in Revelation) and Mohammad (in the Koran) is that there is ONE Creator God on the Throne. This Singularity is the key to both messages...which supposedly were received from Almighty God (Yahweh/Allah/Father). The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammad during his epiphany in the Cave at Mecca and he also appeared to John on the Island of Patmos (so it seems). John received his vision around 95 A.D. and Mohammad received his around 610 A.D.

Islam is a religion which emerged from the words which Mohammad received from Gabriel. End-times eschatology is a message which John received from Gabriel. When I read Revelation 4 and 5 I can discern the core beliefs of John. The Koran seems to confirm these same beliefs in there writings. Another belief within Islam that is similar to John's Revelation is this role of the glorified Yeshua/Jesus. Both seem to adopt the theology that Isa/Yeshua/Jesus was glorified (after Golgotha) and that this prior historical Prophet does have a role to play during the time of Judgement (that which is now happening).

All this is interesting as it confirms the 'nature' of our God (on the Throne) and also the role of subservient angels in conveying messages to human beings on this planet. God is on the Throne and this Source works with his angels to bring core messages to mankind. It appears that Gabriel is a key Angel that conveyed a vision to John on Patmos and later to Mohammad (in the cave) near Mecca. If this is valid theology, then we all should internalize this theology for our world. Who is God? It's Yahweh/Allah/Elaha/Father/Jehovah/the I AM that I AM! We have ONE LORD, CREATOR, KING for planet Earth! Amazing!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.