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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Evidence of 'Resurrection' has been destroyed but 'Glorification' is plausible!

This bodily resurrection (of Jesus) is a myth/fantasy for me. Science, experience, and history demonstrate that bodily resurrections do not happen on planet Earth. But the idea of a 'glorification' is a valid concept! Should the Church Age end now that bodily resurrections have been debunked?

Religion has been corrupted in many areas (since the start of our Church Age) but there is one experience which I think is valid in real-time. The concept is called 'glorification'. Another concept (similar to glorification) is the 'passing away' of one's virtual self (at physical death). Today, we have millions of testimonies that Near Death Experiences (NDE) are real/happening. This also goes for Out of body experiences (I had this back in the mid seventies). So some concepts of religion are valid and others are problematic. We must think in real-time to discern!

The one idea which I think is valid in the theology of Paul (of Tarsus) is his visionary experience on the road to Damascus. This vision experience totally changed the life of Saul (later Paul) and this is an experience which has happened to millions since the days of Paul. What does this vision experience prove in real-time? It proves that the risen (glorified) Yeshua/Jesus was a real event of history. Jesus/Yeshua did get 'glorified' after his physical death at Golgotha. In other words, Yeshua's virtual self did continue to live on in a new realm.

The life of a virtual self is what I call this experience when the self (soul) passes from the death body of a person. At the point of death my brain/heart dies and this produces my dead physical body. But does this END my life? I don't think so! What happens is that my 'virtual' self (passes from my body) and enters this new realm of the spirit. It is impossible to KILL my spirit self (soul) as this entity is eternal. Socrates was right when he said that he was 'immortal'. He understood that his non-material soul continues to live on.

Socrates was not fearful of death as he was convinced (rightly) that the non-material essence of a person (the soul) continues to live on in a new realm. Yeshua/Jesus also experienced this reality when he died at Golgotha in 33 A.D. Immediately, at the point of physical death his 'spirit' (soul) was glorified. Who did this 'glorification'? It was Father God who did this. Father God 'glorified' Yeshua/Jesus and allowed him to ascend to his Throne in this new realm of reality (called the VIRTUAL realm). Those who claim that Yeshua/Jesus is alive need to give Father God the Glory.

Once this 'glorification' happened (at the point of death) a new life emerges (immediately). Yeshua/Jesus is now at the right-hand-side of his God (in this new realm). Since we all live in the NOW (always) I or you can experience this 'glorified' realm to some extent (even while in the flesh). A NDE (near death experience) and/or a OBE (out-of-body) experience demonstrates the reality of this situation. Also, since Yeshua/Jesus is alive (at this very moment) he can ACT to intervene in human affairs. My mother was one person who claims that she had an 'intervention' of Jesus. This happened back in 1950 when Elsa (my mother) had a major mental breakdown (due to the false diagnosis and death of her son in 1948).

This false diagnosis of diphtheria by our local doctor (led to this mental depression and the eventual intervention of the living Jesus in the life of mother Elsa). Mother claims that without this intervention of the living Jesus (in her situation) she would certainly have died. What does this prove in real-time? For me, this proves that the living (glorified) Jesus is active today (everyday) in the life of select person's. A similar intervention happened to my sister back in 1968. The real-time 'glorified' Jesus intervened and changed (completely the life and marriage of my sister). It happened in real-time and this proves that this is REAL.

The idea that Paul of Tarsus had a vision on the road to Damascus is believable for me. This vision experience completely changed the life and character of Paul (his prior name was Saul) and then this person went on his Evangelization tour so as to demonstrate that his vision had real-time meaning. I disagree with much of Paul's later theology (his idea that I am 'saved' by the blood of a dead Jesus) but I do not question this real-time vision experience which Paul had. This vision experience proves that a 'glorified' Yeshua/Jesus is alive and well (in real-time) NOW. Millions of select believers give testimony to this reality!

The idea that the historical dead Jesus/Yeshua was resurrected (bodily) after his death on the cross is not believable for me (however). Science and common sense tell me that NONE get bodily resurrected after a real death experience. This story in our New Testament is an INVENTED story IMO. It was probably based on the philosophy that dead bodies (eventually get resurrected). This belief was handed down by the Jews (Pharisees) and then this TEXT in the New Testament was used to INVENT this story that Jesus/Yeshua was bodily resurrected (some three days after Golgotha). This story is fantasy/myth/false IMO.

So we do have real-time (NOW) evidence of 'glorification' (at the point of physical death) but we do NOT have real-time evidence of a bodily resurrection. The idea of a bodily resurrection is pure myth/fantasy IMO. My recommendation is that thinkers abandon this false RESURRECTION story and adopt this REAL 'glorification' reality which is demonstrated in real-time via NDE, OBE, and vision experiences. It is also demonstrated by experiences such as that of my MOTHER and also my SISTER.

Think on this as you reject much of the text of scripture that is based on stories of fantasy. Our New Testament (and also some of the Torah) reveal that religion can be corrupted by scribes and writers who desire to PROMOTE a belief system which is not based on a NOW experience. Reality is a NOW experience and this is how we can rule out beliefs based on false stories, myths, and inventions of human imagination. A living/glorified Yeshua/Jesus (subordinate to the Father) is realistic IMO. We have millions of testimonies that validate this reality. Is Jesus coming a 2nd time to planet Earth (in the flesh)? This is doubtful. His action is NOW within the 'glorified' realm (also called the human CONSCIOUSNESS)!

Consciousness is our evidence that our virtual self continues to live after our physical death. My view is that this will become ubiquitous in the coming years. It will be SELF-EVIDENT to thinkers and believers! That is my viewpoint. Think for yourself on these issues of reality. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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