Understanding Economics and Money

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Friday, April 7, 2023

Comparing that which is VIRTUAL (mental) to that which is MATTER (material)!

My missive on Easter was meant to point to a new reality which we now live with daily. Easter (this annual Holiday) is based upon the idea that Yeshua died and then was resurrected (bodily) after three days of physical death in a tomb. This story of history has created many deceptions about the nature of reality IMO. The vast majority of thinkers/believers assume that 'I am my body' (you are your body) and that there is no mental world (world of the spirit) separate from our body. This, to me, is a huge deception which needs to be reversed IMO. Let's explore the idea of a separate world which is virtual!

In reality, my real self is 'virtual' (mental) as it derives from my consciousness. I am technically NOT my body. My consciousness is actually part of the virtual world of the spirit. My words and my thinking derive from my 'consciousness'. My mental life resides within my 'consciousness'. All that I observe with my eyes originates (first) from my 'consciousness'. An image of the mind derives from my memory which resides within my 'consciousness'. All this is part of my VIRTUAL world. I propose that you are similar.

We need to understand the philosophy of Dualism to fully comprehend these ideas of VIRTUAL and that which is non-virtual (part of our material world of matter). As I walk the streets in my neighborhood, I experience both my world of matter (trees, cars, houses) and my world of mind (my consciousness). Matter is generally viewed as the material world of objects (sun, moon, stars, etc.). Mind is generally viewed as the non-material world of consciousness (memories and mental images). An image within my mind is technically a virtual image. An object outside my mind is matter. I call this my philosophy of Dualism.

What is a good definition of this word we call virtual?

VIRTUAL: not physically existing as such but made by software or the mind to appear to exist. The best example of a virtual image is the image produced within a mirror. Virtual is distinguished from the real by the fact that a virtual image lacks an absolute, physical form. A virtual image resides in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination, as compared to an object in nature which is composed of matter (outside the mind). Something that cannot be touched (or held in one's hand) is generally a virtual object. A 'vision' within my mind is an example of a virtual experience. A 'dream' is another example of a virtual experience. Within finance we now live with 'digital' currencies (these are units of the mind with no physical form). The America 'dollar' has become an 'image within the mind' (virtual).

Think of reality as composed of TWO realms or worlds. All of reality starts with my/your virtual consciousness. I then observe outer reality (say a tree) to discern that which is non-virtual (physical). As I walk the streets in my neighborhood, I notice cars, trees, flowers, houses, birds, etc. These objects are observed with my eyes but it is my virtual consciousness which allows me to observe all these objects. I could not observe without being conscious. All of this experience derives from a virtual environment (called the human mind). My REAL self is within this 'virtual' realm. I suggest that you are similar!

Many thinkers seem to ignore the reality of the human 'spirit'. There is a 'spirit' component within the human soul/mind. This 'spirit' component is what creates my virtual world of consciousness/thinking. My missive on Easter points out that Yeshua of Nazareth was fully human during his lifetime. He had a 'spirit' component within himself which Father God 'glorified' at the point of his physical death. He did not really die (at passing) as Father God converted his real self into a virtual self (at the point of passing). This is why he could 'appear' to select believers (followers) and reveal his new life of the 'spirit'. Yeshua's prior flesh/blood body was unimportant to God IMO as the REAL self is 'spirit'. At death, the 'spirit' can live on in this new virtual realm of reality. I am not my physical body and I propose that you are also not your physical body. We live eternally in this realm of the 'spirit' (consciousness).

Today, this 'virtual' realm (our real self) is everywhere. As a teacher of economics/finance I have written many articles on the nature of today's money. Today, our money unit (the dollar) is mostly a virtual unit. It has no physical existence or form but it works until it vanishes when money 'values' decline within our computer accounts. Have you noticed how your investment account goes up and down in a matter of seconds? Have you noticed how today's money units can vanish and disappear in seconds as 'values' crash? Why is this a reality today? I would suggest that this is reality because our money units (dollars) are now mostly VIRTUAL. These units are 'nothing' and in reality they don't 'exist'.

Money is now mostly inner. We live with virtual (inner) money which lives within our consciousness. Can you observe (see) this virtual money? Can you hold it in your hand? Where is this virtual money? As long as our computer is active (working) we can witness these virtual units on our computer screen. But all these units of 'nothing' can vanish and disappear when 'values' decline or crash. They vanish and disappear because they are technically VIRTUAL (they don't exist as physical items). I have been writing about an eventual crash of these 'virtual' money units for years. All this will happen at the appointed time IMO.

Easter is a good time to start thinking about this VIRTUAL world of reality. In reality, Yeshua (Jesus) did not die and then resurrect bodily (after three days). This is a fable of the theological writers IMO. In reality, Yeshua (Jesus) had a 'spirit' component as his REAL self. This 'spirit' component was converted to a VIRTUAL self at the point of his passing (death). I would maintain that Yeshua's virtual self (after death) allowed him to 'appear' to select believers/followers. His mental/virtual self was able to create his 'glorified' image in the consciousness of these select believers. He 'appeared' virtually to Paul, James, Peter, Mary, and many others. This 'appearance' was a virtual experience for these believers. Give this idea some reflection at your leisure.

Personally, I know many believers who have experienced the virtual Jesus in their consciousness. This happens daily. My mother was my best witness. Why is this possible? I would suggest that this is possible because this prior Jew from Nazareth is actually LIVING virtually at this moment in time. His body is now 'glorified' and 'virtual'. It resides in this spiritual realm which we call our 'consciousness' (right side of Almighty God). Who understands these realities? Few to none (so it seems). Most believers are deceived by their spiritual teachers. They lack discernment and understanding. Most will go to church on Easter Sunday and worship a resurrected body (man).

They will assume that this man is God (as they assume he was resurrected after his bodily death). Many assume (believe) that this man was God in the flesh during his lifetime and thus he actually resurrected himself after three days in the tomb. He did not need another higher power. Rick Wiles (pastor of Trunews) believes this story. Many others (pastors) claim similar. Jesus was God Almighty and this allowed him to resurrect himself. Others assume that Father God did the bodily resurrection. My view is different. Yeshua actually became a virtual self at the point of his death (passing). He then appeared 'virtually' to many followers. Father God did the salvation for his anointed servant, Yeshua/Jesus. Think on this idea of a VIRTUAL self. It seems real to me. 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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