Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, April 10, 2023

To Understand 'Money' THINK like a Central Banker! Let's think on this!

The virtual dollar $ comes from the consciousness of Jerome Powell (mostly). He is America's Central Banker. His ideas on money determine who gets more 'units' and who gets less. Amazing power in one person who is unelected and hidden from public scrutiny on most of his mental activities. 

Today's Wall Street Journal had an article entitled 'Stop the Fed Bubble Machine'. The writer understands where our money has come from and how these asset bubbles emerged from the decision-making of a few Central Bankers. The key to understanding money is to discern that 'money comes from the consciousness of a Central Banker'. Yes, money (today) is a 'unit of consciousness' and this means that its origin is consciousness. Nature was the original origin of this concept called money until our Central Bankers took control. The American Central Bank started mostly after 1913.

Who is primary singular source which creates our money from their 'consciousness'? It's a Central Banker (s). Jerome Powell is America's Central Banker. Christine Lagarde is Europe's Central Banker. Everyone in power understands that he/she can create our virtual money from their 'consciousness' (thinking). Jerome Powell has the power to merely THINK and grow rich. He creates our American virtual/digital dollar from his 'consciousness'. Christine Lagarde is mostly responsible for the euro currency.

There is no limit to the quantity of virtual dollars that a Central Banker can create. Our American dollar is 'tied' to nothing today. Yes, our dollar is now a 'unit' of consciousness and Jerome Powell is the central source for these 'units' of nothing. Jerome can merely THINK up 'numbers' in his head (consciousness) and then direct his agent at the New York Fed to punch computer keys so that his SOMA (system open market account) is increased. Money arrives in the millions, billions, and even trillions.

What a criminal operation I witness at our Central Bank headquarters. Money is created from the 'consciousness' of our Central Banker. Why? Because money is now a 'unit' of consciousness. What is a 'unit' of consciousness? Is it a paper note? Is it a printed bill? Is it a gold coin? Is it a silver coin? The answer is NO, NO, NO, NO. Our money units today are 'units' of consciousness (virtual units) which originate with a Central Banker by the name of Jerome Powell (mostly). Amazing that so few comprehend money.

Money is (in reality) an idea. Money derives from the human mind. The word 'dollar' (or any other virtual currency) is really 'nothing' physical. All these units are derived from our Central Bankers (today) and our Central Bankers derive these 'units' from their consciousness. They THINK and grow rich. Our politicians recognize where their POWER comes from. It comes from MONEY...and money comes from consciousness (the consciousness of a Central Banker). Jerome Powell is just one of many key Central Bankers.

When I was in Sweden in 2015, I visited the Swedish Central Bank (called the Riksbank). I walked from my hotel to the Riksbank and asked if I could visit or tour the facility. I explained that I was an economist from America and I had learned about Sweden's Central Banker, Stefan Ingves. I wanted to visit with him on his policy of creating QE for Sweden's economy. After a visit with the Security Guard at the Riksbank he asked (the authorities) if I could visit or tour the bank. After waiting for hours, I was informed that I could not visit. Who decided? I do not know!

Stefan Ingves was the Central Banker who was creating billions of Krona (the Swedish currency) for his economy back in 2015. He was creating this QE (as it was called) from his consciousness. The Swedish Krona is merely a 'unit' of consciousness (it has no 'tie' to anything physical/much like our dollar). Stefan had his master computer in a private room and this allowed him to create these 'cyber' units from his consciousness (for distribution to select Swedish clients). Today, there is a new Central Banker for the Riksbank called Erik Thedeen. Stefan is now an advisor (I assume).

The real history of money reveals that money is supposed to be a 'proxy' for value. Value is what emerges when I create a product for the marketplace. If I create 'bread', then this product is exchanged as if it has 'value'. To calculate 'value' I need a currency unit. Units of currency give my 'bread' a value for exchange. This 'value' concept is also a unit of consciousness. Value was historically derived from some PHYSICAL currency (paper or coin). But today, value is derived from a 'unit' of consciousness (dollar and/or krona). This makes 'value' and our 'currency' mostly meaningless in the private marketplace.

Today, both 'value' and 'currencies' are units of consciousness (virtual units). They derive from the human mind. Central Bankers have developed a system where select Central Bankers can create these units in unlimited quantities. Today, a mere mental 'number' represents a currency. These 'numbers' are totally non-physical. Numbers emerge from the human mind (consciousness). Central Bankers have control over the issuance of these 'numbers'. Computers are the 'tool' for distribution of these 'numbers'. It's all a criminal system today and few to none comprehend the system.

Yes, Central Bankers are key to the future of money. Jerome Powell in the USA can THINK up units of consciousness and then funnel these units to his clients via the computer network. Select politicians benefit from a relationship with a Central Banker. Biden has received huge benefits from the policies of Jerome Powell. In Europe its Christine Lagarde. In Sweden is is now Erik Thedeen. These Central Bankers have hidden master computers which funnel their units of consciousness from select client to select client. Can the public visit these venues where all this money corruption takes place? Absolutely, NOT.

The public needs to remain in the DARK about the role and rule of money. MONEY is what everyone in a position of POWER wants/needs. The public needs to stay uninformed and unaware. The discerning few, however, recognize that it's our Central Bankers who control the issuance and distribution of these 'units'. They rule the planet for their select clients. The key Central Bankers today are: Jerome Powell, Christine Lagarde, Andrew Bailey, and the few others who bow to these currency KINGPINS. The group of 30 mostly controls all the money on this planet. See: www.group30.org. 

Yes, its amazing to understand this concept we all MONEY. Few comprehend that this concept is inner and part of our consciousness. Money derives from consciousness and this is why I call money a 'unit' of consciousness. Those who understand money today recognize that its our CENTRAL BANKERS who create, control, and distribute these units to the public. They also control our interest rates and the policies of the commercial banks who must bow to their rule. Our planet BOWS to money and a few Central Bankers RULE over us all. Amazing criminality and corruption derives from this system.

This Central Banker understands the need for CONTROL over the marketplace. She apparently wants more control via CBDC's (central bank digital currencies). It's all a criminal system when understood. 

Erik Thedeen runs the Swedish Riksbank. The motto in Sweden is that money must be stable. Is this possible in today's world of virtual currencies? I don't think so! Erik will be similar to his prior mentor, Stefan Ingves IMO. Select clients will get favors from this CB.

Andrew Bailey runs the Bank of England. His currency is also a 'unit of consciousness'. Can he funnel these units to select clients within his empire? It's all done behind closed doors!

Austin rules over the Bank for International Settlements. His ideas affect all the Central Banks to some degree. He was prior Central Banker for Mexico. Do select clients get favors from this CB?

China's Central Banker, Yi , received his education at the University of Illinois. He bows to Xi Jinping for the key decisions on monetary policy. China wants total control over the marketplace via their virtual currency (the yuan). Money rules this planet and a few CB's distribute the spoils.

Is the Ponzi banking system about to collapse? Some think so! Our world would be better if this happened!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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