Understanding Economics and Money

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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Satan's financial system! Very Tricky! Why?


Get prepared for Satan's financial system (the CBDC)!

Personally, I am convinced that Satan rules planet Earth (for now). His invisible forces send messages to human beings (especially those in authority) so that his agenda can be furthered. What is his agenda? Since money rules this planet, money is key to the agenda of Satan. The financial system has evolved to favor this invisible culprit. We now have digital currencies (money) for some 95% of all money transactions (maybe more). Digital currencies are 'virtual' items which live as invisible symbols within our 'consciousness' (spirit).

Yes, our financial system is now mostly invisible and without any tangible substance. This type of financial system favors this culprit who desires to rule the world and impose a digital/virtual financial system upon the planet.  Few people on our planet recognize the NATURE of a digital/virtual financial system. In reality, this system of mental symbols/numbers is ideal for Satan and his subservient political followers. I have been writing about this financial system for years. It's a system which LIVES within our 'consciousness' (mind). It's diabolical!

Yes, we now live with a financial system that is non-physical/invisible/immaterial and which fools the many consumers and investors who use this intangible/invisible system. Who looks within themselves for a currency unit (say the dollar)? Most people think that this image $1 is tangible and trades as a physical item. But this in not valid thinking. In reality, a symbol/number ($1) is part of my/your inner 'consciousness' (mind). It is mental at the core and this allows Satan and his servants (the Central Bankers and our deceived Politicians) to fool most of the entire marketplace.

Biden (and Trump) now know that our new financial system is called MMT (Modern Monetary Theory). This new financial system is nothing. It has no substance or existence in material/observable reality. Money was originally invented to be a physical item (say like a silver/minted dollar). Thomas Jefferson invented the American minted dollar and this currency unit was physical and contained 'matter' (substance). It had a weight and the dollar was defined as 371.25 grains of pure silver (and it was minted). Today this is not reality.

Today, America has an invisible/non-material/non-physical currency which our Bankers create out of nothing (their mental consciousness). It's totally corrupt but fully in compliance with SATAN'S mindset of deception and trickery. Most consumers (I talk to many) have NO IDEA that our financial system is now IMAGINARY (part of our mental/consciousness). They are fooled and tricked (unknowingly). Look all around yourself (right now). Can you locate/find/discover a digital/virtual dollar? A digital/virtual krona? A digital/virtual euro? Try it. There is no such THING in our material universe. It's all a TRICK of Satan!

Amazing trickery that this culprit displays in the bright lights of human observation. It's all an illusion of our mind but fully operational for Satan's financial system (now heading for a global CBDC (Central Bank Digtal currency) for the entire planet. Amazing that so few can discern these realities. I have written about these realities for years. My deceived friends at the clubhouse (75 - 85 years of age) still are mostly deceived on the NATURE of our financial system (a few discern, however). The history of money can be described in a few words:

1. Money is invented (by you and I) to serve as a proxy for market value.

2. Money is then defined (by a government) so the people can exchange value in the marketplace.

3. Money is composed of 'matter' and it has weight and volume (it's not merely a $1). 

4. Money is created by a MINT (not out-of-nothing by the consciousness of Bankers).

5. Today's money (our digital/virtual currencies) are units of our mind (consciousness).

6. We live in a world where our financial 'consciousness' determines value (now subjective and illusionary).

7. All is destined to vanish/collapse/disappear eventually (Satan's financial system will perish).

Think on these concepts as you continue to VOTE for Satan's Bankers and Satan's Politicians. When will all this END? At the appropriate TIME. That is my viewpoint. Have a great day!

The American $1 started out as a silver coin. After the Great Depression of 1929, this dollar was eliminated by FDR and his political machine. Today, our $1 is merely a mental symbol (circulated via an electronic computer system). 'Cyber dollar' is another name for this financial unit. It has no tangible existence!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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