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Monday, March 4, 2024

Who Are The 'SONS of NOAH'? Details!

After visiting the Grand Canyon some four times and thinking about the history of this grand environment, I am now convinced that a rapid volcanic/upheaval was part of the process which produced this Grand Canyon. All happened quickly and suddenly after the GREAT FLOOD of Noah (some 4,200 years prior). All this change to our landscape and environment happened suddenly (not over millions of years as some propose who reject the Great Flood reality). 

Since I am convinced that Noah was a real person and his wife and sons (with their wives) actually lived after this Great Flood, this means that everyone on this planet (NOW) descended from these persons. Population growth (over time) supports the idea of growth to today's 8 billion. We are all 'Sons of Noah' (male and female). This is a fact in my philosophy and this means that our Creator God was the SOURCE which produced this GREAT FLOOD.

Visualize our planet as an ocean of water after this Great Flood. All land was covered by water (similar to an ocean) and one boat was floating on this water with Noah and his family on board. How many animals were on board is not so important other than there must have been animals of all types (on board) if life was to continue after the flood. Visualize the water receding over time and then LAND appearing (some 30% of the planet). Water remained for some 70% of the planet. All this seems plausible and real to me.

Yes, there was a Great Flood in our past and our landscape (plus the fossils which we now find) give us evidence of this reality. Soft tissues have been discovered from various animals (fossils) which give me evidence that MILLIONS of years is a fake theory. All happened suddenly and quickly just as is proposed in our scriptural history (text). Many cultures propose this theory of Noah's flood and all this means that YOU and I are descendants of Noah's family (we are 'Sons of Noah). 

The God of Noah is now understood to be Yahweh/Father (the God which whispered to Abraham and later Moses). God created Adam originally and then all the family on planet Earth (there might have been some billion persons prior to the flood). No-one knows precisely. But all died (along with the animals/life) and then a reconstruction started with Noah and his family. Nimrod emerged to built the Great Tower of Babel. God then confused the 'thoughts' of these people and their languages were changed. This seems plausible and real to me. Languages emerges after the Tower of Babel. 

So all this means that the people on planet Earth (today) are actual descendants of Noah's family. The God of Noah gave us a 'rainbow' in the SKY to serve as a symbol of this Great Flood. I observe this 'rainbow' whenever a serious thunder storm arrives. The rainbow was produced by our Creator God (Noah's God). This God is still alive and well (on his Throne). His plan is now to END the rule of man on planet Earth. All this will happen gradually and relentlessly until the Kingdom of God arrives for planet Earth. That is my premise. You can agree and/or disagree. My philosophy is REAL to me.

All the prophets of God from Adam to Muhammad have given us EVIDENCE of this reality. Yeshua also provided us evidence with his ministry and his ascension to the Throne room of Yahweh/Father. Millions of citizens on planet Earth have recognized this evidence (my mother and sister being two). I have visualized this evidence and experienced my own 'out of body' event back in the 1970's. It is obvious, to me, that my CONSCIOUSNESS is spirit phenomena (as is yours) and our BODIES are matter/flesh/material. We live in a DUAL universe of spirit and matter. This philosophy is REAL to me. Think for yourself.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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