Understanding Economics and Money

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Let's Talk on Issues of Economics/Finance/Politics! What's happening?

Trump is currently leading Biden by some 9% as of today (April 30), according to a new CNN poll. If the election were held today, Trump would win easily (assuming no fraud or election ballot multiplication by the forces which back Biden). So what does the Donald desire for our economy (as of today's WSJ)? He wants to devalue our dollar so as to advance exports and promote more economic growth. Our current trade deficit is over $1 trillion. Amazing! Would this work? I say absolutely not.

A devaluation of our dollar would advance spending, inflation, and force the markets to increase interest rates. None of this would be good for our consumer economy. I think Mr. Trump is barking up the wrong tree on issues of finance/economics. But the policies of Powell may also be detrimental for our economy. As of today, house prices are much beyond the affordability of the main stream buyers. Current interest rates produce a 30 year mortgage rate of 7.5% or more. This will bring chaos to our housing market (eventually). 

The policies in economics are mostly dire as America's DEBT is now much beyond repaying. This awareness will force Powell to keep interest rates high (relatively) and this means real PAIN for our housing markets (also our commercial real estate markets). What we need is a cleansing of debt from all our markets but this is unlikely under our current Keynesian regime. We must wait for a real crash in these markets before anything positive can be done for our children and grand children.

So what is happening over in Argentina and Zimbabwe? Both these nations are experimenting with new currencies to see if they can solve their economic problems. Argentina wants to issue a $20,000 Peso (to follow later with a $50,000 Peso). Will this work for Argentina? I don't think so. Sound money must be restored if Argentina is going to survive. This is unlikely to happen as Milei (the new leader) does not understand money issues IMO. A sound money solution would require that the Peso be tied to gold and then made convertible into gold (at the option of the public). This was the only solution which worked for America. The key concept is 'convertibility'!

Prior to convertibility, however, a new currency must be DEFINED in terms of something tangible (say gold or silver). Once a currency is defined, then the government can offer this option of 'convertibility' to the public (based upon this definition). America, defined our dollar (originally) as 371.25 grains of silver. This then allowed our banking system to exchange (convert) a dollar into silver at this defined ratio. Convertibility was a function of our dollar policy until FDR days when this option was removed. Since 1934, America's public has not had any option to 'convert' a dollar into silver and/or gold. Our dollar is now a mere item of 'faith' (meaningless and worthless)!

Over in Zimbabwe, they are trying to create a new ZIG currency which they claim is tied to gold. In reality, it is NOT convertible into gold by the public. This means that over issuance of this currency will happen in time (it always does). I say that within ONE year, this Zig currency will be trash. Again, the central authorities do not understand sound money. A centralized currency issued by a Central Bank never works long term. Money gets multiplied as loans are made and this eventually leads to inflation and then hyper-inflation. Our central planners never seem to learn. What's needed is a decentralized currency system with full convertibility into gold (at the option of the public). This, however, will never be promoted by a CENTRAL BANK (or by any nation on planet Earth).

What we really need is to abolish these Central Banks and then decentralize the entire economic system. My view is that we need to rid the markets of all these phony/imaginary/fake currencies and promote a NEW system which is based upon direct production/consumption where our Smart Phone Apps get used to distribute goods and services. All these fake digital currencies are anathema to sound economic policy (in today's world of the internet). Money must be eliminated from all markets and then we need to decentralize the system so that direct consumption is balanced with production. This could be done via our Smart Phone Apps and with a new education of the public on issues of economics/philosophy.

Our current system is totally corrupt (bankrupt) and it is impossible to resurrect the current corrupt model (which many call Capitalism/Keynesianism). This model has run its course (now some 90 years) and we need to start thinking about our children and grand children who will inherit the system in the next few  years. Continuing with a bankrupt system that only gets worse over time is an INSANE mindset. We need to think anew and promote a system which is valid for our children and grand children. The Baby Boom generation has corrupted the current system (and it is now BEYOND repair). Think on these things as you watch Trump and Biden fight over policies that ONLY make events more DIRE for everyone.

The election of 2024 (now less than 200 days) will bring the world chaos and breakdown. That is my viewpoint as our finance system is totally broken. Witness the numbers here: www.usdebtclock.org. Nothing can save this system as the MODEL has run its course. Our debt based system started in 1934 (under this model called Keynesianism) and it is now over 90 years old. The debt is our problem and everyone knew (back in 1934) that a day of reckoning would arrive. That day is NOW! A better day is coming, but it likely will not be in 2024 (or after)!

Trump/Biden/Kennedy will likely fight it out during the coming election of 2024. The language could become ugly when we get to October and early November. The election is November 5, 2024. Can anyone SAVE America given our current situation? Is MAGA even possible?

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Ecnomist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Let's Talk on the REALITY of death! Is it an Event to Worry About?

Yesterday, a relative of mine died in Sweden. Was this anything to worry over? I live in a community of older retired person's and death happens nearly every week to someone I knew (casually). The death decade in my community is in the 80's and low 90's. Most seem to 'pass on' into this VIRTUAL realm in their 80's (but a few live into their 90's). One of my neighbor's even made it to 102. So physical death happens in my venue every week to someone. Health issues emerge out of the blue and most of these retired person's have no idea what is happening within their inner bodies. Neither do I!

But is this issue that significant in the long run (within the bigger picture)? My sense is that death and the transition into this VIRTUAL realm (after death) is common to each/every person. It is not an issue to FEAR or WORRY about. We all live on (eternally) after this brief time on planet Earth. I was born in 1943 without any input from me. I did not choose my parents and/or my venue of birth. I did not choose my culture, sex, or my various talents. All just happened to me as I lived my life (now some 82 years in January). Is it all meaningless and insignificant? To some extent Yes!

When I reflect on my life events via my inner memories, I discover that all these events were likely determined by forces much beyond my control. I did not choose my ideas, words, thoughts, or concepts about reality. I developed my worldview (later in life) by reflecting on these events as they happened. I now perceive that all these events were likely determined by forces which were/are beyond my control. If this is valid, then I would conclude that YOU are in a similar boat to me. All your life events were also determined for you by forces beyond your control.

What does this mean philosophically? For me this means that all human beings are DOING the best they can do each moment of NOW. Our choices emerge from our ideas and thoughts and memories. These choices produce our life experiences. Does anyone have REAL freewill to abandon these forces which determine our destiny? I don't think so. What does this mean for our collective reality? Are we all living a simulation which was produced by these forces which control our destiny? Do any of us have real (real-time) freewill? I think not!

Everyone is living within a simulation (a virtual program) which is beyond one's real-time control. This means that none of us has REAL freewill. Our so-called free will is secondary and subservient to these greater invisible forces which rule over us. Did I choose to be BORN? Did I choose my parents, birth venue, culture, talents, color, etc. I don't think so! So what does this mean for our collective society? I would suggest that it means that everyone is CLAY and our POTTER is our Source. We are created beings with a simulated program that originates at birth. Don't BLAME your parents! Don't BLAME your culture! Don't BLAME anyone!

Accept your lot in life and then LIVE and LET LIVE! All is much beyond my/your control. Our life continues in the VIRTUAL realm when our DESTINY is finished in this material realm. The Kingdom of our Source is coming to this planet (so all this is revealed gradually)! Small details are being revealed as we live our lives and THINK about all these variables. Life is likely a simulation (program) which none of us can change. The best I can do is ACCEPT my lot and then LIVE and LET LIVE! That is what I think as of today! Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Some of my CORE beliefs (in a nutshell)! As of today!

I live by/with my beliefs...as I experience reality. Beliefs, for me, can change when I discover that reality challenges what I believe. Reality, for me, is always a NOW experience. I live my life in the NOW from birth until death. I never experience a 'past' or a 'future'. Reality is always a NOW experience, for me. The 'past' is really a NOW experience for me. This also goes for the 'future'. This idea is CORE for me and I doubt that this will change. Yes, reality (truth) is relative and it changes over time. But one belief that is CORE for me (constant) is this idea that I live my life ALWAYS in the NOW. Let's describe some of my core beliefs (as of NOW) in the following categories...economics, spiritual, and philosophical. 

My CORE economic beliefs:

1. The concept of 'value' (value in exchange) is always subjective and it changes continually. For example, my house value today is (say) $450,000. This 'value' is based on sales (comparables) today in my neighborhood. I purchased my house (property) for $179,000 in October of 2013. This was reality as of 2013. Today, reality has changed and my house (property) is likely $450,000 (today's selling price).

2. Prices change from day to day as people buy/sell/invest. But since 'value' (and price) are subjective (value is an idea within my mind/consciousness), these 'values' (prices) can change in a moments notice. Value (price) is fluid and volatile as values/prices are really inner/subjective derivations of the human mind. My house value/price could (in theory) go to ZERO. My physical house/property would remain but its 'value' could go to ZERO. If our dollar currency ($1) is eliminated by my government (their policy/law) then all my values/prices (derived in dollars) could go to ZERO. It has happened in Zimbabwe and many other nations within history. All is subjective and dependent upon a government policy/regulation/law.

3. Today, we live with non-physical currencies (money). We value an item (say bread/eggs) with a digital currency which is maintained by our Central Banking system (government). If my Central Bank shuts down their master computer (and restricts any currency transactions in their currency) then I would be back to barter for my goods and services (all this could happen in a moments notice today). Economics started with a barter community and all could revert to barter if our official master computer is shut down. Values and prices would be negotiated (subjectively) and some other item would be used to settle a negotiation (trade). All this could happen in a moments notice given today's monetary/economic system. Amazing!

4. My sense is that America and the world economic system is fragile, fluid, and volatile. All could crash in a moments notice (given the nature of our centrally controlled system). This happened in Zimbabwe in 2010 and a carton of eggs needed $1.5 trillion Zimbabwe dollars and/or a bag of peanuts when exchanged between parties to a trade. The Zimbabwe currency lost all its VALUE and prices (being subjective) were negotiated subjectively between parties to a trade. Barter emerged immediately for most trades. Amazing!

My CORE spiritual and philosophical beliefs (as of today):

1. A Higher Power is a reality in real-time. This Higher Power is 'invisible' and can not be seen via one's physical eyes. Faith is required and this means many will reject the idea of a Higher Power. For me, a Higher Power is my term for our Creator God (Father God). For me, this Creator God is self-evident as I observe that which has been created (in real-time/today). The Sun, moon, stars, galaxies point to this Higher Power. The life on this planet (human and animal) point to this Higher Power. Events that happen point to this Higher Power. Amazing!

2. For me, all must be determined by this invisible Higher Power. Nothing is left to Chance. Our Higher Power governs my life from birth to death. I did not choose to be born and I do not choose my day of eventual death. My entire life experience is caused and determined by this Higher Power. I can not choose any event without a prior thought/idea/concept within my mind. And these inner/invisible 'thoughts' and 'ideas' derive (ultimately) from this Higher Power. For me, ideas/words/thoughts/concepts/virtual images derive from this Higher Power (and/or agents of this Higher Power). Nothing happens by CHANCE or uncertain forces. All that happens on this planet (and our universe) was pre-planned and happens for a purpose/cause. The beginning and the end happens as our Higher Power controls his created universe. This is my CORE belief.

3. I was not created by CHANCE or via some evolutionary process (of nature). I was created by an invisible Higher Power which determines by destiny from birth to death. When my physical death arrives my 'virtual' self (which is eternal) continues to live-on in another realm of reality (which I call virtual/spiritual). My virtual self can be visualized as my inner consciousness. My inner consciousness (spirit) has no real death. It is eternal and lives forever. This is my CORE belief. I am immortal and eternal as my inner self is virtual/spiritual. Socrates believed this idea and so did many other thinkers (today and from our history). A 'near-death' experience is one example of eternality. An out-of-body experience is another example of one's eternal consciousness living outside the physical body/flesh. In reality life is eternal for everyone! Amazing!

4. Since life experiences are both physical and virtual this means that my worldview can be called a Dualist philosophy. I live in TWO realms of reality continually as I experience life events. My body/flesh/brain is material (composed of matter/mass) and my inner self (which is invisible/spirit) works with my electromagnetic self to produce this dual reality to life. Dualism is real as it happens in real-time (NOW). I did not evolve from mere material forces (as Macro Evolution presupposes). I was created by an invisible Higher Power which determines by destiny (from birth to physical death) and then the events which happen AFTER physical death (also). Nothing happens by chance and this means that I view reality as DETERMINED. My Potter is the cause and my self (virtual) is the Clay. This is CORE to my beliefs (as of today). My worldview derives from the above core beliefs.

I will stop with these core beliefs for now. I think you can digest the meaning of these beliefs on your own. If these core beliefs are invalid, then I would need to change my worldview. But as of today, these core beliefs seem valid to me. Have a great day as you reflect on these core beliefs. You may agree with some and disagree with some. This is natural as we all derive our thinking uniquely and individually. Our internet world is full of differing worldview's and philosophies. My worldview is unique for me.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

How many 'times' should one get Baptised so as to Remove all SIN?

Many church goers assume that getting baptised will remove one's sin (all sin). Is this myth or reality? Let's think on this issue for this missive. Many believers assume that this is so! Repent at the moment of dunking and then all sin gets removed as the pastor lifts one from the water. But is this doctrine/ritual valid in real-time? Do believers actually change all their negative behavior/sin during (and after) this process (called baptism)? Is sin removed from one's inner spirit? How much? Let's review a few examples from real-time experience.

2. At my baptism (at age 32) my father (Martin) also chose to get baptised again after my baptism (this was his fourth time). Dad was baptised in Sweden at an early age, then twice by my cousin, Brynolf, (in his forties...on the farm in a cattle trough), and then a fourth time when I was baptised in Wisconsin Dells. My cousin, Brynolf, was a self-made preacher/pastor/farmer who viewed baptism as crucial for eliminating one's sin (all sin). He preached the typical forgiveness of sin (all sin) during this spiritual ritual. But what is real-time experience? Is sin actually removed (totally)?

In real-time, it appears that sin emerges again within all those believers who choose baptism. This means that their SIN is not fully removed as many pastor's proclaim. Sin is breaking the MORAL LAW (of the God of Israel). We also call this the Ten Commandments of God Almighty. Read these Commandments and you will discover that keeping these LAWS fully is totally IMPOSSIBLE. No human being can keep the MORAL LAW fully and completely. Baptism and repentance may help (to a degree) but FULL adherence to this LAW is impossible for any human being. What does this mean?

For me, this means that NONE (no human being on planet earth...now or past) can call themselves fully 'righteous' or 'free of all sin'. Abraham got called 'righteous' (in a relative way) and so did Noah, Job, and Moses. But none of these patriots were FULLY 'righteous' in real-time (continually). They were simply declared 'righteous' in a relative manner (compared to the many). King David was declared a sinner and also a righteous person (during select parts of his lifetime). Solomon also was partly righteous and partly a huge sinner. So who on planet Earth has experienced NO sin and/or has eliminated ALL sin? Paul of Tarsus had conflicting viewpoints on this issue of sin. This conflict in thinking is part of Paul's confused mindset! In one of his epistles he says everyone is a sinner (Romans 3:10) then he changes his viewpoint in the following text.

Did Yeshua/Jesus view himself as without ANY SIN (during his lifetime)? I don't think so! According to the Gospels, this Servant, Jew, Rabbi, Prophet, Messiah person did not view himself as totally righteous. Why? Because he did choose to get baptised by his cousin, John, in the Jordan River around the age of 27. His decision to get baptised was part of his repentance during/under the preaching of his cousin, John (the Baptist). John was preaching a message of REPENTANCE (for all Jews). Yeshua/Jesus (this Jew from Nazareth) chose to get baptised (by John) and this resulted in his epiphany after he emerged from his dunking (by cousin, John). Father God (Yahweh...the God of Israel) then chose this Jew (Yeshua/Jesus) for his later ministry (called preaching the Kingdom of his God). Mark 1:15.

Yes, every person on planet Earth (now or in the past) is classified as a 'sinner' to some degree. Nothing removes ALL SIN from any human being. We all are sinners for our entire lifetime (to some degree) and we all die as sinners (to some degree). My father, Martin, chose to get baptised FOUR times so as to remove ALL his sin. It did not work. But Dad tried anyway. His first baptism did not remove all his sin, then his second, third, and fourth were similar. Dad died a believer but he also died with some sin (within his spirit). Who can live on this planet WITHOUT any sin? My sense is NO-ONE! Romans 3: 10-12 is an accurate description of man's situation. None is FREE of all sin!

So how many times should I/You get baptised? My sense is that ONCE is sufficient. But after this ritual one must REPENT daily. There is no option that removes ALL sin from our inner spirit. This means that repentance is a good option (and this should be daily). Man's condition is such that NONE is free from sin and this means that repentance is wise and helpful (for our inner spirit) daily. I am guilty of not repenting daily but my sense is that I should do this. Clearing my mind from daily muck helps with clear thinking and a better outlook. This has been my experience. So repentance is a wise action IMO. I try to follow this concept!

The above is my sermon for today. My sense is that human beings will reveal their character in real-time experience. We witness this with our political leaders in Washington D.C. These leaders will lie and sin daily so as to further their career as a politician. Biden lies daily and so does Trump. Our coming election of 2024 will reveal this human condition called sin in spades. Our candidates will lie and misrepresent their beliefs as they attempt to win votes from the people. It's all part of our human condition (so it seems)!

It appears that everyone lies (to some extent) and this reveals our sinful character (at the core). Baptism will not rid oneself of sin/lies (totally). It may help, however, to a DEGREE. Repentance may be the best mindset for all who view themselves as LESS than perfect! My viewpoint!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

ATTN: Biden, Yellen, Powell - STOP the Criminal Behavior with our Dollar ($)!

Our entire monetary system has become a criminal operation! The crime is using a VIRTUAL/DIGITAL dollar for our money/currency. This is now what is happening in real-time and few to none seem to notice or care about this unconstitutionality. It's shameful, corrupt, and criminal! In today's missive I will reveal the CORE nature of our current dollar and why this unit (of nothing) is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I will also send this message to our HIGHER authority (in the virtual/spiritual realm) and ask that this HA to intervene and crash this criminal system.

1. What is a virtual dollar (in reality)? When I ask this question to Google (our AI system), I get an answer as follows: "A virtual dollar is a 'digital' representation of value that is not issued by a central bank and is not legally recognized as a currency." Really? Let's unpack this set of text for a better understanding.

If a virtual dollar is digital then it has no substance or existence within space/time (our observable universe). It also can not be an item of 'value' as it is not a THING (a unit of matter/mass). A virtual dollar ($) is really nothing (no thing). I can not 'hand' this unit over to you. I can not send (in a envelope) this unit to you. Why is this so? It's because this unit is 'virtual' (a non-thing). Virtual means essentially the same as spiritual. It's a unit derived from the human consciousness (mind). Our AI (artificial intelligence) does not seem to know this! This is why Google or any other AI system can not answer this question with valid information.

2. What is a digital dollar (in reality)? Google says the following: "A digital dollar is a digital version of the dollar that would be legal tender and regulated by the government." Supposedly, it is not issued by a Central Bank. Really? What is QE which our Central Bank creates? Let's unpack this nonsense text for better understanding.

The AI system within Google can not provide a valid definition of a digital dollar (so it seems). First of all, a digital dollar is a VIRTUAL unit. It is not a THING (a unit of matter/mass). It has no 'substance' within itself. It is essentially 'nothing' (no thing). I can not 'hand' this unit to you. I can not send (in an envelope) this unit to you. I can not grab this unit (within my brain/consciousness) and give it to you. The unit is VIRTUAL. Virtual means essentially that this unit is spiritual (part of my inner self/my consciousness). Only God can remove this unit from my consciousness/mind. You are impotent. Biden/Yellen/Powell are impotent. Does our Central Bank understand any of this?

3. What does the American Constitution say about our dollar? Is a virtual and/or a digital dollar constitutional? I say absolutely not. Our Constitution says that our Congress must 'coin' money and regulate the 'value' thereof. Congress must 'fix' the Standard of weights and measures. These words imply that our dollar must be a THING (a unit of matter/mass). It must be tangible and composed of matter/mass. It can not be VIRTUAL and/or digital (a non-thing). It must not be invisible and/or living within one's MIND. This would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

A virtual/digital dollar has NO VALUE that is created by our Congress. It is impossible to VALUE a virtual unit of nothing (which resides in the human consciousness/mind). How can I VALUE a unit of nothing? It's impossible. Can you VALUE a unit of nothing? Can Congress, Biden, Yellen, or Powell VALUE a unit of nothing? I don't think so. In order to VALUE a dollar it must be a THING (a unit of substance/matter). It must be some THING which exists in space/time (our observable universe). Does a virtual dollar EXIST? Where? A virtual dollar is part of my/your invisible/intangible CONSCIOUSNESS. It then circulates in 'cyberspace' (a non-tangible environment).

It is obvious to me that our monetary system (composed of virtual/digital dollars) is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and CRIMINAL. Those who operate this monetary system should be called CRIMINALS. This goes for Joe Biden, Janet Yellen, and Jerome Powell (as well as all those within our Congress who sit on our banking committee's). It is SHAMEFUL that none of our legal representatives act and/or recognize these facts of reality. I have written to members of Congress on this issue and the response has been meaningless. Our leaders are unaware of what they are doing, saying, and reporting. This is obvious when I talk to leaders within our monetary/political system.

Since reality will eventually prevail, I can say with conviction that this VIRTUAL dollar system will CRASH at some point down the road. The SYSTEM is composed of NOTHING and built on sinking sand. This SYSTEM (the dollar system) will CRASH when our Higher Authority (HA) intervenes. Intervention is assured IMO and I would not be surprised if this intervention happens in 2024. VIRTUAL currencies (now ubiquitous internationally) will all crash silently and burn (metaphorically) in the NEAR future. That is my viewpoint and I pray that our HA acts on this so reality is revealed to everyone.

Have a great day and THINK about what our criminal leaders (unknowingly) are saying and doing. These leaders do not seem to be AWARE of what VIRTUAL means. They seem unaware of what DIGITAL means. Ask your legal representatives the question: What is a 'digital' dollar? What does 'virtual' mean? What is 'nothing'? What is a 'unit' of consciousness? Does a digital/virtual dollar reside in SPACE/TIME? Where is it? Hand me a digital/virtual dollar. Send me (in an envelope) a virtual/digital dollar. Show me a virtual/digital dollar? If the above is valid then we live with a CRIMINAL/UNCONSTITUTIONAL monetary system.

What is our FED saying and doing in real-time? Do they (the FOMC) realize that QE and QT are forms of official dollar manipulation? Do they realize that creating $$$$$$ out of their mind and then inputting symbols/numbers in a computer account is a form of official counterfeiting? Where in our constitution does it say this is LEGAL and constitutional? I say this is CRIMINAL behavior by our official Central Bank. It will eventually FAIL and CRASH as this is a system without a solid foundation. It's a system BUILT on sinking sand. That is my viewpoint. Think on this as you monetize your own purchases and debt.

What are 1's and O's which enter a computer system? Are they composed of matter/mass? Are they a 'thing' which exists in space/time? Where do these 1's and O's derive from? Think on this!

Look at this image. Where do virtual units (say dollars) come from? Do they originate within my/your consciousness/mind? Are they essentially units of spirit? What is a unit of consciousness? It's time to think before acting. This message needs to get to our political/banking leaders!

Are you living in a 'virtual' world of symbols/numbers and mental entities? Our entire global monetary system is now mostly virtual/digital. A world that lives with us. Is this spiritual or what? Can God intervene in this type of virtual environment? I think so! Watch and wait to witness this coming event! Our political leaders may be operating a Satanic system (unknowingly)!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

The REAL Yeshua vs. the Jesus of Christianity! A HUGE difference!

This Christian scholar develops the viewpoint that Paul and Jesus were essentially on the same page with their different gospels. I would disagree. Paul has essentially changed the gospel of Yeshua/Jesus so that he can gain followers within the Gentile community. Much of Paul's gospel is pagan in that Paul exalts Yeshua/Jesus as LORD (while the Yeshua/Jesus in the flesh did not view himself as LORD). Yeshua's theology was the Kingdom of his God (who was Yahweh, the God of Israel).

The real Yeshua (he was Aramaic) has been distorted, misrepresented, and changed so as a Church community could emerge which would worship a Human Jew who desired to be our Global Messiah. After the human life of Yeshua, a body of believers started this idea that Yeshua/Jesus was a SAVIOR for mankind (via this theology of Paul which emerged some three years AFTER the death of Yeshua at Golgotha). A NEW gospel emerged with the preaching and evangelization of this Jew from Tarsus (which Yeshua never knew while in the flesh). This Jew started a new gospel which the Christian church adopted (fully) at Nicaea in 325 A.D.

The human Yeshua (in the flesh) was a Jew from Nazareth who desired that HIS God (Yahweh) would rule over mankind via this Kingdom of God message (Gospel). After Yeshua was baptised by his cousin, John, around 27 A.D., Yeshua had this epiphany from HIS God (Yahweh). This epiphany resulted in this GOSPEL of the Kingdom (message) which Yeshua desired for our planet. Yeshua and his disciples preached this GOSPEL of the Kingdom for some three years prior to Palm Sunday (the Jewish Passover celebration which led to his trial and death).

Yeshua thought that HIS God would bring us this KINGDOM (here and now) as a result of Yeshua's ministry and preaching. He did not desire to die and then SAVE mankind from their SINS. This theology was not part of his ministry while in the flesh (IMO). Yes, some text in the New testament does invent this theology (to a degree). But the REAL gospel of Yeshua was the Kingdom of HIS God (his God was the Torah God of Abraham and Moses). The God of the Tenakh and the Torah was all about this Jewish God which rescued the Israelites from Egypt. Yeshua desired this God for our entire planet. His behavior while in the flesh demonstrates this reality!

The false gospel of the Church which started mostly after Nicaea, 325 A.D., invented this new gospel which promoted the PERSON (Jesus) as Savior and God. The REAL God of the Torah/Tenakh was minimized and mostly dismissed via this Trinity doctrine which the Catholic Church invented during and after Nicaea. A Church community developed gradually and relentlessly and today some 2.6 billion say they have adopted this religion for their core beliefs. Catholicism and Protestantism have invented all this theology for the masses to digest (so the leaders can maintain their control over the members). It's a false gospel which will get exposed during the coming tribulation period IMO.

The entire theology/philosophy of Yeshua (while in the flesh) has been corrupted and misrepresented so that Paul's theology of SALVATION from sin could be promoted as the core message of Yeshua. The living Yeshua (in the flesh) did NOT desire this gospel of Paul for his followers. It was the dead Yeshua which created Paul's theology that then ended up as a REPLACEMENT for the real gospel of the living Yeshua (who desired this KINGDOM of HIS GOD for the Israelites and the planet). This gospel (of the Kingdom) was squelched/replaced so that this NEW GOSPEL of Paul could emerge as the core doctrine for the Christian Church. I say this is a false gospel.

The REAL living Yeshua/Jesus (while in the flesh) did not desire Paul's gospel. Yeshua did not KNOW this Jew from Tarsus (while in the flesh). Mark 1:15 reveals clearly that Yeshua desired the Gospel of the Kingdom (of HIS God) to be the real gospel. To SAVE oneself from sin requires REPENTANCE and then a new mindset. Sin is never fully eliminated (as promoted in some of Paul's theology) and only the REAL God of history (Yahweh/Father/HaShem/Abba) can save me or you from our human condition (sin). Paul did have it right (in his text in Romans) IMO that all human beings are sinners (no-one is without sin). Romans 3: 10-12.

The REAL Yeshua had a GOSPEL which has not been promoted since 31 A.D. (the death of Yeshua at Golgotha). After the death of Yeshua his disciples (many) fled the scene (temporarily) until they later were convinced that he had been 'glorified' by his God (and that he had ascended to the right-hand side of his God). This 'glorification' seemed to PROVE that Yeshua was promoted by his God and that he was given a new role within the virtual/spiritual realm of reality. Eternal life is part of this message as the flesh body of Yeshua died but his virtual/spiritual self continued. This proves that we all have a virtual/spiritual SELF that lives after our flesh body dies. Amazing!

Is it time to rethink this Gospel of the Catholic/Protestant church community? I think so! This gospel is false and it misrepresents the REAL gospel which Yeshua preached during his flesh life. Yeshua's REAL GOSPEL is/was the KINGDOM OF HIS GOD (the Father). Read his prayer to discern the message/gospel. It's self evident that the REAL gospel is the Kingdom of God (the God of Israel is our REAL God). Think on this as you go to your church and listen to these false preachers who proclaim doctrines of misrepresentation. Read the text (even though it is corrupted to some extent) for this REAL gospel of Yeshua (while in the flesh)! 

 No-one really knows what the Yeshua/Jesus (while in the flesh) looked like. We have no real descriptions or photos of the living Yeshua. We know he was Aramaic and a Jew. He spoke Aramaic and probably Hebrew. He did not speak English or Swedish or Russian, etc. He lived in a small farming village called Nazareth. He was circumsized on day eight after birth (this made him fully a child of Abraham). He later was dedicated (by his parents) to the God of Israel. This God was called Yahweh (in Hebrew). The Church has distorted the message and life of this Jew IMO. 

This song presents the viewpoint that the FATHER is LORD! This, for me, was the Gospel of Yeshua (in the flesh)!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

WW III can it be avoided? How?

Based on current decision-making, it looks like WW III could develop in 2024. But it could be avoided IMO if certain decisions are made. As I write, Iran and Israel are in conflict. Israel and Hamas are in conflict. Russia and Ukraine are in conflict. Many other smaller wars are also happening in real-time. Our world is in conflict and those in leadership roles will determine what happens next. Let's review our situation.

1. Netanyahu wants to strike Iran and Iran claims that they will counter strike if this happens. A tit for tat battle could develop at any point going forward. War is in the air and our leaders seem to desire this outcome. Biden is promoting war with his policies and Netanyahu also wants war (so it seems). Putin and Zelenskyy are now in a stalemate (but more destruction is likely soon).

2. Biden is fueling the war over in the Ukraine as he hates Putin and his mindset. Putin has annexed territories which he thinks are Russian neighbors. Putin claims that the annexed territories will not be returned to Ukraine as the people (within these territories) have spoken that they prefer Russia over Ukraine as their government. Putin seems to desire no further territory other than that which he has annexed. He seems to have scaled down his goals to the annexed territories. Will Zelenskyy challenge this status which Putin has achieved? I see Zelenskyy's mindset as fatal for Ukraine. Ukraine can not win over Russia!

3. Biden is now desiring that Netanyahu not stirike back at Iran. But America continues to send more weapons to Israel and Netanyahu claims he will strike back. If this happens then we could have the beginning of WW III. Iran will counter strike and this could be the key to a world war. America will back Israel even as Biden scales down his verbal support for IDF military actions. We live in dangerous times!

4. The Hamas situation is also fluid and volatile. Will Hamas fade into the horizon over the situation in Gaza? My sense is NO. Hamas will continue to challenge Zionist Israel as they want total freedom from this Illegitimate regime. In the mindset of Hamas, Israel is a illegitimate state which must fail and fall. This is unlikely, but this seems to be the mindset of Hamas. War can not solve these problems.

5. The situation is now fatal for the citizens as a whole. War is being promoted by our leaders and the conflict is primarily over differing worldviews/philosophies. The WEST wants a Uni-polar world system so that they can determine who gets what and when. They also want to promote a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENTAL system for our planet. One military, one religion, one currency, and one centralized control system for the planet.

6. The EAST...now under the control of the BRICS alliance (which is growing daily) wants a Multi-polar world system which is counter to that of the WEST and their Agenda 2030 program. As I write, China and Russia are political friends who dislike the worldview of the WEST. They will fight for their worldview and the WEST will do likewise. None of this is favorable for you and I (the masses). We must suffer as victims of these POWER brokers who run the planet (as of now).

7. Our only hope is that both of these agenda's will fail and that the Kingdom Agenda will prevail. My sense is that BOTH will fail. Man is not in control of this planet and never has been. We are ruled by invisible forces. Currently a negative invisible force seems to be in control of the SYSTEM. This will change eventually as the Kingdom Agenda gets going. That is my perspective on these issues.

World War III can be avoided but given the nature of man's political/military policies this is unlikely. We are heading for Armageddon (so it seems). Biden, Netanyahu, Zelenskyy, Putin, Xi, and the rest will bring us this end result. I hope that new decision-makers will emerge so that this outcome is avoided. But as I watch events happen this seems unlikely. Prophecy also seems to rule out any man ruled solution for this planet. The election in America this November should be interesting. America is still the major player within our greater world system. Whoever emerges in November could have a major impact on our destiny!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

We need a new mindset: One King for Planet Earth! Why?

As of today, we have millions of gods which people think are real and active in real-time. This is a mindset which will not work for planet Earth going forward. We need ONE source (King) for the planet. This King is our invisible Source which gave Moses the Moral Law on Mount Sinai. This Source has demonstrated his universality and his role as Creator of our universe. It is obvious, to me, that nothing positive can emerge given our current mindsets on religion and theology. The Kingdom Age requires that all people accept ONE King to rule our planet. ONE King for our greater universe. Who might this one King be? Who can not serve as this King?

1. Jesus/Yeshua can not qualify as he was a created being (not God Almighty). Today, he serves as a glorified servant of our real KING (King Yahweh/Father) in this virtual/spiritual realm.

2.The Trinity concept can not qualify as this idea creates three god persons for the planet. Three god person's can not give mankind one KING (for the planet). Who would be the key decision maker for our planet? These Trinity person's may all think differently!

3. All the idols of India, Japan, China, etc. can not qualify as they are impotent and not universal for all on planet Earth. We need ONE source/god/king that rules over the entire planet and universe.

During the coming Kingdom Age mankind is prophesied to worship and accept ONE King for our planet. This King has revealed himself many times since the founding of our planetary society. He revealed himself to our first parents, Adam/Eve. He revealed himself to Noah. He revealed himself to Abraham. He has revealed himself to Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and to Yeshua/Jesus. Around 95 A.D. he revealed himself to Evangelist John on the Island of Patmos. My sense is that he also revealed himself (via the angel Gabriel to Mohammad).

If all of our religions would consolidate their thinking, I am convinced that we would end up with ONE Creator God for planet Earth. This God/King could be called our FATHER. One FATHER for planet Earth would create UNITY for the entire planetary society. One invisible King for planet Earth could emerge if people start thinking about the Kingdom Age. Who is destined to rule planet Earth during this 1,000 year period called the Kingdom Age? My sense is that it is YHWH who also calls himself the I AM WHO I AM God.

One I AM God for planet Earth is my vision for this planet when the Kingdom Age arrives. This SOURCE would be universal and this source would bring UNITY to the entire planetary society IMO. Man's idols would vanish. Man's religious systems would vanish. Man's attempts to RULE over this planet would vanish and disappear. Biden (and similar) would be rejected. All of man's corrupt political leaders would vanish and disappear. We would end up with ONE KING for planet Earth. His title could be FATHER God. His name could be 'I AM who I am'. I AM the King over the entire material universe. I AM God Almighty!

Yes, a new mindset is needed for planet Earth and all those who desire FREEDOM, PEACE, SECURITY, and PROGRESS. The founding principles of America were based upon this idea that ALL people are created by ONE CREATOR God. We are all endowed with life, liberty, and happiness as we are all united on who is KING. We are all equal in the sight of this King. It is self evident that mankind was created by an invisible spiritual KING (who rules the entire material universe). All is under this SOURCE. This POTTER created the Clay (you and I). We are servants of this SOURCE/KING. We live as agents of this HIGHER INTELLIGENCE. Who comprehends?

Some text within our holy scriptures that support this idea of ONE KING for planet Earth are:

1. Deuteronomy 6: 4-9.

2. Exodus 6: 2-3.

3. Exodus 33 - 34 and Exodus 3: 13-15.

4. Isaiah 6: 5 - 28 and Isaiah 45: 7 - 13.

5.  John 6: 38 and John 14: 28.

Yeshua said the following (my paraphrase): "If God (the Father) were your God (speaking to the Pharisees), you would love me. For I came (was anointed/chosen) by the Father (Abba); nor have I come of myself, but HE (the Father) sent/chose me (at my baptism). My Father, who has given select disciples to me, is greater than all (all other Gods); and no one is able to snatch these select ones out of my Father's hand. I and my Father (Abba) are one (in agreement on these ideas)." He, Yeshua, also said to Mary Magdalene after his glorification at Golgotha (my interpretation), "do not hold on to me (he was talking via a vision to Mary IMO) for I (Yeshua) have NOT yet ascended to the FATHER (his spiritual throne). Go instead (Mary) to my brothers (disciples) and tell them, I am soon ascending to my FATHER  and your FATHER, to my GOD and your GOD. 

It is clear, to me, that this Jew from Nazareth, also had a superior SOURCE (GOD) which he worshiped. He did not view himself as God (as Christian theology claims) but he viewed his God as YHWH (the I AM God of Moses and the Torah). He viewed his God as GREATER than himself and greater than anyone on planet Earth. Yeshua's message (during his lifetime) was promoting the KINGDOM of his God (the I AM God). This message got distorted and misunderstood by many Gentiles, many Pharisees, many Scribes, and many within the hierarchy of the Sanhedrin. The idea that Yeshua desired to be GOD (as later developed by Roman Christianity) is ridiculous/ludicrous IMO. He was a student of his Torah and also the traditions within Judaism. We need new wisdom on all these issues of theological history. 

Our goal as citizens of planet Earth is to promote the KINGDOM AGE. This requires that we all choose ONE God/Ruler/King for planet Earth. The I AM God is my choice. What is yours? Have a great day and think on these spiritual issues as you watch the downfall of man's political system going forward (financial and political). This downfall should start in 2024 and continue until it ends. The SYSTEM (currently under the rule of this negative person, Satan) needs to change so that the REAL KING of our Universe becomes our RULER/KING/LEADER. Is my vision fantasy or reality? Only GOD KNOWS!

P.S. Amazing! The Juice, OJ Simpson, died yesterday, April 10, in Las Vegas from prostate cancer. He was 76. I followed his trial in Los Angeles regarding the killing of his wife, Nicole, and friend Ron Goldman. I was shocked when this trial ended in an acquittal (so were millions of watchers). I thought he committed the killing. Later in a Civil trial OJ was found guilty of murder. My view was that OJ was guilty but I also viewed Satan as the real cause of his behavior. Satan deceived this NFL star IMO. He is now in the spiritual realm. Did he have total freewill during his lifetime on planet Earth? OJ died without admitting his guilt. I was hoping that this saga would end differently. I think if OJ would have admitted his guilt he could have been forgiven by many/most! But this was not meant to be. He died with $100 million in debts. Who will get to claim his assets? The story will make the headlines and many will reconstruct their viewpoints on this saga of the 90's. The story has meaning for all of us on planet Earth IMO.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Solar Eclipse: Did/Does it have MEANING for America? Yes or No?

Yesterday I watched (via the internet) this total solar eclipse as it created a path across America. It was spectacular and also special for watchers and believers. Today's Wall Street Journal had a beautiful real-time photo of the eclipse on the front page. Tuesday is my breakfast morning with a few friends who meet at the clubhouse every Tuesday. I asked these four friends (as we sipped our coffee) if the photo on the front page of of WSJ had any meaning? Does it portent something for America in 2024? I said that in my view JUDGEMENT is coming to America. The message is from our Creator God (say I)!

My three atheist friends think differently and so did my one Christian friend. All said that JUDGEMENT is not coming and the eclipse has NO discernible meaning. I fully understand their worldview on this event called the Total Solar Eclipse of 2024. My atheist friends think that our universe, planet, animals, flowers, whales, and people all emerged by CHANCE via this theory called Macro Evolution. These Atheist friends are highly educated. One is an x-commercial pilot (who flew B-52's during the Vietnam war). The other is an x-pastor/teacher. My Christian friend is also an x-pilot and thinks Jesus is God/Creator and brings no Judgement. Why do we all think so differently on this event called the Total Solar Eclipse?

My sense is that it boils down to personal BELIEFS. An Atheist thinks (generally) that all life and subsequent events (including all that is defined as a 'thing') evolved from this Primordial Soup (set of chemicals) which make up our material universe. Atheists do not believe in a Creator God that resides in some heavenly realm (which is impossible to witness or observe). They think that everything emerged by CHANCE (over time). Billions of years and this concept called 'Chance' is real to them. My Christian friend thinks that Jesus is our God and Creator. He would not bring us JUDGEMENT (is his viewpoint). Amazing beliefs! Reality is obviously 'relative'!

I, however, have a different worldview and set of beliefs. I do not think events, life, and our material objects (sun, moon, eclipse, rainbow, etc.) or human beings are items of CHANCE. For me, all is determined by a Higher  intelligent Source (which I call our Creator God). For me, it is OBVIOUS that a Higher intelligent Source is behind all that we experience and observe. So what would this Higher Source have us to discern when it comes to this Total Solar Eclipse? Does it have MEANING for America and the World? Is it possible that God is conveying MEANING (say Judgment) for America in 2024? What is reality and what is myth?

For me, I discern that Judgment is coming to America in 2024 (and eventually the entire planet) and one SIGN of this coming Judgment was the Total Solar Eclipse of 2024 (which created a path across the entire nation and a BIG X with the prior total solar eclipse of 2017). This, to me, is a clear SIGN that something is coming for this nation called America. Is this SIGN an image which means we should continue the PARTY (our current financial/political behavior) and ignore our looming problems which beset our nation? I don't think so! The SIGN means precisely the opposite. America must get its HOUSE in order and quickly. This, however, is unlikely as the mindset of our leaders is much as my 80+ year old friends at the clubhouse. Ask your friends for their viewpoints!

Continue the PARTY and assume that this Total Solar Eclipse is meaningless (say my clubhouse friends). I say this is foolishness and a false interpretation of this SIGN (in the heavens). America is heading for clear and obvious JUDGMENT and this judgment is coming in 2024. Nothing has happened as of today, but it is coming in 2024 (that is my worldview). Our financial house is in shambles and so is our political house. Our sleeping citizens want to continue the PARTY atmosphere (indefinitely). They do not want Judgment and they are similar (in mindset) to my clubhouse friends who think similarly about this total solar eclipse. What is reality is my question?

Kick the can down the road until I leave this planet is the mindset of my clubhouse friends. What a mindset these intelligent friends have (in my opinion). Why do they think as they do? My sense is that it boils down to one's WORLDVIEW (set of beliefs). These friends are nice people. They are educated people. They simply have no need for a Creator God in their worldview. My Christian friend has adopted the view that Jesus is our Creator. This, to me, is not valid theological thinking. But it all boils down to beliefs and opinion! Those who think differently have a DIFFERENT point-of-view on the issues. Could I be mistaken on my viewpoint? Yes, this is possible. But all I think/observe/witness/experience leads me to my WORLDVIEW.

Have a good day and we will see what happens in 2024. If nothing happens (which could be labeled Judgment) then this would mean that my viewpoint is false. I would need to reconsider my assumptions about reality (if this happens). As of today, however, I would say that this is unlikely. I sense that Judgment is coming in 2024. There is a Creator God IMO who rules this universe/planet. For me, this is OBVIOUS!  The Total Solar Eclipse does/did have MEANING! Judgment is coming in 2024 is my viewpoint. 

This watcher/Christian preacher (Britt) thinks that this Total Solar Eclipse is not a Sign of Judgment. This viewpoint is typical of most Christian prophets/preachers (whom I witness on the internet). This guy interprets scripture as if he KNOWS what God is conveying. NO rapture is coming on April 8 (says Britt). I agree! But Britt assumes that God's word is truth and he implies that his interpretations are THE TRUTH. Judgment, he thinks, is coming but this ECLIPSE is not a SIGN (of Judgment). I disagree! Britt wants the RAPTURE to happen and for Jesus to save him from this world system! Britt's hope and worldview promotes this RAPTURE as salvation for him. Note that Britt thinks (the Bible) as he interprets the text is 100% accurate. He seems unaware that THE BIBLE is a book with text (and with many different translations) which creates differing INTERPRETATIONS (from readers). Britt assumes that HE knows the correct interpretation! I call this amazing DECEPTION! But real events will provide us with what is valid (my worldview)! All is relative in the USA!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Zimbabwe: Model of Satan's Financial System! Let's Review!

The history of money reveals the mindset of financial policy makers who work under this invisible SOURCE called Satan. Money is a 'tool' that allows those in POWER to perpetuate their tricks and gimmicks (deceptions) upon the gullible public (who are unaware of these tricks/gimmicks). Zimbabwe is a perfect example of Satan's deceptions within our Central Banks and their member banks. I have followed the economy/banking system of Zimbabwe since its collapse in 2008/2009. It's based mostly on deceptions which few comprehend.

Zimbabwe has had some nine (some say eight) different currencies (mere virtual codes since its origin) which have fooled the public (continually) and kept their central policy makers in POWER. The newest deception is called the ZIG (a currency unit which is now being introduced by their new governor (let's call him John M). John is claiming that this ZIG will be solid as a currency unit because it will be backed by Gold and the U.S. Dollar. The key words to consider are "backed by gold and the dollar". This metaphor is a trick/gimmick of Satan (via this central banker called John M). This so-called backing is a mere 'play on words' to FOOL the public.

In reality, this ZIG will NOT be convertible into gold or the dollar (for the public). This 'play on words' is what central bankers use to deceive the gullible public (who know little about money tricks). Some of the prior currencies of Zimbabwe were the: ZWD, ZWN, ZWR, and the ZWL (mere virtual codes for a new currency). Exchanging old units for new units is the trick that fools the public (with new metaphor codes as representing the new currency unit). This trick is obvious to me who KNOWS the history of money/value. Let's review some REAL history for evidence!

Thomas Jefferson started the U.S. Dollar currency (in 1792) by defining the unit as 371.25 grains of silver. He then allowed the public the OPTION of converting any dollar unit (at any time) into silver at this definition. Let's say I had $100,000 units of American dollars which I wanted to convert at the Treasury or an official bank. Let's round the grains to the equivalent of one ounce of silver (a physical coin). This means that I could CONVERT my $100,000 dollar units into 100,000 silver coins (each being pure silver in physical form). My conversion of dollars into physical silver gave me 'confidence' that the dollar was real and would remain real in the marketplace. Hyperinflation could not happen given this monetary policy. The key word is 'convertibility' in real-time.

But today, Satan uses financial policy makers to enunciate 'mere words' (like backing the unit with gold) when in reality the units can not be CONVERTED at an official bank (or the Treasury) in real-time. It's all a TRICK or GIMMICK to fool the public so they continue with a currency unit that is CONTROLLED by the CENTRAL BANK and their officials (working behind closed doors). It's pure gimmickry and deception (Satan's deception) so as to allow the official SYSTEM to remain under the control of Satan (and his demons). Nothing meaningful happens and it all leads to MORE hyperinflation over time.

In 2009, Zimbabwe had an inflation rate of over 1 trillion to the official U.S. dollar (in our exchange markets). The new Zimbabwe dollar (the ZWN) worked for a couple of years before it became worthless. Then they moved to the ZWR, then the ZWL, and now they are moving to the ZIG (according to today's Wall Street Journal). It's all pure DECEPTION and the public has NO input into any of these changes. Policy makers use their MEDIA to proclaim that the new unit will be different (sound) and words like 'the unit is backed by gold' are used to FOOL/TRICK the public. No real conversion is allowed in real-time (for the public)!

All our official Central Bank policy makers use similar gimmicks/deception to fool the public in Western nations and Asian nations. It's all gimmickry and deception and FEW to none can discern the deception (lie). If a currency unit is NOT convertible (in real-time) by the public then the WORDS of 'backing' (say via gold) is meaningless (a mere metaphor). All our digital currencies are now mere units of NOTHING (mere virtual codes) which FOOL most people. It's a deception of Satan (using the official bankers who administer the code as the servant). Satan's bankers have NO IDEA of what they are DOING. It's all gimmickry and deception!

The U.S. dollar ($1) now a mere virtual symbol (number/name) is typical of ALL virtual units on our planet. NONE are convertible into real physical gold or silver. Saying that the units are BACKED is mere DECEPTION. Expect hyperinflation in Zimbabwe (within one year) given this new unit called the ZIG. Expect more inflation or a debt collapse given the existing unit called the American dollar ($1). Expect similar with ALL these virtual/digital/nothing units which we witness on our official monetary exchanges. We are heading for a total collapse of our virtual (Satan's) financial SYSTEM at some point. Will is start on Monday, April 8?

The total solar eclipse is this Monday, April 8. Could some type of financial event develop on or after this total solar eclipse? My sense is absolutely! Our entire financial SYSTEM is a mere metaphor (a set of words within our consciousness). There is NO real backing and the virtual nature of this SYSTEM continues until it all ends with a SILENT BANG. Yes, a silent bang happens (within our consciousness) and FEW to none comprehend this SYSTEM of Satan. It's PURE deception and a TRICK of words. Fortunately, a new model will eventually develop when this SYSTEM of Satan collapses. My sense is that this will HAPPEN soon! Likely in our lifetime!

Think for yourself on these issues as DECEPTION works for a limited time period. Satan's financial SYSTEM (similar to our political system) may continue for a few more years. Deception allows those in control (working behind closed doors) to continue with their gimmickry and tricks until people WAKE UP to the deception. Watch the financial events over in Zimbabwe for clues to another HYPERINFLATION in this country. The new ZIG is destined to fail IMO. The prior nine/eight failures are my EVIDENCE! The U.S. Dollar ($1) will follow this trail of deception and so will all the other NOTHING currencies on this planet. Have a great day and WATCH what is likely to happen (on or after this coming total solar elcipse (an event from our Creator God IMO)!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

My viewpoint on Satan and his role! Important!

The theology of Satan and/or a Negative Source (invisible) which acts to deceive, lie, and misrepresent is my mission for this missive. The reality of an evil/negative/invisible authority who rules the SYSTEM of planet Earth seems obvious to me. This invisible authority is not God, however, even as many say Satan is the God of this world. In reality, Satan is under the Rule of our Creator God (Yahweh) and this source can do nothing which is not ordained by Yahweh/Father. See the book of Job 1 and 2. 

The Christian idea that Satan is a counter God to Christ (the glorified Yeshua) is not my theology. This viewpoint would make Satan an eternal source that would rule indefinitely (as Christ is not God). In reality, Satan, is limited in his authority and rule. Satan must bow to Yahweh God who rules our planet and our universe (continually in real-time). My sense is that Satan is currently the god (small g) of our world SYSTEM. So this invisible source needs to be understood (as his role will change going forward). Job is the oldest and probably the first text that covers this important issue!

Scripture is confusing and those who view Satan as a counter (opposite) to Christ (the glorified Yeshua) are mostly confused on what this person does and what his authority involves IMO. The glorified Yeshua (called Christ by Christians) is a subservient being under Yahweh. This is clear in Revelation and also the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. Daniel 7 and Revelation 5 makes it clear (to me) that the glorified Yeshua is not ruling this planet. Our Creator God is Yahweh/Father and this God rules as a Singularity on the Throne. See Rev. 4 and also the concept of Ancient of Days in Daniel. Also, Isaiah 45:7.

So what is my theology about this invisible authority who is currently in charge of planet Earth's political/financial SYSTEM? We are now living in the Last Days of man's rule over this planet (the SYSTEM). Biden, Putin, and Xi are examples of political authorities who rule under this invisible source called SATAN (as of today). These rulers are part of our global SYSTEM (political and financial) and they will do the WILL (to some extent) of this invisible source (mostly unknowingly). Deception is the modus operandi of this invisible source (who rules via one's consciousness/mind). Amazing!

Satan sends invisible signals/ideas/thoughts/images to unsuspecting authorities (including anyone who is unaware of this source and his power). A political/financial leader may think they are acting freely in their decision making, but this may not be valid thinking. Satan uses intrigue, confusion, deception, and lies (we have ample evidence of lies in today's world of politics). Biden/Trump and others can not open their mouth without spuing new lies to the public. This goes for all political leaders (to various degrees). Lies and more lies are typical behavior of most political/financial leaders who rule over us (but under Satan).

The book of Job is an excellent text source for the role of Satan. He is a 'son' of God (on the negative side) who does precisely what Yahweh allows him to do. Job was mostly unaware at first of what was happening to him and his family/wealth. As he became aware he refused to curse Yahweh God for his misery. His wife wanted Job to curse God and die, but Job said this was foolish thinking. God gives both good and evil to those who must do the WILL of this KING/RULER/CREATOR. See Isaiah 45:7. Both peace and war come from Yahweh. Good and evil come from Yahweh. But all has a purpose for greater growth for mankind. Opposites are necessary if mankind is to grow, mature, and reach their destined potential.

Mankind (each person) is created in the IMAGE of God (Yahweh). We all have the potential for both good and bad (mostly unknowingly). Our thinking is impure to some degree. We can overcome much but not ALL. Yahweh is our POTTER and we are the CLAY. This means that our POTTER can create a person for positive and also for negative roles (all is part of the GREATER picture which is difficult to comprehend). Job makes it clear to me that Yahweh God limits the role of Satan but allows specific activities (including killing and destruction of material wealth, etc.). He can restore a person later...if this is his desire. It's all much beyond human understanding. God is KING and we are servants/agents. That seems to be the theology which works in real-time. Few seem to comprehend! Amazing!

Satan will be bound eventually. His role will change as Yahweh God chooses to change this role. God is KING and the only SOVEREIGN source. His WILL can not be altered or changed. All we can do is bow to this Creator God and accept our lot on this planet. All is determined and much beyond man's control. It does appear that we are now ending the RULE of man for planet Earth. The KINGDOM AGE is arriving for our planet (after some difficult challenges). Like Job, Yahweh will bring an END to the suffering at some point. This is prophesied to happen and my theology assumes that this reality is valid/true. Satan will leave the scene of being Planet Earth's ruler. It is destined to happen (maybe in our lifetime). Think on these things as you continue to watch events on the GLOBAL scene.

P.S. Personally, I will no longer vote for any political leaders (those who head up the SYSTEM). It's the SYSTEM which is corrupt to the core (not the people). Until we change the SYSTEM nothing meaningful will change. Our problem is the SYSTEM. It's corrupt to the CORE! Will something meaningful happen after this coming TOTAL SOLAR eclipse on April 8? My sense is YES! It's Yahweh's determined event which has meaning for these end-times!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

'Numbers'/'Names' are real THINGS! Wrong!

My first grade teacher (a woman) taught me that 'numbers' were imaginary (not real things). She pointed out that her chalk on the blackboard (representing 'numbers') was real/material but that these markings were merely meant as pointers to her inner/imaginary 'numbers' (1,2,3, etc.). Numbers, in other words, were 'imaginary' and/or 'virtual'. This also goes for the 'names' we all use to point to a thing (say a bird, tree, flower, animal, celestial object, or a human body (person). Did she have a valid view of reality?

My 80 to 85 year old friends at the clubhouse all said this was not what they were taught in grade school. Numbers and names were taught as being real 'things' which exist in time/space (not imaginary units of my virtual consciousness/mind). All of these so-called wise older men are convinced that 'numbers' (1,2,3, etc.) are real things. This is what they were taught in grade school. What is reality and what is deception is my question for this missive.

Let's define some key words:

1. Imaginary: A supposed thing (item) which does not exist (spatially) but only in one's mind/head. Unicorns are imaginary (for example). Things that exist only in my mind are an examples of that which is imaginary.

2. Virtual: not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so. A virtual item is a created item which appears only in cyberspace (an artificial space which appears when computers are connected).

3. Mind: the element of a person that enables one to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.

If I had the power to shut down ALL computer networks on this planet for a day, then we all might think differently about 'numbers' and 'names'. As a philosopher, I would propose MY teacher in grade school was much more realistic than my 85 year old clubhouse friends. All these clubhouse friends think that 'numbers' are real as this is what they were taught when they attended their grade school. I would maintain, as a philosopher, that these friends are totally DECEIVED (but unknowingly). They were taught that which is invalid (in real-time reality). In reality, 'numbers' are units of my/your consciousness (mind).

This same deception (around 'numbers') is now being tried (legally) by this AG Letitia James as she sues Donald Trump for some $450 million for falsely inflating the 'valuation' of his net worth and his various real estate assets (such as his Trump Tower in New York and his residence in Florida). It's all an issue relating to 'numbers' and Trump's imaginary/virtual 'valuations'. Donald Trump has used his mathematical logic to inflate his assets via 'valuations' that he derives from his virtual/imaginary MIND. Is this what is happening?

I think this is valid thinking and philosophy. Letitia James views the Donald's valuations (mere 'numbers') as misrepresentations of reality. She probably assumes that his 'valuations' (all mental calculations) were inflated so as to gain loans that were not valid (logically). But what she does not comprehend IMO is that all 'valuations' (calculations of value) are mere imaginary calculations and then put in writing (generally) so as to deceive another decision-maker. This deception with 'numbers' has been going on since the dawn of man.

Deception is possible as we all use our 'imagination' when we determine a VALUE of any asset (say our car or house). Why is this so? It's because 'numbers' are actually part of our 'imagination' (numbers are imaginary). Another word for 'imaginary' in today's computer world is VIRTUAL. Numbers are mere VIRTUAL representations of what I think and what you think. I can 'imagine' a valuation for Trump's residence in Florida as being $7 million and/or $700 million. It's all a matter of 'number' manipulation/calculation. One appraiser will derive assumptions to get a $7 million valuation and another to get a $700 million valuation. I played this game for years. It's totally corrupt and few comprehend the deceptions (with 'numbers') and also 'names'.

What is my real name? Is it Donald? Is it Ronald? Is it Mars? Can I use my 'imagination' to create various 'names' for myself? Where do these 'names' derive from? Is it not my MIND? My body is material/real but is my 'name' material/real? Is my age imaginary or real? Is my valuation of Trump's Mar-a-lago residence real or is it my imaginary calculation? Is any valuation of any asset real or is it imaginary? What is VALUE (in reality)? Is it not a subjective calculation with imaginary numbers? Do any of these 'numbers' exist spatially (within observed reality)? I don't think so! All valuations are SUBJECTIVE and they appear real only as we write the numbers on paper or within a computer text. My grade school teacher used chalk to represent what was in her MIND.

It is obvious to me that 99% of humanity is DECEIVED when it comes to their understanding of 'numbers' (and also 'names'). The American DOLLAR is now a virtual number. It is a derived number that appears within our computer screens. In reality, this American DOLLAR ($1) is now merely a 'number' with a 'name'. It technically does NOT exist. It only appears to exist as we visualize these dollar numbers within our computer screens (cyberspace). Read the definition of virtual above. Virtual means that software makes these numbers 'appear' as real but (in reality) they do not EXIST. Numbers (and also 'names') are mere units of my/your CONSCIOUSNESS (mind). It's amazing how most people think on these issues. Are they DECEIVED (fooled)? I say absolutely!

Think on this as you continue to watch the saga around Donald Trump's asset valuations and also the many phony loans which our FED creates with the click of a computer key. QE is a trick of 'numbers'. Lending is mostly a trick with 'numbers'. Valuations are a trick with numbers. Jerome Powell, our Fed Chairman, is totally deceived about the 'nature' of our DOLLAR. I say my clubhouse friends are totally DECEIVED as they received FALSE education during their grade school years. Their teachers assumed that 'numbers' (1, 2, 3) are units (things) which exist in our material reality. This is FALSE! That is my philosophy. Think for yourself. Re-read the above!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.