Understanding Economics and Money

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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Let's Talk on the REALITY of death! Is it an Event to Worry About?

Yesterday, a relative of mine died in Sweden. Was this anything to worry over? I live in a community of older retired person's and death happens nearly every week to someone I knew (casually). The death decade in my community is in the 80's and low 90's. Most seem to 'pass on' into this VIRTUAL realm in their 80's (but a few live into their 90's). One of my neighbor's even made it to 102. So physical death happens in my venue every week to someone. Health issues emerge out of the blue and most of these retired person's have no idea what is happening within their inner bodies. Neither do I!

But is this issue that significant in the long run (within the bigger picture)? My sense is that death and the transition into this VIRTUAL realm (after death) is common to each/every person. It is not an issue to FEAR or WORRY about. We all live on (eternally) after this brief time on planet Earth. I was born in 1943 without any input from me. I did not choose my parents and/or my venue of birth. I did not choose my culture, sex, or my various talents. All just happened to me as I lived my life (now some 82 years in January). Is it all meaningless and insignificant? To some extent Yes!

When I reflect on my life events via my inner memories, I discover that all these events were likely determined by forces much beyond my control. I did not choose my ideas, words, thoughts, or concepts about reality. I developed my worldview (later in life) by reflecting on these events as they happened. I now perceive that all these events were likely determined by forces which were/are beyond my control. If this is valid, then I would conclude that YOU are in a similar boat to me. All your life events were also determined for you by forces beyond your control.

What does this mean philosophically? For me this means that all human beings are DOING the best they can do each moment of NOW. Our choices emerge from our ideas and thoughts and memories. These choices produce our life experiences. Does anyone have REAL freewill to abandon these forces which determine our destiny? I don't think so. What does this mean for our collective reality? Are we all living a simulation which was produced by these forces which control our destiny? Do any of us have real (real-time) freewill? I think not!

Everyone is living within a simulation (a virtual program) which is beyond one's real-time control. This means that none of us has REAL freewill. Our so-called free will is secondary and subservient to these greater invisible forces which rule over us. Did I choose to be BORN? Did I choose my parents, birth venue, culture, talents, color, etc. I don't think so! So what does this mean for our collective society? I would suggest that it means that everyone is CLAY and our POTTER is our Source. We are created beings with a simulated program that originates at birth. Don't BLAME your parents! Don't BLAME your culture! Don't BLAME anyone!

Accept your lot in life and then LIVE and LET LIVE! All is much beyond my/your control. Our life continues in the VIRTUAL realm when our DESTINY is finished in this material realm. The Kingdom of our Source is coming to this planet (so all this is revealed gradually)! Small details are being revealed as we live our lives and THINK about all these variables. Life is likely a simulation (program) which none of us can change. The best I can do is ACCEPT my lot and then LIVE and LET LIVE! That is what I think as of today! Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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