Understanding Economics and Money

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Friday, April 26, 2024

Some of my CORE beliefs (in a nutshell)! As of today!

I live by/with my beliefs...as I experience reality. Beliefs, for me, can change when I discover that reality challenges what I believe. Reality, for me, is always a NOW experience. I live my life in the NOW from birth until death. I never experience a 'past' or a 'future'. Reality is always a NOW experience, for me. The 'past' is really a NOW experience for me. This also goes for the 'future'. This idea is CORE for me and I doubt that this will change. Yes, reality (truth) is relative and it changes over time. But one belief that is CORE for me (constant) is this idea that I live my life ALWAYS in the NOW. Let's describe some of my core beliefs (as of NOW) in the following categories...economics, spiritual, and philosophical. 

My CORE economic beliefs:

1. The concept of 'value' (value in exchange) is always subjective and it changes continually. For example, my house value today is (say) $450,000. This 'value' is based on sales (comparables) today in my neighborhood. I purchased my house (property) for $179,000 in October of 2013. This was reality as of 2013. Today, reality has changed and my house (property) is likely $450,000 (today's selling price).

2. Prices change from day to day as people buy/sell/invest. But since 'value' (and price) are subjective (value is an idea within my mind/consciousness), these 'values' (prices) can change in a moments notice. Value (price) is fluid and volatile as values/prices are really inner/subjective derivations of the human mind. My house value/price could (in theory) go to ZERO. My physical house/property would remain but its 'value' could go to ZERO. If our dollar currency ($1) is eliminated by my government (their policy/law) then all my values/prices (derived in dollars) could go to ZERO. It has happened in Zimbabwe and many other nations within history. All is subjective and dependent upon a government policy/regulation/law.

3. Today, we live with non-physical currencies (money). We value an item (say bread/eggs) with a digital currency which is maintained by our Central Banking system (government). If my Central Bank shuts down their master computer (and restricts any currency transactions in their currency) then I would be back to barter for my goods and services (all this could happen in a moments notice today). Economics started with a barter community and all could revert to barter if our official master computer is shut down. Values and prices would be negotiated (subjectively) and some other item would be used to settle a negotiation (trade). All this could happen in a moments notice given today's monetary/economic system. Amazing!

4. My sense is that America and the world economic system is fragile, fluid, and volatile. All could crash in a moments notice (given the nature of our centrally controlled system). This happened in Zimbabwe in 2010 and a carton of eggs needed $1.5 trillion Zimbabwe dollars and/or a bag of peanuts when exchanged between parties to a trade. The Zimbabwe currency lost all its VALUE and prices (being subjective) were negotiated subjectively between parties to a trade. Barter emerged immediately for most trades. Amazing!

My CORE spiritual and philosophical beliefs (as of today):

1. A Higher Power is a reality in real-time. This Higher Power is 'invisible' and can not be seen via one's physical eyes. Faith is required and this means many will reject the idea of a Higher Power. For me, a Higher Power is my term for our Creator God (Father God). For me, this Creator God is self-evident as I observe that which has been created (in real-time/today). The Sun, moon, stars, galaxies point to this Higher Power. The life on this planet (human and animal) point to this Higher Power. Events that happen point to this Higher Power. Amazing!

2. For me, all must be determined by this invisible Higher Power. Nothing is left to Chance. Our Higher Power governs my life from birth to death. I did not choose to be born and I do not choose my day of eventual death. My entire life experience is caused and determined by this Higher Power. I can not choose any event without a prior thought/idea/concept within my mind. And these inner/invisible 'thoughts' and 'ideas' derive (ultimately) from this Higher Power. For me, ideas/words/thoughts/concepts/virtual images derive from this Higher Power (and/or agents of this Higher Power). Nothing happens by CHANCE or uncertain forces. All that happens on this planet (and our universe) was pre-planned and happens for a purpose/cause. The beginning and the end happens as our Higher Power controls his created universe. This is my CORE belief.

3. I was not created by CHANCE or via some evolutionary process (of nature). I was created by an invisible Higher Power which determines by destiny from birth to death. When my physical death arrives my 'virtual' self (which is eternal) continues to live-on in another realm of reality (which I call virtual/spiritual). My virtual self can be visualized as my inner consciousness. My inner consciousness (spirit) has no real death. It is eternal and lives forever. This is my CORE belief. I am immortal and eternal as my inner self is virtual/spiritual. Socrates believed this idea and so did many other thinkers (today and from our history). A 'near-death' experience is one example of eternality. An out-of-body experience is another example of one's eternal consciousness living outside the physical body/flesh. In reality life is eternal for everyone! Amazing!

4. Since life experiences are both physical and virtual this means that my worldview can be called a Dualist philosophy. I live in TWO realms of reality continually as I experience life events. My body/flesh/brain is material (composed of matter/mass) and my inner self (which is invisible/spirit) works with my electromagnetic self to produce this dual reality to life. Dualism is real as it happens in real-time (NOW). I did not evolve from mere material forces (as Macro Evolution presupposes). I was created by an invisible Higher Power which determines by destiny (from birth to physical death) and then the events which happen AFTER physical death (also). Nothing happens by chance and this means that I view reality as DETERMINED. My Potter is the cause and my self (virtual) is the Clay. This is CORE to my beliefs (as of today). My worldview derives from the above core beliefs.

I will stop with these core beliefs for now. I think you can digest the meaning of these beliefs on your own. If these core beliefs are invalid, then I would need to change my worldview. But as of today, these core beliefs seem valid to me. Have a great day as you reflect on these core beliefs. You may agree with some and disagree with some. This is natural as we all derive our thinking uniquely and individually. Our internet world is full of differing worldview's and philosophies. My worldview is unique for me.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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