Understanding Economics and Money

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden steps down from running! Who convinced him?

My sense is that Joe Biden received a group call from Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and probably Nancy Pelosi with the message that to win in November (over Trump) Biden needs to step down and pass the baton to Kamala. Kamala will be the likely candidate that gets nominated at the coming Democratic Convention in August. I assume that a few other names will challenge her at the convention but Kamala is the likely contender that will face Trump in November. Was this a 'fear coup' based on Trump's likely win over Biden?

Will the American voters elect a Kamala personality to the highest office on planet Earth? This seems unlikely (to me) but who knows? If The Donald is the choice of our Highest Power (I am assuming Divine intervention on July 13) then providence will prevail in the coming election. My sense is that PROVIDENCE will prevail and Trump will win the coming election over Kamala Harris. What does this mean for America and the World?

A Trump administration will bring MAJOR change to America and the world system.  Trump's ideas are MAGA (make America great again). This mindset is totally at odds with current reality. Our planet is now an interconnected society where ONE nation can no longer prevail over the whole. Trump will likely try to PUMP UP the financial markets to extreme BUBBLE levels. His idea that 'drill baby drill' will bring growth to the American economy is an invalid proposition IMO. Growth is now declining as DEBT prevails (overwhelms) the entire system.

His idea that an Iron Dome over America is a viable concept is an illusion IMO. This will create more division and polarization among our many enemies...as our enemies will need to challenge this idea with their own Dome concept. The idea of living as ONE family on planet Earth will vanish as enemies fight, fight, fight to survive. China and Russia and their proxies will counter this idea immediately. It's a failed idea and a total WASTE of American resources.

His idea of deporting millions of illegal immigrants will also fail big time. This idea will amplify division and polarization within the marketplace. A better alternative is just to seal the southern border and prevent any NEW illegals from entering the country. Deporting millions is unworkable and divisive. Deporting a few who violate the border (going forward) might be valid. Finishing the WALL might be valid...even as illegals will find a way to violate this fixed idea with new alternatives. Illegals are creative human beings!

Trump's ideas about MAGA will likely get him elected in November. He has a solid 40% backing from followers. There will be enough independents IMO who support his candidacy so that he wins in November. America is obviously waning rapidly from its EMPIRE status of old...and if my perception is valid that America is Babylon the Great, then all the efforts of Trumpians will fail big time. MAGA cannot be resurrected again as our Trumpians believe. This idea is no longer valid. We need to abandon the PAST and think anew. America could be great again with a NEW MODEL and new motivation from the young.

What we need for planet Earth is the Kingdom model that I have been writing about for years. This model will bring freedom, equality, justice, and progress for the entire interconnected planet. We now live on a SMALL planet that travels in space (much like a spaceship). Planet Earth spins at 1,000 mph (at the equator). Planet Earth travels around our Sun at some 67,000 mph. And our entire Solar System (with planet Earth) travels around our Milky Way Galaxy at some 550,000 mph. All this motion in space makes our planet a Cosmic Spaceship. Who comprehends? It's all part of God's greater KINGDOM.

It is time IMO to THINK big and reject any new MAGA ideas so that a NEW model can emerge for the entire planet. We live as ONE interconnected society with some 8.1 billion citizens and 5.5 billion Smart Phone users. I assume the babies will own their own phone as soon as they start to talk. Our planet is now ONE interconnected society where we all communicate with each other via our Smart Phones. I can call China in seconds. I can talk to anyone on our planet in seconds. Is this interconnectivity or what?

Yes, the election of 2024 will change our world significantly. Few seem to comprehend that our current SYSTEM is obsolete and dysfunctional. The entire system is financially bankrupt. Debt permeates the system and this makes a financial collapse imminent. Keynesian debt is now totally unsustainable and there is no viable solution to this issue. This points to the NEED for a NEW model for our planet. Think on these ideas as you watch the SOAP opera called American elections of 2024. It's all a train heading for the ravine. Reject MAGA and vote for Kingdom Economics!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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