Understanding Economics and Money

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

France, Great Britain, and USA all are IMPLODING! Now What?

The political situation in France suggests paralysis and a rejection of Macron's regime. The political situation in Great Britain suggests distrust of the conservatives who have been governing this nation. The political situation in the USA suggests distrust and disgust with Biden's leadership and mental stability. All this is leading to an IMPLOSION of the system in the coming weeks and months.

I do not see any relief for voters as the entire political system is imploding. Disunity is everywhere. Paralysis is everywhere. Financial collapse is emerging in all these nations. All this is happening in 2024 and most citizens seem like they want to ignore the core issues. When I talk with my 80+ year old clubhouse friends at breakfast, they mostly ignore the issues and refuse to discuss the core problems.

Why this avoidance of the issues? My sense is that nothing will change the mindset of our citizens until the economy crashes. As long as people have money in the pockets and can survive financially, they will refuse to deal with the negatives (the core issues). What is needed is a financial crash of significance so people will get serious about our problems.

America has deficits and debt that is beyond solution. This also goes for France and Great Britain. The entire WEST has financial issues that are being avoided. My sense (after talking to many) is that NOTHING will happen until the markets crash. Everyone is waiting for some major Black Swan to appear before they get serious about real change.

It's amazing how money covers up the need for serious thinking. Critical thinking is needed today but it's not happening as of yet. My sense is that it's all about the economy and one's financial situation. Money rules over most households and when people have money in their pockets, they refuse to desire any real focus on the problems (underlying the system). This is obvious as I talk with my clubhouse friends.

The big issue in America today is Biden's debate debacle. The media is now focusing on the mental condition of our President. This is leading to division within the democratic party and those who want more socialism for America. Biden is the focus and his mental health is the core issue. My sense is that Biden will step down prior to the election. He will be forced to step down is my view. It's unlikely that Biden will volunteer to step down. His ego is much too strong.

By the end of 2024 our entire WEST could be in an imploding mode. France, Great Britain, and the USA are all in paralysis and this is unlikely to change going forward. When the markets finally crash (say later this year) then the citizens/voters will get serious and start their critical thinking on the problems. Prior to this event, NOTHING meaningful is likely to happen. Watch the markets for signs of the coming crash.

As I write the financial indices are mostly stable and going up and up. The Japan market is a good example. This financial market has debt much beyond repayment. But as long as the manipulators can keep the Nikkei index going up (now over 41,600) nothing will be done to focus on the problems. The same goes for the indices in France, Great Britain, and the USA. All is being manipulated to prevent a crash.

Digital money can be manipulated via our master computers (now hidden behind closed doors within our Central Banks). These computers can pump up the numbers with fake money units created OUT OF NOTHING. It's all a game of numbers and the manipulation of numbers. Infinity is the goal as numbers have no real existence in real-time. All is imaginary and computers (behind closed doors) can do the manipulation indefinitely (so it seems).

My sense is that events will come to a cliff some time later in 2024. Manipulators may be able to continue the SHAM for a few more weeks/months. Watch what happens over in France for some sign of further IMPLOSION. This nation could be the Black Swan that the markets have been waiting for. Biden's situation is the other Black Swan in the waiting. We are living in DIRE and INTERESTING times. That is my perspective.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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