Understanding Economics and Money

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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Ukraine War: A no-win affair! Millions dead and injured!

Russia can not afford to lose and neither can the West's Proxy, Ukraine. Russia must continue with their policy of military destruction to avoid a complete defeat for their Federation. Ukraine must continue with their territorial goals to avoid becoming a Non-nation. So where does this lead going forward? My sense is that this leads to a NO-WIN situation that most likely will get more DIRE over time. I see no real Peace Plan emerging! The parties to this conflict are at total LOGGERHEADS!

Today, I read in the Wall Street Journal that some 400 hundred (+-) Russian military were killed via a USA Himars rocket attack. Russia is reporting that some 63 military were killed. Over in the Kherson area the report is that some 700 Russian military were killed by the Ukrainian military. Our media gives me NO report on the deaths within the Ukraine military. I presume this number is also high. Our media does not seem to KNOW the real situation on the ground.

Some news sources are estimating that over 100,000 soldiers on each side of this conflict have died to date. Add to this the 10 million citizens who have been displaced and the count goes up and up. Why is there no solution to this war situation? My sense is that the politicians do not WANT a solution as of today. The USA wants to create a world governmental system (called a uni-polar world system) and Russia is not cooperating. Neither is China, Iran, North Korea, and many others. Ideology seems to be the core issue!

It appears to me that the core problem is that neither side can accept the OTHER and this means continuing conflict, fighting, death, and destruction. There can be NO SOLUTION given the mindset of the WEST and the EAST. We now must live within a multi-polar world which will FIGHT (each other) to create a FINAL solution via war and destruction. The WEST vs. the EAST is my description. Nothing can get resolved given the 'nature' of this conflict. We need NEW leaders who can transcend the Might makes Right philosophy of our politicians. Based upon prior history this must play out until the general public gets fed up with the situation.

Personally, I view this conflict as mostly an IDEOLOGICAL conflict. Russia and her advisers (the EAST) can not accept a uni-polar world system run by the WEST. And the WEST (Biden, NATO, Europe, et al) can not accept the philosophy of the EAST. This means war is necessary and given the nature of today's war situation, this means some type of NUCLEAR conflict is likely at some point. Maybe wiser thinkers will emerge to stall this outcome and save the world from a nuclear holocaust. But it does not appear possible as of today!

We live in dangerous times as we must live with politicians who desire POWER over others so as to RULE this planet. Each politician has a DIFFERENT point-of-view on the issues and this makes it impossible to reach any compromise on the BIG ISSUES of governance. Who will GOVERN is the big issue. What policies will prevail depends on WHO is governing. The WEST and the EAST do not see reality identically. This means continuing conflict, war, destruction, and death. It's a shameful situation.

The ONE solution that could solve all these issues is beyond the ken of our politicians. The idea that a HIGHER SOURCE might intervene is not allowed to surface. Politicians desire POWER and MONEY as these items give them CONTROL over the marketplace. You and I have no input into the process as we have NO POWER. We also do not control the MONEY system. This means that we citizens must accept enslavement for now! I see no other alternative!

Getting educated on our situation is the BEST we can do for the time being. We can protest and write to our politicians and express our viewpoint, but without POWER and MONEY we are limited to words and language. Those who CONTROL the system will continue to pursue their goals and objectives until events get totally chaotic. We are heading for CHAOS and I witness this happening as I write. If our economy turns down into CRASH mode then the chaos will grow everywhere. It's a shameful situation to watch.

Are we at a FOURTH TURNING? Is this GENERATION ending? My sense is YES! The cycles of history suggest that the END of our current SYSTEM is near. We need a NEW MODEL for the planet. Who will bring us this MODEL? When? What kind of MODEL will it be? All is uncertain as we all live AT EFFECT. We have no ability to create our own reality independent of the HIGHER CAUSE. As 'agents' of this CAUSE we must watch and wait. That is my viewpoint! Think for yourself to discern the times!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

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