For the past 50 years I have followed the behavior/decisions within our banking/economic/political system. I have written many letters to select politicians (over the years) on issues of money, banking, value, and finance. Not one leader of distinction has allowed me to educate them on an issue of political importance (via a teaching dialogue). The typical response (from all) is that the system controls their mindset (when in a position of authority). I wrote Trump, I wrote Obama, I wrote the banking committee's. None responded with an interest to learn or via critical thinking to challenge my viewpoint!
Trump, Biden, Powell, Pelosi, Obama, McCarthy, Schumer, and dozens of others ALL ignore any serious challenge to their power or their thinking (when in office). I found this mindset typical in other educational venues as well. Religion and Science both discourage any real challenge to their respective worldview's. Can anyone actually challenge an idea within a church environment? It's nearly impossible given the nature of the system. Money and ego rule (within all these venues) and this allows criminal behavior to flourish.
Our political system is totally polarized today even as the leaders continue with the same mantra (put ME in control and I will SOLVE the problems). In reality, NONE really focuses on the core problems. A typical example is our governmental DEBT situation. I have written on this issue for over 20 years (with many letters to select political authorities). None seems to SEEK understanding or humility (on this issue) when in office. The big issue today in economics/finance/money is this issue of allowing digital numbers to rule over finance. Will the banking system allow this Mark of the Beast financial system to develop?
A cashless society is what has emerged (since 2008) but few to none (the politicians) understand what is happening. Most assume that a digital number in a computer is a REAL 'thing' which exists. They do not dig deep into the 'nature' of digital 'numbers' to discern there reality. I have written about this concept called VALUE for nearly 50 years. What is VALUE in reality? I have pointed out that VALUE is a subjective concept within a person's mind. VALUE is not some objective 'thing' which exists in real-time (outside the mind). It's pure 'imagination' within each of us!
Yet our banking leaders can not discern this reality as they simultaneously create TRILLIONS of numbers/dollars (from their consciousness/thinking and still do not ADMIT the subjective/inner nature of these NUMBERS). It's shocking to me how obstinate and gullible our leading authorities are when in office. Jerome Powell, for example, punches computer buttons to add new 'numbers' to his SOMA computer account (now nearly 9 trillion). Yet he can not discern the nature of these 'numbers' or the source of these 'numbers'. He refuses to LOOK in the mirror! Amazing gullibility!
The SOURCE (of his money creation) is himself...yet he does not discern his own inner SELF (his consciousness). He repeats the mantra of creating new computer 'numbers' ad infinitum without understanding that HE is the SOURCE of all these 'imaginary' numbers. He calls these mental creations (dollars) and then he assumes that these units of math (numbers) are REAL and tangible. He seems to have NO awareness of his OWN inner SELF (his consciousness). Is this typical of most leaders in positions of AUTHORITY? I think so! All refuse to LOOK in the mirror and ask themselves questions!
Criminal behavior happens daily in our banking system and our political system and FEW to NONE comprehend the criminality. Our problems get worse and worse and NONE seem aware of the SOURCE. Select leaders act from their worldview and assume that they are solving our problems. In reality, however, they are making our problems worse and worse (over time). I have watched this DEBT ceiling fiasco for 30 years. Our DEBT grows and grows but kicking the can down the road is the mindset of our leaders. None of our key leaders (say Biden today) want to deal with our DEBT problems. Trump was similar.
Money is assumed to GROW on trees and to automatically funnel itself to these criminals who run the show. The core leaders within our banking institutions are ignored as the real problem. This imaginary unit called the American dollar ($$$$$) is assumed to be real and tangible (just because these leaders SEE the 'numbers' in their computer screen). Mere imaginary NUMBERS are viewed as tangible entities even as the SOURCE of these NUMBERS is our FED Chairman (and his stooges in New York who punch the 'numbers').
Numbers get funneled into the Fed banking account via a mental DECISION of POWELL and then these numbers get distributed from computer to computer. Select recipients get these 'numbers' (called money/dollars) and this continues ad infinitum (indefinitely) with NO awareness of where the 'numbers' ORIGINATE. The mindset of these leaders IGNORES their own ACTIONS (as they punch computer buttons in real-time to create TRILLIONS of new legal tender numbers).What a farce I witness daily! All this seems criminal to me!
Our leaders can not discern their OWN inner actions and this allows them to continue the PONZI game indefinitely. QE was a game of central bank 'counterfeiting' in the trillions and yet NONE can discern where these trillions originated? The balance sheet of our FED is nearly 9 trillion (it started at 850 billion in 2008) and yet POWELL and our banking committee leaders can not DISCERN what is happening. What a shame on the mentality of all these so-called LEADERS. Criminal behavior happens daily and yet NONE will call their behavior criminal. None will LOOK in the mirror at themselves.
Today, we have criminality at the HIGHEST levels of politics (everywhere). Where does this criminal behavior ultimately originate? Are there invisible spiritual forces which act to influence these leaders in power? Is there a leader within this 'invisible' spiritual realm who acts to influence these select political/banking leaders. Who might this be? Invisible principalities and powers appear to rule our nation but few seem to comprehend. My sense is that people will start to wake-up when survival conditions develop for the many. Until this happens most will SLEEP. Human nature is interesting. Hopefully we all will start to wake-up to reality! I have started!
I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher,
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