My 80 year old Club House friends agreed with me that Jesus/Yeshua was a real person (man) who lived on our planet and who preached to fellow believers on issues of a coming Kingdom. They agreed that Yeshua/Jesus was not Deity and/or Son of Deity (God). He was a man like me/us. We all seemed to agree that Yeshua was 'a' son/man similar to us. I am 'a' son of God just as Yeshua was 'a' son of God. The key article is 'a' not 'the'!
If this is reality (valid), then the idea of worshiping this man (person) as God would be a form of Idolatry. It would be Idolatry to worship Biden, Putin, Xi, or me. Any man on this planet (now or prior) should be viewed as 'a' son of God but not God. This mindset seems solid to my 80 year old friends from the clubhouse...and the logic is supported by millions of believers (globally). God is NOT a man and to worship 'a' man is a form of Idolatry.
Today, we have some 2.6 billion individuals who claim to be believers in this glorified being called Jesus. The name used is usually Christ Jesus. But prior to being glorified, this person (man) lived on our planet as an Aramaic Jew (man) from Nazareth. He was born, lived, and died as a man. His status was elevated to this 'glorified' status after his death and ascension. Today, most believers view this person as some type of Deity.
His being was exalted to Deity gradually after his death at Golgotha. He died in or around 33 A.D. After his death disciples (believers) claimed that they saw 'visions' of this person in his 'glorified' form. This gradually changed the thinking of believers so that this Aramaic Jew was viewed as some type of Deity. By the time of the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. this Jew was exalted (by the Bishops) to Deity status (equal with Yahweh God). The Nicene Creed was promulgated and this resulted in Godhood for this prior human man.
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.
What happened over time (after the death of the man, Yeshua, and during his time as a glorified spirit being), was that this Jew was elevated to God status for a new religion called Christianity. Christianity was then promoted by the Roman civilization (under and after Constantine) and it grew to the current population of some 2.6 billion (as of 2023).
Thousands of denominations have evolved since 325 A.D. and a huge hierarchy of religious authorities have continued to promote this dogma of Jesus as Deity and God. The doctrine emerged that this Aramaic Jew was both human and deity (simultaneously) while living and preaching on this planet. This idea was called within theology as the Hypostatic Union.
This theology of the hypostatic union has elevated a prior Jew (man) to God status and to worship status. Thousands of religious denominations have evolved with the idea (doctrine) that Jesus/Yeshua (now glorified) is God Almighty and also our Creator God. This mindset (if properly understood) is a clear form of IDOLATRY and the worship of an IDOL (not the worship of our real Creator God who spoke to mankind at Sinai).
Our 10 Commandments derived from this God at Sinai who we know (historically) as the I AM God (Yahweh in the Hebrew language). This God who rules over our planet has been relegated to obscurity as the false IDOL (Jesus Christ) was elevated to Godhood. Today, our false preachers (within Christendom) are promoting a 2nd Coming of this Jesus person (now glorified) and this seems like pure deception of the worst kind.
Millions of deceived believers are assuming that this glorified Jesus is going to RAPTURE them bodily off the planet soon so they can ESCAPE a period of trial on our planet. This deception is growing exponentially as preachers and teachers promote this idea that Jesus (now glorified) is God Almighty and Creator of mankind. The false doctrine of a Trinity deceives the masses who find this idea as impossible to reconcile logically.
The Trinity originated from the belief that God came to people in three forms throughout time. Early Christians thought Jesus first referred to the Trinity in Matthew 28:19, by stating, "in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." In John 10:30, Jesus said, "I and my Father are one." The belief in the Holy Trinity emerged during the life and/or shortly after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ circa 33-34 AD/CE. A central acceptance of the Trinity was even at the forefront of many early Christian baptisms. However, the official Trinity belief was established for Christians during the Council of Nicea in 325 AD/CE, through the Nicene Creed.
What is now happening within our media and internet society is a ramp up of many deceptive doctrines and ideas on issues of reality and spirituality. Preachers who have access to the media and the internet will promote their doctrines without any real CHALLENGE to their validity. Group Think (disinformation) is everywhere as our media seems to promote ideas which rarely get challenged by meaningful counterparties. Contrarian thinking is often disallowed by those who prefer GROUP THINK so as to promote their logic and so-called truth.
The deification of this Jew from Nazareth started in earnest after select 'visions' (called appearances) were witnessed after his death at Golgotha. This led to the idea that this Jew from Nazareth was 'glorified' and that he was given a new spiritual role for humanity at the right-hand side of Yahweh God. Over time this person was deified and given a new status of being the SON of Yahweh God and thus EQUAL in authority with this God that Moses revealed at Sinai.
The Nicene Creed elevated this dead (glorified Jew) to Godhood and then a Trinity doctrine was promulgated to further this dead (glorified) persons status. Christianity flourished among the pagan civilizations and among those called Gentiles. Over time denominations and new theologies evolved which led believers into this Idolatry of worshiping this dead (glorified) Jew. Today, billions have worshiped this prior human Aramaic Jew as their God and Creator. Amazing idolatry has evolved!
Think on this history as you decide what is real and what is fake religion. The God of Israel was Yahweh (prior to Jesus). Did this God abrogate his role as King of our Universe? Who actually rules over planet earth? Who is our Creator God? Think on this as you do your own homework on these issues of theology! Have a great day!
Messiah Yeshua (anointed by Yahweh during his earthly lifetime) viewed his God as Yahweh. He claimed that his talents derived from his God (whom many call the Father). Revelation 4 reveals some details about this Creator God who is soon destined to intervene in the affairs of man on planet Earth! To avoid Idol worship it might be wise to recognize the real God of our planet/universe!
I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher,
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