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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Philosophy: If God is Potter/Sovereign does this Imply 'Universal Salvation'! Let's Think!

This missive will focus on logic and philosophy. The issue: God is our Potter (we being the clay) and the concept that God is Sovereign over his Universe and all of his creation. The idea that God is Sovereign means that all his actions are determined and decreed via his WILL. There is no event (under God's creation) which God did not originate/provide/determine. For example: I was born (with no choice in the matter) because God created my being (personhood) and my destiny from the get-go. I had no input into the situation!

I cannot change what my POTTER designed/created/determined. I am the 'clay' with respect to God's actions. The Potter can do as he/she likes with the 'clay'. He can make a ROSE or a HITLER and no-one can change the outcome. God is Sovereign over every item of his creation (his Universe). All of his creation functions precisely as the FIRST CAUSE desires it to function. Both construction and destruction (good/evil) are under the Sovereign WILL of this First Cause/Source. What does this mean for one's SALVATION?

If I am born with no choice (freewill) in the matter, then it follows that what I become is precisely what my Potter desired for me. I can not change the original start of my destiny/life as I had NO choice in the matter. What follows from birth to death is precisely what my Potter created within me. I am his clay and my output and destiny are determined by this First Cause.This logic is irrefutable to me as a philosopher. If Father God is my Potter and is totally Sovereign, then I am that which is determined by this First Cause. How does this play out with respect to Salvation?

Did Judas have any freewill with respect to his role with Messiah Yeshua? He acted out his program within himself (the words in scripture say 'Satan entered him (Judas) and then he acted to betray his Master'). Judas, his 'clay', was meant to do precisely as he did in real-time. The Potter determined his destiny. Judas had no ability to counter his Potter who programmed him for this destiny. This is merely one example of 'determinism' in action. We can apply this same logic to any person on this planet (from Adam to the final Adam). Life starts at BIRTH and then the program within plays itself out! Who can refute this logic?

My destiny was determined and I propose that yours is identical (philosophically). This is the logic of reality as I see it. It all flows from a SOVEREIGN God who initiates/creates...and controls all outcomes. This is what it means to be SOVERIGN. All that follows from the WILL of this SOVEREIGN source is determined and then played out via some inner program. The inner program is beyond my/your control as we are born without any choice in the matter (I had no input). It's like a computer program which plays out the program of the original programmer. All is determined and the computer cannot change the program. Only the PROGRAMMER can design/input and determine the final output.

If the above logic/philosophy is valid, then I would suggest that each and every person will ultimately be SAVED by our Sovereign Potter. Universal Salvation follows from this logic/philosophy IMO. Job did not choose his destiny and neither did Moses or Yeshua. All individuals who are BORN are living out their program which our POTTER created. This is hard determinism (logically) and I can not refute the logic which follows after I accept the premise.

My sense is that this means that God will eventually SAVE every person created and this may include all the demons which act to do the WILL of our Sovereign God. Both Good and Evil are part of God's Sovereign design (how could it be different)? As it says in Isaiah 45:7 (and after), God (the Father) is the source of light/weal and darkness/woe. Woe (says God) to anyone who strives with his MAKER (an earthen vessel with its Potter). Does the 'clay' say to him who fashions it, 'what are you making'? Will anyone question ME (the Potter) concerning the work of my hands?

Father God says "I made the Earth and created man upon it; it was my (the Potter's) hands that stretched out the heavens (universe), I am the LORD and there is no other! All this implies, to me, that our Sovereign God decides all that happens. This also implies that this Source (God) will most likely SAVE everyone who has lived...all those who lived on planet Earth (and also the entire life of the invisible forces which operate behind the scenes). UNIVERSAL SALVATION is implied when I fully comprehend the logic of our POTTER.

All happens within a realm of eternity as our Potter/Creator has a purpose for all his actions. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Putin, Xi, Biden, and Trump are all accomplishing the Sovereign Will of our Creator God. Man's 6,000 year history (including some 100 billion souls who were born/died) is all part of the Sovereign Will of our Potter. Who had the FREEWILL to challenge this Sovereign Source? Who can create their own reality when I/you have no CHOICE in our original Beginning? Can anyone bring us a World of Freedom for planet Earth? I say it's ONLY one! It's our living/eternal POTTER! I am mere 'clay'? How about YOU?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

My Advice: 'Come out of Babylon'! Why?

The concept of Babylon reveals that a political system is corrupt at the core when it no longer functions to serve the people. I now recognize that our current political system has the makings of a Babylonial system. It is corrupt to the core and this is obvious as I watch events in real-time. The Trump/Biden debate this week revealed why our political system is collapsing and ending. Biden was totally inchoherent with his viewpoint (on the various issues) and Trump was better (marginally) but he was unable to project a valid strategy for America's future. His MAGA philosophy is no longer valid for a new world of interconnectedness. We need a New Model which reflects the world we now witness. 

Trump's MAGA philosophy tries to resurrect the prior philosophy of America which ended with the financial crisis of 2008. There is zero chance IMO that any new MAGA philosophy can work going forward. America is now bankrupt and her institutions are weaponized against anyone who wants to reconstruct this prior model of America. Trump is barking up a falling tree which cannot be lifted up so as to restore a new MAGA. MAGA is over for America and also for the WEST. After 248 years of MAGA, America now needs a NEW MODEL!

Believers IMO need to 'come out of Babylon' and get their feet into the New Kingdom Age Model (now emerging). Voting for Biden and/or Trump is fruitless (for believers) who should know better. Having one foot in the dying/lying/corrupt system of MAGA (Trump) and/or a Uni-plural Model (Biden) can not bring our world any real progress. We now need to have both feet in this New Model called the Kingdom Age Model. Father God rules this planet and Biden/Trump (or any other politician) cannot resurrect the dying/lying/corrupt system of yesteryear.

My atheist/agnostic friends will continue to vote for the LESSOR of two evils. They have no other alternative. But real believers (who should know better) need to abandon this corrupt/dying/lying system and vote for a model which produces real progress for the whole planet (now some 8.1 billion citizens). This model is the Kingdom model which Father God is initiating with his invisible 'word'. Revelation 17 and 18 represents an inspired set of words from Father God. The advice is to 'come out of Babylon' and get into the Kingdom model.

The recent debate between Biden and Trump in Atlanta revealed to me the obvious corrupt nature of our current dying/lying system. My estimate is that 70% of the 'words' exiting the mouths of Biden/Trump were lies and distortions. Who is the Source of all these lies and distortions? Is it the Father of Lies (this invisible source operating behind the scenes)? My sense is Yes! 'Come out of Babylon and get into a new model of progress! Get into the Kingdom Model!

Seek a new model which promotes the original VALUES of America's founders. These founders desired a world where each unique person is an equal. This is impossible under Trump's MAGA philosophy and/or Biden's Uni-plural World philosophy. Both of these philosophies are based on a 'centralized' model of control for the planet. A new American Empire which rules the entire planet is unrealistic given the nature of today's interconnected world. Both the model of the West and the model of Putin/Xi produce centralization and control over the individual. We need a model based upon the 'original' VALUES of America's founders. Think on this idea as you contemplate your strategy going forward!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Good - bye Joe! Trump/Biden debate revealed!


This song (video above) conveys the message that President Joe Robinette Biden will be history in 55 days (or less). The Democratic National Convention is August 19 - 22, in Chicago, Illinois. My sense is that JOE will be given the boot by his convention participants at this convention. His cognitive/character skills are diminishing (quickly) and all this was revealed to billions this evening in Atlanta. 

The debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden revealed to the world that Joe cannot continue to govern America. Leaders around the planet are now aware of this situation. His cognitive skills are obviously missing. There is zero chance IMO that Joe will survive to represent the Nation come November 5. His demeanor, speech, strength of character, and his IMAGE were revealed as less than desirable. This seemed obvious to me!

I think the American people (some 200 million may have watched this debate) will reject his role as our President going forward. This does not mean that Donald Trump is much better. The Donald had a stronger image and his cognitive abilities are superior to that of Joe Biden. But the Donald also displays a weak character when it comes to leadership issues. What a MESS we have in America for this coming election cycle.

On July 11, the Donald will be given a sentence (for his 34 Felony counts in the hush money trial). He could end up with jail time for this legal issue. If not jail time, then probation time with a huge fine. His character is obviously less than ideal when it comes to dealing with America's problems. His economic philosophy cannot survive IMO. His foreign policy philosophy is also weak and unrealistic. America is now in DEEP do-do going forward.

The so-called debate (90 minutes) revealed nothing positive for American voters. Whoever gets elected on November 5 will have no chance of creating any UNITY for the Nation. The downfall of America is now evident for the entire world to witness.  Both Biden and Trump are losers and this will emerge (be revealed) between now and November. The America Empire is now over (in essence). Without a strong leader America will die quickly in world affairs.

The danger now is that world leaders will sense this reality of the ending of America. This could create a need for America to end with a Big Bang (WW III). Biden cannot provide America with any strong leadership going forward. His credibility is shattered. His confidence is gone. His IMAGE is gone. Get prepared for the END of the Biden regime in 55 days. I don't think the convention elites will vote-in this loser as their candidate for 2024.

Trump could get elected in November but he also has no real solutions for America's core problems. We must now recognize our DIRE situation and prepare for the coming TRIBULATION. It will all start after November 5 when the results of this coming election are finalized. The DEBATE of a lifetime happened tonight (June 27). The American people will now panic as the days of Biden END with a BANG. The days of Trump are also horrible to contemplate. Prepare for tribulation and trial going forward.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

History: God uses 'current events' to change society!

It is obvious to me that Father God uses events in real-time to change society. This has been his modus operandi from the start. God used Noah and the events during this time period to change history. God used Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon to change society in real-time. God used Yeshua and Paul to change history in real-time. And today, Father God will likely do similar. Some real-time events to watch are the following:

1. The Supreme Court decision with re to Presidential Immunity. This decision is likely this week and it cound change the election events between Biden and Trump. 

2. The current financial condition within our markets could be used to change events for our society. As I write, the real estate sector of our economy is starting to crash. This sector is fundamental to future events for our economy. As this market changes (currently declines) our public will feel the consequences.

3. The election situation between two opponents who view reality much differently can be used by Father God to change real-time events later this year. Whoever emerges in the election of November 5 will likely change our markets permanently.

4. America's debt and deficit situation is now a clear issue which could change real-time events permanently. The Keynesian economic model of 1934 is now some 90 years old. This model has a limited timeline (generally 90 years was the original view) and when this issue blows up, it will change society and history permanently. It's a crucial issue to watch.

5. The War situation in Gaza and Ukraine is another issue which Father God could use to change our society permanently. This issue has no current solution and it will become a crucial issue after the coming election in November. Whoever wins this election will face a crucial issue on our War situation. It's worth watching as a key event which Father God might use to change society permanently.

6. The Agenda 2030 idea (a Uni-polar world concept) and the challenge to this Agenda by the BRICS, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, will be another crucial issue which could change real-time events permanently. Can our world live with this divisive factor going forward? My sense is NO. Watch this issue for big changes in the coming months and years.

7. The Gaza/Middle East war situation is another issue which could change our global society permanently. Will this issue get resolved so that all parties can live peacefully together? My sense is NO. The ideological/theological issues between the Arabs and the Jews has been festering for centuries. Will this issue get resolved by the current war situation? It's an issue to watch. Father God may use this issue to change our global society permanently.

History reveals that Father God does 'intervene' in our world to change events. He intervenes via our 'consciousness' (mind). A 'word' from our Creator's throne can change a select person's mind instantaneously. Witness the changed mind of Cyrus the Great after the Babylonian captivity period. He received a 'word' from Yahweh (Father God) and this resulted in freedom for those enslaved by the Babylonians. It all happens with one 'invisible' word from Father God.

The WORD of our Creator God can change events in a matter of seconds. Father God rules this universe/planet and his 'word' is what changes the MIND of a selected leader so that a new set of events happens. Amazing. Father God is in control and we humans are servants. The CAUSE transcends man's ability to change and/or control. This means that GOD rules ultimately and his goals will be achieved even as man thinks differently. The 'invisible' world rules over the 'visible'. Amazing!

Let's all watch the coming debate between Biden and Trump tomorrow. Will a 'word' arrive from Father God during this debate? It is possible. One 'word' from our Source can change events instantaneouly. It's all amazing and beyond our ken to comprehend. Father God is in control and it is worthless to assume otherwise. Our puppet politicians are SERVANTS/AGENTS of this HIGHER SOURCE! Watch and think for yourself on all these issues of REALITY!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


Monday, June 24, 2024

God's interventions are 'virtual'! Amazing!

It seems like few thinkers are discerning the nature of 'virtual' reality. In reality, God operates in the 'virtual' realm (also called our consciousness). Our consciousness is part of this 'virtual' realm and it is 'invisible' to our five senses. We could say that my consciousness is a sixth sense (really a first sense) as it operates as the CAUSE of all events during my lifetime. Yes, my/your 'consciousness' is key to understanding the 'virtual' interventions of our Higher Powers (God and his agents).

For the past 6,000 years of human history, God has been involved in ruling our society. But few seem to discern this SOURCE which operates invisibly and virtually. I can not observe my 'consciousness'. I can not KNOW what is happening within my 'consciousness' as the CAUSE transcends my perceptions. I perceive reality as a set of events which I can observe and comprehend (visually). But the 'virtual' realm is separate from this visual/observational realm. It operates BEHIND the scene and acts as the REAL cause of my destiny/behavior.

God is my/your POTTER and he/she has total control of his/her creation IMO. You and I are mere servants/agents of this POTTER (higher source). I like to say that God is our Potter and I am the clay. I assume that you are similar to me. We both think with our visual mindset and then assume that reality derives from this thinking. In reality, however, words and concepts are not part of our visual/observable system. Words and concepts (some) are derived from the 'virtual' realm (and then enter my/your consciousness without our input). After entering our 'consciousness' events happen without our real KNOWING. Amazing!

 God controls his creation (you and I) via his virtual 'words' and 'concepts'. This is essentially a form of INTERVENTION so that God's goals and plans are realized. Yes, God 'intervenes' continually in the AFFAIRS of man. After some 6,000 years of man's rule on this planet, it now appears that God is going to END this rule. This 'end' will be accomplished via an 'intervention' in the AFFAIRS of man (our political/economic system). A serious 'intervention' by our POTTER will change all our trends and our destiny. Who can resist the SOURCE who acts behind the scenes? I say NONE!

As human beings we must act out our destiny via our virtual 'consciousness'. I THINK therefore I AM, said Decartes. Thinking derives from virtual words and concepts which transcend oneself (brain/mind). What I THINK is what then creates my behavior/destiny going forward. An 'invisible' realm operates behind the scenes to create events on planet Earth. This is what seems obvious to me. I am not the CAUSE of my destiny as I did not originate my inner program (within my consciousness). I assume that YOU are similar to me. As human beings we operate AT EFFECT (mostly unknowingly). God's goals/plans happen without our full AWARENESS. Amazing!

I watch events on this planet (say the Ukraine war or the Biden/Trump election circus) and then I think about the SOURCE which controls the eventual outcome. It is the SOURCE which determines the eventual outcome of all these events. God is this SOURE IMO. The POTTER (our Creator) is this SOURCE which operates invisibly within this VIRTUAL realm (our inner self/consciousness). The real outcome of all events is DETERMINED by this virtual Source. You and I go along for the 'ride' (not knowing what is really happening behind the scene). That is my perception/discernment.

I am now waiting for some big 'intervention' by our SOURCE so that the coming Kingdom Age emerges. My perception/discernment is that the Kingdom Age is scheduled to arrive for planet Earth in the near future. My NOW anticipation is that this Kingdom Age (the Government of God) will be created by this virtual WORD of our Higher Source. Prior to this AGE, however, a transition period must happen. This is what many call the TRIBULATION. It's a period of time where events will collapse the existing corrupt SYSTEM of man...and then create the beginnings of a NEW SYSTEM which will be governed by our Creator God (not Biden/Trump/Putin/Xi, or similar). God will rule and man (you and I) will act as SERVANTS.

My entire philosophy is based on the above perception/discernment. Understanding the VIRTUAL realm is key to understanding this thinking. Understanding the reality of the INVISIBLE realm is also key. Cause/effect rules over our System and the ultimate CAUSE are these 'virtual' words of our POTTER (operating behind the scene). Wisdom and discernment are needed to comprehend the above philosophy. Seeking wisdom and understanding has been my mantra for most of my adult life. I must continue this SEEKING on a daily basis as I cannot KNOW precisely what our POTTER is saying/doing. It's all beyond my KEN to some degree! 

P.S. My sense is that some BIG economic event is brewing. Our Central Bank manipulators could soon lose control over their daily manipulations. Have you notices how silver/gold, the Dow, and other select indices are manipulated daily? This game of Central Bank manipulation must END at some point! It could be SOON!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wisdom: All is Vanity, a Chasing after the Wind! Why?

Many of us think that reality involves one's Freewill to create one's destiny independent of any Higher forces. But history reveals that this so-called Freewill is invalid when we witness the events which happen in real-time. The wisest thinker in history (according to many) was King Solomon (son of King David). Solomon lived around 900 BCE and he is credited with building the First Temple to his God (Yahweh) in Jerusalem. 

Solomon, however, tried to create his own destiny (while King) even as he was simultaneously acting as King of Israel. His behavior was to live life with extreme wealth, self-indulgence, and self-promotion. His life style was meant to show that HE was in control (he had freewill) and that he could create his own destiny so as to enjoy life to the fullest. All this was eventually a failure, however, and his later suffering was a consequence of this prior self-indulgent behavior.

At the end of his life period, Solomon finally repented of his prior behavior and acknowledged that all his self-promotion was worthless and a 'chasing after the wind'. He returned to his God (the God of Israel) and lived out his life with humility and subservience. Solomon learned that life is not some event which he could manipulate for his own desires (artificially). Forces bigger than he were in control of his destiny and the destiny of his kingdom. The concept of life being 'vanity and a chasing after the wind' expressed his wisdom about human action and God's higher providence. Solomon learned this reality from all his prior life experiences. 

Many think that they can create their own destiny (future) merely my thinking positively and acting with conviction. I tried this behavior during my earlier days. I discovered (over years) that forces (invisible and virtual) were BEHIND my life actions in the now. During my lifetime I have had THREE dire car accidents (where the probability of survival was next to nil). I rolled a Ford sedan in 1960 while driving back from Canada (early in the morning) at over 80 mph. This accident completely ruined by 1960 Ford (really Dad's car) and yet I survived (miraculously) with minor injuries. The car was upside down in a field next to the road.

Then in 1968 (early in the morning as the Sun was rising) I was driving my 1968 Couger to the dealer for paint repair. As I headed down a narrow road in the middle of city buildings (both sides) in St. Paul, Minnesota, I stopped on the railroad tracks to see if a train was coming. My temporary stop was not valid, however, as the train coming on the tracks (at some 30 mph)  hit my Couger on my drivers side (front fender) and rapped the car around the blinking red train warning sign. After some 20 minutes of unconsciousness (sitting in the car) the conductor arrived to check on my condition. He marveled that I was still alive. The car was totally wrecked and I survived with minor bruises. Another miracle happened IMO. Higher angels must have been involved with my survival. My destiny was beyond my personal control.

The third car accident happened in 1980, Madison, Wisconsin, as I returned from Minneapolis in a winter white out where the road was pure ice on select portions of the road. I lost control of the 1968 Cheve car and crashed into a group of cars (all which lost control on the pure ice of this highway). Another miracle. I survived along with my son and wife. My wife hit her head on the front windschild and had to go via ambulance to the hospital. Fortunately, she survived with a head wound. My son survived as he was in the back seat with some protection. Another miracle IMO. Was this my destiny? It appears that it was. I am still here in 2024.

All this history is meant to show that my life destiny was/is beyond my personal control. I should have died many times but my guarding angels (evidently) intervened so this did not happen. Was this destiny/providence!

Today, we have two Presidential candidates who think they can create a new destiny for America (after 248 years of a failed Empire). Biden wants to create a Uni-polar world with America in control of planet Earth. Trump wants to create a MAGA world (make America Great Again) so he can rule a new nation of yesterday. Is all this thinking 'vanity and a chasing after the wind'? I think so! America (now some 248 years since its founding) is unlikely to create a new destiny which is independent of Providence (God's determined goal). After the past 248 years of trying to create freedom (called Democracy) for the planet, America is broke and powerless. Her destiny is not in her own hands IMO. That seems to be the message of history. Life is 'vanity and a chasing after the wind'.

Only God's Providence will prevail seems to be the message. Biden has no freewill to change America and neither does Trump. That is my view of reality. It's all a 'chasing after the wind' and only God knows what will transpire going forward. As individuals the POTTER rules over the Clay. As a Nation the POTTER rules over the Clay. Forces (virtual in nature) rule this universe/planet...so it seems. Freewill is not possible with a Higher Cause behind the scenes (ruling). Solomon recognized this reality. Job recognized this reality. Jesus and Paul bowed to this reality. God rules in the AFFAIRS of man. It's all a 'chasing after the wind'. My wisdom for today!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Jesus and Paul were both Apocalyptic Preachers! Why were they both Wrong?

Most biblical scholars view the historical Yeshua/Jesus as an Apocalyptic thinker/preacher. Yeshua/Jesus preached that the END of man's rule was near (at the door). After the death of Yeshua at Golgotha, Paul emerged with his Apocalyptic beliefs. What is the common theme when we think of these Apocalyptic preachers/thinkers? Why was their viewpoint a failure?  Why were BOTH wrong in their perceptions/thinking? Let's think on this issue for today's missive.

Yeshua/Jesus thought (during his brief life on this planet) that his God was bringing an END to history and that this meant that God's Kingdom/Government would emerge for the planet. Yeshua/Jesus was a universalist in that he thought that his God (Abba/Father) had visited his consciousness with this message at his baptism (say around 29 A.D.). After this baptism in the Jordan River by his cousin John, Yeshua/Jesus started his ministry...focusing on the message that God's Kingdom was near (arriving). He assumed that this Kingdom/Governement would begin during his lifetime (29 A.D. and after). 

After his crucifixion at Golgotha (for sedition and blasphemy) this Kingdom of God did not arrive (as he had envisioned)...so a NEW vision emerged with the preaching and evangelization of Paul of Tarsus. This Jew (a Pharisee) received his vision during his experience with the risen Jesus on the Damascus Road. Paul then thought that the END was still arriving (soon) and that this would occur during his lifetime (say after 37 A.D.). Paul preached about this coming END...which he assumed would happen during his lifetime. His preaching was not valid however. Then what happened?

After years of preaching by both Yeshua/Jesus and later Paul, nothing emerged that we could call God's Kingdom (a New Government for the planet). What emerged in 70 A.D. was the complete DESTRUCTION of the Temple of Yahweh (the God of Israel) in Jerusalem. This destruction and killing of Jews/Christians was perpetrated by the Romans. Titus and his military leveled the Temple and killed millions of Jews/Christians who resisted this slaughter. There was no emergence of God's Kingdom at this time and/or after. The final death of the Jewish revolt and their idea of real change for them and their future happened at Masada in 73 A.D. The Roman legions laid siege of Masada where they witnessed the suicide of those who had resisted these Romans and their rule.

As time continued after Masada, Jerusalem was gradually changed into a Gentile city and the concept of a Kingdom of God arriving deminished over time. Both the perceptions of the historical Yeshua/Jesus and the perceptions of Paul (with reference to a coming Kingdom of God) were squashed. Why? Apparently, their ideas where not in tune with what our Creator God desired for planet Earth. As time moved forward, new beliefs emerged so as to form the Christian religion and also a new Jewish religion. God's so-called Kingdom/Government never arrived for planet Earth and its people (the Gentiles and the Jews). Is this dream/vision still valid?

Today, we live some 2,000 years AFTER this time of Yeshua/Jesus and Paul. God's Kingdom/Government is here (in the sense that God rules this planet in the NOW) but it is NOT here with respect to the entire planet. A NEW Kingdom Government has not yet arrived for the people of planet Earth (now some 8.1 billion). There were only some 200 million citizens on planet Earth back in the time of Jesus and Paul. So what is the problem? Is God's Kingdom still coming to our planet? Will a New Age arrive where man's rule is replaced by God's rule? This is my perception (as of today). After some 2,000 years of a Church Age the TIME is now here for the Kingdom of God Age to replace this Church Age. That is my view of prophecy and my discernment of the times. We are NOW at the time when God will intervene and establish his Government for our planet!

The Kingdom Age was probably delayed (purposely) as this Church Age was meant to play a role for these 2,000 years (4,000 plus 2,000 = 6,000 years). We are now at the point in God's history where some 6,000 years have expired (from the point of our first parents). The past 6,000 years is meant to fulfill the time period for man's rule. That is my perception. This means that we are NOW at the point where God's Government/Kingdom will arrive for our planet. All is determined, however, by our Creator God and his plan/goals. We servants cannot bring this Kingdom to our planet (on our own volition). God (Abba Father) must bring this new Government to our planet. Is NOW the time period for this Kingdom to emerge/arrive?

Naturally, know one KNOWS if this is reality or not. My sense/perception is that it IS our reality (that is emerging). The END of man's rule and also the END of this 6,000 year period since Creation of man gives me this viewpoint. There are many others who THINK similarly. Man's rule is soon over and God's rule will replace this prior rulership of man. That is what I think is emerging NOW and what I think will happen within the next ten years (give or take). But could God have other plans for our planet which I (we) cannot KNOW? Absolutely! We live without KNOWING anything with certainty. All I/You can do is think and hope. God must intervene if this NEW Age is to emerge in reality (the NOW).

Until there is an 'intervention' from the Throne Room, nothing meaningful can happen. The historical Yeshua/Jesus was WRONG in his perception. The Evangelization of Paul was also invalid as no Kingdom emerged during his lifetime. Today, we live some 2,000 years since these events were happening. The Kingdom is still here (but not here). God's rules this planet even as his NEW AGE is yet to arrive for this planet. The times, however, do imply that some BIG event is on the horizon. Man's divided rule cannot stand given our situation/condition. God must INTERVENE is my viewpoint. Think for yourself as we all WAIT and WATCH!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

TWO conflicting Worldviews: Paul vs Yeshua/Jesus!

Our world has lived with two conflicting worldviews (universal in nature) for these past 2,000 years. The worldview of Yeshua/Jesus (31 A.D.) was the Kingdom of Abba (Father). Yeshua was baptised by his cousinn, John the Baptist, around 29 A.D. and then started his ministry promoting the Kingdom (Government) of his God (Abba/Father). His ministry lasted some three years (max) and then he was crucified by the Romans (with the support of the Jewish Sanhedrin elites who wanted him killed). The elites at the Sanhedrin (apparently) thought Yeshua was promoting himself as KING of the Jews (God in the flesh) and this was viewed as Blasphamy. The Roman political system ended Yeshua's career and his ministry when he was crucified at Golgotha (say Friday, 31 A.D.).

After his death, a few of his followers had 'visions' (or similar) where they SAW the risen Yeshua/Jesus in their consciousness (mind). This proved to them that Yeshua was 'glorified' by Abba/Father (the God of Yeshua). With this event in their consciousness, a gradual reappraisal of Yeshua's earthly ministry took place when Paul of Tarsus started a NEW ministry about this risen servant of Abba/Father. Paul started his ministry based upon a NEW worldview which he concocted in his consciousness (mind) which emerged mostly AFTER his 'vision' on the Damascus Road. This minisstry (worldview) based upon the idea that the glorified Yeshua was now the CHRIST in heaven and that everyone needed to be SAVED via his death and later glorification (Christ was the cornerstone of Paul's ministry as he promoted the Kingdom of Christ for everyone...this was his universal worldview).

So, we had the original worldview of the historical Yeshua/Jesus as the Kingdom of his God (Abba/Father) which never arrived and then the secondary worldview of Paul of Tarsus (after the death of the historical Yeshua). Paul's NEW worldview was the universal Kingdom of Christ (the risen/glorified Yeshua) and the concept that everyone could enter this NEW Kingdom by accepting the death (Yeshua's blood) as one's Salvation from sin. The crucifed Christ was now the NEW worldview for mankind (according to Paul) and this gradually led to the universal Catholic Church (later the addition of the Protestant Church). Universal Salvation was now available for everyone who accepted the DEATH of Christ as the Atonement for their sins. A person could then become part of the Universal Church of Christ and this was the final Salvation for mankind (according to the worldview of Paul).

The historical Yeshua/Jesus, however, did not have this worldview of Paul. In fact, the historical Yeshua never even KNEW Paul (or met him). The historical worldview of Yeshua/Jesus was the soon coming Kingdom of his God (Abba/Father). Salvation arrived for all those who 'repented' and got 'born again' by the Spirit of Abba/Father. Yeshua's baptisim by John the Baptist resulted in Abba/Father adopting Yeshua/Jesus as his servant/messenger as he preached this coming KINGDOM of his Father (for the entire planet). Yeshua's prayer was "Our Father, which art in the heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy KINGDOM come, thy will be done, on planet Earth as it is in your eternal heavenly realm". This was the worldview of the historical Yeshua/Jesus. We ended up with conflicting worldviews when Paul's ministry started (around 37 A.D.) with his 'visionary' experience on the Damascus Road (say around 37 A.D.).

So-called Roman Christianity emerged after this evangelization of Paul (some 20 years of his preaching) and when Constantine the Great adopted Christianity as the worldview for Rome (mostly after the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.). A NEW religion/worldview was then adopted for the Romans and later the entire planet as Catholic and Protestant theology grew and became universal for the planet. A universal POPE (emerged) and he was supposed to represent the adopted philosophy of Paul (mostly) but under the name of Jesus as the core foundation stone. A Holy Book (called the Bible) was invented (mostly by the Catholic theologians) and this became the reference point for TRUE doctrine for all believers. The Protestant religion emerged after the Reformation period (1517) when Martin Luther rejected much of the prior Catholic doctrines. Today, we have some 2.6 billion followers (in spirit) of this combined Christian worldview. All this has evolved over these prior 2,000 years of history.

The conflicting worldview's of the historical Yeshua/Jesus and then the new worldview of Paul (after the death of the historical Yeshua/Jesus) has produced the current chaos of beliefs on planet Earth. Today, we could be at the END of the Church Age since nothing has happened to bring us the Kingdom of Christ (as envisioned by Paul) which the Church adopted for the planet (mostly after Nicaea). Bible scholars are now LEAVING historical Christianity in groves so as to show us that this Church Age is ending (it's over). A new universal worldview is now needed for planet Earth going forward. My sense is that the 'original' worldview of the historical Yeshua/Jesus is back in vogue. The KINGDOM of God (Abba/Father) is what I now envision as emerging for our planet (again). Paul's Chruch Age worldview is ending (it's over) and the Kingdom Age of the Father (our real Creator) is emerging for the entire planet.

Soon a Tribulation Period will emerge so as to END the Chruch Age worldview. After some 6,000 years of human history there is now a NEW world emerging which will be governed by our Creator God (from his invisible Throne Room in the 'virtual' world). Each person (on our planet) will have the opportunity to ENTER this Kingdom of our Creator (in real-time) as they REPENT and get their spirit RENEWED (called being 'born again'). The Kingdom that is coming is universal (for everyone that survives the Tribulation). Those who do not survive will enter the VIRTUAL realm (as their spirit passes away at death). The living persons who ENTER this New Kingdom Age will create the NEW worldview for planet Earth. The prayer of the historical Yeshua/Jesus will then be realized ('our Father which art in the eternal heaven, thy Kingdom come', etc.). The rule of man (our current political system,,,under Biden, Trump, Putin, Xi, etc.) will vanish (be rejected) as people reject this man ruled system for the New Kingdom SYSTEM. That is my worldview in a nutshell (of what is coming).

Give this philosophy some reflection as you watch the END of our current corrupted/bankrupt SYSTEM in the coming months/years. It's all happening in the NOW as we watch world events evolve on our planet in real-time. The Ukraine War, the Gaza War, the Tiawan conflict, and all the other conflicts are part of this ENDING system of political man. Trump's MAGA will not change this trend/outcome emerging. Biden's Uni-polar world idea will not prevail. Putin's Multi-polar world system also will not prevail. The ONLY system (worldview) to prevail will be the Kingdom Age system (which is ruled by our invisible Creator God from his Throne Room in the VIRTUAL realm). What an amazing  change is coming to our planet. The mindset of our political leaders will not prevail. God (from his Throne Room) will END the system of man. This is what I envision as happening (in real-time/NOW). Am I deceived? REALITY will prevail is my vision. The NOW reality of history will prevail. It all must happen by our Creator's input (intervention). That is my worldview. I and/or you cannot create this NEW Kingdom Age. God (from Heaven must interene). Have a great day and watch events as they happen. I must do similar!

The above video gives a typical Christian viewpoint on our Church history and the viewpoint that Christianity has a valid viewpoint on TRUTH. I say that PART of his Christian viewpoint is valid but much is also deception. Listen for another viewpoint that many hold as REAL. Compare this to my view above! We can all learn from listening to many different viewpoints!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Three concepts to internalize (memorize/promote/accept)!

The above video has some excellent ideas (similar to what I present below). I do differ with some of the philosophy of Ekhart Tolle...but his general perceptions are totally valid IMO. I learned the concept of NOW and its POWER in 1975 (reading a book on psychology) called 'Playing the Game the New Way' by Karl Fredrick. It changed my view of reality and the below information reveals some of my thinking on this issue! Lesson 2 and 3 above are especially valid!

There are three concepts which I view as core/fundamental ideas for living life. I am convinced that these three concepts will be valid and useful when we live in the Kingdom Age (soon coming). But we all can internalize these concepts now (as they are also valid in the NOW/today) and then we can promote these concepts to our friends and associates as valid concepts. What are these three important concepts:

1. Viewing the NOW as the fundamental reality for living. The present moment is all we have to experience. I live my life in the NOW...and then as 'successive moment of NOW' (always).

2. Accepting 'NOW memories' as that which others call the PAST. In reality, there is no PAST that exists independently of the NOW. All my 'memories' are revealed in the NOW moment. There is no PAST which you or I experience. All experiences are NOW experiences. Amazing!

3. Accepting 'NOW anticipations' as that which others call the FUTURE. In reality, there is no FUTURE which we experience while living on this planet. What others call the 'future' is really a NOW anticipation. I anticipate events to happen (but this happens in the NOW (always). Amazing!

Most experts in religion, science, and education give us the impression that there was a separate PAST that we need to internalize. These same experts will also promote the idea that a coming FUTURE should be expected (different from what I experience in the NOW). This idea of a 'past' and a 'future' is really misleading and deceptive. In reality, I can never access any PAST and/or any FUTURE. I can only access the PRESENT MOMENT (the NOW). Amazing!

I live my life in the NOW continually and then I live with successive moments of NOW always. When I think of the PAST I am thinking about my NOW MEMORIES. Memories are really NOW events. I must access my NOW memories to express any idea about a PRIOR now moment (the so-called PAST). This happens because I can not separate myself from the NOW (as a human person). I am ALWAYS living in the NOW (even when I dream and sleep). My consciousness is in the NOW from birth to death. Amazing!

We are living in a world where education, religion, and science desire to promote some distant PAST as separate and distinct. In reality, this so-called PAST must be expressed and accessed via a NOW memory. NOW is what I experience as I live my life. It's impossible to separate myself from the NOW. This means that we all should internalize the idea that life is lived in the NOW moment continually (always). The idea that some life form lived millions/billions of earth years prior to today is pure 'imagination' (not anything which is real for our NOW living).

We need to internalize that this concept called TIME is a now invention. It derives from my consciousness/mind. Time is really 'imaginary' as it derives from a human mind (consciousness). Time is NOT a 'thing' which is separate from me/you. Time is 'within' us as a concept of consciousness. What TIME is it (in reality)? It's NOW...and successive moments of NOW! Those who espouse some distant time that transcends human living (like this Rapture concept) is proposing a fantasy of the 'imagination'. Who can understand millions and billions of earth years (prior to today), when we all live with a human history that is merely 'thousands' of earth years PRIOR to today? Who can 'escape' from the NOW (as these Rapture preachers espouse)?

Our first Civilization was likely the Sumerians. This people group lived only some 6,000 years prior to today (maybe less). This human civilization probably 'invented' time to bring their civilization order and regularity (say for their farming communities). The Egyptians also needed some order and regularity and this people group may have 'invented' time. The important point (to internalize) is that some existing human person must have 'invented' TIME. And this invention was only a few thousand years PRIOR to today. Amazing!

Human beings have experienced reality (including 'time') for merely some 6,000 years (give or take). If some educator enunciates that life is millions and/or billions of years OLD, I would suggest that this person is living in his/her IMAGINATION (not current reality). I would call this a mythical 'imagination'. Our scientists who espouse human macro-evolution and this concept called the Big Bang are also living within their IMAGINATION. Where is life today? Does life (today) reveal any macro-evolution from Ape to Man (right NOW)? Where is this Big Bang today? Is this pure human 'imagination' and a 'story' of those who espouse this viewpoint of reality?

Our SYSTEM is set up with many deceptions and illusions. Money is another 'illusion' of the human mind. This concept was also 'invented' (likely some 5,000 years PRIOR to today). We live today with many 'illusions' of the mind because our SYSTEM (via education) is promoting all these ILLUSIONS. In reality we live in the NOW (always) yet thousands of educators are PUSHING concepts of deception to the public and our children. It's amazing that people are not ALL mentally ill (similar to Biden and Trump). Illusion permeates the SYSTEM and this is then regurgitated by the public and our MEDIA. Amazing! Few seem to desire CRITICAL thinking. 

Think on these ideas as you live your life in the NOW. Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Beware: Democracy does NOT mean FREEDOM! Why?

What I desire for our planet is real FREEDOM for the individual. This is what America is supposed to be promoting for the entire planet. But what we get (in the NOW) is 'political' democracy under a politician (like Biden or Trump) which then gives us Mob Rule for the common man (male/female). Reality is an experience in the NOW which continues in the NOW (always/continually). If we want real FREEDOM for the individual then we need this freedom in the NOW. But a Biden or Trump administration can nto give us this freedom. Listen to their words in the coming debate on June 27 (10 days from now).

A Biden/Trump (or similar regime) can only give us a form of freedom which is limited and distorted. Our founders desired that America evolve into a new world of FREEDOM for the individual. But after 248 years of American governement no real FREEDOM for the individual has emerged. America has now had 46 President's and we still are seeking FREEDOM for America and the planet. The administrations which we get are called a form of 'democracy' but the reality is that we get Mob Rule (with a new name for President over this Mob Rule). Biden now wants MORE democracy for America and the planet. Will this give us any real freedom? I don't think so!

Biden is promoting a new Agenda for planet Earth called Agenda 2030. This Agenda is really promoting a democracy concept for the entire planet. This would result in a new form of Mob Rule for the entire planet (under the banner of democracy). It's a diabolical formula that will never give our people any true indivudal freedom. We now need new leaders who will rethink our history and then give us equality of personhood (for everyone). The Kingdom Age philosophy is what I think is needed. This mindset will give equality of personhood to each and every individual.

What we get with a Biden concept of democracy is more Mob Rule for the planet. The individual never becomes totally FREE under this form of government. Biden calls his new goal Agenda 2030 and/or a Uni-polar world political system. Some call the goal a One World Government under the auspicies of a Biden type leader. Trump calls his leadership a better form of democracy which he promotes under the banner of MAGA (make America Great again). This label is also an ILLUSION as it does not give us any real indivdual freedom (in the NOW). Both Biden and Trump are giving us RHETORIC than deceives and misleads. Watch their debate on June 27 and listen closely to the 'words' emerging from their lips.

Watch and listen as they espouse their WORDS and concepts to the moderators. When you hear the word DEMOCRACY (mostly from Biden) think of MOB RULE (under a Biden type administration). When you hear Trump espouse MAGA think of a form of Mob Rule under a Trump poltiical agenda (administration). Both will attempt to rule over America with an agenda which promotes their ideas of freedom. But will America or the world get any real FREEDOM for the 'individual'? This can not happen under the regime of either. We now have some 248 years of history as our evidence!

America was founded upon the idea that freedom for the individual would eventually emerge. After some 248 years of different administrations this event has NOT happened. We now have President #46 and no real freedom for the 'individual' has arrived. Will number 47 be any different? I don't think so! Whether we get a new form of MAGA (make America great again) or another Biden administration which he calls democracy, we will NOT get any real freedom for the individual. We all live in the NOW (continually) and we need a form of government which gives us real individual freedom in the NOW.

The only form of government which operates in the NOW (continually/forever) is the Kingdom Age government. The Kingdom of our Creator God would give us real freedom for the individual. Equality of personhood is what America's core value was at its founding. America has existed for over 248 years and no equality of personhood has happened. We have a form of democracy which gives select politicians freedom but it does not give the common man (male/female) freedom. What is the problem?

Our problem is that we live under a man ruled system (under the banner of democracy). All this is an ILLUSION in real-time (the NOW). We need a system which functions in the NOW and simultaneously gives everyone individual freedom. Think of the Kingdom Age Government as our solution. Our Creator God has the solution but man must promote this system for our planet. One Planet Under our Creator God needs to emerge. This will give us real freedom for the 'individual'. Equality of personhood will then happen on planet Earth.

Think on these concepts as you watch the coming debate between Biden and Trump on June 27 (10 days from now). Listen to Biden as he espouses the word 'democracy'. Does he understand what this leads to? He apparently wants more Mob Rule by Biden. Listen to Trump as he espouses the word MAGA. What does this mean in real-time? Does it mean a form of Mob Rule under a Trump administration? Listen to the WORDS of both these puppets as they attempt to gain POWER over the American people. Where will this POWER lead us? I don't think it leads to INDIVIUAL freedom. That is my viewpoint!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Monday, June 17, 2024

2024 Reality: TRUTH is Subjective! This means FASCISM will arrive under Man's Rule!

What I witness in real-time are new opinions and differing viewpoints on any/all issues of reality. Our media asks an expert his opinion on our economy and the viewpoint expressed reveals uncertainty and subjectivity. This goes for science, religion, politics, education, and for all issues of man. No-one has any REAL truth on any issue in real-time (that is CERTAIN). All we have are opinions and subjective viewpoints. This is our reality in 2024 and I presume going forward (under man's rule of our planet).

The ONLY real TRUTH (capital T) is the invisible word of our Creator which gets funneled through each subjective human being (prior to any understanding). So, even the 'words' of our Creator God become somewhat subjective as people try to express what this SOURCE said (to them). I listen to experts in every area of knowledge and all I get are OPINIONS/viewpoints. Each person says: I think this, my viewpoint is this, etc. Who KNOWS anything with CERTAINTY in 2024? My real-time assessment is that NONE can enunicate ABSOLUTE TRUTH which is CERTAIN (for everyone).

So what does this mean for humanity in real-time? It means that I have my viewpoint/opinion and you have your viewpoint/opinion. No-one has FINAL (certain) TRUTH (which is valid for everyone). This type of world means that eventually a FASCIST society emerges. Some person MUST act as the OFFICIAL  (singular) viewpoint for the SYSTEM (under man's rule). This ONE person would then be our FASCIST leader for the planet. People within prophecy call this person the ANTI-CHRIST. He/She will overcome the SAINTS says scripture (those who think they have the TRUTH). This Fascist leader will conclude that all viewpoints are subject to this FINAL official viewpoint of this Anti-Christ. Is this our situation in 2024?

This fascist leader will SPEAK for the entire planet on the OFFICIAL issues of reality. He/She will determine if a WAR is necessary. He/She will determine what GOD is real (or which person speaks for God). If this person is an ATHEIST then he/she will conclude that he/she is GOD (who can challenge this Fascist leader? Who can challenge the OFFICIAL viewpoint under this FASCIST system of reality? Any real challenge will result in extermination to the person who challenges this leader. With ONE military this person can eliminate any real challenge to his/her AUTHORITY. Is this what is NOW emerging on planet Earth?

My sense is YES. Fascism is emerging and eventually ONE ruler will speak for the planet. This person will assume that he/she is GOD (or the final agent of God). Relativity will be eliminated as the FINAL word will emerge from this fascist official leader. We live on ONE planet and we live with uncertainty and relativity on issues of reality (truth). I have my opinion/viewpoint and you have yours. With some 8.1 billion voices on this planet (as of today) the BUCK will stop with this fascist leader who speaks for mankind. Today, we have many official voices who try to speak for mankind. We have many who would like to PLAY God for the planet!

Biden trys to speak for everyone (today) in 2024. Xi desires that his viewpoint be final for everyone. This also goes for Trump, Putin, Sunak, Kristersson, Netanyahu, Erdogan, Scholz, etc., etc. Each official leader will try to assert that their VIEWPOINT is the final/correct/valid viewpoint (for everyone). Uncertainty is reduced with the CHOICE of a policy decision by these leaders. Eventually, our planet will need ONE voice that speaks for the entire planet. God speaks invisibly to each person and this still results in uncertainty in real-time. We would need the living GOD to act in a 'human form' if this uncertainty were to be ELIMINATED. I don't view this as a valid assumption (however)! God sits on his invisible Throne 'outside' our physical universe! This, to me, is reality!

The theology of the Catholic church (and each/every church/denomination) asserts that THEIR official viewpoint is God's TRUTH. Just listen to a Pastor on issues of scriptural text (say David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Church, California) who writes his 'Turning Point' viewpoint daily on the internet. He asserts that his INTERPRETATIONS are God's interpretations. Thousands of Pastors do similarly. Science does this with their viewpoints on the nature of our Cosmos. Educators do this as they assert their viewpoint on an issue of reality. I do this as I assert my subjective VIEWPOINT. I assume YOU also do this as you assert YOUR viewpoint.

Today, we live with MUCH uncertainty and relativity. Each political leader wants their decisions to be UNIVERSAL for everyone. It's a FAKE system of viewpoints which I witness in real-time on planet Earth. We need to learn that reality is SUBJECTIVE and UNCERTAIN. Living with some GRAY is now necessary. WHO can/will be the FINAL voice for planet Earth? WHO will emerge as our ANTI-CHRIST? Will it be Biden, Trump, Xi, Putin, Netanyahu, or some new/unknown person who emerges when PUSH comes to SHOVE? We live in interesting and chaotic times. Your viewpoint is JUST as valid as MINE. All is somewhat UNCERTAIN in 2024! Amazing!

Many believers assert the above mantra. They now desire a 2nd Coming of this person (in human form) so final truth can be asserted for everyone. What does this mindset reveal? Does it reveal that mankind (each and every person) is not capable of asserting FINAL truth? I think so! Subjectively we all seem to 'know' that man's truth is LESS than fully valid. We LOOK for a 'final' TRUTH giver for planet Earth! But is this valid thinking? So far, it has not been valid thinking! That is my VIEWPOINT!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The BIG BANG Theory is Debunked! Matter is not our originator!

This video provides rhetoric and spin which many Atheist's and some Scientist's would buy into. When I listen to all the details I find pure illogic and imagination based upon a false understanding of reality. Spin and rhetoric, however, deceives the many who refuse real critical thinking!

Science has claimed for years that the Big Bang Theory explains the origin of all matter and life within our Universe. Let's think about this idea in this missive. The Big Bang theory is based upon a philosophy of 'materialism' (matter in motion). The core assumption is that MATTER (and its end point ENERGY) is the source which caused this Big Bang to occur (some 13.8 billion years prior). The theory assumes that all which I observe today originated from this initial starting premise (a particle singularity). Is any of this logical and reasonable? I say absolutely NOT. Why?

MATTER (and/or ENERGY) are the core ideas behind this theory of creation (called the BIG BANG). The idea of a universe which started from a particle singularity (matter) began in the 1930's with the idea that our Universe was EXPANDING outward. Mr. Hubble had concluded that the 'red shift' in wave lengths implied this expansion. This led to the idea that galaxies were separating (expanding) as this universe expanded outward continually. If this idea is valid (an Expanding Universe) then it logically follows that prior to any 'expansion' there must have been an initial starting point (now assumed to be 13.8 billion years prior). What was this initial starting point?

This initial starting point is called the SINGULARITY (when all matter/energy was concentrated in one single POINT). The density and force within this starting POINT then produced an EXPLOSION (outward) which then produced this Expanding Universe which we witness in real-time today (which some experts assume is happening). The assumption is that Matter/Energy was the philosophical CAUSE which started our Universe. All this supposedly happened in the 'blink of an eye'. As our Universe expanded outward, galaxies formed, stars formed, our Sun formed, the Moon formed, and eventually LIFE emerged from this process. Is any of this logical or reasonable? Are the core assumptions valid (philosophically)?

Are any of these philosophical ASSUMPTIONS valid in real-time (today)? I would say absolutely NOT. First of all, this THEORY is based on a 'materialistic' philosophy of reality. Materialism is based on the idea that MATTER (energy) is primordial (the originating CAUSE of all reality). But can MATTER actually create/cause LIFE to emerge? Can dead/inorganic 'matter in motion' create me/you/animals/life? I would claim NO. Matter consists of particles in motion (electrons, quarks. etc.). Chemicals contain 'matter'. All physical objects that I observe with my eyes contain 'matter'. Can 'matter' in motion produce a living/breathing person? I say NO. This is impossible even as scientists have tried to produce LIFE via a chemical mix. 

LIFE does not consist of or originate from 'matter' and/or 'energy'. My 'consciousness' does not consist of 'matter' and/or 'energy'. My mind, words, ideas, thoughts, do not consist of 'matter' and/or 'energy'. This is obvious to most thinking people. Science now recognizes (mostly) that complex LIFE can not originate from dead/inorganic MATTER. A chemical compound (of any type) can not produce LIFE. Quantum particles (in motion) can not originate LIFE. In fact there is NO known origin of LIFE from MATTER/ENERGY. LIFE demands a LIFE GIVER. LIFE demands a Mind (intellect). LIFE demands a CREATOR/SOURCE with real 'intelligence' (in real-time)! 

This so-called BIG BANG theory has been DEBUNKED by its own philosophy (materialism). But many still clink to this failed idea. Materialism can not originate LIFE and/or an Expanding Universe. This is now recognized by most scientists and philosophers. We also can ask the question what preceded this so-called 'singularity' which exploded (suddenly)? Can 'matter' cause 'matter' to explode (when at a density where pure energy is present)? This is impossible. Some intelligent CAUSE must initiate this EXPLOSION. What was this cause? Matter/Energy can not be this CAUSE. This is beyond any science that we know about. It's a pure SHAM when understood.

We need to recognize that this BIG BANG theory is a myth/illusion/deception (when fully comprehended). It has been debunked via its own philosophy. The Theory is based upon 'materialism' and 'materialism' is based upon matter. Matter can not originate LIFE (this is impossible). This means that the concept/theory of a BIG BANG and an Expanding Universe is false (debunked). Personally, I also do not think that our Universe is Expanding (in real-time/NOW). In reality our Universe is in Dynamic Equilibrium (my view). God is the probable CAUSE that produces our changing Universe and also LIFE as we experience it (in the NOW).

It takes INTELLIGENCE to create LIFE and also to manage our DYNAMIC universe which I witness with my observation. Is our Universe forever existing and forever continuing? My sense is YES. Our Universe has been existing forever (as TIME is really a NOW reality). There is no real TIME that originated from 'matter'. This idea is myth. TIME is actually invented by man (with God's input). It's function is to give us order and regularity. We experience TIME as an imaginary idea within our consciousness. We now need to forget this DUMB idea of a BIG BANG and an Expanding Universe. It is not reality in 2024. That is my viewpoint! Think on your own to discern.

This video supports the view that life (consciousness) can not emerge from 'materialism' (matter/energy)! If this is valid, then the Big Bang theory is invalid as a scientific theory! The Big Bang is based on 'materialism' as its core premise of reality. The theory has been debunked by real-time experience IMO!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The 'Rule of Law': its now a Conundrum! Why?

America and most of the West was founded upon this concept called The Rule of Law. At the core of America's legal system is this idea that the Rule of Law is an objective reality. Those who administer our legal system are generally viewed as 'objective' in their decision-making (an example is our Supreme Court). This idea has been constant since the founding of America. But is this idea valid TODAY?

My sense is that this idea of a system of laws which govern a nation (objectively) is no longer VALID. Real time examples are the situation with two of our Supreme Court justices. Samuel Alito now thinks that we live with a 'conundrum' when it comes to the political LEFT vs the political RIGHT and their differing viewpoints on reality. The left sees (for example) abortion as a right of women to decide (mostly). The right generally views abortion as anathema to sound moral behavior. This is only one example of legal differences on issues of social relationships.

Judge Clarence Thomas see's his legal opinion (say on abortion) as objective while a contemporary Judge who disagrees with Clarence sees the opposite. This seems to go for many legal issues which we now face in real-time. Is our Constitution capable of being objectively interpreted or is it a document of text which gets subjectively interpreted by each legal expert? Religious doctrines are similar examples...where different interpretations emerge from our experts who read/study the theological text. Our real-time experiences are now revealing all this subjectivity in the marketplace.

The same goes for this legal idea that a President must have 'immunity' from criminal prosecution. Some of our Supreme Court judges say 'immunity' is implied in our Constitution and others say NO. What about the recent conviction of a prior President (Donald Trump) for his business practices and hush money payments? Was this behavior a legal misdemeanor or was it a felony? It's all a matter of viewpoint (interpretation). One legal expert says Trump is fully guilty (before the law) and another says absolutely not (it's a Kangaroo court). So what is reality on this issue called the Rule of Law?

My sense is that all interpretations and viewpoints on this concept are really 'subjective' at the core. One person (or expert) will assert that the Rule of Law can be objectively administrated (by them) and another will assert the precise opposite. What does this reveal (about reality) in real-time (the NOW)? It reveals that all legal concepts are actually SUBJECTIVELY interpreted. Interpretations are subjective as we human's are subjective. Words (text) in a legal document get interpreted subjectively (by each expert). All is subjective because human beings are SUBJECTIVE. My viewpoint derives from my subjective mindset and yours derives from your subjective mindset. Amazing! Who comprehends?

The diversity in interpretation of any LAW results from our subjective human mindset. What does this mean going forward for America and any other nation which ASSUMES that the Rule of Law is objective? It means that whoever gets their friends (to serve on a court of law) will prevail over those who disagree with these friends. The so-called Rule of Law will be administrated subjectively by whoever gets to assume a position of authority within our legal system. Justice will be administered SUBJECTIVELY (even as those who administer this so-called justice will claim 'objectivity'). What a 'conundrum' this has become!

What we now need to learn from recent experiences (in real-time) with our Justice System is that whoever gets to ADMINISTER the system (in real-time) will use their subjective viewpoint as their claim that this viewpoint is OBJECTIVE (even as it is the precise opposite). It's a total CONUNDRUM (theological joke) when fully comprehended. There is no objective RULE OF LAW on this planet. Why? Because human beings are ALL subjective human beings (at the core). We see reality differently/uniquely/individually. Is it now time to realize this reality and to choose a NEW MODEL for America and our planet going forward?

We now need a MODEL which supports the the idea that human nature is subjective. Truth is now subjective as are all legal opinions. This 'conundrum' (puzzle) needs to be internalized so we all recognize this reality (that human beings are subjective beings). There will be no objective RULE OF LAW going forward. Those who obtain a position of POWER will attempt to get LIKE minded persons in positions of legal power (our court system) so as to administer so-called JUSTICE. It's all become a GAME of thrones for those who obtain real POWER within the system. 

All this means that we now need to reject this idea that government can administer justice objectively (fairly) for everyone. This is an ILLUSION/DECEPTION. Our real-time experiences (which we now witness) reveal the FOLLY of seeking objectivity within any governmental institution. Our Supreme Court is subjective. Our President (executive branch) is subjective. Our entire justice system is subjective. Human beings are subjective and truth is now subjective. SEEK truth even as you recognize the subjectivity of truth (in real-time). That is my motto. I SEEK truth but I (simultaneously) recognize its subjective nature (in the NOW). 

Watch the real-time marketplace for conformation of this situation. Life is now subjective and each human person has a UNIQUE point-of-view. Who can discern this reality? Only those who desire our Creator God to rule this planet (so it seems). Father God is totally objective and his TRUTH is legally sound. You and I, however, are subjective and without any final (absolute) truth in real-time. The RULE OF LAW is now impotent (on planet Earth) and this will be proven in our real-time experiences going forward. The Biden/Trump soap opera is one obvious example. Have a great day as you contemplate this CONUNDRUM.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Agenda of our Elites! It's not FREEDOM! Why?

It is now clear, to me, that the Agenda of our elites (Biden, Obama, Soros, Gates, etc.) is not any real freedom for the common man (you and I as individuals). The Agenda seeks centralization for the Global System so that select ELITES can govern the planet. It's diabolical to the core. I can document this Agenda as follows:

1. A Uni-polar world system.

2. A Centralized One World Government.

3. A Cashless world of cyber digits for money.

4. A United Nations body as the central source of POWER.

5. One global military for the entire planet.

6. One global religion for the entire planet.

7. One elite person (in charge) as the reference point for morality, theology, philosophy, and government.

This Agenda is now obvious (to me) with the Agenda 2030 goals as the core for the entire planet. It all sounds so Utopian and positive for the individual and the world as a whole. But what would this Agenda evolve into if implemented in REAL-TIME (the NOW)? Would it actually be the answer for the individual and for those who desire freedom to pursue their own Agenda and potential? 

My answer is NO. Agenda 2030 is the Biden/Obama/Soros/Gates agenda and they ASSUME that this agenda will promote freedom, democracy, and growth for the individual. This Agenda will accomplish precisely the opposite. It will create a Uni-polar world system with one core mindset at the center. If I disagree with this Agenda (mindset) when it is implemented, I will be eliminated (killed) or marginalized. This Agenda offers no diversity of viewpoints when it comes to DIFFERING ideas... with the elites at the TOP who run the show (Agenda).

This Agenda promotes WORLD group think on all the core/important issues of reality. If I disagree with how money is spent, I will be ostracised and/or marginalized. If I disagree with the actions of the single military command, I will be eliminated (killed). If I desire to create a set of morals or a religion different from the centralized system of the elites, I will be eliminated (killed). If I sense that the elites in control (say the Biden/Obama mentality), I will be marginalized and eliminated from any challenge to this control system. Only those with conformity to the Agenda of these elites will survive.

Yes, the words of Agenda 2030 are ALL positive and Utopian in their rhetoric and spin but all this would be meaningless when the MINDSET of these elites is implemented in real-time (the NOW). Anyone who does not buy into the GROUP THINK of the elites (who run the planet) will be marginalized, eliminated, killed, or given a dunce hat to wear (a symbol of full rejection as a human person). This is what will happen in real-time when this Biden/Obama/Soros/Gates, etc. plan is implemented. A Uni-polar world system will result in the DEATH of individual freedom.

Putin and Xi recognize this reality and they (even as dictators in real-time) do not want this concept to prevail. Putin and Xi (and the BRICS) are promoting a Multi-polar world system for the planet. A Multi-polar system is much better than Biden's Uni-polar system even as it also is not real freedom for the individual. Multi-polarity brings us many nations and many different concepts for the individual to contemplate. This is superior to the Biden/Obama Uni-polar system (called Agenda 2030 by the U.N.). But this system also will not bring freedom for the INDIVIDUAL. We can witness this reality NOW. Today's world events reveal the FOLLY in the thinking of most ELITES.

Both the Biden/Obama vision for our planet and the vision of Putin/Xi will NOT bring our world any FREEDOM for the unique individual. Centralization and uni-polarity is the worst option for this planet even as the Putin/Xi option of multi-polarity is also not workable for any real freedom (for the 'individual'). The formula of our ELITES at the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation, the Soros Foundation, and all the others One Worlder's, are ANATHEMA to any real freedom for the INDIVIDUAL.

If the planet wants REAL freedom for the INDIVIDUAL then we must REJECT these plans of our ELITES. Reality is a NOW experience and we all live our lives in the NOW. If FREEDOM is to arrive for the individual, then we need a mindset where ALL elites and their plans are REJECTED. An elite person is merely a person (like you and I). But when an ELITE person rules over me and you, then we discover that this person (whoever it is) wants CONFORMITY to their THINKING. Either conform to their AGENDA and mindset (what I call 'group think') or you get eliminated/killed/marginalized/given a dunce hat to wear.

Obviously, our world needs a NEW MODEL (other than that of Biden/Obama/Putin/Xi and similar). We need the KINGDOM model which exalts our REAL King as Sovereign over planet Earth. This 'invisible' King rules NOW and this is why we need to EXALT this King as our ruler. Reality is a NOW experience and in the NOW our 'invisible' King rules continually/forever. Father God rules over planet Earth and it is this KING which has the ability/power/mindset to give us REAL freedom. Pray for the 'intervention' of this KING so that real FREEDOM can emerge for the Individual (you and I). I will do likewise!

The Kingdom of our Creator God starts in our consciousness/mind. It then evolves (like a mustard seed) into a full blown reality (tree). My inner thinking is the source of this concept even as the realization of this idea happens when people (you and I) view Father God as King over our planet!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


Monday, June 10, 2024

The People want Change/Freedom. Politicians give us Group Think! Why?

Sunak and Macron could soon be out of POWER (will this produce freedom or more polarization)?

Can human power brokers give the people real freedom and self government? What is needed so that the 'individual' becomes totally FREE?

Big changes are now in motion over in Europe and also America. The voting public is about to elect new political puppets for their nations. France will trend 'right'. England will trend 'right'. Much of Europe will trend 'right'. America will likely trend 'right' later in 2024. This will produce new polarization within our man ruled system (our political puppets will create this coming division). It's happening as I write and my sense is that NEW group think mandates (this time from the 'right') will create this growing polarization of humanity. Is a Civil War emerging?

Yes, a Civil War is likely...in select nations within this 27 nation block (of countries) in Europe and then later in America with the election of 2024 in November. As I write this missive both Great Britain and France are being polarized with their new elections (now in progress). Macron will likely be stepping down and soon Sunak will also be out of POWER in Great Britain. New leaders will emerge so as to IMPOSE new mandates (group think) upon the divided public. Does this lead to freedom for the voting public (our growing body of individuals)? I don't think so!

Prior to any real FREEDOM (for the individual) we will have this continuing battle within our man ruled political system. The mindset of the voters will go from LEFT to RIGHT (back and forth) in many countries. But can a MAGA political system emerge for America? My sense is absolutely NOT. MAGA is over and we now need a NEW MODEL for this planet (and America). The people (obviously) want more individual freedom and this can not occur given our GROUP THINK political system. Impossible...given the current 'state' of our financial situation!

My sense is that Biden will lose his control over his version of Group Think (the Left mindset) in November. Will Trump's MAGA create a NEW unity in America? I don't think so! MAGA is over as our debt based financial system is also over. Trump can not resurrect MAGA given our financial condition. This is impossible IMO. Trump (and/or Biden) can not create a unified nation given our dire situation with our debt and deficits. My sense is that Keynesian economics is essentially over and this means that we need a NEW MODEL for America and the planet going forward.

Any NEW MODEL can incorporate some real freedom for the public (the individual). We can rid the planet of GROUP THINK (by our puppet politicians) and create EQUALITY (of personhood) for the world. This does not mean that we (individuals) will agree on all aspects of reality. We must continue to agree to disagree on many issues of reality and yet govern ourselves so that our world grows in freedom, justice, and prosperity. Everyone must have their input into all this coming change. A vote of the majority can settle any temporary disagreement (once a New Model emerges). Group Think by select puppet politicians will be eliminated. The 'individual' will be SUPREME.

Yes, Equality of Personhood can emerge for this planet if we all allow our Sovereign God to rule this planet/universe. This new mindset of thinking/acting as servants of a HIGHER POWER can change the entire planet (over time). Our Creator God (the Father) will be our SUPREME leader (even as this leader is invisible to the human eye). A new awareness will emerge within our 'consciousness' which will then produce unity (within diversity). Respect for difference will be accepted by everyone even as we all recognize ONE Supreme KING (invisible) over the planet. The Kingdom Age will emerge over planet Earth if our invisible KING actually intervenes to create this situation.

All this change may be difficult (at first). Our world has functioned with man ruled group think for millennia. Taking real responsibility for SELF government has not been allowed on planet Earth for these prior 6,000 years. Select political puppets have ruled over the majority. A minor percentage (less than 1%) has imposed their mandates upon the many. A Biden type mentality has been called Democracy (by the media) even as the real-time behavior of this Biden administration has been forced Group Think. If Trump emerges with his MAGA agenda then a similar GROUP THINK will be imposed by this puppet administration. 

Nothing changes the Status Quo until our Higher Power 'intervenes' and changes the Governing Model. My sense is that this 'intervention' is on the HORIZON. If I am wrong on this perception then I see no option but more of the same (man ruled group think for the marketplace...forever). We need our Creator's 'intervention' if real change is to occur. Will this 'intervention' happen in real-time (say in 2024)? This is what I envision. If wrong, then I have no real HOPE for any meaningful change going forward. My prayer is for God's 'intervention' so that REAL change can emerge (for the individual). Think on this idea as you reflect on events happening in real-time.

The time for 'intervention' by our Higher Power is essential IMO if real change is to occur!

Thomas Jefferson gave us this idea that we are all EQUAL in the sight of our Creator. America was founded upon this idea that the INDIVIDUAL is supreme (the STATE is subservient). To date this has not happened. America (as a STATE) has been Supreme and the 'individual' has been enslaved!

Can the above elites create a JUST system for America? Is reality subjective for each decision-maker? Can the World Court create justice for our 200+ nations?

Is God's 'intervention' about to occur for planet Earth? I don't know, but my perception is that this is our reality! What do you think?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.