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Saturday, June 29, 2024

My Advice: 'Come out of Babylon'! Why?

The concept of Babylon reveals that a political system is corrupt at the core when it no longer functions to serve the people. I now recognize that our current political system has the makings of a Babylonial system. It is corrupt to the core and this is obvious as I watch events in real-time. The Trump/Biden debate this week revealed why our political system is collapsing and ending. Biden was totally inchoherent with his viewpoint (on the various issues) and Trump was better (marginally) but he was unable to project a valid strategy for America's future. His MAGA philosophy is no longer valid for a new world of interconnectedness. We need a New Model which reflects the world we now witness. 

Trump's MAGA philosophy tries to resurrect the prior philosophy of America which ended with the financial crisis of 2008. There is zero chance IMO that any new MAGA philosophy can work going forward. America is now bankrupt and her institutions are weaponized against anyone who wants to reconstruct this prior model of America. Trump is barking up a falling tree which cannot be lifted up so as to restore a new MAGA. MAGA is over for America and also for the WEST. After 248 years of MAGA, America now needs a NEW MODEL!

Believers IMO need to 'come out of Babylon' and get their feet into the New Kingdom Age Model (now emerging). Voting for Biden and/or Trump is fruitless (for believers) who should know better. Having one foot in the dying/lying/corrupt system of MAGA (Trump) and/or a Uni-plural Model (Biden) can not bring our world any real progress. We now need to have both feet in this New Model called the Kingdom Age Model. Father God rules this planet and Biden/Trump (or any other politician) cannot resurrect the dying/lying/corrupt system of yesteryear.

My atheist/agnostic friends will continue to vote for the LESSOR of two evils. They have no other alternative. But real believers (who should know better) need to abandon this corrupt/dying/lying system and vote for a model which produces real progress for the whole planet (now some 8.1 billion citizens). This model is the Kingdom model which Father God is initiating with his invisible 'word'. Revelation 17 and 18 represents an inspired set of words from Father God. The advice is to 'come out of Babylon' and get into the Kingdom model.

The recent debate between Biden and Trump in Atlanta revealed to me the obvious corrupt nature of our current dying/lying system. My estimate is that 70% of the 'words' exiting the mouths of Biden/Trump were lies and distortions. Who is the Source of all these lies and distortions? Is it the Father of Lies (this invisible source operating behind the scenes)? My sense is Yes! 'Come out of Babylon and get into a new model of progress! Get into the Kingdom Model!

Seek a new model which promotes the original VALUES of America's founders. These founders desired a world where each unique person is an equal. This is impossible under Trump's MAGA philosophy and/or Biden's Uni-plural World philosophy. Both of these philosophies are based on a 'centralized' model of control for the planet. A new American Empire which rules the entire planet is unrealistic given the nature of today's interconnected world. Both the model of the West and the model of Putin/Xi produce centralization and control over the individual. We need a model based upon the 'original' VALUES of America's founders. Think on this idea as you contemplate your strategy going forward!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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