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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Agenda of our Elites! It's not FREEDOM! Why?

It is now clear, to me, that the Agenda of our elites (Biden, Obama, Soros, Gates, etc.) is not any real freedom for the common man (you and I as individuals). The Agenda seeks centralization for the Global System so that select ELITES can govern the planet. It's diabolical to the core. I can document this Agenda as follows:

1. A Uni-polar world system.

2. A Centralized One World Government.

3. A Cashless world of cyber digits for money.

4. A United Nations body as the central source of POWER.

5. One global military for the entire planet.

6. One global religion for the entire planet.

7. One elite person (in charge) as the reference point for morality, theology, philosophy, and government.

This Agenda is now obvious (to me) with the Agenda 2030 goals as the core for the entire planet. It all sounds so Utopian and positive for the individual and the world as a whole. But what would this Agenda evolve into if implemented in REAL-TIME (the NOW)? Would it actually be the answer for the individual and for those who desire freedom to pursue their own Agenda and potential? 

My answer is NO. Agenda 2030 is the Biden/Obama/Soros/Gates agenda and they ASSUME that this agenda will promote freedom, democracy, and growth for the individual. This Agenda will accomplish precisely the opposite. It will create a Uni-polar world system with one core mindset at the center. If I disagree with this Agenda (mindset) when it is implemented, I will be eliminated (killed) or marginalized. This Agenda offers no diversity of viewpoints when it comes to DIFFERING ideas... with the elites at the TOP who run the show (Agenda).

This Agenda promotes WORLD group think on all the core/important issues of reality. If I disagree with how money is spent, I will be ostracised and/or marginalized. If I disagree with the actions of the single military command, I will be eliminated (killed). If I desire to create a set of morals or a religion different from the centralized system of the elites, I will be eliminated (killed). If I sense that the elites in control (say the Biden/Obama mentality), I will be marginalized and eliminated from any challenge to this control system. Only those with conformity to the Agenda of these elites will survive.

Yes, the words of Agenda 2030 are ALL positive and Utopian in their rhetoric and spin but all this would be meaningless when the MINDSET of these elites is implemented in real-time (the NOW). Anyone who does not buy into the GROUP THINK of the elites (who run the planet) will be marginalized, eliminated, killed, or given a dunce hat to wear (a symbol of full rejection as a human person). This is what will happen in real-time when this Biden/Obama/Soros/Gates, etc. plan is implemented. A Uni-polar world system will result in the DEATH of individual freedom.

Putin and Xi recognize this reality and they (even as dictators in real-time) do not want this concept to prevail. Putin and Xi (and the BRICS) are promoting a Multi-polar world system for the planet. A Multi-polar system is much better than Biden's Uni-polar system even as it also is not real freedom for the individual. Multi-polarity brings us many nations and many different concepts for the individual to contemplate. This is superior to the Biden/Obama Uni-polar system (called Agenda 2030 by the U.N.). But this system also will not bring freedom for the INDIVIDUAL. We can witness this reality NOW. Today's world events reveal the FOLLY in the thinking of most ELITES.

Both the Biden/Obama vision for our planet and the vision of Putin/Xi will NOT bring our world any FREEDOM for the unique individual. Centralization and uni-polarity is the worst option for this planet even as the Putin/Xi option of multi-polarity is also not workable for any real freedom (for the 'individual'). The formula of our ELITES at the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation, the Soros Foundation, and all the others One Worlder's, are ANATHEMA to any real freedom for the INDIVIDUAL.

If the planet wants REAL freedom for the INDIVIDUAL then we must REJECT these plans of our ELITES. Reality is a NOW experience and we all live our lives in the NOW. If FREEDOM is to arrive for the individual, then we need a mindset where ALL elites and their plans are REJECTED. An elite person is merely a person (like you and I). But when an ELITE person rules over me and you, then we discover that this person (whoever it is) wants CONFORMITY to their THINKING. Either conform to their AGENDA and mindset (what I call 'group think') or you get eliminated/killed/marginalized/given a dunce hat to wear.

Obviously, our world needs a NEW MODEL (other than that of Biden/Obama/Putin/Xi and similar). We need the KINGDOM model which exalts our REAL King as Sovereign over planet Earth. This 'invisible' King rules NOW and this is why we need to EXALT this King as our ruler. Reality is a NOW experience and in the NOW our 'invisible' King rules continually/forever. Father God rules over planet Earth and it is this KING which has the ability/power/mindset to give us REAL freedom. Pray for the 'intervention' of this KING so that real FREEDOM can emerge for the Individual (you and I). I will do likewise!

The Kingdom of our Creator God starts in our consciousness/mind. It then evolves (like a mustard seed) into a full blown reality (tree). My inner thinking is the source of this concept even as the realization of this idea happens when people (you and I) view Father God as King over our planet!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


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