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Friday, June 21, 2024

TWO conflicting Worldviews: Paul vs Yeshua/Jesus!

Our world has lived with two conflicting worldviews (universal in nature) for these past 2,000 years. The worldview of Yeshua/Jesus (31 A.D.) was the Kingdom of Abba (Father). Yeshua was baptised by his cousinn, John the Baptist, around 29 A.D. and then started his ministry promoting the Kingdom (Government) of his God (Abba/Father). His ministry lasted some three years (max) and then he was crucified by the Romans (with the support of the Jewish Sanhedrin elites who wanted him killed). The elites at the Sanhedrin (apparently) thought Yeshua was promoting himself as KING of the Jews (God in the flesh) and this was viewed as Blasphamy. The Roman political system ended Yeshua's career and his ministry when he was crucified at Golgotha (say Friday, 31 A.D.).

After his death, a few of his followers had 'visions' (or similar) where they SAW the risen Yeshua/Jesus in their consciousness (mind). This proved to them that Yeshua was 'glorified' by Abba/Father (the God of Yeshua). With this event in their consciousness, a gradual reappraisal of Yeshua's earthly ministry took place when Paul of Tarsus started a NEW ministry about this risen servant of Abba/Father. Paul started his ministry based upon a NEW worldview which he concocted in his consciousness (mind) which emerged mostly AFTER his 'vision' on the Damascus Road. This minisstry (worldview) based upon the idea that the glorified Yeshua was now the CHRIST in heaven and that everyone needed to be SAVED via his death and later glorification (Christ was the cornerstone of Paul's ministry as he promoted the Kingdom of Christ for everyone...this was his universal worldview).

So, we had the original worldview of the historical Yeshua/Jesus as the Kingdom of his God (Abba/Father) which never arrived and then the secondary worldview of Paul of Tarsus (after the death of the historical Yeshua). Paul's NEW worldview was the universal Kingdom of Christ (the risen/glorified Yeshua) and the concept that everyone could enter this NEW Kingdom by accepting the death (Yeshua's blood) as one's Salvation from sin. The crucifed Christ was now the NEW worldview for mankind (according to Paul) and this gradually led to the universal Catholic Church (later the addition of the Protestant Church). Universal Salvation was now available for everyone who accepted the DEATH of Christ as the Atonement for their sins. A person could then become part of the Universal Church of Christ and this was the final Salvation for mankind (according to the worldview of Paul).

The historical Yeshua/Jesus, however, did not have this worldview of Paul. In fact, the historical Yeshua never even KNEW Paul (or met him). The historical worldview of Yeshua/Jesus was the soon coming Kingdom of his God (Abba/Father). Salvation arrived for all those who 'repented' and got 'born again' by the Spirit of Abba/Father. Yeshua's baptisim by John the Baptist resulted in Abba/Father adopting Yeshua/Jesus as his servant/messenger as he preached this coming KINGDOM of his Father (for the entire planet). Yeshua's prayer was "Our Father, which art in the heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy KINGDOM come, thy will be done, on planet Earth as it is in your eternal heavenly realm". This was the worldview of the historical Yeshua/Jesus. We ended up with conflicting worldviews when Paul's ministry started (around 37 A.D.) with his 'visionary' experience on the Damascus Road (say around 37 A.D.).

So-called Roman Christianity emerged after this evangelization of Paul (some 20 years of his preaching) and when Constantine the Great adopted Christianity as the worldview for Rome (mostly after the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.). A NEW religion/worldview was then adopted for the Romans and later the entire planet as Catholic and Protestant theology grew and became universal for the planet. A universal POPE (emerged) and he was supposed to represent the adopted philosophy of Paul (mostly) but under the name of Jesus as the core foundation stone. A Holy Book (called the Bible) was invented (mostly by the Catholic theologians) and this became the reference point for TRUE doctrine for all believers. The Protestant religion emerged after the Reformation period (1517) when Martin Luther rejected much of the prior Catholic doctrines. Today, we have some 2.6 billion followers (in spirit) of this combined Christian worldview. All this has evolved over these prior 2,000 years of history.

The conflicting worldview's of the historical Yeshua/Jesus and then the new worldview of Paul (after the death of the historical Yeshua/Jesus) has produced the current chaos of beliefs on planet Earth. Today, we could be at the END of the Church Age since nothing has happened to bring us the Kingdom of Christ (as envisioned by Paul) which the Church adopted for the planet (mostly after Nicaea). Bible scholars are now LEAVING historical Christianity in groves so as to show us that this Church Age is ending (it's over). A new universal worldview is now needed for planet Earth going forward. My sense is that the 'original' worldview of the historical Yeshua/Jesus is back in vogue. The KINGDOM of God (Abba/Father) is what I now envision as emerging for our planet (again). Paul's Chruch Age worldview is ending (it's over) and the Kingdom Age of the Father (our real Creator) is emerging for the entire planet.

Soon a Tribulation Period will emerge so as to END the Chruch Age worldview. After some 6,000 years of human history there is now a NEW world emerging which will be governed by our Creator God (from his invisible Throne Room in the 'virtual' world). Each person (on our planet) will have the opportunity to ENTER this Kingdom of our Creator (in real-time) as they REPENT and get their spirit RENEWED (called being 'born again'). The Kingdom that is coming is universal (for everyone that survives the Tribulation). Those who do not survive will enter the VIRTUAL realm (as their spirit passes away at death). The living persons who ENTER this New Kingdom Age will create the NEW worldview for planet Earth. The prayer of the historical Yeshua/Jesus will then be realized ('our Father which art in the eternal heaven, thy Kingdom come', etc.). The rule of man (our current political system,,,under Biden, Trump, Putin, Xi, etc.) will vanish (be rejected) as people reject this man ruled system for the New Kingdom SYSTEM. That is my worldview in a nutshell (of what is coming).

Give this philosophy some reflection as you watch the END of our current corrupted/bankrupt SYSTEM in the coming months/years. It's all happening in the NOW as we watch world events evolve on our planet in real-time. The Ukraine War, the Gaza War, the Tiawan conflict, and all the other conflicts are part of this ENDING system of political man. Trump's MAGA will not change this trend/outcome emerging. Biden's Uni-polar world idea will not prevail. Putin's Multi-polar world system also will not prevail. The ONLY system (worldview) to prevail will be the Kingdom Age system (which is ruled by our invisible Creator God from his Throne Room in the VIRTUAL realm). What an amazing  change is coming to our planet. The mindset of our political leaders will not prevail. God (from his Throne Room) will END the system of man. This is what I envision as happening (in real-time/NOW). Am I deceived? REALITY will prevail is my vision. The NOW reality of history will prevail. It all must happen by our Creator's input (intervention). That is my worldview. I and/or you cannot create this NEW Kingdom Age. God (from Heaven must interene). Have a great day and watch events as they happen. I must do similar!

The above video gives a typical Christian viewpoint on our Church history and the viewpoint that Christianity has a valid viewpoint on TRUTH. I say that PART of his Christian viewpoint is valid but much is also deception. Listen for another viewpoint that many hold as REAL. Compare this to my view above! We can all learn from listening to many different viewpoints!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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