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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Beware: Democracy does NOT mean FREEDOM! Why?

What I desire for our planet is real FREEDOM for the individual. This is what America is supposed to be promoting for the entire planet. But what we get (in the NOW) is 'political' democracy under a politician (like Biden or Trump) which then gives us Mob Rule for the common man (male/female). Reality is an experience in the NOW which continues in the NOW (always/continually). If we want real FREEDOM for the individual then we need this freedom in the NOW. But a Biden or Trump administration can nto give us this freedom. Listen to their words in the coming debate on June 27 (10 days from now).

A Biden/Trump (or similar regime) can only give us a form of freedom which is limited and distorted. Our founders desired that America evolve into a new world of FREEDOM for the individual. But after 248 years of American governement no real FREEDOM for the individual has emerged. America has now had 46 President's and we still are seeking FREEDOM for America and the planet. The administrations which we get are called a form of 'democracy' but the reality is that we get Mob Rule (with a new name for President over this Mob Rule). Biden now wants MORE democracy for America and the planet. Will this give us any real freedom? I don't think so!

Biden is promoting a new Agenda for planet Earth called Agenda 2030. This Agenda is really promoting a democracy concept for the entire planet. This would result in a new form of Mob Rule for the entire planet (under the banner of democracy). It's a diabolical formula that will never give our people any true indivudal freedom. We now need new leaders who will rethink our history and then give us equality of personhood (for everyone). The Kingdom Age philosophy is what I think is needed. This mindset will give equality of personhood to each and every individual.

What we get with a Biden concept of democracy is more Mob Rule for the planet. The individual never becomes totally FREE under this form of government. Biden calls his new goal Agenda 2030 and/or a Uni-polar world political system. Some call the goal a One World Government under the auspicies of a Biden type leader. Trump calls his leadership a better form of democracy which he promotes under the banner of MAGA (make America Great again). This label is also an ILLUSION as it does not give us any real indivdual freedom (in the NOW). Both Biden and Trump are giving us RHETORIC than deceives and misleads. Watch their debate on June 27 and listen closely to the 'words' emerging from their lips.

Watch and listen as they espouse their WORDS and concepts to the moderators. When you hear the word DEMOCRACY (mostly from Biden) think of MOB RULE (under a Biden type administration). When you hear Trump espouse MAGA think of a form of Mob Rule under a Trump poltiical agenda (administration). Both will attempt to rule over America with an agenda which promotes their ideas of freedom. But will America or the world get any real FREEDOM for the 'individual'? This can not happen under the regime of either. We now have some 248 years of history as our evidence!

America was founded upon the idea that freedom for the individual would eventually emerge. After some 248 years of different administrations this event has NOT happened. We now have President #46 and no real freedom for the 'individual' has arrived. Will number 47 be any different? I don't think so! Whether we get a new form of MAGA (make America great again) or another Biden administration which he calls democracy, we will NOT get any real freedom for the individual. We all live in the NOW (continually) and we need a form of government which gives us real individual freedom in the NOW.

The only form of government which operates in the NOW (continually/forever) is the Kingdom Age government. The Kingdom of our Creator God would give us real freedom for the individual. Equality of personhood is what America's core value was at its founding. America has existed for over 248 years and no equality of personhood has happened. We have a form of democracy which gives select politicians freedom but it does not give the common man (male/female) freedom. What is the problem?

Our problem is that we live under a man ruled system (under the banner of democracy). All this is an ILLUSION in real-time (the NOW). We need a system which functions in the NOW and simultaneously gives everyone individual freedom. Think of the Kingdom Age Government as our solution. Our Creator God has the solution but man must promote this system for our planet. One Planet Under our Creator God needs to emerge. This will give us real freedom for the 'individual'. Equality of personhood will then happen on planet Earth.

Think on these concepts as you watch the coming debate between Biden and Trump on June 27 (10 days from now). Listen to Biden as he espouses the word 'democracy'. Does he understand what this leads to? He apparently wants more Mob Rule by Biden. Listen to Trump as he espouses the word MAGA. What does this mean in real-time? Does it mean a form of Mob Rule under a Trump administration? Listen to the WORDS of both these puppets as they attempt to gain POWER over the American people. Where will this POWER lead us? I don't think it leads to INDIVIUAL freedom. That is my viewpoint!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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