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Thursday, June 13, 2024

The BIG BANG Theory is Debunked! Matter is not our originator!

This video provides rhetoric and spin which many Atheist's and some Scientist's would buy into. When I listen to all the details I find pure illogic and imagination based upon a false understanding of reality. Spin and rhetoric, however, deceives the many who refuse real critical thinking!

Science has claimed for years that the Big Bang Theory explains the origin of all matter and life within our Universe. Let's think about this idea in this missive. The Big Bang theory is based upon a philosophy of 'materialism' (matter in motion). The core assumption is that MATTER (and its end point ENERGY) is the source which caused this Big Bang to occur (some 13.8 billion years prior). The theory assumes that all which I observe today originated from this initial starting premise (a particle singularity). Is any of this logical and reasonable? I say absolutely NOT. Why?

MATTER (and/or ENERGY) are the core ideas behind this theory of creation (called the BIG BANG). The idea of a universe which started from a particle singularity (matter) began in the 1930's with the idea that our Universe was EXPANDING outward. Mr. Hubble had concluded that the 'red shift' in wave lengths implied this expansion. This led to the idea that galaxies were separating (expanding) as this universe expanded outward continually. If this idea is valid (an Expanding Universe) then it logically follows that prior to any 'expansion' there must have been an initial starting point (now assumed to be 13.8 billion years prior). What was this initial starting point?

This initial starting point is called the SINGULARITY (when all matter/energy was concentrated in one single POINT). The density and force within this starting POINT then produced an EXPLOSION (outward) which then produced this Expanding Universe which we witness in real-time today (which some experts assume is happening). The assumption is that Matter/Energy was the philosophical CAUSE which started our Universe. All this supposedly happened in the 'blink of an eye'. As our Universe expanded outward, galaxies formed, stars formed, our Sun formed, the Moon formed, and eventually LIFE emerged from this process. Is any of this logical or reasonable? Are the core assumptions valid (philosophically)?

Are any of these philosophical ASSUMPTIONS valid in real-time (today)? I would say absolutely NOT. First of all, this THEORY is based on a 'materialistic' philosophy of reality. Materialism is based on the idea that MATTER (energy) is primordial (the originating CAUSE of all reality). But can MATTER actually create/cause LIFE to emerge? Can dead/inorganic 'matter in motion' create me/you/animals/life? I would claim NO. Matter consists of particles in motion (electrons, quarks. etc.). Chemicals contain 'matter'. All physical objects that I observe with my eyes contain 'matter'. Can 'matter' in motion produce a living/breathing person? I say NO. This is impossible even as scientists have tried to produce LIFE via a chemical mix. 

LIFE does not consist of or originate from 'matter' and/or 'energy'. My 'consciousness' does not consist of 'matter' and/or 'energy'. My mind, words, ideas, thoughts, do not consist of 'matter' and/or 'energy'. This is obvious to most thinking people. Science now recognizes (mostly) that complex LIFE can not originate from dead/inorganic MATTER. A chemical compound (of any type) can not produce LIFE. Quantum particles (in motion) can not originate LIFE. In fact there is NO known origin of LIFE from MATTER/ENERGY. LIFE demands a LIFE GIVER. LIFE demands a Mind (intellect). LIFE demands a CREATOR/SOURCE with real 'intelligence' (in real-time)! 

This so-called BIG BANG theory has been DEBUNKED by its own philosophy (materialism). But many still clink to this failed idea. Materialism can not originate LIFE and/or an Expanding Universe. This is now recognized by most scientists and philosophers. We also can ask the question what preceded this so-called 'singularity' which exploded (suddenly)? Can 'matter' cause 'matter' to explode (when at a density where pure energy is present)? This is impossible. Some intelligent CAUSE must initiate this EXPLOSION. What was this cause? Matter/Energy can not be this CAUSE. This is beyond any science that we know about. It's a pure SHAM when understood.

We need to recognize that this BIG BANG theory is a myth/illusion/deception (when fully comprehended). It has been debunked via its own philosophy. The Theory is based upon 'materialism' and 'materialism' is based upon matter. Matter can not originate LIFE (this is impossible). This means that the concept/theory of a BIG BANG and an Expanding Universe is false (debunked). Personally, I also do not think that our Universe is Expanding (in real-time/NOW). In reality our Universe is in Dynamic Equilibrium (my view). God is the probable CAUSE that produces our changing Universe and also LIFE as we experience it (in the NOW).

It takes INTELLIGENCE to create LIFE and also to manage our DYNAMIC universe which I witness with my observation. Is our Universe forever existing and forever continuing? My sense is YES. Our Universe has been existing forever (as TIME is really a NOW reality). There is no real TIME that originated from 'matter'. This idea is myth. TIME is actually invented by man (with God's input). It's function is to give us order and regularity. We experience TIME as an imaginary idea within our consciousness. We now need to forget this DUMB idea of a BIG BANG and an Expanding Universe. It is not reality in 2024. That is my viewpoint! Think on your own to discern.

This video supports the view that life (consciousness) can not emerge from 'materialism' (matter/energy)! If this is valid, then the Big Bang theory is invalid as a scientific theory! The Big Bang is based on 'materialism' as its core premise of reality. The theory has been debunked by real-time experience IMO!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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