Understanding Economics and Money

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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Autocracy and Democracy mean STATE control! How does the INDIVIDUAL emerge?

Biden says he wants more Democracy for the world. He repeats this mantra daily. He views Russia and China as Autocracies. Biden wants Democracy. But what is he missing that is key for you and I to understand? Autocracy leads to a big STATE system and so does Democracy. See the history. Freedom for the INDIVIDUAL is impossible with either of these political philosophies. Is there a system which will give the INDIVIDUAL control?

America's founding fathers desired that America evolve so that the 'individual' would be supreme. A small STATE was envisioned to start our nation but the GOAL was to bring the 'individual' eventual freedom. The STATE would wither away is the idea. Many thinkers view Democracy as bringing the 'individual' this final freedom. But this is a MYTH. Does Democracy bring freedom for the 'individual'? Democracy can not bring the 'individual' freedom. Why?

Democracy is a political system where a majority gets control over the STATE apparatus and then these STATE administrators impose their policies, laws, mandates, upon the nation. Autocracy does similar. Both of these political systems lead to big STATE enterprises and both produce a system where the 'individual' is enslaved (to various degrees). I call Democracy a form of MOB rule. Our founding fathers said similar. Democracy was not what America stands for philosophically. America is suppose to stand for the INDIVIDUAL.

Today, Biden's democracy has the support of less than 45% of our citizens. His mantra is that he wants Ukraine to become like America. He wants a uni-polar world with Democracy as the system for everyone. Is this leading to freedom for the 'individual'? Absolutely not! Biden's Democracy is bringing us a world where select ELITES will rule over the entire planet. His uni-polar world of Biden's Democracy will enslave most of mankind. A centralized system would emerge to rule over all citizens on this planet.

We all need to THINK about these concepts which our politicians espouse. Will any of these political concepts lead to FREEDOM for the 'individual'?  I say, absolutely not! Biden's Democracy, Putin's Autocracy, and Xi's Autocracy all lead to a huge STATE system running the planet. We become victims of this STATE and nothing will bring us our FREEDOM under any of these political ideologies. Think about these ideologies and why they lead to a huge STATE run system. We have hundreds of years of history.

America demonstrates this ideology called Democracy in real-time. Biden has some 45% support (as of today) and his policies are leading to a huge STATE run system (going forward). He calls this progressivism. He now wants this same ideology for Ukraine. His war rhetoric is give Ukraine the weapons so this nation can become free and democratic (like America). Is this reality or is this myth? I say this is pure myth and fantasy. Biden's democracy does not lead to individual freedom for the people of Ukraine. It will lead to a huge STATE run system (just as this ideology has led to what America experiences today). 

Our founding fathers were enlightened on this idea of Democracy. They recognized that this political system does not bring the INDIVIDUAL freedom. That is why they did not desire this ideology for America. They chose a REPUBLIC. This REPUBLIC idea was positive for freedom to a degree (much more than democracy). But our political leaders (over these 246 years) have given America democracy and a huge political STATE. We need a NEW MODEL for this planet (including America).

Any model which promotes the STATE is not viable IMO. We need the Kingdom government to rule this planet. This model will bring FREEDOM to the 'individual'. Think on these concepts as you watch Biden, Putin, and Xi promote these outdated philosophies called Autocracy and Democracy. These ideas lead to enslavement for the 'individual'. Kingdom philosophy gives the 'individual' real FREEDOM! Watch these politicians as they DECEIVE the many with their false rhetoric. It's all shameful! Have a good day as you think on these ideas. Ideas are key to progress!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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