In today's Arizona Daily there was an article where Vladimir was quoted as saying that he could not accept the concept of a Uni-polar world (which the WEST is pushing). He wants a Multi-polar world where diversity of viewpoints can be respected. I would fully agree with this idea. Biden's Uni-polar world would destroy freedom and political diversity so as to IMPOSE one set of rules upon the entire planet. This is not acceptable to most American's and most thinking citizens.
Biden and the WEST is provoking Russia so as to attempt a coup that would destroy this Nation/Federation. Vladimir recognizes the goal of the WEST and my sense is that he will NOT accommodate their ideas. This means MORE war and destruction over in the Ukraine area. Russia has nuclear weapons and if pushed to a point of self-destruction they will release this arsenal of weapons upon Ukraine. If NATO responds with their counter nuclear arsenals, then we have a full scale NUCLEAR WAR for the planet.
There is no solution to this war mentality until our leaders recognize that their ideas are fatally flawed and mis-guided. We need NEW political leadership which recognizes the role of non-violence (negotiation). I could end this war in minutes if allowed. I would need the POWER/authority to promote a policy of non-violence (so as to promote a New Model for the planet). There is no future in continual provocation and escalation via a military means. Non-violence is the ONLY solution that makes sense for the citizens on this planet. Our present policies (provocation/escalation) lead to death for billions!
What we really need is a NEW MODEL for this planet. In lieu of MIGHT as the solution to political disagreements, we need to think in terms of JUSTICE for everyone. Justice means that we need to DECENTRALIZE the planet so select POWER centers can not rule over the many. Today, we have three major Nuclear Powers who could destroy the entire planet...America, Russia, and China. Their leaders are Biden, Putin, and Xi. Should these three rule over the 8 billion? I don't think this is wise or practical. This is INSANITY!
What we really need is to DECENTRALIZE the planet so that there are millions of small power centers which promote solutions for their citizens (in real-time). Millions of decentralized power centers would promote non-violent solutions to our problems. We have an INTERNET which can keep everyone aware of each other. We do not need ONE centralized POWER CENTER for the planet. Biden's Uni-polar world idea is impractical and worthless for solving our growing international problems. Does Biden understand?
ONE world (under our Creator) would work for everyone. America was founded upon the idea of ONE nation under God. Is it now time for ONE planet under God? I think so! Why should Biden, Putin, or Xi (or some Anti-Christ leader) RULE this planet? This makes zero sense. One ruler means that the many get enslaved by policies which work for the FEW. Biden (or a similar political leader) would desire to IMPOSE his ideas upon the entire planet (now some 8 billion citizens). Makes no sense! This is INSANITY!
We need to think in terms of a NEW MODEL for this planet. This model needs to focus upon DECENTRALIZATION...not centralization. Millions of small villages (all ruling themselves) would be part of this MODEL. People would come FIRST. Money would be eliminated. Power centers (like Washington, Moscow, and Beijing) would be decentralized into mere villages that would solve their own problems. The planet would benefit as would the people (who all could participate in the government of their village).
Think in terms of a NEW MODEL for planet earth. A decentralized model of villages. SMALL is beautiful under this model. Citizen participation would be central to this model. Freedom for the 'individual' would be paramount. The STATE would wither to nothing. The 'individual' would be SUPREME. Freedom, Justice, and Happiness would emerge for the 'individual' person. God would RULE over planet Earth. Is this an Amazing model or what? Think on these ideas as you watch the INSANITY of Biden, Putin, and Xi (in real-time)! None of these leaders can bring the WORLD peace, security, prosperity, or stability! Impossible! We need the KINGDOM government to emerge (for the entire planet)!
Have a great day. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher,
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