Understanding Economics and Money

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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Get Ready to Rumble! Revelation 14-19! God brings us eventual VICTORY! Let's REVIEW the Players!

The final book of Revelation gives us the overview of spiritual history and the message that God rules over planet Earth. But we need to think in SYMBOLS and words which are mysterious and sometimes DIFFICULT to discern. My sense is that God gives us the logic and the general details for discerning this difficult text. I will give you a brief overview of the PLAYERS...as I have done my study to discern this important text which promotes the KINGDOM AGE as the final outcome for planet Earth!

Let's outline the PLAYERS as follows:

1. GOD, our CREATOR, is at the core of the text and this living person is the MAIN character in all of Revelation...described briefly in Revelation 4. To understand Revelation one MUST understand Revelation 4. GOD is the person on the THRONE (also within our 'consciousness') and the only SOURCE which can bring us the KINGDOM AGE (this end-time event for planet Earth). As human beings we ALL live 'At Effect' and it is this SOURCE which rules over us 'As Cause'. GOD is also called YAHWEH in scripture (some will use the name JEHOVAH). But the titles which confuse many are words like LORD, GOD, I AM, ELOHIM, MOST HIGH, HaShem, FATHER, ANCIENT OF DAYS and CREATOR.

2. JESUS (Yeshua was his name while living on this Earth) is another main player and the word LAMB and/or Lion of Judah is used, in Revelation, to identify this glorified person. Revelation 5 is key. LAMB is the title for this prior living rabbi (Jew) who we all assume lived and played a core role as a suffering Messiah during his earthly lifetime (6 B.C. to 33 A.D). He tried to bring us the KINGDOM AGE but his words and message ended up being REJECTED by the key human AUTHORITIES at the time. He died at Golgotha and then Yahweh (his Hebrew God) 'glorified' him and allowed him to act as his RIGHT HAND messenger (the VOICE) for purposes of understanding real-time events (now nearly 2,000 years since his passing). Personally, I prefer the name YESHUA when thinking about this person (this was his Aramaic name). My view is that Yeshua was fully human and a messenger of the Hebrew God (Yahweh).

3. The FOUR Living Creatures of Revelation 4. These are likely ARCH ANGELS or similar. These spiritual person's surround the THRONE room and give total WORSHIP to our CREATOR GOD, also called Yahweh/Father/Most High/King over planet Earth. These four living creatures can be identified as protecting the THRONE room of our Creator God as he rules over our UNIVERSE. These 'arch angels' get mentioned again in Revelation 14. Their message is FEAR GOD and give Yahweh God total glory, for the hour of his judgment has come; worship him (Yahweh) who made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water. In Revelation 19 these four (along with the 24 elders) fall down and worship Yahweh who is seated on the THRONE. The word 'HalleluJAH' is repeated to give JAH and/or YAH the honor as God the Almighty who reigns over planet Earth.

4. The 24 ELDERS are also key players as they surround the THRONE room and these person's (probably prior human SAINTS who lived and recognized Yahweh as King while living on our planet). These 24 elders (say Abraham/Elijah/Moses/David) were prior human beings who got 'glorified' as special agents of our CREATOR. They recognize that Yahweh is KING and they recognize that this SOURCE brings JUDGMENT when the time is ripe for Judgment. God's Judgment is necessary so that the people living on our planet will change their behavior and allow their SOURCE to rule over them. Most ego's tend to desire to rule with NO submission to a HIGHER SOURCE. This is human nature at the core. PLAYING GOD is what man has experienced since the dawn of history. Select EGO'S get control and then PLAY GOD. This situation is now finally ending as we are at the END of human history IMO. Biden, Putin, Xi and all the others will PLAY GOD until their ego's are finally silenced at ARMAGEDDON.

5.  The  great Harlot (probably religion of all flavors) is another key player during this end-time scenario. Who is this Harlot? My sense is all the religions on this planet which attempt to PLAY GOD and impose their group-think upon there followers are part of this Harlot concept. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Humanism, Atheism, etc. All tend to create a group-think mentality so they can rule mankind to some degree. Today, key players are Pope's, Bishops, Imams, and Guru's on TV and the Internet who claim that their TRUTH is final for everyone. Science guru's are similar for secular thinkers. Playing God is fun and attractive for those who desire to expand their ego and get control over others. Players like Fauci, Gates, Soros, Hitler, Nero, Stalin, Genghis Khan are additional names which come to mind. The Great Harlot is eventually destroyed and playing God via religion ceases. Everyone recognizes the Father as God and this eliminates all middlemen.

6. Babylon the Great is another key player during these end-times. The Judgment of Babylon, mother of harlots and earth's abominations, is drunk with pride and arrogance. This concept called Babylon plays a key role within our monetary system and within our political control system. Money is at the core of all human power centers. Banking is at the core of money. Bankers and politicians who control our money system must be part of Mystery Babylon. These entities rule over our planet and allow select ego's to PLAY GOD. Some think America and Britain are at the core of this situation. The money centers on planet earth are New York and London (mostly). These centers will be totally destroyed during our tribulation period (so it seems). The message in Revelation is for believers to 'come out of Babylon my people'.  The Judgment of Babylon is finalized in ONE HOUR. The merchants of the earth weep and mourn as no one buys their products. The GREAT CITY (is this New York or London) collapses in one hour as computers crash the entire monetary system ends. Amazing!

7. The BEAST of Revelation and Daniel is the final entity which plays a key role during this end-time period. This BEAST entity (using high frequency computers and artificial intelligence) will impose a 'MARK' and/or an IDENTITY CODE on everyone who needs food for their survival. Digital money will emerge to force mankind into this Beast Financial System for a short period (some three years or so). This Beast SYSTEM is here now in proto form. Digital money is here now. Identity codes are here now. This BEAST money system gets controlled by a world financial system with select elites (and ONE ultimate political leader) running the computers for the planet. During this time period a FALSE Prophet will also emerge (per Revelation 19). The words say 'the beast and the kings of the earth gathered to make war' against the Messiah who tries to end this situation. Eventually, our coming Messiah binds Satan (who operates invisibly behind the scenes) and the Beast system as they are thrown into the lake of fire! The players of Revelation change our planet as our World System eventually collapses.

8. The 144,000 evangelists (Israelites) will promote the coming Kingdom. The NEW Kingdom Age commences after the above series of events end. The elite power brokers (first) will fight along side the Harlot and the Beast as God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind. This reveals the nature of reality...as we all operate 'At Effect' and few discern this reality. The coming Messiah (also called the LAMB and/or Lion of Judah) will ultimately conquer these political entities so that the Kingdom Age can commence. Mankind is saved eventually by a coming Messiah who is empowered by God Almighty (Yahweh) to end the rule of man and install the rule of our Creator. Our Creator is then promoted as KING and RULER over planet Earth (hopefully for eternity). Freedom, Justice, Happiness emerge for planet Earth and for everyone who is allowed to live on this planet going forward. This is a brief overview of the key person's who could emerge as PLAYERS for this end-time period. Much is a mystery as no-one can teach dogmatically on these issues of eschatology. The above is meant merely as my perspective!

This video is one view of end-time events. We all must think for ourselves on these issues of eschatology. Is Christianity part of Mystery Babylon? What role will Islam play during these end times. Also, 144,000 Israelites are destined to play a crucial role prior to Armageddon. 

Is America Mystery Babylon? Where is America in these end-time events? My view is that America could emerge as a key player in these end-times! Biden is currently our leader and he is promoting a 'uni-polar' world system. This seems like an attempt at the Fourth Reich. Hitler failed with his attempt to create the Third Reich! This video (go to minute 17) suggests that America is Mystery Babylon. The Beast financial system will emerge in America. The MARK will start in America! Wow!

Think for yourself on all these theological issues. I must do likewise. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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