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Monday, February 20, 2023

Why Muslims love/cherish/accept The Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus)! Amazing!

Muslims view Jesus/Yeshua as being glorified (he lives in the spirit world) but he was not bodily resurrected as Christians claim. Muslims love Jesus as a prophet and also a Messiah messenger from God! They view much of the New Testament text as having been corrupted.

When I lived in Madison, Wisconsin, I worked as a bartender at a small hotel called the Ivy Inn. I had the opportunity to visit and talk with guests from around the world. A group of Muslims from Jordan visited my bar for a number of nights (say 1987 +-). I was interested in their beliefs and their dedication to God. They prayed five times daily while visiting the hotel. I respected their commitment and dedication to God.

I noticed that Muslims love the Jewish Torah as well as the Koran. The Torah (Tanakh) is what most Christians call the Old Testament. Muslims accept this God of the Old Testament (completely) even as they use the Arabic name, Allah, when referring to their God (our Creator). Muslims believe in ONE God who created the Universe and who governs all mankind with his words. Their prophet was Muhammad and he lived from 570 to 632 A.D. They view this Koran (dictated to Muhammad by Gabriel) as being more valid then other text of scripture. Few Christians understand the core beliefs of Muslims, however.

My guests from Jordan, who I talked with at the Ivy Inn, also believed in the oral Gospel of Yeshua (who Christians call Jesus). They refer to the New Testament as the Injil. Muslims believe that Yeshua was a prophet of God and also a Messiah (anointed messenger) of God. They do not accept all the Christian text in the New Testament (as valid words of Yeshua) as they view much of this text as having been corrupted. But they do view Yeshua as special and his core message, the true Gospel, as totally valid for Muslims.

The true Gospel of Yeshua was a message/ministry about the Kingdom of God. This Gospel, which Yeshua preached during his earthly lifetime, is completely in acceptance by most Muslims. In fact, many Muslims view Yeshua as a true Muslim (in his character/beliefs). Yeshua, believed in the God of our Universe (ONE God) even as he called this God, Yahweh (in Hebrew). Yahweh (Elaha in Aramaic) was the God of Yeshua during his earthly lifetime. Muslims view this God as their God (even as they use the name, Allah, for their God). Allah is an Arabic word/name/title for the ONE GOD of our Universe!

The real Gospel of the living Yeshua (who Christians call Jesus) was a Gospel of the Kingdom. The Kingdom (this spiritual realm within us) was viewed as real Government of our Creator God (who rules over planet Earth). Yeshua (this messenger/Messiah of God) was baptised by his cousin, John (within Jordan/the Jordan River, the home of these Muslims from Jordan) and then this messenger of God, later Messiah of God, preached about the Kingdom of God (Yahweh/Elaha/Elohim/Allah) during his lifetime.

Today, most Christians, have rejected the true Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) for another gospel which emerged after the DEATH of Yeshua. The true Gospel of the Kingdom was abandoned and another gospel of salvation from sin was developed. This gospel was mostly developed by this evangelist, called Saul of Tarsus (later Paul). This gospel has been proselytized as the Gospel of Jesus within this church age of Christianity. Today, this gospel is losing its relevance as believers reject this gospel for the Kingdom Gospel (now emerging with these end-times events). See Daniel, Revelation, Micah for text.

The real/true Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus for Christians) was the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Yeshua desired that his God (Yahweh) rule over all believers as this God was the God of Israel. The God of Israel was the God of Yeshua, the God of Moses, the God of Abraham, and the God of all the prophets. Muslims will accept this missive as being valid (for them) as I have talked to many who desire this Gospel and who accept that this was the true Gospel of Messiah Yeshua/Jesus!

This true Gospel was corrupted after the DEATH of Yeshua (say around 33 A.D.) and gradually a NEW GOSPEL of salvation emerged (under the teaching of this evangelist, Paul of Tarsus). This new gospel developed into the Roman Catholic gospel after 325 A.D. (the Council of Nicaea). Then in 451 A.D., at the Council of Chalcedon, a final version of the nature of Yeshua was promulgated The purpose was to finally settle the issue of the two natures of Christ and how to word the doctrine of Incarnation. It was attended by 520 bishops and their entourages and was the largest and best-documented of all the councils. This history is very important to understand. It is still not understood by most Christian teachers/believers.

The true Gospel of Yeshua was the Kingdom of his God. I call this the Kingdom of the Father. Yeshua viewed this Gospel as coming directly to him from the Father (Yahweh) at his baptism and after. He started his ministry after this event (read all about it in the Gospel of Mark) and then he called disciples and other believers to further this Gospel of the Kingdom. After his DEATH everything changed as many variations of this gospel emerged in the marketplace. 

Christians (theologians) then changed this Gospel of the Kingdom to this Salvation from Sin doctrine after the days of this evangelist, Paul of Tarsus, who experienced his theology after his vision some years after the DEATH of Yeshua (say 37 A.D.). Paul of Tarsus actually never KNEW the real/true/living Yeshua who preached from his venue in Nazareth and Jerusalem (29 to 33 A.D.)...much prior to Paul's vision experience on the Road to Damascus. Christianity is basically a theology based on the teachings of Paul.

Today, we need to get BACK to the REAL GOSPEL of YESHUA. This Gospel is more relevant today then ever. The end of the Church Age is here now and the beginning of the Kingdom Age is emerging now. The Catholic and Protestant theology is irrelevant when the REAL GOSPEL (of the Kingdom) is understood. Muslims will accept the REAL GOSPEL of YESHUA. They will REJECT the corrupted gospel. That is my viewpoint. Think for yourself on all these important issues of REALITY.

Give this missive to a Muslim friend for their review. Thanks!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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