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Monday, February 13, 2023

Biden (and the WEST'S) Arrogance revealed by Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel! My View!



It is now obvious, to me, that the arrogance and self-righteousness of the WEST (mostly Biden) has created an impossible conflict situation over in the Ukraine that will lead to Nuclear War (at some point). The Frontline documentary on Putin (see below) portrays a viewpoint that the battle is essentially over the WEST's desire for their FREEDOM agenda to prevail against the SOVEREIGNTY agenda of Putin and the Russian Federation. I see the battle as much more philosophical and a FINAL conflict that leads to WW III due to these philosophical issues.

Putin has concluded that Biden and the WEST will push their agenda (that of a Uni-polar world) to its end point. Russia sees this agenda as corrupt and impossible for them to accept. I have covered this issue in prior missives. The WEST calls their agenda a fight for FREEDOM (Democracy is the mantra) even as Putin views this agenda as the ending of his rule over a Sovereign nation and a Federation of nations. The conflict is FINAL for each side and this means WW III is around the corner. It will start in 2023.

I now envision a growing conventional war over in the Ukraine (soon) as Russia builds up their forces for a total war against Ukraine. We should witness the beginning of this total war effort later in February and early March, 2023. There can be no solution to this military confrontation between the WEST and Russia as the war is PHILOSOPHICAL and IDEOLOGICAL. Russia can not allow itself to be eliminated by NATO and the WEST. Russia desires continuing Sovereignty and Russia views Biden and the WEST as forcing their fake FREEDOM agenda (called political Democracy) on the world so as to promote their UNI-POLAR world system for planet Earth. Russia and Dugin (Putin's Brain) want a MULTI-POLAR world system.

The war has taken on the mindset of a 'spiritual' war as ROSH (Russia) separates itself from the WEST (Mystery Babylon the Great). The battle is 'spiritual' and this also means that the End-times are here for planet Earth. Man rules this planet until this era ends and then the KINGDOM AGE emerges. We all live AT EFFECT (meaning that none of us is in control of events on this planet). Our DESTINY is determined by a POTTER who rules (invisibly) behind the scenes. The POTTER is AT CAUSE and we live AT EFFECT. This, to me, is axiomatic. Who can refute the concept that I (You) live AT EFFECT?

Personally, I hold a NON JUDGMENTAL view of reality. Since, I live 'at effect' I assume that you live 'at effect'. Living 'at effect' means that our POTTER lives 'at cause'. We act out his earthly plan of the AGES (mostly unknowingly). What happens is predestined and preordained. Our situation is now at a FINAL ending of this Soap Opera called human nature (man ruling over man). This FINAL chapter is playing out on planet Earth. The battle is a 'spiritual' (inner world) battle. Putin will play his role and Biden will play his role. The philosophy of man has been that MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. This illusion will set the stage for WW III (IMO). Think for yourself. It all is likely to start and grow intense in 2023.

This video misreads the mindset of Putin IMO. It portrays a view which the WEST wants everyone to accept as valid. Listen and think for yourself! Much in this video is pure propaganda IMO. Freedom does not arrive with the WEST winning this war with Putin! Might does NOT make Right!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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