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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Biden: America stands as a BEACON to the World! Democracy must permeate the planet! Why?

Joseph Biden thinks that America stands as a 'beacon' to the world as America promotes Democracy for everyone. Is this a statement of a position within Biden's 4th REICH. Hitler assumed that his UNI-POLAR philosophy was RIGHT for the world as he promoted his 3rd REICH. Biden, in his State of the Union address, thinks that America (as it functions today) is a BEACON for the entire world society. Let's unpack this slogan which our President wants for the entire planet.

Democracy is what America lives with today as this MOB called Biden's democrats imposes the will of a minority upon all American citizens. Biden thinks his leadership is what the entire planet needs...Democracy for every nation. This is Biden's concept of a UNI-POLAR world system. Democracy is actually a form of politics where a minority of elites rule over the entire nation. Today, America has some 1,000 billionaires (according to Biden). These billionaires rule our nation via a money system that produces endless spending.

Less than 1% of the voting citizens essentially rule over the other 99% with money and special privilege for the select elites to distribute. America is now in bankruptcy even as Biden spends $ trillions on new programs for his so-called Climate ESG goals. Money which emerges from adding new units to our unpayable DEBT is the formulae which allows Biden and his followers to spend and spend (ignoring the consequences for our children). All this is suppose to be a BEACON for the world in this politicians mind!

We live in strange times. Our leaders have no awareness of what they are doing (so it seems). Tent cities grow in California (and other cities) as homeless souls live in tents and pan for food on the streets. EBT debit cards are what the State offers to those who are unable to work and prosper. The State reloads these EBT cards monthly to prevent soup lines and more tent cities. This is called DEMOCRACY and it is Biden's view that all this is a BEACON for the entire world society. He wants this situation for EVERYONE!

Biden now wants to run for another four years (so he says) even as his popularity is declining over time. Some 43% of his clan supports his programs as of today. Is this DEMOCRACY that we want to expand so the entire planet can experience this DEMOCRACY? What is this idea called DEMOCRACY all about? America is suppose to be the LEADER of the FREE WORLD...is the mantra. I listen to Vladimir Zelenskyy as he claims that Ukraine must follow America so that the FREE WORLD can come to Ukraine and all of Europe. Is he AWARE of what he says?

So far America has sent some $120 billion of military aid to the government of Ukraine. Tanks, missiles, guns, weapons, planes, and additional supplies are added daily. It's all suppose to bring DEMOCRACY to Ukraine so the country can be part of the FREE WORLD. Russia must be defeated so that Ukraine can become part of a FREE EUROPE. The goal is this concept called political DEMOCRACY for Ukraine. America's founding FATHERS debunked this idea way back in 1800. But why?

America's founding FATHERS said that this idea called political DEMOCRACY leads directly to MOB RULE (the few get control of the political machinery and IMPOSE their minority WILL upon the rest). It's all called FREEDOM for the elites who RUN the show and enslavement for the majority who vote. We can witness the SHOW in WASHINGTON D.C. in real-time (today). Biden's MOB rules for now. Later another MOB will rule. Then another and another. FREEDOM for the individual NEVER arrives. It's all ILLUSION!

Is America a BEACON for the planet? Is America bringing the world FREEDOM, Prosperity, Justice, and Happiness? Is WAR leading to PEACE? What do you think? I call it all a HUGE MESS! INSANITY 101!


I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com


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