Understanding Economics and Money

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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

U.S. Embassy Warns: GET OUT OF RUSSIA IMMEDIATELY! Message to the world is???

This warning to get out of Russia immediately is a message that I sense means ESCALATION big time in the Ukraine war (soon). Our invisible Creator could be giving us this warning prior to a major event that portends destruction on a large scale. I have been expecting this escalation for weeks. Is it here?

Russia must act to protect its Sovereignty over its territory...and the continuing 'provocations' from the WEST has led to this coming escalation. I now expect a TOTAL war effort from Russia...and the DUMA will likely declare this war condition for the nation (soon). Russia must act to survive as a Nation and a Federation. That is my understanding of our situation!

The issues, as I said in my prior missive, are PHILOSOPHICAL and ideological. Russia, under Putin, sees our world situation much different from Biden and his Deep State. Alexander Dugin, Putin's Brain, has made it clear that Russia must protect its Sovereignty or die as a viable political entity. The mindset of the WEST is this idea of a Uni-polar world system. Russia wants a Multi-polar world system. Another name for this model of the WEST is Agenda 2030.

Another name for Agenda 2030 is World Government with the WEST as the control entity. We have reached a time in our history where the planet is now the issue. Who will govern the planet and the 8 billion people who reside on this planet? Will it be the EAST under a dictatorship system? Will it be the WEST under a hierarchical control system? The conflict is philosophical and ideological.

Our history on this issue goes back to the end of WW II. At this end (1945), America emerged victorious and this made the WEST King over planet Earth. America gradually expanded its influence by adding some 800 military bases around the planet. America has some 300 military ships to patrol the seas and guarantee that the WEST will rule over the planet. America has nuclear weapons to add to this mix.

America also acquired the Reserve Currency for the planet after this second world war. The main institutions for running the planet are under the control of the WEST (as of today). The WEST is now being challenged by another nuclear power, called Russia and her Federation. Russia does not view the world as America and the WEST views the world. Russia is opposed to a liberal democracy where the WEST runs the planet.

The 'values' of the WEST are not the 'values' which the EAST (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and many other's) desire for the planet. This means the battle is Philosophical and Ideological. We have reached the point in our history where a NEW WORLD MODEL is needed for the planet. The WEST desires this political ideology called DEMOCRACY for the planet. The EAST rejects this MODEL for their people!

I have written about this idea called political Democracy many times. It sounds like freedom for the people. But, in reality, this model leads to Mob Rule for the people as select elites who desire to impose their values on everyone else get control over the political machinery. We see this situation in America today. After 247 years of history America is now totally polarized, bankrupt, and in chaos over 'values' and 'morality'. 

The LEFT wants more spending, big government, and more control over the citizens. The RIGHT wants to return to a prior period which can never arrive again. MAGA is a slogan which wants to reconstruct America on a prior model (that is dead and over). The LEFT has ESG and their model of wanting Climate change to rule over most issues. Agenda 2030 is mostly a model of the LEFT.

GET OUT OF RUSSIA IMMEDIATELY sends a message of dire warnings about to happen. We could be heading for a nuclear conflict of the ages (later in 2023) if this mindset of the WEST and EAST continues. I, personally, think that ESCHATOLOGY is playing a major role in all these warnings. I will write on this idea in a future missive. 

Eschatology is a study of God's control over our planet and his rule. This concept is now in vogue as people recognize the reality of a Higher Power. Invisible agents are at work, behind the scenes, and this produces events which man is unable to discern fully. We now need to understand God's Eschatology for planet Earth. I will write on this in my next missive. 

Have a great day and prepare for ESCALATION over in the Ukraine territory. MY viewpoint!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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