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Saturday, July 16, 2022

Ukraine War Creating Colossal Changes in World Order!

 Today's Wall Street Journal had a long article on the colossal changes that are occurring as a result of the Ukraine War. The Big Picture is that the world is dividing into TWO major blocks. The West is one block consisting of America and Europe (with some 100 total nations supporting the values of the West).

The Eastern block consists of Russia and China with some 93 nations supporting their rule. We could say that Xi and Putin are the key actors for the East and Biden and Macron are the current leading actors for the West. The fight is over 'values' and 'control' of our planet's resources.

The Ukraine War has created this new set of relationships on our planet. The current trend could eventually lead to this major war between the East and the West. Russia, China, Iran will be key players for the East. Europe and America (along with NATO) will be the key players for the West.

We can witness the military strength of these TWO blocks as the key to their formation. Might makes Right is the philosophy which operates among those who rule this planet. Those with the GUNS will rule over us is the message. As I write, China is building up their military muscle for the East. Russia is doing similar. Iran is also adding to this mix.

In the West, Europe is concerned for their survival (now that America is becoming weak). NATO is key to their future. NATO is a military alliance which will counter the alliances of the East going forward. The military might of Europe is growing as they decide to separate (somewhat) from the control of America. The West is changing even as the East is changing to counter this situation of the West.

The War in the Ukraine seems key to all this change in geopolitics. As long as this war continues, this polarization within the TWO blocks will continue. At some point a shooting war will develop (over security issues). When this happens nuclear weapons will be introduced. Our only hope is that this War in the Ukraine will change the thinking of our leaders (prior to nukes hitting the planet). Compromise is needed on these WAR issues. This is probably unlikely given the message of PROPHECY!

The Bigger Picture are the spiritual forces which are at work on this planet. If my sense of reality is valid that we all operate 'AT EFFECT', then I would suggest that it is the 'invisible' spiritual forces which will DECIDE the outcome of all these relationships. Yes, we all do operate 'AT EFFECT' IMO. This seems obvious to me. I did not create myself. You did not create yourself. We are ALL Clay in the hands of a POTTER! The secular theory of Evolution from matter has been mostly debunked by today's thinkers!

This means that what is ordained to happen (prophetically) will happen precisely as our Creator has planned. We can not change the reality of a HIGHER POWER. I like to say that I operate with a 'secondary' freewill. The PRIMARY freewill is this invisible POWER called our CREATOR. His WILL (will) be done IMO! If the theory of Evolution is false (as I propose) then we need to think in terms of a spiritual SOURCE!

So what is likely to happen prophetically? Scripture calls for an Alliance of Eastern Nations to challenge the West over control of our planet. The military forces will form as these End-times develop. The East (China, Russia, Iran) will challenge the man ruled System of the West (Europe/America/Britain). This challenge will eventually lead to ARMAGEDDON. The final war of the ages is emerging as I write!

The BEAST powers could be mostly the Western alliances. The battle is a military battle. The other BEAST powers could be the military might of China, Russia, and Iran (add in a few others to the mix). The battle must be over who will RULE this planet. Since the spiritual forces are 'invisible' none of the leaders discern the influence of these 'invisible' forces (so it seems). All happens spontaneously (without a clear vision).

But, in reality, all mankind operates 'AT EFFECT' (that seems obvious to me). None of us created this universe, this planet, or the life which lives on this planet. We merely live and operate 'AT EFFECT' given the program given to us. All happens WITHIN the human spirit (first). It's mostly all 'invisible' to the average person's perceptions. Since it is 'invisible' few comprehend or discern these 'invisible' forces which work WITHIN us. The FEW discern, however. That is my perception!

The End-times are here for those with some WISDOM. The few understand what is happening and according to scripture, the ELECT will be saved so that a NEW SYSTEM can emerge AFTER the military destruction is complete. Armageddon must happen to END the military rule over this planet. A NEW WORLD will emerge when this FINAL military battle is complete. Bring it on is my viewpoint!

The coming FOURTH TURNING is another viewpoint on change that must happen. Secular historians recognize this TURNING (change). My vision goes DEEPER, however. The real BIG PICTURE involves these prophetic events which get created by these 'invisible' forces which operate WITHIN us. Reality is NOW and man operates 'AT EFFECT'.

Later in 2022, I am expecting some dire events to happen to cause an awakening within the PUBLIC. The biggest event will be economic/financial. When this next financial crash happens people will WAKE UP to all these political events. Nothing meaningful happens as long as people have MONEY in their pockets. History reveals that economic events precede a FOURTH TURNING. Watch the economic events going forward. Inflation, stocks, bonds, mortgages, interest rates, etc. are key indicators!

 That is my view of reality. Think for yourself! Have a great DAY!

I am: Donald B. Swenson (Svensson), Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com and also http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Friday, July 15, 2022

World War III has started! President Vucic of Serbia confirms this viewpoint! I AGREE!

I agree that WW III has started. The words of Alexsander Vucic of Serbia is further confirmation. Vucic has direct communication with Putin of Russia (they are friends) and the situation is dire for our world. The WEST is pushing Russia into acting with nuclear weapons so as to protect their perceived security interests.

The WEST, especially the USA and NATO, view the war in Ukraine as winable. This mindset will lead to more 'tit for tat' reactions from Russia as the WEST adds fuel (more weapons) to the fire. I see no alternative but a larger war as this mindset plays out over time. The war cycle is here and this cycle is similar to the Fourth Turning cycle. It's here so that human nature can play out its folly!

As events spiral downward (this has already started), war becomes endemic. The mindset of our leaders gets more distorted as both sides to this war think they MUST win. The reality is that NEITHER can win this war as it eventually leads to a nuclear response by Russia to maintain its security. Then the WEST will respond with their nuclear counter attack. 

The WEST thinks that they will PUSH Russia to the breaking point with no serious consequence. This mindset is not realistic IMO. Russia has the military tools to respond to whatever pressure the WEST puts upon them. The final response will likely be NUCLEAR. Russia must win over Ukraine so as to protect their future survival as a Nation.

Furthermore, Putin has the will and the military tools to accomplish any counter attack by the WEST. As I write, the WEST is adding more lethal weapons to the arsenal of Ukraine. This means more killing and destruction of Russians which will then lead to a counter attack on Ukraine. Ukraine is a PROXY for the WEST and as long as they have weapons they will fight.

I call this ACTION and then REACTION. Both sides have weapons and neither can WIN any final battle with conventional weapons. The FINAL response will be nuclear. If Putin is ROSH as prophesied in scripture, then Putin will act out this role in real-time. My sense is that Russia is part of our End-times players who will fulfill its destiny as prophesied. 

My view of reality is based on the idea that we ALL live 'at effect'. The real CAUSE of our actions are spiritual. Few comprehend this reality as the spiritual forces are INVISIBLE. These invisible forces act as the real catalyst for the actions of the players. Putin is an ACTOR on the planetary STAGE. Biden is an ACTOR on the planetary STAGE. So is NATO.

What is prophesied will happen. That is my sense of reality. World War III has started and this will eventually lead to Armageddon. Prior to this final war we will experience the Fourth Turning as mentioned in my prior missive. The end of a GENERATION is here. Every 80 - 100 years a new FOURTH TURNING arrives. Winter is here and this means trouble for our SYSTEM.

All our institutions are crumbling as I write. I just listened to some candidates for our political positions here in Arizona. Voting is here for the Primary election. The viewpoints were dire. Arizona is totally broke financially. The current crop of politicians are viewed as corrupt to the core. Those who are campaigning for Governor and the other positions of power say that our SYSTEM is broken. Who can change the SYSTEM?

Personally, I say that electing new leaders is positive but if these leaders desire change it means that they MUST create a new SYSTEM. Our current system is financially broke and bankrupt. All this will lead to infighting and more contentions. We can witness the POLARIZATION in Washington D.C. The sides can not AGREE on anything. Why? It's the SYSTEM...stupid!

War and contention must happen as nothing is working for the common people. As the current economic situation gets more dire, the common people will WAKE UP. It's starting to happen now even as this happening will take years to resolve. We are at the END of a FOURTH TURNING! That is my viewpoint! You will need to do your own thinking!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com



Monday, July 11, 2022

What TIME is it...historically? Let's Think on this!

 My view of reality says that man is living 'at effect'. This means that man (you and I) live under the ultimate authority of our Creator (who is ultimately 'in control'). We must accept 'Providence' (as our reality) if we assume that a Source beyond oneself is 'at cause'. Another way of saying this is that 'we are the Clay and our Source is the POTTER. We act with a 'secondary' freewill. Our ultimate Source (who has 'primary' freewill) is our Creator God. So What TIME is it (historically)? Let's think on this!

According to the lunar calendar (also called the Jewish calendar) it is year 5,782 from the birth of Adam. This means that we are nearing the end of man's rule over this planet. Our Creator has allowed 6,000 years for man to rule. We are now at this end point. On the Gregorian calendar (which modern man uses) we are about at 5,982 years from the birth of Adam. This means that the rule of our Creator starts soon (the end of this current cycle of 6,000 years). The Kingdom Age starts after Armageddon.

The birth of Adam (the first creation) does not mean that our material universe started some 6,000 years prior. Our universe was here when Adam was created...so this birth (of our universe) is prior to Adam. The exact origin of our universe is a mystery. Since our Creator is 'eternal' the material universe may have been here for millennia prior to the birth of Adam (the first human). No-one knows the precise origin of the greater material universe. Only our Creator KNOWS! Time (clock time), however, started after 'man' was created. Time is a human 'invention'. Our Creator operates 'outside' of TIME.

But for those of us who view reality as 'living at effect', this means that a New Age is emerging for humanity (soon). This New Age can be called the Kingdom Age since our Creator will rule during this period (some say 1,000 years). Man was programmed to rule for 6,000 years. We can witness the end of Man's Age now... given all the confusion and corruption. Man's Age ends with this event which we call Armageddon. When this event arrives, we can assume that the next great evolution will be the Kingdom Age.

It now appears that the war over in the Ukraine is part of this end-time period. I would suggest that this war is prophetically the Gog/Magog war as outline in the book of Ezekiel. You can read all about it in chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel. When this event happens (and it has likely started with the Ukraine war) we can expect that dire events will follow. All is happening precisely according to our Creator's prophetic timeline. I can not be absolute on the timeline but the SIGNS point to the END of this 6,000 year cycle of man's rule.

That which is determined must happen. Man has 'secondary' freewill and not 'primary' freewill. This is why I say that we all live 'at effect'. We act out all that is programmed within us (from birth). Each person was born with an inner 'program'. My program is mine. Your program is yours. Collectively we all live 'at effect' and we each act out our 'individual' programs. Our Creator's algorithm works within each person. Another way of saying this is that our Creator is the POTTER and we are the CLAY. 

Nothing happens which is not 'ordained' to happen. It must be this way if I (we) believe in a Creator. The Creator's plan rules over the BIG picture. You and I must live 'at effect' meaning that we can only exercise our 'secondary' freewill. We can not overrule our Creator's primary freewill. This is logic which I can not change given that I believe in a greater Source which governs this planet. The Source must prevail and I must be subservient. It's the logic of accepting a greater Source as SOVEREIGN and ABSOLUTE.

So, What TIME is it? My sense is that we are nearing the END of a major cycle. I call it the cycle of man's rule. This cycle started with the birth of Adam (some 5,982 years prior to today). It all ends with this event called Armageddon. Man's cycle ends and the Kingdom Age begins. It's all MEANT to happen and we (you and I) can not change that which is programmed to happen. It happens IN SPITE of our 'secondary' freewill. Man operates as an 'agent' and our Creator is 'principle'. Man is the clay and God is the POTTER. Think on this going forward.

My view of reality is based on the above spiritual realities. I am waiting for this end to end. But I must endure to my end. My end happens when my cycle is complete. As of today, I can not KNOW anything with certainty. I must observe the SIGNS and then put the puzzle together step by step. If you believe as I do, then you also will discern similar realities. If you don't believe as I do, then you must develop your own eschatology (view of events). My viewpoint is my subjective evaluation of events. Your viewpoint is your subjective evaluation of events. That's my understanding as of today. Have a GREAT day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher,  donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

247 Years of the American Empire...Where are we Today?

Today is July 4th. America celebrates its independence for the 247th time. Has America accomplished it's goal (equality and justice for all)? Where are we today given this history?

  • It appears that my America is now in serious decline with no program for survival. What has happened to America over these many years? Let's discuss the CORE problem with America. 
  • The most dire issue for America and the world is our MONEY situation. Wealth disparity is now the core issue for America (also the world). The few dominate the system and the problem has reached crisis levels. Billionaires now rule over commerce in America. Is this what was envisioned at the founding? The 1% owns most of our wealth and the Middle Class is disappearing.
  • See the situation here:       http://www.usdebtclock.org
  • America can not solve this MONEY issue without a focus on the real CAUSE. What is the real CAUSE? Think about the fourth branch of our government...called the Federal Reserve. Who created this institution and who runs this institution? Why is it 'independent' from the American voter? 
  • America has a serious MONEY problem and a WEALTH problem. Our dollar is now DIGITAL and this means that it is VIRTUAL. Our dollar gets created with the stroke of a computer key. Digits are our dollars and all this is Unconstitutional and Illegal...but allowed by our corrupt politicians to function. Our Fed has recently created nearly 8.2 trillion (yes trillion) to fund their illegal operations.
  • The balance sheet of this institution is now over $8,900,000,000,000. Where did the 'digits' come from? Who gets all these 'digits' called dollars? Is any of this Constitutional? Are you aware of what has happened with our MONEY situation (mostly since 2008)? Who is 'counterfeiting' our money unit? Are you aware of this concept called QE? What does this produce? Who is doing the 'counterfeiting'? Why? Do the RICH and POWERFUL care about the Middle Class?
  • We have an 'independent' institution (I call it the 4th branch of government) which works in secret (no real transparency) to fund select billionaires and select banks so that wealth gets funneled to the FEW. Wealth disparity is now beyond salvation as the SYSTEM promotes this outcome via their policies. The RICH get richer and the Middle Class shrinks and disappears. Is this leading to Happiness, Freedom, Justice for the many? Give this some reflection!
  • America needs to FOCUS on the real problem...our MONEY situation and our WEALTH situation. This situation leads to a COLLAPSE down the road. A CRISIS is now brewing as citizens WAKE UP to the problem. Gas prices are beyond what the Middle Class can afford. Houses are beyond what the Middle Class can afford. Food prices are beyond what the Middle Class can afford.
  • After some 247 years of history, America is now an EMPIRE in collapse mode. Nothing is working and yet FEW seem to care. Few are thinking about the real issues. Few understand this entity called the FED. We need to ABOLISH this institution! It's become a MONSTER in disguise. Our media does not report on what they are doing. Politicians cover-up the corruption within this institution.
  • MONEY is key to survival on this planet (given the SYSTEM). Are you aware that MONEY is 'invented'? MONEY is created by our politicians in POWER. Today, the MONEY system has evolved into a MONSTER which consumes everyone ACCEPT the POWERFUL. POWER and CONTROL is key to perpetuating this corrupt SYSTEM.
  • Electing new FACES to CONGRESS will not solve our MONEY problem. We need to recognize that the SYSTEM is the problem. POWER is the problem. EGO is the problem. Human Nature is the problem. Political leaders like BIDEN and TRUMP are the problem. 
  • The GLOBAL philosophy of our leaders is also the problem. Biden and the WEST want a UNI-POLAR world (one authority for all core decisions). Putin and Xi want a MULTI-POLAR world with regional powers in control. Fighting over who controls this planet is the mindset of our political leaders. We witness this with the current UKRAINE war situation.
  • Where is all this leading? I say it's leading to WAR, FAMINE, DEBT COLLAPSE, ECONOMIC DEPRESSION. We need a NEW SYSTEM. Electing new FACES will not solve our problems. We need a NEW SYSTEM. KINGDOM ECONOMICS is key to our future. We need the KINGDOM AGE to replace the existing EMPIRES of corruption. THINK on this idea as you celebrate the 4th. Have a great day! I am: Donald Brynolf Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Theology: Evangelist Paul vs. Messiah Yeshua! A Critical Evaluation!

Today, I will share some theology with those of you who desire thinking on difficult spiritual issues of reality. My missive will cover the core theology of Paul (called Saul of Tarsus prior to conversion) and the theology of this Messiah/Prophet/Rabbi who many call Yeshua (Jesus for those who speak English). The core theology of Paul is found in his letter to the Galatians (written by Paul around 50 A.D. +-). 

Yeshua died around 33 A.D. so this means Paul's writings evolved some 17 years AFTER the death of Yeshua! Paul's core theology (as derived from Galatians 1 - 6): Basically, Paul, developed a theology after his conversion experience on the road to Damascus. This likely happened around 37 A.D. +-. 

Yeshua, apparently died some time between 28 and 33 A.D. Scholars differ on the exact dates. My view is that 33 A.D. seems mostly accurate for the crucifixion of Yeshua. Anyway, Paul, developed his theology gradually and it was based on the idea that Yeshua died, was resurrected, was glorified, and is living now (in real-time) at the right-hand of the Father (in heaven). 

 Paul developed his theology with the viewpoint that the LAW (of Moses) had been fulfilled and completed with the 'glorification' of Yeshua to the right-hand of the Father (33 A.D.). A New Covenant emerged AFTER this real-time spiritual experience. What is this New Covenant based upon? Paul's view, as expressed in Galatians 1 - 6, is that a believer in Christ (the new role of the 'glorified' Yeshua) can bring total Freedom, Grace, and Love to the believer (free of the LAW). 

Read the scripture to discern this theology. It's a revolutionary theology which Christianity has promoted for some 2,000 years! Being FREE from the LAW gives the believer the inner pride and satisfaction of being capable of loving everyone and simultaneously viewing oneself as a singularity who needs not to 'compare' oneself to another. Right and wrong thinking (the Law) dissolves and compassion and freedom emerges within the believer. 

The LAW becomes obsolete as it was meant to encompass one's self with guilt, sin, and fault. Christ (now glorified) can overcome this spiritual reality and FREE a person of moral sin so one can become wholly righteous in Christ. Free in Christ is the mantra! The Theology of Paul is basic Christianity (according to many believers). The church I attended today, called Casas, gave their sermon on this teaching of Paul from the book of Galatians. The implication is that true believers can achieve this FREEDOM in Christ if they desire this freedom, grace, love. 

Paul's message is realizable for a believer and this is what is possible in real-time for those who allow this message to be core within their worldview. But is this worldview (theology) in agreement with that of Yeshua (his message while living on this planet)? The theology of Yeshua expressed in the Gospels: The mindset of Yeshua is partially revealed in the Gospels (even as none of his actual words were recorded for posterity). Oral testimony (from believer to believer) created our words which we read in the Gospels. 

Those who believed in this anointed person (of God) created the scripture (words) which we all read in the New Testament. Different viewpoints were presented in these four Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John). Who wrote these words? We don't know! The manuscripts that we have did not reveal the actual writer of the words. The 'headings' (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John) were merely APPLIED. All these Gospels were written decades AFTER Yeshua's death. 

Oral testimony, however, eventually led to this New Testament which became authoritative for select believers to follow. Yeshua, however, seemed to hold the worldview that the LAW (of Moses) was relevant and meaningful to follow. He supposedly said: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (or the Prophets); I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." 

It appears (if this is valid) that Yeshua viewed the LAW as relevant for believers (this is contrary to the worldview of Paul as expressed in Galatians 1 - 6). Yeshua believed (so it seems) in the Hebrew/Aramaic Torah which were supposedly the writings of Moses (this prophet who heard words DIRECTLY from God, the Father). Yeshua desired to follow this Law and he attempted to 'fulfill' this Law (to the best of his ability). Did he fulfill it TOTALLY? My sense is NO. 

To fulfill the Law totally would mean that NO PHYSICAL DEATH would occur. Yeshua, however, did DIE (physically). This means that he did NOT fulfill the Law (totally/completely). He was a sinner (born under the Law). This seems to be the message which scripture reveals. Yeshua did choose to get baptised (suggesting that he must have viewed himself as less than PERFECT)! 

 The idea of choosing to get baptised means that Yeshua must have viewed his core SELF as flawed (to some degree). He could not have viewed himself as PERFECT (as many Christian theologians proclaim in their doctrines). Getting baptised means that a person sees himself as morally flawed (to some degree). God, the Father, can still declare a person 'righteous', however, as God did for Noah, Abraham, Moses, and many others. God, the Father, did 'glorify' his Messiah, Yeshua, so this must mean that following the example of Yeshua is wise (even if not totally valid for absolute righteousness)! 

None are absolutely righteous (Rev. 5: 1 - 4). That seems valid to me as I witness real-time experience! My Conclusion on the theology of Paul and Yeshua: The worldview of Yeshua was apparently DIFFERENT from the worldview of Paul. Paul did not know Yeshua in real-time (so it appears). He was some 7 - 10 years younger than Yeshua and he lived in Tarsus (some 700 miles from Nazareth). Paul did go to Jerusalem but there is no evidence that he knew this preacher from Nazareth, called Yeshua. 

The worldview of Paul was anti-Yeshua until he had this epiphany on the road to Damascus. Paul, then gradually developed his new theology which we find recorded in the New Testament. His theology is not totally consistent and many interpret his words differently. Today, we have many different interpretations of the words of Paul. Scholars attribute some 7 letters (of thirteen) to Paul. Some say Paul's letters (six) are lacking validity as being from the pen of Paul. 

Others say all the letters are valid accept maybe Hebrews. There is much disagreement (among biblical scholars) on issues of Paul (his theology). Yeshua (his theology), and even the writings of the Old Testament are interpreted differently (we have many Bible translations to read). Each of us must read and then INTERPRET these words subjectively (by one's self). We have no original MANUSCRIPTS of any writings from this book called The Bible. Even if we had 'original' writings (manuscripts) this would not produce ABSOLUTE interpretations (meanings). 

As human beings we all 'interpret' reality UNIQUELY and subjectively. The above is my unique interpretation from my prior reading, research, and study. You will need to do your own study and thinking to discern what you view as valid and meaningful. Scripture is meaningful (to me) even as I ponder its meaning in real-time. Words are subjective and interpretations vary from thinker to thinker. Enjoy the missive! Read some scripture to see if your interpretation differs from mine. I am: Donald B. Swenson (Svensson), http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.