Understanding Economics and Money

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Friday, September 30, 2022

Russia adds some 9 million new citizens via annexation within Ukraine! 40,000 square miles of land!

Russia is now growing in population as Putin just annexed some 40,000 sq. miles of territory with some 9 million citizens. Ukraine is now smaller in population and all this is leading to WW III. Ukraine wants to immediately join NATO for their security interests and Russia says they will defend these newly annexed territories to the death. Is any of this leading to Peace and Tranquility?

What is now happening in our world is total fragmentation and dis-unity over policy and political theory. The prior theory of a uni-polar world system is 'out the door'. The globalization theory of Biden and Obama is dead in the water (as of today). Russia is changing the global map and also the global world rules which the WEST has assumed were inviolable.

A NEW world is emerging and it is NOT creating UNITY or PEACE for the people on this planet. Fragmentation and division are the relevant words today. War will likely follow as all these events play out over time. Prophecy is happening and the END of man's rule is emerging. Who can govern this planet given this fragmentation, confusion, and division? Can Biden? Can Xi? Can Putin? Can the U.N.? WHO?

The United Nations can not govern this planet as the members are now at loggerheads over policy and goals. The Agenda 2030 plan of 2015-16 is now dead IMO. Who will follow this Uni-polar plan when Russia and China refuse to cooperate? It now appears that we live in a Bi-polar world of WEST vs. EAST. Neither can meet and/or agree on the issues of governing. World War III must be here!

The assumed Super Power on planet Earth has been America (since the breakup of the Soviet Empire in 1991). America has desired to impose their view of reality (called political Democracy) upon the entire planet. But the EAST (Russia/China/Iran and others) have discerned that America's political Democracy is really MOB RULE (in real-time). Look at America today. Who controls the decision making? Is polarization happening? Is any progress being made which benefit the PEOPLE?

America is now ruled by a fragmented MOB which calls themselves PROGRESSIVES. But do the American people support these political progressives and their policies? Is there unity of purpose and goals among the people? My sense is that American political Democracy has no real consensus from the American people. The election of Biden (in 2020) is not viewed as valid my some 40% of the electorate. So all the Biden policies are not supported by a majority of the people. Governing is thus dysfunctional and chaotic.

I witness similar dysfunction in many other Western nations. Britain is a dysfunctional State. Europe is mostly a dysfunctional collective. China and Russia are both dysfunctional nations. So who can get agreement on the BIG issues today? My sense is that NONE can get agreement and this means the entire world society is DYSFUNCTIONAL. Can this lead to Progress? Peace? Happiness? I don't think so!

The situation over in the Ukraine is creating dysfunction in all the political regimes on this planet. We all can sense that events are not progressing for the people. Select elites rule this planet and all the infrastructure seems to FAVOR these elites (who control our MONEY). Money and Power allow the elites to survive even as the SYSTEM as a whole collapses. The END GAME is here IMO.

Prepare for more dysfunction and polarization as our LEADERS are impotent and weak. Biden can not bring us progress. Trump can not bring us progress. Putin, Xi, Truss, or any of the others in political positions of power can not bring us progress. We need a strong NEW leader (maybe the Anti-Christ will emerge)? We need a LEADER who can promote a NEW MODEL for this planet. A model which is inclusive of everyone and exclusive of a Man Ruled core.

Will the Anti-Christ arrive on the SCENE to bring us this NEW MODEL? This is possible as prophecy does seem to reveal this outcome. You can read all about it in the book of Revelation! The Man on the White Horse is the Anti-Christ. He will overcome the Saints (for a season). So let's hope that prophecy is accurate. After the AC time-period we get Armageddon and then the Kingdom Age. That seems to be our situation!

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Is International Law valid in today's world? Who follows the set rules of the United Nations?

Biden's administration and the WEST (Europe, NATO, U.N., etc.) wants Putin's Russia to follow their set international rules and laws with respect to Ukraine. But Putin is now annexing four territories because he views the WEST'S rules as invalid for Russia's security needs. Do set international laws/rules work in today's Bi-polar World? Think on this!

We now have a Bi-polar world system emerging. The WEST has their rules and laws which everyone must accept (say they). The EAST is now breaking off from the WEST as China, Russia, India, Iran, North Korea, and a host of other nations do not view the current international system as valid for them. The ideas of the WEST (a uni-polar world system) is not what the EAST wants.

The WEST is now imposing sanctions on any nation who flaunts the international set system (as they envision it). Russia is being sanctioned heavily and China, North Korea, and Iran are also being sanctioned by the WEST to force conformity to the WEST'S international agenda (it's mostly a process which originates in the United States of America). Biden's America desires this Uni-polar world (called Agenda 2030).

Russia and those who think they should choose their own rules are flaunting all these rules of the WEST. The United Nations is also becoming impotent...as their legal structure can no longer force rules and laws upon the Big Boys (like China and Russia). America wants a Uni-polar world system with the WEST in control of the rules and laws. It is now obvious that Russia, China, Iran, and others (in the EAST) will not accept these ideas. The word from Putin is that he wants a Multi-polar world system!

Our world system is evolving into a Bi-polar world (WEST vs EAST) and a Multi-polar system of Nations. Personally, I witness a huge division taking place now over the actions of Russia in the Ukraine situation. Russia is now choosing to protect it's own security interests by annexing select territory within Ukraine and making this territory part of greater Russia. The U.N. and the WEST can not do much to force their policies upon Russia (or China) as the issues transcend the OLD paradigm which originated after WW II.

All this proves that our world can not function under the old rules of the United Nations and the WEST going forward. Russia wants its sovereignty and so does China. America and her control system does not work in this new world of multi-polar nations. The Agenda 2030 program which was generally agreed upon in 2015 and 2016 is now dead. A NEW Bi-polar world has emerged with the WAR situation in the Ukraine.

Joe Biden and his Deep State operators are now in confusion over these issues of global governance. The BIG TWO (Russia and China) have chosen to challenge the Uni-polar concepts of Biden's America. This is leading to a HUGE conflict and eventually we could have WORLD WAR III. War will eventually settle these issues of politics...as it did after the LAST great war, World War II.

Personally, I think that a nuclear war is in the cards (today) if these issues continue to fester. We are witnessing the beginning of this WAR now over in the Ukraine. The WEST is funding a proxy nation (Ukraine) so that Russia is challenged. This mindset (of the WEST) will eventually lead directly to World War III (now a nuclear war). Compromise and diplomacy has not emerged and is unlikely given the nature of these issues. Listen to Biden and Putin to witness the DIVISION.

It looks like we now live in a NEW world system which is totally dysfunctional for the people on this planet. Division has replaced unity. Fighting has replaced diplomacy. War has displaced peace. The entire global system is now collapsing and this NEW world system is attempting to replace the old. My sense is that nothing positive will happen (for the people) given these events. 

We are heading for division, collapse, destruction, and fragmentation. A NEW MODEL for the world is needed. Agenda 2030 is not a valid model and neither is this Bi-polar evolution. Our planet consists of some 8 billion people who all live in an interconnect world (given our current technologies). We need a NEW MODEL which unites ALL the people on this planet. What is this NEW MODEL?

The solution is called the KINGDOM of our CREATOR. It's also called the KINGDOM AGE. Kingdom governance is the solution. The invisible rule of our REAL KING must replace the old system of Man's Rule. Individual freedom must be offered to everyone and governance must be by our spiritual KING. We are all spiritual beings. One World Under GOD is the final solution (according to scripture).

Think on this as you watch Man's Rule become more fragmented and divisive. Man ruling over man is not a system which will work for this planet going forward. We need Kingdom governance, Kingdom economics, Kingdom social policy. People must come first and MONEY must be eliminated from this planet. That is my viewpoint. Think for yourself on all these issues. Have a great day!

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com and http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"Acts of God" happening everywhere! Let's Review!


A major hurricane is happening as I write in Florida. Destruction could be massive. Cuba is without power as I write (from this hurricane). Storms, earth-quakes, and floods are happening all around our planet. We call these "Acts of God". War can also be viewed as an "Act of God". Read scripture for evidence. What does this reveal about reality?

1. It reveals that MAN is not in control of reality. Man operates 'at effect'. Man responds 'after the fact'. Man discovers reality 'after the fact'. Man responds from acts of an 'invisible' God who rules this planet! Wisdom and learning derive from all these ACTS!

2. Man can not change that which God has ordained. That which is ordained will happen and all I (we) can do is accept the consequences and learn from these events. It seems axiomatic, to me, that MAN operates 'at effect'. The history of MAN reveals that we discover reality as we live our lives. We do NOT create reality.

3. As I write a major WAR is happening over in Europe/Ukraine. This war will grow and become WW III as the USA is funding Ukraine's military and Ukraine's government with unlimited funds so they can act as a PROXY for the WEST's desire to create a Uni-polar world system. This war is totally POLITICAL!

4. So far the USA has contributed some $65 billion in U.S. funds for Ukraine's survival. Europe has provided some $30 billion. This amount of money allows Ukraine's government to built up a military with hardware from the WEST and continue the fight with Russia indefinitely. The real WAR is now between the WEST (USA, NATO, and EUROPE) vs. Russia. It's a war to the END IMO as Biden has chosen his offensive goal and Putin has chosen his defensive response.

5. It is obvious, to me, that Putin (if he stays in power) will use TACTICAL nukes to counter the military might of this Proxy military (called the Ukraine military). The USA has chosen to confront Russia so the real WAR is now between Biden and Putin. War leads to destruction and in today's world NUKES are the end game. Russia is now committed to its goal of occupying territory along the Ukraine border to protect its territorial integrity. The USA (Biden, et al) will counter this with $$$$$$ and hardware. The END is obvious as this leads to NUKES falling (eventually) to protect Russia's credibility/integrity. It must happen IMO. I do not support this event but I sense that it is built into the reality of the SITUATION. 

6. As a prior military veteran, I sense that a major WAR is in progress over in the Ukraine. Two major nuclear powers are at loggerheads (Russia and the USA). Biden has chosen to back Ukraine to the END (he is currently representing the WEST). Putin has chosen to defend his territory to the END (Putin represents the EAST). This situation means more conflict and eventually this will lead to NUKES falling over Ukraine. My sense is that Kiev will experience the first tactical NUKE. Putin will take out this DECISION CENTER so as to protect his military ego. Biden may not respond (initially with counter nukes)...as this would be the FIRST event using NUKES for this WAR. But more NUKES must follow once the FIRST bombs fall. Prophecy says this will happen and it is my PREMISE that God rules this planet! We are on the course to killing millions of innocent human beings! What a SHAME!

7. War is hell and the end game today includes NUKES. Tactical nukes do not create a serious radiation problem as radiation can be contained/limited. The range is more like 5 to 10 miles. So tactical nukes will be used IMO as events get MORE DIRE over in the Ukraine venue. Also, God's prophetic scripture supports this end game for our man driven political system. God has ordained this end game according to my reading of scripture. Read Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation. The SEALS of Revelation are now OPEN. All this means that the END is near! Think for yourself on all these issues!

I write this missive with much concern for my NATION of America. America was founded upon bringing our world FREEDOM, PEACE, and JUSTICE. But under our current administrations (both Democratic and Republican) this goal is now being abandoned. America is now promoting DESTRUCTION and WAR under the philosophy of MIGHT makes RIGHT. This mindset can not bring the world PEACE, PROSPERITY, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE. Our problem today is our LEADERS and their THINKING. Who is the SOURCE behind these leaders? Think on this as it could be an 'invisible' SOURCE. That is my PREMISE! 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

ATTN: Pipeline Sabotage, Ukraine War, Escalation, Nukes Coming! Prepare!


The WEST is now pushing Russia to the brink (breaking point). Putin will likely initiate some type of tactical nuclear strike on a KEY decision center within Ukraine soon . What else is happening:

1. Two pipelines called Nord Sream 1 and 2 were blown up in the Baltic Sea today. This event was likely done by the WEST (although the Swedish report I listen to does not know the cause). This event will create energy problems for all of Europe this winter. It will also lead to counter sabotage of some type!

2. Simultaneous to this event in the Baltic Sea was a NEW pipeline from Norway to Poland which was completed today. Will this pipeline experience a sabotage situation in the coming days? This is possible. All this will increase gas and oil prices for everyone in the EAST and the WEST. War is here!

3. Russia's Medvedev asserts today that Russia has a right to use nuclear weapons to defend its territory. This warning is not a bluff (he says) and we could witness Kiev being destroyed (via a tactical strike) if the Ukraine military (pushed by the WEST) continues to challenge Russia's security interests.

4. The annexation of territory in the Donbass will likely happen later this week or early next. This event will produce more military action by Ukraine's military (supported by Biden and the WEST). Russia will then (most likely) respond with conventional weapons and if necessary with a tactical nuke on Kiev.

5. Biden's uni-polar world (the elites in control want this) reports that the Russian actions over in the Ukraine will not be tolerated or accepted. This means WORLD WAR III is here. I see no hope for compromise as of today! Russia is being pushed to the breaking point IMO.

6. It appears that our world is coming to a culmination as our financial system collapses simultaneously with the other war issues. Man's rule is coming to an END (suddenly) and the KINGDOM is emerging.

7. Prepare for serious complications on issues of finance, war, and social cohesion. Our world system needs a NEW MODEL and this can not happen until all these events under man's rule ENDS. The start appears to be here now as our world system is obviously collapsing!

What we all need is to understand the criminal behavior which is happening within our man ruled political systems. As I have reported for years, the real problem is our man ruled SYSTEM. Playing God is not a viable option for solving our societal problems. We need a NEW MODEL for this planet. Changing political faces can not bring us real solutions. We need a NEW SYSTEM for the planet! Think on this!

It now appears that all the prophetic events of Revelation are happening on this planet. Are we heading for Armageddon? It appears so! Our leaders must repent and step down if real change is to occur. That is my wisdom. Think for yourself as you follow the behavior of our political leaders. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

WHY is it IMPOSSIBLE to predict the future PRECISELY? Let's Think!


The above video is typical of man's thinking on human events. This great thinker rules out a Higher Authority and assumes that man's imaginations will determine world events going forward. I tend to AGREE with 50% of this person's thinking. He is absolutely right on issues of MONEY. Also, on issues of man's INVENTIONS. He could be a GREAT Anti-Christ person as most secular thinkers will AGREE with his thinking.  To me, this guy thinks he operates AT CAUSE. I say he operates AT EFFECT (unknowingly)! Who knows? Watch and think for yourself!

As I listen to pundits on my TV and Laptop I notice that they all desire to predict what will happen (say economically and socially) in the near future. Most predict no economic recession and a soft landing on issues of our business cycle. The stock prices will drop and then go up after a short decline. This is a mindset which I totally disagree with even as I also can not predict the future precisely? Why?

The Ukraine situation continues and the WEST thinks there will be a WIN for the Ukraine military (backed with USA and Europe money and hardware). Others say this is impossible as Russia has the military might to escalate the conflict to levels which will result in a WIN for the Russian Federation (and Putin). Biden says he will back Zelinskyy to the end with money and more military might. What gives?

What gives is that all these pundits are UNAWARE of reality IMO. In reality, non of us (including all our leaders) are in CONTROL of future events. As citizens of this planet we ALL operate 'AT EFFECT' (unknowingly). What does this mean? It means that we do not call the shots on issues of reality. A Higher Authority rules this planet and calls the shots. This Authority operates INVISIBLY and no-one knows precisely what this Authority is saying and doing. Think on this idea!

Many spiritual prophets are now saying that the financial markets will CRASH today and in days to come. The Jewish New Year started today and this means that a NEW ERA is here (say many of these prophets). Lois Vogel-Sharp is one of these prophets who claims that God (her God) has spoken. She predicts a Market Crash this month. Did she hear directly from our CREATOR? This is another example of a person who recognizes that she does not CONTROL events even as she claims direct communication with our Creator.

My sense is that Lois has some direct WORDS from our Higher Authority (she is sincere) but she also has no FINAL word on when this HUGE market crash will occur (precisely). Her Authority is her God (the Trinity God of Christianity). The real God (Yahweh/Father) may or may not fully agree with her predictions. But this situation reveals that man is technically NOT in control of future events and all events are beyond man's PRECISE knowledge. I find all this interesting and helpful in discerning spiritual reality.

My personal sense (not knowing anything precisely) is that a HUGE market crash is on the horizon (soon). I have sensed this reality for months (actually years). With the higher interest rates and less affordability (today) for consumers, this situation will cause a huge DECLINE in demand and huge losses for those with heavy DEBT. Debt will be the problem in 2023 after our markets slow to a crawl. As I write, investors are starting to SHIFT their cash into government securities. This will further the DECLINE in our stock markets. Watch! All is instructive as reality is determined by events!

Yes, it is impossible to PREDICT future events precisely. But knowing that man is NOT in control of events helps with discernment IMO. God is bringing this current SYSTEM to a close (gradually). It will be YEARS in the making. Nothing will happen suddenly. But every event will lead to that which is prophesied to happen. The Big Picture is that the Kingdom Age is coming (great news). It the meantime, dire events MUST happen to cause a CHANGE in our thinking. Man's thinking is KEY to real change IMO. 

Man's THINKING is also key to decision-making. Right now our leaders THINK they control future events. They (the WEST) think they can change our economy and win the war over in the Ukraine with a military solution. All this, to me, is FUTILE thinking. The economy will eventually crash because it is SUPPOSED to crash. The war situation (over in the Ukraine) will continue until our Higher Authority INTERVENES. It's all happening according to PLAN IMO. Why? We operate AT EFFECT!

Man operates AT EFFECT even as man thinks they control all events on this planet. The deceptions continue because man does not WANT to live AT EFFECT (mentally). Who wants to give up their control to a Higher Authority? Who wants to recognize that an INVISIBLE Source rules this planet? Who wants an invisible God to RULE over them? Most want to PLAY GOD and think that they can change events on there own effort. This has been the history of man's situation. It's all FUTILE thinking IMO.

In reality, man is NOT in control of events and the sooner this is recognized the better it is for ones MENTAL health. Mental health is key to understanding events IMO. What I witness today is INSANE thinking by those who THINK they can create their own reality (independent of our invisible SOURCE). All this will prove FUTILE IMO and it will cause a decline in one's MENTAL health. That is my viewpoint! Think for yourself. My viewpoint says God RULES and man operates AT EFFECT!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

JACOBS TROUBLE - who is this meant for? Let's Review!


This teaching on prophecy is comprehensive and mostly valid IMO. But think for yourself on all these spiritual issues as ONLY God really knows what will happen and to whom! God will determine who must experience JACOBS TROUBLE!

A big event yet to happen is called Jacobs Trouble. Jacob was a son of Issac and Issac was a son of Abraham. The God of Abraham has a family of believers (descendants) who will experience Jacobs Trouble during the end days (soon to come). Jacobs Trouble is meant for believers in the God of Israel (mostly) although everyone living will experience some (most) of this TROUBLE. Who is this God of Israel?

History shows that the God of Israel is Yahweh/Elohim/Father. This is the God whom Abraham followed after his calling (also, Moses and Yeshua, followed this God). This God produced a family of people who today we call the Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Anyone who believes in the God of Israel as our Creator God could and likely will experience Jacobs Trouble. This event is meant to turn thinkers BACK to the God of Israel!

The End Days (which are now here) produce various events which happen PRIOR to Armageddon (the LAST historical battle). Jacobs Trouble is one of these events. Since few today believe in the God of Israel (Yahweh/Father) this puts most God believers in this group which will experience Jacobs Trouble. What has happened since the Days of Yeshua is Apostasy, Escape, and IDOL worship for most of mankind.

Jews (today) are mostly non-believers in their own God (yes there are some exceptions). Muslims are believers but most do not recognize Yahweh as God (although many assume Allah is also Yahweh). Christians (mostly) think they are Gentiles and outside the clan of Israel (those who descended from Abraham). In reality, most Christians are Israelites (descendants of Abraham) unknowingly. They just do not discern their deep historical roots!

So most God believers (living during these End Times) will experience this event called Jacobs Trouble. The purpose of this event is to bring all believers BACK to the God of Israel (Yahweh/Father). What I witness today is IDOLATRY within all religions (to some degree). The God of Israel is not recognized as our Creator God and the one who RULES this universe. Jacobs Trouble will bring all these God believers back to the God of Israel. Monotheism will then prevail as everyone will recognize Father God as our KING!

The big event which will precede Jacobs Trouble IMO could be the evangelization of our planet by the 144,000 Israelites (Jews and others from the tribe of Jacob) who recognize that it is the God of Israel who RULES over planet Earth (all people). These evangelists will promote the God of Israel (whom many call Father God) as KING over our planet. The coming Messiah will head this group of evangelists so that the Kingdom of God emerges for our planet. It's all part of the prophetic calendar.

Yes, BIG events are on the horizon for this planet we all call EARTH. The rule of man is ending with a BANG and then the RULE of the real KING will emerge. Man (everyone) will become servant/agents of this KING. All of this is part of end-time prophecy which you can discern if you desire to discern. Today, few desire to discern spiritual reality. All of this will CHANGE as events play out these next few years.

Take the time to read some prophecy (at your leisure) if you desire to DISCERN. Jacobs Trouble is an event which happens during this time period called the Great Tribulation. As man's rule winds down, the KINGDOM AGE winds UP. Those with WISDOM can discern all this...but it takes the SPIRIT of our KING to open one's MIND. So far, FEW are called and many are blinded.

All will CHANGE, however, as these end-time events evolve and grow. The Big Event that I am now watching is the market crash event. This must happen PRIOR to all these other events. We could witness the market crash event by the end of 2022 (any day now) or early 2023 (at the latest). Only God the FATHER knows precisely WHEN events happen. I merely discern the SEASON!

Have a GREAT DAY and keep watching and learning. I must do the same. I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

TRUMPS fraudulent Property Valuations being Discovered by New York AG! Why?


As a valuation expert (I hold the MAI designation) I can agree with the Attorney General of New York who claims that Mr. Trump has over-valued his hotel properties by multi-millions (probably much more) so he could get equity funds for his own account. I noticed the wiggle room (it's mostly fraud within our appraisal education) in property valuations. I noticed this way back in the 1970's when I valued properties for my RICH real estate clients. The game of property valuation is a BIG Ponzi Scheme for those who have economic understanding. Few seem to comprehend, however!

The Wall Street Journal today reveals that Mr. Trump has over-valued his Scotland Hotel, his Wall Street property, and his Mar-a-Lago property (plus many more) so that he could obtain bank loans (in the multi-millions) for his own equity account. This game of getting HIGH valuations (much more than logic can support) to obtain favorable loans from banksters is typical of what our economy allows for the RICH and powerful. I played this game for years back in the 1970's. 

I wrote articles on this fraud within our valuation markets back in the 1970's and many media entities published by articles. But nothing changed as the authorities at the TOP (like the Appraisal Institute) supported all this fraud in property valuations. It's all about getting MONEY for select individuals who can grow their property empire via these bank loans and fraudulent valuations. It's a BIG Ponzi scheme when understood. Few have wanted to understand!

Yes, Mr. Trump's billions have been earned via property valuation fraud. This is typical of all the other real estate tycoons as well. Favorable valuations allow these promoters to gain personal wealth in the billions. It's all a GAME of creating valuations which a BANK (lender) will accept for their FILE. I played this game and know all the inside details. It's a game for creating wealth out-of-nothing.  It's all pure fraud and illusionary logic...to grow personal WEALTH for the select few.

What else is happening in our world economy that is now being REVEALED:

1. Liz Truss, the new British Prime Minister, is promoting more spending for her country. Interest rates are going up in Britain and inflation is 10% (as of now). Soon this situation will get MUCH worse under the leadership of this lady who seems UNAWARE of financial reality. Her new policies will lead Britain in the dumps during 2023. Watch and observe her policies. See today's Wall Street Journal for details.

2. As I write the American financial indices are heading for the dump. My sense is that this trend will continue next week as investors and traders dump stocks and head for cash and bonds. At some point investors will wake-up to the fraudulent financial markets which our Central Banks have created. Does Powell understand what he is doing? My sense is NO. He will bring us the coming DEPRESSION in 2023 and 2024. God is behind all of this change!

3. Putin is now convinced that his WAR is mostly with the WEST and their ideas (promoting a uni-polar world) to force Russia to capitulate politically. Putin says he will protect the security interests of his Motherland even if he must use Nuclear Bombs to maintain this SECURITY. Putin and the EAST do not want America's uni-polar world system. They want a multi-polar world system. Think on this!

4. The election in America called the mid-terms is coming in 45 days. Biden has lowered gas prices (recently) so that his supporters will be favored at election time. America's strategic oil reserve has been depleted (some 250 million gallons) so that gas prices can be lowered. But all this manipulation will come to an END this fall. After the mid-term elections we could witness MUCH higher gas prices (again)! Will Biden's democrats benefit from all this manipulation this November? I will watch and observe as election day arrives.

5. My sense is that America and the world economic system is coming to a HUGE ending this year. The cycle is revealing that the status quo can not continue. We will soon be experiencing the biggest economic depression in all of history. God is bringing this about! The end of Capitalism is here and those with some wisdom can discern this reality. We are now living on borrowed time (until the final end arrives)!

6. What is needed now is for people to wake-up to the realities which are emerging. A HUGE economic depression is emerging for America and the World. The markets will start to TANK globally this month and later into 2023. Nothing can change reality as God is intervening to bring this man ruled system to an END. The wise will seek to understand what is happening and then apply common sense to their decision making.

7. America will lead the world into this coming economic depression. When people wake-up to this reality CHANGE will start to happen. We need a NEW MODEL for this planet. The old model is DEAD. My sense is that our financial situation will help us to gain understanding and wisdom on all these issues. Money has ruled this planet since its DAWN. The end of this ILLUSION is the key concept to discern! Read my prior missive for some understanding on this idea called the DIGITAL dollar!

8. Digital money reveals that the entire financial system is a BIG illusion (within our MIND). Where does a 'digital' currency COME FROM? Think on this! Who has the authority to create these 'digital' currencies from their MIND? Can this illusion of MONEY continue? My sense is that it all ENDS in 2022 and 2023. Money is the biggest problem which is preventing progress for our planet! Get yourself educated on the history and nature of MONEY! Have a great day! 

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Wisdom: Where does a Digital Dollar come from? What is a Digital money unit?


I asked my 70 - 80 year old friends at the Club House the following questions:

1. Where does a 'digital' dollar come from?

2. What (in reality) is a 'digital' dollar?

The answers are usually, I don't know or it is a thing that exists and is similar to our paper dollar. Few seem to THINK deeply on the questions I ask. Reality will eventually prevail and my sense is that when reality does prevail, my elderly friends will discover the following:

1. A digital dollar (pound, euro, krona, etc.) comes from the MIND of a banker. The reality is that this unit is an 'inner' unit of my/your MIND (we could also say our 'consciousness'). The unit is technically a 'name' and a 'number'. Think of a 'number' as a unit of my/your imagination. Does a 'number' exist in outer space? Does a 'number' (say 1, 2, 3, etc.) have some outer existence. I don't think so! A 'number' is a unit of my MIND, my imagination, and/or my consciousness. The digital dollar is similar!

2. Look all around your venue (at this moment). Can you find a 'number'? Can you pick up a 'number' and display its substance? I don't think so! A 'digital' dollar is basically a 'number' in my/your MIND. I can type a 'number' into the computer screen (like 1, 2, 3, etc.). But where did I get this 'number' from? A digital dollar COMES FROM the same source as a 'number' within my MIND. It's nowhere within space/time. It lives in my virtual consciousness.

3. So how does this 'number' (called the digital dollar) get into our/my banking account? Can I transfer a 'number' from my MIND directly to your MIND? I don't think so! As a banker I must first TYPE a 'number' into my computer account and then transfer this 'number' to your computer account (electronically). This is done with the click of a computer key and then a signal is sent from my computer account to your computer account. Amazing! Our money today is 95% digital and we transfer 'numbers' from computer account to computer account via signals (after the money enters cyberspace/our computer screen).

4. So what (in reality) is a 'digital' dollar (in today's economy)? I would say that it is a 'number' within a computer account. This 'number' or 'numbers' can grow to infinity if I can get these 'numbers' into a official computer account via typing. These 'numbers' can also vanish and disappear with the click of a DELETE KEY on my official computer. Our money today is essentially made up of 'numbers' in a computer account.

5. The 'numbers' derive (come from) a bankers computer who has the authority to TYPE new 'numbers' into a computer account. We call this a LOAN. As a banker I can loan you 'numbers' (called digital dollars) which you can then spend (transfer) to other venues for your goods and services. But is this type of 'numbers' system (called the financial markets) SOUND and STABLE (over time)?

6. I would say absolutely NO! Bankers can create, manipulate, delete, and inflate these 'numbers' (to infinity) to give us the ILLUSION of soundness and stability. In reality, however, this type of MONEY system is a PONZI scheme which can CRASH to nothingness in the matter of minutes and/or hours). Within a given DAY of trading these 'numbers' all could go to ZERO if traders dumped all there stocks within this DAY. Yes, in a 24 hour period our markets (now digital and inner) could go to nothingness (or near nothingness).

7. We live with VIRTUAL money units for our investing, saving, buying, selling, and trading. Virtual means 'inner'. Virtual means that these 'numbers' do not EXIST in space and time. Our financial markets are really an ILLUSION which work until confidence disappears within these markets. The entire SYSTEM is a 'confidence' game built upon 'nothingness'. All our digital money lives within us (we call this cyberspace) after the numbers enter a computer system. Prior to entering cyberspace the 'numbers' are units of imagination.

8. Prior to entering cyberspace (our computer screen, these 'numbers' are located within the HUMAN mind (mostly the MIND of bankers and government entities). The 'numbers' get traded in a marketplace and this produces STOCK prices. But all is technically ephemeral and imaginary. Our financial system could CRASH to nothingness if our authorities desired this outcome. Is a BIG Crash of our markets coming?

9. Yes, I would suggest that a BIG Crash is on the horizon for this month or next (September or October of 2022). Numbers can not serve as a STABLE financial system when separated from MATTER (a thing). Our money system evolved from MATTER (gold, silver, paper) to mere NUMBERS (with a 'name'). Today, we live with mere NUMBERS. Computers transfer these NUMBERS from computer account to computer account. This is an UNSOUND financial system for international trade. It's essentially a BIG illusion!

Conclusion: A BIG market CRASH of these 'numbers' is on the horizon. It's starting NOW. By the end of 2022 most thinkers will discover the NATURE of this illusionary money system. We are all living an ILLUSION (within our MIND) and not knowing what is REAL and what is ILLUSION. Amazing! The history of money (when understood) will reveal all this illusion! Do some research on your own. Have a great day!

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

WARNING: Market Crash Ahead then Putin's Revenge in October/November!


Big events are on the horizon for our planet. My sense is that the Dow Index (a measure of economic reality for America) will crash this week or early next week. The continuing increase in 'interest rates' has reached the crunch level for our economy. Real Estate is now in a recession, heading for a depression. It's all the result of policies of our Central Bank. Today, Mr. Powell and his proxies increased the Fed Funds Rate by another 0.75%. The 2 year treasury is now over 4%.

Mortgage interest rates are now 6.5% and prices of homes must decline as affordability is now the problem. Soon the spending on home furnishings and durable goods will decline. All this is very negative for our stock markets and our economy. My sense is that the Dow Index will decline by 10% next week...setting the trend for the remainder of 2022. Prepare for a BIG decline!

Yes, the predictions of Lois Vogel-Sharp and Bo Polny could come true (see above video). These prophecy pundits have been claiming that God has given them a signal that the markets are about to Crash. I do not view these prophets as totally absolute, but I do view them as mostly in tune with our times. A market crash is due and I have been proclaiming this reality for many months. Is the END here?

Yes, the end of a major cycle is here. Asset prices have been in a BUBBLE for years. The day of reckoning has finally arrived. Be prepared for big declines in the next few days and weeks. We live with digital markets which can TANK in the matter of minutes. Today, I watched the Dow go up and down with a total change of 1,000 points. This is typical given today digital markets. A drop of multi thousands is likely soon!

The next BIG event is the war over in the Ukraine. Putin is being provoked by the WEST to act or die. His decision is to ACT by mobilizing more troops (300,000) and also allowing a referendum for the people of the Donbass areas. All this will provoke the WEST (to counter) and cause more killing and destruction. Ukraine's military is a PROXY for the Western leaders and their desire to eliminate Putin as a viable leader on international issues.

The BIG problem is that the WEST wants a uni-polar world. They desire to rule over all major events on this planet. Putin and others in the EAST desire a multi-polar world system. There is no compromise on these issues as the issue of ruler-ship is KEY to governing the planet. Who will make the KEY decisions for our planet is the issue on the table. The WEST wants to rule and the EAST wants to rule. 

The result of this polarization on issues of international policy has led to this Ukraine War. We now must live with TWO polar blocks (globally) on issues of international governance. The WEST will try to govern via their ideas (this Agenda 2030 idea) and the EAST will reject all this control and act to recreate their own governance situation. Our world system is now becoming a DUAL polar world system. 

Soon we will witness a major WORLD WAR to settle all these intractable issues of governance. The Ukraine War will grow into this global war for the entire planet. Nuclear bombs will eventually be dropped. Destruction will grow and millions of innocent people will die. All this will result in a FIGHT over issues of WHO will govern this planet (and with what policies)! It's all about controlling the decision making for our planet. Listen to this leader from Britain, Liz Truss (now the Prime Minister), who seems to desire a Nuclear War!

Our world is being led by INSANE politicians who will do nearly anything to retain their POWER and CONTROL. Biden, Putin, Xi, and Trump are additional ego's on this issue. I view all this as insanity 101. It can not lead to progress, peace, and justice for our planet. It all leads to destruction for our world system. Think for yourself on all these issues. Prepare for the END DAYS as God will bring us this END! That is my viewpoint! Have a great day!

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Paul's Mystery Religion Emerged Three Years After Death of Prophet Yeshua/Jesus! Why?

Our best evidence from our biblical scholars reveals that the REAL Gospel (message) of this Jew from Nazareth (Yeshua) was to promote his Father's Kingdom (the Kingdom of Yahweh God). You can read this reality in the writing of Mark's Gospel (our best evidence of who this Jew from Nazareth was during his lifetime). After Mark's Gospel both Matthew and Luke embellished this writing with questionable ideas.

After Yeshua became an adult person he chose to get baptised by his cousin John in the Jordan River. This occurred some time around 29 A.D. Yeshua was probably around 33 years of age at this point and his mindset was that of a dedicated Jew who desired his God (Yahweh) to rule over his people (the Israelites). He must have desired to grow spiritually and his baptism experience started this growth.

After his baptism in the Jordan River, Yeshua/Jesus had an Epiphany as his God (Yahweh/Father) revealed to him his role going forward. He was to be a messenger/servant of God (the God of Israel). Immediately after this baptism experience Yeshua went out into the desert to develop his spirituality and to experience his tempting by the God of this planet, Satan. Yes, Satan, was/is the God of this planet and his rule continues until it is removed by Yahweh God. Yeshua recognized this reality during this time of temptation.

Yeshua thought that his God (YHWH) would bring him his goal of making Yahweh the recognized God for all of Israel. Yeshua recognized that the Roman government (currently in power) was anathema to the real government which comes from the God of Israel. Unfortunately (his Gospel message), was not meant to be as Yeshua's God (Yahweh) had other plans for the world society and for his people the Jews and Israelites.

In a matter of months (maybe as long as three years) Yeshua preached his message of the Kingdom of God to his followers (and those who would listen). He chose some 72 disciples to bring this message to the people. All was working to some degree when (suddenly) it all ENDED in Jerusalem...as the hierarchy within the Sanhedrin and the leaders of Rome decided that his message was a form of sedition against the ruling authorities and their secular control system.

The Sanhedrin and the Temple worship was anathema to the real Gospel of Yeshua who desired that Yahweh God rule the system (not the apostate religious system of the Sanhedrin and those within the Temple of Yahweh who desired absolute control over the people via rules, doctrines, religious polices ). Yeshua's message (of religious freedom) did not resonate with the authorities and this led to his arrest and eventually death at Golgotha.

After this death of Yeshua (around 33 A.D.), amazing events started to happen. This Jew from Tarsus (Saul) started to conspire with his Sanhedrin authorities to arrest and persecute those who desired to follow the prior message of Yeshua. These authorities viewed Yeshua's message as a form of blasphemy as they thought that Yeshua and his followers wanted the man Yeshua to be King and God of the Israelites (all Jews). 

The idea that Yeshua was God in the flesh (equal with the Father) was viewed as blasphemy and also a form of idolatry. The ONLY God for the Jews and Israelites was the God of Moses (Yahweh Father)...not a man from Nazareth who desired his beliefs to replace the historical beliefs of Judaism. The Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem was evidence that the God of Israel was Yahweh and not any flesh/blood descendant (a man).

But after a few years of amazing events among the followers of Yeshua (after his death) all changed (gradually). Followers (strong believers) had experienced (in their consciousness) the images of Yeshua being glorified and ascending to his God (the Father). What did this MEAN? Did the historical Yeshua become a god/God who was now worthy of worship? Everything changed (gradually) with the emergence of Paul (the prior Saul of Tarsus) and his vision experience (which happen some three/four years after Yeshua's death).

Saul the persecutor became Paul the Evangelist who now had a VISION (dream) of what all this meant. Paul's vision experience was meant to CHANGE Yeshua's Gospel message into a religion which could SAVE the world. The religion emerged (gradually) as the orthodox Christian religion. The ministry of the historical Yeshua (who desired the Kingdom of his God) for all Israel was changed into a NEW belief system...Salvation from sin via the death of Yeshua on the tree!

 Yeshua was actually meant to die (was Paul's belief) so that his death could serve as REDEMPTION for believers (sin was the issue). Yes, Yeshua was now the Lamb of God and also the High Priest (next to the Father...Yahweh) in heaven who could act as a type of Deity for his believers so that Salvation from SIN could happen. It all emerged (gradually) from the ministry of this NEW messiah person (Paul of Tarsus). His writings became Gospel for this New Religion called Roman Christianity!

The MYSTERY religion of Christianity emerged (gradually) over the years and the letters and writings of Paul of Tarsus were core (key) to this New Religion of Christianity. Gradually, four additional Gospels were written by Greek thinkers (theologians) who wrote their theology in the 'name' of persons who were viewed as Eye Witnesses of Yeshua (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John). 

Yes, the four Gospels were not actually written by Eye Witnesses of Yeshua (as promoted by the Catholic church) but were actually written by Greek speaking thinkers (many years AFTER Yeshua's death) who desired to promote a New Religion for the New Believers in the historical Yeshua/Jesus. Gradually, a New Religion emerged (under Constantine's rule) and then this Catholic hierarchy (with their Popes) emerged thereafter. All happened gradually and with conviction of this hierarchy called Roman Christianity.

Yes, the Mystery Religion of Christianity (which none can discern completely) emerged over the years to rule over mankind's thinking (mind). The New Israel was promoted (as the destruction of Yahweh's Temple) in Jerusalem was viewed as the END of historical Judaism. The year of 70 A.D. was the supposed END of traditional Judaism and the emergence of a NEW belief system centered on this Jew from Nazareth who emerged after the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. as Deity and God!

The DEAD Yeshua/Jesus was now EXALTED into a God and Deity. He was made EQUAL with the historical God of Judaism (Yahweh/Father). He was called God the Son and his spirit was viewed as eternal from the beginning of time. He was God...the 2nd person of a Trinity. All this emerged after the Council of Nicaea which then promoted Yeshua to the status of Deity for everyone to worship. Gradually, a Catholic hierarchy emerged to bring these ideas to the people (via written scripture).

Amazing events happened AFTER the death of this historical Jew from Nazareth...who FEW knew and understood. Over time written Gospels emerged. Epistles of Paul emerged. And the religion called Christianity emerged for everyone to accept and view as a form of Salvation from human SIN. The Kingdom of religion (Christianity) had emerged as the final theology for mankind and for planet Earth. Amazing!

Today, we live some 2,000 years AFTER all these events of history. Scholars are now recognizing that MUCH of what has emerged is bogus theology (built on spiritual deceptions). Paul of Tarsus is viewed (by many scholars) as a false evangelist. His ideas are viewed as unrepresentative of the ideas of the historical Yeshua (who desired the Kingdom of his Father). Yeshua never viewed himself as God (Deity) but he desired his followers to view the Father as GREATER than he and GREATER than everyone.

The real message of the historical Yeshua was a message of servant-hood (to mankind) under the God of Israel as the ultimate AUTHORITY (who was also the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob) as well as the God of Moses and Jesus/Yeshua. The 2,000 years of historical Christianity is now coming to a sudden END. The Church Age is ending. The End-times have emerged with the book of Revelation as core scripture. A New Messiah is being promoted by apostate Christianity (it's called the 2nd Coming).

What is now envisioned by preachers of historical Christianity is an End-time tribulation with salvation of select believers via a Rapture. Yes, all the harden believers of Christianity will ESCAPE the coming wrath of the REAL GOD (Yahweh/Father) via a Rapture into the clouds above. After this sudden Rapture (escape) into the heavens above, these select believers will live for seven years (in heaven) while unsaved mankind will suffer and die via a horrible TRIBULATION period.

Amazing theology of this Mystery Religion called Evangelical Christianity. Paul of Tarsus is quoted as the authority for this Rapture experience (soon to occur). Turn on your Google TV to listen to all the guru's preaching this end-time message for the SELECT believers of Christianity. It's all Amazing and totally based on illusion and a mystery of imaginary doctrines and scriptural text. That is my view of all this Mystery. I was once a select believer in this Mystery religion. Thank God, I am now OUT!

Have a good day and think on these ideas as you do your own research. I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

What is the REAL Messiah Supposed to Do/Say?

The above video reveals some core ideas that debunk the dogma's of our Catholic/Protestant elites (preachers of religion) who do not think deeply on the issues of spiritual reality! Why will the religion of Christianity (this Roman belief system which emerged after Yeshua's death) fail completely during these END TIMES (as people start to think for themselves)? Yes, Spiritual Tribulation is here (now) for planet Earth! The SEALS (of Revelation) are being OPENED! Wake Up!

Christianity has promoted a Messiah who did not accomplish his mission for the people on this planet. After the death of Yeshua/Jesus in 33 A.D. +- (this Jew from Nazareth), a new religion emerged (gradually) which later became orthodox Christianity (Rome was the headquarters). This religion was promoted as the NEW Israel for the planet with Yeshua/Jesus being exalted to Godhood (and also part of a Trinity). All seemed logical to the elites in Rome...who chose a Bible (text) to bring unity to the world system (via man's ideas).

A NEW Gospel emerged (over the years) which the Catholic Church promoted (mostly) as they held their various Councils to establish their scripture and dogmas (sacred text for the gullible people). A Canon of text was adopted, written down, and changed (via various manuscripts) so that this religion could claim that it was FROM God and also that this religion was TRUTH for the people. The GOAL was salvation of mankind from their sins. The New Israel was this Church in Rome and her harlot followers.

The DOGMAS promoted (via this hierarchical body of elites) was that Jesus (the historical man) was God in the flesh (while on this Earth) and that his mission was to SAVE the people from their sins. God would DIE! How could a Jew from Nazareth SAVE believers from their sins? It all was possible (if the church could get agreement on their gospel truth and the so-called sacred text). Written text (called the Bible) would replace any need to seek TRUTH independently as the ELITES in Rome would determine ALL TRUTH!

A Bible was created (over time) and text was written to give people the logic/dogma (mostly a New Testament book) so that people could buy into the Gospel of the Church (this Roman Catholic Church (and their various theologians). All this was supposed to be valid for everyone as final TRUTH for living one's life! The Church was TRUTH and people must believe this TRUTH to be SAVED from their imperfections (sins). The leader of this Catholic hierarchy was given the 'name' Vicar of Christ (Holy Father) and one who was infallible (morally). Christ, on this Earth, was a pious human being who talked DIRECTLY with God!

The UNIVERSAL church for the planet was this hierarchy in Rome, Italy, which today is headed by a POPE called Pope Francis (the 112th Pope of this body which claims TRUTH for the planet). Rulership over planet Earth was to accrue to those who bought into the TRUTH claims of this Church and their spiritual elites. Get yourself SAVED and join this Church so that your LIFE will be eternal and you will LIVE forever (within the realm of these SAVED). Believe! Believe! Believe!

Is any of this valid for today (2022)? Is this body of spiritual guru's bringing our world SALVATION? I would suggest that all this religion and dogma (proclaimed as TRUTH) is mostly invalid and without any redeeming logic for me/you/anyone. We live today at the END of history and all the claims of prior theologians and churches are mostly deceptions and lies of prior history. In reality, what was the REAL Messiah supposed to do and accomplish at his coming?

1. The main goal of God's Messiah is to bring an END to man's rulership and establish the KINGDOM of GOD.

2. Another goal is to bring an END to War (fighting among the nations). Example: the Ukraine War!

3. Another goal is the create an environment where Swords would be beaten into ploughshares and Spears into pruning hooks. Did the Catholic Church or their proxies bring any of this to our planet?

4. Another goal is to rebuilt the Temple of Yahweh/Father for the entire planet (the first Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C. and the second was destroyed in 70 A.D. Is the Third arriving now?

5. Another goal is to promote God as King over planet Earth (the spiritual Father of all people). The invisible King of our planet is the rightful RULER of this planet!

6. Another goal is to view God (this invisible Spirit who lives outside our universe and within each believer) as the only Sovereign for our planet!

7. Another goal is to establish a New Jerusalem (new version of reality) for all the people on this planet. Peace, justice, and truth will flow from a New Government where God (Most High) rules this planet.

What dogma's of religion will vanish as people gain understanding and a desire to make God their King and Savior?

1. All the dogma's of the Catholic/Protestant religions (of the past) will disappear/vanish as people gain knowledge and understanding of this New Spiritual Reality. Elites, who deceive us, will step down from positions of authority.

2. People will desire to 'fear' God (in the right way) as this new Messiah will also 'fear' God as it says in Isaiah 11. This coming Messiah will not view himself as God (in the flesh) but will view himself as servant of his God (our God the Father). Yahweh/Father/HaShem will be the God for all people on planet Earth!

3. The false theology of (mostly) Paul (today's religion within Christianity and the New Testament) will be understood as invalid for this New Age of spirituality. A prior Jew (Yeshua the man) will be viewed as a messenger/servant and this idea of him being God will be abolished from memory.

4. The gospel of this Trinity God (this theology of the historical Catholic church) will be viewed as invalid/false...as ONE God will be viewed as King over planet Earth. The FATHER will be God for the planet and everyone will acknowledge this reality.

5. The elites who practice the theology of Paul and various versions of denominational Christianity will be recognized as FALSE representatives of our REAL King (God the FATHER). TV preachers will close their venues. Media elites who advertise deceptions of theology will be silenced. 

6. The general public will become WISE to all the deceptions of spiritual guru's who PLAY on the emotions of the people for their loyalty and their MONEY. 

7. All religions will be viewed as problematic and invalid and the LEADERS will be viewed as flawed messengers (of self motivated interests). The REAL Messiah will bring all these deceptions to an END.


Mankind's real problem is a LACK of knowledge and a LACK of wisdom on issues of reality. Today, we have thousands of false prophets who PLAY on the emotions of the gullible. TRUTH has become relative and the messages of religious GURU'S have become deceptive propaganda. Those who gain media attention are mostly false elites who desire power and money for their personal selfish interests. 

Wake up to reality! Think for yourself! Seek truth and abandon illusions. That is my message for today! We live in a world of GROSS DECEPTIONS (promoted by elites who desire POWER/CONTROL/ and MEDIA attention for their own selfish interests)! Money is at the ROOT of all this EVIL!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Update - World Events: SOC, Sweden, Polny's Eschatology/Market Crash!

There are many events to discuss in today's missive.
Putin, Xi, and Modi are meeting in Uzbekistan as I write to discuss their security interests and their dislike for Biden's uni-polar world idea. Then we have the election in Sweden which is turning into a form of Mob Rule for these people. Then we have Bo Polny's prophesy that the stock market will CRASH on September 25 (10 days from today). Let's review all these events for our understanding:

1. The meeting in Uzbekistan is called the SCO meeting. SCO stands for Shanghai Cooperation Organization. We now live in a Bi-polar world where 50% of the world population supports the EAST and the other 50% supports the WEST. The SCO is a counter organization to NATO and America. It desires to work together to challenge all the manipulations of the WEST (sanctions, military issues, control, security issues). 

The mindset of Putin, Xi, and Modi (along with support from Iran, Turkey, and the other 'stan' countries) is to work together to protect each other's security interests while promoting a Multi-polar world system for the planet. All members of the SCO dislike the 'rules based policies' which Biden and the West want to impose on every nation (also called Agenda 2030). The West desires a Uni-polar world system so they can RULE the planet with their ideas. The East wants a Multi-polar world for this planet.

Putin, Xi, Modi, Erdogan, and the others dislike this Uni-polar concept and they will challenge the West as they promote their own security interests. My sense is that they will trade with each other and also support the policies of Putin as he administers the Ukraine War. They will most likely HELP Russia with economic issues and also with his military needs. We now live in this Bi-polar world of EAST vs. WEST.

2. The election over in Sweden was interesting as this election reveals the huge polarization within this country. The ruling entity for the past 90 years has been a liberal social system which supports a Swedish socialism for the country. This could now be ending as the Sweden Democrats and the various conservative parties will try to rule this country going forward. Can a new government bring this nation unity?

Can a new coalition of conservative parties create unity and progress for these 10 million people? My sense is that this will be next to impossible. The people are divided over their VALUES and their security interests. Sweden was a neutral country and it now has chosen to join NATO and become involved with the WEST. This mindset is not universal within the electorate and my sense is that DIVISION will surface soon.

Sweden will likely become a nation of chaos as their polarization grows over the many divisive issues on the agenda. Immigration is one issue. Crime is another issue. Inflation, interest rates, and the future economy is another issue. The security issues are a further issue of contention. There could be many more issues developing as the Swedes try to form a new coalition to rule their nation.

3. Another issue I have been following is the eschatology and prophesy of Bo Polny. Bo is a student of cycles and also a student of prophecy. His website is full of time prophesies which he thinks derive from his God (the Trinity God of Evangelical Christianity). Bo is now stating that the dead Queen Elizabeth II (of England) was actually the Harlot (riding the Beast) in Revelation 17. Her son, King Charles III is also part of the Beast system. His future is not positive according to the prophets which Bo follows.

Bo's eschatology is now projecting a HUGE stock market crash on or near September 25, 2022 (10 days from today). His eschatology is based upon a handful of Christian prophets who he claims have heard a word(s) directly from their Trinity God (mostly Jesus). According to Bo we can expect a HUGE economic event (unknown in detail) on September 25, 2022. This event will usher in a NEW ERA for his group of believers (and the world). The rulers of this world will experience their destruction as a result of this EVENT.

Personally, I find Bo's eschatology interesting and partially valid (but not fully). His prior time cycles (where he prophesied specific dates) have not proven to be fully valid IMO. His CRASH projections have been wrong for years. So my sense is that Bo's eschatology (called his time cycles) are only PARTIALLY valid. His big problem is that he has adopted this TRINITY God of Christianity as his SOURCE. In reality, this God is NOT the GOD of ISRAEL. This God is NOT the King of our universe IMO.

Only the God of Israel (Yahweh/Father/HaShem) can predict precise DATES for events on this planet. The Trinity God of Bo and his false prophets can be PARTIALLY right (as Jesus/Yeshua is siting at the right-hand side of his Father God) but also they (these false prophets) could be totally wrong (as the words of these prophets may not be WORDS coming directly from the God of Israel (Yahweh/Father/HaShem). Satan could intervene and influence these false prophets with deceptions and illusions.

Having said this, however, it is also possible that Bo and his Trinity God could have some issues right (after all this Trinity God is partially valid as God the Father is included in the mix). Personally, I think a CRASH in our stock markets is likely this year (soon). Will the big crash occur on September 25 (the beginning of a new Jewish year)? Does the ending of a 50 year Jewish cycle mean that a CRASH event will happen on September 24, 25, or 26? This is problematic IMO.

 A big CRASH is possible but also UNCERTAIN. Watch events and especially watch what happens on Monday, September 25. If a CRASH emerges, then Bo's words of wisdom may be worth listening to going forward. If no crash emerges, then we must view his ideas as hugely suspect! Bo Polny's latest video can be viewed here:

Take the time to listen to the above video and then watch what happens on September 25 and after. If Bo has heard a word from our KING (Yahweh/Father/HaShem) then his ideas are worth following. If his words are influenced by the god of this world (Satan) then his words may not be valid or accurate. We live in interesting times. Satan rules this planet and his influence is prevalent everywhere. A true prophet MUST have words directly from the Throne Room (the throne of our King Yahweh/Father/HaShem).

Read Revelation 4 for the details on our King Yahweh/Father/HaShem). This God is a Singularity and not a Trinity. This God is also the historical God of Israel who spoke to Moses, Jesus, and the many prophets in the Old Testament (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.). This God's words are FINAL. A real prophet MUST have words directly from this SOURCE if a prophecy is to happen as said. There is only ONE God of our universe. His name is Yahweh/Father/HaShem/Creator/Most High/Jehovah/Ancient of Days!

All other Gods are idols and IDOLS can not predict precise dates for future events. Listen to the above video and then think for yourself as you WATCH events happen on this planet. That is my viewpoint. Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, economist/philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Swedish Elections Reveal a Polarized Country! Mob Rule Emerging!


I have been following the Swedish elections for the past 20 years. Since 2010 the trend has been towards conservatism (mostly) and away from the liberalism of the Social Democrats (with exceptions). Sweden has been ruled mostly by liberals since 1930 and all was well until recent times. Today, however, events have changed to create a NEW environment for this country!

Since 2010 the trends in Sweden have shifted to concern over issues of immigration, crime, racism, and the economy (plus many other issues). I noticed this when I visited Sweden in 2017. I visited Malmo, Goteborg, Stockholm, and a few smaller cities in 2017. I noticed the litter on the streets in Malmo and pointed this out to my Swedish friends. 

This behavior (litter in the streets) developed mostly from immigrants who were flooding to Sweden from Syria, Iraq, and other Muslim countries (untypical behavior of native Swedes). Since 2010, Sweden has experienced an increase in crime, vandalism, rape, and tribalism. The Swedish economy has been prosperous and this allowed the people to accept the problems as manageable. 

My many Swedish friends thought (in 2017) that the influx of immigrants would not change their culture of acceptance of everyone. I asked them if these many new immigrants would 'assimilate' into the culture of Sweden (now mostly an Atheist nation)? The general view was that they would 'assimilate' as Sweden is so accepting of diversity. But did they think about their governing SYSTEM as they promoted assimilation?

My view is that governing (a country) is key to assimilation. If we all AGREE on the principles of governing, then a Social Democracy is possible (for all). But do Muslims desire to adopt all the core governing principles of the Swedes (moral and social)? My sense was absolutely NOT. Muslims (with exceptions) want their OWN culture to rule over them. 

Swedes are mostly Atheists (today) whereas Muslims are mostly God centered people. A BIG ISSUE in my mind! Governing a nation demands a group-think mindset (on the core moral issues of life). We could say that the VALUES (of the people who govern) are the KEY to governing the people! Are these VALUES accepted by the many new faces which are immigrating to Sweden? Is God one issue which divides?

I noticed that change was in the 'air' in 2017 (during my visit to Sweden) and today we can witness this change with the elections of 2022. It now appears that the status quo within Sweden will change from 'acceptance' of everyone to some form of Mob Rule (as the Swedish people are seriously polarized in their viewpoints over the core issues of life). A more conservative mindset will develop and this could create division over time even as it does help with solving some of the core problems facing the country!

I do not expect 'unity' over in my parent's home country of Sweden in 2022 or 2023. I expect more division over issues and this means governing Sweden will be difficult going forward. But Sweden has a dozen political parties (8 major ones) and the mindset of each party is different. Can a group-think consensus emerge given this situation? My sense s absolutely NOT. The likely outcome will be some form of MOB RULE. Swedes (on the left) will challenge Swedes (on the right)! Who can govern in this environment?

Democracies (like Sweden) can function when the economy is strong, inflation is nil, and when crime is minimal. Today, Sweden has an inflation problem which is getting more dire, it has a crime problem which is unlikely to improve, the immigration problem is on-going, and the WHO ARE WE problem is core. If the liberal mindset of Sweden leaves and a problem solving mindset emerges under conservative thinking, then I sense division within the electorate.

Problems can not be solved when the country is seriously DIVIDED over issues of WHO ARE WE. What do we stand for? What are the PRINCIPLES that govern us? What image do we want the world to adopt from our behavior (political and social)? Sweden is now in total confusion over all these ISSUES of governance! The Ukraine War adds more fuel to the fire! So does joining NATO!

My sense is that Ulf Kristersson (the likely new Prime Minister) will bring a conservative mindset to his decision making. He will listen to the Sweden Democrats on most issues. The Magdalena Andersson crowd (the former Prime Minister) must eventually exit the governing platform and express her voice in other venues. She will mostly likely add to the polarization (division) in Sweden.

Sweden is now divided over most important issues. Should Sweden be part of NATO? Should Sweden adopt Ukraine as part of Western Europe? Should Sweden make Russia the enemy of all Europe? Is a neutral stance possible (politically) given the polarization with the country? My sense is NO! Sweden has a diverse class of thinkers who see reality differently. 2022 and 2023 could be interesting to watch!

My sense is that Sweden will try to form some consensus over the core issues but they will discover that the real problem is the WHO ARE WE problem. What do we now stand for as a country? What are our core moral principles? What are our core social principles? What are our core philosophical principles? Should we pursue an Atheistic mindset towards reality? Should be go back to historical Christianity? What beliefs should be adopt as a PEOPLE? Sweden is now MULTI-CULTURAL!

Take the time to follow the progress over in Sweden. If Sweden can get their ACT together and solve their many diverse problems this would be EXCEPTIONAL (for our world). My sense, however, is that this is currently IMPOSSIBLE given the nature of their problems. America is in a similar BOAT. Both America and Sweden could be heading for FULL reform in all areas of LIFE! Until reform happens, division is the core concept!

That is my viewpoint as of today! I am: Donald B. Swenson, economist/philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Russian Duma wants a Declaration of War! Why?

The leaders in the Russian Duma (Parliment) are now asking Putin to Declare War on Ukraine. So far, Putin has called his action a Special Military Operation. This policy does not require Russia to fully mobilize their military for war. It is a limited action. But the Duma is now stating that a full Declaration of War is needed. What then happens?

If this happens, then we can expect the Russian military to act so as to destroy the Decision Centers within Ukrane. Zelensky and his cult of planners will need to run or get destroyed. This is what a Declaration of War could lead to. Russia would use tactical nukes (if necessary) to take out Kiev and Zelensky's administration. We all need to prepare for more war and destruction (if this happens).

The War over in the Ukraine is far from over IMO. Russia has not exercised its full military potential (as yet) to win this War. But all is changing rapidly and if the Duma gets its wish, Putin will up the Ante so as to mobilize the Nation of Russia for this War situation. We will then witness mass destruction on Ukraine.

The U.S. policy is to provoke Russia (so it seems) with their actions of giving Zelensky military hardware and intelligence to challenge the military of Russia. So far the U.S. Congress and the Biden administration have given Ukraine some $15 billion of military hardware. Without the spending of the Biden administration to assist Zelensky, this War could not continue. Zelensky knows this!

But all will change if Russia approves a Declaration of War within the Duma. Putin would then up the Ante so that select Decision Centers (say in Kiev) would be bombed. The use of tactical nuclear weapons could be used to accomplish this military objective. The World would then be in WW III. My sense is that Russia must up the Ante as their current policies are not working. Leaders within the Duma are now wanting full mobilization of Russia's military. 

Ukraine's military is gaining ground (as of today) by their counter actions and this means that Russia must accept this reality for the entire Special Military Operation (going forward) or they must change their policy and fully mobilize their military for a War mentality against Ukraine. A Declaration of War would create this new Ante. Watch what the Duma does in the next few days/weeks.

If Russia Declares War on Ukraine then I would expect that Kiev would be bombed and destroyed. The center of Zelensky's administration is located in Kiev. His Decision Center is Kiev. Russia would need to take out this Decision Center so as to send a message that Zelensky's policies will not be tolerated. War is hell and winning is the ONLY option for Putin and Zelensky. Both can not win given what is now happening. The West (Biden, et al) desire that Ukraine wins (not Russia).

If the U.S. policy would change so as to promote COMPROMISE, then a War could potentially be avoided. But what I witness is continuing provocation of Putin via the policies of the West. It appears that the West (Biden, et al) wants this War of grow in intensity. Why else is Biden sending more funds and military hardware to Ukraine? America is funding most of the war spending for Ukraine.

The U.S. and NATO are behind this idea of using Ukraine as a proxy to challenge Russia and her security interests. Zelensky appears (to me) to be a puppet of the West (mostly the U.S.). America does not need this War with Russia/Ukraine. America can/could survive without bringing Ukraine into NATO (or the West). But it appears that the real issues are political (not military).

Biden and the West want a Uni-polar world system (with the West running the planet). Putin and his friends (the East) want a multi-polar world system. China is now backing Russia in this effort to challenge the West. It appears that most of the U.N. (some 50+%) is also backing off from supporting the West's policies on this war. Events are changing and it now appears that this Agenda 2030 (this uni--polar world system) is DEAD. I hope it is DEAD as this is not what I would desire for our planet.

Both Russia and China (plus India, Iran, and a host of other nations) are dropping their support for this Agenda 2030 program which the West desired for the world. This uni-polar world system can not move forward if Russia, China, India, Iran, etc. go against it. These nations make up nearly 3 billion citizens. It now appears that a world Reset...where the U.S. agenda prevails is dying fast.

All this could change quickly, however. The end of the old hegemony is happening and a NEW model for the world is emerging. War will bring an END to the old system. My sense is the WW III is around the corner. All this makes me feel helpless and confused. How will all this get resolved? My sense is that we need an INTERVENTION from our Higher Authority. Who else can resolve these issues?

Watch what happens over in the Duma these next 30 days. If Russia declares full mobilization of their military and if Putin changes his Special Military Operation to a full Declaration of War, then World War III would be here. Kiev would be bombed and the Decision Centers of Zelensky would be eliminated. That is what I would expect if a full Declaration of War happens. I will watch and pray! What else can one do?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

My Epiphany in 1977 resulted in my Understanding of God (as our singular Source)! I soon after rejected the Trinity!

Few seem to understand the nature of our Higher Power (called God and/or Creator). Most can not think about God (clearly) as this Source gives us NO IMAGE (to visualize). See Revelation 4 for evidence. God provides man with NO IMAGE and this results in man creating IDOLS of God for their worship. 

History reveals all the various IDOLS which man creates and then worships as their god. The image of a Golden Calf is what the Israelites worshiped when Moses went up the mountain to talk with God (Yahweh). Bull worship was common in many cultures. Other faces that became IDOLS were select authority figures in the political realm. A Pharaoh was worshiped and the real God was rejected (as there was no image).

Anthropologists estimate that at least 18,000 different gods, goddesses, and various animals have been worshiped by humans. Man seems to need AN IMAGE (in the mind) to help with their understanding of God. A golden calf is an IMAGE in the mind. A planet (like the moon) is an IMAGE in the mind. A prior living authority (like Jesus/Yeshua) is an IMAGE in the mind.

Human beings like an IMAGE in the mind for their worship of God. All these images are actually IDOLS as the REAL God does not accept any of these IMAGES as being valid. The God of Israel has stated many times that IDOLS are not acceptable. Worship ONLY the ONE GOD of Israel (Yahweh/Father/Creator). All the IMAGES in our mind are viewed as IDOLS by the living God. See Revelation 4 for the real God!

The Christian Trinity is another example of an IDOL. Who can worship three person's as God? It's actually impossible. We must select ONE of the three! This Trinity concept was devised (in 325 A.D.) to EXALT a prior human being (Jesus/Yeshua) to the level of God Almighty. The Council of Nicaea produced this doctrine called the Trinity. It was later confirmed by the Catholic hierarchy as being valid for believers to worship. Believers seemed to lock on to the idea that God is an IMAGE (a prior human being).

The authorities within the Catholic hierarchy must have discerned that people desire IMAGES (within their mind) to worship as God. This Trinity concept has swept the original concept of God (as being Singular) into the dust bin of history (for many believers). Three god person's emerged from this teaching which was promoted by our Catholic theologians. Today, most gullible believers have adopted this IMAGE idea as being valid. Shame! A correct view of God emerges from reading the vision of John in Revelation 4. Read it! Can you establish an IMAGE of God when you read this text? Try it!

This young man (presenter) recognizes the idolatry of the Trinity but still adopts a human being as his God! Amazing! It shows how powerful images are to beliefs. Listen carefully for details on his thinking! His view on the Trinity is valid but his God is still an IMAGE (within himself)! Amazing!

My personal epiphany happened in 1977. I ascended (within my spirit) to the throne room of God Almighty (similar to that of John in Revelation 4). This spiritual experience (I call it an epiphany) changed my thinking on the NATURE of our Creator God. My prior belief that Jesus was God was revealed to me as being invalid theology. Jesus was a servant/prophet/messiah of God...but not God. In reality, Jesus/Yeshua desired that Yahweh/Father be the ONLY God. His gospel was a promotion of Yahweh/Father as King of our Universe. Yeshua desired the Kingdom of his Father God (whom Jews of his day called Yahweh). 

Those who have adopted the Trinity as their God are seriously deceived IMO (even as they deny their deception). That is my view today. We have ONE God for this planet/universe. His name is Yahweh/Father/Creator. One God sits on the spiritual throne. This God has no human image. Read Revelation 4 for some details about this God of our universe. Until mankind abandon's their various IDOLS as God, no real growth in spirituality emerges. Worshiping a prior human being (any human being) is a form of idolatry. It does not lead to spiritual growth. Our Creator God has no human image (even as this Source can be experienced as personal).

My view of God is now focused upon the WORD (logos) as evidence of God. God sends his WORD to those who desire to understand the nature of God. The LOGOS is God (for me). A WORD from this ultimate AUTHORITY gives me evidence of his reality. In the beginning was THE WORD...and THE WORD was God. This IMO refers to Yahweh God (not a human representative, like Jesus/Yeshua). In reality, Jesus/Yeshua RECEIVED his authority FROM the WORD!

Christianity has an INVALID concept of God. The Trinity God is really a pagan concept which emerged AFTER the death of Yeshua (God's anointed messenger). Yes, Yeshua, was an 'anointed' messenger and those with discernment can recognize this reality. Yeshua was anointed by his GOD. The ideas of Catholic theologians (mostly) produced this idolatry called The Trinity. It is time to REJECT this concept if you desire to GROW spiritually! Read Revelation 4 for evidence of the REAL GOD! That is my viewpoint! Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Digital Currencies lead to Central Bank Control over Commerce and the Economy! People become Slaves!


A digital currency is not an item from nature (like a coin or a paper currency). A digital currency lives in cyberspace and computers operate the 'numbers' (digits) which get created by our banksters. Control over our economy and commerce gets transferred to the Central Banks of this world. Insiders rule over all financial outcomes. Who has the master computers to administer these electronic/computer driven currencies? Where are these master computers located?

A Central Bank, like our FED, can control our economy and our commerce (for good or ill) as these policy-makers have control over the creation of these currencies. Ultimate control is given to this entity called a Central Bank when an economy becomes digital/cashless. Today, some 97% of currency transactions are digital. My savings are in digital dollars. My checking account is digital. My investments are digital.

What is happening today within our global financial system is that our Central Banks are taking total control over each national economy on our planet. A few policy-makers who operate behind closed doors rule over the entire economy (for good or ill). Is this leading to a global Central Bank digital system? Think on this!

 As I write our FED is tapering their balance sheet and reducing liquidity within our economy. Prices (now digital creations of the computer) are inflated and our economy is tanking from all the Central Bank manipulations. We can not have a FREE MARKET economy when one entity (a Central Bank) controls buying/selling/investing and foreign trade. Think on this!

Supply and Demand negotiations do not work in this type of economy. An Algorithm (operating within a computer network system) can over-rule all private free market negotiations. Today, an Algorithm can operate so as to manipulate any PRICE within our economy. Algorithms can operate with a private source code which no-one (but the programmer) can change. We live in a diabolic financial system which gives control to the FEW who run the system (our Central Banks).

Keep in mind that a 'digital' currency is not a unit from NATURE (like silver, gold, paper). A 'digital' currency is created from the MIND of banksters who have control of the computers which create the digital money units. I call this 'official' counterfeiting of our legal tender as money units get created arbitrarily. Where is all this leading? Who benefits and who becomes a 'slave' to the insiders who control the system?

My sense is that all this is leading to the Mark of the Beast financial system which is prophesied in Revelation 13. A global Central Bank will eventually rule over all commerce and all economic activity. One dominant digital currency will emerge for the entire planet. One master COMPUTER will administer the digits (called money) for the global economy. A few insider policy-makers will control the system.

Is it time to understand what is happening in real-time? I think so! Digital Money is coming for the planet and control over each consumer will be in the hands of Central Administrators. My savings can be cancelled or eliminated. My banking account can be manipulated by insiders. My economic behavior can be curtailed if the Central Administrators desire this option. I, essentially, become a SLAVE to unknown insiders.

We need to get educated on the nature of digital money. We are heading for a SLAVE economy (for consumers) when control is transferred to central administrators who operate behind closed doors. How can freedom be preserved given this type of economic system? It is impossible! Digital money gives control to administrators who control the Central Computers. We live in a computer driven economy/financial system.

Take some time to think about the NATURE of digital money units. What is a 'digital' dollar? What is a 'digital' euro? What is a 'digital' krona? What is a 'digital' pound? Who controls the creation of these digital units? What is their GOAL for commerce? Can FREEDOM emerge under this type of controlled/digital financial SYSTEM? Think!

Today, we have mostly ONE powerful person who is controlling our American economy. His name is Jerome Powell. His venue is Washington D.C. His goal is to control our interest rates and our economic destiny via his policies. Can you challenge this person or the SYSTEM which is controlling us? I don't think so! No challenge is allowed. No change to the policies of our insiders is allowed. What does this make us?

Are we economic slaves to insiders, computers, and money digits? Are we free moral agents? Can our values be compromised by this system? Is this system 'diabolical' and 'corrupt'? Our only hope is to get educated on the NATURE of this SYSTEM and then select NEW thinkers who will abolish this system of control. Think about 'abolishing' the System! It's the SYSTEM which enslaves and produces the corruption!

Take the time to listen to the above videos. When understood, I think you will agree that we NEED to abolish our Central Bank and get rid of our 'digital' dollar. We need a NEW model for our economy which gives FREEDOM to the people. Think on this! I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.