Understanding Economics and Money

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Friday, March 31, 2023

The TRUMP Soap Opera - where does this lead? Let's Review!

The big news in America is the indictment of Donald John Trump (our prior President) on legal charges related to a cover-up of financial records, lying, hush money pay-offs, and much more.
His trysts with dozens of women are ubiquitous (similar to our prior President, Bill Clinton). I have watched this soap opera for some 50+ years going back to John Kennedy. Our prior Presidents have been having trysts with dozens of call girls (somewhat similar to our famous sports figures). I think of Magic Johnson and all his sexual escapades. 

The history of Donald John Trump is now open for everyone to contemplate. Joseph Robinette Biden, however, is also a sexual politician with a record of sins that tarnish his behavior. This soap opera of hush money pay-offs and legal cover-ups has been SOP for decades. Most politicians (globally) are guilty and it is unlikely that this will change until the Kingdom arrives. Repentance is unlikely as our electorate will tolerate this type of behavior indefinitely. Trump will gain followers even as he will lose voters as the election draws nigh. I seriously doubt that he will serve another term as our President.

My personal viewpoint is that the Donald did pay hush-money to Stormy Daniels (his tryst partner in 2007). Some $130,000 was paid to keep her quiet about his affair. Stormy and the Donald have photos together and the Wall Street Journal had a full article on this situation in today's paper. The legal attorney for the Donald at the time (prior to the 2016 election) was Michael Cohen. This attorney has since been indicted for lying and cover-up but my sense is that his payment to Stormy was legitimate. Trump and his organization did pay for this cover-up IMO. We will hear more on this as the indictment goes public next Tuesday.

According to today's WSJ some 30 legal issues are being considered as part of the indictment. I assume that falsifying financial records (on market values of his hotels, etc.) will also be part of the indictment. I witnessed this behavior (in spades) while I was a mortgage broker back in the 1970's. Nearly every developer who desired a LOAN would falsify financial records so they could present that they were rich in EQUITY (even as their properties were not worth the numbers that were being presented). Falsifying financial records was a method to get higher loans.

As a Valuation Consultant (appraiser) I witnessed hundreds of false financial records as developers and builders could imagine market values much HIGHER than normal and get away with these falsifications. This is likely what the Donald also did when he desired a LOAN from one of his lenders. None of this behavior will lead to his demise but it does reveal that our system is totally corrupt and needs to change. My sense is that all this media SOAP OPERA will continue for 2023 and 2024 and lead to more election chaos down the road. Both Biden and Trump need to get out of politics as they BOTH are weak leaders.

What we really need going forward are NEW leaders for our world. Money has corrupted the entire election system and this will continue as long as MONEY is central to getting positions of political POWER. Money and ego are being exposed as the real culprits for our corrupt system. The Trump Soap Opera will continue for 2023 and 2024. My hope is that the America people will recognize that we need better leaders who will DEAL with our myriad of political problems. Kicking the can down the road must STOP. This will take NEW leaders with a better vision for our country.

We are heading for chaos later this year. Our economy is in trouble and this will surface by the end of 2023. My sense is that the banking issues will get worse and the hyped up stock market will crash at some point. The entire system is fragile and all this will become apparent by the end of 2023. It is possible that the coming Debt Ceiling issue will bring more chaos to the markets by August. America's financial house of cards has not improved. You can witness the mess here: www.usdebtclock.org.

Let's all learn from the events happening today within our political system. Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are both flawed leaders. I do not BLAME anyone for our problems, however. The models that our politicians have followed have led to our current situation. We now need NEW MODELS for our real-time interconnected world financial system. The plan to promote central bank digital currencies, however, will not work. These CBDC's will make the financial problems MUCH worse. What we need is to eliminate money from this planet. It's at the ROOT of all of our problems. Think on this as you watch the continuing SOAP OPERA of TRUMP and BIDEN.

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Thursday, March 30, 2023

ISRAEL (a vibrant Democracy) or is it MOB RULE? What's Happening?

The nation of Israel is now experiencing chaos and a lack of agreement on nearly all the important issues. The LEFT rules over the Supreme Court system and the RIGHT is now in control of the Parliament (the Knesset). This situation produces a form of Mob Rule for the nation. So is Israel a vibrant Democracy as many claim? I would suggest Yes and No. The divisions within Israel were actually produced by this concept called Democracy. This is similar to America and much of Europe. So-called Democracies do not produce real FREEDOM for the people. This is pure MYTH! Watch Biden on this issue!

The governments of Russia and China are called Dictatorships but are these so-called political Democracies (of the West) any BETTER? I don't think so! What happens in a Democracy is that political division emerges as the elected leaders do not get the full support of their citizens. Israel is now in chaos over their rules based system. The LEFT wants more secular government and the RIGHT wants more religious government. The orthodox Jews do not think like the secular Jews. Their ideas are continually at loggerheads. I see this same situation in America!

This situation (called Democracy) produces division and political chaos. The situation in Israel is unlikely to get better as the values and social goals of the left are much different from the right. Benjamin Netanyahu has ideas which conflict with those who control the Supreme Court system. He wants his conservative Parliament to control the laws of the nation whereas the Supreme Court system wants their leaders (the Left) to control the decision-making. The leaders are continually at loggerheads over all the important ISSUES!

America's founding Fathers recognized this conundrum as they understood that any so-called Democracy eventually degrades into Mob Rule and political polarization. Our founders recognized this. America was suppose to be a Republic but it has been degraded over the years to a polarized Democracy. Much of Europe is similar. The nations of Asia (like Russia/China/Iran/Syria/North Korea) watch the western Democracies and conclude that these political governments are no better than their own (which the West calls Dictatorships). I have known this for years. Reality is subjective and today our internet reveals this result (to everyone).

Calling a political system by the 'name' Democracy does not produce real freedom and justice for the common man. Biden wants more Democracy (freedom) for Ukraine as he thinks this will produce individual freedom and justice for the Ukrainian people. Zelenskyy thinks similar. But the reality on the GROUND is much different. The various Democratic political systems produce (the opposite) what I call Mob Rule as events get more polarized over time. I now see this clearly over in Israel. And the situation will not get better with time. All these Western political systems will get more divisive and polarized!

We now live in an interconnected world which gets its information in real-time from our worldwide internet. This type of world will produce more division and polarization over time. It's all part of human nature as leaders think differently about reality and progress from nation to nation. We all think differently as our visions and values are different. A person who has a secular viewpoint (on reality) and wants man to govern a nation will think differently from a spiritual person who wants our Creator to rule this planet. We all have different VALUES! How can this produce stability, peace, justice, and progress?

Since man is currently governing over these political entities (called Nations) we can not expect any real progress going forward IMO. Division and polarization is evident within all nations and political values are different for all our leaders who want to govern over us. A Muslim thinker (for example) will not view reality in a similar manner to a Secular thinker. A Christian will think differently from a Jew. A Richard Dawkins type will not see reality as I see it. For me Darwinian Evolution is a huge MYTH. Dawkins sees it as REALITY 101. Who can govern with this reality at the core?

What we all need is a new understanding of human nature. Human beings should be viewed as SUBJECTIVE. The idea that their is an OBJECTIVE reality which we all will agree upon is pure MYTH. We can not agree because our viewpoints are DIFFERENT. Is MATTER the foundation of reality or is CONSCIOUSNESS the foundation (for example)? Is the subjective mind ruling over man or is the objective ruling? For me, all is subjective as human beings are not GOD. Playing God can not work going forward! What our politicians are doing is PLAYING GOD!

Our politicians need to rethink all their values and ideas about ruling. Laws are subjective. Regulations are subjective. Policies are subjective. Our world is now global and people are recognizing that ALL IS SUBJECTIVE (within reality and politics). My subjective viewpoint may not be your subjective viewpoint. We think differently and those who govern over us are similar. All this means that more CHAOS is evident going forward. There is NO objective solution as of today. All is subjective and chaotic. Prepare for more chaos going forward. Israel is a typical example of all our nations. Mob Rule is the NORM.

Have a great day and give this missive some reflection at your leisure. If my viewpoint is valid, we are heading for CHAOS. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Monday, March 27, 2023

Debt Ceiling, Ukraine War, Economy! Trends!

America is heading for a serious conflict in a couple of months. The Debt Ceiling issue will create opposite sentiments between our political parties going forward. The Republicans must create an environment of spending restraint to survive going forward. The Democrats must create an environment of MORE spending to survive. This issue will be explosive later this summer (say July). My sense is the America could DEFAULT on their DEBT as the conflict is at loggerheads. A default means worldwide depression for our economy. America can not repay its debts and this is obvious to anyone with some math wisdom.


The other issue of significance is the decision by Putin (Russia) to send tactical nukes to Belarus (their neighbor to the northwest). This decision means that Ukraine can not win this war of territorial control when push comes to shove. Russia has the nukes to counter any Ukraine move to take territory. It's totally foolish for the administration in Ukraine to reject a territorial solution to this conflict (now). Their policy of trying to retake the boundary lands and then retake Crimea is impossible IMO and totally foolish (as a military policy). Russia is holding the ACE as they have tactical nukes.

Ukraine needs to rethink their options and recognize that Russia holds the ACE card (when push comes to shove). Russia will choose tactical nukes if necessary. NATO has moved their arsenals closer to the Russian border (Poland and the Baltic's) and this move is now being countered by Russia as they move their arsenals to Belarus. It's all tick for tack and the eventual conflict is unwinnable for Ukraine IMO. The decision makers in Ukraine need to recognize that continuing provocation of Russia will result in Russia using TACTICAL nukes (if necessary).  The evidence is overwhelming. Russia must protect its Sovereignty!

With respect to our economy and the global collapse scenario, I would suggest that events are leading to this outcome in a few months. Nothing solid is being done to reverse this eventual outcome. Inflation is not being solved by our policymakers. The debt situation is not being solved. The real estate value situation is getting worse by the day as commercial real estate is now imploding. Office space has excessive vacancy rates and values are going down as Cap Rates increase. This is ominous for our economy down the road.

My sense is that July/August could be the point of no return for our economy. Sentiment is starting to decline as more investors get educated on our many problems. Ignoring these problems just makes the overall problem much worse over time. But our politicians tend to choose the EASY road when they are in POWER. Biden and his leftists want more spending even as the overall debt problem gets worse and worse. More spending increases the debt as our dollar is a DEBT instrument. More spending leads to more DEBT.

The current cycle reveals that all this spending must come to an END (eventually). When I project current spending trends into the future it leads to IMPOSSIBLE debt issues for America and the World. As investors wake-up to the problems, I perceive that sentiment will go south. The markets are mostly psychological and the general psychology is now turning to the negative. People are waking up...and this is good...even as this means huge problems for the general economy. What is needed is a NEW MODEL for the planet.

Keynesian economics is over (as I wrote in a prior missive). Some 90 years of Keynesian economics (based on credit and debt) is now ending. In 'the long run we are all dead' was the mantra of Keynes back in the 1940's. He died in 1946 (Easter Sunday). His model is still being used by our centralized authorities. They have no other options. But the LONG RUN is now here for Keynesian economics. This means we are DEAD (in the water) as we continue to manipulate this corrupt model going forward. It can not work as our DEBT is now beyond repayment. See the numbers and ask yourself how this debt can be repaid?

We need a NEW MODEL based on the productivity of people. People must come FIRST (not money/debt). A NEW MODEL is now trending toward CBDC's (central bank digital currencies) for those who hold political  POWER. This option is hugely detrimental to our freedoms and our future as a productive economy. CBDC's lead to a centralized system which stifles growth and prosperity. It also produces the enslavement of the private person as centrally administrated 'identity codes' control everyone's behavior. It's totally diabolical and corrupt. But our POWER brokers will try to implement this model (it won't work)!

What we really need is to ELIMINATE money from this planet. What is money (in reality)? Is it a object within nature? Is it a 'thing' which exists outside the human mind? Think on this idea and question: What is money (in reality)? I say that money is purely artificial and virtual. A 'dollar' today is a virtual unit of nothing. It does not exist in spacetime. It derives its appearance because of our computer technologies. People assume that this unit of nothing exists as they SEE/OBSERVE an image in their computer screen. But what is a virtual image within a computer screen? It's a cyber unit of nothing!

Is it a 'thing' which exists? Is it a physical 'object' which has matter within it? I don't think so! A virtual dollar is nothing (it's merely an image within the human mind). It's much like Bitcoin or any virtual currency. It has no substance or reality (outside the human mind). We need to ELIMINATE this unit of nothing from our planet. A NEW MODEL could be constructed using smart phone App's and Images but with no CENTRAL monetary authorities. Central Bankers could be eliminated. All banks could CLOSE. PEOPLE could be central to this NEW ECONOMIC MODEL. It's all possible down the road. The key concept going forward is DECENTRALIZATION and then a NEW MODEL for our distribution of productivity. Think on this!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Friday, March 24, 2023

Evidence/Proof: Real-time IDEAS (words) are derived from Spiritual Realm! Why?

Richard Dawkins has written some 20 books on his worldview of science and atheism. He wants to educate everyone with the viewpoint that only objective science is valid. But is he in touch with real-time reality? Is he in-touch with his own inner self?

I recently listened to this biologist/scientist, Richard Dawkins, on his perceptions of reality. Richard is an atheist, from England, who says that there is NO EVIDENCE of a Higher Intelligence (God). He claims that we should not posit a Creator God when we think about reality. For him this is much to 'complex'. But is Richard aware of real-time reality? For example: where do my/your ideas originally come from? Where does an 'idea' originate from? Who produced the 'first' idea? Let's think on this issue (the origin of 'words') as it totally refutes the thinking of scientists who say there is NO EVIDENCE of a Higher Intelligence! 

Let's ask this question to start with: where did the thinking 'words' of Adam/Eve come from (originally derive from)? Our Creator God formed the first human (Adam) and then he breathed his spirit (life) into this creation (man). Life emerged from the spirit of our Creator God. This spirit also must have given Adam his first set of 'ideas' (words). How could Adam 'name' all the animals without an idea that produced each NAME? It's impossible! Names come from prior ideas which must first be DERIVED from our Creator. Names/words/ideas are spiritual phenomena! Today, we call this part of human 'consciousness'!

It's axiomatic that Adam (later Eve) did not originate their own ideas. Ideas are 'derived'. Ideas come from a prior 'source'. Ideas (words) arrive in the MIND and then I/You construct our thinking from these ideas/words. Adam and Eve were our first parents on this planet. They were created by this spiritual SOURCE that we call God. They did not create themselves. They did not choose their original thinking. They did not create their behavior without having prior IDEAS (words) to construct their behavior from. Impossible! Behavior derives from words (thinking) which comes from a SOURCE (outside ourselves).

Real-time reality is obvious...in that we are all BORN without any knowledge of our destiny. We come into this world with life (being) which mostly involves a BLANK slate (mind) at the time of birth. Our mind's are not capable to clear thinking until we get new 'ideas' (words) to construct into reality. Ma ma starts the game of life as she helps us with new 'ideas' (words). We then produce our behavior (action) from these ideas/words (all derived). But who is the ultimate SOURCE of an 'idea'? Where did the FIRST 'idea' come from? Who was the source? Our world works via 'cause' and 'effect'. We need a 'cause' prior to an 'effect'.

What my atheist friends miss in their thinking is their OWN lack of understanding on the origin of 'ideas' (words). Where did the FIRST 'idea' come from? If Adam was the first man created, then his WORDS must have come from his CREATOR (who else). God must of been the FIRST cause/source. God infused his thinking (plan) into the MIND of Adam so that he could then 'name' all the animals. Each animal was brought before Adam to 'name'. He chose the 'name' LION for a specific animal. He chose the 'name' BEAR for a specific animal. He chose the 'name' EAGLE for a specific bird. All of our animal kingdom has 'names' which started with Adam (via God). The spiritual realm must be the ultimate SOURCE of ideas?

My worldview is based on the idea that I/You operate in real-time 'AT EFFECT'. We do not originate our ideas or our thinking (from ourselves). We are not the first CAUSE. What happens is that we are BORN (with no ideas of significance) and we then DERIVE new ideas (and language) so as to construct our thinking. If I am born in America, I generally will develop my thinking with the English language. If I am born in Sweden (as my parents were) I develop the language of Swedish. The ideas (culture) of America and/or Sweden develop over time as I construct my 'ideas' and 'words' into reality. It all happens spontaneously and without any real understanding of the ORIGIN.

What my atheist thinkers are unable to DISCERN (so it seems) is their own inner thinking. Who or what is the SOURCE of their 'ideas' and 'thinking'? Are they robots of their thinking? Are we all robots of our thinking (to some degree)? Is it possible that our spiritual Source for all this thinking is GOD (our Creator)? If so, then is it also possible that this Source is responsible for our entire DESTINY (outcome on this planet)? Are we all operating AT EFFECT without knowing it? I think so! We discern a BIRD in the tree but we can not discern the origin of the first 'name' for this bird. Adam was the first person on this planet. Scripture says he 'named' the first animals. Who provided the 'names'?

If Adam got his first 'ideas' from his Source (our Creator/Potter) then it seems logical that you and I also get our destiny (set of ideas) from this same Creator (via parents/friends) within our family. Ma ma came from (say) my/your mother. But where did Adam and Eve get their first ideas? Our first parents had no prior 'parents' (other than God). My logic says that it was God (our Creator) who supplied Adam/Eve with their FIRST words. They then developed as human beings as more 'ideas' (words) were provided. Am I and/or You any different? Do not our 'ideas' and 'words' produce our continuing behavior (ultimately our destiny)? I think so!

Richard Dawkins and similar scientists who dismiss the reality of a CREATOR are missing their own inner self. They are not discerning their own inner thinking as key to their behavior. We all live in TWO realms of reality (the realm of matter/material) and the realm of spirit (life). LIFE derives from the spiritual realm. Our 'consciousness' is part of this spiritual realm. Matter derives from the material realm. Get to know yourself to discern these realities. Our future is obviously pre-destined. Our Creator's thinking (plan/goal) will determine our ultimate DESTINY. That is my perception. Mr. Dawkins has an invalid understanding IMO. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Coming in JULY: FedNow then FedCoin then the BEAST Financial System! Let's Review!

Big changes are in the mill for our financial system. The two key concepts to internalize are FedNow and FedCoin. What are they and what do they lead to down the road? Our financial markets are going CASHLESS (meaning digital). We will soon have a total cashless world of digital currencies. It's happening fast and furious as our general economy starts to collapse from unpayable debt and deficits. But where does all this lead going forward?

FedNow is an INSTANT payments systems run by our Fed (the Central Bank of America). Similar events are changing all nations as the trend is now to DIGITAL money run by Central Banks. Instant settlement of payments is what the FedNow concept describes. As a business entity I sign up to this platform and I can get instant settlement on sales of my products to another buyer. It's all done digitally via a centrally controlled payment system. All sounds good on the surface but beneath the goodness is a diabolic ghost.

FedNow will start in July of 2023. Businesses are already signing up for the service. After this event is established (July) then our Central Bank (the Fed) will desire to implement a 'digital coin' as their legal tender for the entire marketplace. This 'digital coin' will replace all existing dollars in the system and allow our Central Bank to monitor all financial transactions within our nation. It's happening fast as the existing financial system is in collapse mode. The NEW SYSTEM will start with FedNow (instant payments) and later a FedCoin (digital) to force all citizens to use digital money for all their transactions.

This system is being established globally and by 2024 - 25, I presume, we could have a global digital system in operation. The global digital system is what I call the BEAST financial system. It's a system which gives total control over all financial transactions to a centrally organized entity which monitors and controls the buying and selling for everyone. You and I become enslaved to digital money, AI, and identity codes, which can be monitored and controlled by elites who operate behind closed doors. It essentially eliminates our FREEDOM and our PRIVACY (leading to a control system). I call it the BEAST financial system as this is what is prophesied in Revelation. The BEAST system rules over all commerce globally!

Money rules this planet (under man's rule) and those in control of our money can control US. The economic SYSTEM functions on money (today this is digital money) and on a control system which monitors and manages our money. It's a criminal system IMO as our privacy is compromised so that those in CONTROL can manage all economic events via the computer. A master computer (centralized) will monitor and control everyone. It's totally diabolical and corrupt but this is what our elites (who operate behind closed doors) desire the the world marketplace. It's needed for those in POWER so as to enforce their mandates.

Those who get educated on the plans of our DEEP STATE operators can challenge the installation of this BEAST system. We are heading for this system NOW unless enough people challenge the implementation of this BEAST system. Get yourself educated so you can understand what these elites are planning for our commerce. It's ends up being a CENTRALIZED control system which enforces enslavement upon the people (you and I). We do not need this system and if people get educated on the details maybe it can be stopped. A better alternative can be devised IMO.

Get out of the official system NOW is my advice with some of your digital money. Buy gold coins and silver coins as your legal tender for some of your wealth. Use the current system until the BEAST system becomes mandatory. If the BEAST system becomes mandatory you may want to get completely OUT of the official monetary system (and resort to BARTER). This is my warning now as it looks like this trend is endemic as I write this missive. You can read about the FedNow concept at: www.explore.fednow.org. Events could happen fast if our general economy tanks in the coming months.

Listen to Steve Forbes as he talks about this trend towards a central bank digital currency here:

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Why I believe, Why I do not know, the reality of uncertainty!

I just listened to Bart Erhman, a biblical scholar (who I find very honest and knowledgeable as a thinker)... as he explained why he no longer believes in a Higher Intelligence (God).
I then listened to another expert on Consciousness who said similar (he doesn't know what 'consciousness' is) yet he views 'consciousness' as fundamental. This has led me to desire to write about my view of reality on these difficult issues of reality. Why do I differ with these two thinkers even as I understand why they believe as they do?

First of all, I must admit that I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING with certainty (as of NOW). My view of reality is that I live in the NOW (always) and as I reflect on reality (in the NOW) I end up with uncertainty on nearly all issues of belief. This leads to to the conclusion that 'assumptions' are key to all descriptions of reality. I must continually ASSUME ideas which are UNCERTAIN (even as I contemplate their reality in the NOW). I understand that thinkers will differ on many issues of reality since all is 'subjective' at the core!

So why do I believe (NOW) in a Higher Intelligence (God)? Let me give some reasons for thinkers to contemplate:

1. I witness a dual reality when I think about my daily experiences (in the NOW). This dual reality relates to my understanding of MATTER (the material realm) and my understanding of IDEAS (the immaterial realm). MATTER (for me) is all that I observe (outside myself). I view MATTER as everything that I observe (and discover) as I live my life in the NOW. MATTER is that which is 'outside' my consciousness (my inner self). Matter (that which I observe/discover) is different from immaterial IDEAS (words of the mind).

2. This duality of reality (matter/consciousness) leads me to the conclusion that there MUST BE a Higher Consciousness which gives me my consciousness. Did I create my own 'consciousness' (inner self/life)? I don't think so! I must conclude that I was born with 'consciousness' and then I evolved my ideas (from 'consciousness') as I lived my life (in the NOW). This leads me to the viewpoint that a HIGHER consciousness is a reality. I do not KNOW this but this ASSUMPTION seems highly plausible as I live my life AT EFFECT.

3. Bart Erhman says he was a believer for most of his life but he now thinks that his prior beliefs were mistaken. His viewpoint has changed due to all the 'human suffering' which he views as a reality on this planet. He now believes that there is no GOD and no after life which continues after one dies. He now calls himself an Atheist/Agnostic. He has rejected the idea of a Higher Intelligence which 'intervenes' in our world system as he thinks 'suffering' would diminish (cease) if there was a Higher Source in charge of this world. God would 'intervene' (he now thinks) if this was a reality. Does he have a valid view?

4. My view is that suffering is part of God's plan for his people (his creation). There must be opposites if man (you and I) are to grow and develop spiritually and intellectually over time. There must be both 'good' and 'evil' for mankind to experience so that a Higher Wisdom can develop within the human experience over time. In other words, God (our Higher Intelligence), has designed our world so that his PLAN for the ages is accomplished. That is my perspective. Even as I must admit that my assumptions are my subjective ideas on this subject. I certainly do not KNOW anything with absolute finality on any of these issues of life. I must experience life, develop assumptions, and then act on my assumptions as I live my life.

5. Consciousness is key to my viewpoint on the reality of a spiritual dimension to life. For me, consciousness is fundamental to life and ideas derived from consciousness are key to beliefs about reality in the NOW. My sense is that my 'ideas' (words) are derived from my inner self (consciousness). If valid, then I would assume that my 'words' are part of this spiritual realm which is beyond myself/yourself. Words, in other words, are derived phenomena and 'words' are ultimately derived from a HIGHER SOURCE (intelligence). Words prove (to me) that I live in TWO realms. Dualism is reality for me. It is obvious to me. But I must still call my viewpoint subjective...and my derivations are always uncertain to some degree. As Socrates said: I know that I know nothing with finality. Wisdom says that I derive reality from my ASSUMPTIONS. And 'assumptions' are always uncertain to some degree!

6. I fully understand the viewpoint of Agnostics and Atheists (my son calls himself an Atheist) but I must DIFFER with these thinkers when I live my life in the NOW. I discern the reality of living AT EFFECT (continually). I am not the CAUSE of my reality or my life experiences. I live continually AT EFFECT and this presumes that a CAUSE (other and beyond myself) is at play. A HIGHER INTELLIGENCE is in charge even as I can not KNOW this reality (nor prove this reality). It's my ASSUMPTION, however. Yes, suffering is a problem on this planet. Confusion is a problem on this planet. Deception is a problem on this planet. It's all part of growing into a higher spiritual being (over time). That is MY current ASSUMPTION!

7. Those who reject God and a Higher Intelligence do so (generally) because many can not discern that this CAUSE intervenes in our world system over time. Personally, I sense this 'intervention' when I reflect on the history of my own life (and the history of our world society). I have many experiences which have led me to this conclusion. As I write this missive I sense that our world is heading for a major calamity. I also sense that this calamity is PART of a plan which is being revealed to mankind (daily). It's part of an 'intervention' which is designed, planned, and determined. I can not PROVE this but I sense that this is valid thinking! In my view, Bart Erhman is deceived on his rejection of a Higher Intelligence. But I do understand his viewpoint and reasoning...even as I REJECT this conclusion of reality (for me). There is a PLAN being worked out and the POTTER is the CAUSE!

Conclusion: Reality on this planet is obviously SUBJECTIVE. Thinkers differ on nearly all issues of life, history, and our future (because all is subjective at the core). Thinkers discern reality from their personal subjective viewpoint. I do likewise. This means that NONE of us KNOWS reality (fully or completely). We discern reality from our life experiences (in the NOW) and then ASSUME ideas which seem valid and plausible. This leaves us with 'uncertainty' on most issues of life. It's all part of a Higher Plan!

I ASSUME that a Higher Intelligence is ruling this planet (and our entire universe). My study and research leads me to the viewpoint that the God of Israel is actually our Potter, Creator, King, Higher Intelligence. This Source (which I call my Higher Consciousness) rules this planet and all the 8 billion citizens currently living on this planet. The Ukraine War situation is part of this Rulers plan. The American political dysfunctions are part of this Rulers plan. The world political confusions and deceptions are part of this Rulers plan. Every event is part of this Rulers plan! That is my ASSUMPTION! That is my Worldview!

So where is this 'intervention' that Bart and others reject as not happening? I say they misinterpret reality. Intervention is continual (and it happens daily) and I sense that it has been happening for nearly 6,000 years. The PLAN of our Higher Intelligence is to bring us the KINGDOM AGE (down the road). We are heading for the KINGDOM AGE as I write. All events (positive and negative) lead us to this final outcome. I sense that this is happening even as I can not KNOW that this is happening. All my conclusions are derived from ASSUMPTIONS. Think for yourself to discern these realities. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Should America Bow Out of the UKRAINE WAR? Let's Review!

The current Political discussion centers around the statement of Florida Governor Desantis who said that the Ukraine War is a 'territorial dispute'. He thinks, along with millions of American's, that our funding of this war has been excessive and it is now time to bow out. Does America have a vital interest in this war? Is Zelenskyy worth the support going forward? Many say, absolutely NOT. So will this issue become the talk of 2023 and 2024? Let's Review!

My sense is YES. There are a growing body of American voters who now think that this war is unproductive when it comes to America's interests. I fully agree. What does America gain from funding this war with billions (now over $113 billion). America is essentially bankrupt and the coming Debt Ceiling issue will prove this to all Americans (come August, 2023). America needs to bow out of this war and let the Europeans and the Asians settle the conflict.

On Monday, Xi Jinping will visit Russia and talk with Vladimir Putin. My sense is that China will give Russia more support (financially and militarily) so that Russia wins this conflict. If America bows out, then this outcome is assured. I don't think the Europeans and the Ukrainians can win over China, Iran, and Russia. The conflict is definitely as Governor Desantis says, it's a 'territorial dispute' over SECURITY issues. Russia also has historical reasons for needing this territory for their national security.

Ukraine needs to become a NEUTRAL nation with new borders that Russia, China, Iran, agree upon. Ukraine can not win this war without America. This is very unlikely. If America bows out then the war situation could be settled with new negotiations and new borders. This would solve the SECURITY issues of the Russian Federation (at least temporarily). All issues are 'temporary' as we now live in the End Times. Eventually, God will decide the FINAL outcome. 

Personally, I fully support the mindset of Governor Desantis and I hope more American's will discern that this Ukraine war is NOT in our interest. A new political year is starting with political debates starting in August of 2023. This issue will be in the forefront as more American's sense that this WAR is not in our interest (any longer). America has too many financial problems that supersede this war issue. America is essentially bankrupt and funding this war just makes our financial problems much worse.


It's time to get out of this war which America has no interest in funding going forward. Even Donald Trump is against this war. He claims he could settle this war in 24 hours (if in power). I tend to agree. I could settle this war in 24 hours (if in power). We need to view this war as a SECURITY issue for Russia and Ukraine. Both nations need to rebuild and focus on their people (not this war of destruction). The Russian and Ukrainian PEOPLE need to come FIRST. Killing innocent people leads to chaos for all nations.

The big issues this next week are mostly financial issues. On March 22, our FED will choose a new policy on interest rates. Inflation is still a problem for American's so I assume a 0.25% increase will occur. None of this will improve our DEBT situation as America is essentially bankrupt and I think this fact will become general knowledge by August of 2023 (when the Debt Ceiling issue is finalized). Funding Ukraine with new billions is totally UNWISE and unproductive. GET OUT OF THIS WAR is my mantra!

Think for yourself on all these issues. I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Friday, March 17, 2023

'Out of System' Safe Havens: Why NOW? Ignore the manipulations!

The gullible markets now assume that our Banks are Secure and Safe. This is a huge MYTH IMO. The total American deposits that are now guaranteed are around $19 trillion and growing. How much backstop does the FDIC have to fund bank runs? Are you AWARE that the number is less than 1%. The funds which our FDIC has are less that $150 billion (cash) and the total deposits of all banks are over $19 trillion. This represents only 0.79%. This might last for one major institution. So who is guaranteeing all the deposits? Who is the ultimate backstop?

It's the FED. This institution can counterfeit dollars in the trillions with the click of a computer key. Their Balance Sheet is currently some $8.3 trillion. It is now going UP with the latest policy to backstop banks who need LIQUIDITY. Will the FED backstop all member banks and end up owning all wealth in America? This is possible. Our Central Bank can counterfeit dollars and buy assets into INFINITY? It's all 'numbers' and VIRTUAL one's and zero's in a computer account. What a mess!

So what might investors do to GET OUT of the 'official' banking system with SOME of their savings? Are you aware that GOLD and SILVER coins/bars are a solution? FDR called in all the private ownership of gold in 1934, but we now have a GLOBAL market for these precious metals. I don't think that our government (or the FED) can do anything to investors who decide to OWN physical metals. The best safe haven going forward is likely GOLD and SILVER (held in physical form). 

Yes, our Central Bank does MANIPULATE the prices of these precious metals to try and FOOL investors. But this manipulation may be impossible going forward as investors buy up ALL the gold and silver on the planet. The quantity is minimal compared to the virtual currency units which can buy these metals. At some point all the electronic algorithmic price manipulations will prove to be MOOT. Prices will skyrocket as investors choose a SAFE HAVEN which are 'out of the official SYSTEM'.

The END GAME of money is when investors discover that the ONLY safe haven left for their wealth are safe havens which are 'out of the official SYSTEM'. Our official authorities will try to FOOL and MANIPULATE the markets as long as they can. But the WISE will discover that they need some funds 'out of the official SYSTEM'. Gold and Silver are now international money available for trade in Europe, Russia, China, South America, and the rest of our nations. Investors will discover that these metals have BARTER value (internationally). The foundation of all money systems are based upon these precious metals.

When push comes to shove in international trade, virtual (imaginary) currencies could be REJECTED as 'value in exchange'. What are ALTERNATIVES to these official virtual (imaginary) currencies (if they become worthless or rejected)? Items with BARTER value are great alternatives. Items like silver coins, gold coins, copper coins,  bread, bakery items, booze, gas, electronic items, health items, autos, and other goods which one can BARTER in the global marketplace become an ALTERNATIVE. Are we heading in a direction where barter could be viable for national and international commerce?

My sense is absolutely! The foundation of trade is based on this concept called MARKET VALUE. What is market value? It's whatever works (for value in exchange) when I desire to trade with another entity. The concept in trade is VALUE IN EXCHANGE. VALUE is subjective and it changes with a changing marketplace. Today's virtual/digital currencies are really IMAGINARY units of nothing. When a NATION wants 'value in exchange' and when a virtual currency is unacceptable, then BARTER value is what emerges. So what items have BARTER value?

During my youth, I learned to BARTER with many of my neighbors when I had no currency to exchange. My neighbors were mostly FARMERS who produced goods from the land. I bartered for eggs, bread, butter, meat, medical items, chickens, cows, corn and much more. The key is to give VALUE in EXCHANGE when bartering in the marketplace. Think of this concept when you choose your SAFE HAVEN going forward. My sense is that gold and silver coins will become internationally acceptable in the near future. These items have VALUE in EXCHANGE!

Our banking system is on needles and pins. The SYSTEM is unstable and uncertain. Can our Central Banks provide confidence and stability to all our markets going forward (indefinitely)? My sense is that this is unlikely. At some point investors will discover the deceptions and criminal activity within these corrupt institutions. What is happening now is shameful. Money gets created 'out-of-nothing' by select decision makers who operate behind closed doors. A computer NUMBER serves as our legal tender. This is unsound and deceptive. We need a SOUND system. It all started with BARTER and it may go back to BARTER.

Think about getting 'out of the official SYSTEM' with a portion of your wealth. For the next few years, a good alternative may be silver and gold (held in physical form). These metals are currently relatively CHEAP. The past price manipulations have kept these prices suppressed. This game is ending, however, as investors buy up ALL the above ground SUPPLY. The manipulation game will then END. It's all a matter of time before these metals trade freely in our international marketplace. That is my perspective as of TODAY!

Think for yourself. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

History of GOD (my research)! See the BIG PICTURE (details later)!

This timeline is uncertain as historians derive different timelines based upon their different assumptions about reality. Evolutionists envision millions\billions of years for man and our earth. I have rejected this view as illusionary. My view is that history can be reconstructed based on a NOW mentality of reality. The NOW reveals that I come from my parents, and if I go backwards I get a starting point with my first parents (Adam/Eve). Creation started (for me) with my FIRST parents (Adam/Eve). Real history is what I view as meaningful. Prehistory is total speculation. This is my view of reality. You will need to think for yourself on all these issues of uncertainty. 

Keep in mind that human history may be different from that of our planet and universe. Was our planet and the greater universe here when Adam/Eve was created? This is possible but uncertain. All dating methods are based upon uncertain assumptions. Personally, I view 'time' as invented quite recently (say after the flood). Time was probably invented in Egypt to give us 'order' for agricultural reasons. Seasons were noticed and the motion of our planet was used to derive this concept we call TIME. Time was 'invented' IMO. 

My research reveals a history of our Creator God which is easy to recall (and visualize) when thinking on this issue. Children can understand my time periods and the general descriptions of people who believed in our Creator God. It all starts with our Potter (God) creating the first human (Adam) and ends with the coming Kingdom Age under the RULE of our Creator God. The timeline covers some 7,000 years of history. Let's outline the core people who believed in our Potter and his plan of the AGES:

1. The God of Adam and Eve (creation starts around 4,000 B.C.).

2. The God of Noah (this believer built the ark and experienced the Flood around 2348 B.C.).

3. The God of Abraham (his calling occurred around 1952 B.C.). 

4. The God of Moses (he met God at Mount Sinai around 1313 B.C.).

5. The God of Yeshua (this anointed messenger met God at his baptism around 29 A.D.).

6. The God of the Church Age (this age started around 33 A.D. and should close soon).

7. The God of the End Times (this age is starting now, 2023 A.D., and continues for some seven years).

8. The God of the Kingdom Age (this God produces the New Age for planet Earth around 2030 A.D.).

The above timeline should be easy to memorize and visualize. It summarizes the 7,000 year history of man since Adam/Eve. The core assumption is that our Potter (God) created the human race and this God (who I view as the God of Israel) had a plan for man which has unfolded from day one. Man lives 'at effect' and the CAUSE is our Potter. We are now near the END of our Potter's plan (for man's rule) and this is why I call the current age the END TIMES of man's rule. Biden, Putin, Xi and all the others become equals with me/you (after this end-time period)! This is my worldview based upon my study and research!

After a serious transition period (say some seven years) we will enter the KINGDOM AGE (say 2030). This Age continues for some 1,000 years (maybe more). It returns paradise to planet Earth as it changes the mindset of people (gradually/permanently). Under man's rule we all looked to politicians to solve all our core problems. Under the rule of our Potter we look inward to ourselves to solve our problems. God gives real freedom to his people during this coming Kingdom Age. Politicians, money, war, selfishness, governmental corruption cease as people (born anew) become central to all reality. All of today's money is eliminated from the planet! The age of 'money' was merely meant for man's period of rule!

The age of people and their real KING (God Almighty) emerges during this Kingdom Age. God rules and man serves his neighbor as well as himself. A new mentality emerges for the planet. All resources get returned to its source (our Creator). The Deed for planet Earth (given to Adam) gets returned to its Creator. Ownership of planet Earth (given to Adam) gets returned to our Creator. Each individual becomes an equal with each other person. One planet under our Creator God is the mantra! It's all destined to happen (my view) as our Potter is the real SOURCE (first CAUSE)! We humans live 'at effect' (most unknowingly)!

Are my assumptions valid/true? You will need to think for yourself on all these issues of reality. My study and research has led me to this conclusion. My life experiences have led me to this conclusion. My discernment of reality has led me to this conclusion. Most of mankind lives with illusions and deceptions. Few think as individuals and seek real understanding of reality. Illusions RULE this planet and all this must END if the Kingdom Age is to arrive. We are lucky to live in an age where this type of CHANGE is happening. Personally, I am hoping to live into the Kingdom Age. All is uncertain, however!

How many will live into the Kingdom Age? Will most of the planet be destroyed? Some want population reduction. Who knows? It's all in the HANDS of our POTTER! That's my viewpoint!

Thinkers have different viewpoints on this idea called the Kingdom Age. Will a Messiah come to inaugurate this Kingdom Age? Who knows and why do scholars have so many DIFFERENT viewpoints. This video is interesting and has great history to contemplate!


Tovia Singer, a Jewish rabbi, has a different view from most Christians. Who really knows? Confusion reigns as I listen to many different viewpoints on End Time issues!

Have a great day and think for yourself on all these issues of life. I must do likewise! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


Is Confidence growing or DECLINING? What is happening NOW (economically)?

Money and investing is a 'confidence game'. Psychology is key to investing and trading our markets. What is happening now is that 'confidence is waning' as investors watch banks fold and our regulators seek policies of comfort for depositors and savers. The psychology of money is key to future progress for our economy. My sense is that a number of factors are now changing 'confidence' to 'confusion'! Here are a few of the issues:

1. The bail-out of three large U.S. Banks is affecting investor confidence. Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Bank are all defaulting on their obligations to depositors and investors. This is producing a growing lack of 'confidence' in our financial system. Can our authorities REVERSE this reality?

2. The deposit insurance issue is another factor as bailing out all depositors (which our Fed just did) produces a MORAL HAZARD going forward. Wealth disparity grows as the well-heeled depositors get bailed out with the normal depositors. Capitalism is now over and today's changes are producing a coming RESET for our system. Is this positive for our freedoms? For world commerce?

3. It now appears that the policy of increasing interest rates to solve the INFLATION problem is done (over) as this policy produced the current banking problems. Higher rates produced a decline in market value of bonds and mortgage securities and this resulted in losses as a BANK RUN happened with Silicon Valley Bank depositors. The bank run forced management to SELL securities at a huge LOSS so that depositors could be paid as funds were being withdrawn. Is this building 'confidence' going forward? 

4. Our Central Bank (the FED) is now allowing all banks to sell government securities to them for immediate cash if bank runs continue. This produces more questions about the soundness of our financial system. The FED can buy securities to temporarily fund member banks if they need immediate cash. This is another QE policy (essentially) which we all have seen before. Will counterfeiting more dollars (QE) produce 'confidence' in the system? QE is essentially a 'counterfeiting' policy as Central Banks create money units 'out-of-nothing' for these purchases. Where does this lead going forward?

5. As I write interest rates are trending DOWN, oil prices are trending DOWN, and general confidence is trending DOWN. Can our FED reverse their policies and reinstall 'CONFIDENCE' in the system? Will a pivot to lower interest rates create more BUBBLES or will sound growth ensue from these policies?

6. My sense is that we are now at the END of a financial era and nothing will restore the status quo given our SITUATION. We need to change direction and recognize that our problem is SYSTEMIC! See my prior missive for understanding on this issue!

7. It now appears that the BEAST financial system is emerging fast. The BEAST system is where Central Banks resort to digital currencies for the planet (destroying all fiat paper currencies and this prior system of Keynesian DEBT). It could happen in the next few months given out situation. You and I become deposit holders within a Central Bank run financial system (all becomes DIGITAL/virtual).

Events are changing fast as we approach the END of an era. Read my prior missive to understand the 90 year era which is ending. Keynesian economics is essentially over and a NEW MODEL is emerging. Central Banks will implement this new model as they FORCE digital money on everyone. We all become enslaved to digits, identity codes, and virtual reality under the control of elites who run the system via their central computers and artificial intelligence machines.

Those with some wisdom may desire to get OUT of the official system to some degree. How do we get out of the official system:

1. We buy assets which the system does not control. Gold coins and silver coins are one option. Agricultural products can also be positive.

2. Products which can be bartered for other goods and services are viable alternatives. Items like gas, bottles of booze, bakery items that people desire, food items which people need and desire, cell phones, medical items which people need, etc. Anything that can be bartered for other goods and services are viable alternatives if they have VALUE. Value in exchange is the mindset to think about.

3. Even paper bills (paper money) may work for a time period. Our drug cartels know the value of paper currencies for their trades. We can built on this idea until our authorities call-in all these paper money items. At some point our system will be CASHLESS and PAPERLESS as digital/virtual money is what our authorities seem to desire for their NEW MODEL.

Prepare for the BEAST financial system down the road. Prophecy says this will occur and I expect prophecy to win over all other options. Our official authorities want CONTROL over all commerce and the only real option is to go digital and use artificial intelligence to administer the SYSTEM. I call this the coming BEAST financial system. It's all prophesied in Revelation 13. Do your own research and study on these issues. Have a great day and watch what happens this next week with the POWELL meeting on March 22. Will he pivot or will he force higher interest rates to stem inflation?

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Monday, March 13, 2023

The END of an economic era has arrived! Let's understand the HISTORY!

Our economic system operates on a general theory which many call Keynesian Economics. The inventor of this THEORY was an Englishman named John Maynard Keynes. John was educated at Kings College in England and his expertise was economics, politics, and mathematics. John met with Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1934 to expound on his THEORY and why his ideas would solve the unemployment problem created by the Great Depression of 1929.

John convinced FDR and other economic thinkers that his THEORY had merit and that if implemented it would solve the economic problem of the day which was mass unemployment and stagnant/declining prices. Deflation was the problem and masses of working people could not find jobs. John wrote his General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money for government policy makers so the economic problems of the day could be solved.

FDR bought into this General Theory of John's and gradually his ideas started to work in the marketplace. Employment declined and prices started to increase as demand increased. His idea was that governments could create unlimited units of money (via their government bond policies) so as to put people to work and then manage prices and interest rates via their monetary tools. An Independent Central Bank was key as policy could be mandated for the marketplace. What were the essential ideas of Keynesianism?

1. The central idea was that DEMAND must be managed by using central government policy to funnel money to companies (and people) which could employ workers. The idea was later called DEMAND MANAGEMENT. I learned all about this theory during my college days in Minnesota.

2. The idea was that increases in production would follow DEMAND and the overall economy would prosper (production would increase) as demand and supply were managed via this central bank system. An Independent Central Bank was key to this governmental THEORY.

3. A centrally controlled 'interest rate' would serve as the reference point for all borrowing. The Central Bank could monitor demand and funnel CREDIT so that the economy would grow indefinitely and continually. Prosperity would develop over time and Guns and Butter would be the slogan for government policymakers continually. It all seemed unreal to many thinkers but it was REAL to central planners in Washington.

This THEORY of John Maynard Keynes was refuted by many economists of the day as less than perfect but no real competing THEORY developed to challenge Keynesianism. Milton Friedman was the one economist who did refute some of Keynesianism theory as he recognized that Central Bank money creation would lead to INFLATION (over time). But the ideas of KEYNES prevailed and we now have lived with this THEORY for almost 90 years. It's the model that has lasted for its projected time period (some 90 years).

John said that the prior gold standard was a barbarous relic of history and his ideas on 'money' were needed to get employment, prosperity, and growth going for governments. Some economists pointed out that the real flaw in this THEORY was that credit and debt had no end point. Credit and Debt were continual under John's THEORY. At some point the accumulated DEBT would reach an unsustainable level. But Keynes said that 'in the long run we are all dead' so credit and debt must be used until this policy produced negative outcomes. He envision some 80 to 90 years before the theory would collapse!

After some 90 years of Keynesianism we are now at the END of a DEBT ERA for this THEORY. Keynes died on Easter Sunday in 1946 at the age of 63. His ideas continued after his death and most higher institutions of education still teach Keynesian Economics today. It's a model that is finally ENDING due to the continual accumulation of DEBT (now unsustainable). You can witness the DEBT which has accumulated since this THEORY started here: www.usdebtclock.org.

It is my viewpoint that Keynesian Economics is now ending for good. America and the WEST has promoted this theory as positive for commerce globally. But the DEBT system is now unsustainable and the management of our global economy can no longer be sustained with this MODEL/THEORY. The END of an ERA has arrived IMO. There is no sound replacement for this theory as of now. Some are promoting a Central Bank Digital Currency as the new model for the planet. But this theory is unworkable IMO.

The idea that a CENTRAL hierarchy of economic thinkers can manage the entire planet's commerce with digital (imaginary) currencies is PURE myth and fantasy IMO. Yet this idea is being promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as the new MODEL for our planet. I call this idea the BEAST financial system. It promotes CONTROL over freedom. Money over the interests of PEOPLE. A central hierarchy over free enterprise and private ownership of property. It's totally DIABOLICAL and corrupt IMO.

Some in our Congress call this new theory MMT (modern monetary theory). In reality this is pure CENTRAL PLANING for the entire planet. It's Communism 101 for everyone. We need to think up a better THEORY. My view is that we need DECENTRALIZATION on a mass scale. We also need to get rid of this idea called MONEY. What is MONEY (in reality)? Think on this! Is it a 'thing' which EXISTS in space/time? Is it an 'object' of nature? What is MONEY (in reality)? 

Soon we will be entering a major economic DEPRESSION (much worse than 1929). Isn't it time to think about a NEW MODEL for our planet? A model which gives everyone freedom and justice? I think so! We need to recognize that any THEORY is temporary. Keynesianism is now OVER and the collapse of this theory is happening FAST. By August of 2023, I predict that a depression will develop in America. It will happen because the CYCLE of change is here. Keynesianism is unworkable going forward! 

It's a THEORY which worked for a time period. It is now an idea which needs to be mothballed. Keynesianism produces central planning, unsustainable debt, funny money creation, corruption within politics, the Ukraine war and other wars of conquest. It's a theory for the dustpan. Think on this as you watch events happen in real-time. Have a great day! Think for yourselves on all these important issues of survival.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Eonomist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.



Psychological emotions turning NEGATIVE! This produces a RECESSION!

The Silicon Valley Bank situation along with Signature Bank defaulting on their investments has produced a negative psychology for our markets. Money is a game of psychology and when investment emotion changes significantly we have a DOWNTURN in the global markets. I now sense that this downturn is here. We may have some relief for a few days (or weeks) as our Central Bank is manipulating psychology with their policies. But this is unlikely to change the longer-term TREND.

Money is a confidence game and when confidence declines major change is around the corner. My view is that we could have a short-term relief for a few weeks as investors get manipulated by FED and TREASURY policies. Easing the interest rate trend and pumping in new cash might work for a few weeks. Longer term, however, the TREND is seriously DOWN. Psychology is changing and investors are seeking new safe havens.

My sense is that gold and silver will benefit from this psychology change. Gold and Silver are physical commodities which exist and which also have a positive history in times of major change. Gold is currently going UP as is silver. My sense is that these precious metals will benefit for the remainder of 2023. We could witness a doubling in value by the end of 2023 for these metals. Watch these metals going forward!

The American dollar is in serious trouble as the BRICS are forming a new currency regime for 50% of the global market. Saudi Arabia is also allowing their oil to be priced in alternative currencies. The dollar peg is no longer mandated. Prices of oil may benefit from this change. Our American dollar index should decline for the remainder of 2023. The index is currently around 104.00. I suspect that this index will decline below 100 in the near future. All this change is favorable for gold and silver.

Real estate will benefit (temporarily) as interest rates may trend down going forward. The huge bubble in real estate, however, will still produce declining prices over time. In my area of Arizona, prices are declining even as listings are increasing. List prices have not moved down much as of yet, but I suspect that this will change in the near future. Mortgage affordability is still a major problem for many buyers. Will the FED now pivot and start to lower interest rates?

This is unlikely as INFLATION is a major problem. If gas prices increase going forward, this will show that INFLATION is a big problem. Our FED can manipulate these interest rates and produce temporary change which is positive but they can not change the overall investor PSYCHOLOGY. The psychology is changing and I sense that the END of a CYCLE is now here. By August we could be in a serious economic depression. Watch what the FED does going forward. March 22 is a key date!

The BIG PICTURE reveals that we are at the END of a major business cycle. We are also at the END of this Keynesian economic system which has existed since 1934. Debt has grown to unsustainable levels and this will not go away. You can witness the numbers here: www.usdebtclock.org. As I write the money supply is going down and this will lead to a depression by August if this trend continues. The END of Keynesian Economics is here IMO.

It may be wise to buy some gold coins and silver coins if you have excess savings. A supply of paper bills may also be wise. I am not giving investment advise (professionally) but I am suggesting that this alternative is usually positive given prior financial history. I follow this advice for my investments. This concept called VALUE is key to financial success. VALUE can decline in seconds if you have digital (virtual) assets. Today, most investments are held in digital currencies. Digital money can vanish with the stroke of a computer key. Digital money is VIRTUAL meaning that it is non-physical. It can vanish in seconds.

We need a NEW MODEL for our global commerce. This will come as the current model ends. My sense is that KEYNESIAN economics is essentially over. DEBT can not continue (forever) as it slows the economy when the numbers get excessive. Today, our DEBT situation is beyond salvation. We need a NEW MODEL for all global commerce. In the meantime, it may be wise to get out of the SYSTEM and into a commodity which has no SYSTEM control of its existence. Gold and Silver are these commodities.

Think for yourself and do your own research. What is right for me may be wrong for you. Each person's situation is unique. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Saturday, March 11, 2023

End of Business Cycle is Here! Why?

With the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank I now expect an avalanche of banks to follow this lead bank. I have seen this financial act before. The business cycle has ended and our economic depression is only months away.

Real estate will crash by August as prices are trending down fast. Layoffs will grow as companies lose revenue. The manipulated stock market will crash by August (maybe sooner). The END of our 14 year business cycle has arrived. It all started in 2009 as the last cycle ended.

I have watched this movie before. Cycles are real. The Fed has created this event with their interest rate policies. It was predictable. The historical inflation experience was produced by prior Fed policies. We are now at the end of this current business cycle (some 14 years of prosperity). 

My house value more than doubled during this current business cycle. It will now decline for the next few years. My car value also reached historical highs during this current cycle. Inflation in asset values happened as Fed policies promoted more demand. It was all predictable. 

The game is now changing fast. By August of 2023 we will be in a depression. Deflation will arrive. Asset value declines will be historic. Bankruptcies will grow exponentially. Chaos will grow as people become AWARE. The END of a major manipulated business cycle is HERE.

Point your mental focus at our Central Bank. This institution is primarily responsible. Also Biden's spending policies are part of the problem. Our exponential growth 💹 in debt is also part of the problem. Our dysfunctional political system is also part of the problem. American voters have also ignored our past financial excesses.

Prepare now for an END to Keynesian economics. This model started in 1934. After some 90 years, this model is now ending. Debt was at the core of this model. Demand management was the core policy. Spending was the alcohol. Imaginary money was the execlar. It's all ENDING. We now need a new model.

Don't blame anyone for this ending. Accept the consequences. The fault was a model which had debt as it's execlar. You can witness the endgame here:


Think 🤔 positive and help your leaders create a NEW MODEL. I will do likewise. Have a good day! I am: Donald B Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

History/Theology: Ministry of Messiah Yeshua and Prophet John the Baptist! Their Core Beliefs!

Let's review some history (my viewpoint) on two Jews who had a message for mankind (during their day and also for today). The two Aramaic Jews are:

1. John the Baptist (who preached a message of repentance) and of God's coming Judgment.

2. Yeshua (who John viewed as the Jewish Messiah). Messiah means anointed one of Yahweh God.

Prior to the ministry of Yeshua, there was this cousin (relative) called John the Baptist/John the Forerunner. John and Yeshua were friends (nearly the same age) and both were Aramaic Jews who believed in the God of Israel (called Yahweh in Hebrew). John was the son of Zachariah, a priest of Yahweh God, who worshiped at the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem. John was prophesied to be special as the angel, Gabriel, said so to Zachariah and his wife Elisabeth prior to John's birth.

Since John was living in the area of Jerusalem while Yeshua was living in Nazareth, they both could visit when they attended their various Torah studies at the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem. This Temple facility is also called the 2nd Temple of Yahweh God (until it's destruction in 70 A.D.). 

John grew up and became a Prophet of Yahweh and then Yeshua became a Messiah of Yahweh during his lifetime. John had the belief that the Kingdom of his God (Yahweh) was near and that Judgment was coming for those who did not REPENT. Yeshua agreed! Judgment did eventually come in 70 A.D. with the Roman destruction of God's Temple and most of the Jewish people.

The message of John the Baptist (during his ministry) was REPENT for the Kingdom of God is near and Judgement is coming from the God of Israel (Yahweh). Yeshua was a brief follower of his mentor, John, and he had similar beliefs to that of John. At the age of 29 (+ or -), Yeshua chose to get baptised by John (his cousin/mentor). John was baptising fellow Jews in the Jordan River (northeast of Jerusalem). Yeshua chose to get baptised as John had a message from the God of Israel which resonated with Yeshua's beliefs.

At the time of baptism, John and Yeshua heard a voice (inside their spirit) which appeared spontaneously (within their consciousness). This voice was apparently from above (the spiritual realm). This voice apparently said, "this is my anointed one (son) of whom I am well pleased" (or similar words). No-one knows precisely what was said but the Gospel of Mark records the words as coming from Yahweh (also called the Father in this Gospel) via the Holy Spirit (in the form of a Dove). Apparently, both John the Baptist and cousin Yeshua experienced this spiritual epiphany (during this baptism event).

Anyway, after this event, John continued with his ministry of repentance for sin and his Apocalyptic message of Judgment (that which we call the 'wrath' of God when we read today's scripture in Revelations). John was later beheaded by Herod Antipas for his moral judgment of Herod's marriage situation. After this beheading, Yeshua chose to start his three year ministry. Yeshua went into the desert (first) for his temptation experience (with Satan) and then he went to his home town of Nazareth to start his ministry. His message was mostly rejected in his home town.

After praying (to Yahweh) on a mountain side (within the province of Galilee) Yeshua , subsequently, chose  12 disciples who followed his ministry. He chose these Apostles to help him with his ministry. Later he chose another 70 to go out and attempt to announce his Gospel message to the people. Yeshua's Gospel message was that the Kingdom of the Jewish God (Yahweh) was near (at the door) and Judgment was coming for those who did not REPENT (this was similar to the ministry of his cousin John the Baptist). 

Yeshua taught his followers in Parables so that his message was concealed to those that were not chosen for understanding. His Parables were all about the coming KINGDOM OF GOD (his God) and the need to REPENT if one were to enter this coming KINGDOM. The Parable of the tares, the Parable of the mustard seed, and other Parables presented the Gospel of the KINGDOM in various forms to those who desired understanding. Yeshua's ministry continued for some three years (+ or -) and then he chose to confront his superiors at the Temple/Sanhedrin.

His brief trial with the Jewish authorities led to his further trial with the Roman authorities (Pilate, et al). The High Priest of the Sanhedrin along with a crowd of non-believers (in the Message of Yeshua) ridiculed his Gospel message. Apparently, many thought he was promoting himself as God in the flesh.

In reality, however, he was promoting HIS God (the God of Israel) as coming (spiritually) to establish a spiritual Kingdom for all people's. Being a Torah believing Jew the idea of promoting HIMSELF as God was anathema (not valid/preposterous). He desired HIS God as KING 👑, not himself (a flesh and blood human). But many of his contemporaries thought different. This led to his trial and conviction as the authorities and a huge crowd disbeliefed his rhetoric.

After his crucifixion and death, his spirit was apparently 'glorified' (made virtual). He then ascended to his God, Yahweh, within the spiritual realm. He assumed a position of authority under his God, the God of Israel...also called Yahweh (Father). A right hand position meant that Yahweh had honored his earthly experience. His new role was now to act as the believers High Priest (mediator).

Today (2023) this glorified person has assumed an idol status within this earthly Church called Christianity. Many believers have exalted this prior Aramaic Jew (a fully human person) to a God status and a God person within a Trinity Godhead. He has been exalted and deified to Creator status my many. The old testament God of Israel (Yahweh) has now been replaced (say many) by a new Trinity God (three God person's within one Godhead). Is this idolatry or what?

All this theology and belief is now crumbling as we enter these end-times. Prophecy teachers are now proclaiming an END to this Christian Church Age. This end times, many say, will commence with a bodily RAPTURE of all Christian believers into the clouds above. Escape is now the mantra of many believing Christians. Then a tribulation emerges for all those left behind (some seven years).

Finally, 😎 a second coming of the glorified Yeshua will occur. A bodily descent from the Throne Room will happen. Yeshua will then establish his Kingdom and reign supreme with his flock of believers. All this will happen here on planet Earth 🌎.  Yeshua will act as God and enforce his mandates on all society (planet earth). This is reality for many Christian believers. 

Is any of this real? I would suggest No! It's pure 😇 fantasy with a smattering of reality built in to deceive the gullible. Yes, a new Messiah is coming to planet Earth. Isaiah 2, 11 make this clear. Revelation 19- 22 also confirms that Yahweh's Kingdom will come. Father God will eventually rule this planet (invisibly) from his throne room. This is my viewpoint. You must think 🤔 for yourself on all these theological issues. It's interesting to learn and grow spiritually. Have a great 👍💯 day.

I am: donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

ASSUMPTION: Our World works via CAUSE and EFFECT! Let's explore the reasons!

Most thinkers (philosophers/scientists/educators) assume that our world works via 'cause'/'effect'.
Nothing happens which has no cause. Events happen because a CAUSE produces an EFFECT. My prior missive reveals my reasons why I operate (live my life) 'at effect'. I did not choose to be born and I did not choose my inputs (mind/talents/culture/parents/thinking, etc.). I, therefore, (like you) live my life without KNOWING the real causes. I must think and make ASSUMPTIONS (assumptions are key to my worldview).

It is my assumption that a Higher Source (a higher intelligence) is acting as the ultimate CAUSE (behind the scenes) for all events. I respond from birth to death to this Higher Source (intelligence) which provided my inputs. I have no other choice. I did not create myself. I did not choose to be born. It all just happened and now I must develop my own worldview on why all this is happening. The HOW is more easy than the WHY. I assume you must do likewise if you desire your worldview to have meaning!

Earlier in my life when I was a tennis player, I visited a tennis friend who was also a POTTER. This friend had his own pottery company and he sold pots, bowls, figurines, art objects, etc. at his pottery venue (it was in Wisconsin). I noticed how he would spin the clay and use water so as to produce a pot. The end result was amazing after the entire process was complete. This POTTER is my example for the Higher Source which I view as our ultimate CAUSE (the ultimate POTTER).

My assumption is that the FIRST CAUSE for all events which happen (on our planet) is our Higher Source (intelligence). This INTELLIGENCE lives in the NOW and acts to create the events on planet Earth and our greater universe. I call this CAUSE our POTTER. If this is valid, then I become the CLAY under this assumption (you also). As the CLAY we represent precisely what our POTTER has created. We did not have any freewill on this situation. Our Higher Source (POTTER) produced me/you precisely as a Potter produces a clay pot. It all happens beyond our full knowledge and control.

We are now living (today) as 'an effect' from the action of our POTTER (behind the scene). I am here in the NOW not KNOWING the full story which my POTTER has created. I assume that your situation is similar. You do not KNOW your reasons for being (fully) as your POTTER has all the specifications (details) hidden. But we both can speculate on what has happened and then recognize that our POTTER probably had reasons for his/her creation. Let's speculate!

My sense is that this Higher Source (POTTER) is fully in control of the end game which he/she created. Each bit of CLAY has some purpose and each event which happens leads to some END (result). The beginning is easier to discern then the END. I am here NOW and this means that I was created (my birth date is known). I have lived my life (now some 80 earth years) and I now like to think about the MEANING of all this. Was there a purpose for my birth and my life? Is the life of each person (on this planet) part of the puzzle that is active and relevant? Do all events and persons have a purpose?

My sense is that human beings have been active on this planet for some 6,000 years (give or take). Does our POTTER have an END GAME for his creation (you and me)? My sense is YES. We are now in this END GAME as the rule of man is ending (after these 6,000 years of activity). Our POTTER is bringing the CLAY under his control so that this END GAME can happen. The FIRST CAUSE is bringing us the 'effects' which we now experience on this planet. All is happening PRECISELY according to plan. That is my ASSUMPTION!

The END GAME will lead to a NEW AGE. Life is eternal (my belief) so life can not end. Life must continue with a NEW AGE evolving with new inputs which then lead to new outputs. The GAME of life continues because life is eternal and everlasting. The ending of one age leads to the beginning of a new age. This new age is likely to be on this planet and also in another realm for those not on this planet.  Give this scenario some reflection as you watch events happen on this planet. 

My assumption is that our POTTER is fully in control of his creation and all that happens is suppose to happen. It's confusing and much beyond my full understanding! But it does have meaning to me. Give my premise some reflection and then add your own inputs. Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Two 'Assumptions' about REALITY which seem 'irrefutable'! Let's Review!

Personally, I view reality as relative (meaning that I can not discern absolutely that which I call reality). Reality continues to change over time. I can, however, discern that which appears to be solid and true based upon my own personal 'experiences'. There are TWO assumptions about reality which I would assert are solid and true. Let's talk about each of these assumptions to discern why I view them as solid and true.

The TWO ASSUMPTIONS at the core of reality:

1. All my reality is experienced as a NOW event. I experience no PAST and no FUTURE.

2. All my reality is derived from 'causes' which are beyond my freewill and being. In other words, I live my NOW reality AT EFFECT. The CAUSE is ultimately unknown and beyond my ken to totally discern.

Let's talk about these two assumptions to see if I have solid data to conclude that these assumptions are valid (for me and also for you). First of all, I view all my personal experiences as happening within a NOW moment (consecutively). I can not escape the NOW moment as I live my life. The NOW is part of my consciousness and my consciousness is continually a NOW situation. No escape from the NOW is possible. Try to escape the NOW? I don't think anyone can!

My so-called PAST is never experienced (as a reality). What happens is that I experience a MEMORY (in the NOW) and this memory is what I call my PAST. But this memory is ALWAYS experienced as a NOW event (within me). I can think about my life yesterday (or earlier) and recall some of the events which happened. But I do this THINKING in the NOW (always). I never actually experience a PAST (only NOW memories of my past). All this happens within my consciousness (not outside my consciousness).

This situation leaves me with the conclusion that I LIVE in the NOW (always). I dream in the NOW. I drive my car in the NOW. I eat and sleep in the NOW. I act daily and this experience (action) is always a NOW experience. I can not escape the NOW. What does this mean for this idea we call TIME? Is TIME always a NOW event? Does TIME evolve in (from) the NOW. Was TIME invented in the NOW (via some past experience of NOW)? Does this mean that TIME is mental/imaginary/virtual?

I would suggest that TIME is derived from human imagination (mental activity). TIME was invented by humans for a reason/purpose. TIME may have been invented to help us discern seasons and to produce order within the marketplace. TIME gets invented as astronomers watch MOVEMENT (within the heavens). The motion of our planet can produce this concept we call TIME. The motion of our planet around our SUN can give us this concept called a YEAR. Fractions of a year can then be derived mathematically from this prior MOTION.

Eventually, we can invent a CLOCK to follow the motions and this gives us 'clock time'. Clock time is derived from prior cosmic motion and human invention. Today, we have very sophisticated technology to measure clock time. But cosmic time is really a measure of our imaginations about prior motion. Once clock time is invented, we can produce new imaginations about TIME (and history) which may not be fully valid. In reality, TIME is a NOW event and this means TIME originated with a human person (an invention).

Time is much like MONEY (it's invented as a tool for a purpose). In reality, both TIME and MONEY do not EXIST (separate from the human mind). Both are mental inventions derived from mental experiences. All is meant to serve a PURPOSE for humans so life can be improved. But both of these concepts are technically IMAGINARY. We could eliminate both of these concepts. That which is 'invented' can be 'uninvented'. Amazing!

Now lets talk about this assumption called LIVING AT EFFECT. In reality, I was born on this planet without any personal input. I had no FREEWILL at the point of birth. The CAUSE of my birth was beyond my ken (vision). After my birth, I then started my mental (experiential) journey on this planet. All events which happened (after birth) were mostly derived from causes much beyond my personal knowledge and control. Did I choose my parents, culture, health, talents, skin color, appearance, gender, etc.? I don't think so! I originated from CAUSES beyond my freewill. What does this mean?

The idea that I have full freewill to create my own reality is really a MYTH. I did not create my birth (my beginning) so I must conclude that I live AT EFFECT (a reality of causes much beyond me).  I live and experience that which is within me even as the CAUSE is beyond me (unknown). This leads me to conclude that I live AT EFFECT. If this is true for me, maybe it is also true for you. We both live life in the NOW and experience reality without knowing the ultimate CAUSES. Amazing!

The TWO assumptions which seem solid and true are that I live continually within the NOW (this is how I experience life) and I also live AT EFFECT (not knowing the true causes which produce my life experiences). Are these assumptions true and solid for you also? Think on these assumptions and ask yourself questions. Questions produce answers as we ask and experience life. It was Socrates who stated that life starts with a 'question' and ends with a 'question'.  We really KNOW NOTHING! Amazing!

Have a great day as you contemplate reality. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.
