Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, January 30, 2023

Thomas Jefferson: "The issuing power (money creation) should be taken from banks and returned to the people whom it properly belongs."

America's founding father, Thomas Jefferson, understood money.
In fact, it was Thomas who created our first dollar (a unit defined in terms of silver, 325.25 grains of silver). Thomas recognized that money needed to be controlled by the citizens of America (not a centralized bank system). America, originally, had a money unit tied to some 'thing' until Nixon closed the gold window on August 15, 1971.

Today, we have a dollar which is tied to the inner 'consciousness' (mind) of a central banker. Our dollar is tied to 'nothing' and it gets created from 'nothing'. I call this a 'unit of consciousness'. Yes, our dollar is now a 'unit of consciousness' (tied to nothing but the mind of a central banker in Washington D.C.). Money units (now mere 'numbers') get created by central bankers as they PUNCH a computer key.

What a change from yesteryear. Money is suppose to be a 'thing' which derives it value from nature (like silver/gold/copper/similar). But our criminal banking system has allowed the 'dollar' to become 'nothing'. Currency units (dollars) are now created in the trillions as central bankers choose these 'numbers'. A mental choice results in punching computer keys to increase/decrease the banker's central ACCOUNT. Is this counterfeiting or what?

As a student of monetary history I call today's money system CRIMINAL. It leads to wealth for the few and bankruptcy for the many. The 1% rule over our nation with money that gets distributed by a corrupt/criminal centralized system. Our government has accumulated over $31.5 trillion of unpayable debt. Deficits are now in the trillions. America's total debt is now nearly $93 trillion. Can any of the debt be repaid? Absolutely not!

America is technically BANKRUPT and yet the Ponzi game continues since the dollar is the RESERVE CURRENCY for the planet. America gets to spend and spend with no accountability to the global system. We create $$$$$$$$ out of nothing and increase DEBT to exponential levels. It's a money game which no other NATION is allowed to run. ONLY America! America wants their counterparties to pay their debts but America gets off the hook with no repayment. You can see the numbers here:


I have written about the criminal system for over 20 years. It now seems like our centralized authorities will create a 'digital' (virtual) money system which is totally inner (within our consciousness). A dollar (or any other virtual currency) is really a UNIT which lives within our inner self (our consciousness). It is not a 'thing' which exists outside of the human mind. This is a criminal money system at the CORE.

What we have today is a system where centralized elites (operating behind closed doors) can funnel money units to whoever they please. The RICH (get richer) and the rest get controlled by the system. It's totally diabolical and criminal. Thomas Jefferson was right. The 'issuing authority' should be the people (meaning that money should be a 'thing' which exists). 

Thomas Jefferson created our FIRST mint in Philadelphia so that money units could be created by the people. Mining of silver and gold produced coins which were then defined precisely by weight. A 'dollar' was precisely 325.25 grains of pure silver. All other denominations were also defined precisely. People could count on the money units as they negotiated 'value' transactions in the marketplace.

Today, everything is subjective and distorted. Computer manipulations occur daily as hidden computers manipulate our markets in real-time. Control is centralized and the core computers are HIDDEN behind closed doors at a central bank facility. America's dollar ($$$$$) now a mere symbol (number) gets created and distributed by this centralized authority. Wealth goes to the 1% and the 99% get enslaved.

It's all a diabolic PONZI system which needs to be ABOLISHED. Thomas Jefferson would do such if he were living today. His money system is now a HUGE Ponzi Game which he would abolish with the stroke of a governmental pen. Biden could start this process if he understood the history. Unfortunately, Biden and his administration do not want to bring JUSTICE to America (at least this is my perspective). Think for yourself as you WATCH this corrupt system continue (until it ends)!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Sunday, January 29, 2023

??? Where does CRIMINAL (political) behavior come from??? Is it INNATE?

For the past 50 years I have followed the behavior/decisions within our banking/economic/political system. I have written many letters to select politicians (over the years) on issues of money, banking, value, and finance. Not one leader of distinction has allowed me to educate them on an issue of political importance (via a teaching dialogue). The typical response (from all) is that the system controls their mindset (when in a position of authority). I wrote Trump, I wrote Obama, I wrote the banking committee's. None responded with an interest to learn or via critical thinking to challenge my viewpoint!

Trump, Biden, Powell, Pelosi, Obama, McCarthy, Schumer, and dozens of others ALL ignore any serious challenge to their power or their thinking (when in office). I found this mindset typical in other educational venues as well. Religion and Science both discourage any real challenge to their respective worldview's. Can anyone actually challenge an idea within a church environment? It's nearly impossible given the nature of the system. Money and ego rule (within all these venues) and this allows criminal behavior to flourish.

Our political system is totally polarized today even as the leaders continue with the same mantra (put ME in control and I will SOLVE the problems). In reality, NONE really focuses on the core problems. A typical example is our governmental DEBT situation. I have written on this issue for over 20 years (with many letters to select political authorities). None seems to SEEK understanding or humility (on this issue) when in office. The big issue today in economics/finance/money is this issue of allowing digital numbers to rule over finance. Will the banking system allow this Mark of the Beast financial system to develop?

A cashless society is what has emerged (since 2008) but few to none (the politicians) understand what is happening. Most assume that a digital number in a computer is a REAL 'thing' which exists. They do not dig deep into the 'nature' of digital 'numbers' to discern there reality. I have written about this concept called VALUE for nearly 50 years. What is VALUE in reality? I have pointed out that VALUE is a subjective concept within a person's mind. VALUE is not some objective 'thing' which exists in real-time (outside the mind). It's pure 'imagination' within each of us!

Yet our banking leaders can not discern this reality as they simultaneously create TRILLIONS of numbers/dollars (from their consciousness/thinking and still do not ADMIT the subjective/inner nature of these NUMBERS). It's shocking to me how obstinate and gullible our leading authorities are when in office. Jerome Powell, for example, punches computer buttons to add new 'numbers' to his SOMA  computer account (now nearly 9 trillion). Yet he can not discern the nature of these 'numbers' or the source of these 'numbers'. He refuses to LOOK in the mirror! Amazing gullibility!

The SOURCE (of his money creation) is himself...yet he does not discern his own inner SELF (his consciousness). He repeats the mantra of creating new computer 'numbers' ad infinitum without understanding that HE is the SOURCE of all these 'imaginary' numbers. He calls these mental creations (dollars) and then he assumes that these units of math (numbers) are REAL and tangible. He seems to have NO awareness of his OWN inner SELF (his consciousness). Is this typical of most leaders in positions of AUTHORITY? I think so! All refuse to LOOK in the mirror and ask themselves questions!

Criminal behavior happens daily in our banking system and our political system and FEW to NONE comprehend the criminality. Our problems get worse and worse and NONE seem aware of the SOURCE. Select leaders act from their worldview and assume that they are solving our problems. In reality, however, they are making our problems worse and worse (over time). I have watched this DEBT ceiling fiasco for 30 years. Our DEBT grows and grows but kicking the can down the road is the mindset of our leaders. None of our key leaders (say Biden today) want to deal with our DEBT problems. Trump was similar.

Money is assumed to GROW on trees and to automatically funnel itself to these criminals who run the show. The core leaders within our banking institutions are ignored as the real problem. This imaginary unit called the American dollar ($$$$$) is assumed to be real and tangible (just because these leaders SEE the 'numbers' in their computer screen). Mere imaginary NUMBERS are viewed as tangible entities even as the SOURCE of these NUMBERS is our FED Chairman (and his stooges in New York who punch the 'numbers').

Numbers get funneled into the Fed banking account via a mental DECISION of POWELL and then these numbers get distributed from computer to computer. Select recipients get these 'numbers' (called money/dollars) and this continues ad infinitum (indefinitely) with NO awareness of where the 'numbers' ORIGINATE. The mindset of these leaders IGNORES their own ACTIONS (as they punch computer buttons in real-time to create TRILLIONS of new legal tender numbers).What a farce I witness daily! All this seems criminal to me!

Our leaders can not discern their OWN inner actions and this allows them to continue the PONZI game indefinitely. QE was a game of central bank 'counterfeiting' in the trillions and yet NONE can discern where these trillions originated? The balance sheet of our FED is nearly 9 trillion (it started at 850 billion in 2008) and yet POWELL and our banking committee leaders can not DISCERN what is happening. What a shame on the mentality of all these so-called LEADERS. Criminal behavior happens daily and yet NONE will call their behavior criminal. None will LOOK in the mirror at themselves. 

Today, we have criminality at the HIGHEST levels of politics (everywhere). Where does this criminal behavior ultimately originate? Are there invisible spiritual forces which act to influence these leaders in power? Is there a leader within this 'invisible' spiritual realm who acts to influence these select political/banking leaders. Who might this be? Invisible principalities and powers appear to rule our nation but few seem to comprehend. My sense is that people will start to wake-up when survival conditions develop for the many. Until this happens most will SLEEP. Human nature is interesting. Hopefully we all will start to wake-up to reality! I have started!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Was the Covid 19 virus a bio-weapon? Science data points to this conclusion!

One of the top medical practitioners and medical scientists of our time confirms under oath in the one hour deposition here — https://odysee.com/@Video_di_KasperCarlo:d/COVID-CRIMES-Dr.-Richard-M.Fleming-MD-sworn-testimony-that-C-(sub-ita-COMPLETO):a — that Covid is a bioweapon developed with US government money in contravention of the Bioweapons Convention, Nuremberg Laws, US Constitution and as such is an act of treason. Richard Fleming, M.D., J.D., Ph.D. (physics), also testifies that the mRNA “vaccine” is useless. It does not prevent Covid or its spread. To the contrary, the “vaccine” aids the spread of Covid by disrupting the body’s immune system. The evidence is clear that the “vaccine” has caused more death and health injury than the made-in-the-laboratory Covid virus itself.

The Scientific Facts Are In: The Covid Virus and Pandemic are Man-Made. The mRNA “vaccine” Is More Deadly than the Virus (1/23/2023)

I have listen to the above video three times. I have also done research on the various viewpoints which claim that the virus emerged from an animal host (bat or similar). The scientific data has now been reviewed and analyzed. Listen and learn this science as you do your own research. I am now convinced that Richard Fleming has correctly diagnosed the issue. The virus did NOT come from natural causes (a host animal) but it did come from 'gain of function' engineering (mostly at the Wuhan Lab).

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Former Chief Medical Advisor to the President of United States under President Trump and Joseph Biden has distorted and misrepresented the facts to the public. His prior behavior and details need to be investigated.

Personally, I had one injection of the Moderna vaccine. I had muscle spams after this injection. Since this injection I also have had other respiratory issues which may have resulted from a loss of strength in my immune system. All this is minor for me but I did experience some consequences. I certainly will NOT get any further injections.

Deaths globally, from Sars Covid 2, exceed 6.7 million. Deaths in USA exceed 1.3 million. Deaths in Sweden exceed 23,000. The authorities who created this global pandemic need to be held to account. I ask everyone who reads this missive to listen to the words of Dr. Richard Fleming and then do your OWN research. Personally, I sense that Richard is telling us TRUTH on this issue!

The original Covid 19 virus emerged from a 'gain of function' process which started prior to the virus emerging into the public arena. This 'gain of function' engineering at the various LABS (such as Wuhan Lab in China) is what produced this 'artificial virus' and its DEADLY transmission system. The lady behind this 'gain of function' engineering was Shi Zheng-Li and Dr. Fauci backed this lab with U.S. dollars. The cover-up is just now being exposed.

Shi Zheng-Li (Shi Zhengli is a Chinese virologist who researches SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin). A new document shows Zhengli Shi’s edits to a draft of the Emerging Microbes & Infections commentary, “No credible evidence supporting the claims of the laboratory engineering of SARS-CoV-2.” Zhengli Shi is a leading Chinese virologist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Conclusions: It now appears that BOTH the virus and the vaccines are potential bio-weapons. As I write, the deaths from the many variants which have emerged, continue. No animal tests were done prior to issuance of the experimental vaccines to the public. This reveals incompetence of the highest order. According to Dr. Fleming this is treasonous and those agencies behind all this chaos need to be prosecuted. Biden and Trump both need to come lean on their involvement. Dr. Fauci and his collaborators also need to publicly explain their involvement. Our Congress needs to get involved.

My sense is that the Covid 19 virus pandemic needs investigation by our Congress. If Dr. Richard Fleming is correct, that the virus was engineered via a 'gain of function' process in order to create a dangerous pathogen, then this is criminal behavior. If the virus was 'natural' then this evidence must be proven. It appears to me, that Dr. Fleming has identified the problem, and this means we all need to support those who TELL the TRUTH (even as the consequences are less than positive for the world). THE TRUTH sets us free!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Was the historical Jesus/Yeshua 'GLORIFIED' after his death in 33 A.D.? Believers must decide! Why?

Many believers claim that they have experienced a 'glorified' Jesus! Are any of these claims REAL or fake? Let's discuss and think on this idea for this missive! Some of these experiences may be partially fake as many differ theologically (from person to person) even while they may be real to the person who experiences this spirit! What do you think? Did Yeshua get 'glorified' after his DEATH?

One of the deepest theological issues for all believers to consider/evaluate/review is this concept called the 'glorification' of a dead Jew whom many claim to be a Messiah or equivalent. All of our history since 33 A.D. (the supposed date of Yeshua's death) begs this question: was Yeshua/Jesus 'glorifed' and did he ascend to his God (the Father) whom Jews call Yahweh (today the word HaShem is used for this God). Let's talk about this concept which is KEY to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Personally, I have not experienced the presence of this 'glorified' Jew in my personal lifetime. I have experienced the spiritual presence of God (the Father) and/or an Angel from this SOURCE, however. This happened to me back in 1977. I experienced an 'out-of-body' event which I viewed as originating from God. My mother, Elsa Skoglund, however, claims that she experienced the spirit of the 'glorified' Jesus (she never used the name Yeshua) and this experience happened to her (after a serious mental breakdown) sometime around 1950. This experience changed her life (totally) from NEAR death to a totally renewed LIFE.

I also have two sisters, one of which claims that SHE had a personal vision of Jesus (she also never uses the name Yeshua). This vision happened to her (1968 +-) and it totally CHANGED her life. A radical change occurred to her behavior and this was similar to that of my mother (Elsa). I have internalized these changes from each of these person's LIFE stories and these changes (after the event) were SIGNIFICANT. The question today is: did this Jew from Nazareth actually get 'glorified' after his physical death (say 33 A.D.)? Did he then 'ascend' to his God (whom many call the Father)?

It appears that we do have some witnesses who claim that they experienced this 'glorified' Jew after his death at Golgotha (outside Jerusalem). Peter, an apostle of Yeshua, apparently experienced a 'vision' of this 'glorified' Jew. The brother of Yeshua, James, apparently experienced a 'vision' of this 'glorified' Jew. Then we have this zealot called Saul of Tarsus (later Paul) who claims he had a 'vision' of the 'glorified' Jew (say around 37 A.D. (+-). This 'vision' totally CHANGED this Jew into a proselytizing Evangelist. Are any of the above EXPERIENCES real/valid/complete?

My personal sense is that MILLIONS of believers (since the death of this Jew's ordeal in 33 A.D.) have experienced this 'glorified' person's spirit (in some form). As I said above, I have not experienced this spirit (personally) myself. But I have experienced the reality of a Higher Spirit (which I call God Almighty) and this spirit (invisible and intangible) did CHANGE my LIFE (and behavior). So, is all this REAL or FAKE? My sense is that this is REAL (so real that I desire to write about these experiences). Again, the question for today is: did this Jew from Nazareth actually get 'glorified' so that he ascended to the right-hand of God?

Is this 'glorified' Jew living and active in REAL-TIME (NOW)? Is he residing at the RIGHT-HAND side of God Almighty (who I call Yahweh/Father/Jehovah/HaShem/Allah/Ancient of Days, NOW)? If so, what does this mean in real-time today? What has it meant to people like my MOTHER, Elsa Skoglund, (now 'glorified') and many others who claim to have had 'experiences' from this source? Is any of this REAL or is it all myth and fakery? If REAL, then what does it mean going forward for our WORLD?

My sense is that this is REAL. I base my belief on Revelation 4 and 5. The Apostle John apparently wrote the text of Revelation and he claims that it was the 'glorified' Yeshua/Jesus who sent him HIS 'vision'. This 'vision', however, CAME (first) from YAHWH GOD (so the words state): "This is the revelation given by God (Yahweh) to Jesus (Yeshua) so that he could tell his servants about the things which are now to take place very soon; he sent his ANGEL to make it known to his servant JOHN."

My sense is that this TEXT is valid scripture (directly from Yahweh God) who sits on the THRONE of our universe and acts as our CREATOR God. For Jews this would be HaShem and for Muslims this would be Allah. For many Christians this would be the FATHER. Words vary from believer to believer as we all use different NAMES for our CREATOR. Jews use the name, HaShem. Muslims use the Arabic word, Allah. And Christians (many) use the word/title Father. I use the personal name Yahweh and/or Jehovah. My point is that there is a SOURCE who rules this planet and also a source which resides at the Right-Hand side of this SOURCE. Is this the 'glorified' Yeshua who lived as a rabbi/Jew/prophet/Messiah during his lifetime?

Did this Jew from Nazareth (who died around 33 A.D.) then get 'glorified' (by his God) and did he then 'ascend' to the THRONE room area (right-hand side) to experience some AUTHORITY over events on planet Earth? Is he active in the NOW? My sense (belief) is that he is and that he reports directly to his Father (Yahweh) who sits ON THE THRONE (per Revelation 4). This 'glorified' Jew is not God, however. He reports to God and acts UNDER God. Did my mother and my sister's experiences actually happen (say in 1950 and 1968)? Was their belief that the 'glorified' Jesus appeared to them REAL/VALID?

Think for yourself on this issue. Millions of believers (today) have experiences which they attribute to the spirit of the 'glorified' Jesus (this Jew who lived on planet Earth from around 6 B.C. to 33 A.D.). Are these spiritual experiences REAL or FAKE? My sense is that they are REAL/VALID/TRUE. The 'glorified' Yeshua is living in the NOW and he resides at the RIGHT-HAND SIDE of ALMIGHTY GOD (Yahweh). If valid, then I must give credence to the historical experiences of Peter, James, Paul, and the many others! This Jew must have been 'anointed' by his God (after his baptism). It must have been REAL (at least to the person experiencing this 'spirit')!

Have a great day and think on these spiritual ideas on your own! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Why do thinking JEWS reject Christianity/Jesus/Yeshua! Reasons!

A typical Jewish theological perspective. HaShem is this person's God! Why not Jesus?

The history of mankind is a history of the quest for REDEMPTION. Emancipation/redemption/freedom is what mankind desires (down deep). America was founded on the idea of eventual redemption for the human soul. Another word for redemption is freedom/equality/justice/peace. We all want these emotions for our daily living. I want redemption, You want redemption, Mankind wants redemption. But we do not HAVE redemption in real-time (today). Why? Thinking Jews have a history of wanting REDEMPTION for mankind. Let's review this history to better discern our current situation!

The role of a Messiah (I assume) is to bring the world REDEMPTION (emancipation/liberty/freedom). Many thinking Christians ASSUME that the last Messiah person (called Jesus or Yeshua) was the one who brought mankind REDEMPTION (I listen to Christian theology daily). The mantra is 'ACCEPT the salvation of Jesus' and YOU are (will be) REDEEMED. The 'blood' of this historical rabbi is assumed to be mankind's final REDEMPTION. But why do thinking JEWS (also most Muslims and many Gentiles) reject this theology (called the theology of orthodox/evangelical Christianity)?

Let's outline the core reasons as follows:

1. Thinking Jews (generally) believe that God is a 'transcendent' spirit BEING (not a prior created human being who lived on planet Earth).

2. Thinking Jews (generally) assume that Jesus/Yeshua was a false Messiah person (not the Messiah of Isaiah 2 who brings the world full redemption).

3. Thinking Jews (generally) believe that God is Singular (ONE)...not a TRINITY (three god person's).

4. Thinking Jews (generally) believe that salvation can not come from HUMAN sacrifice (death of Jesus/Yeshua). For Jews, Jesus, was a human person (a Jew from Nazareth).

5. Thinking Jews (generally) believe that the real Messiah (an anointed of God) is still in the process of coming. Isaiah 2, Daniel 7, are text which support the Jewish point-of-view. 

6. Thinking Jews (mostly) do not accept the idea that Jesus/Yeshua was 'glorified' after his death. They assume that Yeshua was fully human and died normally by crucifixion. No 'glorification' occurred. 

7. Thinking Jews (generally) do not view Jesus/Yeshua (this historical rabbi) as having 'ascended' to the transcendent/invisible Jewish God (Yahweh/HaShem). For Jews our Creator is not a prior human being (Messiah or otherwise who ascended to God). Our Creator is the God of Jewish history (invisible/transcendent) who sent us the Commandments of Moses as our moral guide.

Let's cover these bullet points with additional comments and history. First of all, a thinking Jew generally believes that Abraham provides the real Covenant for Jews. Abraham was chosen by an invisible/transcendent God and his off-spring, Isaac and then Jacob, continued the relationship with this invisible/transcendent God. After the time of Moses (say 1400 B.C.) this transcendent/invisible God became personal with the 'name' I AM or Yahweh. Today, Jews use the word HaShem  (mostly) in lieu of Yahweh.

For thinking Jews, Moses set the foundation for Judaism. Then Prophet Samuel, during the time of the Judges, became the first real Prophet. Then the tribes of Israel (all 12 tribes) desired a human KING to lead them. They desired to replace the invisible/transcendent God which had led them up to that point. Samuel talked to Yahweh and this led to the first human KING (Saul) for the Israelites (all 12 tribes).

After King Saul (he reigned some 40 years) then King David was anointed for a term of 40 years. Then Solomon was anointed for another 40 years. David desired a TEMPLE for his God, Yahweh. Solomon built this TEMPLE for the God, Yahweh. Then the 12 tribes broke up and some 10 tribes took on the name ISRAEL and the 2 tribes (Judah and Benjamin) took on the name Judah (Jews). Then tribulation emerged for all these thinking Israelites.

Then the first TEMPLE was destroyed by the Babylonians around 586 B.C. After another exile (70 years) the Jews (now mostly of the tribe of Judah/Benjamin) were allowed (under Cyrus) to go back to Jerusalem and build a 2nd TEMPLE. This TEMPLE was expanded under King Herod and then this Temple was destroyed completely by the Romans in 70 A.D. (never to be rebuilt again). The Jews were scattered to all parts of planet Earth after this destruction. This Diaspora continued until the return in 1948.

During the period of (say) 4 B.C. to 33 A.D. a Jew (from the tribe of Judah) emerged who became a rabbi/teacher/prophet/Messiah. This human being, tribe of Judah, tried to redeem the Jews and their beliefs with his message called the Kingdom of God. This Jew was baptised by his cousin, John, and then he was supposedly anointed by Father God (Yahweh) after his baptism. He then started his preaching ministry which lasted some 1 to 3 years.

This rabbi's Aramaic name was Yeshua (later called Jesus by most Gentiles and English speaking believers). This rabbi had a message (he assumed was from Yahweh God) that was later rejected by the elites within Judaism during his lifetime. The Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, and Scribes mostly rejected this preacher/rabbi/prophet/Messiah (his message). Many gentiles called this Jew The KING OF THE JEWS! In reality he was an anointed MESSENGER of Yahweh God.

Today, we have a religion that emerged after the DEATH of this Jew from Nazareth called Christianity. This religion started under confusion and diversity but gradually grew into this HUGE Roman Catholic Christian religion which has dominated mankind for nearly 2,000 years. Today, this religion is divided into sects and denominations but the general theology is basically this Catholic theology which espouses the idea that the historical Yeshua/Jesus was exalted to Godhood (the 2nd person of a TRINITY of God person's). He is now EQUAL (as God) with the other person's of this TRINITY. 

This exaltation (called Christology) produced a growing religion (over time) with Jesus/Yeshua (now equal with the historical God of Judaism in the mind of many). All this grew and emerged mostly since the time of Constantine and this conference called the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. The Roman Catholic Church emerged later with a theological system that permeated all of our real-time society. Today, we have division within Christianity but the core concept of Jesus/Yeshua being God is common to most Christian believers.

What is now emerging is a general sense that this Church Age of Christianity is coming to an end and that God will send another Messiah (a 2nd Coming) so that a New Kingdom Age can emerge for planet Earth. Jews generally think that their God (now called HaShem) will bring us this new Messiah so that a NEW AGE can emerge for our planet. Christians generally sense that their 'glorified' (historical Jesus) will RETURN to planet Earth and set up his Kingdom (called the Kingdom of Christ for planet Earth).

Basically, Christians think that their historical Messiah person (Jesus) is now living (spiritually) next to the God of Judaism (Yahweh) in the heavens. They use the language that Jesus is at the RIGHT hand side of the Father. Most assume that this RIGHT hand side idea produced a God person who is EQUAL with the Father (Yahweh). A TRINITY (of equal god person's) is assumed with Jesus (as God the son), the Father (as God the Father), and the Holy Spirit (as God the Holy Spirit). This confusing idea is assumed to be the Christian GOD (or Godhead). No-one has been able to discern/explain this concept fully!

Thinking Jews (mostly) reject this theology of Christianity. They reject the idea of a 'virgin' birth. They reject the idea that a Messiah is equivalent to their invisible/transcendent God. They reject this idolatry called the TRINITY. They reject the idea that a Jew (a prior human being) can be offered as a SACRIFICE for the sins of mankind (called redemption). They reject the idea that this ascended Jew (assumed to be 'glorified') will come again to set up a Kingdom of himself. For Jews there is only ONE LORD and this LORD is HaShem (also called Yahweh or FATHER in their theology). Jesus or Yeshua can not be God and/or their Messiah.

This brief history and overview of Christian/Jewish beliefs should help with your understanding of this division within Christianity/Judaism/Islam. We could add the theology of Islam to the mix to make the issues even more complicated. Islam emerged after 610 A.D. with Muhammad's theology and later this emerged into a growing religion for Arabs and many converts. I will not expound on this theology at this time. But basically, this theology rejects Jesus as God and espouses the idea that Allah (Yahweh) is the ONLY GOD and CREATOR. Most Muslims do assume that Allah is the Arabic name for the Jewish Yahweh!

Think for yourself to discern all these nuances on issues of theology. I must do likewise. Have a good day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Lindsay Graham: Western World Order is at Stake! Abrams/Leopard Tanks coming to Ukraine!


We (the West) are now provoking Russia to respond or die. WW III is here! Lindsay Graham (and others) are in Kiev announcing the ultimatum that Ukraine must drive Russia out of all territory viewed as part of Ukraine. The word has just hit the media (today) that Abram tanks will be sent to Ukraine. This means Poland and Germany will send Leopard tanks to Ukraine. The goal is now WAR to the end. The Western World Order is at STAKE (is the mantra)! This mantra reveals a mindset of: PRIDE goes before the FALL! Proverbs 16,

I am now convinced that some type of nuclear response will develop from this provocation of Russia. From the Russian point-of-view, Crimea and select territories of prior Ukraine can not be relinquished as the security of Russia is at stake (Russia's viewpoint). America views the Western World Order as being at stake and Russia views their survival as being at stake. This means a REAL war is developing between East and West. I see no resolution prior to a nuclear exchange. We are now at the END of man's rule IMO.

The mindset's are hardened and the positions are totally at loggerheads. War must develop to settle this conflict. We, the public, are mere victims of our leaders who will bring this DESTRUCTION to the planet. You can listen to the rhetoric and watch the military action as it develops. As a Vietnam veteran I can discern the coming war which is brewing. By mid summer (2023) some type of major conflict will ensue and nuclear arsenals will most like be used. I see no compromise emerging! This is insanity and a spirit of folly!

Listen to the following two reports from CNN:

U.S. to send Abram tanks to Ukraine!

Germany to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine!

Conclusion: the final conflict between world powers must mean that the end of man's rule is approaching. It is obvious that our world leaders have no positive program for the global society. War must ensue and the philosophy of MIGHT makes RIGHT is what these leaders use to settle their differences. What we need are new leaders and a new model for the planet. The WEST wants their model which I have outlined in prior missives. Russia and China (and their allies) want America to lose its hegemony over the planet.

War must settle this conflict between ideologies which disagree! I view this as total INSANITY!

Go go 1.30 min. to listen to the overview of WW III.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


Monday, January 23, 2023

WOW!!! My Home Value Declined 12% in 75 days. Is this is SIGN? Let's Review!

I refinanced by home in November 2022 using a HELOC. The value at the time was $416,000. I checked Zillow today and the value has declined to $365,000 (a 12% decline in 75 days). Recent sales are also substantiating this decline. What is happening with Arizona real estate (typical of many cities in USA):

1. Builder inventories are going up as houses are finished.

2. Mortgage applications are down some 40%.

3. Listings of homes are up.

4. General prices being offered are down some 12 to 15%.

5. Building permits are down.

6. Delinquencies are up.

7. General mortgage rates have increased (doubled) in one year.

CONCLUSION: the CRASH in our real estate markets has STARTED. The trend is now down and we could witness a major crash by mid year 2023. It takes time for sellers to change their listing prices and it takes time for values to decline. Buyers are now sensing that it's time to WAIT rather than buy.

Affordability is difficult for many as our mortgage rates have doubled in the past year. The average mortgage rate in my area is 6.25%. My personal mortgage rate is 2.25% which I negotiated some 2 years prior. My HELOC loan which I negotiated in November paid off all my debts and left me with cash for survival these next few years. I now have zero debt (accept for my home).

My sense is that the real estate CRASH has started for homes, office buildings, and multi-family buildings. Cap Rates are going up and VALUES are going DOWN. A trend is now in motion to the downside. It may take until mid summer (June/July) before most recognize these changes. Most citizens are still denying that a CRASH has started.

The real estate crash will affect the entire economy by mid year 2023. Look to June/July 2023 as a marker for our official media to recognize this event. So far most are in denial. I have been observing these markets for over 50 years. I find that what happens with real estate affects the entire economy. 

As of today, the stock markets are still trending upward. This may continue for a few weeks. Our FED can use their computer trading desks to manipulate stock prices to the upward (for now). This is happening as I write but it may not last long. The general economy is heading down and it is evident within the REAL ESTATE industry.

Think for yourself and watch the markets change in the coming weeks/months. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Biden's (the West's) UNI-POLAR World System! How would it LOOK! Let's Discern!

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the international community assumed that our world was evolving into a Uni-Polar system (Democracy would now prevail for the planet). America had won and this meant that ONE centralized political system would eventually emerge. The concept is called a Uni-Polar World (where America's concept of Democracy would prevail for the entire planet). Biden wants this type of System for the planet. Open borders is part of this System. 

Listen to our current President, Joseph Biden, as he continues to espouse the philosophy of a Uni-Polar world system. Russia must comply with this mantra is his viewpoint. China must comply. Back in 2015, the United Nations voted to bring our world system into this Uni-Polar arena via the Agenda 2030 program. Pope Francis blessed this program and concurred with our then President, Barack Obama, that this is where the world is going. But all has now changed with the Ukraine War situation (so it seems).

Russia says it does not want to be part of Biden's/Obama's Uni-Polar world of Democracy (as promoted via the Agenda 2030 program). China also does not want to be part of this new Global System which would be run mostly by the WEST. Both China and Russia now (so it seems) want a Multi-Polar world system (three of more participating empires). A world of Uni-polarization (one empire) is not viewed as workable going forward. The Ukraine War is part of the battle to settle these issues of WHO will govern our planet.

So let's assume that Biden's Uni-Polar world system wins after this coming Nuclear War with Russia. Let's assume that the WEST wins in the Ukraine War and Russia summits to the wishes of the WEST (after the end of this war). Let's also assume that China loses to the forces of Uni-polarization as they crumble along with Russia in this coming Nuclear conflict. The WEST wins (let's assume) and a new Uni-Polar world system emerges for our planet. What would this system LOOK like in real-time (NOW)?

1. The winner in a world war would call the shots for the entire planet. If the WEST wins, then they would attempt to impose their philosophy of uni-polarization upon the planet. Washington, Brussels, of maybe Davos would act as the CENTRAL decision-making center for the entire planet. A select group of Deep State operatives (unelected Elites) would assume control over the administration of the world system. 

2. Biden or someone similar would act as the FINAL SOLUTION (politically) on issues of POLICY. Global elections might be started so that ONE Anti-Christ government could be implemented for the entire planet. Playing God would accrue to that PERSON who gets voted into power by this global election system. The voting would be called 'democracy in action'. Some possible policies which would evolve (after this election process) might be the following:

a. One centralized military system for the planet (under the control of this elected Anti-Christ person).

b. One world currency (a digital unit) would be implemented for the entire planet. It might be called the PHOENIX or another 'name' which attracts the masses (psychologically). 

c. One global religion which would be promoted with moral values central to the BELIEFS of this Anti-Christ administration. Group think for the world would be promoted and political correctness would be mandated so 'unity' could emerge for the planet.

d. One justice system (with one Supreme Court and select Judges) would administer the LAWS of this new Uni-Polar system. Everyone would need to BOW to the decisions of this body of Judges who would agree with the new model of this Anti-Christ person (philosophically). Playing God would be needed so everyone complied with the decree's. An Obama/Biden type personality would focus on getting acceptance for the NEW MODEL. Sports figures and popular media personalities would voice their emotions in favor of this system. Masses of people would bow to the new model (now called World Democracy).

e. World Democracy would be the core NAME for this New Model as Democracy is assumed to represent the philosophy of the leaders. Voting for a leader (selected leaders would be offered) and then everyone must accept the Sermon (mindset) of this leader as global policies would be MANDATED for the entire planet.

f. Each of us would own nothing but we would be happy to be living under this New Model of Agenda 2030 (now called World Democracy). This would be the marketing program. Unity and peace would ensue as the CENTRAL administration would MANDATE this unity, peace, justice, and control (upon everyone). To buy or sell (within commerce) would require an 'identity code'.  

Conclusion: This new model of Uni-polarization (World Democracy) is what the WEST (under Biden's mindset) wants for our planet (so it seems). I will be long gone as my life would expire prior to the implementation of this philosophy (I am now 80). I don't plan to be around when this New Model emerges for the planet. Russia and China (now dictatorships) will no longer exist (assuming this scenario emerges). Their Multi-Polar ideas would die when the Third World War ENDS. 

Is it time to THINK about what is being proposed for our planet by today's ELITES. The Agenda of our United Nations, our Global Pope, America's left, and our Western policymakers (Sweden, Britain, et al) all seem to desire this World Democracy for our planet. A CENTRALIZED system of control run by select Elites who bow to the mantra of Uni-polarity (also called Agenda 2030). It's the talk of politics and the NEXT war might create this EVENT!

We are now at the start of a new World War IMO. The Ukraine war has evolved into a TEST of will for two core philosophies (World Democracy and/or World Dictatorship). Russia says NO to Uni-polarity (they want Multi-polarity). China says NO to Uni-polarity. They also want Multi-polarity. The WEST, however, wants Agenda 2030 (voted on as official doctrine in January 2016). This Agenda is based on this idea of Uni-polarity for the planet. Who will implement the sustainable development programs of Agenda 2030? It would require a GLOBAL Power (a Uni-polar power).

Thankfully, I will be GONE prior to the full implementation of this AGENDA. I want NO part of this Anti-Christ system of Biden, Obama, Johnson, Zelenskyy, Kissinger, Kerry, Soros, Pope Francis, and the rest. My philosophy is for individual freedom for each person. This means I can not agree with our current leaders who desire these ideas for our planet. My vision is for the Kingdom of our Creator.

Think for yourself on all these issues. We could be heading for WW III and then a NEW MODEL for our planet. Whose MODEL will emerge? Calling the model Democracy does not attract my loyalty. Democracy is not FREEDOM (for the individual). Democracy is PLAYING GOD and imposing mandates and control upon the world citizens. Count me OUT!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 


Saturday, January 21, 2023

America's Pledge of Allegiance needs updating! Why? Let's discuss!

America’s PLEDGE of Allegiance needs updating! Why? Let’s discuss!

JANUARY 21, 2023

America is unique in our world when it comes to our creed and beliefs. America was founded upon the idea that a Creator God is part of our reality. In 1892, the Pledge of Allegiance was passed by Congress. In 1954, Eisenhower and our Congress added the words ‘under God’. But since 1892 and 1954 America has changed completely and become a GLOBAL power. Some say the only Super Power on our planet. My viewpoint is that we need to UPDATE our Pledge to reflect our new situation. Let’s first, however, read the core words as voiced by most Americans today:

“I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

This pledge is what I have viewed as sound philosophy for our country since its formation. I repeat this Pledge often. America has stood for a REPUBLIC and for a CREATOR GOD who rules over our Nation. The ‘words’ Republic needs to be explained. A Republic is not the same as ‘a Democracy’. American founders rejected this idea called Democracy. Why? Because this type of system gradually leads to tyranny and also fascism (a mindset where opposing viewpoints are restricted and where a centralized government rules over the people). Much as we experience today in Washington D.C. and what is being proposed for the entire planet (via Agenda 2030 and via the WEF (world economic forum).

A Republic is much different (from a Democracy) and the general definition is as follows:

While often categorized as a Democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal Republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. Representatives of the citizens rule over the nation (not select politicians who avoid the voice of citizens).

Today’s politicians tend to rule with policies which are assumed to be from the voting citizens even as these policies (when implemented) are MANDATED upon the citizens. The idea is that we have a Democracy which has elected these politicians to do as they please (in the ‘name’ of the citizens). Today, our government is not viewed as valid by most of our citizens. Only some 22% of citizens approve of what our Congress is saying/doing. Some 60% do not approve of what our President is saying/doing.

American’s repeat the Pledge of Allegiance but most do not understand what this PLEDGE means. Do we need to NEW PLEDGE for this new age which is emerging? My sense is absolutely! We need to focus on real-time realities which witness the Global Nature of our planet. We now have some 8 billion citizens on planet Earth who are relevant to our Global System. Each is an ‘individual’ who was created in the ‘image’ of our Creator God. So what do I propose as our NEW PLEDGE?

I would propose that we expand our PLEDGE to the entire planet. We now live on ONE PLANET (under our CREATOR GOD). We also need to abandon this idea that a Global philosophy of political Democracy is what our planet needs. A Global Democracy would create tyranny and fascism for ALL 8 billion citizens. A select group of ELITES (running our planet) would mandate laws, rules, regulations, and policies for the entire planet. This is FASCISM. Tyranny would develop for the citizens!

The concept of the Biden Administration (plus the entire WEST as of today) is that the WEST must enforce DEMOCRACY on the entire planet. Biden calls this a Uni-Polar view for the planet. This mindset would eventually produce tyranny for the entire planet (accept the FEW who govern the planet). This is totally contrary to our founding CREED/pledge. What was our founding CREED? Think on these words from our Declaration of Independence:

This first part of the Declaration (the Preamble) contains an assertion of individual rights. The most famous line states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created EQUAL, that all (men and women)are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”America was founded upon the idea that ALL citizens of planet Earth are EQUAL (in their relationship to our CREATOR). We are citizens of a HIGHER POWER who governs this planet (invisibly).

The evidence of this CREATOR person is revealed by the EVENTS which happen on this planet. Events happen via the invisible WORD of this Higher Power. Yes, our Creator God uses his WORDS to create EVENTS on this planet. Some view this as Prophecy! The WILL of our CREATOR determines our DESTINY. We are servants/agents NOT principles. Our destiny is a result of the WILL of our SOURCE (God Almighty)!

If the above is reality (which I think it is), then I would propose that we UPDATE our mantra/creed. Our mantra needs to be focused on the idea that planet Earth is ONE PLANET (under our invisible Source). Freedom comes from recognizing this reality. Biden’s Uni-polar ideas (or the ideas of any other politician) can not bring the planet FREEDOM (for the 8 billion citizens). We need to rethink our MISSION statement and add the words ‘ ONE PLANET (under God).

God rules this planet and the evidence is ubiquitous!Think on these words as you watch our world head for a Nuclear War. War can not solve our problems. We need to UPDATE our mantra to that of a HIGHER AUTHORITY who can INTERVENE in our affairs and CHANGE our SITUATION. Seek THE CREATOR is the message and real freedom, justice, and happiness will arrive. The ‘words’ of our last Messiah are relevant:

Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.
For thy Kingdom, thy Power, and thy Glory are yours,
now and forever. Amen.

I might end with these ‘words’ from Thomas Jefferson, who wrote our Declaration of Independence in 1776:

If the government (of the United States of America) tries to take these rights (life, liberty, happiness) away; the people have the right to form a new government. Jefferson also addresses a counterclaim in this section, acknowledging that “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established (now some 246 years) should not be changed for light and transient causes…” He counters by reminding his audience of the “long train of abuses and usurpations” that makes it “…their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Wow! Is it time to RETHINK our daily mantra/creed? Does our mantra/pledge need UPDATING? What is now happening on planet EARTH is chaos, destruction, and dysfunction. We appear to be heading for Nuclear War! The above ‘words’ seem totally RELEVANT to me. Think for yourself, however! Reality is always NOW! 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Also, https://kingdomecon.wordpress.com

Friday, January 20, 2023

50 Nations Meet at Ramstein Airbase! Russia Must Respond or Die!


NATO, Europe, USA, and some 50 nations in total meet at Ramstein Airbase, Germany, to ramp up their military program for Ukraine. Defeat of Russia is the goal. This mindset is now 'set in stone' and this means WW III is here. Russia's leaders now say they can NEVER trust the WEST again after their experiences since 1991 on issues of policy. NATO warranted in 1990 and 1991 that they would NOT expand eastward (to challenge Russia's security interests). This promise from USA and NATO has been documented by the official media. It is now dead as the USA lied on their intent when dealing with Russia's security issues.

Since 1999 NATO has allowed itself to EXPAND eastward by adding some 14 nations to their arsenal. NATO is mostly a military entity which desires control over military affairs on this planet. Today, NATO works with the United States of America to further U.S. HEGEMONY over our world system. The core plan of the WEST (mostly a USA controlled entity) is their goal of a UNI-POLAR world system (under their absolute control). A rules based world is the rhetoric (of the leaders) but the source of all decision making must be the WEST. Russia is being discredited as a viable player on the world scene.

Russia has now totally REJECTED the WEST and their control system (for their security interests). It appears that China and many other Asian nations are also rejecting this WESTERN system of control over planet Earth. This is gradually producing a MULTI-POLAR world system as I write this missive. The EAST is now against the WEST. The EAST does not TRUST the decision-making ideas of the WEST. And the WEST does not TRUST the decision-making ideas of the EAST. We have entered a Bi-polar world which will settle their differences via a WORLD WAR.

Today, we have THREE main military world powers with nukes (America, Russia, and China). These three appear to be the core (there are more) which desires to RULE our planet. Some view America and China as the key players going forward. Personally, I view Russia as one of the main players. Russia has nuclear arsenals to back up their security needs. China and the West have similar nukes to back up their interests. The battle is over CONTROL of the 'values' which each power desires for their people (and the planet).

America wants Democracy for the planet. Democracy is also what all of the WEST desires for our planet. The EAST wants the STATE to play a major role in governing this planet. Central dictators are key to the thinking of the EAST. The WEST assumes that Democracy is valid for the individual. But, in reality, Democracy is a deceptive philosophy. Who rules over the ideas within a Democracy? Is it the 'individual' or is it the PARTY who has real-time POWER over policies, laws, and regulations? What is a Democracy (in reality)? Is it favorable for Freedom? Is it favorable for the Individual?

Read my prior missives for evidence that Democracy does not LEAD to freedom, justice, peace, and happiness for the INDIVIDUAL. In reality, Democracy leads to Tyranny and Fascism. Is the USA a real Democracy? Is Sweden? Is Britain? Do the people (the individuals) have control over decision-making and policy ideas? Who actually RUNS a Democracy? Today, we have Biden as one who is promoting Democracy. But do the American people think like Biden? Are his policies supported by the MANY?

Lack of TRUST and the continuing LIES which emerge from our leaders (all sides) means that WAR must be the Final Solution on the issue of WHO will govern this planet. Since our world now has many leaders who differ in their thinking, it is impossible for any SINGLE leader to govern this planet. Yet the mindset of America wants a UNI-POLAR world system with select elites running the planet. This is unworkable! It leads to Tyranny and Fascism. We need a BETTER philosophy which is centered on the INDIVIDUAL.

Prepare for a world war going forward. It's the WEST against the EAST. Neither trusts the OTHER. We need to rethink our philosophy for this planet. Who should govern? What type of SYSTEM will give the INDIVIDUAL priority. Is Centralization workable for the planet? Would Decentralization work better? What is MONEY? Who should determine our system of COMMERCE? Are the Central Banks capable of ruling over all world COMMERCE? Many questions need to be explored and new ideas need to surface. Think for yourself as you do your own research and study.

The decision to deescalate NATO'S expansion was clear to those who attended the meetings (1990 and after). It was the American's who broke this understanding when they expanded NATO to the east. Today, some 32 nations are joined with NATO (in 1991 there were 12 nations). Russia is left with missiles and armaments on their borders (today). The WEST has not followed their promises on issues of military policy (with Russia)! The Ukraine war is a consequence!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donadlswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Russian Leaders say WEST'S Military Actions will bring WEST Down...as Russia falls over Ukraine! Nuclear War is the Message!


Attempt to destroy Russia means END of the Western World System...says Patriarch Kirill! WW III is here! Russia's spiritual leader is giving us his viewpoint. Should we LISTEN?

The insanity of the West (including NATO) is presented as a form of FINAL SOLUTION against Russia! WW III is here!

Medvedev of Russia says target must be Washington D.C. if WEST tries to eliminate Russia in Ukraine! WW III is here! The actions of the WEST is pushing Russia to act with NUKES!

It is now evident that the mindset of the WEST (including USA, EUROPE, and NATO) is to try and eliminate Russia (as a viable competitor) for challenging the UNI-POLAR world concept of the WEST. The leaders of Russia sense that the war in Ukraine is really a war to strangle and destroy the government of Russia as a viable competitor going forward. The continuing funding of the Ukraine military along with the continuing supply of war materials to Ukraine shows the MINDSET of the WEST'S leaders (says Russia).

Actions speak louder than words is the message from our Russian leaders. They are now recognizing that the WEST wants some type of FINAL SOLUTION to the Russia challenge of the WEST'S uni-polar world system. Putin is determined to challenge the WEST'S uni-polar world concept and this challenge is now producing WW III for our planet. As a philosopher of human nature, I can discern what is happening via actions and words. We are at the END of an Era (man's rule over this planet is ending)! It's here NOW (in rhetorical form)! It may be wise to wake-up to the reality of NOW!

The mindset of the WEST can be summarized by the mindset of NATO'S leader:

This NATO commander, Jens Stoltenberg, gets his rhetoric from Biden Administration's DEEP STATE. His rhetoric shows that the WEST is pursuing some type of FINAL SOLUTION for Russia's government. The hatred of Russian leaders is at the CORE of the thinking. It is now obvious that WW III is here and that some type of NUCLEAR war is imminent. Russia will use NUKES if pushed to a final end point. Russia is in the CORNER and the Russian Bear will take down the WEST if the WEST chooses to eliminate Russia as a valid competitor.

Russia wants to abandon the mindset of the WEF (which just met in Davos, Switzerland) and they also do not want Biden's uni-polar world system. Russia is now at the point where they will use NUKES to protect their own Sovereignty. They also recognize that the real protagonist is the USA, EUROPE, and NATO. These entities want a FINAL SOLUTION on the issue of Russia's challenge over system VALUES for the world. Russia will not BOW to America or the WEST on these core ISSUES. This is my discernment!

It is now obvious that the END POINT to man's rule over this planet is HERE. War will happen IF the WEST continues to PUSH Russia to abandon their interests over the Ukraine situation. Russia has leaders who now view reality as a form of SPIRITUAL warfare over values and interests. The WEST is the ANTI-CHRIST in the mindset of our Russian leaders. The idea of a UNI-POLAR world system is anathema to Russian values and interests. I must agree on some of this thinking.

The idea of a world Democracy is a HUGE myth IMO. Political Democracy is nothing more than MOB RULE. The 50.1% rules over the 49.9%. Actually, we have some nations where 20% rules over the 80%. The whole idea that Democracy is a viable world philosophy is a HUGE myth. America's founding fathers debunked this idea of a world political democracy back at our founding. Democracy does not lead to FREEDOM. It leads to MOB RULE! Wake-up America!

America was founded upon the idea of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM for everyone. We are all created equal and our CREATOR endowed us with this equality at birth. America has not lived out this CREED. We are using the word DEMOCRACY as equivalent to 'individual freedom'. This is a HUGE myth! What we need is for our CREATOR to rule this planet. One world UNDER our CREATOR is my mantra! Think for yourself. The END is here in my opinion. Soon the CRASH of our financial markets will happen.

When this CRASH happens the Anti-Christ mindset will grow exponentially. Biden's Uni-Polar world system is Pure ANTI-CHRIST. We need NEW leaders who can discern reality. Russia will bring us this discernment if we continue the PUSH for Russia's demise. If cornered, the BEAR will strike! The WEST has it all wrong. Democracy is not FREEDOM for the individual. Democracy leads directly to MOB RULE. Listen to our founding fathers!

We all can witness the Democracy of America today (after some 246 years of history). The Congress is polarized. The Constitution is ignored. The system has created centralized government and unpayable debt for the people. America now wants this dysfunction for the entire planet. The new concept is Globalization, One World Order, Agenda 2030, and a Uni-Polar decision making system. Is the END of man's rule here? I think so! Prepare for WW III as part of the FINAL SOLUTION! It's all INSANITY 101.

See the summary here: www.usdebtclock.org

Think for yourself as you get educated on current events! I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Will World Citizens Support a UNI-POLAR World System? Let's Review!

Biden is typical of any Western POLITICIAN. He wants HIS values to prevail for the WHOLE planet. Putin thinks differently. Xi thinks differently. The West and the East have different core VALUES! Alexander Dugin (Russia's Brain) reveals this core Problem! He rejects LIBERALISM!

Our current global institutions desire that our world become uni-polar. Our United Nations wants a uni-polar world system (Agenda 2030). The central banks want a uni-polar system of commerce (one Digital Currency for the planet). America (under Biden) wants a uni-polar global system. Europe and the West wants Agenda 2030 which promotes a uni-polar world system. Who does NOT want this type of global system? Who rejects the WEST'S Liberalism?

Russia does not want a uni-polar world system. China also rejects this model for the world. The alternative to a ONE WORLD GLOBAL SYSTEM (under man's rule) is a multi-polar world system. The Ukraine war is mostly a conflict over political philosophy. Russia and China (and others) have rejected America's desire for a uni-polar world system under the West's philosophy of Liberalism. The core reasons are VALUES and Governance.

Both China and Russia (add many others such as Iran, North Korea, India, etc.) reject the idea that a GLOBAL SYSTEM run by the WEST is viable and workable. The VALUES of China and Russia tend to reject many of the VALUES of the WEST (America, Europe, Britain). The LIBERAL values which promote abortion, woke ideas, acceptance of all life styles (categorically) is a problem for these nations. The leaders reject many of these core 'values' which the WEST demands for the world.

You can review the philosophy of Alexander Dugin of Russia for reasons why the real issue on this conflict in Ukraine is over VALUES. Dugin has received the blessing of Putin and other leaders who recognize that a UNI-POLAR world (run via the liberal values of the WEST is unacceptable). The WEST, however, wants to rule the planet with their LIBERAL values (which puts the 'individual' first). The EAST, generally, wants more conservative VALUES for their citizens. The State is important for these leaders.

So the real conflict on this planet (as of today) is over WHO runs the planet and under what set of VALUES. Russia has made it clear that their citizens REJECT many of the VALUES of the WEST. China thinks similarly on this issue of VALUES. At the core is this idea over WHO will impose WHAT 'values' on the world? The WEST wants their VALUES to prevail and the EAST wants different VALUES to prevail. I don't think there is a SOLUTION to this issue of VALUES.

Whoever runs the planet will impose THEIR values upon the rest of us. This is the history of Man's Rule. What we need is a recognition that this WAR over in the Ukraine is basically a war over VALUES. Russia will fight to their death to maintain a society which promotes THEIR values. China will do likewise. There is NO SOLUTION to this war situation until our leaders face up to the core problem (VALUES differ).

We all know that whoever RULES the world will impose their VALUES upon the whole. Rules, laws, regulations, mandates will be implemented so that the RULER'S values prevail over the whole world. Personally, I am for individual freedom for the whole world. But I recognize that this result can not happen under MAN"S rule. Man MUST impose a select group of values upon the WHOLE in order to govern. This is axiomatic. Biden want's his 'values' to prevail and Putin wants his! Etc.

Is it time to recognize the REAL problem which our world faces? We need to recognize that the BATTLE is over VALUES. Russia, China, much of the EAST has different ideas on this ISSUE. The WEST wants to impose their view of Democracy (and these VALUES) upon the entire planet. But is Democracy (as practiced by the WEST) a real system that can work for the entire planet? Personally, I don't think so! America's founding fathers rejected Democracy as a viable governing system!

Democracy creates what I witness in the United States of America (polarization, dysfunction, chaos, mob rule). The ruling administration demands GROUP THINK (and their select 'values') which the leaders think are needed (for everyone). This produces conflict and dysfunction. The idea that America and the WEST can IMPOSE their VALUES (called Liberalism) upon those leaders who REJECT these VALUES is not practical. Putin has rejected America's VALUES (for Russia). Xi has rejected the WEST'S values for China.

Where does this leave us going forward? We all need to understand the CORE problem. If the individual is to prevail on this planet we need a RULER who transcends the limited mindset of political leaders. We need our CREATOR to rule this planet. It's that SIMPLE. VALUES are at the core of governing. Everyone wants freedom, peace, and justice. The current world system can not GIVE us peace, freedom, or justice. It's impossible! If people do not recognize the CORE problem on this planet we are left with WAR, DESTRUCTION, and CONFLICT (indefinitely)!

The ISSUE is VALUES! Think on this CORE idea as you watch our current rulers ATTEMPT to win control over the other. The battle is over VALUES. Whose values depends upon WHO governs this planet. Can anyone accept BIDEN as sole ruler over planet Earth (his 'values')? What about Putin or Xi? What about your favorite politician? It's IMPOSSIBLE to solve our problems until we RECOGNIZE the core problem! VALUES!!!

This video gives us a history that could be significant going forward! Listen to what is evolving on the political scene!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Possible TIMELINE of End-time Events (my view of Eschatology)!

My study and research has led me to the conclusion that we are ENTERING end-time events for planet Earth (starting in 2023). This study is called Eschatology. I use my biblical text plus I add my understanding of real-time current events to the mix to get a GENERAL overview of what God is saying/doing. Prophecy experts have many different points of view (based on their view of reality and history). I can only give you my personal perspective (as of today). I plan to update my perspective as I watch REAL-TIME events happen. But here is my viewpoint as of today:

1. Financial markets CRASH to set the table (2023)

   a. the Dow Index plunges by 50% or more

   b. all global digital markets tank with the American Dow Index leading

2. The prophesied TRIBULATION starts for planet Earth

   a. the Seals OPEN as the Anti-Christ emerges on the world scene

   b. the Church Age ends as believers abandon Catholic/Protestant theology

   c. war and destruction grows and nations fight to control events

3. the WRATH of Yahweh God starts (Revelation 6, Seal 6) - (say 2027)

   a. the 144,000 global evangelists appear and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom

   b. believers are protected if sealed and/or elected

4. The Kingdom Age commences (2030)

   a. all MONEY is eliminated from circulation 

   b. digital banks and all central banks close

   c. a NEW MODEL develops which creates individual freedom, justice, peace for the planet

Conclusion: You can use this timeline as a general guide as you do your own research and study. Our internet has dozens of different perspectives on this difficult issue of Eschatology. Experts differ on timing, events, and end points. My viewpoint is based on extensive study and research from various perspectives. I then create my own viewpoint after much study and thinking. Scripture plays a central role!

As I have said many times, I view Daniel and Revelation as relevant text for these end-times. Both recognize the role of Yahweh God (also called our FATHER) as on the THRONE and serving as our KING. The LAMB is the Glorified Yeshua (his role developed after his death in 30 - 33 A.D.). Yeshua's new spiritual body ascended to the THRONE room of Yahweh God (his Father) and he was given the authority to OPEN the SEALS of Revelation. He resides on the right-hand side of POWER (buy under Yahweh)!

Many call this role (of the glorified Yeshua) the 'coming wrath of the LAMB'. I, however, do not view his role as WRATH. The WRATH emerges from our Creator God (Yahweh). Only this SOURCE (our CREATOR) can save and renew our planet for the KINGDOM AGE. My ultimate SOURCE is Yahweh God (on the Throne as described in Revelation 4). Also Daniel 7 and 9. The Ancient of Days (Yahweh) determines our future on this planet. It might be WISE to recognize this SOURCE! 

The LAMB of God (the glorified Yeshua) acts to OPEN the tribulation SEALS. As of today, NONE of these SEALS has been opened. Some (like Bo Polny) assume that Seal 1, 2, and 3 are already OPEN. My view is that this is invalid thinking. The SEALS open AFTER the coming financial CRASH. My sense is that this financial CRASH will happen sometime in 2023. Maybe tomorrow??? Our markets are 'imaginary' (digital) so a CRASH happens within our CONSCIOUSNESS (our inner self). We live in a 'spiritual' universe! Expect this coming CRASH to be an INNER experience of the human mind!

Few comprehend the times which we now are living through. Most teachers are 'Materialist's' and view MATTER as ultimate reality. Many view 'Macro Evolution' as reality. I have concluded that Evolution from chemicals is a huge MYTH and DECEPTION. I am not a 'Materialist'. I am a Dualist. Matter is 'outside' my skin. My 'inner' self is spiritual/non-physical. Dualism creates my Worldview and Eschatology!

Most thinkers ignore Eschatology and the idea that God is KING over this planet. Most citizens on this planet view select POLITICIANS as King. Biden is King for many. Trump is King for many. Putin is King for many. Xi is King for many. Etc. My view is that all these politicians are actually PUPPETS (playing God). Martin Luther King had a special DREAM which I view as prophetic. His DREAM centers on this idea that God's Kingdom is coming. I agree. See my prior missive for his DREAM. Think for yourself on all these difficult issues!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpess.com. 

MLK Day reveals his DREAM world! The Kingdom Age!

Listen to the WORDS of this preacher/prophet. America needs to listen to these WORDS! Who will listen? Today, is reality! NOW is reality! God is at the core of his DREAM!

Today is Martin Luther King Day. I remember this preacher and his VISION for the world. His key concept was his view that the KINGDOM AGE is coming. He died before he could expound on his VISION (fully). But his ideas have MERIT. We honor this preacher today and all our markets are closed. What are the core ideas of the Kingdom Age (Martin's vision)?

1. People come first.

2. Money is eliminated.

3. Freedom and equality prevail.

4. Justice happens as God rules the planet.

Martin Luther King had a VISION that we all can appreciate. His vision has died to a degree (since his death in 1968) but the yearly HOLIDAY helps us envision his DREAM. Here are a few details about this preacher that gives us his core ideas:

The DREAM of Martin is what we all desire for planet Earth. We all want peace, freedom, justice, and equality. Under man's rulership this is impossible. Biden, Putin, Xi, and the rest can not bring us these IDEALS. Man must IMPOSE a singular viewpoint on the MANY. This leads to division, dysfunction, and war. The reality of the Kingdom Age gives us real peace, justice, equality, and progress. I commend Martin for his core ideas and determination. My hope is that his DREAM will eventually be realized. Enjoy this DAY commemorating MLK.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Russia has THREE alternatives! My viewpoint!

As a military observer and prior Vietnam veteran, I would propose that the leadership in Russia has basically THREE alternatives for dealing with the Ukraine situation. The decisions of Putin and his advisers will be key going forward. Let's review these THREE alternatives to discern their relevance for this WAR over in the Ukraine:

1. Give up!

2. Expand Mobilization!

3. Go Nuclear! 

The idea of 'giving up' is always one alternative. America gave up on Afghanistan after some 20 years of fighting. Biden concluded that this was America's best alternative. The consequences of 'giving up' produce a new environment for the country which has been under occupation and also the country which gave up. The 'image' of a loser is never favorable for the nation which 'gives up'. Their fighting options would decline for years and their future as an EMPIRE would decline quickly!

Russia says that their EMPIRE is important to them (going forward) and they desire to promote their orthodox values for their nation (long run). My sense is that 'giving up' is not on the horizon (for Russia) as of today. Putin would need to step down or die and new leadership would need to emerge (for this alternative to be viable). If Russia wants to continue their EMPIRE they must have borders which are protected and secure. This is the current mindset of Vladimir and his administration. I think this mindset will continue! The talk in Russia is now to promote a NEW EMPIRE for the Russian Federation.

The second alternative is to 'expand the number of warriors' to a multiple million number. My estimate is that it might take 2 or 3 million warriors to win (the necessary battles) over the Ukrainian military (which has the backing of America, NATO, and the WEST). Ukraine is actually a PROXY for the WEST. Money and war materials are derived from all the 32 nations of the WEST. This makes this war difficult for Russia. Russia is fighting the values and money of the WEST. This makes this war a global affair IMO.

A war that is really supported by the WEST (fully) will produce a 'no win' situation for Russia if they use  conventional strategies. The WEST can increase the military hardware indefinitely and provide unlimited MONEY for the government of Ukraine. This makes it nearly impossible for Russia to win this war using conventional means. The original mindset (of Putin) was that the WAR was against Ukraine (not the entire WEST). The situation has changed and this means the strategy of Putin must also change!

Russia could mobilize to 2 or 3 million warriors if they desire. This might produce the CLOUT to win over the Ukraine military (even with the backing of the WEST). Will this option be necessary going forward? My sense is that it will (if Russia desires to win using conventional warfare). Putin wants his EMPIRE to survive and grow and this means he MUST win this war with Ukraine or DIE trying. The consequences of LOSING can not be accepted IF the Russian EMPIRE is to survive!

The third alternative is to 'go nuclear' and destroy the infrastructure of Ukraine completely. The WEST might respond with their NUCLEAR options or they might let Russia win this war. It is unknown (how events would transpire) as the NUCLEAR option has never been tried by Russia. America won the 2nd World War with their nuclear option. Bombing Japan ended this war. Russia might view this event as evidence that they can also win using the NUCLEAR option.

My personal sense is that Russia (under Putin's leadership) will NOT 'give up' and return the territories they have annexed back to Ukraine. This is NOT acceptable to Putin or his administration IMO. This means that an EXPANDED MOBILIZATION and/or using the NUCLEAR OPTION is likely to happen going forward. Russia can not win with the status quo situation. An expansion of the number of warriors to (say) three million might do the job. And this must happen soon IMO.

The other option is going NUCLEAR and bombing the infrastructure of UKRAINE into the stone age. They would also need to eliminate Zelenskyy's government at the same time. This option might be on the table as Russia does have the capability to GO NUCLEAR. They might start with 'tactical' nuclear bombs and then add punch so that the 'infrastructure' of Ukraine is completely DESTROYED. They would also need to assume that the WEST would NOT respond by bombing Moscow and other major cities within Russia.

World War Three has started IMO. I see no end to this war given the mindset of our leaders. The Ukraine war is basically between the WEST and RUSSIA (as of now). The WEST has unlimited money and war materials to GIVE Ukraine (indefinitely). This means Russia must be thinking in terms of a huge EXPANSION (in mobilization) and/or using the NUCLEAR option. We might see all this happening in 2023 as this WAR is now GLOBAL. Will China change their mindset and HELP RUSSIA? 

The END of humanity is here unless we get NEW leaders who can build a world with a NEW MODEL and NEW THINKING. The old model of 'might makes right' is DEAD IMO. Winning a war today is not really possible without destroying most of the planet. Our nuclear bombs would destroy most of our population centers and then who would WIN after this destruction? Are we now at the END of historical CIVILIZATION? Prophecy seems to suggest that this is reality!

Personally, I look to a HIGHER POWER to resolve these issues. If our Higher Power does not resolve these issues then EVOLUTION wins. Man destroys his world and the planet goes back to DEAD matter (chemicals). Life ends for humanity. My HOPE is that this situation does not occur. Are we all DEAD matter (chemicals)? or is LIFE a spiritual journey which ends as described in Revelation? We could find out in the NEAR future. Science seems to bet on 'matter' and religion bets on a Higher Power!

Watch the Ukraine War situation for indications of where events will go as the END arrives for mankind. Personally, you know my viewpoint. A Higher Power will INTERVENE at some point. My view is that Prophecy is valid and the text in Revelation is also valid. This means the KINGDOM AGE is coming after all this tribulation and trial. But I could also be WRONG. We could be mere fish in a pond of chemicals. Science seems to suggest this reality. The future should be interesting and revealing! Think for yourself to discern reality! 2023 could be the turning point!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Economy, Ukraine, Davos, Prophecy! Lot's Happening!

Let's review the trends which I now perceive for our planet. Our situation is DIRE but nothing will solve our problems as our LEADERS merely 'kick the can down the road'! America is at the FRONT of this mindset. See here: www.usdebtclock.org. The following review is my viewpoint of happenings on our planet as of today:

1. Economy: Real estate has peaked in my area and also much of Arizona. Listings are increasing substantially. Some house prices are dropping (minimally). The trend is down, however, but nothing significant has happened as of today. My sense is that prices for houses will continue to DROP for all of 2023. The cycle for real estate has changed and the trend is now DOWN. Will our FED pivot and drop interest rates to 2%? I doubt it. This means that real estate is in trouble for the foreseeable future. Inflation is trending down but not significantly. Eventually, deflation will arrive! Most of Europe, Latin America, and Asia are experiencing similar trends. Our global economy will continue DOWN in 2023.

2. Ukraine War: The leaders in Kiev say that Ukraine is now 'de facto' a NATO country. Why? Because the 32 NATO countries are supplying Ukraine with money and war materials (daily) to challenge RUSSIA and her military. Will Ukraine WIN this war with Russia? This is possible IF Russia does not go NUCLEAR. Ukraine has unlimited MONEY and WAR MATERIALS as of today. This situation allows the Ukrainian military many options which Russia can not meet (as of today). Will Russia go NUCLEAR to end this conflict? Will Russia mobilize into millions? My sense is that this is LIKELY. I do not think RUSSIA'S military can win via the status quo. But Russia could end this conflict IF it goes NUCLEAR. Prophecy seems to lean towards this END result. The WEST ignores all these trends (so it seems)!

3. Davos: Some 52 heads of State, 300 foreign ministers, and 500 CEO's are meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week. What is their AGENDA? Even China and Ukraine will send representatives to this venue. The goal of this World Economic Forum group (WEF) is a UNI-POLAR world system. Biden and our leaders (within the WEST) desire this outcome for our world. The WEST desires a UNI-POLAR world where select (unelected) decision makers can RULE our planet. It's also called AGENDA 2030 and/or WORLD GOVERNMENT. A socialistic/communistic world is part of this AGENDA. You and I will get a 'NUMBER' as our identification code so we can buy and sell (to accomplish our survival). Our individuality will be compromised as a CENTRALIZED group of elites will desire GROUP THINK for the world. Yes, this trend is now endemic and cast in stone. 2023 will cement this trend with the coming MARK of the BEAST financial system. We live with BEAST kingdoms on planet Earth. America is a BEAST kingdom, Europe is a BEAST kingdom, Asia is a BEAST kingdom. The rule of man requires this END result. It's happening in 2023. Prophecy confirms this reality!

4. Prophecy: My viewpoint leans totally toward the idea that man operates 'at effect'. Man is not in control of this planet or the destiny of this planet (my view). That seems obvious to me. A Higher Authority (operating via a negative and a positive spirit) controls this planet. The negative rules for now. Many call this Satan's world system. He and his demons rule over our SYSTEM. Many elites BOW to this 'invisible' POWER (within their consciousness). The positive, however, is also at work within our world system. The positive consists of God's right-hand agents who desire a NEW AGE for our planet. It's called the KINGDOM AGE. This outcome is destined to WIN eventually (see Revelation 22). Prior to winning, however, we MUST experience the END of this 'negative' rulership. An 'invisible' spirit (totally negative) rules over our SYSTEM as of today (and all those who desire to rule this SYSTEM). This UNI-POLAR idea at DAVOS (and within this Agenda 2030 program) desires to enslave the MANY (You and I) via their BEAST financial system. Revelation 13 outlines the details. Daniel 7 outlines the details. Prophecy is at work and NONE can challenge this SPIRIT. We humans operate AT EFFECT!

Eventually, the KINGDOM AGE will arrive and peace, justice, prosperity, and happiness will emerge (for the many). The meek shall inherit the EARTH. Those who desire real PEACE shall prevail over those who desire EGO and POWER. Swords will be beaten in plowshares and spears into pruninghooks. War will cease for planet EARTH. The REAL King will rule this planet. Biden, Putin, Zelenskyy, Xi and the rest will BOW to this Higher Authority (if still living). Agenda 2030 will die. A Uni-polar world of elites will die. Freedom for the MANY will arrive. Real PEACE will arrive. Real JUSTICE will arrive. This is what is happening IN MY OPINION. Think for yourself to DISCERN reality. Have a great DAY!

A NEW system is emerging (according to Prophecy). This NEW system will replace the 6,000 year system of man's rule. We humans operate AT EFFECT. This means Prophecy is valid. My view! Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.