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Thursday, October 26, 2023

The MEANS is key to a positive End! This is missing in today's Middle East situation!

It is obvious to me that events will get worse in the Middle East as a result of the Hamas/Zionist conflict. The problem is that the MEANS used to establish the Zionist State was not a positive 'means' (an agreed affair). Our politicians did not focus on the MEANS when they established the Zionist State in Israel. They simply 'mandated' a State and this has resulted in some 56 years of occupation for the Palestinians. 

Killing all the Hamas warriors will not bring this region any real peace. Another enemy will arise with a different 'name'. The problem over in the Middle East is that no real AGREED format was established at the START. This produced a situation where the ENDS are being justified. In reality, the 'ends never justify the start (means)'. It is now unlikely that a TWO State solution would work for the Zionist State and the Palestinian people. The history is our problem. The MEANS was not valid/righteous/agreed.

Our world is heading for Armageddon because our politicians do not follow a valid MEANS when they impose their mandates upon the masses. The philosophy of our politicians is our problem. The idea that MIGHT can produce JUSTICE is also invalid. War can never bring us real peace and security. A negative MEANS brings a negative end result. We need a NEW philosophy for this planet. Some ideas are the following:

1. The 'individual' must be supreme. Any State which imposes its will upon the people can not provide the 'individual with peace, justice, and security. 

2. We must eliminate the State and promote the 'individual' (as supreme). I learned this idea while working as a bartender. I could get along with everyone as I put the 'individual' first (in this bar environment). Also, America's founding values are based upon putting the 'individual' first. The State can not bring the world any real freedom, justice, and peace.

3. We need to think of reality as 'successive moments of NOW'. There is no reality outside the NOW. I live my life in the NOW (always). I assume that you do likewise.

4. The idea that the PAST and/or the FUTURE are reality does not stand up to reality in the NOW. I never experience the PAST (only a Now memory). I never experience the FUTURE (only a Now visualization). Reality is always a NOW experience. We need to promote this idea for our world.

5. We need to promote the MEANS as key to any Now event. The MEANS must be agreed upon prior to any mandates by the group. This mindset will promote progress for everyone.

6. War and negative force must be eliminated from our world system. After some 6,000 years of war, no peace has occurred on planet Earth. Might does not make Right.

7. The WHOLE must come before the 'part' in our thinking. The Chicken comes before the egg. This is the mindset for progress for everyone. The WHOLE is key to progress for our planet. Macro Evolution is invalid as it is based upon the 'part' coming before the 'whole'. The chicken must come first..then the egg. My view!!!

Give these ideas some reflection as we all WATCH events get more DIRE on this planet. Our problem is our thinking/mindset. We need NEW thinking and this can not happen (collectively) until people desire NEW thinking. That is my viewpoint and philosophy. Have a great day!

Philosopher Plato did not create the American philosophy as written in our Declaration of Independence. Plato assumed that the State could be a final philosophy for the world. But this mindset has not worked in real-time since the days of Plato (now some 2,300 years). The State can never give us real FREEDOM. Democracy is the best that any State can realize (and democracy is really nothing more than mob rule). Plato proposed a 'republic' (as the best system possible)!

The American dream is impossible under a State mandated system. Only the Kingdom of our Creator can give us a world where the 'individual' is SUPREME! Think on this! Our current State mandated world (all nations) gives us continuing WAR and a CONTROL system of enslavement (for the masses)! We need a NEW System where the 'individual' is SUPREME!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Reverse Engineering (Asset Pumping) Typical of Real Estate Developers!

Donald Trump is in court again and his attorney buddy (in 2016), Michael Cohen, is testifying against him on the issue of 'reverse engineering' of his real estate assets. This idea (of reverse engineering) has been around for decades and I watched real estate developers use this concept so as to PUMP UP their financial assets for lenders (especially during times of high inflation). Lenders like to lend to borrowers who are rich and who grow their assets over time. It's all a game of ego and image! Valuations can change from appraiser to appraiser! It's a subjective science/art.

Donald Trump has done this (asset manipulation) with his hotel properties and this allows him to claim that his net worth is in the billions (he claims some $7 billion). The idea of using fraudulent financial statements to get higher/better loan terms has been going on for decades. When I lived in Wisconsin, I had my own brokerage/appraisal company. My real estate developer clients used this concept of 'reverse engineering' of assets on a regular basis. It's all done to impress 'lenders' who are mostly uneducated on issues of asset valuations (especially during times of high general inflation).

A typical developer would/could pump up his asset valuations (by double or more) so as to give the impression that his net worth was growing over time. One of my developers would pump up his valuations by five/ten times. It's rather easy to do in an inflationary economy. I can use a fraudulent number for rents, for net income, for expenses, or a fraudulent Cap Rate. This can pump up asset valuations by double and more. If lenders are unaware of the valuation game this works for developers who need HIGH net worth statements!

The idea that Donald Trump is innocent of this procedure is not creditable. He claims his residence at Mara-a-Lago, 126 room hotel facility, is worth $1 to $1.5 billion. Is this creditable? I don't think so. The facility has only some 62,500 square feet of floor space. Trump purchased the property in 1985 for some $7 - 10 million (with added personal property). He has his permanent residence at the facility...now called a CLUB. I am sure he has added many changes over the years to the facility. This might add some value to the overall facility.

In 2022, Forbes appraised the property at $350 million (probably a high valuation). Yet Donald Trump would add this property to his financial statement with a plus $1 billion valuation. Many will buy into this elevated valuation as lenders mostly do not know much about valuation science (art). My valuation (today) would be (say) $200 million. So the Donald is using 'reverse engineering' so as to pump up this valuation some five or more times. Why is this possible?

It's possible because valuation of an asset is subjective and emotional. If income is used to value this property its value would be not more than $200 million (probably less). But if sales comparables (specially selected) or cost information (specially manipulated) are used then a value of $1 billion might be possible (as the valuation game is subjective and values can be manipulated by valuation methodologies). I watched this game play out when I was in the profession (back in the 1970's and 80's). An inflationary economy helps this process! Also, lenders tend to buy into value manipulation if they need to get loans into the market!

When our economy crashes (some point down the road from today) we will experience huge deflation in asset valuations. Trump's hotel properties could drop by 80-90% or more. The valuation game is very subjective and reverse engineering works especially well when 'inflation' is high and growing. Will the Donald get caught on this asset manipulation scheme? This is likely. A huge fine would be the result. Watch his trial in New York for further details. Valuation is a game of ego and number manipulation. It's as OLD as real estate history.

A complicated property with many changes (over time) can be valued (subjectively) at many different numbers ($$$$$$$$$). Trump wants his club/residence to be worth $1 to $1.5 billion. Another buyer might value this property at a much lower number. It's all a game of ego/manipulation/valuation game. Inflation enhances valuation. Deflation can drop the numbers quickly! Lenders will accept a high number during times of high inflation. Valuation is a game of 'number' manipulation!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Friday, October 20, 2023

Would Messiah Yeshua be PRO or ANTI Zionism? My view!

The concept of Zionism is what I reject for my Jewish friends on this planet. What is Zionism? It's the promotion of a secular Jewish STATE (political government) as the homeland for all Jews on this planet. This idea creates an ethnic homeland (STATE) for all/any Jews. It's an Apartheid idea as it promotes one ethnic group as a political entity (government) for all Jews. Personally, I find this concept as unacceptable for humanity and this concept would also be fully REJECTED by our last Messiah (Yeshua of Nazareth) IMO. Yeshua desired the Kingdom of his God to rule our planet, not a secular Jewish STATE. Yeshua would not approve of Zionism IMO. 

All my Christian friends who support this Zionist State over in Israel should think more deeply about this idea. Zionism was promoted by a secular (Atheist) Jew who did not think of the spiritual implications of his idea. Theodore Herzl was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state. Wikipedia

The idea of a separate Jewish only State is totally anathema to the teaching of our last Messiah, Yeshua/Jesus. Yeshua taught the idea of brotherhood of all races and ethnic groups. Love your enemy and do good to them who persecute you (was the mindset of Messiah Yeshua). I have studied the history of this idea called Zionism. It started with Herzl and then got promoted by Great Britain (the Balfour Declaration). The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.

After Britain dropped their Mandate over Palestine and allowed our United Nations to take charge of this issue this resulted in the idea of two States for this area of our planet (one for the Jews and one for the Palestinians). This idea was rejected by the Palestinians and we now live (after some 75 years) with a Zionist State which represents merely a small percentage of historical Jews. Zionism has flourished because of the money and military might of the USA. Yes, the USA has been the primary promoter/backer of this Zionist State. Has it worked? Absolutely not!

Personally, I am Anti Zionist even as I am Pro Israel (the common Jew). I love my Jewish friends who are not associated with this entity called the Zionist State. Yeshua desired the brotherhood of each individual person (male/female). He did not promote this concept of separatism and/or an Apartheid State. I find it discomforting to witness all my Christian friends supporting this Zionist State over in the Middle East. There is NO support for this idea within our Holy scriptures. Both the New and the Old Testament view the Kingdom Age as an Age for the INDIVIDUAL (not the STATE). Zionism is a STATE concept! 

This current WAR over in the Middle East can not get resolved IMO given the MINDSET of our political leaders. Biden wants more weapons and money for this Zionist State (consisting of Netanyahu and his group of politicians). I witness a growing dislike for this Zionist State within our world community. My sense is that after this WAR situation gets more intense and disruptive, more CRITICAL thinkers will REJECT this idea of a Zionist State. Personally, I am Anti-Zionist but I am not Anti-Semitic. I love the common man/woman who have a Jewish culture (background). I find that most thinkers accept this reality.

The common Palestinians also have no problem with common Jews. The problem is the Zionist STATE. This governing body has occupied the land of historical Palestine and imprisoned the Palestinian people. This is the problem...not the common Jewish/Palestinian individual. Zionism must be eliminated so that the Kingdom Age can emerge (for all common people). The INDIVIDUAL must be supreme and the STATE must be eliminated. This was the mindset of our last Messiah (Yeshua/Jesus). I say it is also the mindset of our Creator God (Yahweh/Father). Nothing can improve UNTIL we rid the world of these corrupted political entities (called STATES). The INDIVIDUAL must be supreme if our world is to grow in peace, justice, prosperity, and happiness.

Deceived Christians do not differentiate between Zionism and the common Jewish people. Evangelicals are supporting a separate group without differentiating between God's word and the Zionist State. We need critical thinking on this issue of Zionism. Listen to the confusion in our religious community (above video).
Think for yourself on these difficult issues of PHILOSOPHY. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Concepts which we all should abandon given today's reality! Let's review a few core concepts!

Reality is what we need today if our world is going to move forward in a positive direction. Reality is a description of what we all experience in the NOW (via real-time events). Non-reality concepts should be abandoned and reality concepts promoted. Let's review some NON-REALITY concepts which we all could/should abandon from our thinking (sooner the better) IMO!

1. Might makes Right: This concept has been the core concept of our political leaders since WW II (and prior). The concept promotes the idea that money and weapons will WIN peace for the planet. This idea should now be abandoned. Tonight Biden will promote some $100 billion in new money/weapons for Zionist Israel and Ukraine. This mindset encourages more conflict and killing (not peace and tranquility). I will not support this mindset of Joe Robinette Biden. 

2. The End justifies the Means: This concept says that winning a war (say the Middle East war or Ukraine war) will bring the world peace and security. Both Netanyahu and Zelenskyy promote this non-reality concept. The END is viewed as 'wining' these wars...and this is now impossible (in reality) given that our world is dynamic/nuclear (many polarized groups each promoting the same END via nuclear means). There is no real 'wining' that is possible (in today's world) as the MEANS is ignored in favor to some 'imaginary' END. I do not support Biden's military mindset of expansion.

3. Terrorism can be defined objectively: This is a clear myth in our thinking as each party to a conflict defines this concept 'subjectively' (differently). Zionist Israel views Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran as 'terrorists' while these political entities view Zionist Israel as the 'terrorist'. This term should be viewed as a subjective 'point-of-view' (not an objective reality). Who is a terrorist is now a 'point-of-view' (subjective). The continuing mindset of promoting some 'objective' definition of 'terrorism' only encourages more 'terrorism' (in real-time). We need to abandon the idea that there is an 'objective' definition of 'terrorism. Reality is subjective and we each have a subjective point-of-view!

4. Money is the solution to winning: This mindset is what I witness within the Biden administration. Joe is planning a speech to the Nation (America) tonight where he promotes his $100 billion of new money for Zionist Israel and for Zelensky's Ukraine. This mindset of fueling these governments with more WEAPONS of destruction (and money) is ludicrous and shameful. This can not bring us peace, security, and/or justice. It's a shameful mindset of governments who act on concepts that have been proven WRONG by our prior history. Can peace be realized via WAR (now nuclear)?

5. Democracy is what America promotes for the world system: This concept called 'democracy' can not be defined in an 'objective' manner for the world (under any governmental system). What is 'democracy' in reality (Now)? America's founding fathers viewed this political concept as deceptive and impossible to reconcile with real-time events. Democracy (as espoused and promoted) leads to Mob Rule (one political/polarized group against the other). Today, America is totally polarized and yet our leaders claim that we have 'democracy' (people's freedom for the whole society). This idea is a non-reality concept which distorts and deceives the masses. What each person desires is personal freedom to think and act 'individually'. The subjective INDIVIDUAL must be supreme not the STATE. Witness our founding document called the Declaration of Independence. The 'individual' must be supreme not the State. I will not support any politician who espouses the STATE (as final).

6. Money is an objective reality derived from nature: This concept called 'money' is nowhere found within nature. It's an 'invented' concept of the human mind which government's use to control and manipulate the people. Money is an 'idea'. It's a concept of the subjective human MIND. There is no such THING (as money) within our natural/material universe. Money derives from the human MIND (also called our 'consciousness'). We 'invent' money! Today, our Central Bank creates these money units from their mind (with distribution via their computers). The units are digital/virtual/imaginary. This is a shameful distortion of REALITY. We need to eliminate our world from this shameful/subjective concept called 'money'. APPS can replace money!

7. Life came from non-life (a chemical soup): This concept called 'life' is distorted and misunderstood by our governments and our educators. There is no 'life' which emerges from non-life (inorganic matter). Abiogenesis is not a reality on this planet or within our greater material universe. Abiogenesis is a theory that life originated from nonliving matter. The word derives from a Greek word a (not). The reality is that 'life' derives totally from prior life. And prior life is eternal/spirit. Life is not some 'thing' which can be objectively defined by our educators/governments. Life is lived in the NOW and the NOW is witness to the reality that 'life' emerges from prior life (always). Macro Evolution is a distorted myth when fully understood. We did not originate from some primordial soup (chemicals) as espoused by our evolutionary educators. Our common ancestor is not a 'thing' which emerges from nature. Life is ETERNAL/SPIRIT!

We live in a world of total confusion as our educators and our governments have deceived us on the core concepts of REALITY. We need to ABANDON the above concepts/ideas. A better world can emerge when we THINK differently. The NOW should be our reference point for reality (not the Past or the Future). There is no 'past' and/or 'future' that we experience. I experience ONLY the NOW (continually). Some additional concepts which need to be abandoned are 'time' and 'value'. Time is a NOW experience and this concept called economic 'value' is totally SUBJECTIVE. Money derives from 'value' and 'value' was a concept invented during a period of scarcity. Today, we need to abandon these imaginary concepts. 

Think on your own to discern reality in the NOW. If anyone can avoid the NOW (let me know). I have never been able to avoid and/or live my life absent the NOW. The one concept which we all need to promote is LIVING our life as a NOW experience. That's my view of reality! Have a great day!

Conclusion: Life is a NOW experience and concepts of reality are derived from the subjective 'individual'. This makes all thinking concepts 'subjective' at the core! There is no 'objective' definition which a politician can impose upon us! Define your own reality (as you discern it)!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com


Monday, October 16, 2023

Does Holy Scripture support a Zionist win in the Middle East Situation? Why/Why not!

It is my understanding that God desires the MEANS to be key to any end result. In other words, the End does NOT justify the Means. It is the precise opposite that God desires...the MEANS creates the End Result. Did the Zionist history use a righteous MEANS to create their political regime over in today's Israel? It is now some 75 years since Zionism created this STATE called Israel. I would suggest that the Means used is not going to LAST (spiritually). The MEANS was not valid. Let's briefly review some history!

1. God allowed the 2nd Temple of Judaism to be destroyed by the /Romans in 70 A.D. This resulted in the dispersion of the Jews to all parts of our planet. This dispersion, according to my reading of scripture, ends when the MESSIAH arrives to change history and create the Kingdom Age.

2. The new Kingdom Age arrives after the Nations (their governments) are eliminated as viable entities. This includes the Zionist State of Israel. The war of Ezekiel 38/39 seems to end this Zionist State (mostly) which secular Jews started in 1948. After this war, the war of Armageddon ends all nation States (including Zionist Israel). This seems to be the message of Daniel, Revelation, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Matthew, Mark, Luke. etc.

3. The Zionist State was a result of unholy Means which eliminated the Palestinian rule (in this land) and forced a new Zionist State upon the world via political mandates (force). Great Britain and the United Nations (along with the USA) created this Zionist State by a mandate process. This was the unholy MEANS. These government entities assumed that the End Justifies the Means and this Zionist State was meant to give the Apartheid Jews their longed for homeland in this area called Palestine/Israel. 

4. The history of this process to create a homeland for the Apartheid Jews is available for everyone to review. My review leads me to the viewpoint that it was the MEANS used which eventually creates the downfall of this Zionist regime. God does not honor an unholy MEANS. The End does NOT Justify the Means. Under man's rule, this philosophy of the 'ends' justifying the means has been ubiquitous. My spiritual understanding leads me to the viewpoint that this is NOT going to be upheld by God's viewpoint.

5. God has made it plain in Holy Scripture (my interpretation) that progress is only JUST when the MEANS is JUST. Killing, terrorism, hidden occupation schemes, etc. will not work to create a Righteous/Just end result. This type of behavior leads to destruction and a fatal elimination of those who promote this philosophy. The END to man's rule is arriving DUE to the mindset of our leaders. That is my viewpoint!

6. Zionist Israel (the current regime over in today's Israel)  is not the same as being God's chosen servants. So called Apartheid behavior (where only Jews get a homeland to the exclusion of others) is NOT a MEANS that God will approve of as being Just and Holy. That is my reading of Holy Scripture and current prophecy seems to support this viewpoint/interpretation. Today's Zionist State is destined for eventual elimination as God's System for this planet.

7. Christians are supporting (mostly) this Zionist State as being God's chosen system. But this is not valid IMO. The Israel of today, did not get Messiah's blessing at its START. Why are Jews seeking a new Messiah for our world? Could it be that their current Apartheid State is invalid (spiritually)? It's invalid because the ORIGIN of this Zionist State did not get God's blessing at the START. Scripture says that a new MESSIAH must initiate a new meaningful government/world system (. Not political mandates from man's system of government!

That is my viewpoint. The current nation of Israel is living on BORROWED time. Prophecy says that a war over this Zionist State is coming. Take the time to read Ezekiel 38/39. Also, Daniel and Revelation support the END of this political entity which we call Zionism or the Zionist State. This war has not happened as of today. When God sends his 'anointed' Messiah to planet Earth, then the end result will be valid and just. God (Yahweh) works on the philosophy called the MEANS is key to the end. It's the PRECISE opposite of what I witness in today's world system (under today's leadership). These man ruled politicians assume that they can build a better world using the unholy philosophy of the Ends Justifying the Means and Might makes Right. My view is that this will NOT work! Think for yourself on this issue!

The God of Israel acts according to his plan and purpose. The best evidence is God's prophetic word (which we all must read and subjectively interpret). My viewpoint is less than ABSOLUTE. But I share my viewpoint for your person consideration and evaluation. Think for yourself to discern these spiritual issues.

Zionism (Hebrewצִ×™ּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut [tsijoˈnut] after Zion) is a nationalist[fn 1] movement that emerged in the 19th century to espouse support for the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine,[3][4][5][6] a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition.[7][8][9][10] Following the establishment of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports "the development and protection of the State of Israel".[11]

The common denominator among all Zionists has been a claim to Palestine, a land traditionally known in Jewish writings as the Land of Israel ("Eretz Israel") as a national homeland of the Jews and as the legitimate focus for Jewish national self-determination.[34] It is based on historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.[35] Zionism does not have a uniform ideology, but has evolved in a dialogue among a plethora of ideologies: General Zionism, Religious ZionismLabor ZionismRevisionist ZionismGreen Zionism, etc.

The flag of the Zionist Movement adopted in 1891 became the flag of the State of Israel, established in 1948.

After almost two millennia of the Jewish diaspora residing in various countries without a national state, the Zionist movement was founded in the late 19th century by secular Jews.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Human Suffering has been continuous since dawn of Civilization. Should we BLAME God for this situation?

It is obvious, to me, that God is our Creator and this Source is responsible for all events within his creation. This means that our society on planet Earth is under the Authority and Control of our Creator (Source). Does it do any good to BLAME God (our Source) for the SUFFERING which human beings experience (now some 6,000 years of suffering)? If God is ultimately responsible then this Source must surely understand and also ordain this suffering (it would seem)! So what is my interpretation of why this suffering continues? Does it all have some MEANING?

It is obvious to me that I am living 'at effect' on this planet. I did not choose to be born on planet Earth yet it happened. I was born without any choice in the matter. I did not choose my culture, parents, talents, mindset, or my unique characteristics. I was born with no input and I live my life with the destiny which is 'ordained' for me. I assume (philosophically) that your condition is identical/similar to mine. So what does this all mean? Can we discern some MEANING in all this suffering and confusion?

1. I would say that suffering must be part of the plan of our Creator (Source). How else can this be explained? Job did not choose his trials and sufferings and I did not choose mine. I presume that you did not choose yours. This means we all are living with some 'suffering' that flows from our being human. It's all beyond our control to change. Some seem to suffer more than others! This is also confusing!

2. A review of human civilization does reveal that human suffering started shortly after man/woman was created. The precise start is uncertain. The cause must be understood by our Creator, however, even as we who suffer can not FULLY discern this cause. My conclusion is that there MUST be some reason for this suffering and misery. It all must be part of a MUCH bigger plan/picture. What seems logical to me now is that suffering does have a purpose in the BIGGER picture!

3. It seem logical that my/your Creator desires that MAN (male/female) needs to experience opposites and differences (moral/social/cultural/etc.). All is meant for us so we can LEARN and GROW as spiritual persons with an eternal destiny. We all live eternally and forever but our experience on planet Earth is merely a START (in this eternal destiny/plan). Suffering must be part of our necessary experience even as it is disliked in the NOW. We all live 'at effect' and this means we can not CHANGE our situation (via our WILL). Opposites happen to us without our choice!

4. As human beings we get born within a condition/lifestyle that we did not plan/choose/desire. It all happens to us. I call this God's determination and plan. It's all much beyond anyone's full comprehension/understanding. We can philosophy about our SITUATION and our PROBLEMS but we can not change the WILL of our CREATOR (SOURCE). We live 'at effect' and we have no ability to create our own reality (the Cause). This is what is MEANS to be human (so it seems)!

5. Human experience reveals that EVERYONE lives 'at effect' and we do precisely what is programmed into us (our mindset/consciousness). The flow of reality starts at the TOP (God/Creator/Source) and flows from this position to our position (as agents) of this SOURCE. Our Creator KNOWS precisely what he/she is doing but we do not KNOW. We must learn (partly) from our experiences on this planet. In other words, we DISCOVER reality as we live our lives. We do not ORIGINATE reality. This is my viewpoint as a philosopher/thinker. The Potter knows but the Clay lives with uncertainty (not knowing)!

6. All the events which have happened since the DAWN of civilization up to TODAY have happened as a RESULT of the above factors IMO. Man (as AGENT) acts and behaves according to the MINDSET which is given him/her (programmed within one's consciousness at birth or prior). I was conceived in 1942 (say April). I was physically born on January 24, 1943. Did I choose any of this? Did I choose my mindset/parents/education/culture/destiny/venue. Did I originate ANY of my destiny as PRINCIPLE? I don't think so! I was born (without any personal input) and I have now lived some 81 years from this beginning point. I presume that your situation is identical/similar to mine.

7. If the above is valid logic/thinking then what does this MEAN going forward? What does this MEAN for the suffering of the Palestinians (currently witnessed over in GAZA)? What does this MEAN for the war (and suffering) in the Ukraine with Russia? What does this MEAN for the idea that a KINGDOM AGE is coming at some point down the road? Can I/You conclude anything with certainty? Can we derive some GENERAL overall idea of what is happening on this planet (which we all call Earth)? Is it all conjecture or can we witness some logic in all this suffering and confusion?

My sense is that a PLAN is being worked out on this planet which no-one can FULLY comprehend  but which does suggest a positive CONCLUSION/ending (eventually). My reference for this PLAN is HOLY scripture, tradition, and real-time experience. It SEEMS like a PLAN is being worked out that ENDS with a positive OUTCOME. This PLAN started (my assumption) at CREATION and ENDS at ARMAGEDDON. Man's RULE will END at Armageddon (the final battle for this age of MAN). Might makes Right will then END as Man's Rule also ENDS. That is my considered ASSUMPTION. It seems logical and my daily experiences seem to CONFIRM this PLAN/Destiny.

After Armageddon, a new mindset for the world emerges. This new mindset will produce the Kingdom Age (some 1,000 years of justice, peace, prosperity, hope, and happiness). A new SYSTEM emerges as the system of man's rule will END. Our Creator will play the key role in producing this NEW WORLD for our planet. This is what seems logical and it seems to be DEVELOPING in real-time NOW. A new consciousness is developing and this will produce a NEW system for planet Earth. Do you sense this also? Are we all on this rocket ship together?

Give this some consideration as we continue to experience the dire suffering over in the Ukraine and Gaza and soon in the WEST and the EAST (all parts of planet Earth). A PLAN is being worked out (my assumption) and the end RESULT will be positive eventually (as we all do live eternally). Man's Rule is coming to an END and God's Rule will replace this situation (my assumption). The KINGDOM AGE is coming to our planet. That is my HOPE! Revelation 22 does support this ENDING. All is uncertain from the human perspective, however! We must WATCH, PRAY, and ENDURE!

My sense is that this is a WORD from our Creator/Source. Yahweh/Father is my view of this Source! I am assuming that Revelation 4 is valid and true. One Creator who determines ALL!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

New Concepts for Today's Confused World: Democide, Politicide, and Genocide! Let's Review!

 A well known example was the Nazi Holocaust, also Pol Pot's mass murder, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Stalin's mass murders, etc. Marco Rubio is now calling for some form of genocide for Palest
inians (he calls them human animals). Is this where our world is going? Will the governments of this planet initiate the killing fields so as to maintain their control over the common man? This seems to be our destiny! The philosophy of Might makes Right is what our governments follow!

Senator Marco Rubio, Senator from Florida, had a terrifying suggestion for how to resolve the war between Israel and Palestine: eradicating the Gaza Strip. While Rubio was referring to Hamas, his unwillingness to differentiate between the militants and innocent Palestinian civilians is terrifying. Two million people live in Gaza, and more than half of them are children. Rather than give a nuanced response, Rubio instead seemed to be OK with wiping out an entire region. Is this genocide/Democide/Politicide or what?

The Nazi Holocaust is generally viewed as a clear form of Democide by Adolph Hitler's regime. Some also view the USA and their actions in WW II (Tokyo fire bombing, Hiroshima bombing, and Nagasaki bombing) as forms of Democide. Do our governments exempt themselves when they choose this type of behavior? It appears they do!

Israeli President, Isaac Herzog says: 'nobody is innocent in Gaza, including Palestinian civilians'. Herzog claimed all Palestinians bear some responsibility for the rise of Hamas and its attack on Israel. He said: 'it's an entire nation out there that is responsible. The Palestinians could have fought against this evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d'etat. We will fight until we break their backbone. Channel 4 reported this via Matt Frei on October 14, 2023. 

A 25 mile border fence seals GAZA (creating a prison environment) so no terrorists can challenge Israel proper. The Zionists have recently shut off water, electricity, and fuel to residents of Gaza (some 2.3 million people). Is any of this humane?

Netanyahu said to Brian Williams: "You’d say to your leader, 'A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.' And a country’s got to do what a country’s got to do. We have to defend ourselves."

It appears that most Christian Americans will back the war strategy of the Zionists. 

It appears that Palestinians have broad support internationally!

Most countries have a pretty dim view of Israel's influence on the world (exception is the USA). Although this is unclear to many (given today's war mentality in this Zionist nation). 

In Conclusion: I would say that a regional war is likely now that Gaza and Hamas are being eliminated as viable entities going forward. It appears to me that Iran and Hezbollah will enter this war soon.  Later Russia, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, and maybe China will enter this war. It's all part of our end-times events which must happen. After this dire period HOPE could emerge as the Kingdom Age emerges. That is my perspective.

 I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hamas hates the Zionists not the common Jewish people! This also goes for Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad! Why?

The real battle over in the Middle East is between political institutions. Both the common Jews and the common Arabs could work together if the governments were eliminated. Hamas is the political institution which governs Gaza. Netanyahu is a politician who currently protects the Zionist establishment and their rule over historical Palestine. All this started much prior to today's dire events. We would need to go back to the origin of the Nation of Israel to discern why these politicians HATE each other. Here is a brief history to start the conversation:

1. Palestine was the general name of this area prior to the establishment of the Zionist Nation of Israel (1948). There were many more Arabs (Palestinians) in the area then Jews at this time (1948).

2. The nation of Great Britain controlled the situation (politically) until they passed it on to the United Nations (1947). The U.N. then voted to create two nations in this area. One for the Jews and one for the Palestinian Arabs. The Palestinian Arabs rejected the partition plan. They felt the Zionists were illegitimate as a political entity. They continue to view the Zionist government as illegitimate. 

3. The Zionists accepted the U.N. plan, however, and this produced the Nation of Israel in 1948. Fighting over the political rule and control of this land has continued since this origin event. Zionists can not accept Palestinian control and vice versa!

4. Hamas was elected by the Palestinians to govern the Gaza strip in 2006 - 2007 (2 million people). The so-called West Bank (also part of what the Palestinians claim) was governed by Mahmoud Abbas as a leader within the Palestinian National Authority entity (some 2.7 million Palestinians live in the West Bank). Neither Hamas nor the PNA agree on much. Both want to rule over all the Palestinians. The Zionists want to rule over all of Israel (including the Palestinians).

5. The Zionists government of Netanyahu has a military authority controlling most of the West Bank areas. The IDF military system is much more powerful than the Palestinian military. The West Bank is divided into three main areas called area A, B. and C. There are some 11 governmental  sections within the West Bank that have political entities in charge. All is under the Zionist control system, however. A two State system is being proposed but this can not work IMO.

6. The Zionist political entity governs all areas under a military dictatorship (essentially). The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) uses their military (assisted by the USA) to control all core events in all the Palestinian areas. This is resented by the governing authorities of the Palestinians (as well as the common people). Hamas hates the Zionists as do most Palestinians. America is viewed as the GREAT SATAN for the entire Middle East. Israel is viewed as America's puppet!

7. The idea that a TWO STATE solution is viable is not accepted by the Zionists or the Palestinians (their political leaders). The situation is at loggerheads continually and there is NO solution that can work (under man's rule). The only solution is the Kingdom Age solution with the God of the Arabs/Jews (Yahweh/Allah) ruling over these human people groups. The real battle is a SPIRITUAL battle. It will continue until it ends at Armageddon.

The last prophet of Yahweh/Allah God recognized by the Arabs was Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad concluded that a Judgment Day must arrive prior to any final solution to the Arab/Jew political situation. This Judgment Day is soon here (so it seems). We are witnessing the final battle of all our political institutions and World War III will end the battle for our planet. It's all in progress as I write this missive! That is my perspective!

The events now happening over in the Middle East and in Ukraine form the origin of World War III. That is my perspective on our situation. This war has started IMO and it will continue until our Creator God ends the carnage after the Battle of Armageddon. That seems to be our situation according to Prophecy. There is a 7,000 year plan which is being worked out for planet Earth. Some 6,000 years are now ending (so it seems). The Church Age ends the 6,000 year period. The Millennium will end the 7,000 year plan. This means that our human civilization has another 1,000 years to experience this universe prior to a NEW earth system. Revelation 22. 

First we must endure a tribulation period for this planet. Revelation 6. All this history is very subjective and uncertain, however. Only God knows (precisely) the future and since there is no real future (only successive moments of NOW) we can discern the future (in some manner) in the NOW. The coming Kingdom Age is actually HERE (even as it is also COMING). It's all sounds paradoxical but this is our reality IMO. God rules and this rule is continually a NOW event. Time is a Now experience (always). That is my perspective. Think for yourself to discern these interesting ideas!

Man's attempt to solve human relations. Bomb the hell out of the enemy. Kill the leaders. Take control of the land areas. Impose a military dictatorship over the common people! Repeat! Repeat!

The idea of ONE State for Arabs and ONE State for Jews is not workable IMO. The problem is the governing entities. Both Hamas, the PNA, and the Zionists will never fully agree on who must rule and how. The common people can relate but the leaders can not! Man's rule is the real problem!

The Hamas leaders totally reject being ruled by the Zionists leaders. The core issue is rulership!

The Zionist leaders are currently Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters in the Knesset! They want to rule all of the Nation of Israel (plus the West Bank and Gaza territory). This is their intention!

Donald Trump and Mahmoud Abbas tried to create calm in the West Bank but it did not work! The problem is man's rule over man. It is destined to FAIL every time!

America to send two aircraft carriers to the Middle East to show that USA rules the seas! All this will not prevent the coming WW III. The issues are not military but philosophical (at the core).

Biden says he will act to prevent any change in the Zionists regime. This is also a fatal delusion IMO!

Biden and the West will support Israel. Putin, Xi, and the Arabs will support the Palestinians. Its a battle to the end. It all ends with Armageddon!

The God of Israel will end man's rule at this final battle called Armageddon. Real peace will then emerge!

The world is arming itself for the final battle. Two trillion dollars are spent each year on weapons that kill fellow humans. Political entities have possessed so much power to destroy lives just so they can maintain their CONTROL and their RULE over planet Earth. It's all a total delusion for the world system! Can a better SYSTEM emerge? We must watch, wait, and witness!

Many thinkers recognize the folly of our current corrupted system. A New Earth is envisioned and living in the NOW is what will happen during the coming age of the Kingdom! That is my viewpoint. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspotl.com.
