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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Theological 'IMAGINATION' produced the God Man...Yeshua Glorified! Amazing!

My research and study reveals that theological 'imagination' is behind the doctrines of the Christian Church. The Christian Church has now existed for almost 2,000 years.  This body of believers (called the Church) started to emerge after 33 A.D. (after the death of Yeshua). Yeshua was this Jew from Nazareth who captured the 'imagination' of his followers (as Messiah) AFTER his 'glorification' experience.

Yes, Yeshua, was glorified by his Father God (Yahweh) immediately at the point of his death on the tree (say 33 A.D.). Yeshua was a human being (with a spirit self) just like you and me. This 'spirit' self (within Yeshua) is what got 'glorified' immediately at the point of his passing (death). Our bodies go into the grave (after physical death) but our 'spirit' self gets 'glorified' IF our transcendent God chooses to continue the LIFE of a human being. God is our Potter/Creator and he can act to preserve our 'spirit' at point of death.

Yeshua lived on our planet from around 4 B.C. to 33 A.D. (give or take). He was a Jew from the Tribe of Judah who had a special gift (anointing) from his Father God. This history (of Yeshua) is well documented and most thinkers agree that Yeshua was a real person who lived on our planet. He was born to Mary and Joseph (probably in Nazareth) and he evolved in this Messiah person over his lifetime. 

After Yeshua's death a series of mental/conscious experiences produced a group of believers who desired to Deify this Jew from Nazareth. The idea was that he MUST have been special (a son or the son) as he made select 'appearances' within the Consciousness of select believers AFTER his physical death. Was he God and Man (simultaneously)? Was he Deity (in the flesh)? Did he have TWO natures (Divine and Human)? Who was this person who captured the inner beliefs of select disciples?

What happened (in reality) to produce this Church called The Way (and later the orthodox Christian Church). It appears to me that the BIG revelation was the select VISIONS which believers experienced (within their Consciousness) AFTER the physical death of Yeshua. These visions are also called 'appearances'. Today, we can imagine these 'appearances' as VIRTUAL experiences within one's Consciousness. They are nearly as REAL as an 'observed' experience.

Virtual reality is so REAL to most people that they will assume that the 'images' within a Smart Phone are real objects within Spacetime. An example is our money unit (the dollar). Today, our 'dollar' is a VIRTUAL unit of my/your Consciousness (nothing physical) but few deny the reality of this unit (within our 'imagination'). It 'appears' within our Consciousness ($) just like the 'glorified' Yeshua appeared virtually (after his death) within the Consciousness of select believers. MY sense is that the REAL story of Yeshua's afterlife is based on VIRTUAL experiences (not this story of a DEAD body coming back to life).

The idea that the DEAD body of Yeshua had any significance does not RING true to me. This mangled dead body (after his crucifixion) was later resurrected (within the mind) by select believers and a STORY was concocted to give this body a newly resurrected LIFE (meaning). My sense is that this never happened in real-time. But what happened (in reality) is that Yeshua's SPIRIT self got 'glorified' immediately at his point of death (passing)...by the decision of his God/Father. This, to me, is reality and the STORY of a physical resurrection (a DEAD mangled body coming back to life) is pure MYTH (fakery).

Yes, Yeshua, is now 'glorified' and living as a spirit self within our greater spiritual universe. He ascended to his Father (our Creator God). He is next to God the Father (Yahweh) in the spiritual heavens which we can access within our 'spiritual' Consciousness (NOW). He is alive and active as he can send 'spiritual' messages to select believers with his speech or a virtual image. He also did receive spiritual POWER from his Father (our CREATOR God) who sits (as a Singularity) on the THRONE. You can visualize this reality when you read Revelation 4 - 5 and also Daniel 7. Read and discern.

The STORY of Yeshua (who many call Jesus Christ) is a story which got concocted AFTER his death by select theological writers (Greek thinkers mostly) who then labeled these stories with text (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that was later canonized by an orthodox body of believers. This canonization produced the Church of Christianity (over time). Today, we call this Church the Catholic Church and the Pope has been made the Vicar of Christ (the person who represents the glorified Yeshua). After 2,000 years of a Church Age we are now in 2022 (the END of this Church Age).

The many stories and deceptions of Christendom (Roman and other) have changed and evolved over these 2,000 years. There are some 2.6 billion believers (today) who accept some of the stories as being real and authentic. As I read the history of this Church Age I discover many confusing and deceptive stories from the various religious bodies who have bought into these stories. Today, we have Roman Catholic believers, Eastern Orthodox believers, Oriental Christian believers, Protestant denominational believers, etc. etc. All differ with their many STORIES!

What likely happened after 33 A.D. (death of Yeshua) is that the many 'appearances' which were virtually REAL did produce a group of believers who desired to develop a THEOLOGY from these virtual experiences. This theology grew, changed, and varied from believer to believer and power center to power center. Stories developed and they became DOGMA and DOCTRINE (over time). Today, all this is being digested by Scholars and Thinkers and reconstructed to reflect current reality. 

Bart Ehrman is one biblical scholar who is popular today (see above video) with his renditions of what might have happened. Bart has written many books on all these issues. Tovia Singer, a rabbi in Jerusalem, is another scholar who challenges the many confusing stories and the logic of New Testament writings. The number is growing daily and you can witness this reality on today's Youtube internet. Today's interconnected world of the internet is bringing us NEW realities on all these past stories and narratives.

Yes, the 'imagination' of theologians has produced these writings in this book called The Bible. The Catholic Church has been prominent in producing many stories and doctrines. The Protestant Churches have done similar. Everyone is becoming aware of the confusion within our various Church presentations. Who knows what really happened? Who understands spiritual TRUTH? What is fable and what is REAL? It's all up to each person to discern. Wisdom comes from thinking on one's own.

The Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. started this God Man story. Then the Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D. codified and expanded this God Man theory (that the 'glorified' Yeshua/Jesus Christ) is God Almighty and equal to the historical Yahweh of the Hebrew tradition. My sister thinks Jehovah is Jesus and Jesus is Jehovah. I think her perception is similar to millions within this religion called Evangelical Christianity. Beliefs get magnified by theologians and pastors who have a gift of rhetoric and a strong inner belief.

What is reality and what is FABLE is hard to discern. Each person must do their own research and study. My view is MINE. It is based upon my logic and my understanding of history. For me, Yahweh/Father, is my Creator God. Yeshua/Jesus is my spiritual friend (now glorified) who acquired his relevance from our transcendent Creator God. Yes, he is glorified and alive in the spiritual realm. My hope is similar. Have a great day! Do some thinking on these issues on your own! It's education for the MIND!

Most Christians believe that Jesus/Yeshua is God! I find this deceptive! Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Reality is becoming Spiritual: Russia says 'Satanists' ruling the WEST! Putin says 'Elites' causing Trouble for Russia! Biden disagrees!

The rhetoric is now becoming 'spiritual' as our politicians continue to ramp up the negatives over in the Ukraine area and the Middle East. The West wants to send more $$$$$ to Ukraine from sanctioned RESERVES (some $300 billion of Russian reserves). If this is approved, I expect some strong reaction from Russia. What is now happening in our World can not lead to progress, peace, or security IMO.

There are 12 days left until the mid-term elections in the USA. My sense is that the Biden administration will suffer a huge loss...as our voters reflect on all these growing negatives. Our economy is in a shambles and this situation will get MUCH worse after the mid-term elections IMO. 

Real estate is heading for a crash as prices start their DECLINE. Even if Powell 'pivots' and starts to LOWER interest rates, this will not help. The problem is a growing 'negative' sentiment among the populace. Voters are finally becoming AWARE that we have many PROBLEMS which can not be solved by Biden and his Deep State Operators. Will the Republicans be any better?

My sense is that they will start a process of DEALING with some of these serious political problems. Once this starts, the problems will likely MAGNIFY. What has happened for years is a policy of 'kicking the can down the road'. This policy could END if the republicans win the House and the Senate. You can witness all the economic numbers here: www.usdebtclock.org.

America is obviously in decline as our politicians have NO positive solutions to the KEY problems. Our DEBT is unpayable. Our status in the world is declining. The 'rules based' policies of the WEST are being ignored by the EAST. Our Biden administration wants a uni-polar world system so THEY can control the SYSTEM. The Putin, Xi, Kim administrations dislike this control system of the WEST.

The EAST wants a multi-polar world system and they are in the process of setting this up now. We could have two world systems by the end of 2022. The EAST wants to shun the WEST. The WEST wants to eliminate the EAST. War is the tool for this result. War, however, can not lead to PROGRESS for the people! We need a New Model.

The rhetoric is now turning to a 'spiritual' battle as the Russians are calling the WEST 'satanic'. Is the WEST a 'satanic' enterprise? The issues are complex and many of us do believe that SATAN plays a role within our world system. So calling the WEST 'satanic' is logical to me. The EAST may also be 'satanic'. According to my view of reality, DARK forces rule over the governing systems of this planet!

The Prince of Darkness could be SATAN and his agents (all invisible to the human eye). Invisible forces appear to rule over this universe and these forces produce both LIGHT and DARKNESS. Good and Evil are prevalent within our human system. All these 'invisible' forces play a ROLE in the events which we experience. Few comprehend this reality as the 'invisible' is dismissed as uncertain and unknowable.

Are we living in the End-times? My sense is YES. If this is TRUE then we all need to get 'spiritual' with our thinking. Russia seems to sense this spiritual reality as they are now calling events 'Satanism'. See the video above. The world system needs a NEW MODEL. Capitalism is over and Communism is also dead. We need a NEW MODEL which promotes PEOPLE. People must come FIRST. Money needs to be ELIMINATED!

Will any of this happen in my lifetime? All is uncertain but my sense is that events can happen quickly in this digital age of interconnectedness. The coming mid-term elections, November 8,  could create a change in direction for America. I will be watching the results and hoping that our voters will make WISE decisions. We certainly need meaningful change. Think for yourself as you watch events in REAL-TIME. Have a good day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

'Replacement Theology' Needs to be REPLACED! Why?

From Abraham to today, God has confirmed by signs and words that his 'covenant' with Israel (the Jews and the 12 tribes of Israel) is an eternal 'covenant'. Look up at the Sun and Moon and Stars for evidence: Zechariah 8:7. Yes, Yahweh has confirmed that we ALL are sinners (at the core) yet God will redeem us ALL over his chosen time period. God works through his created people to accomplish his PLAN. God has not 'replaced' his chosen (the 12 tribes) with another set of believers (called Gentiles) on issues of destiny IMO. 

Trying to say that God has 'replaced' historical Israel with a NEW Israel (the Gentile Church) is fallacious thinking IMO. Many believers today are recognizing this reality and abandoning all these apostate churches which preach this message. Some 70% of all Christian Churches (7 out of 10) preach that historical Israel (the Jews and/or Israelites) were 'replaced' with a Gentile Church after 70 A.D. Paul of Tarsus emerged as the primary spokesperson for these Gentile Churches of Christianity which advance this false theology. 

 After the destruction of the 2nd Temple of Yahweh in 70 A.D. the Jews (all the Israelite tribes) were scattered and this replacement cult (called The Way/later called Christianity) emerged from the wreckage. This history is important to understand as it has led to 2,000 years of a Gentile Church Age (under Roman Catholic Christianity mostly) including a new theology which emerged after Nicaea (325 A.D.).  This new theology led to the Catholic religion (our various Popes, Cardinals, Bishops) and later the Protestant denominations (after the Reformation period). Some 2.6 billion (today) call themselves Christians!

Prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem (70 A.D.) the core beliefs on issues of God were mostly that of historical Judaism. The God of Israel, YHWH, was at the core. The Torah was the reference point for theological issues...and the God of Abraham/Moses/David (Yahweh) was viewed as our Creator God. Then in 29 A.D. (+-) a major event happened. This Jew from Nazareth emerged on the scene (after baptism by his cousin, John) and a new theology gradually developed (mostly after Yeshua's death in 33 A.D.).

Yeshua (who many call Jesus today) emerged on the religious scene in 29 A.D. (+-) and proclaimed that the KINGDOM of his GOD (Yahweh/Father) was near...essentially at the door. After Yeshua was baptised his worldview developed. Yeshua's cousin, John the Baptist, was later killed (beheaded) by Herod Antipas. Yeshua then started his own ministry and developed followers who bought into his message/ministry. The core message/gospel of Yeshua was that the KINGDOM of his GOD (God the Father, also called Yahweh) was near...essentially at the door.

This message (gospel) was preached for some three years (+-) in and around Jerusalem and the Galilee area. Some 70 - 72 believers (disciples) preached this gospel (of the coming KINGDOM) to mostly Israelites who understood the Torah and the prior doctrines of Abraham/Moses/David. These Israelites were waiting for the promised KINGDOM of GOD which was outlined in the Torah and other Jewish scriptures: see Isaiah 2 and 11 for reference. The Kingdom was promised for the planet but it ended up being rejected in 33 A.D. The issues are complex and many differing viewpoints have evolved from this history.

The message of John the Baptist (before his beheading) was (apparently) that all the Israelites should REPENT and turn to the GOD of Israel (Yahweh/Father) so that this KINGDOM could arrive for everyone. Yeshua preached this gospel (of the Kingdom) even while his contemporaries, the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, rejected this ministry (they apparently thought Yeshua wanted to present himself as Yahweh God...a blasphemy to these confused believers at his trial). All this confusion led to this cult emerging called The Way (later Christianity). Confusion, diversity, and politics led to this new religion developing for our planet.

In reality, Yeshua never desired to be God (Yahweh) IMO...but after his death (a political/religious ordeal that got nasty) many confused followers gradually started a cult (called The Way) which gradually evolved (after Paul's evangelism) into this monolithic church (religion) which became dominant after the time of Constantine the Great (who then promoted a Catholic Christianity for the Empire so as to enhance his political regime). By 325 A.D. this cult of Christianity had evolved into a cult of Christ (Jesus was the guru).

This cult emerged from no historical written words from Yeshua/Jesus (the key character). What happened was that oral testimony (about his beliefs) developed over the years and stories became infused into the memories of believers who viewed this person as a MESSIAH person. Gradually, a body of believers emerged (under Greek thinkers) and a gospel was written down under the labels of assumed eye witnesses. Each Gospel was unique and different yet it produced a Gentile religion which grew and prospered.

Christianity, this cult, gradually grew into this Catholic religion in Rome, Italy (with Popes, Cardinals, and Bishops) who desired to be the 'Vicar' of Christ for all believers. This entity dominated and controlled nearly everyone who had an inner/spiritual mindset as they had political clout and also spiritual clout. Control over the people and their spiritual beliefs was KEY to total political control over the world system. All this happened (gradually and relentlessly) after the death of this Messiah person, whom we call Yeshua/Jesus.

The new Catholic Gentile Church (along with select politicians) controlled the world systems and promoted this idea called REPLACEMENT theology (a view that the old testament God was anathema/changed and a new testament God had emerged with Yeshua/Jesus at the center (Jesus had been glorified and was now Deity). A new covenant was promoted along with a new theology of Christianity (where the prior Jews of the Torah, non-gentiles, were 'REPLACED' so that this new covenant could evolve into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (now the glorified God who was now EQUAL to the prior God of Abraham/Moses/David).

A new theology emerged (gradually) with this TRINITY doctrine (a form of idolatry to the God of Israel) and with the exaltation of Yeshua (now viewed as glorified and at the right hand of the Father) in the heavens. Yeshua was made EQUAL with the prior God of Abraham/Moses/David (in 325 A.D.) at the Council of Nicaea. A 'hypostatic union' was espoused. The old testament Jewish believers (who viewed God as ONE God/transcendent) where essentially REPLACED (theologically) so that a NEW COVENANT of SALVATION could emerge (under Jesus) for the entire world. 

The writings of this false evangelist, called Paul of Tarsus, became the key reference point for this New Covenant (where the CHURCH of Jesus Christ was central and dominant for ALL believers). God, our Creator (theologians assumed), had REPLACED the Jews (of old) with a NEW theology so that the Kingdom of Jesus could arrive for the world. All this continued (gradually) from 33 A.D. to the present time (2022 A.D.). Replacement theology has created this Gentile Christian religion and their various doctrines for all believers to buy into as GOSPEL. It's all mostly gross deception when fully understood!

Historical Jews were persecuted by the Christian world religious system in Rome and worldwide as God supposedly had rejected them. The evidence was the DESTRUCTION of the 2nd Temple of Yahweh in 70 A.D. Gradually, pogroms and Jewish Antisemitism emerged in most Gentile nations as a punishment for Jewish 'sins'. The history of Antisemitism has not ended as of today (2022). Antisemitism is prevalent and the God of Israel is rejected by most God believers. HaShem is the God of Israel. All this needs to change if God's Kingdom is to emerge going forward!

Today, many scholars, believers, and philosophers are recognizing that this so-called Church Age (of Gentile Christianity) is OVER and done. These theological thinkers are now proclaiming that the END is here for this Church Age and this has led to a denunciation of Replacement Theology. The emergence of a new doctrine has developed where ISRAEL (the Israelites, and Jews) are RESTORED...so that the real KINGDOM of GOD can arrive for our planet. Church theology and Prophecy is now focused on End-times eschatology (the Church Age is essentially over) as historical ISRAEL emerges to REPLACE the prior Replacement theology of orthodox Gentile Christianity. 

After some 2,000 years of theology centered on the exaltation of Jesus as King (and God), the new eschatology is either a 2nd Coming theology (promoted mostly by Evangelical Christianity) and/or a new Messianic coming (promoted by historical Judaism). The so-called Gentile Christian believers (who advocated this Replacement Theology for 2,000 years) now desire a RAPTURE (escape) into the heavens to meet their glorified Jesus...prior to their return some seven years later to RULE planet Earth via their King Jesus. This is called the 2nd Coming of King Jesus to reign over planet Earth for some 1,000 years!

Orthodox Rabbi's (Jews) are now recognizing this collapse of apostate Christianity (their core theology) and they have started to promote a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem (as recognition of their God...Yahweh/Father/HaShem) along with a new Messianic theology for those who think that God is bringing the world his spiritual KINGDOM for the entire planet. The spiritual battle is now between our End-time thinkers (within apostate Christianity) and Jewish Rabbi's (over in the restored Israel/Jerusalem) who view a NEW Messiah as arriving for the world. Is this our reality today?

The BIG news is that we are living in the END TIMES for all religion and the RULE of man (regular politics) IMO. The End of man's rule appears to be approaching for our planet IMO. Our CREATOR GOD (IMO) is bringing us his KINGDOM RULE (for the entire planet) as his 6,000 year plan (of man) is ending. The emerging trend is the 1,000 year Kingdom Age where our Creator God rules over our Universe and our Planet. That is my sense of reality as of today. Each person will need to THINK for themselves on all these issues. 

My summary of spiritual/political events are the following:

1. From creation to Yeshua (some 4,000 years). Adam, Eve, Flood, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David.

2. From Yeshua to the present (some 2,000 years). Exaltation of Jesus to God, Church Age, End Times.

3. From Armageddon to the end of Kingdom Age (some 1,000 years). New Jerusalem, New man.

The End Times are apparently here as God's Plan of the Ages seems to proclaim this reality. The current political systems are ending. Capitalism is over. Communism is over. The Ukraine war is part of this end-time series of events, and the confusion of our times is here as nothing works under the current systems of man's rule. This summary is a general overview for your consideration. The BIG story is that the prior REPLACEMENT theology of apostate Christianity is ending. A new theology is emerging where the historical descendants of Jacob emerge. JACOBS TROUBLE is part of this theology!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Philosophy that Works: Accept Everyone while Simultaneously Rejecting Everyone! Why?

This Catholic Priest says there is OBJECTIVE truth (independent of himself). As a philosopher, I would reject this assertion. In reality, his so-called 'objective' truth is derived from himself (his subjective mind). My logic says that this makes his assertions ALL subjective (part of his belief system). His SPIN of words tries to make reality BOTH subjective and objective. But when I watch his 'words' I notice that all his philosophy is derived from himself (his mindset). Listen to his spin and think for yourself!

What I have experienced during my lifetime is my personal 'subjective' truth on all issues of life. I currently believe that I can ACCEPT you (everyone let's say) as enunciating your 'subjective' truth on an issue which I simultaneously reject as false. I now believe that you are expressing your subjective 'truth' and I am simultaneously expressing my subjective 'truth'. We both could be wrong even as we both differ on issues of reality in the NOW. Is there 'objective' truth independent of a human perspective? I say NO!

My logic says NO. We could agree on an issue of reality and call this agreement 'objective' truth. But this still would be 'subjective' truth as neither of us KNOWS 'objective' reality fully/completely. The paradox of reality is that I think my 'truth' is valid (for everyone) and you think your 'truth' is valid (for everyone). Personally, I accept your 'truth' as valid for you (right NOW) and I ask that you accept my 'truth' as valid for me (right NOW). Neither of us can speak for everyone and claim objective truth derives from our perspective wholly. Is this a paradox or what? 

Personally, I solve my paradox with the idea that there is a Higher Intelligence (invisible) which is absolute TRUTH. For me, OBJECTIVE TRUTH is a reality (beyond myself) even as I am unable to ACCESS this absolute TRUTH in the NOW moment. My logic says that I am NOT God and this makes me LESS than God. If I am LESS than God, then my logic says that my 'truth' is subjective. I can not be God (objective) and Man (subjective) at the same moment. So is everyone on our planet expressing 'subjective' truth (each moment of NOW)? My sense is YES!

My logic says that we have some 8 billion human person's on this planet (as of NOW). This is my subjective opinion. My next question is: can anyone of these 8 billion enunciate 'absolute' truth for the planet? My experience with people is that NONE is capable of enunciating 'absolute' truth for everyone. As human beings we are uncertain/limited/unknowing. Not ONE person (on our planet) can enunciate 'absolute' truth for the whole. If this is valid thinking, then reality on this planet is 'subjective' and 'relative'. 

The reality (for me) is that I need to ACCEPT each person's journey (life experiences) on this planet as valid for them even as I think for myself on all the issues. This means that I will disagree with another person (on many issues) even as I ACCEPT the other person's point of view (as relevant/valid for them). Only God (our Creator IMO) has a complete objective point-of-view that encompasses everyone IMO. Our Potter has a viewpoint that is ABSOLUTE IMO.

You and I can not see reality completely/objectively (is my viewpoint) and this means we must ACCEPT each other's viewpoint...even as we simultaneously DISAGREE on many issues of reality (in the NOW). I, for example, disagree with many of my Christian friends, my siblings, and my enemies on the issue of WHO is God. I can not (today) accept the viewpoint that Yeshua (Jesus to many) is God Almighty (or was God Almighty when on this earth in human form). But I still need to ACCEPT the viewpoint of those who hold this view (as being a valid viewpoint for them). After-all, we ALL have our own 'subjective' viewpoint on truth and reality!

The above is what I call a paradox in that I must ACCEPT reality as being RELATIVE (in the NOW) even as I seek my TRUTH which appears ABSOLUTE to me (in the NOW). Truth (from God) is absolute (to me). Why? Because I view God as Creator of us ALL. Yet, I must simultaneously ACCEPT that my truth (from God) may not be YOUR truth (from your God). Does this produce a world of RELATIVE viewpoints as we live our lives? I think so! As human beings we live in the NOW moment (always). What does this mean? Can anyone claim to hold the FINAL truth for everyone in this NOW moment?

As I live in the NOW (always)...this means that I must live with a paradox (if I desire to get along with others). My viewpoint on reality will be my unique truth on issues of reality even as I accept your truth as valid for you. I presume that YOUR viewpoint on reality is derived from YOUR life journey (history/culture/education). Each of us will SEE reality differently (on many issues) even as we ACCEPT each other as doing the BEST that we can (in the NOW moment). Is that what I experience as I live my life?

I live life in the NOW (continually) and if I desire to get along with others I must ACCEPT the 'other' (in the NOW). Acceptance of the 'other' does not mean total AGREEMENT (however) with the 'other' on a particular issue of life or that one person is 'right' and the other is 'wrong'. Since I see God as my FATHER (a singularity) and you see God (let's say) as a Trinity (assuming you are an Evangelical Christian)...we can ACCEPT each other (as person's) even as we disagree on this ISSUE of theology.

This philosophy of ACCEPTANCE (even as we disagree) is crucial to having a positive RELATIONSHIP with the 'other' IMO. After-all, who can KNOW final reality on this planet (completely)? Can anyone KNOW reality in some FINAL form (in the NOW)? I would say that our experiences of reality (in the NOW) prohibits this conclusion. Each person has a UNIQUE life journey (set of experiences) and thus a UNIQUE perspective on issues of reality. What does this MEAN for our relationships? Should Biden accept Putin and vice versa (as a valid political person)?

I would suggest that political leaders MUST accept a contrarian viewpoint (in the NOW) even while disagreeing with that viewpoint. If progress is to happen on this planet, then we need to ACCEPT contrarian viewpoints (in the NOW). Accepting a contrarian viewpoint does not mean AGREEING with that viewpoint. But to make positive progress we need to negotiate (peacefully) in the NOW and refuse military solutions for determining 'rightness'...where one viewpoint eliminates the other (by FORCE).

Positive progress is IMPOSSIBLE if military force becomes the ONLY option for settling disagreements. The end result of military force is TOTAL destruction of all living persons. Today, we have NUCLEAR options which could eliminate ALL bodies on this planet. All this could be the RESULT of political disagreements on issues of reality. Putin sees reality different from Biden (for example). Who is right? Who is wrong? Could it be possible that BOTH think they are RIGHT (in the NOW)? Can we reconcile this paradox peacefully? I think so!

I would say that BOTH (Biden and Putin) can think they are RIGHT even as they BOTH could be wrong in terms of ultimate reality. Only GOD IMO knows ultimate reality. Putin and Biden can only express RELATIVE/subjective reality (as they see it). If PEACE is to happen on this planet we need to THINK differently about REALITY. The reality of 'truth' is actually a paradox as NONE of  us can enunciate FINAL (ultimate TRUTH) for everyone. The best I can do is enunciate my RELATIVE/subjective truth. Listen to the Priest video above and discern his 'subjective' viewpoint (and his claim to KNOW objective truth). Does he deceive us with his SPIN on words?

To solve this PUZZLE of reality I need a philosophy where I ACCEPT the other person's viewpoint (as valid for them) even as I REJECT that viewpoint (as valid for me). We each have a LIFE journey that is unique and this produces viewpoints which seem RIGHT (to each of us) even as our viewpoint is LESS than absolute for the whole society. We are human beings who SEE reality incompletely (each moment of NOW). This is our condition in the NOW IMO.

My philosophy works in the NOW as I ACCEPT you (in the NOW) even as I REJECT some of your ideas on the issues of life (in the NOW). This seems like a PARADOX...but it WORKS to avoid conflicts which are negative (like that between Putin and Biden over the Ukraine issue). Our worldview (on reality) must change so that ALL viewpoints are ACCEPTED (as valid) even as we REJECT all viewpoints (as valid for oneself). I can accept you even as I disagree with you on a particular issue!

We must AGREE to DISAGREE on issues of reality even as we negotiate peacefully on these issues. Let's AGREE that no-one has FINAL TRUTH on any issue of reality. Only GOD has FINAL TRUTH. We human's live 'at effect' (on this planet) and this means we NEVER can assume FINAL TRUTH (on issues of reality). Reality changes (moment by moment) as we THINK and ACT in each NOW moment. Who should be our FINAL SOURCE for TRUTH? I say LET GOD BE GOD! God (our invisible Source) is FINAL truth. Man operates as an AGENT where final truth gets revealed by our actions over time.

I live in the NOW (always) and each moment of NOW is somewhat UNCERTAIN for me. God rules, however, over everyone IMO and I act on that which I receive from this ultimate SOURCE as meaningful truth for me. This means that I can NEVER espouse any FINAL TRUTH (for you). I can only express MY personal unique truth for me (as I am NOT GOD). You are also NOT GOD IMO so we both need to ACCEPT each other (even while we disagree on some/many issues of life). Does any of this make SENSE? It seems logical to me. Have a great day as you experience your own reality (in the NOW).

Sam Harris, an atheist friend, gives us a relevant understanding of NOW (as our only reality)! Listen and think on this idea of always living in the NOW! For me, the NOW is one 'truth' that everyone could agree with on most issues of life! The 'past' is a NOW memory. The 'future' is a NOW expectation! 

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Events Happen Precisely in Accordance with Decisions of our INVISIBLE Ruler/King!

It is obvious, to me, that each of us reports to the 'invisible' realm as we live our lives. The 'invisible' spirit which rules over our planet/universe/nations determines events precisely. Political leaders are installed and removed from POWER at the 'will' of our invisible Source. Nations are created and uncreated by the 'will' of our invisible Source. Yes, man is subservient to the spiritual realm and the ultimate 'invisible' SOURCE is our CREATOR GOD. I call this Source our POTTER!

Some events which could be arriving soon (from this invisible realm) are the following:

1. Biden could be removed from power similar to that of Liz Truss of Britain. 

2. Putin, Zelenskyy, Xi could be removed from power if our invisible Source chooses this result.

3. Our global economy (now a house of cards) could crash within hours if a decision of our invisible Source chooses this option. Digital money is actually an extension of man's consciousness (that is key to understanding this 'invisible' realm).

4. The Empire called America could be punished (politically/socially/militarily/spiritually) if our invisible Source chooses this result. It appears that this is now happening!

5. The END of man's rule over planet earth could happen if our invisible Source chooses this result.

6. The Seals of Revelation could open and produce dire results if our invisible Source chooses this result.

7. All power centers could be replaced if our invisible Source wants NEW leadership for our planet. Read, Daniel 2: 20-21; John 19: 11; Romans 13: 1 - 3; Daniel 3: 16 - 18; and Luke 20: 21 - 25. 

It is amazing that so few comprehend the reality that we live at the MERCY of an invisible Source called Creator God. Man's population has expanded to some 8 billion as of today. It all started with TWO humans some time prior to today (say 6,000 years prior). Amazing!

Nothing happens that our POTTER has not ordained to happen. The reality is that I/You are Clay and our Potter is our maker/creator. We respond to the WILL of our Potter even as we assume that we call the shots (via freewill). Why do we assume that WE call the shots? I would suggest that this happens because we can not SEE or fully understand the 'invisible' realm which rules over us. We are (mostly) unaware of this realm!

We all understand the importance of our electromagnetic spectrum (these signals which rules over our communication). Yet we can not SEE any of these signals. The wave lengths are 'invisible' to the human eye. The importance of these waves of invisible energy are 'similar' to this invisible realm which rules over our consciousness (mind). Both determine results which we can not change.

Consciousness is key to living in the NOW. I THINK and then I ACT. You think and then you act. We all think and then act. The invisible mind (consciousness) within us determines our behavior. Amazing. Reality is mostly 'invisible' and we seem unaware of this invisible realm. What is scheduled to happen on this planet in the near future? Let's think on issues which derive from this 'invisible' realm.

My sense is that the BIG events are now WAR and FINANCE. War over in the Ukraine is bringing us negative events daily. Nothing is being done to eliminate/stop this WAR over in the Ukraine area. Russia wants control of their SECURITY interests and the opponent of Russia...Ukraine/NATO/Europe/USA (collectively called the WEST) want their control over events.

The WEST appears to desire a Uni-polar world system with the WEST calling the shots. The EAST wants a Multi-polar world system. The EAST does not want the philosophy of the WEST which currently desires a global Uni-polar political system. The System is usually called Agenda 2030. See the United Nations website for details on this Agenda.

Is our invisible SOURCE aware of what is happening on this planet? I would suggest YES. This Ukraine WAR was predestined to happen and it will END when the time is determined by our invisible Source for it to end. Our invisible Source rules over our Universe, our Planet, and all the POWER centers on this planet. This is what I witness as I live my personal life. This is also outlined in this Holy Book called Scripture.

We all have a broad outline of what will happen going forward. War and finance will be KEY as events play out over time. My sense is that money issues will be KEY going forward. War issues will also be KEY. Political leaders who act to FULFILL our invisible Source's plan will also be KEY. The coming election in America on November 8 will be KEY.

Will Biden survive after this election? My sense (as of today) is NO. He may survive for a few weeks or months but his leadership could be 'hollow' if his OPPONENTS win on election day. This coming election could be KEY to what happens in finance/war/and social policy. The EMPIRE called America appears to be in serious TROUBLE. But ONLY our invisible SOURCE really KNOWS what will happen.

Each of us is impotent when it comes to precise predictions of the future. Why? We are not in control of the BIG picture. We act 'at effect' and our source is invisible to our actions. Amazing! Our world is heading for some BIG event that none of us can determine PRECISELY. The SIGNS, however, point to dysfunction with our political SYSTEM. ONLY God knows the details precisely! My outline is 'tentative' and 'uncertain'.

Think for yourself on all these issues. My sense is that you will agree with much if you do this. My prior missive on becoming a divine son/daughter of our invisible SOURCE is important. Alan Watts (see below video) does a great job in presenting his scenario on this subject. I will listen again as the message is that important to me. Have a great day. Next week could be crucial as our economy is getting more VOLATILE!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Divine sonship can be adopted by each individual (today)! So says Alan Watts! I agree!


I have listened to this video three times as it conveys a message which rings true. Religion divides but the message of Yeshua (when fully understood) unites. What has happened over these past 2,000 years is that RELIGION has prevailed at the expense of the message of this divine person called Jesus/Yeshua. Alan Watts brings out a reality that rings true to me. Listen for yourself!

Religion has 'exalted' and/or 'pedestalized' this messenger of Jehovah God and thus ignored his (Yeshua's) core message (that we are ALL divine person's at the core of our being). Alan Watts reviews the history of this person called Christ. He points out that religion (mostly the Catholic church) has created this false 'exaltation' so as to create a sense of 'guilt' within all followers of this Catholic religion.

The Catholic religion (typical of all the religions and belief systems on this planet) desires to make this MAN (Yeshua) a God (big G) when the real message of this messenger was that we are ALL divine son's/daughter's (small g) of a Higher Source (God) which works THROUGH us. To exalt the 'messenger' (which religion has done) has created a false understanding of God and the divine nature of reality.

Alan Watts is not someone that I would make my guru on all ideas of religion/philosophy, but I do think this video has merit for anyone who is truly SEEKING understanding on the nature of the Divine. Yeshua was obviously a MESSENGER (from God) with a gospel that needs to be discerned. Discernment is what I desire!

Our Catholic and Protestant religions (and the various denominations) HIDE much spiritual reality when they EXALT a messenger and PEDESTALIZE this created person. Religion has created a man controlled hierarchy so as to confuse the real message of this Christ person who desired that the Kingdom of his God arrive for our planet. His role (while here on earth) was as 'a' son of God (not 'the' son of God)!

Religion spins words so select authorities (a hierarchical church) can maintain their CONTROL over the MIND of believers. This is sad and diabolical. Alan Watts sees THROUGH all this spiritual deception and gives us a message that rings TRUE for the individual. Listen to his words and see if you can discern his core message. Then think of this person called Yeshua/Jesus and reconstruct his message. Did he play God or did he SERVE his God! Who was he as when he gave us his prayer (see below)?

His prayer reveals his inner beliefs. Yeshua said: Our Father, who art in heaven; hallowed be THY name; THY Kingdom come, THY will be done; in earth as it is in HEAVEN. etc, etc. Does this prayer of Yeshua give us a message which is needed for today's world situation? My sense is YES! Think for  yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

ATTN: Liz Truss Resigns, IS Biden next (say after Nov. 8)? Only God knows!

Big changes are happening in our world.
Britain has no leader (as of today) as Liz Truss resigned today! Is this is harbinger of more leaders going down? Could Biden be NEXT? The mid-term election is November 8. This could be historic as it looks like Biden's leadership could be crumbling. We could witness Biden's resignation soon after this election. Only God knows, however!

My sense is that we could witness MORE political changes between now and the end of 2022. If a political leader can not govern, then this leader must go. My sense is that Biden's administration is crumbling fast and this means he could be gone IF this coming election goes RED. The trend seems to be 'red' as of today!

The Blue states would need to emerge with a bang if Biden is to win this coming election. As of today, it looks like the RED states are gaining and this would mean a CHANGE in power in Washington. This coming election in 19 days could be historic. The resignation of Britain's Prime Minister, Liz Truss, was sudden. I watched her speech this morning on TV. Who will replace her? Only God knows!

Our financial system (like politics) is fragile and this means that BIG events could happen as confidence wanes within our global system. Money is a confidence game and when political leaders resign confidence usually wanes after this event. If Biden resigns (after November 8) this could set the stage for a HUGE crash in our emotional financial markets. We live with DIGITAL money and digital prices. What are these digital numbers tied to?

Digital units of currency are really units of 'nothing'. They are 'virtual' units which live within us. If the emotions of traders go SOUTH then these digits (of nothing) will go south. Think about the NATURE of these digits? What are they? Where are they LIVING? Are the units mere 'NUMBERS' within our 'consciousness? If so, then an EMOTION derived from a political event could CHANGE all of finance.

The financial HOUSE OF CARDS is based on NOTHING (tangible). This is our situation. We live with mostly VIRTUAL money which appears within our Smart Phone screen (cyberspace). What is 'cyberspace'? It's an 'extension' of my/your 'consciousness'. What is 'consciousness'? It's our inner spirit being which activates our thinking. Our entire financial 'house of cards' is really living WITHIN us. Amazing!

The coming CRASH of our financial markets will be 'silent'. Awareness, however, will be instantaneously as the 'numbers' will appear on the computer screen within our Smart Phone. We live with VIRTUAL reality for today's financial markets. LOOK all around yourself (now). Where is a DIGITAL money unit? Can you find this unit within our space/time universe? Why not?

We all need to WAKE UP to reality and recognize that our money system is VIRTUAL. The so-called 'numbers' which we use for money today are units of 'nothing'. These units can vanish with the click of a computer key. Our entire financial system (globally) is NOW mostly 'virtual'. Mere 'numbers' and 'names' make up our money. This system is FRAGILE and can crumble in a FLASH as algo's rule our system.

Algorithms and codes rule over all investing today. Source codes can be programmed to trade millions/billions of these virtual digits (called money) with the click of a computer key. Algo's trade and prices follow. It's all done in milliseconds. Our financial markets can crumble in a matter of seconds. Few seem to understand what has happened since the financial crisis of 2008. Technology has boomed and all our markets have transitioned to electronic markets. Virtual digits became money for these systems.

Our world financial markets are interconnected and all these electronic markets (now virtual) can go UP in seconds and also DOWN in seconds. Within a window of 24 hours, the entire SYSTEM could crumble. All this can happen today, tomorrow, next week, or next month. Who controls the MASTER computers which RUN this system of NOTHING? Who can PUSH the button to crash these markets?

Are you aware of the MASTER computer on the 10th floor of the New York Fed building? This MASTER computer is called the SOMA (System Open Market Account). A mere computer BUTTON rules over this virtual computer system. Who can PUSH this button? Only select administrators who have access to this computer. Jerome Powell could give the order to PUSH a button. Who else?

John Williams is President of the New York Fed. I would assume that he might also have access to the MASTER computer on the 10th floor of his building. With the punch of a computer key MILLIONS of digits (called money) can be created (artificially). What is the current balance sheet of this SOMA account? It's nearly 9 trillion. Yes, some 9 trillion of computer digits are on this balance sheet. 

The digits were created with the punch of a computer key. MONEY emerges from this MASTER computer at the New York Fed. It then gets distributed (electronically) to select clients of the Fed. Yes, money today is a MERE 'imaginary' NUMBER. A 'number' is given a 'name' (such as DOLLAR). This 'number/name' becomes official LEGAL TENDER. It's all a HOUSE of CARDS when understood.

The entire world financial system is now mostly NUMBERS and NAMES. The dollar, euro, pound, krona, peso, ruble, yuan, etc. are ALL mere 'numbers' and 'names' (within us). Our money system lives WITHIN us. Our extended 'consciousness' (called cyberspace) is the location of these 'digits'. The SYSTEM is emotional and fragile. My sense is that the entire edifice could crumble in a 24 hour period. Amazing!

Prepare for BIG changes in the near future. Our leaders are fragile and our money is fragile. Liz Truss resigned today. Will Biden be next? ONLY GOD knows! It's all very interesting! Have a great day! I am: Donald B Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sweden's New Leader, Britain's Leader, Ukraine War, New model for our planet!

My parents land of Sweden has a new leader. His name is Ulf Kristersson. He was elected as a moderate but his leaning appears to be populist. Can he govern this liberal country of Sweden going forward? This might be difficult. Ulf is an economist/politician who leans conservative on most issues. Ulf will work with the Sweden Democrats to form his policies.

This leader is a BIG change for Sweden.  Sweden has been governed by a liberal social policy for over 70 years. Sweden, today, has a 10% inflation rate, and immigration problem, insecurity on issues of their military policy, and a mindset of being OPEN to everyone. Sweden has been a model for the WEST on many issues of political policy. Will any of this change going forward?

My sense is Yes. Sweden is now politically polarized...much like the USA. The nation is diverse in their viewpoints and no single viewpoint can prevail for everyone. Ulf will try to govern with the HELP of the Swedish Democrats (a far right group). I will be interested in following the governance of Sweden going forward. Will it be similar to America after November 8 (our mid-term elections)?

Britain is also undergoing huge change in their leadership as of today. Liz Truss, a determined politician, was recently chosen to lead the government of Britain. It appears that she is currently ineffective with her policies and ideas. This means that Britain could experience more polarization and confusion going forward. America, Sweden, and Britain appear to be in the SAME boat! The word is 'polarization'!

The political issues (in most countries) are serious and complex in today's digital (interconnected) world. Within economics we witness much confusion as all the nations have lived much beyond their means (since the end of WW II). Debt is now beyond the ability of any country to repay. The temporary policy of our elites is to counterfeit computer digits (called money) to 'paper' over the debt and deficits. The DAY of reckoning is coming for all these debtor nations IMO.

The other issue which creates polarization is the WAR issue over in the Ukraine. Russia has made a firm commitment to secure their border with territory which was controlled by Ukraine (since 1991). All this is due to Russia's view that their SECURITY interest demands a BUFFER ZONE (which is/was part of Ukraine since 1991). Russia sees (envisions) NATO as an existential enemy which challenges their survival as a nation. They think that a buffer zone will help with their security situation.

This war over in Russia and the Ukraine is likely to spill over into a nuclear challenge if the current situation continues. Russia thinks that they MUST prevail over the Ukraine military to survive as a Federation of nations. NATO thinks that they must eliminate Russia's territorial annexations so as to preserve the integrity of Ukraine. Who prevails? All this means WAR between the WEST and the EAST.

As of today, there is NO solution to this WAR situation. The WEST (America, NATO, and Europe) is determined to bolster Ukraine's political desires indefinitely. The EAST (mostly Russia, China, Iran) is determined to OPPOSE these desires. The conflict is now so bad that a NUCLEAR option is being proposed by Russia. The END of compromise and negotiation has occurred (so it seems to me). The ONLY option is a WAR to the end with destruction and killing continually.

We all need to start to THINK about a new model for this planet. Our world society is now interconnected and intermingled so that everyone is part of ONE society/planet. A global village has emerged and the OLD politics of nationhood can not work given these changes within our world society. We now need a NEW MODEL for the planet. This will require new thinking and deep introspection. 

Is it time to abandon the OLD model of Welfare Capitalism and think of a NEW MODEL for our planet? My sense is YES! We all need to think in terms of ONE society for the entire planet. One village for the entire planet. One leader for the entire planet. Who might this leader be? Can a leader like Biden, Trump, Truss, Putin, Xi, or Obama lead the entire planet? Who might lead the world society given all these changes in our reality?

My sense is that we need to THINK deeper then we ever have in the past. We need to THINK of a Higher Spiritual Authority to lead this planet. Who might this be? Is it possible that a Higher Spiritual Authority is already in charge of this planet? My sense is absolutely. There is a Higher Spiritual Authority which rules this planet now. Few seem AWARE, however. But many are becoming AWARE. Think on this idea of a Higher Spiritual Authority to RULE this planet. I will do likewise! Have a great day!

Go to minute 13 for the ending images. Keep in mind that this video assumes an orthodox Christian view of our Creator. My view would recognize that our Creator is The Father (Yahweh)! For me, Father God is our Higher Spiritual Authority! Jesus/The Lion of Judah is our mediator/high priest/servant/agent of our Creator! My reference point for our Higher Spiritual Authority is Revelation, chapter 4! Read it!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Update of our Global Economy! Will Central Planning provide a Solution?

Our global economy is now being held together by Central Planning. Who does the planning? It is our Central Banks and their proxies. In the USA we have a central bank called the FED. This entity has computers and algorithms which can manipulate our stock, bond, and derivative markets with the click of a computer key. As I write they are manipulating the markets UP even as sentiment is negative (down).

The general sentiment for our stock market has been 70% negative for weeks even as our Central Planners ignore this reality and pump UP our markets. Japan does this in spades as their Central Bank trades the markets daily and suppresses interest rates to maintain prices at fixed levels. This diabolical behavior has been happening for years in Japan. It is now also happening in many other markets (globally).

In the USA we have high inflation (over 9%) so our FED now must deal with this problem by hiking up interest rates (the so-called Fed Funds rate). As this rate goes up and up it affects most other rates (like the mortgage rates). As I write the average mortgage rate is 7% and this is an increase of 60% in the last six months. All this Central Planning will bring our markets to a CRISIS situation by the end of 2022 IMO.

Few seem to understand what has happened since the last financial crisis of 2008 - 10. Since this period our Central Planners (the Central Banks) has dropped interest rates to near zero and pumped up stock prices by over 400%. Real estate prices were also pumped up by nearly 100% during this period. My home price is now double what I paid for it in 2013 (just 9 years prior). Real estate is now in a huge bubble.

But all this is coming to a halt in 2022 and 2023. Our Central Planners now want to RESET the markets with new policies once the CRISIS has created a serious recession. So far the recession (which will turn into a depression) is reaching a crunch level. I expect a recognized recession to be obvious by the END of 2022. Then in 2023 we will continue this recession...which will eventually turn into a depression.

We live with digital money which has NO stability. When the markets finally decline to recession levels, DEBT will become the problem. Our markets have depended upon growing debt and low interest rates and all this is reversing as I write. I expect that a CRISIS situation will emerge by the END of 2022. Once our DEBT is exposed as unpayable, then our politicians will panic and make the problem WORSE.

I expect this to happen in 2023. The coming election in the USA is in 22 days. If this election reverses the sentiment within our Congress (which is likely) then new policies will be adopted. These new policies will likely focus on our problems and once this happens the PROBLEM will get MUCH worse. So far our DEBT and deficit problems have NOT been addressed. This could change big time after the election.

The Biden administration is HOPING for a win in November. If this happens, then my scenario could be invalid. My sense is that the Biden administration will lose the election, however, and this means a reverse in policies going forward (after this election). The sentiment is mostly negative for the Biden administration so winning this election in 22 days could be difficult. But anything could happen as the mood in America is volatile. 

Our economy is now dependent upon this election on November 8. Will the democrats win and hold the HOUSE and SENATE? They currently have control over both bodies. But if the republicans win and control both bodies, then events could change quickly. The mood among the people is for change IMO. But both the democrats and the republicans are not supported with conviction. This makes everything UNCERTAIN.

American's are wavering from day to day on most issues of politics and economics. The next 22 days will be crucial for determining what will happen. As I write the economy is tanking, the sentiment of investors is tanking, and the general mood of the voters reveal concern and uncertainty. My sense is that BIG changes are looming on the horizon. Watch the election on November 8 and witness the RESULT! I will do the same!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Submitting Oneself to GOD, What Does this Mean in Practical Terms?

Today's missive is on a very important idea. The idea is 'submitting' oneself to GOD so that GOD is one's protection, security, and LORD. The KING of our Universe is on the Throne and if I submit to this KING (Source) then I will be given protection, security, peace, and wisdom. This idea is KEY to survival in today's world of EVIL and CORRUPTION. Give this idea some reflection today!

The god (small 'g') is this source which I call Satan or the Adversary. His other names are the Evil One, and the Prince of Darkness. To avoid this evil source (who rules over many) I need protection from this source. Only GOD (large 'G') can offer this protection and security. Fear vanishes and wisdom emerges when I submit to the real GOD. Everyone, on this planet, could secure this result (protection/security/peace) IF they submit to our real KING and SOVEREIGN Ruler.

We live on a planet which was created for this Source (called GOD and/or CREATOR). Those who 'submit' to this Source will acquire the benefits which follow from this 'submission'. God can give us these benefits. In theory, EVERYONE on our planet could get this protection, security, and benefit. The idea is to 'submit' oneself (one's inner being) to this Source which rules over us. Think on this idea today!

There is only ONE Sovereign/God/King which we need to submit to. This Source is often called The Father. Those who prefer a personal 'name' can identify this Source with the 'name' Yahweh. We can also think of this Source as the 'I AM' source. Our Creator God says he is the 'I AM' and also the 'I WILL'. This means, in practical terms, that this GOD is the only ruler over planet Earth and our physical universe. This source can give us all these benefits (security/protection/peace of mind/happiness)!

Our prior Messiah person, Yeshua/Jesus, submitted himself to this Source (John 5:19, 8: 28-30). Yeshua said, I am IN the Father and the Father is IN me. This means that Yeshua submitted his inner self to this Sovereign King/GOD. Yeshua was a Jew from the tribe of Judah. He understood that his God was the God of Israel. This God also 'appeared' to select servants (Abraham, Moses, David, Yeshua, and Me/You when we submit to this Source). This Source is currently living and active within our greater spiritual universe.

We are currently living in the FINAL DAYS of man's rule (this is obvious to me). Submitting yourself/myself to a political MAN or System can not give us protection and security (going forward). Submitting to Biden's Deep State, Putin's Deep State, or Xi's Deep State can not give anyone protection or security during these FINAL DAYS of man's rule. We need to SUBMIT to the Creator of our Universe (namely the God of Israel). This God rules over everyone and gives benefits to those who follow his commands.

Listen to these 'words' from the prophet Isaiah (40: 21 - 23):

"Have you not known? Have you not heard? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is Yahweh who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads the heavens out like a tent to dwell in; and who brings princes (political rulers) of the earth to nothing. To whom then will you compare me (the God of Israel) says the HOLY ONE. Lift up your EYES on high and see who created everything!  Who rules over everything!"

Yes, we all need protection, security, and peace of mind going forward. Our political world is collapsing and our political leaders are fighting to PLAY GOD over us. All this behavior is futile and it leads to WAR and destruction. The wrath of God develops from this behavior of our political leaders who KNOW not what they are doing! Yes, submit now to the GOD of our Universe (Father God is his title). Yahweh is his personal 'name'. He sits as a Singularity on the THRONE over this Universe. 

Monotheism is a belief in ONE Creator God. I suggest that you choose the historical God of Israel who has demonstrated his reality over our 6,000 years of history. He spoke to Moses prior to the Exit from Egypt. He spoke to Abraham and his sons prior to Moses. He spoke to King David and King Solomon. And he spoke to this Messiah person, Yeshua, during his lifetime. Father God rules over this planet and universe. Those who 'submit' to this God will receive protection, security, and eternal life when this veil of tears ends.

Give this missive some serious reflection and then do your own search for truth. The 'truth shall set us all free'. Lies and corruption within our governments will not bring us peace, protection, or security. We need the REAL KING as our SOURCE. Read some scripture to get deeper into this subject. You might start with Isaiah 40 - 45 and then read Revelation 4 and 5. The message seems clear to me. Think for yourself, however.

This video is helpful to envision our Creator. Keep in mind, however, that any 'image' of God is invalid. We must worship this Creator God (without the help of any mental image). This video implies that God has an 'image'. This may be invalid but it helps with our understanding (visually).

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

My Goal: 'Freedom', My Method: 'Truth', My Philosophy: 'The Truth Shall Make Us Free'!

My life on this planet will soon be over (I am soon 80). My goal, until my time expires, is to promote collective 'freedom' for mankind. My mode of operation is to 'tell the truth' (as best as I can). I am convinced that TRUTH (God's Reality) will prevail. The Kingdom of our Father is Coming to planet Earth! That is my viewpoint and I demonstrate this viewpoint with my blog and with my words.

Let's start with some LIES which I have exposed within my blog for these past 13 years. I started my blog in 2008. Since 2008, I have exposed numerous LIES within education, science, and religion. Let's summarize a few LIES that I am convinced are DECEPTIONS of the mind:


1. Macro Evolution is reality! This is a total LIE. I did not evolve from a monkey or chimp. There is NO macro evolution (from specie to a higher form of specie). A cat is a cat and a cow is a cow and a bird is a bird. My origin did not start with dead matter. Reality is 'bio-genesis' (life comes only from prior life)!

2. Time is a reality (independent of the human mind)! This is a total LIE. In reality, 'time' is an 'invented' concept of the human mind. It is not a 'thing' (which exists in space or within matter). Time was 'invented' to serve mankind and bring 'order' to events which we experience.

3. The human brain is the center of my thinking! This is a total LIE. In reality, it is my 'mind' which activates my brain and gives this three pound mass its activity. My 'brain' is separate from my 'mind'. All this thinking derives from my 'mind' (not my brain). My core philosophy is Dualism!


1.  Matter is ultimate and the only reality! This is a total LIE. Matter is actually the material stuff of objects in motion (sun, moon, earth, stars, cars, houses, etc.) but 'matter' is not the stuff of life and/or my inner self (my spirit). Matter is outer and I discern this item by living within my 'consciousness' and looking out. My 'consciousness' (mind) is not a 'thing' composed of 'matter'.

2. The universe is billions of years old. This is a total LIE. In reality, the age of the universe is meaningless as only God (our Creator) knows if it had an 'origin'. Our outer universe could be an 'eternal' entity (which lives in dynamic equilibrium). Life is lived with many 'uncertainties' and 'unknown' events.

3. The planet Earth is millions of years old. This is a total LIE. In reality, no-body knows the origin of our planet. Age is meaningless as 'time' is a HUMAN 'invention' which has meaning ONLY to living human beings (in the NOW). The Earth could be young, old, eternal or beyond our ken to discern.

4. Human beings evolved millions of years prior to today! This is a total LIE. In reality, human beings (real history of life) started recently (only some thousands of years prior to today). The Sumerians could be the FIRST group of human beings who started all of our Civilizations! After this group, we know that the Egyptians developed as a Civilization. Also the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Human life could have started with Adam and Eve (only some 6,000 years prior to today)!


1. Religion gives us 'truth' in an absolute form! This is a total LIE. All our religions are human enterprises with theological assumptions at the core. Christianity is based upon select 'theological' assumptions. Islam is based upon select 'theological' assumptions. Same goes for Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Human 'assumptions' are uncertain and many flaws emerge within each religion.

2. A born-again Pastor/Teacher can enunciate TRUTH for all believers! This is a total LIE! All pastors, teachers, and preachers are human beings (flawed and incapable of 'telling' any FINAL/ABSOLUTE truths). Pastors/Preachers who espouse that they are TELLING the TRUTH (in some absolute form) are pure liars at the core. Some examples: Billy Graham, David Jeremiah, Jimmy Swaggart, Benny Hinn, Stuart Briscoe, Paula White, John Hagee, etc. The only source of FINAL TRUTH is God Almighty (who lives as an 'invisible' being beyond this physical universe). See: Numbers 23:19.

3. A prior human being can be exalted to Godhood (say Jesus/Yeshua or similar)! This is a total LIE. In reality, God is a transcendent BEING who has NEVER lived on planet Earth as a human being! Numbers 23:19. God is not a human being (flesh/blood) that can LIE. He is not a human being who can repent. God is a transcendent SPIRIT BEING who works through a human agent  (the consciousness of his human creations). God is our POTTER and we (human beings) are the Clay. Our POTTER is not part of his CREATION (he is separate and beyond our ken to discern totally)! We must worship this SOURCE without knowing his character (totally)! See Revelation 4 and 5 for an overview. Also, Isaiah 44 and 45.

4. Christianity is truth for everyone! This is a total LIE. In reality, Christianity consists of thousands of denominations, cults, sects, groups, believers. It is diverse and without any absolute core truth. Is Jesus God? Did Jesus view himself as God? Was Jesus a human being? Numbers 23:19 is clear. A human being can not be God. A created being can not be God. A praying human being (in the flesh) can not be God.

5. God is a Trinity of three persons or a duality of two persons. This is a total LIE. In reality, God is a Singularity (one spiritual being/person). See Isaiah 45:7, Revelation 4:11, Numbers 23:19, John 8:26. God is our Father. God is our Source. God sits on his throne as a SINGULARITY (one BEING). God has agents, messengers, and spirit beings who act on his behalf to accomplish his goals/purpose. God is not a prior human Jew (flesh/blood) who lived in Nazareth. He was/is/will be our TRANSCENDENT SOURCE (within our consciousness). God is 'invisible' and without any human flesh/blood.

6. We are living on a planet where man will rule man (forever). This is a total LIE. In reality, man's rule over man is ending. The end-time days are here now. The goal of our Creator is to bring man the KINGDOM OF GOD!. God will rule over his CREATION and man will serve man (all human beings will be equals in the sight of God). None will PLAY GOD when the KINGDOM arrives. Amazing!

Conclusion: If 'freedom' is to arrive for this planet (all of society), then we need to focus on TRUTH (as best we can)...recognizing that none of us can enunciate FINAL/ABSOLUTE TRUTH for everyone. God is TRUTH and this Source is TRANSCENDENT. We live as agents/servants of this CREATOR BEING. One planet UNDER GOD. One universe UNDER GOD. That is my philosophy! Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

'Tit for Tat' Escalation Continues! Where does this LEAD? Ben Bernanke gets Noble!

Vladimir Zelenskyy says he needs more weapons and he wants to 'cap' the oil price on Russian crude. Biden says he will continue to back Zelenskyy's war (indefinitely). Europe and NATO say similar. Where does this 'tit' for 'tat' escalation lead? It leads to a nuclear war at some point down the road. Putin now wants to bomb infrastructure and energy sources (throughout Ukraine) to counter the loss of land (territory) along the annexed border.

There is no end to this war over in the Ukraine. The leaders do not desire to compromise or even start a negotiation process. More killing and bombing is the status quo. Can any of this lead to progress for the people of Ukraine, Europe, or Russia? My sense is absolutely NOT. The mindset of our political leaders is our problem. We need NEW political leaders who seek compromise and peace!

It now appears that Russia will attempt to take out the DECISION CENTER of Ukraine (at some point) and this could lead to a counter action from NATO and the USA. Mr. Dmitry Medvedev, who serves on the Security Council of Russia, is now saying that Zelenskyy must go (be removed from power). He thinks that this is a must if Russia is to make any progress on their goals going forward. My sense is that this could happen prior to the end of 2022.

Many leaders within Ukraine are saying that Putin must go (be removed from power). So the battle is now removing key leaders from power. This could happen soon! Will Putin and his gang prevail first or will Zelenskyy's gang prevail first? It appears that neither side can work to negotiate a settlement...so this must eventually lead to some major decision to REMOVE either Putin and/or Zelenskyy from power.

The other possibility is the removable of Biden from his power position. This is a possibility if the mid-term elections produce majorities in the HOUSE and SENATE for the republicans. Biden could then be impeached and removed from power. We could witness all these possibilities happening between now and the end of 2022. It appears that nothing positive can happen under the current political regimes.

Now let's talk about the Central Bank situation. Mr. Ben Bernanke has been given a Noble prize in economics for his role with our Central Bank (the Fed). His QE policies saved the economy (so says WSJ) and this has led to his Noble prize in economics. The Central Bank of Sweden produces the funds for this PRIZE in economics. Did Ben Bernanke do anything positive for our global economy which deserves a Noble Prize in economics?

My sense is that it was Ben Bernanke who counterfeited our dollar in the trillions (from 2008 - 2012) so as to prevent a major financial collapse/correction. This counterfeiting was called QE. Is this behavior worthy of a Noble Prize? Given that the money for this prize comes from the Riksbank in Stockholm, Sweden, I am not surprised at this gift for Mr. Ben Bernanke. Ben was the biggest counterfeiter in all economic history! Sweden also participated in this counterfeiting (called QE).

The balance sheet of the FED increased some $4 trillion during Ben's term at the FED. All this money creation (out of nothing/the click of a computer key) prevented our markets from correcting in normal fashion. Yes, it was Ben Bernanke who is now given millions more in prize money for helping the WEALTHY maintain their control over our economy. Is this diabolical or what?

As I write our financial house of cards (created by our Central Banks) is starting to correct so that a RECESSION happens by the end of 2022. Later in 2023, we could experience a major ECONOMIC depression (if my scenario develops). All this is happening due to our Central Bank policymakers and their various decisions. The current high interest rates (to quell inflation) are the real-time issue today. All this was the result of Ben Bernanke's prior (original) decision to flood our markets with new dollar digits (called QE). Most of the Central Banks (on our planet) followed the lead of Ben and our FED!

The coming financial consequences which will happen later this year and next are primarily the result of Central Bankers who have DISTORTED our markets to protect the RICH and the WEALTHY. The Riksbank, over in Sweden, funds this Noble Prize in economics, and they also were involved in unsound QE policies for the country of Sweden. Stefan Nils Magnus Ingves was the culprit who has run the Central Bank of Sweden. 

You can read the Wall Street Journal to get the details on this Noble Prize in Economics. I am not surprised at the decisions as our financial SYSTEM rewards those who prevent real corrections to our financial house of cards. Money rules this planet and those who CONTROL the money system determine who gets what! To me, all this is diabolical and corrupt. But that is my point-of-view. Think for yourself on all these issues.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Escalation Determined as Ukraine Leaders Refuse Compromise! Will Nukes Follow?

As of today, the Russian military is retaliating against Ukraine's bombing of the Crimea Bridge. This is a 'tit for tat' event which will escalate the war situation. Will the Ukraine military counter with more acts of 'terror'? This is likely. Russia will counter any counter (by Ukraine) with their volley of missiles. The pattern is evident and the USA is behind it all. Nothing could happen without the USA desiring this war!

It is our $$$$$$ which funds the Ukraine government and their military. It is our weapons and intelligence which allows more counter attacks to happen. My sense is that this WAR is really between the USA and Russia. Given the mindset of both leaders (Putin and Biden) we can expect more 'tit for tat' and more destruction of property and of innocent people.

This war started prior to February 24, when Russia invaded Ukraine. It all started with the Obama administration back in 2012 - 2014. The policy back then was to destabilize Ukraine and punish Russia. The Coup back in 2014 led to the annexation of Crimea. Then the lack of compromise led to the war of February 24 and after. Russia wants a multi-polar world system whereas the USA wants a uni-polar world system. 

The war is over political worldviews and the power to rule the planet. The USA wants their policies to rule our planet and Russia rejects this uni-polar viewpoint of the USA and our United Nations. You can listen to Putin's philosopher friend, Alexander Dugin, for the details on the differing worldviews. Russia now wants SECURITY along their border (a buffer zone) and they will not surrender this policy.

Ukraine is also viewed as less than a fully owned country as its history includes both Russia and Ukraine. Russia views Ukraine as a curse to their 'security interests'. They also view Vladamir Zelenskyy as a puppet king with no real support of the people who claim Russian heritage. Zelenskyy has support only of a select group...which does not include a majority of the Russian speaking people (in Ukraine). 

Russia thinks that their Security must include a BUFFER ZONE so that NATO can not put missiles directly on a Russian border. This may be valid for Russians even as it is invalid for the government of Ukraine. All this means WAR and destruction until some type of COMPROMISE can be negotiated. The USA could promote a compromise but it looks like they desire CONFRONTATION (as of today).

The Crimea Bridge bombing is an example of what happens with this 'tit for tat' war. Russia has now bombed cities within Ukraine as a retaliation of the bridge bombing. An emergency meeting is now being called by Zelenskyy with the G-7. Will this produce a trend towards negotiation with Putin? I doubt it! The USA wants more confrontation and we have the $$$$$$ and weapons to continue this confrontation.

All this means that Russia will retaliate as they get more pressure from the Ukraine military advances. It's a WAR that can not END until the USA and RUSSIA choose to negotiate. As of today, the word from Washington is more 'confrontation' and the word from Russia is more 'retaliation'. Will the nukes fly at some point? This is highly likely! Russia can not back down and it appears that the USA also will not back down.

The real war is between Biden and Putin. They see reality differently. They view control over this planet differently. Biden wants his AGENDA to prevail while Putin rejects this AGENDA as invalid for Russia. The worldviews of Biden and Putin differ on the CORE issues of power/control/rulership! War must continue as long as this mindset prevails at the highest levels. 

That is may assessment of our situation. The war is essentially a spiritual war. The spirit of Putin rejects the spirit of Biden (and the WEST). The spirit of Biden, Obama, NATO, the U.N. and the WEST will not compromise on their need to control the AGENDA for this planet. It's a WAR over political worldviews! Think on this as you WATCH events unfold. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

U.S. Economy heading SOUTH as GDP Declines Daily! Listen UP!

When I watch the real-time financial numbers, I witness that the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is declining daily. The numbers reveal that the U.S. is in a recession...heading for a depression. You can watch the real-time numbers here: 


Our total DEBT is now over $31 trillion as a nation and our DEBT (including National, State, Local, and Personal) is now over $93 trillion. Debt to GDP is 140% and much more when ALL debt is included. The World Debt Clock shows all nations with growing GDP except the United States of America. The U.S. has a declining GDP (in real-time). This reveals that the U.S. is in recession...heading for an economic depression. The world economy will follow what happens in the United States of America IMO. 

Real Estate is now in serious trouble as interest rates for a mortgage have reached 7%. This makes home purchases nearly impossible for the many (affordability is the problem). I just witnessed the vacancy rate in San Francisco office space (it is now over 25%). The National Vacancy Rate is over 17%. Real Estate is in serious trouble and this will cause a continuing DECLINE in our GDP. Real Estate makes up some 30% of our overall economy.

As America goes into a recession...heading for a depression, this will cause the global recession. Rates all around the planet are going up. Interest rates are also going up in Europe and Asia. All this will create our WORLD economic depression in 2023. We are heading for economic chaos and this can not be stopped given the policies of our Central Banks. Will Powell pivot in 2023? This is likely!

Central Banks RULE over all our financial markets. These entities can PUMP up money digits with the click of a computer key. They can also create a liquidity REDUCTION with a click of the computer key. As I write they are reducing LIQUIDITY globally. Money digits are the life-blood of our global economy. When these DIGITS decline (as a result of policy decisions), the financial markets head for recession.

I would suggest that we are CURRENTLY in a recession...heading for a depression. We will all witness this coming economic depression in 2023. It takes a few months for all these Central Bank events to take their toll on the economy. I witness some consequences as of today but the growing consequences will happen in a couple of months. The election in the U.S. this November could be significant for the entire planet.

If the U.S. economy tanks and voter sentiment changes from Democrat to Republican on November 8, we could witness a change of guard in the U.S. Political policies would change and serious consequences would emerge for the Biden Administration. We need to watch the results after November 8 to discern what might happen. My sense is that a CHANGE in leadership is happening! This will create HUGE changes in all areas of our political economy!

That is my viewpoint as of today. I will keep you informed in this blog and also my Kingdom Economics blog. Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Friday, October 7, 2022

America's Election; Prediction; Consequences for Biden's Agenda!

My sense is that America's election in 31 days (November 8) will result in a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate. The economy, gas prices, and foreign policy are the core issues which will tank Biden's support after this election. If this happens (as I project) then Biden's polices will crumble and his administration could become totally ineffective. Biden's future would be in doubt. Does Bill Clinton know what will happen (listen above)? My projections (as of today) are the following:

1. The HOUSE will have some 230 republicans after this election on November 8. This is an increase of 18. The increase could be greater IF the economy tanks these next couple of weeks.

2. The SENATE will have some 51 republicans after this election. This gives the republicans a majority in the Senate. A majority will result in new policies which challenge all the current policies of the Biden administration. 

As of today, the House has 212 republicans (a minority) as the total House membership is 435. The Senate currently has 50 republicans (a minority)...as Kamala Harris votes to support the Democrats. If my perception is valid, the House and Senate will shift to the Republicans in 31 days. This is HUGE as the policies of Biden will then be rejected. In fact, Biden could be impeached and/or rendered impotent if this happens on November 8. 

The war policies could change. The energy polices could change. The social policies could change. The immigration policies could change. The financial decision making could change. America could be a different nation on November 8 (if my projections are valid). The BIG issue as of today are the economic issues. People vote based on perceptions on the economy (mostly).

If gas prices continue to GO up, this would benefit the republicans. If the stock market tanks, this would benefit the republicans. Financial issues are KEY when a voter casts his/her vote. Perception is KEY and the big Kahuna is usually the ECONOMY. My sense (as of today) is that the economy will worsen and gas prices will start to increase. This could be the KEY and Biden's democrats could suffer.

Support for Ukraine could also shift in 31 days. The issue is MONEY. If our economy tanks, MONEY would become an issue. Perception is KEY and this election could CHANGE America (if my projections become valid). As of today, our financial house of cards is crumbling and gas prices are increasing. The DEBT situation is getting WORSE and interest rates are going UP. MONEY could be a problem for the next House and Senate.

Biden's policies (now supported) will be in shambles if my projections prove to be valid. America is totally polarized politically. The Biden policies get support because the House and Senate is controlled by the Democrats (as of today). But all this could CHANGE in 31 days. Watch November 8 for the final numbers. My sense is that our economy is tanking and gas prices are reversing. This will produce a Republican WIN on November 8. That is my perception. Watch and witness the results in 31 days!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Putin's Nuclear Threat Is Real - says Wall Street Journal (A13)! Let's Contemplate!

Walter Russell Mead has a review of Putin's mindset (in today's Wall Street Journal). He says EVERYONE should understand. The essence of Putin's viewpoint is derived from his Philosopher friend, Alexander Dugin. Watch the video and think about this view of reality!

Mr. Mead says the following: "Mr. Putin sees global politics today as a struggle between a rapacious and domineering WEST and the rest of the world bent on resisting our arrogance and exploitation. The WEST is cynical and hypocritical, and its professed devotion to "liberal values" is a SHAM. The WEST is not a coalition of equals (says Putin); it represents the domination of the "evil Anglo-Saxons" over the Europeans and Japan. Mr Putin sees this American led world system as the successor to the British Empire, and he blames the Anglo Saxon or English speaking powers for a host of evils, from the Atlantic slave trade to European Imperialism to the use of nuclear weapons in World War II. Mr. Putin's military is currently in headlong retreat across much of Ukraine, but the threat that Putin poses to vital American interests must not be underestimated. Putin's threat to use NUCLEAR weapons is REAL."

The above presentation of Putin's mindset is similar to what I have been saying for months. Mr. Putin will not bow to WESTERN liberal philosophy as he sees this as anathema to Russian progress and also to WORLD progress. Alexander Dugin, is Putin's brain, when it comes to foreign policy. Alexander thinks that WESTERN liberal philosophy is a SHAM and a DELUSION. Vladimir has agreed with this mindset!

What is now happening over in the Ukraine is a fight for the entire planet. Russia (with support from China and Iran) will not change their viewpoint going forward IMO. America and the WEST will also not change their viewpoint. This means WW III is on the horizon. We have a fight (now developing) for control over planet EARTH. I call this a fight to the END as the mindset of the WEST and the EAST are at full loggerheads! There is no compromise as long as Biden, Xi, and Putin remain in POWER!

We now live in an interconnected world society as our internet connects everyone. Our planet has NO borders when viewed from the SKY. At some point we must view our planet as ONE entity (village) with some 8 billion citizens. We need a MODEL for our planet which encompasses this reality of interconnectedness. Kingdom economics espouses a border-less world under ONE Sovereign.

The ONE Sovereign is our Creator God who rules 'invisibly' from his Throne Room. One Planet Under our Creator is my mindset and MODEL. Father God is ruling this planet NOW and reality is ALWAYS a NOW experience. Successive moments of NOW is how I live my life. I assume you live your life similarly. The ONE reality which we ALL share is 'living in the NOW'. Who can debunk this reality? I say NONE!

If the NOW is our reality, then we can develop a MODEL which allows the NOW to represent our reality. The Kingdom Age (soon coming) is a NOW reality...even as we experience 'man's delusions and illusions' within our current SYSTEM. Getting rid of our delusions and illusions will RESTORE the NOW for everyone. The biggest 'delusion/illusion' is our MONEY system. What is 'money' in reality?

I say 'money' is merely a 'name' and a 'number' within our consciousness. The dollar (now mostly digital) is a 'name' and a 'number'. In reality this 'name/number' does NOT EXIST. It's PURE illusion and delusion. But we continue with this illusion/delusion (within our imagination) for the time being. At some point this illusion/delusion will vanish and disappear. Imaginary money has no LASTING power once people wake-up to reality! The coming CRASH of our illusionary financial markets will reveal this reality!

Reality must eventually prevail. The insanity within politics and governance must eventually be recognized for what it is: a destructive/negative force with no LASTING power. Eliminate 'money' from this planet and SANITY will emerge instantaneously. Think on this idea of eliminating this ILLUSION called MONEY. Would a NEW world emerge that is PEOPLE centered? My sense is ABSOLUTELY!

This young man tries to explain MONEY. He stumbles with his 'words' but his basic understanding is totally VALID. Listen to the entire video and ignore the stumbling words. Everyone must eventually recognize that MONEY is a HUGE illusion/delusion within our 'consciousness'! This young person has a VALID understanding!

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. Also, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com.