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Monday, May 29, 2023

God's Point-of-view with reference to his created children (You and I). My Viewpoint!

It is my view that religion has confused and distorted the message of our Creator and that religion has also created this division between believers in God and his sayings/doings. My reference point for God is mostly the words of John in Revelation 4 and 5: 1-4. I also view the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad as the SAME God. My view is that we have ONE God on the spiritual throne (within us) and that this God should be viewed as the God of Israel, the God of planet Earth, and the singular Father which rules this universe. Religion has distorted the simple belief that God is our Source, our Sovereign King, and our Salvation. It seems obvious, to me, that we all live 'at effect' and that we know (internally) that we are not in full control of events on this planet. Man is technically an 'agent' with no ability to solve its many problems on its own. Our ultimate CAUSE must act and intervene in our human situation so that a solution occurs over time. This coming intervention is invisible, silent, and totally acting within our individual and collective consciousness. Results happen suddenly, invisibly, silently as we think and act in real-time. The real CAUSE of these actions can be viewed as the WORD of God!

Listen to this sermon/rhetoric carefully. The 'spin' of words is amazing! One minute Jesus is viewed as God Almighty and the next he is a humble servant who depends on God. This presenter can 'spin' words amazingly. I would vote for him as an ideal Anti-Christ 'type' and a suburb pastor/evangelist to the many who refuse to think for themselves. Apply the words coming out of his mouth to some logic and reason (in real-time). Then ask some core questions.  Can a human being be (simultaneously) both man and God (at the same moment in time)? Can I be 100% God and 100% man at the same moment? Can You? Could I pray to myself as God while also portraying myself as fully human (at the same time). Was Yeshua/Jesus...God and a human man simultaneously while living on this planet (say 29 A.D. to 33 A.D.)? Listen to the 'spin' of this pastor/spin artist. He's amazing! Does his words remind you of your pastor/teacher? Can the historical Jesus pray to himself (as his dual nature was both man and God) while also being fully human to his followers? Did his dual nature act out his human nature and God's nature (simultaneously). This idea, produced by our Catholic religion, is called the Hypostatic Union (a theological word for select elites). It evolved after the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. where this Jew from Nazareth had been exalted to Godhood (an equal with Yahweh/Father). Did this confused theology lead to the many denominations which now permeate our world system. Who can challenge this 'spin' called church theology?

This presenter has better understanding IMO from the presenter above!

This video gives us some perspective on the confusion over who is God! Religion has done a good job in confusing the logic of who is God. Word confusion has permeated the entire planet and then given us theological spin among the elites. People view the reality of God differently yet the message seems clear that there is only ONE God for planet Earth! Think for yourself as you listen to all these videos.

This lady gives an excellent history of Christianity which I found valid and meaningful. Listen to understand this important history! It will support my view that the God of Adam, Noah, Moses, and Yeshua was the ONE God of Israel. We need to understand our history if we are to discern what is spin and what is valid history. That is my point-of-view. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Is Biden's Authoritarian Mindset UnAmerican? Evidence seems Overwhelming!



I listened to hours of hearings (last night) by the House Oversight Committee on the issue of Biden's administration policy to flag/filter/restrict political dissent on issues which relate to our first amendment (free speech) issues. Biden's FBI, CIA, HS, and other bureaus have used select social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to silence voices which spoke up against his policies, mandates, and special pleadings. Why this mindset?

The most abusive issue was the signing by some 51 intelligence agents (during the 2020 election period) to classify the Hunter Biden laptop issue as Russian disinformation (not real evidence of Biden's corruption while Vice President). This was done (apparently) to allow Joe Biden to use this issue during the 2020 Presidential campaign to imply that Donald Trump's viewpoint on this laptop situation was invalid. It was ALL Russian disinformation (according to the Clinton/Biden thinkers)!

Two whistle blowers (both democrats who had voted for Biden) have come forward to testify and to voice their concern about the attempts of the LEFT (the Biden administration, et al) to use Social Media platforms so as to restrict viewpoints which did not FIT their narrative on the issues. Facebook and Twitter (private organizations) were used to restrict/filter/eliminate viewpoints which countered the politic narrative of Joe Biden and his Leftist supporters. This is totally against America's 1st Amendment IMO and therefore I view this as UnAmerican.

It is obvious, to me, that the Biden administration has used official bureaus (like the FBI and CIA) to further the Left's agenda and to assume (falsely) that TRUTH is what they mandate for all American's. The Biden Covid 19 policies, the Hunter Biden laptop situation, the Ukraine war situation, the mindset of desiring a Uni-polar world system (Agenda 2030) are ALL attempts to mandate a narrative which is mostly UnAmerican in its philosophy as it assumes that there is ONLY one TRUTH (that of the Biden Administration.

America was founded on the idea of FREE SPEECH and open debate. I have a right to espouse my viewpoint (even if it is less than totally valid) and so does every American. Free speech is part of the core philosophy of America. The idea that a political leader can use Deep State bureaus (like the FBI and CIA) to manipulate public opinion and restrict counter viewpoints to one's own political narrative is NOT what America stands for. Our first Amendment says the following:

What I am witnessing in today's political environment are attempts by the Biden Administration and its Deep State entities to MANDATE viewpoints which totally CONFORM to their viewpoint on issues of political policy. This, to me, is totally UnAmerican and I would hope that our Congress gets to the bottom of all this political corruption. I now appears, to me, that the Biden Family is deeply involved with 'influence' peddling so as to enrich themselves with unearned wealth. Most of this happened while Joe was Vice President (so it seems).

The House Oversight Committee is trying to get to the bottom of these issues but they are being avoided with words of disinformation so the public can not pursue this corruption within our political system. Did Joe and his family use their political influence to gain unearned wealth? This would be criminal if true. It appears, to me, that the evidence POINTS to this criminality (especially while Joe was serving as Vice President under the Obama Administration). James Comer is heading this Oversight Committee and their discoveries point to serious issues.


In America it is not suppose to be a CRIME to present viewpoints which counter the OFFICIAL mantra's. This happens in many AUTHORITARIAN countries and I am now witnessing this same MENTALITY in America. Political leaders want to manipulate public opinion by mandating viewpoints which fit ONLY their narrative on issues of reality. This, to me, is wrong and it is not what America is all about.

The Ukraine War situation is also an issue where dissenting voices are being flagged by some Social Media sites. This, to me, is also UnAmerican. Personally, I view the Ukraine War as part of this Uni-polar mindset of the WEST. They desire a world where only the viewpoint of the WEST will prevail in governing this planet. This Agenda 2030 program of our United Nations is also promoting this Uni-polar mindset for our planet. My view is that this is not an AGENDA which is promoting FREEDOM and JUSTICE for the common man.

We need dissenting voices and this is part of America's First Amendment. Freedom means that contrary points-of-view must be allowed. Even wrong views (which oppose the official narrative) must be allowed. What I am witnessing today is a mindset where select political leaders want to MANDATE only THEIR view for the nation/world. Is Biden an AUTHORITARIAN much like Putin and Xi? Democracy does turn into MOB RULE when it is fully manifested. 

I think our core problem is this thinking that TRUTH is derived by select persons who have political authority and control. In reality, TRUTH is always 'subjective' and personal. There is no SINGLE right viewpoint on issues of reality. We have some 8 billion people on this planet. WHO has the final TRUTH (on any issue of reality)? I am still seeking ONE person with this FINAL TRUTH!

That is my viewpoint. Think for yourself!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

3,335 Years Prior our Creator God gave us the 10 Commandments! Today is an Anniversary!

Moses received the 10 commandments from Yahweh God on Mount Sinai in/around 1312 B.C.
The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) for Christians arrives some 50 days after Passover!

At sunset today (it's happening now in my venue) Moses was at Mount Sinai and he received the 10 Commandments (two tablets) from our Creator God. This transcendent God was called I AM that I AM (or Yahweh). When this happened in 1312 BC (give or take), Israel and Gentiles (all the sons/daughters of Noah) received a Moral Code which we all recognize as a 'transcendent' message (code) from a Higher Intelligence.

This transcendent moral code was given so that everyone could develop behavior which is productive and beneficial for our social relationships. Moses was a messenger of this Creator God and this date (1312 BC) has gone down in history as the start of this festival of Shavuot. This date goes down in history as a date when the Old Testament (Torah) was verbally communicated to Moses and when the 10 Commandments were communicated to mankind. 

Here are those 10 Commandments which Moses received from Yahweh God:

The seven (7) Noahide laws are similar and gives us more evidence of a transcendent source:

The Noahide Laws are meant for non-Israelites mostly but the moral code which Moses received on Mount Sinai is rather similar. The big no-no is IDOLS and/or worshiping false Gods. The idea of these moral codes is that ONE Creator God was the originator of these principles. Mankind has mostly adopted this moral code for most social relationships (with variations). Is any of this still valid for 2023?

Personally, I learned these moral principles when I was a youth. I recognized them as more than words of man. For me they were words given by our Creator God via select messengers. Moses was a messenger, Noah was a messenger. When Yeshua arrived and started his ministry (some time around 29 A.D.) he recognized these principles as still valid for mankind IMO. The moral code was not eliminated by this messenger of Yahweh God (IMO).

My sense is that this moral code is meant to last for all the years that mankind lives on this planet. It probably started with Adam/Eve and then was reinforced by Noah and then by Moses after Sinai. Some claim that this moral code was fulfilled with the ministry of Yeshua. The message of Paul in the New Testament does seem to present a new moral code which is different from that of Moses. Did Yeshua desire to eliminate the Law (the 10 commandments) of Moses?

Many believers do believe that the Law of Moses and also the Code of Noah were abolished with the ministry of Yeshua (29 - 33 A.D.). My personal belief is that is is not valid theology. When I read the words of scripture I get the message that the 10 commandments are still valid today. I , personally, do not think that Yeshua/Jesus desired to abolish the Law of Moses as given within the 10 commandments. My evidence is the following:

As of today, heaven and earth have NOT passed away. This seems to support my view that the MORAL LAW of Moses and also that of Noah are still valid for believers today. Today, is an anniversary of the giving of the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. It seems relevant that we all should give this day some solemn adherence. Our Transcendent God is still active within our material universe. We are the clay and our Source is the POTTER. That is my viewpoint.

It would be interesting to visit Mount Sinai. Many scholars are now saying that this Mount is located in today's Saudi Arabia, not Egypt. The evidence is growing for the Saudi location. It's amazing that we still have some evidence of this historical event which happened some time around 1312 B.C. All this adds credence to the view that Moses was a real person and his Moral Code was also real.

Many believers still think that the history of the Exodus and of Moses in the Wilderness are valid history. Moses, apparently, died on Mount Nebo in today's nation of Jordan. 

History is interesting as our planet has preserved evidence of many events which most teachers do not fully comprehend. It appears that the history of Moses, the Law, Mount Sinai, and Mount Nebo could be solid evidence that this history was valid. Think for yourself on all these issues.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Do the 'righteous' get an exemption from God's Judgment? Let's discuss!


The 'message' of Job is that the 'righteous' do not get an exemption from God's Judgment! The Rapture concept (adopted by millions of Christians) does not mean the 'righteous' will get to escape from our planet's problems. This seems obvious to me! God is no respecter of persons!

Job's wisdom was revealed during his trial period. He did not agree with his wife's viewpoint! He stayed firm in his view that God's Judgment is valid in times of good and in times of evil!

This concept is misinterpreted when preachers espouse that an 'escape' into the clouds above is the destiny of select believers. John, on Patmos, did not escape. His vision left him solidly on our planet. Revelation 4:1 should be interpreted as a spiritual (consciousness) ascension to the Throne Room (with the body remaining solidly on planet earth). Similar to a out-of- body experience!


This scripture in Revelation 4:1 reveals John's mental ascension to God's throne room. All this took place within the consciousness of John as he experienced his vision on Patmos. He did not get 'raptured' into the clouds so as to 'escape' from reality. This rapture idea is totally fallacious IMO!

Today, I witness a growing body of spiritual thinkers who desire to escape from the trials and tribulations on this planet. Preachers are espousing this idea that the 'righteous' are destined to escape these tribulations as they are part of the bride of Christ. This teaching, to me, is totally fallacious and misleading. The message of 'righteous' Job is that he did not escape God's Judgment. He endured and then was rewarded for his 'integrity'. This, to me, is the correct interpretation for believers to adopt.

The message in the book of Job is meant as a teaching parable for those who desire to seek 'righteousness' and human integrity of character. We must endure the Judgment of our Creator and then hope for salvation at the end. The other message is that 'if those days should not be shortened, no flesh shall survive...but for the elects sake those days WILL BE shortened. This implies endurance not escape! See the message here:

What eventually happened to Job after his trial with God's adversary, Satan? Did he get rewarded for his integrity? I think so! Job was rewarded with new children and new wealth. This message gives us the HOPE for salvation from our current tribulations (financial and otherwise). My reading of the book of Job was a study during my college days when I took a philosophy class. It has continued to be a meaningful message for me today.

The message in Job is that we must continue to accept both good and bad as we live our lives on this planet. The GOOD is easy to accept but the bad is difficult. What seems relevant is that our Creator God is the author of both good and bad. What we call 'evil' is part of God's plan for his people to experience. Can good be experienced without evil? I don't think so! God is the author of both.

Our Creator God is a Sovereign King who allows evil to flourish for a season. The message of history is clear to me. God is more than mere LOVE and Happiness! God is also a Sovereign Judge who uses the negative to produce a result which is meaningful. This seems difficult to accept as we all desire GOOD continually. But the experience of OPPOSITES seems to be the message of scripture.

The idea of opposites seems necessary for human growth in understanding and character. How can I learn what is good if I experience no opposite? How can I label a wrong without there also being a right? Can I know what is Good (say with drink or food) without also having an idea of the opposite? Is light meaningful if there is no darkness? Opposites are absolutely necessary if I am to grow in character and wisdom! That seems axiomatic to me.

It appears to me that change can happen SUDDENLY and quickly. As I write our financial markets are mostly positive and growing. But all this could change in a moments notice. We live in a world where sudden change can emerge within hours. Today, all is going rather well. But what will tomorrow bring? Does anyone KNOW? I don't think so! The future is totally uncertain and none can discern precisely what will happen. Personally, I sense some difficulty ahead. But I am unable to discern this PRECISELY!

With algo's running our electronic markets, we could experience a crash in minutes. In one day the markets could go from prosperity to depression. From positive to negative. It's all uncertain and my sense is that no-one has total control. When the time is right, the bubbles will get pricked. Today, we have bubbles in stocks, housing, commercial real estate, treasuries, and commodities. The message for today, is that OPPOSITES do happen suddenly. Emotions can go from peace to war, prosperity to survival, positive to negative in a matter of minutes. What a world we live in/with! Who can escape this planet's problems? 

Have a good day! Hope will eventually prevail is my mantra! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

My Philosophy Prohibits Me From Blaming ANYONE! Reasons!

Yes, Steven, I look because this mindset is determined within me (at least so far). I have what I call secondary freewill even as I live my life in the NOW! 

Yes, what happens to me is subtle and difficult to understand yet events happen and I live with that which arrives in my consciousness!

Does my Creator source have 'primary' freewill? What does this make me? I would suggest this makes me as having 'secondary' freewill. I can not overrule my Source! I must accept my agency! 

Did I choose to be born? Did I choose my parents? Did I choose my talents? Did I choose my concepts and core beliefs (culture)! Where is the freewill?

If there is a SOURCE who created me and who provided me with my life, destiny, inner program, and core beliefs, then this means that I am not the originator of anything (really). I am an agent who lives 'at effect' (on this planet) from birth to death. If this is a valid view of life, then I must accept the reality that EVERYONE most likely lives similar to me (at effect). The CAUSE (for me and you) is beyond our being and our control. This means that 'blaming' others for their behavior is anathema to my philosophy.

My core beliefs center on this idea that there is a PRINCIPAL who created me/you and that this PRINCIPAL had reasons for his creation of me/you. The role of my life is thus to serve my SOURCE as an agent/messenger/servant with no ability to change this condition over time. I start my life (at birth) with no choice in the situation and I end my life (when this day arrives) with no choice in the matter. All of my life is determined and preordained by this CREATOR source. I like the name POTTER as another name for this Source (with me as the Clay).

What does this philosophy produce when I think about current events on this planet? This philosophy produces events which are 'determined' and 'preordained' by this greater CAUSE/SOURCE. I view reality as following this logic of 'cause/effect'. After every CAUSE an effect emerges. This chain of cause and effect gives me my logic for writing about events in my history and in world history. Did man arrive on planet earth via his/her freewill? I don't think so! Man arrived as an 'agent' of a HIGHER principal. Man is not in control of anything...from birth to death. All events must follow the CAUSE which is our Higher Source.

With this viewpoint on reality, I am unable to BLAME anyone for the events that happen on this planet. Is Biden responsible for the Ukraine war or America's current financial situation? Is Putin? Is Zelenskyy? Is NATO? Is Jerome Powell? Is Xi? My sense is that each person plays their ROLE within the overall greater picture. No-one has the freewill to create a world which they personally desire/choose. We are all subservient to the Higher Powers which rule over us. This makes us AGENTS not principals. We are all servants of our invisible SOURCE!

Life is lived in the NOW continually and no-one has the freewill to create a life independent from his/her Higher Source. I come into life as a babe with no freewill. I then acquire my being/destiny as I live out the 'program' within me (over time). Freewill is always SECONDARY to the program which works within me. If this is valid, then it is impossible for me to BLAME others (anyone) for my condition in the NOW. I play out my inner program and you play out yours. We live our preordained destiny and then die. All is determined from the program within us. Think of a bird in a tree. Does this bird choose his life/destiny? What about a fish? A dog? Does any life form choose their destiny with a mindset of total freewill?

Think of the religious persons who are described in our scriptures. Did Moses choose his life and destiny? What about Yeshua? What about the prophet Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Daniel? What does the STATUTE in Daniel 2 tell us? The history of mankind is supposedly determined via the prior destinies of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Roman civilizations. All these kingdoms were given a time period to survive and then they died. All was determined for each and every KINGDOM on this planet. Is America any different? Is the destiny of America determined? Who is the ultimate CAUSE of America's destiny? Who rules over America?

It seems logical, to me, that all events on this planet have been predestined from day one to day end. I use the timeline of 6,000 years to designate this timeline of man's rule. I then use the additional timeline of 1,000 years for the coming Kingdom Age (a new millennium). Man's life on this planet is some 7,000 years from beginning to the end. All is determined by this SOURCE which rules over us. Our Creator source controls all events which happen on this planet. That is my premise and my philosophy. I can not BLAME anyone given this philosophy. I can write about events which I dislike and view as destructive but I can not say that these events were not preordained to happen. Good is preordained and Bad is preordained.

Life is lived from birth to death with questions (no final answers). I start life with questions and I end life with questions. Is there a SOURCE who has full understanding and knowledge about events which happen? I presume Yes. The One Source which has full understanding and knowledge is our Creator source. That seems logical to me. I live 'at effect' from birth to death. I presume that you do likewise. This planet is now heading for a NEW AGE IMO. The current age is perishing as it is MEANT to perish. The NEW AGE is arriving as it is also MEANT to arrive. All happens by the freewill/choice of our Creator source. That is my premise and my worldview/philosophy. You will need to think on this to accept and/or reject!

My sense is that this 7,000 year plan is valid/determined. If this is reality, then it implies that all was preordained from creation to the Kingdom Age. If all is ordained then this would suggest that man's rule is determined from birth to death! The logic seems irrefutable! 

Have a great day! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Monday, May 22, 2023

Biden is WRONG, 14th Amendment means PRIORITIZING debt payment (not overruling Congress to SPEND more)!

Legally, our Congress has the power of the PURSE. This means that spending bills must originate with our Congress (not the Executive). Biden and his progressive friends (AOC, Sanders, Warren, et al) want Biden to ignore the current Debt Ceiling set by our Congress and continue the spending...using new DEBT as the funding tool when spending exceeds revenues. Today, our government is SPENDING some $1.6 trillion more than we receive in tax revenues. This deficit gets added to the current DEBT (now over $31 trillion). America has a spending problem and this must be changed is the view of the GOP.

Can BIDEN and his progressives IGNORE the current Debt Ceiling (set by Congress) and continue the deficit spending using new debt as the funding tool? Does the 14th Amendment give Biden this prerogative? Section 4 of our 14th Amendment says that U.S. DEBT shall not be questioned (meaning that our debt should be paid when total revenues exceed the debt service...interest on the debt). As I write, the interest on our debt is only some 13.5% (on average) of our tax collections (revenue). This means that our Treasure (Janet Yellen) should 'prioritize' this interest payment so our DEBT is not questioned by the markets.

As of today, our House has passed a new DEBT CEILING bill along with a spending budget for our nation. This bill is now being negotiated with the President and the Senate. Both our democratic senate (now having a majority) and our President (Biden) want to ignore this debt ceiling bill so that existing SPENDING can continue (now with a deficit of some $1.6 trillion as I write). See the numbers here: www.usdebtclock.org. The idea is that our 14th Amendment would allow this situation (to ignore Congress and the Debt Ceiling bill). Is this valid legally per our Constitution?

Personally, I agree with today's Wall Street Journal article (page A16) which says that Biden's interpretation of Section 4 , Amendment 14 is invalid. What our Treasury must do for actions to be lawful and constitutional is to 'prioritize' the interest on the existing debt so that there is NO DEFAULT. If this is not done, then Biden is taking the PURSE from Congress and changing our legal process as outlined in our Constitution. I don't think that Biden can legally pursue this OPTION. I appears UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

What needs to happen is that our interest on the DEBT must be paid (prioritized) and this would then mean that SPENDING (via deficits) must change. Biden and his progressives must REDUCE spending and live with the AGREEMENT which our GOP desires for the nation. Biden's idea of using the 14th Amendment to IGNORE the wishes of the HOUSE can not prevail IMO. Congress has the total control over the PURSE (spending) and Biden and Yellen MUST abide by the decisions of our Congress (as the HOUSE has proposed). This means our SENATE and BIDEN must negotiate in good will with McCarthy and the other GOP representatives in the HOUSE.

Yes, America must reduce spending to a degree and this means a RECESSION is coming for America. This recession will eventually lead to a DEPRESSION as the American DOLLAR is now a discredited reserve currency on the International markets. Some 30 countries have rejected the dollar for trade issues and this will eventually crash the 'value' of our dollar on the international markets. America is heading for a RECESSION in 2023 and then a much more serious DEPRESSION in 2024. The problem is the END of Keynesian economics and the beginning of living within our MEANS.

As I have mentioned in prior missives, the model for America has been the Keynesian MODEL. This model encourages the government to inject SPENDING whenever the economy slows down. Aggregate demand is key and government spending (via DEBT) is the tool under this Keynesian economic model. The problem is that this model started after the LAST great depression (1929-37) under FDR and it is now defunct as a viable model for today's international markets. Keynesianism is DEAD as debt has accumulated to unsustainable levels. See the numbers here: www.usdebtclock.org.

What we need today is a NEW MODEL for the planet. This can not occur UNTIL the existing model is totally REJECTED. My sense is that this Keynesian model will be rejected AFTER the coming economic depression (in 2024). The model started in 1934 and it was designed to last for some 90 years. Ninety years is 2024. This means that America MUST experience a RECESSION soon and then this recession will lead to a greater DEPRESSION. 1929 will repeat but it will be much more DIRE (the problems are much more dire today). We are at an END to the Keynesian economic model and everyone will be AWARE when the markets CRASH. Money rules over this planet and our stock markets rule over CONFIDENCE!

We are living with false 'confidence' as I write and I think this will change as the DEBT CEILING issue plays out. June 1 could be a CRUCIAL date as our TREASURY will run out of spending power (for all the existing programs) on this date (or soon after). Biden must recognize the problem and McCarthy must force the issue for the GOP. It's all happening fast and furious and the next two weeks should be historic on the issue of AMERICAN control over its debt. My view is that the END of Keynesianism is here. John Maynard Keynes died in 1946 (Easter Sunday). His model is now also dying for the WORLD.

Watch June 1 as the DAY OF INFAMY if the Debt issue is not settled prior to this DATE. Biden must CAVE is my view. McCarthy is unlikely to cave as his support within the HOUSE would then CAVE. We live with polarized politics and the current battle is between Biden and McCarthy. My scenario is based on the ASSUMPTION that McCarthy's House will prevail on this debt issue. If I am wrong, then all my assumptions on economics would also be wrong. I will LIVE with my current ASSUMPTIONS as being valid. Watch the markets for evidence!

The Keynesian model of economics started in 1934 - 1938 and has continued since with a few twists. It was adopted by America as valid when Nixon closed the Gold Window in 1971. In reality, this model was valid when FDR accepted the model for America after the last great depression. Aggregate demand was the mantra of John. Governments must spend to increase 'aggregate' demand. FDR bought into this mantra as have most politicians since.

Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 and simultaneously proclaimed that the Keynesian model was now the policy of America. Milton Friedman, economist, agreed that this event happened after August 15, 1971. The model called Keynesianism was adopted by America as official policy in 1971. Today, this model has led to our unsustainable debts and deficits.

The idea that our government could keep the economy from crashing was the policy of Keynesianism. Governments should massively increase its own SPENDING was the idea! This policy has led to our current dire problem of unsustainable debt and deficits.

Under Trump America's debt grew 39% ($7.8 trillion)!
Under Biden, Debt has grown (so far) some $4 trillion!

Deficits add to our National Debt. There is no current solution!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.