Understanding Economics and Money

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Friday, July 5, 2024

Richard Dawkins is Deluded! Why?

Richard Dawkins has written a book entitled the God Delusion. He reviews the history of man's idol worship and concludes that all God's are a myth. His belief is that Macro Evolution (over vast periods of time) is reality...but a Higher Intelligence is not reality. My sense is that Richard Dawkins does not recognize the NOW as reality. In reality, God reveals himself (through people) in the NOW (continually)! A mere 'word' can penetrate the 'consciousness' (mind) of me/you and this 'word' could have its origin with our Creator God!

The idea that one species evolves into another over vast segments of  time is total nonsense IMO. Dawkins, apparently thinks that 'time' can be viewed as real and not imaginary. My view is that 'time' is invented by man and it is merely an imaginary concept that helps us keep order/regularity in our world. Time is not a 'thing' which exists. Time is a concept of the human MIND. Dawkins, however, has adopted the view that Macro Evolution (over time) is what we should believe. He envisions evolution over BILLIONS of years as real!

In reality, there is NO Macro Evolution that I witness in real-time (the NOW). I have lived some 82 years on this planet and I have NOT witnessed any fish evolving into a frog or a dog evolving into a horse. I have NOT witnessed a monkey evolving into a human being. My sense is that no human being on this planet has witnessed this Maco Evolution which Dawkins adopts as his mental model. Reality is always a NOW experience!

Richard says that species evolve from one species into another via natural selection. Yet I have never witnessed this evolution in real-time (the NOW). I/we live in the NOW (always) and this means that I/we will NEVER witness this type of Evolution on our planet. The Dawkins model is merely his 'imaginary' mental model where he uses 'time' as his mantra for change. Gradual change over vast periods of 'time' (via natural selection) is his belief (model). I find this model a DELUSION.

There has never been any Ape to Man evolution in my lifetime. And if reality is a NOW experience, then there never will be any Ape to Man evolution happening. Dawkins has a mental model (in his imagination) which I view as a total DELUSION. His book (now on the market) is entitled the God Delusion. He apparently believes that a Higher Intelligence is a myth and his form of Evolution a 'truth'. My view is precisely the OPPOSITE.

The concept of a Higher Authority is witnessed daily as people look within themselves. My 'consciousness' is real and this inner reality lives within the CONSCIOUSNESS of a Higher Consciousness. God is our Higher Consciousness and I/You are living within this 'consciousness' in real-time (daily/NOW). I did not evolve (via natural selection) from an Ape. Neither did you. This mindset, of Dawkins, is pure 'imagination' and without any observable evidence in REAL-TIME.

Does Richard Dawkins realize that he also lives in real-time (the NOW)? His imaginary 'time' clock (billions of years) is PURE illusion. Who can accept billions of years as a form of reality? Man has only lived on this planet some 6,000 years. Time was invented within this timeframe. There are no billions of years to experience...when 'time' was INVENTED merely a few thousands of years PRIOR. Does Dawkins realize that 'time' (the past) is a NOW reality?

Who can escape the NOW and live in some imaginary PAST? It's totally IMPOSSIBLE. I and You live in the NOW (continually). When I witness the reality of species, I witness this reality in the NOW. I have witnessed NO Macro Evolution in the NOW. I have witnessed a fish as a fish, a bird as a bird, a dog as a dog, and a human being (man) as a human being. This is what I witness when I observe reality in the NOW.

Richard Dawkins is deluded IMO. His book about the God Delusion should be called the Richard Dawkins Delusion. Take the time to read his book and listen to his imaginary theory of Macro Evolution. Yes, there is micro evolution in the NOW. But I find NO Macro Evolution in the NOW. Look all around you and see if you can witness any of Dawkins Macro Evolution (right NOW). Have a great day!

Listen carefully to the 'words' of Richard in this video. Does he imply that his viewpoint is absolute 'truth'? His motive for promoting the God Delusion is that he desires 'truth' to prevail. But what is 'the truth' in reality? Can Richard actually discover 'the truth' via science? My sense is that Richard is 'deluded' on this concept called 'the truth'. We all can enunciate a subjective 'truth'...but can anyone enunciate that which is 'absolute' truth? I, personally, don't think so! All 'truth' is subjective and Richard's version is merely his subjective 'truth'! Listen to the above interview, it's quite revealing!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Can Biden Survive his debate downfall?


Biden’s dementia unlikely to wane! This means a change is coming to America!

JULY 3, 2024

The history of Biden’s gaffes and mental lapses, suggest to me that his condition will not wane or diminish with more time. I have watched Biden stumble, bumble, and lie on most issues for these past three years. My sense is that his dementia will not be solved with more time as our leader. Power, however, is addicting and this may overrule all common sense.

Biden has the mantra that he (his leadership) is necessary so as to win the coming election over Trump. This mantra IMO will prove worthless as voters continue to witness more Biden mumbles, stumbles, and bumbles. His denial of a personal problem will prove to be his downfall. My sense is that stronger political voices will force Biden to the sidelines prior to or at the Convention in August.

The emergence of Kamal Harris as the canidate to replace Biden seems likely. Kamal will get her 40% and she may give Trump a valid challenge if her speech (rethoric) is approved by the public. As I write Kamala does not have a strong image as a leader for the American Empire. All this seems to point to a win by Trump (if the election were held today). God, however, has the final say! New events may change my perspective going forward.

America’s debt situation is beyond solving IMO and this means that our economy will be the biggest issue during the waning weeks of this election. Can a canidate like Kamala produce confidence in the investment community on Wall Street? My sense is that this is unlikely. Can Kamala produce confidence among our foreign leaders who need a strong America to survive? The issues are now HUGE for the American voters. America is the sole Empire on this planet and it needs a strong leader to survive.

Personally, I can not vote for Biden, Harris, or Trump in the coming election. None of these candidates can lead America in the coming months/years as our financial problems surface and become dominant. The economy is key for all these politicians and it looks like our economy is heading for the CLIFF. I witness no real leader on the political stage who can lead when our economy crashes and burns.

All  these issues will change quickly when our financial house of cards collapses (as it must given our DEBT and DEFICITS). As I reported in my last missive, Keynesian Debt Economics is ending as a viable model for our future. The CYCLE of economics reveals that a downfall is coming and then a NEW MODEL will be needed. Biden, Kamala, and/or Trump can not lead when these issues surface to the top. That is my view!

The Biden debacle in the recent debate with Trump is an issue that will not wane IMO. History shows that his stumbles, bumbles, and gaffes will continue. I have witnessed three years of Biden’s dementia and I think most American’s will reject his leadership going forward. Think for yourself on all these issue. The above is MERELY my opinion. Have a great day!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, https://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Understanding Economic History Key to Future Events! My Review!

To understand our current economic situation it is necessary to understand some history. It has been nearly 95 years since America's last Great Economic Depression. This historical event started on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929. The New York Stock Exchange crashed and this led to major changes for America and the World.

The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 started an awareness by the public that a great crash had happened and that new polices were needed if a new prosperity was to occur. FDR immediately called in the gold which American's owned and then revalued this precious metal for the markets. FDR assumed that gold was a major part in the formula which caused this Great Depression.

The public had lost confidence in the markets and this resulted in a run for gold as the last straw in the closet. FDR recognized the fear and loss of confidence and he called in all the public gold so a new 'faith' edollar could be established. This new dollar was a FAITH dollar with no tie to gold. FDR kept the tie to gold for our international partners and this did not end until Nixon closed the gold window in 1971.

The other major change which occured during the FDR administration was the adoption of a NEW economic model for the markets to follow. This NEW economic model was introduced by a British economist by the name of John Maynard Keynes. Keynes advised FDR to start a huge government spending program to restart all the private markets. Keynes said that governent DEBT was needed to restart the markets.

FDR bought into this Keynesian economic model (in 1934) and the entire WEST also adoped this model. The dollar was now a FAITH dollar (no tie to gold) and this meant that the government could spend new dollars created out-of-nothing by the Central Bank. The public would get their confidence back with new insurance policies and new government progarms so as to restart the economy. Trust in government was the mantra for investors and the public.

All this worked (mostly) and the NEW Keynesian model was adopted for most goverments on our planet. Debt was used to create SPENDING and spending would restart all the markets. Contrarian economists warned the public that eventually this DEBT model of Keynes would END (but they expected this would be some 90 years down the pike). As of this year we are nearly 95 years of operation under this Debt economic model. Keynesianism is now our problem and another END is now coming for our economy and the markets.

JP Morgan has recently announced to the Media that a coming huge market crash is soon here. JP Morgan should know as they are an insider to the thinking of our corrupt Federal Reserve Banking System. The timeline of Keynesian debt finance is nearly over as our DEBT is now totally unsustainable. This goes for most nations on our planet. FAITH money is now digital/virual money and this IMMAGINARY money is soon going to crash and vanish. It all should happen between now and October 29, 2024. That is my expectation.

We now need a NEW model for our planet. My model is based upon the elimination of all money units from our planet. All debt would also be eliminated. We are ending the model of scarcity which required MONEY as a tool. We are entering a model of abundance (once the crash is over and done) and this means that we can eliminate money from our system. Money is actually immaginary and without any relevance for our children and grand children. All this can happen over the next decade IMO. 

It is now time to prepare for the JP Morgan stock market crash. I have anticipated this event for years. It is now here. My sense is that this crash will happen by October 29, 2024 (or sooner). The Biden political debacle is part of this history. His spending policies are soon over (as well as his political career) and this will advance the crash event IMO. Congress is now fully AWARE that our Debt is unsustainable and beyond any viable solution. America's national debt is over $35.8 trillion and our total debt is over $100 trillion. With unfunded liabilities the total is over $200 trillion

World debt, under the Keynesian debt model, is also beyond any solution. All this history should warn people that the day of reckonning is here. I have been writing about this history for over 10 years. Those who have read my blogs are fully aware of this history. Today's public, however, are mostly unaware of this history. It is now time to bring awareness to the public. Have a great day and think on these words.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Amazing: not 'ONE' person chose to be born on planet Earth! Meaning!

My conviction is that not ONE person chose (via freewill) to be born on planet Earth. I did not choose to be born. My parents did not choose to be born. I know of no friend or relative who CHOSE to be born on this planet we call Earth. As of today, some 100 billion human beings have been born on planet Earth (my estimate). We have some 8.1 billion human beings on the planet as I write this missive. Did anyone CHOOSE to be born on this planet? Think on this question as you read this missive. What else is relevant?

Personally, I did not choose my parents, my culture, my skin color, my consciousness (mindset), my talents, and/or my purpose/destiny. It is my conviction/assumption that I/You are here on this planet at the provision/decision/mercy/purpose of a Higher Parent (called our Creator God). Did our first parents (say Adam/Eve) choose to be created? I don't think so! Did anyone who was born AFTER our first parents choose (via their own freewill) to be born on this planet? I don't think so! What does this mean?

My sense is that this means that each/every person who is living NOW and who has lived PRIOR arrived on this planet without any choice in the matter. I am here NOW by the mercy/provision/decision of a Higher Source. As I said in a prior missive, I do not KNOW fully why I am here. Do you KNOW why you are here? My sense is none of us KNOWS (with certainty) why we were born and/or why we are here. We just arrive from the womb of our mother and then start life with minimum wisdom or understanding. As we grow and learn we develop a set of ASSUMPTIONS about this event which happend without our choice (freewill). We then ask new questions so as to give us some LOGIC on the issues!

If this premise is valid (and I think it is) then what might this mean from the viewpoint of our Higher Source? It might mean that each/every person was born for some purpose which none of us can fully understand (as of today). As I live my life (now some 82 years) I can develop some new ASSUMPTIONS (a philosophy/viewpoint) that gives me some reality to this issue. But I must live with the reality that I really DO NOT KNOW. Knowing means solid evidence that we all can digest. But there is NO solid evidence (so it seems). We all live with UNCERTAINTY and mystery on this issue of reality. Amazing!

My basic premise is that our Higher Source (God Almighty) does have a purpose and reason for his creation of each/every person. God is our Potter and we are 'clay' and this may mean that our Potter has a reason/purpose for each/every creation. God is the CREATOR and life/death is in the hands of this invisible PARENT. If life is eternal (as I assume it is) then we may need to think in eternal terms about the BIGGER picture of why we are here. Could God be recreating himself (over this eternal period)? Could each/every person have some 'eternal' purpose which is not fully understood during our BRIEF visit to planet Earth?

My sense is that we need to THINK in eternal terms to comprehend some of the decisions of our MAKER. Death is no problem for our eternal Creator. Death merely transfers the eternal SOUL to another realm (say the virtual realm). Death is not a permanent destiny for anyone. Death is really an ILLUSION as the virtual SOUL continues to  live (passes on) to a NEW realm. Life then continues for the person who died (via this illusion). There is no finality to LIFE. The word 'life' describes an eternal SOUL (being) which continues to LIVE (forever). Amazing!

As a philospher in my old age, I like to think about questions which I avoided during my earlier/working years. The question of why was I born is one of these questions. The question of not choosing to be born is another question which now seems interesting to ponder. If no person NOW or PRIOR chose to be born on this planet, then it makes sense that NONE of us knows anything with CERTAINTY. We just ASSUME a premise and live with FAITH (with reference to this premise). I KNOW nothing and I assume that YOU also know nothing (with conviction/real evidence). All is conjecture and assumptions. Amazing!

My atheist/agnostic friends/relatives do not live with the above assumptions. Many think they KNOW reality (via some theory of Evolution that I cannot witness in real-time). These thinkers assume that all events arose from CHANCE and ACCIDENT. I view this mindset as ludicrous and without any real credibility. I look at NATURE and ask myself was there INTELLIGENCE which created the beauty which I witness? Did the beautiful humming bird emerge by 'chance' and 'accident'? Did my beautiful spouse (at marriage) emerge from 'chance' and 'accident'? I don't think so!

There is a Higher Intelligence behind the scenes. This, to me, is OBVIOUS. This Higher Intelligence can be discerned by THINKING. Wisdom is probably needed, however. I have been seeking WISDOM for the past 50 plus years. Wisdom does provide me with solid assumptions on all these issues of life. I still live with lots of uncertainty and mystery, but my life is much more meaningful with WISDOM. Seek wisdom and understanding is my viewpoint. Have a great day!

My suggestion: take the time to ask your friends, parents, and relatives if they chose to be born on planet Earth? The responses might be enlightening!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.