Understanding Economics and Money

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Amazing: not 'ONE' person chose to be born on planet Earth! Meaning!

My conviction is that not ONE person chose (via freewill) to be born on planet Earth. I did not choose to be born. My parents did not choose to be born. I know of no friend or relative who CHOSE to be born on this planet we call Earth. As of today, some 100 billion human beings have been born on planet Earth (my estimate). We have some 8.1 billion human beings on the planet as I write this missive. Did anyone CHOOSE to be born on this planet? Think on this question as you read this missive. What else is relevant?

Personally, I did not choose my parents, my culture, my skin color, my consciousness (mindset), my talents, and/or my purpose/destiny. It is my conviction/assumption that I/You are here on this planet at the provision/decision/mercy/purpose of a Higher Parent (called our Creator God). Did our first parents (say Adam/Eve) choose to be created? I don't think so! Did anyone who was born AFTER our first parents choose (via their own freewill) to be born on this planet? I don't think so! What does this mean?

My sense is that this means that each/every person who is living NOW and who has lived PRIOR arrived on this planet without any choice in the matter. I am here NOW by the mercy/provision/decision of a Higher Source. As I said in a prior missive, I do not KNOW fully why I am here. Do you KNOW why you are here? My sense is none of us KNOWS (with certainty) why we were born and/or why we are here. We just arrive from the womb of our mother and then start life with minimum wisdom or understanding. As we grow and learn we develop a set of ASSUMPTIONS about this event which happend without our choice (freewill). We then ask new questions so as to give us some LOGIC on the issues!

If this premise is valid (and I think it is) then what might this mean from the viewpoint of our Higher Source? It might mean that each/every person was born for some purpose which none of us can fully understand (as of today). As I live my life (now some 82 years) I can develop some new ASSUMPTIONS (a philosophy/viewpoint) that gives me some reality to this issue. But I must live with the reality that I really DO NOT KNOW. Knowing means solid evidence that we all can digest. But there is NO solid evidence (so it seems). We all live with UNCERTAINTY and mystery on this issue of reality. Amazing!

My basic premise is that our Higher Source (God Almighty) does have a purpose and reason for his creation of each/every person. God is our Potter and we are 'clay' and this may mean that our Potter has a reason/purpose for each/every creation. God is the CREATOR and life/death is in the hands of this invisible PARENT. If life is eternal (as I assume it is) then we may need to think in eternal terms about the BIGGER picture of why we are here. Could God be recreating himself (over this eternal period)? Could each/every person have some 'eternal' purpose which is not fully understood during our BRIEF visit to planet Earth?

My sense is that we need to THINK in eternal terms to comprehend some of the decisions of our MAKER. Death is no problem for our eternal Creator. Death merely transfers the eternal SOUL to another realm (say the virtual realm). Death is not a permanent destiny for anyone. Death is really an ILLUSION as the virtual SOUL continues to  live (passes on) to a NEW realm. Life then continues for the person who died (via this illusion). There is no finality to LIFE. The word 'life' describes an eternal SOUL (being) which continues to LIVE (forever). Amazing!

As a philospher in my old age, I like to think about questions which I avoided during my earlier/working years. The question of why was I born is one of these questions. The question of not choosing to be born is another question which now seems interesting to ponder. If no person NOW or PRIOR chose to be born on this planet, then it makes sense that NONE of us knows anything with CERTAINTY. We just ASSUME a premise and live with FAITH (with reference to this premise). I KNOW nothing and I assume that YOU also know nothing (with conviction/real evidence). All is conjecture and assumptions. Amazing!

My atheist/agnostic friends/relatives do not live with the above assumptions. Many think they KNOW reality (via some theory of Evolution that I cannot witness in real-time). These thinkers assume that all events arose from CHANCE and ACCIDENT. I view this mindset as ludicrous and without any real credibility. I look at NATURE and ask myself was there INTELLIGENCE which created the beauty which I witness? Did the beautiful humming bird emerge by 'chance' and 'accident'? Did my beautiful spouse (at marriage) emerge from 'chance' and 'accident'? I don't think so!

There is a Higher Intelligence behind the scenes. This, to me, is OBVIOUS. This Higher Intelligence can be discerned by THINKING. Wisdom is probably needed, however. I have been seeking WISDOM for the past 50 plus years. Wisdom does provide me with solid assumptions on all these issues of life. I still live with lots of uncertainty and mystery, but my life is much more meaningful with WISDOM. Seek wisdom and understanding is my viewpoint. Have a great day!

My suggestion: take the time to ask your friends, parents, and relatives if they chose to be born on planet Earth? The responses might be enlightening!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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