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Friday, July 5, 2024

Richard Dawkins is Deluded! Why?

Richard Dawkins has written a book entitled the God Delusion. He reviews the history of man's idol worship and concludes that all God's are a myth. His belief is that Macro Evolution (over vast periods of time) is reality...but a Higher Intelligence is not reality. My sense is that Richard Dawkins does not recognize the NOW as reality. In reality, God reveals himself (through people) in the NOW (continually)! A mere 'word' can penetrate the 'consciousness' (mind) of me/you and this 'word' could have its origin with our Creator God!

The idea that one species evolves into another over vast segments of  time is total nonsense IMO. Dawkins, apparently thinks that 'time' can be viewed as real and not imaginary. My view is that 'time' is invented by man and it is merely an imaginary concept that helps us keep order/regularity in our world. Time is not a 'thing' which exists. Time is a concept of the human MIND. Dawkins, however, has adopted the view that Macro Evolution (over time) is what we should believe. He envisions evolution over BILLIONS of years as real!

In reality, there is NO Macro Evolution that I witness in real-time (the NOW). I have lived some 82 years on this planet and I have NOT witnessed any fish evolving into a frog or a dog evolving into a horse. I have NOT witnessed a monkey evolving into a human being. My sense is that no human being on this planet has witnessed this Maco Evolution which Dawkins adopts as his mental model. Reality is always a NOW experience!

Richard says that species evolve from one species into another via natural selection. Yet I have never witnessed this evolution in real-time (the NOW). I/we live in the NOW (always) and this means that I/we will NEVER witness this type of Evolution on our planet. The Dawkins model is merely his 'imaginary' mental model where he uses 'time' as his mantra for change. Gradual change over vast periods of 'time' (via natural selection) is his belief (model). I find this model a DELUSION.

There has never been any Ape to Man evolution in my lifetime. And if reality is a NOW experience, then there never will be any Ape to Man evolution happening. Dawkins has a mental model (in his imagination) which I view as a total DELUSION. His book (now on the market) is entitled the God Delusion. He apparently believes that a Higher Intelligence is a myth and his form of Evolution a 'truth'. My view is precisely the OPPOSITE.

The concept of a Higher Authority is witnessed daily as people look within themselves. My 'consciousness' is real and this inner reality lives within the CONSCIOUSNESS of a Higher Consciousness. God is our Higher Consciousness and I/You are living within this 'consciousness' in real-time (daily/NOW). I did not evolve (via natural selection) from an Ape. Neither did you. This mindset, of Dawkins, is pure 'imagination' and without any observable evidence in REAL-TIME.

Does Richard Dawkins realize that he also lives in real-time (the NOW)? His imaginary 'time' clock (billions of years) is PURE illusion. Who can accept billions of years as a form of reality? Man has only lived on this planet some 6,000 years. Time was invented within this timeframe. There are no billions of years to experience...when 'time' was INVENTED merely a few thousands of years PRIOR. Does Dawkins realize that 'time' (the past) is a NOW reality?

Who can escape the NOW and live in some imaginary PAST? It's totally IMPOSSIBLE. I and You live in the NOW (continually). When I witness the reality of species, I witness this reality in the NOW. I have witnessed NO Macro Evolution in the NOW. I have witnessed a fish as a fish, a bird as a bird, a dog as a dog, and a human being (man) as a human being. This is what I witness when I observe reality in the NOW.

Richard Dawkins is deluded IMO. His book about the God Delusion should be called the Richard Dawkins Delusion. Take the time to read his book and listen to his imaginary theory of Macro Evolution. Yes, there is micro evolution in the NOW. But I find NO Macro Evolution in the NOW. Look all around you and see if you can witness any of Dawkins Macro Evolution (right NOW). Have a great day!

Listen carefully to the 'words' of Richard in this video. Does he imply that his viewpoint is absolute 'truth'? His motive for promoting the God Delusion is that he desires 'truth' to prevail. But what is 'the truth' in reality? Can Richard actually discover 'the truth' via science? My sense is that Richard is 'deluded' on this concept called 'the truth'. We all can enunciate a subjective 'truth'...but can anyone enunciate that which is 'absolute' truth? I, personally, don't think so! All 'truth' is subjective and Richard's version is merely his subjective 'truth'! Listen to the above interview, it's quite revealing!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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