Understanding Economics and Money

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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

My viewpoint on Satan and his role! Important!

The theology of Satan and/or a Negative Source (invisible) which acts to deceive, lie, and misrepresent is my mission for this missive. The reality of an evil/negative/invisible authority who rules the SYSTEM of planet Earth seems obvious to me. This invisible authority is not God, however, even as many say Satan is the God of this world. In reality, Satan is under the Rule of our Creator God (Yahweh) and this source can do nothing which is not ordained by Yahweh/Father. See the book of Job 1 and 2. 

The Christian idea that Satan is a counter God to Christ (the glorified Yeshua) is not my theology. This viewpoint would make Satan an eternal source that would rule indefinitely (as Christ is not God). In reality, Satan, is limited in his authority and rule. Satan must bow to Yahweh God who rules our planet and our universe (continually in real-time). My sense is that Satan is currently the god (small g) of our world SYSTEM. So this invisible source needs to be understood (as his role will change going forward). Job is the oldest and probably the first text that covers this important issue!

Scripture is confusing and those who view Satan as a counter (opposite) to Christ (the glorified Yeshua) are mostly confused on what this person does and what his authority involves IMO. The glorified Yeshua (called Christ by Christians) is a subservient being under Yahweh. This is clear in Revelation and also the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. Daniel 7 and Revelation 5 makes it clear (to me) that the glorified Yeshua is not ruling this planet. Our Creator God is Yahweh/Father and this God rules as a Singularity on the Throne. See Rev. 4 and also the concept of Ancient of Days in Daniel. Also, Isaiah 45:7.

So what is my theology about this invisible authority who is currently in charge of planet Earth's political/financial SYSTEM? We are now living in the Last Days of man's rule over this planet (the SYSTEM). Biden, Putin, and Xi are examples of political authorities who rule under this invisible source called SATAN (as of today). These rulers are part of our global SYSTEM (political and financial) and they will do the WILL (to some extent) of this invisible source (mostly unknowingly). Deception is the modus operandi of this invisible source (who rules via one's consciousness/mind). Amazing!

Satan sends invisible signals/ideas/thoughts/images to unsuspecting authorities (including anyone who is unaware of this source and his power). A political/financial leader may think they are acting freely in their decision making, but this may not be valid thinking. Satan uses intrigue, confusion, deception, and lies (we have ample evidence of lies in today's world of politics). Biden/Trump and others can not open their mouth without spuing new lies to the public. This goes for all political leaders (to various degrees). Lies and more lies are typical behavior of most political/financial leaders who rule over us (but under Satan).

The book of Job is an excellent text source for the role of Satan. He is a 'son' of God (on the negative side) who does precisely what Yahweh allows him to do. Job was mostly unaware at first of what was happening to him and his family/wealth. As he became aware he refused to curse Yahweh God for his misery. His wife wanted Job to curse God and die, but Job said this was foolish thinking. God gives both good and evil to those who must do the WILL of this KING/RULER/CREATOR. See Isaiah 45:7. Both peace and war come from Yahweh. Good and evil come from Yahweh. But all has a purpose for greater growth for mankind. Opposites are necessary if mankind is to grow, mature, and reach their destined potential.

Mankind (each person) is created in the IMAGE of God (Yahweh). We all have the potential for both good and bad (mostly unknowingly). Our thinking is impure to some degree. We can overcome much but not ALL. Yahweh is our POTTER and we are the CLAY. This means that our POTTER can create a person for positive and also for negative roles (all is part of the GREATER picture which is difficult to comprehend). Job makes it clear to me that Yahweh God limits the role of Satan but allows specific activities (including killing and destruction of material wealth, etc.). He can restore a person later...if this is his desire. It's all much beyond human understanding. God is KING and we are servants/agents. That seems to be the theology which works in real-time. Few seem to comprehend! Amazing!

Satan will be bound eventually. His role will change as Yahweh God chooses to change this role. God is KING and the only SOVEREIGN source. His WILL can not be altered or changed. All we can do is bow to this Creator God and accept our lot on this planet. All is determined and much beyond man's control. It does appear that we are now ending the RULE of man for planet Earth. The KINGDOM AGE is arriving for our planet (after some difficult challenges). Like Job, Yahweh will bring an END to the suffering at some point. This is prophesied to happen and my theology assumes that this reality is valid/true. Satan will leave the scene of being Planet Earth's ruler. It is destined to happen (maybe in our lifetime). Think on these things as you continue to watch events on the GLOBAL scene.

P.S. Personally, I will no longer vote for any political leaders (those who head up the SYSTEM). It's the SYSTEM which is corrupt to the core (not the people). Until we change the SYSTEM nothing meaningful will change. Our problem is the SYSTEM. It's corrupt to the CORE! Will something meaningful happen after this coming TOTAL SOLAR eclipse on April 8? My sense is YES! It's Yahweh's determined event which has meaning for these end-times!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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