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Thursday, April 11, 2024

We need a new mindset: One King for Planet Earth! Why?

As of today, we have millions of gods which people think are real and active in real-time. This is a mindset which will not work for planet Earth going forward. We need ONE source (King) for the planet. This King is our invisible Source which gave Moses the Moral Law on Mount Sinai. This Source has demonstrated his universality and his role as Creator of our universe. It is obvious, to me, that nothing positive can emerge given our current mindsets on religion and theology. The Kingdom Age requires that all people accept ONE King to rule our planet. ONE King for our greater universe. Who might this one King be? Who can not serve as this King?

1. Jesus/Yeshua can not qualify as he was a created being (not God Almighty). Today, he serves as a glorified servant of our real KING (King Yahweh/Father) in this virtual/spiritual realm.

2.The Trinity concept can not qualify as this idea creates three god persons for the planet. Three god person's can not give mankind one KING (for the planet). Who would be the key decision maker for our planet? These Trinity person's may all think differently!

3. All the idols of India, Japan, China, etc. can not qualify as they are impotent and not universal for all on planet Earth. We need ONE source/god/king that rules over the entire planet and universe.

During the coming Kingdom Age mankind is prophesied to worship and accept ONE King for our planet. This King has revealed himself many times since the founding of our planetary society. He revealed himself to our first parents, Adam/Eve. He revealed himself to Noah. He revealed himself to Abraham. He has revealed himself to Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and to Yeshua/Jesus. Around 95 A.D. he revealed himself to Evangelist John on the Island of Patmos. My sense is that he also revealed himself (via the angel Gabriel to Mohammad).

If all of our religions would consolidate their thinking, I am convinced that we would end up with ONE Creator God for planet Earth. This God/King could be called our FATHER. One FATHER for planet Earth would create UNITY for the entire planetary society. One invisible King for planet Earth could emerge if people start thinking about the Kingdom Age. Who is destined to rule planet Earth during this 1,000 year period called the Kingdom Age? My sense is that it is YHWH who also calls himself the I AM WHO I AM God.

One I AM God for planet Earth is my vision for this planet when the Kingdom Age arrives. This SOURCE would be universal and this source would bring UNITY to the entire planetary society IMO. Man's idols would vanish. Man's religious systems would vanish. Man's attempts to RULE over this planet would vanish and disappear. Biden (and similar) would be rejected. All of man's corrupt political leaders would vanish and disappear. We would end up with ONE KING for planet Earth. His title could be FATHER God. His name could be 'I AM who I am'. I AM the King over the entire material universe. I AM God Almighty!

Yes, a new mindset is needed for planet Earth and all those who desire FREEDOM, PEACE, SECURITY, and PROGRESS. The founding principles of America were based upon this idea that ALL people are created by ONE CREATOR God. We are all endowed with life, liberty, and happiness as we are all united on who is KING. We are all equal in the sight of this King. It is self evident that mankind was created by an invisible spiritual KING (who rules the entire material universe). All is under this SOURCE. This POTTER created the Clay (you and I). We are servants of this SOURCE/KING. We live as agents of this HIGHER INTELLIGENCE. Who comprehends?

Some text within our holy scriptures that support this idea of ONE KING for planet Earth are:

1. Deuteronomy 6: 4-9.

2. Exodus 6: 2-3.

3. Exodus 33 - 34 and Exodus 3: 13-15.

4. Isaiah 6: 5 - 28 and Isaiah 45: 7 - 13.

5.  John 6: 38 and John 14: 28.

Yeshua said the following (my paraphrase): "If God (the Father) were your God (speaking to the Pharisees), you would love me. For I came (was anointed/chosen) by the Father (Abba); nor have I come of myself, but HE (the Father) sent/chose me (at my baptism). My Father, who has given select disciples to me, is greater than all (all other Gods); and no one is able to snatch these select ones out of my Father's hand. I and my Father (Abba) are one (in agreement on these ideas)." He, Yeshua, also said to Mary Magdalene after his glorification at Golgotha (my interpretation), "do not hold on to me (he was talking via a vision to Mary IMO) for I (Yeshua) have NOT yet ascended to the FATHER (his spiritual throne). Go instead (Mary) to my brothers (disciples) and tell them, I am soon ascending to my FATHER  and your FATHER, to my GOD and your GOD. 

It is clear, to me, that this Jew from Nazareth, also had a superior SOURCE (GOD) which he worshiped. He did not view himself as God (as Christian theology claims) but he viewed his God as YHWH (the I AM God of Moses and the Torah). He viewed his God as GREATER than himself and greater than anyone on planet Earth. Yeshua's message (during his lifetime) was promoting the KINGDOM of his God (the I AM God). This message got distorted and misunderstood by many Gentiles, many Pharisees, many Scribes, and many within the hierarchy of the Sanhedrin. The idea that Yeshua desired to be GOD (as later developed by Roman Christianity) is ridiculous/ludicrous IMO. He was a student of his Torah and also the traditions within Judaism. We need new wisdom on all these issues of theological history. 

Our goal as citizens of planet Earth is to promote the KINGDOM AGE. This requires that we all choose ONE God/Ruler/King for planet Earth. The I AM God is my choice. What is yours? Have a great day and think on these spiritual issues as you watch the downfall of man's political system going forward (financial and political). This downfall should start in 2024 and continue until it ends. The SYSTEM (currently under the rule of this negative person, Satan) needs to change so that the REAL KING of our Universe becomes our RULER/KING/LEADER. Is my vision fantasy or reality? Only GOD KNOWS!

P.S. Amazing! The Juice, OJ Simpson, died yesterday, April 10, in Las Vegas from prostate cancer. He was 76. I followed his trial in Los Angeles regarding the killing of his wife, Nicole, and friend Ron Goldman. I was shocked when this trial ended in an acquittal (so were millions of watchers). I thought he committed the killing. Later in a Civil trial OJ was found guilty of murder. My view was that OJ was guilty but I also viewed Satan as the real cause of his behavior. Satan deceived this NFL star IMO. He is now in the spiritual realm. Did he have total freewill during his lifetime on planet Earth? OJ died without admitting his guilt. I was hoping that this saga would end differently. I think if OJ would have admitted his guilt he could have been forgiven by many/most! But this was not meant to be. He died with $100 million in debts. Who will get to claim his assets? The story will make the headlines and many will reconstruct their viewpoints on this saga of the 90's. The story has meaning for all of us on planet Earth IMO.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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