Understanding Economics and Money

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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

'Numbers'/'Names' are real THINGS! Wrong!

My first grade teacher (a woman) taught me that 'numbers' were imaginary (not real things). She pointed out that her chalk on the blackboard (representing 'numbers') was real/material but that these markings were merely meant as pointers to her inner/imaginary 'numbers' (1,2,3, etc.). Numbers, in other words, were 'imaginary' and/or 'virtual'. This also goes for the 'names' we all use to point to a thing (say a bird, tree, flower, animal, celestial object, or a human body (person). Did she have a valid view of reality?

My 80 to 85 year old friends at the clubhouse all said this was not what they were taught in grade school. Numbers and names were taught as being real 'things' which exist in time/space (not imaginary units of my virtual consciousness/mind). All of these so-called wise older men are convinced that 'numbers' (1,2,3, etc.) are real things. This is what they were taught in grade school. What is reality and what is deception is my question for this missive.

Let's define some key words:

1. Imaginary: A supposed thing (item) which does not exist (spatially) but only in one's mind/head. Unicorns are imaginary (for example). Things that exist only in my mind are an examples of that which is imaginary.

2. Virtual: not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so. A virtual item is a created item which appears only in cyberspace (an artificial space which appears when computers are connected).

3. Mind: the element of a person that enables one to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.

If I had the power to shut down ALL computer networks on this planet for a day, then we all might think differently about 'numbers' and 'names'. As a philosopher, I would propose MY teacher in grade school was much more realistic than my 85 year old clubhouse friends. All these clubhouse friends think that 'numbers' are real as this is what they were taught when they attended their grade school. I would maintain, as a philosopher, that these friends are totally DECEIVED (but unknowingly). They were taught that which is invalid (in real-time reality). In reality, 'numbers' are units of my/your consciousness (mind).

This same deception (around 'numbers') is now being tried (legally) by this AG Letitia James as she sues Donald Trump for some $450 million for falsely inflating the 'valuation' of his net worth and his various real estate assets (such as his Trump Tower in New York and his residence in Florida). It's all an issue relating to 'numbers' and Trump's imaginary/virtual 'valuations'. Donald Trump has used his mathematical logic to inflate his assets via 'valuations' that he derives from his virtual/imaginary MIND. Is this what is happening?

I think this is valid thinking and philosophy. Letitia James views the Donald's valuations (mere 'numbers') as misrepresentations of reality. She probably assumes that his 'valuations' (all mental calculations) were inflated so as to gain loans that were not valid (logically). But what she does not comprehend IMO is that all 'valuations' (calculations of value) are mere imaginary calculations and then put in writing (generally) so as to deceive another decision-maker. This deception with 'numbers' has been going on since the dawn of man.

Deception is possible as we all use our 'imagination' when we determine a VALUE of any asset (say our car or house). Why is this so? It's because 'numbers' are actually part of our 'imagination' (numbers are imaginary). Another word for 'imaginary' in today's computer world is VIRTUAL. Numbers are mere VIRTUAL representations of what I think and what you think. I can 'imagine' a valuation for Trump's residence in Florida as being $7 million and/or $700 million. It's all a matter of 'number' manipulation/calculation. One appraiser will derive assumptions to get a $7 million valuation and another to get a $700 million valuation. I played this game for years. It's totally corrupt and few comprehend the deceptions (with 'numbers') and also 'names'.

What is my real name? Is it Donald? Is it Ronald? Is it Mars? Can I use my 'imagination' to create various 'names' for myself? Where do these 'names' derive from? Is it not my MIND? My body is material/real but is my 'name' material/real? Is my age imaginary or real? Is my valuation of Trump's Mar-a-lago residence real or is it my imaginary calculation? Is any valuation of any asset real or is it imaginary? What is VALUE (in reality)? Is it not a subjective calculation with imaginary numbers? Do any of these 'numbers' exist spatially (within observed reality)? I don't think so! All valuations are SUBJECTIVE and they appear real only as we write the numbers on paper or within a computer text. My grade school teacher used chalk to represent what was in her MIND.

It is obvious to me that 99% of humanity is DECEIVED when it comes to their understanding of 'numbers' (and also 'names'). The American DOLLAR is now a virtual number. It is a derived number that appears within our computer screens. In reality, this American DOLLAR ($1) is now merely a 'number' with a 'name'. It technically does NOT exist. It only appears to exist as we visualize these dollar numbers within our computer screens (cyberspace). Read the definition of virtual above. Virtual means that software makes these numbers 'appear' as real but (in reality) they do not EXIST. Numbers (and also 'names') are mere units of my/your CONSCIOUSNESS (mind). It's amazing how most people think on these issues. Are they DECEIVED (fooled)? I say absolutely!

Think on this as you continue to watch the saga around Donald Trump's asset valuations and also the many phony loans which our FED creates with the click of a computer key. QE is a trick of 'numbers'. Lending is mostly a trick with 'numbers'. Valuations are a trick with numbers. Jerome Powell, our Fed Chairman, is totally deceived about the 'nature' of our DOLLAR. I say my clubhouse friends are totally DECEIVED as they received FALSE education during their grade school years. Their teachers assumed that 'numbers' (1, 2, 3) are units (things) which exist in our material reality. This is FALSE! That is my philosophy. Think for yourself. Re-read the above!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com. Also, donaldswenson.blogspot.com. 

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