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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Autocracy and Democracy mean STATE control! How does the INDIVIDUAL emerge?

Biden says he wants more Democracy for the world. He repeats this mantra daily. He views Russia and China as Autocracies. Biden wants Democracy. But what is he missing that is key for you and I to understand? Autocracy leads to a big STATE system and so does Democracy. See the history. Freedom for the INDIVIDUAL is impossible with either of these political philosophies. Is there a system which will give the INDIVIDUAL control?

America's founding fathers desired that America evolve so that the 'individual' would be supreme. A small STATE was envisioned to start our nation but the GOAL was to bring the 'individual' eventual freedom. The STATE would wither away is the idea. Many thinkers view Democracy as bringing the 'individual' this final freedom. But this is a MYTH. Does Democracy bring freedom for the 'individual'? Democracy can not bring the 'individual' freedom. Why?

Democracy is a political system where a majority gets control over the STATE apparatus and then these STATE administrators impose their policies, laws, mandates, upon the nation. Autocracy does similar. Both of these political systems lead to big STATE enterprises and both produce a system where the 'individual' is enslaved (to various degrees). I call Democracy a form of MOB rule. Our founding fathers said similar. Democracy was not what America stands for philosophically. America is suppose to stand for the INDIVIDUAL.

Today, Biden's democracy has the support of less than 45% of our citizens. His mantra is that he wants Ukraine to become like America. He wants a uni-polar world with Democracy as the system for everyone. Is this leading to freedom for the 'individual'? Absolutely not! Biden's Democracy is bringing us a world where select ELITES will rule over the entire planet. His uni-polar world of Biden's Democracy will enslave most of mankind. A centralized system would emerge to rule over all citizens on this planet.

We all need to THINK about these concepts which our politicians espouse. Will any of these political concepts lead to FREEDOM for the 'individual'?  I say, absolutely not! Biden's Democracy, Putin's Autocracy, and Xi's Autocracy all lead to a huge STATE system running the planet. We become victims of this STATE and nothing will bring us our FREEDOM under any of these political ideologies. Think about these ideologies and why they lead to a huge STATE run system. We have hundreds of years of history.

America demonstrates this ideology called Democracy in real-time. Biden has some 45% support (as of today) and his policies are leading to a huge STATE run system (going forward). He calls this progressivism. He now wants this same ideology for Ukraine. His war rhetoric is give Ukraine the weapons so this nation can become free and democratic (like America). Is this reality or is this myth? I say this is pure myth and fantasy. Biden's democracy does not lead to individual freedom for the people of Ukraine. It will lead to a huge STATE run system (just as this ideology has led to what America experiences today). 

Our founding fathers were enlightened on this idea of Democracy. They recognized that this political system does not bring the INDIVIDUAL freedom. That is why they did not desire this ideology for America. They chose a REPUBLIC. This REPUBLIC idea was positive for freedom to a degree (much more than democracy). But our political leaders (over these 246 years) have given America democracy and a huge political STATE. We need a NEW MODEL for this planet (including America).

Any model which promotes the STATE is not viable IMO. We need the Kingdom government to rule this planet. This model will bring FREEDOM to the 'individual'. Think on these concepts as you watch Biden, Putin, and Xi promote these outdated philosophies called Autocracy and Democracy. These ideas lead to enslavement for the 'individual'. Kingdom philosophy gives the 'individual' real FREEDOM! Watch these politicians as they DECEIVE the many with their false rhetoric. It's all shameful! Have a good day as you think on these ideas. Ideas are key to progress!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Monday, February 27, 2023

PUTIN says: I can not accept Biden's Uni-polar world! I AGREE!

In today's Arizona Daily there was an article where Vladimir was quoted as saying that he could not accept the concept of a Uni-polar world (which the WEST is pushing). He wants a Multi-polar world where diversity of viewpoints can be respected. I would fully agree with this idea. Biden's Uni-polar world would destroy freedom and political diversity so as to IMPOSE one set of rules upon the entire planet. This is not acceptable to most American's and most thinking citizens.

Biden and the WEST is provoking Russia so as to attempt a coup that would destroy this Nation/Federation. Vladimir recognizes the goal of the WEST and my sense is that he will NOT accommodate their ideas. This means MORE war and destruction over in the Ukraine area. Russia has nuclear weapons and if pushed to a point of self-destruction they will release this arsenal of weapons upon Ukraine. If NATO responds with their counter nuclear arsenals, then we have a full scale NUCLEAR WAR for the planet.

There is no solution to this war mentality until our leaders recognize that their ideas are fatally flawed and mis-guided. We need NEW political leadership which recognizes the role of non-violence (negotiation). I could end this war in minutes if allowed. I would need the POWER/authority to promote a policy of non-violence (so as to promote a New Model for the planet). There is no future in continual provocation and escalation via a military means. Non-violence is the ONLY solution that makes sense for the citizens on this planet. Our present policies (provocation/escalation) lead to death for billions!

What we really need is a NEW MODEL for this planet. In lieu of MIGHT as the solution to political disagreements, we need to think in terms of JUSTICE for everyone. Justice means that we need to DECENTRALIZE the planet so select POWER centers can not rule over the many. Today, we have three major Nuclear Powers who could destroy the entire planet...America, Russia, and China. Their leaders are Biden, Putin, and Xi. Should these three rule over the 8 billion? I don't think this is wise or practical. This is INSANITY!

What we really need is to DECENTRALIZE the planet so that there are millions of small power centers which promote solutions for their citizens (in real-time). Millions of decentralized power centers would promote non-violent solutions to our problems. We have an INTERNET which can keep everyone aware of each other. We do not need ONE centralized POWER CENTER for the planet. Biden's Uni-polar world idea is impractical and worthless for solving our growing international problems. Does Biden understand?

ONE world (under our Creator) would work for everyone. America was founded upon the idea of ONE nation under God. Is it now time for ONE planet under God? I think so! Why should Biden, Putin, or Xi (or some Anti-Christ leader) RULE this planet? This makes zero sense. One ruler means that the many get enslaved by policies which work for the FEW. Biden (or a similar political leader) would desire to IMPOSE his ideas upon the entire planet (now some 8 billion citizens). Makes no sense! This is INSANITY!

We need to think in terms of a NEW MODEL for this planet. This model needs to focus upon DECENTRALIZATION...not centralization. Millions of small villages (all ruling themselves) would be part of this MODEL. People would come FIRST. Money would be eliminated. Power centers (like Washington, Moscow, and Beijing) would be decentralized into mere villages that would solve their own problems. The planet would benefit as would the people (who all could participate in the government of their village). 

Think in terms of a NEW MODEL for planet earth. A decentralized model of villages. SMALL is beautiful under this model. Citizen participation would be central to this model. Freedom for the 'individual' would be paramount. The STATE would wither to nothing. The 'individual' would be SUPREME. Freedom, Justice, and Happiness would emerge for the 'individual' person. God would RULE over planet Earth. Is this an Amazing model or what? Think on these ideas as you watch the INSANITY of Biden, Putin, and Xi (in real-time)! None of these leaders can bring the WORLD peace, security, prosperity, or stability! Impossible! We need the KINGDOM government to emerge (for the entire planet)!

Have a great day. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Thursday, February 23, 2023

GOD'S Viewpoint: Our World SYSTEM must be 'degraded' and 'demonized' prior to RESTORATION/Renewal!

Sudden changes in the status quo can cause an avalanche to occur. Is this a SIGN (a metaphor) of what is about to happen within our global world system? My sense is YES!

The trends are now getting more obvious daily. Our world system (the political/scientific/religious/social/economic/cosmological) is degrading itself daily and our leaders have now resorted to demonization (of the other) as the primary cause. A self 'implosion' has started and this is God's viewpoint (according to prophecy/scripture/current events). Let's expound:

We can visualize our situation if we imagine a great snow avalanche descending from a MOUNTAIN TOP and this avalanche creating chaos as it descends from on high. Basically, God is saying via his word and via current events that the system of MAN is over. A new and restored SYSTEM (reconstruction) is needed but not until the existing one is destroyed. What are the harbingers to this scenario:

1. Our political leaders are creating this degradation and destruction with their choices/policies. Putin (Russia) is degrading the infrastructure within Ukraine so as to advance his war philosophy politically. He has chosen to destroy the real estate, gas/electric centers, public water reservoirs, airports, train tracks, roads, residential communities, etc., so as to make it impossible for a new nation to emerge whole. His policy is basically DEGRADATION (winning is destruction of material reality within Ukraine)!

2. Biden (America and the West) are promoting an 'escalation' policy (a provocation of Putin's power center) as the West builds up the political might of Ukraine (militarily/monetarily) so they can continue to degrade the advances of Putin (Russia) via their proxy (Ukraine). Biden, NATO, and the West have chosen to confront Putin (Russia) via economic sanctions, military weapons, killing machines, money, deceptive media promotions, political rhetoric, etc. so this degrading (of Russia's political empire) continues within our global world system.

3. It now appears that Russia is pivoting to China so as to create this Bi-polar world of political/military power where the EAST will confront the WEST in all spheres of influence. China will allow Russia to continue this war over in the Ukraine as the WEST continues to provoke the EAST with their economic sanctions, energy policies, money issues, military issues, etc. The G-20 is now meeting in India to further this policy of degradation and demonization of the other. Listen to the words emerging from this venue!

4. A huge avalanche is descending from the mountain top and the momentum is growing as these events gain speed daily. Our world political system is being degraded and nothing will stop this trend until the entire edifice is completely destroyed. This seems to be the mindset of our leaders (I call this insanity) and it all coincides with eschatology for these last days of man's rule. Prophecy is in play and the wrath of our Creator is also in play. All this is meant to change the status quo and eventually allow for a NEW MODEL for our planet. The Kingdom Age is coming...but not yet!

5. Our battle on this planet is a spiritual battle and the mindset of our leaders is playing into this spiritual battle. Putin and Medvedev are using spiritual language (via social media) as they continue to advance their thinking on the Ukraine war situation. Biden and his administration have not publicly resorted to biblical symbolism as yet but my sense is that this will come soon. The continuing ESCALATION over in this Ukraine war will lead to more degradation and demonization and this is precisely what scripture is telling us will happen.

6. The problem is our current world SYSTEM is totally corrupt and dysfunctional. The battle lines are now philosophical and ideological. It now is impossible to restore our world to sanity or to a viable system of commerce (as before). A NEW MODEL is needed. Those in Power call this a RESET. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum enunciates this mantra daily. A coming RESET is what our world leaders desire. It will happen soon (when the stock markets crash).

7. The Mark of the BEAST is here as a harbinger of what will happen soon. Digital currencies are in vogue. We call these CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies). This leads to the Mark and this leads to this world leader who will try to RULE the planet with his political policies of enslavement. It's all happening quickly as the forces of DEGRADATION and DEMONIZATION continue.

All this is interesting and terrifying at the same time. Who will survive the end of this process? According to scripture the process is a multi-year set of events. The start is NOW and the end is probably around 2030. Who is aware of what is happening? Most are unaware. But as the AVALANCHE continues to descend my sense is that AWARENESS will grow exponentially. Think for yourself and watch what happens with our corrupt stock markets for a SIGN.

This event called the G-20 meeting may give us some ideas about the THINKING of our world leaders going forward. Listen for signs! It's all happening as I write this missive!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Monday, February 20, 2023

Why Muslims love/cherish/accept The Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus)! Amazing!

Muslims view Jesus/Yeshua as being glorified (he lives in the spirit world) but he was not bodily resurrected as Christians claim. Muslims love Jesus as a prophet and also a Messiah messenger from God! They view much of the New Testament text as having been corrupted.

When I lived in Madison, Wisconsin, I worked as a bartender at a small hotel called the Ivy Inn. I had the opportunity to visit and talk with guests from around the world. A group of Muslims from Jordan visited my bar for a number of nights (say 1987 +-). I was interested in their beliefs and their dedication to God. They prayed five times daily while visiting the hotel. I respected their commitment and dedication to God.

I noticed that Muslims love the Jewish Torah as well as the Koran. The Torah (Tanakh) is what most Christians call the Old Testament. Muslims accept this God of the Old Testament (completely) even as they use the Arabic name, Allah, when referring to their God (our Creator). Muslims believe in ONE God who created the Universe and who governs all mankind with his words. Their prophet was Muhammad and he lived from 570 to 632 A.D. They view this Koran (dictated to Muhammad by Gabriel) as being more valid then other text of scripture. Few Christians understand the core beliefs of Muslims, however.

My guests from Jordan, who I talked with at the Ivy Inn, also believed in the oral Gospel of Yeshua (who Christians call Jesus). They refer to the New Testament as the Injil. Muslims believe that Yeshua was a prophet of God and also a Messiah (anointed messenger) of God. They do not accept all the Christian text in the New Testament (as valid words of Yeshua) as they view much of this text as having been corrupted. But they do view Yeshua as special and his core message, the true Gospel, as totally valid for Muslims.

The true Gospel of Yeshua was a message/ministry about the Kingdom of God. This Gospel, which Yeshua preached during his earthly lifetime, is completely in acceptance by most Muslims. In fact, many Muslims view Yeshua as a true Muslim (in his character/beliefs). Yeshua, believed in the God of our Universe (ONE God) even as he called this God, Yahweh (in Hebrew). Yahweh (Elaha in Aramaic) was the God of Yeshua during his earthly lifetime. Muslims view this God as their God (even as they use the name, Allah, for their God). Allah is an Arabic word/name/title for the ONE GOD of our Universe!

The real Gospel of the living Yeshua (who Christians call Jesus) was a Gospel of the Kingdom. The Kingdom (this spiritual realm within us) was viewed as real Government of our Creator God (who rules over planet Earth). Yeshua (this messenger/Messiah of God) was baptised by his cousin, John (within Jordan/the Jordan River, the home of these Muslims from Jordan) and then this messenger of God, later Messiah of God, preached about the Kingdom of God (Yahweh/Elaha/Elohim/Allah) during his lifetime.

Today, most Christians, have rejected the true Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) for another gospel which emerged after the DEATH of Yeshua. The true Gospel of the Kingdom was abandoned and another gospel of salvation from sin was developed. This gospel was mostly developed by this evangelist, called Saul of Tarsus (later Paul). This gospel has been proselytized as the Gospel of Jesus within this church age of Christianity. Today, this gospel is losing its relevance as believers reject this gospel for the Kingdom Gospel (now emerging with these end-times events). See Daniel, Revelation, Micah for text.

The real/true Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus for Christians) was the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Yeshua desired that his God (Yahweh) rule over all believers as this God was the God of Israel. The God of Israel was the God of Yeshua, the God of Moses, the God of Abraham, and the God of all the prophets. Muslims will accept this missive as being valid (for them) as I have talked to many who desire this Gospel and who accept that this was the true Gospel of Messiah Yeshua/Jesus!

This true Gospel was corrupted after the DEATH of Yeshua (say around 33 A.D.) and gradually a NEW GOSPEL of salvation emerged (under the teaching of this evangelist, Paul of Tarsus). This new gospel developed into the Roman Catholic gospel after 325 A.D. (the Council of Nicaea). Then in 451 A.D., at the Council of Chalcedon, a final version of the nature of Yeshua was promulgated The purpose was to finally settle the issue of the two natures of Christ and how to word the doctrine of Incarnation. It was attended by 520 bishops and their entourages and was the largest and best-documented of all the councils. This history is very important to understand. It is still not understood by most Christian teachers/believers.

The true Gospel of Yeshua was the Kingdom of his God. I call this the Kingdom of the Father. Yeshua viewed this Gospel as coming directly to him from the Father (Yahweh) at his baptism and after. He started his ministry after this event (read all about it in the Gospel of Mark) and then he called disciples and other believers to further this Gospel of the Kingdom. After his DEATH everything changed as many variations of this gospel emerged in the marketplace. 

Christians (theologians) then changed this Gospel of the Kingdom to this Salvation from Sin doctrine after the days of this evangelist, Paul of Tarsus, who experienced his theology after his vision some years after the DEATH of Yeshua (say 37 A.D.). Paul of Tarsus actually never KNEW the real/true/living Yeshua who preached from his venue in Nazareth and Jerusalem (29 to 33 A.D.)...much prior to Paul's vision experience on the Road to Damascus. Christianity is basically a theology based on the teachings of Paul.

Today, we need to get BACK to the REAL GOSPEL of YESHUA. This Gospel is more relevant today then ever. The end of the Church Age is here now and the beginning of the Kingdom Age is emerging now. The Catholic and Protestant theology is irrelevant when the REAL GOSPEL (of the Kingdom) is understood. Muslims will accept the REAL GOSPEL of YESHUA. They will REJECT the corrupted gospel. That is my viewpoint. Think for yourself on all these important issues of REALITY.

Give this missive to a Muslim friend for their review. Thanks!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Historical Yeshua VS the Christian Church's Jesus (differences)!

Let's describe the many differences which have evolved over this historical person called Yeshua (Jesus to many religious believers). After much research and study, I can now reveal the many differences. 

First let's outline a profile of the historical Yeshua who lived mostly in Nazareth and who preached a message of the Kingdom of Yahweh to his people. Mark 1:15 gives us this message and/or Gospel.

1. This Jew was Aramaic and he spoke this Aramaic language when communicating with his followers.

2. This Jew was born normally and desired to promote his Jewish God's Kingdom for his people. His message was Apocalyptic and Revolutionary. The idea was that God must rule our planet (not Man).

3. He was born around 4 B.C., circumcised on day 8 after birth, dedicated to his God, Yahweh, at the Temple in Jerusalem after 40 days. He learned his Jewish history from the rabbi's at the Temple facility in Jerusalem. He was likely a Pharisee Jew during his upbringing. His mother was Mary and his father was Joseph. He recognized his God as that of Abraham and Moses. The Torah was his reference point for reality.

4. This Jew chose baptism at age 33 +- as he was a follower of a sect under John the Baptist, his cousin. His God was Yahweh, the God of Israel. He experienced his epiphany at his baptism as he heard (internally) the voice of Yahweh after this baptism experience. This 'voice' produced his passion for promoting the Kingdom of Yahweh. He was essentially anointed by his God, Yahweh, to preach the Kingdom message to his people.

5. After three years of ministry on issues of the Kingdom of his God, he challenged the Jewish authorities at the Sanhedrin with regard to his calling and message. These apostate authorities rejected his calling/message and assumed that this professed Messiah (a fellow Jew) was a false Messiah who needed to be eliminated (killed). His message was viewed as promoting 'himself' as King of the Jews (God Almighty). This would be blasphemy to any orthodox believer.

6. The trial of Yeshua produced a sentence of death which was administered by the Romans at Golgotha. After his death, visions of his 'glorification' were experienced by many of his prior followers. Apparently, this Jew from Nazareth, had been 'glorified' by his God, Yahweh, and given special privileges as he now served as a mediator (on the right-hand side) of Yahweh God. His new role was to challenge the Prince of Darkness, Satan (who sat on the left-hand side of Yahweh), and then assist with producing the eventual Kingdom of Yahweh for planet Earth. His role is outlined in Revelation 5 as the Lion of Judah during the end-time period (now). He will OPEN the seals of Revelation as Judgment is administered to all people's on planet Earth prior to the eventual New Jerusalem evolving during the New Kingdom Age.

7. The God of Israel, Yahweh, sits on the Throne of our Universe as the sole King of our Universe and the glorified Yeshua (now acting as the Lion of Judah) will assist with this New Kingdom Age as he helps to administer the rulership (over planet Earth) during this Kingdom Age (some 1,000 years). Yeshua administers this Kingdom Age from his position of authority at the right-hand side of Yahweh God. The coming transition period which changes our world society is called Jacob's Trouble and/or the Tribulation period. This is happening as I write (now). The historical Yeshua was never God (in the flesh) but he was an 'anointed' Messiah/Messenger of this God whom we call the God of Israel. God of history. Creator of our Universe. His Kingship is everlasting and eternal. See Revelation 4.

What evolved as the Christian Churches Jesus and has been preached mostly via the Catholic/Protestant church period (now nearly 2,000 years of Church History)?

1. This Jesus which evolved from the theology of Christianity (mostly Roman Christianity) proclaims a Messiah person who was also God (in the flesh) and who then administers Salvation for the Sins of believers. This Gospel emerged after the death of this historical Jew from Nazareth (mostly via the writings of this evangelist, called Paul of Tarsus).

2. This Jesus emerged from supposedly a bodily resurrection after his death at Golgotha and then a bodily ascension to his Jewish God, the Father, after some 40 days of preaching to his disciples after his physical death on the tree. This Jesus was bodily raised (after death) and lived bodily for some 40 days with a new (transitional) body of matter/spirit. He could appear and disappear at will. He was both flesh and spirit.

3. This person who became known as Jesus to everyone within Christianity became part of a Trinity (Godhead) in 325 A.D. and later was viewed as God (in the flesh) for believers to worship and accept. He was promoted as God, Creator, Messiah, and the person sitting on the Throne over planet Earth. Jesus, this human Jew from Nazareth, was exalted to God Almighty. Amazing!

4. This God of religion had followers who wrote about this person. These followers (and the theology which evolved) produced a huge religion of some 2.6 billion believers...of various persuasions. A New Testament was written after the death of this Jesus. Gospels and Epistles were written to confirm the authority and theology of this historical person. A huge religion emerged for everyone to accept as valid theology!

5. Over time this produced the huge Catholic Christian religion and later the Protestant denominations of religion (thousands of various sects/denominations). Today, this Jesus is viewed as God to many and this Jesus is also worshiped by millions in the many religious churches of Christianity. Jesus is God and he is viewed as coming again to rescue his believers from the Judgement now emerging on planet Earth.

6. Jesus (this Jew from history) was exalted to God Almighty via various doctrines and theologies of his followers. A Text was written and words of faith evolved around this rabbi/Jew who the Sanhedrin authorities rejected as a false Messiah back in 30 - 33 A.D. at his crucifixion. This Jew was now the God of Christianity and some 2.6 billion followers (of various persuasions) still exist on our planet.

7. Today, confusion and apostasy has developed within this Christian religion as masses of believers seek escape from the trials on planet Earth. This big escape is called the Rapture of the Christian believers into the clouds above so they can forever live with their God/Messiah/King in a heavenly realm. The end of Christianity is preached daily as this Church Age folds and collapses for these many believers. The END of this religion appears to be evolving as daily trials and tribulations emerge for the historical CHURCH of Jesus Christ (now in apostasy and escape mode).

Conclusions: It appears from my study and research that there are many differences between the historical Yeshua (which Biblical Scholars study and reveal) and the Jesus of the religion (as proclaimed by orthodox Christian pundits/pastors) who view this person much differently.

The Yeshua of history was a Jew who did not view himself as God and/or a God of a Trinity Godhead. He viewed himself as an Aramaic Jew who desired to promote his God's Kingdom for planet Earth. His God was the God of Israel, called Yahweh. Today, the Jew's in Israel refer to this God with the label HaShem. HaShem is Yahweh. HaShem is Father God. HaShem is not Jesus or Yeshua. HaShem is the God of Abraham, Moses, David, and the Prophets. HaShem is the ONE LORD over all Israel and planet Earth.

We live with a confused understanding of this person who many call Jesus and many call the historical Yeshua. Was he man or God. Was he an Aramaic Jew (fully human) or was he God (in the flesh). Who was this Jew from history? It's all rather confusing. The above is my point-of-view. Think for yourself.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Surveillance Financial Currency Coming! Is this the Mark of the Beast? What is a CBCD?

Biden's CBDC will advance in 2023. Our Fed is key to this decision. If implemented this means the 'Mark of the Beast' will arrive when all money becomes Virtual/Digital for everyone!
This explanation of a CBDC is excellent. It reveals why this event will produce a surveillance financial system for the nation and eventually the world! View this video completely!

I have been writing about the eventual 'Mark of the Beast Financial System' for some time. It now appears that this BEAST financial system will arrive later in 2023 and/or 2024. Money has become virtual/digital and the next logical step is to centralize this system within our Central Banks. It's happening now!

Our Central Bank, called the FED, will administer this surveillance financial system and everyone will then be forced to accept an identity code (mark) so they can buy/sell/invest. It's prophesied to happen and this means it WILL happen. God will bring us this system as his agent the Prince of Darkness will administer the system. Man currently rules this planet UNDER this diabolic agent.

A centralized financial currency for the planet will eventually emerge if prophecy is valid. You can read all about it in Revelation 13. We are entering the end-times and everything is changing fast so that these end-times can arrive for our planet. Prophecy is a result of what is happening behind the scenes within the INVISIBLE world of spirits. All is invisible until a system is implemented. Then it becomes VISIBLE.

In reality, the Prince of Darkness, has been ruling this planet for nearly 6,000 years. His time is ending and this means his FINAL rule will also end. But this rule has not ended as of today. We have a number of years left where this Prince of Darkness rules over our planet. Money is the KEY to his rule. Political POWER is key. Unelected elites are key. Centralized authority is key. Computers and AI are key.

The game is set up (as of today) so that MONEY is key to our survival. Most people can not survive without this ILLUSION called money ($$$$$$). Barter is not practical as our world must move fast and decisions must be rendered quickly. A virtual/digital money system allows buying/selling/investing in seconds/minutes. A digital wallet is now in our hands as most people have a Smart Phone. This digital wallet is the next evolution in money.

Money used to be silver coins, gold coins, and copper coins and I used to collect these coins for my savings. Then came paper notes (the paper dollar) which made transactions faster. Today, we use mere NUMBERS within a digital wallet/smart card/credit card/or debit card. I swipe my card and a signal sends my 'numbers' to another computer account. It all happens in seconds. Buying/selling is now much faster. All this helps commerce to a degree. Prosperity grows for many. The RICH get richer. Wealth disparity grows.

The advantages of digital money are many but the downside is also crucial. A digital system for commerce gives total control to a Centralized Authority which administers the system. A few elites working behind closed doors can monitor, manipulate, control, shut-off, and/or delete my money account with the click of a computer key. I become a victim of this CENTRALIZED control system. Is this healthy for commerce long-term? I say NOT!

The reason that it is not healthy is because of 'human nature'. Elites in control can force me/you to bow to their dictates on political issues, commerce issues, moral issues, religious issues, and military issues. My financial survival can be compromised by these CENTRAL authorities operating behind closed doors. Freedom is compromised and citizens become victims of the 'control' system.

Most people do not understand this issue called 'human nature'. People in POWER do lie, cheat, and steal. They create laws which favor select groups. They act to enforce their mandates on everyone. We witness this today in America and in every nation on this planet. Most people are enslaved, controlled, and un-free. I, personally, do not desire this Mark of the Beast financial system. Power centers, however, will create this system as it favors those with political/financial POWER!

The only alternative that seems practical as I write this missive is to get educated on the coming system. With education we can create alternatives that work so this system does not continue indefinitely. Barter is one alternative if this system is implemented. Using silver coins and gold coins for commerce is another alternative. Creating hidden venues that are outside of big cities is another alternative. Storage of supplies needed for survival is another alternative.

It now appears that this Uni-polar world of digital commerce will arrive by 2024. A crash in our virtual/digital stock markets would move up this date. Uncertainty is here and we can watch events as they happen on our Smart Phones. Personally, I will do all I can to help educate those who desire education. At some point we all can change the thinking of enough citizens so that a BETTER alternative emerges. That is my view!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Friday, February 17, 2023

Planet's PRINCE of Darkness making progress! World Government Summit, et al! It's Happening NOW!

This political leader gives us a worldview which is typical of man's core desire to rule this planet!

At the moment there is a World Government Summit over in the Middle East (now). There is also a Munich Security Conference happening in Germany (with some 96 Western nations) and then Russia is also starting a major offensive in the Ukraine War. All is leading to the final event for this planet called Armageddon. Amazing events are happening and FEW comprehend Why???

Some 700 speakers will present their viewpoints at this World Government Summit (day 2 is now in progress). The mindset of the leaders reveals the agenda. The existing model for our planet which emerged after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 must be replaced with a UNI-POLAR world system. America, under Biden, calls this Build Back America.

Russia, China, and a host of nations who are non-aligned (at the moment) are considering the consequences of this UNI-POLAR world system for our planet. Elon Musk says he does not support this concept for the world. I agree! But the majority of speakers, with Klaus Schwab, at the helm think differently. The WEST wants this global hierarchy (a centralized monstrosity). Biden calls this 'Build Back America'.

Others call this Agenda 2030 and/or One World Government. But who is BEHIND all this darkness for our planet? Is there an INVISIBLE source which influences these leaders so that this outcome is ACHIEVED? My sense is absolutely. We have a PRINCE of DARKNESS who rules this planet (invisibly). The evidence are WORDS emerging from those in control. WORDS rule over leaders (words are 'invisible').

Artificial Intelligence is now assuming control over all the planet's COMPUTERS. A single COMPUTER can rule the world system from a centralized venue...much like that which is happening within finance. One Central Bank with a Master Computer operating (behind the scenes) can over-ride all subservient computers so that everyone is controlled by an 'identity code'. AI can then rule this planet for the benefit of this invisible PRINCE OF DARKNESS (who I call Satan). Amazing!

There will be NO VOTE of the planetary citizens on what will emerge. We are not allowed to participate. The mantra is now HUMANITY must UNITE to save the planet. Billionaires and select political leaders are being CHOSEN to set up this RESET for the planet. I can discern the key players as I watch the speakers at the Summit and also the speakers at the Munich Security Conference (Schwab, Macron, Zelenskyy, Bremer, Johnson, Gates, Soros, and the American military leaders are part of the Darkness). 

It is obvious, to me, that the Ukraine War is central in the thinking of the WEST. Their GOAL is a Global Government for the planet (under their philosophy...called a Uni-polar world system). American's are part of the philosophy (under Biden/Obama/Soros/Blinken/Milley/Gates/etc.). A new Pandemic could be in the agenda (says Gates) so that this GOAL is achieved for the planet (all must happen by 2030)!

Prophecy says that the PRINCE of DARKNESS will achieve this result (for a season). The ultimate LEADER (under Satan) will be a political person (flesh/blood) who can communicate the NEED for this event to unify the planet. Big thinkers want the following for the planet:

1. One military for the planet so no-one can challenge the rule (at the top) is key.

2. One currency for the planet so AI can control buying/selling via 'identity codes' is key.

3. One overall religion which promotes man's rule (some type of apostate Christianity might work) is key.

4. God must be MADE (philosophically) in the image of Man is the mantra. This allows Man to rule the planet. The idea of a invisible SOURCE (transcendent to man) will be rejected by the core leaders. Leaders will not bow to a transcendent God who rules with 'no image'!

5. The philosophical label of our MEDIA will be Democracy. Political Democracy for everyone will be promoted as ultimate FREEDOM, PEACE, JUSTICE, UNITY. Build back America under Biden's concept of Democracy will be viewed as ultimate reality for the America. America controls the planet as of today!

6. A political Messiah will emerge soon to promote and establish this KINGDOM of MAN for the planet. I call this political rhetorician the Anti-Christ. A political leader, somewhat like Klaus Schwab (but a stronger rhetorician), will emerge to create the GOAL. Transformation is the key word of these leaders. Will you bow to the MANTRA? Will the majority of mankind bow to the coming RESET?

7. The Prince of Darkness does rule this planet IMO. This SOURCE is destined to WIN (for a season). You can read all about this Prince in scripture (Daniel, Revelation, Joel, Ezekiel, Matthew, etc.). Our world is fragmented and those in power want the RULE of MAN'S LAW to prevail for the planet.

Conclusion: Prepare for BIG events going forward. The Prince of Darkness is winning support (as of now) and those who reject this PRINCE will lose (for a season). Eventually, people will wake-up to all this insanity and REJECT the whole premise/philosophy (so says Revelation). People will desire real FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and PEACE. But this will not happen (for now). For now, we will enter this RESET mode where the Prince of Darkness rules over this planet.

Revelation 13:7 is relevant as of today:

And the beast was allowed to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation (for a season).

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

U.S. Embassy Warns: GET OUT OF RUSSIA IMMEDIATELY! Message to the world is???

This warning to get out of Russia immediately is a message that I sense means ESCALATION big time in the Ukraine war (soon). Our invisible Creator could be giving us this warning prior to a major event that portends destruction on a large scale. I have been expecting this escalation for weeks. Is it here?

Russia must act to protect its Sovereignty over its territory...and the continuing 'provocations' from the WEST has led to this coming escalation. I now expect a TOTAL war effort from Russia...and the DUMA will likely declare this war condition for the nation (soon). Russia must act to survive as a Nation and a Federation. That is my understanding of our situation!

The issues, as I said in my prior missive, are PHILOSOPHICAL and ideological. Russia, under Putin, sees our world situation much different from Biden and his Deep State. Alexander Dugin, Putin's Brain, has made it clear that Russia must protect its Sovereignty or die as a viable political entity. The mindset of the WEST is this idea of a Uni-polar world system. Russia wants a Multi-polar world system. Another name for this model of the WEST is Agenda 2030.

Another name for Agenda 2030 is World Government with the WEST as the control entity. We have reached a time in our history where the planet is now the issue. Who will govern the planet and the 8 billion people who reside on this planet? Will it be the EAST under a dictatorship system? Will it be the WEST under a hierarchical control system? The conflict is philosophical and ideological.

Our history on this issue goes back to the end of WW II. At this end (1945), America emerged victorious and this made the WEST King over planet Earth. America gradually expanded its influence by adding some 800 military bases around the planet. America has some 300 military ships to patrol the seas and guarantee that the WEST will rule over the planet. America has nuclear weapons to add to this mix.

America also acquired the Reserve Currency for the planet after this second world war. The main institutions for running the planet are under the control of the WEST (as of today). The WEST is now being challenged by another nuclear power, called Russia and her Federation. Russia does not view the world as America and the WEST views the world. Russia is opposed to a liberal democracy where the WEST runs the planet.

The 'values' of the WEST are not the 'values' which the EAST (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and many other's) desire for the planet. This means the battle is Philosophical and Ideological. We have reached the point in our history where a NEW WORLD MODEL is needed for the planet. The WEST desires this political ideology called DEMOCRACY for the planet. The EAST rejects this MODEL for their people!

I have written about this idea called political Democracy many times. It sounds like freedom for the people. But, in reality, this model leads to Mob Rule for the people as select elites who desire to impose their values on everyone else get control over the political machinery. We see this situation in America today. After 247 years of history America is now totally polarized, bankrupt, and in chaos over 'values' and 'morality'. 

The LEFT wants more spending, big government, and more control over the citizens. The RIGHT wants to return to a prior period which can never arrive again. MAGA is a slogan which wants to reconstruct America on a prior model (that is dead and over). The LEFT has ESG and their model of wanting Climate change to rule over most issues. Agenda 2030 is mostly a model of the LEFT.

GET OUT OF RUSSIA IMMEDIATELY sends a message of dire warnings about to happen. We could be heading for a nuclear conflict of the ages (later in 2023) if this mindset of the WEST and EAST continues. I, personally, think that ESCHATOLOGY is playing a major role in all these warnings. I will write on this idea in a future missive. 

Eschatology is a study of God's control over our planet and his rule. This concept is now in vogue as people recognize the reality of a Higher Power. Invisible agents are at work, behind the scenes, and this produces events which man is unable to discern fully. We now need to understand God's Eschatology for planet Earth. I will write on this in my next missive. 

Have a great day and prepare for ESCALATION over in the Ukraine territory. MY viewpoint!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Monday, February 13, 2023

Biden (and the WEST'S) Arrogance revealed by Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel! My View!



It is now obvious, to me, that the arrogance and self-righteousness of the WEST (mostly Biden) has created an impossible conflict situation over in the Ukraine that will lead to Nuclear War (at some point). The Frontline documentary on Putin (see below) portrays a viewpoint that the battle is essentially over the WEST's desire for their FREEDOM agenda to prevail against the SOVEREIGNTY agenda of Putin and the Russian Federation. I see the battle as much more philosophical and a FINAL conflict that leads to WW III due to these philosophical issues.

Putin has concluded that Biden and the WEST will push their agenda (that of a Uni-polar world) to its end point. Russia sees this agenda as corrupt and impossible for them to accept. I have covered this issue in prior missives. The WEST calls their agenda a fight for FREEDOM (Democracy is the mantra) even as Putin views this agenda as the ending of his rule over a Sovereign nation and a Federation of nations. The conflict is FINAL for each side and this means WW III is around the corner. It will start in 2023.

I now envision a growing conventional war over in the Ukraine (soon) as Russia builds up their forces for a total war against Ukraine. We should witness the beginning of this total war effort later in February and early March, 2023. There can be no solution to this military confrontation between the WEST and Russia as the war is PHILOSOPHICAL and IDEOLOGICAL. Russia can not allow itself to be eliminated by NATO and the WEST. Russia desires continuing Sovereignty and Russia views Biden and the WEST as forcing their fake FREEDOM agenda (called political Democracy) on the world so as to promote their UNI-POLAR world system for planet Earth. Russia and Dugin (Putin's Brain) want a MULTI-POLAR world system.

The war has taken on the mindset of a 'spiritual' war as ROSH (Russia) separates itself from the WEST (Mystery Babylon the Great). The battle is 'spiritual' and this also means that the End-times are here for planet Earth. Man rules this planet until this era ends and then the KINGDOM AGE emerges. We all live AT EFFECT (meaning that none of us is in control of events on this planet). Our DESTINY is determined by a POTTER who rules (invisibly) behind the scenes. The POTTER is AT CAUSE and we live AT EFFECT. This, to me, is axiomatic. Who can refute the concept that I (You) live AT EFFECT?

Personally, I hold a NON JUDGMENTAL view of reality. Since, I live 'at effect' I assume that you live 'at effect'. Living 'at effect' means that our POTTER lives 'at cause'. We act out his earthly plan of the AGES (mostly unknowingly). What happens is predestined and preordained. Our situation is now at a FINAL ending of this Soap Opera called human nature (man ruling over man). This FINAL chapter is playing out on planet Earth. The battle is a 'spiritual' (inner world) battle. Putin will play his role and Biden will play his role. The philosophy of man has been that MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. This illusion will set the stage for WW III (IMO). Think for yourself. It all is likely to start and grow intense in 2023.

This video misreads the mindset of Putin IMO. It portrays a view which the WEST wants everyone to accept as valid. Listen and think for yourself! Much in this video is pure propaganda IMO. Freedom does not arrive with the WEST winning this war with Putin! Might does NOT make Right!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Biden's America has become a CRIMINAL banking operation! Essentially a COUNTERFEITING machine! Our DOLLAR is now VIRTUAL! What is a 'virtual' DOLLAR?


This politician has it right. The banking system is criminal (a scam)! Currencies are now counterfeited with no awareness of the crime! Why? Listen!

Few thinkers expose our money system as I have done. I do this because I view the whole edifice as a 'criminal' enterprise today. The Evolution of Money (since 1971) has created this criminal enterprise. Money used to be a material item from nature (say gold or silver). Today, our money units are 'virtual'. What is a 'virtual' unit of money (say today's dollar)? It's a unit which derives from a banker's 'consciousness' (spirit phenomena). It's not a 'thing' which exists in space/time!

The unit (dollar) gets created from the 'mind' of a banker as the 'unit' is a mere mental 'symbol' ($$$$$). Look at this video from the bank of England on the explanation of QE (quantitative easing). This video reveals the scam as it operates in real-time:

Notice the money symbols as they 'flow' from computer to computer via our electromagnetic signal system. Where do these computer symbols (actually 'numbers' in the computer screen) come from? What is the 'origin'? The virtual numbers derive from the MIND (consciousness) of a banker. It's the banker who enters the virtual symbols into a computer account. The computer storage system then acts as the 'holder' of the money units. Money emerges (essentially) as 'spiritual' symbols (numbers in a banker's mind) which then are 'typed' into a computer account and called legal tender. Is this criminal or what? It allows politicians and bankers to scam the greater system of commerce for their purposes. The people are enslaved!

Money is suppose to be a 'thing' which our Congress adopts as our legal tender for commerce. A 'thing' means some item from nature. The legal tender unit is then given a numerical 'value' so consumers can calculate prices (value) in the marketplace. Today, we have bankers (commercial bankers and our central bankers) who merely ADD new money units to their computer accounts by DECISION. A decision of a banker creates money units from nothing (the human mind). The virtual units (derived from the 'mind') then get distributed to recipients who have borrowed these units (it's called a 'loan').

Biden's America has developed a Ponzi banking system which allows this politician (the current administration) to spend unlimited money units via the criminal enterprise of creating money units from a central bank computer (out-of-nothing). Debt is created to fund all the Biden spending policies and this DEBT is unlimited in that it never gets paid back. Biden's America has a current National DEBT of over $31.5 trillion as I write. This number grows yearly from spending policies and this (to me) reveals a 'criminal' system underlying the whole enterprise. Annual American debt grows and never gets paid back.

I started watching our debt situation back in Reagan's administration. America had a debt of less than $1 trillion at that time. Today, some 42 years later, out debt has grown to over $31.5 trillion. Annual deficits produce this growth. Today, Biden is continuing the spending as his administration recognizes that debt can grow continually (given that America has the Reserve currency for the planet). It's totally shameful and criminal as America sets a criminal example for all countries on this planet. Is this a BEACON of righteousness? Is America a beacon for the world to follow?

America's deficit is now over $1.5 trillion (as I write) and this number is likely to grow annually given the mindset of our politicians (who must spend and spend). As deficits get added to the National Debt, our DEBT grows continually. The new name for this enterprise is MMT (Modern Monetary Theory). Foreigners own much of our Debt and investors own the remainder. America spends and spends as America has the primary RESERVE currency for our planet. America can buy products from all 200+ countries on our planet (paying with debt that gets created out-of-nothing). Is this criminal or what?

Biden's America has evolved into a BEACON of criminality which has never been witnessed in all of human history. Criminal bankers, criminal politicians, criminal agencies all collude to further this PONZI/SCAM on the American people. It's a system which will bring America to RUIN in a few years. Eventually, the people will discern the SCAM. When this happens, I predict that TRUTH will emerge for everyone. Listen to the following video to discern the criminality within money and banking. Biden is furthering the PONZI with his lack of integrity on this issue. Biden could change his viewpoint if he desired!

The crimes within our secret central banking institutions do not get the light of day. Why? Informed media pundits are not allowed to interview the leaders within this institution. The institution that needs exposure is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street, N.Y. The master computer which governs all our virtual/digital money resides on the 10th floor of this building in New York. Why all the secrecy? Why is this institution off limits to scrutiny and to the awareness of the America people? The SCAM and PONZI would end quickly if the America people were AWARE and INFORMED. Ben Bernanke is well aware of the SCAM! Will he help to educate the American people? If not, WHY?

This policymaker can THINK up money 'numbers' in his MIND and then give his assistant at the New York Fed the word to pump in virtual money units (millions, billions, trillions) so as to manipulate the entire American economy. It's all done BEHIND closed doors. Our FED has no real money in their vaults (no gold/silver/copper/paper) because our money unit (the dollar) is now VIRTUAL (a unit within the human mind/consciousness). WHO understands? Who comprehends? Who will act to shut down this criminal enterprise? It's destroying our economy and the world!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Friday, February 10, 2023

Biden's (America) consumes some 23% of world production with 4.2% of world's population! Does this BEACON reveal reality/fairness for the planet?


Since 1976 (some 47 years) America has consumed much more that she has produced. As of today, America has a trade deficit of over $1.2 trillion (2023). Our trade deficit grows as America is now consuming world production at a growing rate (with no meaningful correction developing). World GDP is approximately $110 trillion and America consumes some $26 trillion of this total. Does this represent 'fairness' and 'equality' for our planet's citizens? What is happening and why? Why can America consume more than she produces (continually) and not worry about the fairness of this consumption?

America has a huge PONZI financial system which is unique to the world of commerce. Few comprehend. Since the end of WW II, America has been allowed to use a RESERVE currency to purchase production from the entire planet (with no immediate consequences for over consumption). America's dollar is this RESERVE currency and all nations on our planet accept this dollar for their sales to America. America buys energy, chemicals, metals, lumber, food, military hardware, medicine, and technology (of all types) and never pays any of these dollars back. It's current DEBT is $31.5 trillion ($94.1 trillion total). How does this work?

As of today, America has a National Debt of over $31.5 trillion and a Total Debt of over $94 trillion. Our unfunded liabilities also continue to grow annually (with no plan to reduce). Our National Debt today represents some 120% of our Gross Domestic Product and our total debt is some 350% of our GDP. Does America balance their checkbook so as to pay back this DEBT (via some plan or program)? Actually, there is NO plan or program for America that I witness. This is why I call our financial system a HUGE PONZI SCHEME. It's shameful and corrupt to the core. Nations on our planet are getting raped by America and can do nothing to change the trend (so it seems).

America can rape the planet (continually) and consume much more than she produces due to this PONZI financial system that she runs. It's a corrupt and shameful system. I have showed the numbers for years and few seem to discern the PONZI. Look again to discern the numbers:  www.usdebtclock.org. Where does the money which America spends come from? Is it earned fairly? Why does the DEBT grow yearly with no plan/program to repay this DEBT? Look at our history for answers. It all goes back to the end of WW II. America emerged with a military victory and this gave America the clout to rape our planet. Shameful!

America can create these virtual currency units (called dollars) out-of-nothing today (merely by typing numbers into a computer account). Is this a FAIR and responsible bookkeeping system for world commerce? Should America be allowed to create imaginary 'numbers' (called dollars) and then buy consumable production anywhere on the planet (forever/indefinitely)? The PONZI never ends as America just 'types' new NUMBERS into their account at the FED/Treasury (when new dollars are needed). Is this a BEACON of honor for our nation? Is any of this RESPONSIBLE finance? Think on this idea!

Today, America is desiring to INCREASE it's DEBT CEILING again to continue the PONZI again. Our Congress says they want responsible finance for America even as they continue to play PONZI finance with the checkbook. Our trade deficit grows and national deficits grow and our DEBT GROWS (exponentially). The numbers are now much beyond repaying. Biden wants more $$$$$$$$$$$$ (trillions) to spend and our central bank allows new dollars to emerge spontaneously from their computer in New York so as to fund this spending. America spends with no accountability to the planet's citizens.

No other nation, on planet Earth, is allowed to spend and consume as America does. Those countries which produce a SURPLUS allow America to consume this surplus with dollar debt that continues into 'infinity'. Mere 'numbers' in the computer account get created indefinitely and continually. Think: just 'type' numbers into our Treasury account. I see no discipline and no accountability from our leaders. Is this SHAMEFUL or what? The America dollar buys production from the entire planet and the units (dollars) get created OUT-OF-NOTHING for this game! Sounds like a PONZI to me!

You can witness the PONZI here:


Is America a BEACON of 'gold' for the World to follow? Should America consume more than she produces indefinitely? What happens to fairness and justice when this type of behavior continues indefinitely? Can America act as this BEACON (of justice/honor) when this type of behavior continues indefinitely? It makes no sense to me. It must END eventually! I have been writing about this situation for over 30 years. Our leaders do nothing to solve the issues. EAT and be MERRY seems to be the mantra! Spend and rape the planet until the whole enterprise collapses. My response is that this is gross INSANITY! A day of reckoning must arrive eventually!!! Think for yourself!

The numbers are much worse in 2023. See the totals here: www.usdebtclock.org.

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Biden: America stands as a BEACON to the World! Democracy must permeate the planet! Why?

Joseph Biden thinks that America stands as a 'beacon' to the world as America promotes Democracy for everyone. Is this a statement of a position within Biden's 4th REICH. Hitler assumed that his UNI-POLAR philosophy was RIGHT for the world as he promoted his 3rd REICH. Biden, in his State of the Union address, thinks that America (as it functions today) is a BEACON for the entire world society. Let's unpack this slogan which our President wants for the entire planet.

Democracy is what America lives with today as this MOB called Biden's democrats imposes the will of a minority upon all American citizens. Biden thinks his leadership is what the entire planet needs...Democracy for every nation. This is Biden's concept of a UNI-POLAR world system. Democracy is actually a form of politics where a minority of elites rule over the entire nation. Today, America has some 1,000 billionaires (according to Biden). These billionaires rule our nation via a money system that produces endless spending.

Less than 1% of the voting citizens essentially rule over the other 99% with money and special privilege for the select elites to distribute. America is now in bankruptcy even as Biden spends $ trillions on new programs for his so-called Climate ESG goals. Money which emerges from adding new units to our unpayable DEBT is the formulae which allows Biden and his followers to spend and spend (ignoring the consequences for our children). All this is suppose to be a BEACON for the world in this politicians mind!

We live in strange times. Our leaders have no awareness of what they are doing (so it seems). Tent cities grow in California (and other cities) as homeless souls live in tents and pan for food on the streets. EBT debit cards are what the State offers to those who are unable to work and prosper. The State reloads these EBT cards monthly to prevent soup lines and more tent cities. This is called DEMOCRACY and it is Biden's view that all this is a BEACON for the entire world society. He wants this situation for EVERYONE!

Biden now wants to run for another four years (so he says) even as his popularity is declining over time. Some 43% of his clan supports his programs as of today. Is this DEMOCRACY that we want to expand so the entire planet can experience this DEMOCRACY? What is this idea called DEMOCRACY all about? America is suppose to be the LEADER of the FREE WORLD...is the mantra. I listen to Vladimir Zelenskyy as he claims that Ukraine must follow America so that the FREE WORLD can come to Ukraine and all of Europe. Is he AWARE of what he says?

So far America has sent some $120 billion of military aid to the government of Ukraine. Tanks, missiles, guns, weapons, planes, and additional supplies are added daily. It's all suppose to bring DEMOCRACY to Ukraine so the country can be part of the FREE WORLD. Russia must be defeated so that Ukraine can become part of a FREE EUROPE. The goal is this concept called political DEMOCRACY for Ukraine. America's founding FATHERS debunked this idea way back in 1800. But why?

America's founding FATHERS said that this idea called political DEMOCRACY leads directly to MOB RULE (the few get control of the political machinery and IMPOSE their minority WILL upon the rest). It's all called FREEDOM for the elites who RUN the show and enslavement for the majority who vote. We can witness the SHOW in WASHINGTON D.C. in real-time (today). Biden's MOB rules for now. Later another MOB will rule. Then another and another. FREEDOM for the individual NEVER arrives. It's all ILLUSION!

Is America a BEACON for the planet? Is America bringing the world FREEDOM, Prosperity, Justice, and Happiness? Is WAR leading to PEACE? What do you think? I call it all a HUGE MESS! INSANITY 101!


I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Thinking BIG! What qualities would a CREATOR of our Universe need? Who might be this CREATOR?

It is obvious, to me, that our planet, solar system, and our greater universe requires a BIG thinker in order to plan/design this entity called our greater universe for human, animal, and other living agents to experience. I can discern the basic details of this Big thinker as I walk the streets here in Arizona daily. I look up and around (at the sky) to discern the effects which this CAUSE has created. I then can ask some basic questions. Let's use some common sense to discern the core qualities of this BIG thinker whom we call our CREATOR God.

1. Is this Big thinker a current or prior human being? Could America's President, Joe Biden, be this Big thinker/CREATOR? What about Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, or George Soros? Would all these agents be IDOLS (if I worshiped them)?

2. Is this Big thinker a prior human being who walked on this planet (now some 100 billion or more since original creation)? Could Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Yeshua, Paul of Tarsus, Albert Einstein, or Mary Magdalene be this Big thinker/CREATOR person? Would all/any of these human agents be IDOLS if I chose to worship them?

3. Could an object in the SKY be this Big thinker/CREATOR? Could our Sun, our Galaxy, our Moon, or a distant STAR be our Big thinker/CREATOR? What about the person who invented the Big Bank theory (now being discredited)? The human genetic code inventor? Or the origin theory which we call Darwin's Evolutionary Theory? Would all or any of these entities be IDOLS if I chose to worship any of these?

4. Would a religious organization, such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, or Buddhism qualify as a CREATOR God with architectural skills to plan and create a trillion galaxy universe? Would all these entities be IDOLS if I chose to worship any/all of these institutions and their guru's who preach their doctrines?

5. Would some living person, yet to emerge on the world scene, qualify as our CREATOR and the Big thinker which planned, designed, and maintains this entity which we call our greater material universe? Could a human agent emerge which would qualify as being worthy of worship as this Big thinker/CREATOR (say a New Messiah person)? Would this agent also qualify as an IDOL if I chose to worship this agent?

6. What qualities would a REAL CREATOR GOD need so as to plan, design, maintain, and grow this creation enterprise which I witness daily as I walk the streets here in Arizona? Would this entity (PERSON) need Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and a HUGE algorithmic computer? Would this CREATOR need architectural/design skills? Would this SOURCE need both positive and negative attributes? Do we have any evidence of a Higher Power, Source, or CAUSE which might have theses unique QUALITIES in real-time? Does our prior HISTORY provide some evidence of this SOURCE or Higher Power?

7. My sense is that we have some evidence of a Higher Power, Source, Intelligence which has qualities that would qualify as EVIDENCE. Let's LOOK at this mammal called the Blue Whale? I witnessed this huge fish/mammal when I traveled the Atlantic Ocean some time prior. I marveled at the SIZE and details of this mammal. Who might have planned, designed, and created this HUGE living entity? Could any IDOL above qualify as its CREATOR? Could any political/religious/scientific leader (or institution) qualify as its CREATOR? My wisdom says, NO. This HUGE beautiful fish was created (originally) by a HIGHER POWER! If true, then this goes for ALL animals, living things, and also human beings. It's AXIOMATIC. 

Conclusions: The core qualities which a REAL CREATOR would need to qualify as our CREATOR GOD would be very obvious.
1. This Source would need to be INTELLIGENT.
2. This Source would need POWER over all material forces in our Universe (+ and -). 
3. This Source would need the qualities of a PRIME MOVER. All that I witness appears to be in motion.
4. This Source would need BOTH positive (constructive) talents and simultaneously negative (destructive) talents. What I experience in real-time is DYNAMIC (constant change among opposites).
5. This Source would need a PLAN for the ages which would reveal some reason for the original creation. 
6. This Source would most likely have a purpose for both GOOD and for EVIL.
7. This Source would DETERMINE the beginning and the end of all EVENTS within this greater Universe. The person would act as the ALPHA and OMEGA.

What are some possible SOURCES (from history) which might qualify as this BIG THINKER person? Would the initiation of a total flood of our planet be evidence? Would the confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel be some evidence? Would the choice to talk to a chosen person, like Abraham, and give him a covenant for all time be evidence? Would a VOICE from a mountain top (Mount Sinai) to a prophet called Moses be evidence? Would the VOICE at the baptism of a Jew from Nazareth be significant/evidence? What about the daily invisible 'word' which emerges within various human agents in today's REAL TIME events? What about the history of mankind's actions and happenings from actual human events transpiring? What about the WORDS (text) which inspired select writers to write about events in our SCRIPTURES?

I think we have LOTS of evidence that a BIG THINKER is at the center of our human history and is ACTIVE within our greater UNIVERSE at this MOMENT in time. My personal 'name' for this SOURCE is YAHWEH GOD. There are many other 'names' which might qualify, however. History seems to reveal the words I AM that I AM (as a name). Some say Jehovah God is a personal name. Those who speak Arabic will use the word Allah. The chosen Jews often use the word HaShem. Within scripture we also have many TITLES for this BIG THINKER. Titles like LORD, GOD, MOST HIGH, ANCIENT OF DAYS, ELOHIM, EL, Elaha, Gud, Papa, and FATHER! Is it time to abandon ALL the IDOLS of religion/science/philosophy (who can not qualify as this Big Thinker) and contemplate anew with some common sense?

Have a great day as you read this missive! It's reality 101 for me! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Where Christianity went WRONG after 33 A.D.! Theology 101!

This preacher is typical of most (he assumes an escape called the bodily Rapture for himself and other Christians). His general perceptions on issues of our world condition, however, seem valid to me! Listen for yourself. 

This orthodox Jew (living in Israel) wants to debunk much of Evangelical Christianity! Why? His God is the God of Israel (he calls this God, HaShem)!

It is now obvious, to me, that this religion called Christianity failed in their understanding of this concept called MESSIAH. This concept, called Messiah, means 'anointed one' ... not God, our Creator. What happened after the death of Yeshua was that competing theologies emerged over the issue of WHO was this person called Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus to today's thinkers). Was he 'self' empowered? Was he God in the flesh? Was he the 'replacement' for the Torah God, Yahweh? Was he a 'replacement' for the Temple God, Yahweh? Did he 'replace' the God of Israel as our Creator?

After 33 A.D., much like other special humans who seemed to be deity, Yeshua was viewed differently by many believers. Some said he was part human/part God, some said fully man, and others thought of him as fully God. A diversity of views emerged over this special person who had a ministry called the Kingdom of God is near. As time evolved, this special person was viewed as both a Messiah and then as God in the flesh. New Greek theologians (after his death) wrote text (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John) to support the viewpoint that this person was probably Deity (of some form/type). They all differed to a degree!

The text within Mark mostly supports the viewpoint that Yeshua was not 'self' empowered but that he was 'adopted' as a special messenger of Yahweh God at his baptism. This was called being 'anointed' by Yahweh God for a special role/mission. Then later with the text in Matthew and Luke this special rabbi (Jew) was viewed as born from a 'virgin' who had been impregnated by the Holy Spirit (a Deity). This led to the idea that this baby boy was Deity (son of God) who was 'self' empowered (he was God) and to some degree (probably equal with Yahweh). Later in 325 A.D. his equality was proclaimed.

Then much later (around 95 A.D.) another Gospel emerged called JOHN which further developed the idea that this dead Jew (now glorified) was God in the FLESH...who came to save mankind from their sins. The text said Yeshua was ONE with the Father implying that he was equal with the Torah God, Yahweh. Additional text emerged in John's Gospel to support the idea that Yeshua was forever a spirit being who had been the 2nd person of a Trinity Godhead (prior to his birth on our planet). He then chose to come to Earth and play this role of being God in the FLESH to SAVE mankind from this 'sin' problem. The text said that the WORD (LOGOS) was God (he, Jesus, was in the beginning with God). Equal in essence!

Gradually, over time, believers starting thinking that this prior rabbi from Nazareth (an Aramaic Jew during his lifetime) was equal to Yahweh God (and some viewed him as Yahweh incarnate). Greek theologians (all anonymous theologians) wrote these books called Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John to support this idea that Yeshua was God in the FLESH and/or BOTH man and God simultaneously. Then, in or around 451 A.D., this 'hypostatic union' concept emerged within the Catholic theology. Yeshua (Jesus) was viewed as BOTH GOD and Man (in one person simultaneously). Gradually, this meant that Yeshua (Jesus) was our Creator God. Wow! Evolution produced this Christian God man.

What happened, over time, is that a NEW global religion emerged which attempted to REPLACE historical Torah Judaism. Many called this REPLACEMENT theology (the NEW ISRAEL was now the CHURCH). Historical Judaism was replaced and the NEW GOD for mankind was Jesus (now glorified). Persecution of Jews was rampant and the idea that historical Judaism (Torah Judaism) was FINISHED. The New theology was now CHRISTIANITY (as espoused by a hierarchical system within this Catholic body of believers). a POPE emerged as the 'VICAR of CHRIST' (a type of infallible god in the flesh for all believers).

The original viewpoint of many that Yeshua was a mere man, rabbi, prophet, Torah believer, Messiah person (an anointed messenger of Yahweh) developed into this GOD in the FLESH concept and then into GOD in the glorified concept (sitting at the right-hand side of God the Father in the heavens). A TRINITY concept emerged around 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicaea which further supported the idea that Jesus (now the glorified deity) was equal with the historical God...Yahweh/Father/God of Israel (three God person's in one Godhead emerged as the new logic). Actually, a concept that is totally illogical.

The Christian Church promoted these ideas with vigor and hierarchical might so that everyone would buy into these dogmatic concepts of Christianity. I was brought up with these dogmatic concepts in my early life. The CHURCH was now the NEW ISRAEL (replacing the historical Torah Jews of 33 A.D. and prior). The God of the Jews, Yahweh/HaShem, was ignored as irrelevant now that JESUS was mankind's God. JESUS was now our CREATOR and his theology was that he was God in the FLESH (while alive) and then this GOD was glorified (after 33 A.D.). Many bought into these ideas even as many also recognized the illogic and falseness of this viewpoint.

Today, we have some 2.6 billion Christian believers (of all flavors) who have millions of viewpoints on all this theology and history. A growing body of Scholars (like those within the Jesus Seminar and also like Bart Erhman) have debunked much of this historical Christian theology. Orthodox Jews, over in the new nation of Israel, are now starting to WAKE-UP to all this corruption with the Christian Church (see Tovia Singer as one example). The Christian religion is now waning fast and many are proclaiming that the CHURCH AGE is soon over for Christianity. All this is called the END TIMES for this religion called Christianity and/or Evangelic Christianity. The leaders now want a RAPTURE (so as to ESCAPE the corruption).

The idea that JESUS is coming back to set up his KINGDOM is proclaimed by many even as a growing body of believers recognize that all this is fantasy/myth/false doctrine. What is actually happening is that the HISTORICAL GOD of the Torah, Yahweh/Jehovah/Father, is emerging as the REAL GOD and CREATOR of our universe. Islam and Orthodox Judaism along with a growing body of Biblical Scholars are debunking the confused logic of historical Christianity and proclaiming that GOD is not a TRINITY and that Jesus (Yeshua) was NEVER GOD in the FLESH (as professed by Christianity). He was always fully human (a man/Jew/rabbi/prophet/Messiah/anointed messenger)...agent of Yahweh God!

The religion of Christianity is waning FAST as 'apostasy' emerges within this false religion. The REAL GOD of history is emerging to set the thinking of believers straight. The text within Revelation and Daniel are replacing much of the Greek theologies of the New Testament (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John) who proclaimed the view (with confusion) that the historical Jesus was GOD in the FLESH (DEITY). Jesus (Yeshua) is becoming his real self (a messenger of Yahweh/Jehovah/Father GOD). His role is soon to OPEN the SEALS of Revelation to announce his presence as an invisible VOICE who is proclaiming JUDGMENT for everyone on planet Earth!

Essentially, the CHURCH AGE is now OVER as the SEALS open one after another. SEAL #1 is opening now (so it seems), SEAL #2 appears to be opening, and SEAL #3 (the economic seal) may also be opening now. The glorified Yeshua (invisible and at the right-hand side of Yahweh God) is acting as the VOICE of Yahweh as the SEALS open one after another. Soon the period of Jacobs Trouble will be here and then the final battle over planet Earth will evolve. We could be experiencing these events (starting) in 2023. My personal view is that this is reality 101. The SEALS are opening and the END of man's rule is emerging FAST. Think for yourself on all these issues.

This presenter gives a viewpoint which assumes the SEALS are yet to OPEN. Go to minute 22 to get his viewpoint! Prophecy is eclectic and this means that viewpoints will differ between experts! I listen to many counter viewpoints and then I develop my own perspective!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Get Ready to Rumble! Revelation 14-19! God brings us eventual VICTORY! Let's REVIEW the Players!

The final book of Revelation gives us the overview of spiritual history and the message that God rules over planet Earth. But we need to think in SYMBOLS and words which are mysterious and sometimes DIFFICULT to discern. My sense is that God gives us the logic and the general details for discerning this difficult text. I will give you a brief overview of the PLAYERS...as I have done my study to discern this important text which promotes the KINGDOM AGE as the final outcome for planet Earth!

Let's outline the PLAYERS as follows:

1. GOD, our CREATOR, is at the core of the text and this living person is the MAIN character in all of Revelation...described briefly in Revelation 4. To understand Revelation one MUST understand Revelation 4. GOD is the person on the THRONE (also within our 'consciousness') and the only SOURCE which can bring us the KINGDOM AGE (this end-time event for planet Earth). As human beings we ALL live 'At Effect' and it is this SOURCE which rules over us 'As Cause'. GOD is also called YAHWEH in scripture (some will use the name JEHOVAH). But the titles which confuse many are words like LORD, GOD, I AM, ELOHIM, MOST HIGH, HaShem, FATHER, ANCIENT OF DAYS and CREATOR.

2. JESUS (Yeshua was his name while living on this Earth) is another main player and the word LAMB and/or Lion of Judah is used, in Revelation, to identify this glorified person. Revelation 5 is key. LAMB is the title for this prior living rabbi (Jew) who we all assume lived and played a core role as a suffering Messiah during his earthly lifetime (6 B.C. to 33 A.D). He tried to bring us the KINGDOM AGE but his words and message ended up being REJECTED by the key human AUTHORITIES at the time. He died at Golgotha and then Yahweh (his Hebrew God) 'glorified' him and allowed him to act as his RIGHT HAND messenger (the VOICE) for purposes of understanding real-time events (now nearly 2,000 years since his passing). Personally, I prefer the name YESHUA when thinking about this person (this was his Aramaic name). My view is that Yeshua was fully human and a messenger of the Hebrew God (Yahweh).

3. The FOUR Living Creatures of Revelation 4. These are likely ARCH ANGELS or similar. These spiritual person's surround the THRONE room and give total WORSHIP to our CREATOR GOD, also called Yahweh/Father/Most High/King over planet Earth. These four living creatures can be identified as protecting the THRONE room of our Creator God as he rules over our UNIVERSE. These 'arch angels' get mentioned again in Revelation 14. Their message is FEAR GOD and give Yahweh God total glory, for the hour of his judgment has come; worship him (Yahweh) who made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water. In Revelation 19 these four (along with the 24 elders) fall down and worship Yahweh who is seated on the THRONE. The word 'HalleluJAH' is repeated to give JAH and/or YAH the honor as God the Almighty who reigns over planet Earth.

4. The 24 ELDERS are also key players as they surround the THRONE room and these person's (probably prior human SAINTS who lived and recognized Yahweh as King while living on our planet). These 24 elders (say Abraham/Elijah/Moses/David) were prior human beings who got 'glorified' as special agents of our CREATOR. They recognize that Yahweh is KING and they recognize that this SOURCE brings JUDGMENT when the time is ripe for Judgment. God's Judgment is necessary so that the people living on our planet will change their behavior and allow their SOURCE to rule over them. Most ego's tend to desire to rule with NO submission to a HIGHER SOURCE. This is human nature at the core. PLAYING GOD is what man has experienced since the dawn of history. Select EGO'S get control and then PLAY GOD. This situation is now finally ending as we are at the END of human history IMO. Biden, Putin, Xi and all the others will PLAY GOD until their ego's are finally silenced at ARMAGEDDON.

5.  The  great Harlot (probably religion of all flavors) is another key player during this end-time scenario. Who is this Harlot? My sense is all the religions on this planet which attempt to PLAY GOD and impose their group-think upon there followers are part of this Harlot concept. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Humanism, Atheism, etc. All tend to create a group-think mentality so they can rule mankind to some degree. Today, key players are Pope's, Bishops, Imams, and Guru's on TV and the Internet who claim that their TRUTH is final for everyone. Science guru's are similar for secular thinkers. Playing God is fun and attractive for those who desire to expand their ego and get control over others. Players like Fauci, Gates, Soros, Hitler, Nero, Stalin, Genghis Khan are additional names which come to mind. The Great Harlot is eventually destroyed and playing God via religion ceases. Everyone recognizes the Father as God and this eliminates all middlemen.

6. Babylon the Great is another key player during these end-times. The Judgment of Babylon, mother of harlots and earth's abominations, is drunk with pride and arrogance. This concept called Babylon plays a key role within our monetary system and within our political control system. Money is at the core of all human power centers. Banking is at the core of money. Bankers and politicians who control our money system must be part of Mystery Babylon. These entities rule over our planet and allow select ego's to PLAY GOD. Some think America and Britain are at the core of this situation. The money centers on planet earth are New York and London (mostly). These centers will be totally destroyed during our tribulation period (so it seems). The message in Revelation is for believers to 'come out of Babylon my people'.  The Judgment of Babylon is finalized in ONE HOUR. The merchants of the earth weep and mourn as no one buys their products. The GREAT CITY (is this New York or London) collapses in one hour as computers crash the entire monetary system ends. Amazing!

7. The BEAST of Revelation and Daniel is the final entity which plays a key role during this end-time period. This BEAST entity (using high frequency computers and artificial intelligence) will impose a 'MARK' and/or an IDENTITY CODE on everyone who needs food for their survival. Digital money will emerge to force mankind into this Beast Financial System for a short period (some three years or so). This Beast SYSTEM is here now in proto form. Digital money is here now. Identity codes are here now. This BEAST money system gets controlled by a world financial system with select elites (and ONE ultimate political leader) running the computers for the planet. During this time period a FALSE Prophet will also emerge (per Revelation 19). The words say 'the beast and the kings of the earth gathered to make war' against the Messiah who tries to end this situation. Eventually, our coming Messiah binds Satan (who operates invisibly behind the scenes) and the Beast system as they are thrown into the lake of fire! The players of Revelation change our planet as our World System eventually collapses.

8. The 144,000 evangelists (Israelites) will promote the coming Kingdom. The NEW Kingdom Age commences after the above series of events end. The elite power brokers (first) will fight along side the Harlot and the Beast as God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind. This reveals the nature of reality...as we all operate 'At Effect' and few discern this reality. The coming Messiah (also called the LAMB and/or Lion of Judah) will ultimately conquer these political entities so that the Kingdom Age can commence. Mankind is saved eventually by a coming Messiah who is empowered by God Almighty (Yahweh) to end the rule of man and install the rule of our Creator. Our Creator is then promoted as KING and RULER over planet Earth (hopefully for eternity). Freedom, Justice, Happiness emerge for planet Earth and for everyone who is allowed to live on this planet going forward. This is a brief overview of the key person's who could emerge as PLAYERS for this end-time period. Much is a mystery as no-one can teach dogmatically on these issues of eschatology. The above is meant merely as my perspective!

This video is one view of end-time events. We all must think for ourselves on these issues of eschatology. Is Christianity part of Mystery Babylon? What role will Islam play during these end times. Also, 144,000 Israelites are destined to play a crucial role prior to Armageddon. 

Is America Mystery Babylon? Where is America in these end-time events? My view is that America could emerge as a key player in these end-times! Biden is currently our leader and he is promoting a 'uni-polar' world system. This seems like an attempt at the Fourth Reich. Hitler failed with his attempt to create the Third Reich! This video (go to minute 17) suggests that America is Mystery Babylon. The Beast financial system will emerge in America. The MARK will start in America! Wow!

Think for yourself on all these theological issues. I must do likewise. I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.
