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Monday, February 6, 2023

Where Christianity went WRONG after 33 A.D.! Theology 101!

This preacher is typical of most (he assumes an escape called the bodily Rapture for himself and other Christians). His general perceptions on issues of our world condition, however, seem valid to me! Listen for yourself. 

This orthodox Jew (living in Israel) wants to debunk much of Evangelical Christianity! Why? His God is the God of Israel (he calls this God, HaShem)!

It is now obvious, to me, that this religion called Christianity failed in their understanding of this concept called MESSIAH. This concept, called Messiah, means 'anointed one' ... not God, our Creator. What happened after the death of Yeshua was that competing theologies emerged over the issue of WHO was this person called Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus to today's thinkers). Was he 'self' empowered? Was he God in the flesh? Was he the 'replacement' for the Torah God, Yahweh? Was he a 'replacement' for the Temple God, Yahweh? Did he 'replace' the God of Israel as our Creator?

After 33 A.D., much like other special humans who seemed to be deity, Yeshua was viewed differently by many believers. Some said he was part human/part God, some said fully man, and others thought of him as fully God. A diversity of views emerged over this special person who had a ministry called the Kingdom of God is near. As time evolved, this special person was viewed as both a Messiah and then as God in the flesh. New Greek theologians (after his death) wrote text (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John) to support the viewpoint that this person was probably Deity (of some form/type). They all differed to a degree!

The text within Mark mostly supports the viewpoint that Yeshua was not 'self' empowered but that he was 'adopted' as a special messenger of Yahweh God at his baptism. This was called being 'anointed' by Yahweh God for a special role/mission. Then later with the text in Matthew and Luke this special rabbi (Jew) was viewed as born from a 'virgin' who had been impregnated by the Holy Spirit (a Deity). This led to the idea that this baby boy was Deity (son of God) who was 'self' empowered (he was God) and to some degree (probably equal with Yahweh). Later in 325 A.D. his equality was proclaimed.

Then much later (around 95 A.D.) another Gospel emerged called JOHN which further developed the idea that this dead Jew (now glorified) was God in the FLESH...who came to save mankind from their sins. The text said Yeshua was ONE with the Father implying that he was equal with the Torah God, Yahweh. Additional text emerged in John's Gospel to support the idea that Yeshua was forever a spirit being who had been the 2nd person of a Trinity Godhead (prior to his birth on our planet). He then chose to come to Earth and play this role of being God in the FLESH to SAVE mankind from this 'sin' problem. The text said that the WORD (LOGOS) was God (he, Jesus, was in the beginning with God). Equal in essence!

Gradually, over time, believers starting thinking that this prior rabbi from Nazareth (an Aramaic Jew during his lifetime) was equal to Yahweh God (and some viewed him as Yahweh incarnate). Greek theologians (all anonymous theologians) wrote these books called Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John to support this idea that Yeshua was God in the FLESH and/or BOTH man and God simultaneously. Then, in or around 451 A.D., this 'hypostatic union' concept emerged within the Catholic theology. Yeshua (Jesus) was viewed as BOTH GOD and Man (in one person simultaneously). Gradually, this meant that Yeshua (Jesus) was our Creator God. Wow! Evolution produced this Christian God man.

What happened, over time, is that a NEW global religion emerged which attempted to REPLACE historical Torah Judaism. Many called this REPLACEMENT theology (the NEW ISRAEL was now the CHURCH). Historical Judaism was replaced and the NEW GOD for mankind was Jesus (now glorified). Persecution of Jews was rampant and the idea that historical Judaism (Torah Judaism) was FINISHED. The New theology was now CHRISTIANITY (as espoused by a hierarchical system within this Catholic body of believers). a POPE emerged as the 'VICAR of CHRIST' (a type of infallible god in the flesh for all believers).

The original viewpoint of many that Yeshua was a mere man, rabbi, prophet, Torah believer, Messiah person (an anointed messenger of Yahweh) developed into this GOD in the FLESH concept and then into GOD in the glorified concept (sitting at the right-hand side of God the Father in the heavens). A TRINITY concept emerged around 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicaea which further supported the idea that Jesus (now the glorified deity) was equal with the historical God...Yahweh/Father/God of Israel (three God person's in one Godhead emerged as the new logic). Actually, a concept that is totally illogical.

The Christian Church promoted these ideas with vigor and hierarchical might so that everyone would buy into these dogmatic concepts of Christianity. I was brought up with these dogmatic concepts in my early life. The CHURCH was now the NEW ISRAEL (replacing the historical Torah Jews of 33 A.D. and prior). The God of the Jews, Yahweh/HaShem, was ignored as irrelevant now that JESUS was mankind's God. JESUS was now our CREATOR and his theology was that he was God in the FLESH (while alive) and then this GOD was glorified (after 33 A.D.). Many bought into these ideas even as many also recognized the illogic and falseness of this viewpoint.

Today, we have some 2.6 billion Christian believers (of all flavors) who have millions of viewpoints on all this theology and history. A growing body of Scholars (like those within the Jesus Seminar and also like Bart Erhman) have debunked much of this historical Christian theology. Orthodox Jews, over in the new nation of Israel, are now starting to WAKE-UP to all this corruption with the Christian Church (see Tovia Singer as one example). The Christian religion is now waning fast and many are proclaiming that the CHURCH AGE is soon over for Christianity. All this is called the END TIMES for this religion called Christianity and/or Evangelic Christianity. The leaders now want a RAPTURE (so as to ESCAPE the corruption).

The idea that JESUS is coming back to set up his KINGDOM is proclaimed by many even as a growing body of believers recognize that all this is fantasy/myth/false doctrine. What is actually happening is that the HISTORICAL GOD of the Torah, Yahweh/Jehovah/Father, is emerging as the REAL GOD and CREATOR of our universe. Islam and Orthodox Judaism along with a growing body of Biblical Scholars are debunking the confused logic of historical Christianity and proclaiming that GOD is not a TRINITY and that Jesus (Yeshua) was NEVER GOD in the FLESH (as professed by Christianity). He was always fully human (a man/Jew/rabbi/prophet/Messiah/anointed messenger)...agent of Yahweh God!

The religion of Christianity is waning FAST as 'apostasy' emerges within this false religion. The REAL GOD of history is emerging to set the thinking of believers straight. The text within Revelation and Daniel are replacing much of the Greek theologies of the New Testament (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John) who proclaimed the view (with confusion) that the historical Jesus was GOD in the FLESH (DEITY). Jesus (Yeshua) is becoming his real self (a messenger of Yahweh/Jehovah/Father GOD). His role is soon to OPEN the SEALS of Revelation to announce his presence as an invisible VOICE who is proclaiming JUDGMENT for everyone on planet Earth!

Essentially, the CHURCH AGE is now OVER as the SEALS open one after another. SEAL #1 is opening now (so it seems), SEAL #2 appears to be opening, and SEAL #3 (the economic seal) may also be opening now. The glorified Yeshua (invisible and at the right-hand side of Yahweh God) is acting as the VOICE of Yahweh as the SEALS open one after another. Soon the period of Jacobs Trouble will be here and then the final battle over planet Earth will evolve. We could be experiencing these events (starting) in 2023. My personal view is that this is reality 101. The SEALS are opening and the END of man's rule is emerging FAST. Think for yourself on all these issues.

This presenter gives a viewpoint which assumes the SEALS are yet to OPEN. Go to minute 22 to get his viewpoint! Prophecy is eclectic and this means that viewpoints will differ between experts! I listen to many counter viewpoints and then I develop my own perspective!

I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philosopher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.


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