Understanding Economics and Money

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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Thinking BIG! What qualities would a CREATOR of our Universe need? Who might be this CREATOR?

It is obvious, to me, that our planet, solar system, and our greater universe requires a BIG thinker in order to plan/design this entity called our greater universe for human, animal, and other living agents to experience. I can discern the basic details of this Big thinker as I walk the streets here in Arizona daily. I look up and around (at the sky) to discern the effects which this CAUSE has created. I then can ask some basic questions. Let's use some common sense to discern the core qualities of this BIG thinker whom we call our CREATOR God.

1. Is this Big thinker a current or prior human being? Could America's President, Joe Biden, be this Big thinker/CREATOR? What about Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, or George Soros? Would all these agents be IDOLS (if I worshiped them)?

2. Is this Big thinker a prior human being who walked on this planet (now some 100 billion or more since original creation)? Could Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Yeshua, Paul of Tarsus, Albert Einstein, or Mary Magdalene be this Big thinker/CREATOR person? Would all/any of these human agents be IDOLS if I chose to worship them?

3. Could an object in the SKY be this Big thinker/CREATOR? Could our Sun, our Galaxy, our Moon, or a distant STAR be our Big thinker/CREATOR? What about the person who invented the Big Bank theory (now being discredited)? The human genetic code inventor? Or the origin theory which we call Darwin's Evolutionary Theory? Would all or any of these entities be IDOLS if I chose to worship any of these?

4. Would a religious organization, such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, or Buddhism qualify as a CREATOR God with architectural skills to plan and create a trillion galaxy universe? Would all these entities be IDOLS if I chose to worship any/all of these institutions and their guru's who preach their doctrines?

5. Would some living person, yet to emerge on the world scene, qualify as our CREATOR and the Big thinker which planned, designed, and maintains this entity which we call our greater material universe? Could a human agent emerge which would qualify as being worthy of worship as this Big thinker/CREATOR (say a New Messiah person)? Would this agent also qualify as an IDOL if I chose to worship this agent?

6. What qualities would a REAL CREATOR GOD need so as to plan, design, maintain, and grow this creation enterprise which I witness daily as I walk the streets here in Arizona? Would this entity (PERSON) need Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and a HUGE algorithmic computer? Would this CREATOR need architectural/design skills? Would this SOURCE need both positive and negative attributes? Do we have any evidence of a Higher Power, Source, or CAUSE which might have theses unique QUALITIES in real-time? Does our prior HISTORY provide some evidence of this SOURCE or Higher Power?

7. My sense is that we have some evidence of a Higher Power, Source, Intelligence which has qualities that would qualify as EVIDENCE. Let's LOOK at this mammal called the Blue Whale? I witnessed this huge fish/mammal when I traveled the Atlantic Ocean some time prior. I marveled at the SIZE and details of this mammal. Who might have planned, designed, and created this HUGE living entity? Could any IDOL above qualify as its CREATOR? Could any political/religious/scientific leader (or institution) qualify as its CREATOR? My wisdom says, NO. This HUGE beautiful fish was created (originally) by a HIGHER POWER! If true, then this goes for ALL animals, living things, and also human beings. It's AXIOMATIC. 

Conclusions: The core qualities which a REAL CREATOR would need to qualify as our CREATOR GOD would be very obvious.
1. This Source would need to be INTELLIGENT.
2. This Source would need POWER over all material forces in our Universe (+ and -). 
3. This Source would need the qualities of a PRIME MOVER. All that I witness appears to be in motion.
4. This Source would need BOTH positive (constructive) talents and simultaneously negative (destructive) talents. What I experience in real-time is DYNAMIC (constant change among opposites).
5. This Source would need a PLAN for the ages which would reveal some reason for the original creation. 
6. This Source would most likely have a purpose for both GOOD and for EVIL.
7. This Source would DETERMINE the beginning and the end of all EVENTS within this greater Universe. The person would act as the ALPHA and OMEGA.

What are some possible SOURCES (from history) which might qualify as this BIG THINKER person? Would the initiation of a total flood of our planet be evidence? Would the confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel be some evidence? Would the choice to talk to a chosen person, like Abraham, and give him a covenant for all time be evidence? Would a VOICE from a mountain top (Mount Sinai) to a prophet called Moses be evidence? Would the VOICE at the baptism of a Jew from Nazareth be significant/evidence? What about the daily invisible 'word' which emerges within various human agents in today's REAL TIME events? What about the history of mankind's actions and happenings from actual human events transpiring? What about the WORDS (text) which inspired select writers to write about events in our SCRIPTURES?

I think we have LOTS of evidence that a BIG THINKER is at the center of our human history and is ACTIVE within our greater UNIVERSE at this MOMENT in time. My personal 'name' for this SOURCE is YAHWEH GOD. There are many other 'names' which might qualify, however. History seems to reveal the words I AM that I AM (as a name). Some say Jehovah God is a personal name. Those who speak Arabic will use the word Allah. The chosen Jews often use the word HaShem. Within scripture we also have many TITLES for this BIG THINKER. Titles like LORD, GOD, MOST HIGH, ANCIENT OF DAYS, ELOHIM, EL, Elaha, Gud, Papa, and FATHER! Is it time to abandon ALL the IDOLS of religion/science/philosophy (who can not qualify as this Big Thinker) and contemplate anew with some common sense?

Have a great day as you read this missive! It's reality 101 for me! I am: Donald B. Swenson, Economist/Philospher, donaldswenson.blogspot.com.

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